HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-02-11, Page 4THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1037 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Stores at “““ Exeter and Hen sail Cut Rate Prices Every Day of the Week Orange Marmalade St. Williams 9/fP 32 oz. jar . . . Tomato Catsup Heintz fA Large bottle . ..**'** Grape Fruit Large OE 6 for................. Corn Syrup Bee Hive5 pound pail . . • C Blue Ribbon Tea Black, Green, Mixed 0 4 1 Per pound . . . £ *2v Pork & Beans Aylmer n Large can .... vV Fancy Cakes Assorted j r Per pound.............1 Fresh Crisy Sodas 1 lb. pkg. 13c 2 pounds for . , Save Money Buy Sugar and Flour at Once We have Rock Bottom Prices on fol­ lowing lines: Harvey, Hunt’s, Purity, and Five Roses flour. COOK’S The Stores That Give You Value EXETER HENS ALL BIRTHS McFAILLS*—lAt Grand Prairie Hos­ pital, Alta., Friday, January 216, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy M*c- Falls (nee Margaret Johns) a son William Richard. COWEN—In Exeter, on Saturday, .February 6th, to Er. H. H. and Mrs. Gowen, a son. DEATHS M-cFALLS—In Centralia, on Satur­ day, February 6th, John McFalls in his 83 rd year. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle wish to express their sincere thanks to the many .friends for kindness ex­ tended in many ways during Mr. Rundle’s illness. CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sisters of the ■late Mrs. Egan wish to express their thanks for the kindness extended during her illness and in their be­ reavement, also to Rev, Mr. Hunt, the vestry of the Trivitt Memorial church and others for the floral tri­ butes and loan of cars, also to the pall bearers. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie, bf Thamesville, visited with Rev. and Mrs. A. Page at the James Street Parsonage on Sunday. Feed for Better and More Economical Results with BLATCHFORD’S 36 per cent. Poultry Concentrate of 22» per cent. Egg Mash If selling to Hatcheries try Blatchford’s Special Hatching Mash, having the greatest known source of Vitamin E, so essential to hatchability. This is the first season for this new product, but two flocks 'have already shown a 100 per cent, hatchability. There is none better than Blatchford’s Hog Concentrate for growing hogs. We carry a full line of essential tonics and disinfectants for poultry and live stock. Lindenfield’s Hardware PHONE 181w EXETER CARD OF THANKS The family of Mr. Silas Johns wish to thank) their friends and rel­ atives for the kindness and sym­ pathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement; also to the choirs of Chiselhurst and the Elimville congreation and also to Rev. Peters former pastor, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, of Hensall and Rev. Mr. Penrose,-, of Elimville. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. F. J. Delbridge desires to express her sincere thanks to the many friends whose gifts of sun­ shine boxes, flowers and cards help­ ed so' much to cheer while in- hos­ pital; also to those who have been so kind and helpful since her re­ turn. IN MEMORIAL PREISZ’CATOR—In loving memory of Mrs. .William Preszcator, who passed away one year ago, Feb­ ruary 12, 1936. Nothing but memories, as we jour­ ney .on Longing for her face and smiles that are gone. Ever remembered by Husband and Children. Mr. Wilbur Hunter, who has spent the ipast few weeks visiting with relatives in this community, and al­ so with his mothei* and sister at Go­ derich, left Monday lor his home at Salvador, Sask. LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY February 11th, 12th anil 13tli “13 HOURS BY AIR” with Fred McMurray and Joan Bennett An Aeroplane Action Picture MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY February 15th, 16th and 17th “SMARTEST GIRL IN TOWN” with Gene Raymond and Ami Sotlierm with Eric Blore Public Butler No, 1 Coming “Without Orders” and Wheeler and Woolsey in Mummy’s Boys;” Rainbow on the River” with Bobby Breen; “Lloyd’s of- London,” “Reunion.” BIRTHDAY SURPRISE A pleasant birthday surprise was held for Mrs. Elizabeth Passmore at the home of her son William on Sunday last, the occasion being her 80th birthday. All of the family were present including Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore, of .Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. John Hackney, Kirk­ ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne; also nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The Times-A’dvocate joins with her many friends in extending congratulations and wishing for her many more years of health and happiness. PLAY PRESENTED The Young People <of the Grand Bend United Church presented a three-act play “Who Said Quit” in the basement of the Main Street United Church Friday evening of last week. Mr. Ray Waghorn act­ ed as chairman. Rev. Mr. Moore introduced the players. The play was well balanced, with a good moral and plenty of humor and all of the tplayers took their parts well much to the entertainment of those -pres-! ent. Between acts Misses Hilda and Merna Sims sang a duet and Mr. L- Battersby gave a musical selection. CAR TAKES TO DITCH A Blyth motorist accompanied by three young ladies while returning from ondo'n Monday morning and driving from the sanded to the un­ sanded pavement at the Middlesex- Huron Boundary, five miles south of Exeter, the driver lost control of the car which took to the dee®; ditch and struck a pole. The car was damaged and some of the glass broken, but fortunately the occu­ pants of the car escaped with little injury. One young lady ihiurt hef shoulder. Another was bleeding about the foot and on examination revealed that a piece of glass had entered the shoe and pierced the big toe. They were attended by Dr. Weekes. A FRIEND OF YOUTH That Chief Norry* is a fried of ju­ veniles was exemplified in a most gacious way one evening recently. A lad of about 12 years of age ran away from his home in London and hitch-hiked to Exeter landing here shortly after supper. He applied at the home of Mr. George Hunter for a night’s lodging and tol-d a weird story. He said that a man in a car in London stopped and asked him if he would have some candy and he stepped on the running 'board to- get it when he was pulled into the car and was dumped off at Exeter. He gave his name, address and telephone number in London, and in commun­ ication with his father it was learn­ ed that the lad had run away. Mr. Norry took the lad to his home for the night and the next morning se­ cured a ride for him back to* the city. Caven W. M. S. The W> M. S. of Caven Presby­ terian church held their regular monthly meeting and quarterly tea at the home of Mrs. Gladman on Tuesday afternoon, February 9th. The Devotional period was led iby Miss Weekes. After the various re­ ports were given plans .were made to hold a Cooking Sale on Saturday, February 20th. A short talk on Current Events was given by Mrs. Hill and Miss jeckell gave a splen­ did outline of the work .of the Sup­ ply Department of the W. M. S. A solo was rendered by Miss Kathleen Strang and the topic for the month was given by the president Mrs. Sil- lery, reading a very fine paper en­ titled “My New Testament Auxil­ iary.” At the close of the meeting tea wag served and a social hour enjoyed together. James St. Willing Workers Mrs, A. 0. Elliot was -hostess on Monday evening to the February meeting of the James Street Willing Workers’ Evening Auxiliary, The president, Miss Celia Christie pre­ sided for the opening exercises and business. Mrs, W. R. Goulding then took) charge of the .program: A duet was sung by jean Elliot and Daw­ son Goulding; Scripture reading by Doris Salter; reading and prayer by Mrs. Sharpe; voCal solo by Mrs. T. Coates, The members of the group then dramatized the second chapter of the Study Book the following tak­ ing part: Mrs. Norton, Mrs, Hamil­ ton, Misses Lulu Lindenfield, Stella Sohthcott, Marjorie Delbridge, Dor­ is Salter and Verna Coates. A con­ test was enjoyed and Itmcii served by the group in charge, ANNUAL REPORT 1936 EXETER LIBRARY BOARD In presenting the Annual Report of the Library Board of 1936 'con­ tinued progress and interest in lib­ rary affairs is manifest and some changes are evidence of this improv­ ed condition. Ten meetings were held with an- average attendance of five. The Board adopted a new system regarding membership cards, all town readers receive a 5c, annual membership card this giving all the advantages of the Library to the town citizens at a very small fee. Also the change was made in library hours Friday afternoon being an ad­ ditional day open to readers with additional salary to the Librarian and Wednesday afternoons in the summer months also open to all. The Travelling Library was -used for the first six months of the year. The National Geographies for 1935 and first six months of 1936 were bound and are a valuable addition to the library shelves. 1 The Book -Committee have en<- deavored to add to the Library an interesting and instructive and edu­ cational selection of books. The ■compiled list of new volumes is as follows: Fiction 175 volumes value $211.95; non-fiction 47 volumes, value $90.16(2; J-uvenile 64 volumes value $70.41 making a total of 286 volumes and the value $372.98. The membership book gives a to­ tal of 8-67 readers and a circulation- of 21,256. In 1936 the -Librarian discarded 185 volumes and repaired 311. The Library lias 5747 volumes valued at $3231.48, The Magazine Committee have ■chosen a list of magazines for the next year adding a children’s maga­ zine, The Girl’s Own, and the Illus­ trated London News for six months and cancelled the Scientific Amer­ ican. The Property iCommittee have looked after all the necessary re­ pairs and the building .under the care of our efficient janitor, Mr. Heywood, always presents a neat appearance. With continued interest and ser­ vice from the members of the Lib­ rary Board and the excellent and willing service of our Librarian, Mrs. Gidley, we feel confident that the Library will continue to be a valu­ able asset to this community. L. M. JECKELL, Sec’y. NOTICE The Public Library Board wish the pulblie to take notice of the fol­ lowing motion passed at the recent Board meeting. In view of the dif­ ficulties regarding the use of- the lower room in the library, the Board has decided to keep within the (reg­ ulations as slated in the Libraries Act which are “A Board may permit any part of its library buildings to be used for lectures or meetings to be held for patriotic, charitable or educational purposes, 'but nothing in this section shall pe construed to mean that the board may furnish free light and heat to any municipal body that may occupy a iroom or rooms in the library or to any other tenant.” |A nominal charge of $2 per- meetin-g when heat is necessary and $1 pei’ meeting when not heated will be made to meet expenses; at no time may any meeting be held durin-g Library hours; permission for holding meetings-may be obtain­ ed from Mr. Howard or Doctor Weekes, THAMES ROAD Mr. John Cann- is under medical care with ear trouble. A nurse is in attendance. We hope to hear of an improvement soon. Mr. R. Williams is taking in the trip to- the Purena Mills plant at St. Louis, Mo. An Educational trip it a very nominal charge for trans­ portation. (Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone are en­ joying a Plymouth car these days. The young people are presenting “The Country Doctor” at Woodham on Friday evening. Mr. Nelson Squire lost a valuable yearling colt. The animal fell breaking its leg and had to be shot. The W. Group under Mrs. N. Passmore’s leadership is having some sociable evenings and inci- dently adding to the funds of the group. The ladies with their hus­ bands meet at different homes, the gentlemen enjoy the cards and the ladies are making quilts and serv­ ing 10C I-uniches. So the evenings are profitable and interesting. Mrs. Jas. Anderson was hostess to a miscellaneous shower on Mon­ day evening in honor of Mrs. Lav­ erne Stone (nee Violet Squire.) The Earl families extended their good wishes in this very happy man­ ner. Tuesday evening a large reception- Was held at Farquhar Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone for which nearly 200 invitations are out to the relatives and families connected. Mr. Win. Hackney is still quite ill. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and two children of Grand Benid and Mr. and Mrs. Merner and children, of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. David Bhird. Mil and Mrs. Wm> Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson, of Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. Motz. Mr. gain, Baynham has been con­ fined to his home through lilneSS. auction sale --- of — HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Estate of tine Late Mrs. Fenrice The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at her late residence on CARLING STREET, EXETER, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1937 at 2 o’clock the following: Washing machine, heater, coal oil stove, range, 2-burjier hydro plate, extension table, 6 dining room chairs, glass sideboard, kitchen cab­ inet, sewing machine, bureau, day bed, couch, 4 rocking chairs, 2 small tables, 2 dressers, 2 beds, 2 springs, 2 mattresses, linoleums, 3 -con-goleum rugs, cupboard, lawn mower, and other articles too num­ erous to mention. TERMS—CASH ' FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer SHIPKA Last Sunday was Missionary Sun­ day. Readings were given by Miss Dorothy Harlton and Lila Finkbein- er which was much enjoyed by all present. Miss Mildred and Ruth Lamport from London, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. Wm. Talbot and Mr. G. Sparks of Bayfield, called on relatives last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy* Mollard and Miss Leila Mollard of Exeter, visit­ ed Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Finkibeiner. The Y. P. S. held their regular meeting at t'he church last Friday evening. Miss Erma Finkfbeiner, of Sarnia, spent a few days with relatives here The Home and School Cluib held a Valentine Social evening on Tues­ day last in the Public School, Cn Friday evening last the Y.P.S. held their regular meeting in the church. Mrs. A. G. Webb, who has spent- the past two weeks visiting with rel­ atives at Woodham returned home last week. Mr. Theodore Dietrich has been confined to his home for the past two weeks suffering from the effects of getting teeth extracted. Ladles’ Aid The regular meeting of the La­ dies’ Aid was held on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. A, Gaiser. 9 members and 2 visit­ ors were present. Meeting opened by the -president and ginging hymn “Jesus Lover of My -Soul” after which all repeated the Lord’s Pray­ er in -unison. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer. The 74th Psalm. Roll call was answered and reports given and adopted. Af­ ter discussion it was decided to have a “Pot Luck Valentine Supper” on the evening of February 17th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer It. was also decided to siend two quilts to the needy in the flood dis­ tricts. One letter of thanks . was read for treat sent to the sick. The meeting was oilosed by prayer by Mrs. Albert Gaiser. The remainder of the afternoon was spent .in quilt­ ing. IA< dainty lunch was served at the close by the -host. WHALEN Mrs. Arthur Webb, of Shipka re­ turned to her home om Thursday after spending two weeks with Mr. and Thos. Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchelsea, were Sunday visitors ■of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, of Detroit, are holidaying with the former’s parents for a time. Miss Velma Squire is spending a few weeks -at the home of Mr. E. Bosley, Granton. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, Exeter, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. Mrs. Geo, Millson spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs'. C. Millson, Lucan Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dorking, of Munroe, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson. Master Harry Hern, of Zion, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mitoie Pullen. The W. M. S> and W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Squire on Thursday afternoon. A Box Social under the auspices of the W. A. was held in the base­ ment of the church on Wednesday evening and was a decided success. Progressive crokinole was the en­ tertainment for the evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. E. Foster -and Mr. Wilson Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley en­ tertained a number of friends on Thursday evening. Several in this community are confined to the house with heavy colds. iMt. and Mrs. Geo. Arksey spent Sunday in .St. Marys with the form­ er’s mother who is seriously ill. MT. CARMEL Messrs. Martin and Jerome O’Rourke were at Sarnia oh business op Thursday last. Miss Helen Regan returned to Detroit last week. Messrs. Gerald and Dennis O'­ Rourke entertained a number of their friends “with a dance on Mon­ day night. Mr. Joseph. Regan, of iStaffotd- ville and Miss Marjorie Regan, of London, were home for the week­ end, Bingo in the hall Friday night. Plans are developing for the Old Boys Reunion to be hold here this summer and dates have been set a.s July 3rd to 5th.. ■C. W. L. hold a quilting bee at Mrs. Ous. Hennessey’s last week. DIED IN DETROIT * Mr, Fred H Rollins, founder and president of the Rollins Co., dealers in furs and gowns, Detroit, and a former resident of Exeter, died at his home in Bloomfield Hills, Wed­ nesday of last week. The deceased was a son of the late Arthur Rollins who at one time conducted the grist mill in Exeter. He is survived by his wife and one son Frederick H., Jr., also four sisters, Mrs. William Diamond, Miss Mary Edith Rollins and Miss LBHan RoUins, all of De­ troit, and Mrs. Herschel Alt., of St. Louis, Mo., and a brother George Seldon Rollins, of Detroit. AUCTION SALE —— of — REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS T-he Administrator of the Estate of the late Robert Bell, will offer for sale ‘by public auction-, On tlie premises, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1937 at 1 o'clock the following eal estate and chattels REAL ESTATE-—Lot number 31, in the Fifth Concession- of the Town­ ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, containing one hundred ac­ res. LIVESTOCK—1 aged horse, 2 yearling Hereford heifers. IMPLEMENTS — Binder, mower, seed-drill, cultivator, harrows, rake-, double riding-plow, two walking­ plows, wagon, buggy, cutter, fanning mill, slings, roller, hay rack, hoes, shovels, forks and other small ar­ ticles, FOWL—(About one hundred hens. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—-Two bedroom suites, parlor suite, carpets linoleums, two rocking chairs, large glass -cup-board, smaller glass cup­ board; six dining room chairs, kit­ chen table and chairs, two drop-leaf tables, coal heater, cook stove, Sin- gei* sewing machine, quantity of dishes, and other articles too numer­ ous to' mention, TERMS OF SALE REAL ESTATE—-Will be put uP subject to a reserved bid. 10% on day of sale and balance in thirty days. (CHATTELS—(Cash. For further particulars apply to W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer, St. Marys Ontario. LOUIIS CLARK, Administrator, R. R. 1, Hensall, Ontario. J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for Ad­ ministrator, Exeter, Ontario. AUCTION SALE — of --- DWELLING HOUSE AND FURNITURE IN EXETER The undersigned has been instructed to offer for sale by Public Auction on the -premises The residence of the late Sarah Northcott, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1937 at 2 o’clock in the afternoon the following: ■REAL ESTATE—Lot No. 784 on the West Side o’f Main Street, (op­ posite the Presbyterian Church). The property consists of a one-storey frame cottage, six rooms. There is also a stable and a garden,. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—One bedroom suite, 1 bed and chest of drawers, 1 dresser, 1 commode, 2 mattresses, 2 feather beds, pillows, 1 couch, 1 kitchen sto-ve (coal or wood); 1 sideboard, 1 washstand, 1 rug 10 by 9, 6 mats, 1 linoleum 13x 11, 1 parlor table, 3 stands, sewing machine, organ, 3 rocking chairs, 6 chairs, clock, toilet set, pictures, clothes horse, boiler, wash t-ulb, lawn mower, garden tools, dishes, &c. TERMS OF SALE REAL ESTATE—Ten -per cent, on day of sale and balance in thirty days thereafter. iCHATTELSr—Cash. Further particulars will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersign­ ed. GLADiMAN & S-TANRURY, Solicitors Exeter and Hensall ■ FRANK TAYLOR—-Auctioneer, Exe­ ter, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: ROBERT BELL, late of the Township of Usboime, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas­ ed. CREDITORS AND OTHERS -hav­ ing -claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims duly verified to the undersigned on or be­ fore March 1, 1937, after which date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es­ tate having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Exeter Ontario, this 9th day of February, A.D. 1937. J. W. MORLEY; Solicitor for Administrator 2-ll-3tc. Exeter, Ont, NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE, ELIZABETH R. OKE, late of the Village of Exeter, in the Comity of Huron, Widow deceas­ ed. CREDITORS AND OTHERS haV ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims duly verified to the undersigned -on or before March 1st, 1937, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es­ tate having regard only to the claims of Which notice has been* re­ ceived. -Bated a.t Exeter, Ontario, fltis ,9th day of February, A. D. 1937, J. W. MORLEY; Solicitor for Executors 2-ll-3tiO, Exeter, Ont