HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-02-11, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FWJIVARY 11, 1937
Tort Norman N. W. T.
Jan, 13, 1937
To the Editor of the
Times-Advocate, Exeter
Dea-r Sir:
Once again I pick up my pen to
tell my many friends about my first
Christmas in- the North,
The Indians -started to come in on
Tuesday, December 22nd, The tem
perature went down to 55 bel-ow, the
lowest I -had ever experienced, but
it did not prevent me from getting
around. On Wednesday* the Clrief
brought his family to the mission
house and introduced them to me.
An Indian presented me with a pair
of muklloks as a -Christmas gift.
M-pklokis are mo:c-cas»ns with high
fur-trimmed tops and other decorat
ions. On Thursday two Indian wo
men .came to my house to ipa-ricel the
bale and a box of toys and .candies.
Indians were coming and going all
day. I took some extra -toys and
candy to a poor Roman Catholic
haillf-flireed ’family.
At nine o’clock on -Christmas
eve the Indians began to gather in
my living room til-1 it was 'filled
to capacity. There were over 30 of
them and I had them sitting on all
the iboxes I could find. The chief
was there in Iris gold braided blue
serge uniform and all his sons were
well dressed.
I opened the program with prayer
in- Indian and we sang a verse, of a
hy-mn in Indian. The ichief gave a
short addiress in ’his native tongue.
You icould have heard a pin drop
when he stopped, such attention did
he iciommand. I distributed -bags of
candies to the .children. Then the
parcels were given out to the older
Indians. I would calll the name and
look around and they enjoyed the
fact that I -left the big parcels to the
last. I took animal bailoons- and
blew them up giving them to the
children who reached out with -large
eyes to take them. They all! en
joyed this feature of the program
and they laughed1 heartily when I let
one ibaHloon [burst on pu-rpose. The
Indians were quite interested in -my
radio and several -looked into the
speaker wondering from whence the
mu-s-ic was coming. -As I looked
around the room at the happy faces
1 was glad we had reopened this mis
At six -o’lcUo'Ck on this same night
an aeroplane landed on the -snow
near the .Fort by moonlight. Quite
an achievement I should is-ay.
On Christmas Day 39 Indians
packed my church Ifor the I-ndian
service. At eleven o’coock. The whole
service hymns, prayers and sermon
was in the Indian language. At the
English- service an the afternoon 26
were present.
The Hudson Bay -Co. factor and
his wife invited me over fo.r Christ
mas dinner where e enjoyed turkey
which had been shipped in |by aero
On Saturday evening all the In
dians in the fort gather together to
stage a drum da-nice in the Indian
house -olf the Hudson Bay Co, Over
100 Indians -crowded into the large
-building. Fi-rst t-h-ey partook of a
feast donated by the local traders.
The dance itseilf is very simple. They
dance in a circle in .single file pacli
Indian dancing by himself. They
dance on one Ifioiot then on the other
to the rythm of three drums. The
three drum-mer® and three assistants
sing a weird iricantation with the
All the time that the -Indians
were in I was busy ministering to
sickness amongst them.
On New Year’s eve I entertained
-my Indian congregation. Thirty five
crowded into my living room. I
gave them buttered hard ta-dki with
-maramlade and [buttered, soda (bis
cuits with h-oney and cocoa. I
think they would have preferred tea
Some called the pocoa dried blood.
On New Year’s day all the In
dians paraded around the Fort in
single file going into the various
homes wishing a Happy New Year.
First I -shook hands with over 30
men who paraded in-to my Hiving
room then later in the day the wo
men and children did likewise.
The Indians filled, my church again
(for service on Sunday morning, Jan.
3rd. Thus ended a busy and inter
acting -Christmas season.
I wish to thank all the kind
friends who sent Cards and letters
I find it impioss-lb-le to answer them
all personally, On December 5th I
received 48 letters besides papers
and parcels. I had to use a bag to
carry my mail home. On December
20 I -received 36 letters; a total of
84 letters in two mails.
The days are getting noticeably
longer now and Easter will |be our
next Ibusy time when the Indians
come -in again.
Yours sincerely
-Harry L< Jennings '
February 10, 1887
Mr, R. T, White, formerly of this
office but lately of the Win-dsoir Re
view left the latter town last week
for Brandop, M'an,, to- take the posi
tion of city editor on the Daily Sun.
On Tuesday morning the feet of
a great many Who attempted to walk
along .Qur sidewalks ascended into
the- aiir to a considerable height,
while their craniums usurped the
icy surface,
Thursday morning Mr. Francis
Andesron, who resides a shoyt dis
tance south of the village met with
an accident when he slipped on some
ice allowing his frame to fall heav
ily on the hair-d surface. His leg was
broken and his ankle dislocated.
February 8, 1912
■Mr. Rolbt. Leathorn, of London,
was here for a few days this week on
Mir. W. W. Taman, in attending
the International Gutters’ Conven
tion at Buffalo this week,
-Mr. and Mrs. Argue and two chil
dren, of .Saskatoon, Sask., after a
visit with Mrs, Argue’s father, Mr.
Richard Downey, Exeter North, left
Monday fo.r Edmonton where they
will make their future home.
Mrs. Simon H-unter, of Saskatoon,
who has been visiting in Hensall for
the past two months, during which
time her mother, Mrs. ILaing died,
spent the past week with Mr. and
Mrs. John Hunter and other friends
in and around Exeter.
Mr. Frank Hancock, who has been
visiting relatives here for several
weekis left on Monday evening -for
his home in Maidstone, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. A- Evans, after* a
short visit with relatives here re
turned to their home in London, on
Monday evening.
February 9, 1922
Mr. Wm. Isaac, of B-iddulph, re
ceived a nasty s’calp wound while
working in the bush. He had been
struck on the head in some manner
inflicting a scalp wound.
Mrs. MicLelland left on Wednesday
morning for Ft. William owing to
the illness of her sister.
Mr. Geo. Delbridge, of Us'borne, on
Monday delivered to I. Armstrong
and Son-, eight hogs that were six
months old weighing 1800 pounds
for which he received .over $200.00.
Mrs. Wm. Morlo-ck, of Crediton,
met with a very serious accident by
falll-ing down the cellar stairs caus
ing a severe scalp wound.
Louise iStelck, relict of the late
Frederick Hess, Jir., (for many years
a resident of Zurich, passed away at
the home of her daughter Mrs.
(Rev.) F. L. Hiowald, at Elmwood,
after a lingering illness on Tuesday,
January 2-6th, aged 79 years, 1
month and 24 days, -Mrs. Hess was
well known in Zurich and vicinity,
and (her many friends here regret to
learn of her departure. (Surviving
a-re three daughters" and two sons:
Mrs. Gordon Bissett, of- Saltford;
Mrs. Gordon Wilson, of -Centralia
and Mrs. Howald, of Elmwood; the
sons are Mr. Fred Hess, of London
and Mr. E-lgin Hess, of iSt. -Cathar
ines, all being present at the -funer
al. The remains were brought to
Zurich where service was held in St.
Peter’s Lutheran ichurch, Rev. E!
Turkheim (officiating. Interment
was made in the Lutheran cemetery.
A banjquet sponsored -by the Sea
forth fire brigade in honour o)f
Thomas Johnstone and Frank Sills,
prominent members who are retir
ing from active duty, was held Mon
day evening with a full attendance.
E, J. Box, chief of the. fire brigade,
acted as -chairman and A. Di-clta pre
sided at the table. G. A. Sills, a
former treasurer -f-or forty years was
also a guest of honour. A toast to
King -George VI was .-proposed (by
Chief Box. A pleasing feature of
the occasion was the presentation of
handsome gold signet rings engraved
with S.F.B. (Seaforth Fire Brigade)
to Frank Sills aufl. also to Thomas
Johnstone who had been chief <f-or
two years and an active member for
the long period of forty years. The
address to the former was read by
Ross Sproat and the ring presented
by Gordon iMuir. J. McKenzie read
the address to the latter and Nelson
Cairdno presented the ring.
That waif in Spain will probably
go oxf'as long there is a press Corres
pondent on the job.--Goderich Signal
Renew Now!
Mrs. Mary Hodgins widow of Jas.
S. Hodgins, died in parkwopd Hos
pital, London, following a lengthy
illness, in her 85th year. iShe was
born in Mel-rose, and resided later
ini Parkhill and Lucan before setti
ling in London following the death
-of her husband in 1917. She is sur
vived by one daughter, Mrs. J. F.,
Oaldwell, of London, and a son, Wil
f-red, of Paisley, The funeral was
held from the residence olf Mrs.
Cuildiwell with interment in St, James
cemetery, Clandeiboye.
The -Coun-ciU of the Township of
Stephen met in the Town Hall,
Crediton, on Monday, the 1st day of
February 1937 at 1 p.m, AU mem
bers were present. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
adopted. The oath of allegiance
was taken by members of the coun
cil and officers:
The following correspondence was
read and disposed of:
1. Letter from the Department of
Agriculture regarding appointment
of a weed insfpector.
2. From the Deputy Minister of
Health and Hospitals regarding Mary
J. Jardins, who was admitted to the
Ontario Hospital, Orillia. Municipal
ity claim they are not responsible
for her maintenance.
3. Letter from W- Q. Pearce, Re-
ief 'Officer, Exeter, regarding relief
to Karl Kittelberger and -family:
He was notified that if the Village
of Exeter granted relief they, would
be liable for payment for one year
from the date the applicant moved
from, that village.
4. Letter* from Assistant Chief
Engineer of Municipal Road acknow
ledging receipt of application for
subsidy on 1193 6 expenditure on Tp,
Roads. Filed.
Moved -by Mr. Edmund Shapton,
seconded by Mr. Thomas Love;
That the Collector o-f Taxes hav
ing been unable to return his roll
by the day apoipinted -by By-law No.
508' passed -by this Council on the
5t'h day of October 1936 and by the
day extended by resolution of this
council on the 15th day o-f Decem
ber 193 6, he is hereby authorized to
continue the levy and collection of
the unpaid taxes in the manner and
with the powers provided by law for
the general levy and (collection of
taxes; and that the Collector’s Roll
shal be f-inaly returned to the Town
ship! Treasurer not later than the 1st
day of Mar-ch 1937 -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Edward Lamport,
seconded by Mr. Thomas Love;
That the following shall- -be the
scale of wages to be paid for work
performed on the Township highways
dirring the year 1937:
General work—man and team,
40c. per hour; man and 3 horses,
45c. per hour; man alone 17Jic. iper
hour; Road foreman, 20c. per hour.
'Snow roads—man and team 30c.
per -hour; man alone 15c. per hour;
foreman 17ic. per hour and that the
following officials be appointed:
Edward Willert, Weed Inspector at
3 0c. per hour. He is to furnish his
own transportation.
Pound-keeper—iB. D. Cook, Hiram,
Shapton-, Royal Gaiser, Michael Ry
an, Williaim Love, Ezra Webb, Alvin
Baker, Arthur J. Amy, Loirne Fink-
beiner, Arthur Bakieir, .Solomon Pol
lock, Clarence Desjardine, Hilton
Ford, William Stade, Garfield Steep
er, Harod Brophey, Thomas Maw-hin-
Fence-viewers—-Henry Mills, John
Moirloek, Leslie Richard, Jaco-b Ratz,
E. G. Kraft, Eli King, W. J. Bro-wn,
John -Gill, Jam.es E. Hodgins.
Road Foremen—No. 1, Nelson
Baker; No. 2, W. J. Stanlake; No. 8
Norman Heaman; No. 4, Lawrence
Hill; No. 5, Flrank King; No. 6, J.
F. Smith; No. 7, Ed. Chambers; No.
8, Lome Finkibeiner; No. 9, Harry
Year ley; No-. 19*( ‘Peter Regier; No.
11, Dennis O’Rourke; No. 12, Ben
McCann; No. 13, Stephen Morrison;
No. 14, Isaiah Tetreau; No. 15, Mat.
Sweitzer; No. 16, Placid Desja-rdine;
No. 17, Henry Isaac; N-o-. 18, Augus
tus Latta; No. 19, Harold Turner;
No. 20, John Gill; No. 21, William
Desjardine; Centiralia, No. 22, Nel
son Baker; Crediton, No. 23, J. W.
Bowman; Dashwood, No. 24, Earl
Gaiser; Grand Bend, No. 25, Peter
Eisenbach; Exeter side road, No. 26,
John Klumpp.
And that By-law No. 512 to ap
point officials for the year 1937
having been -read three times be
passed and signed by the Reeve and
Clerk and the seal o-f the Corpora
tion attached thereto1. Carried.
Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by
Edward Lamport: That the follow
ing pay-sheets and vouchers be pass
Nelson Baker, road 1, $3.7’6; Nel
son Baker, road '1, $2.00; Sandford
White, road 3, $1.13; Lawrence Hill
road 4, $1.50; Wm. Desjardine, rd.
21, $2.25; Wm. Hodgins, road 17,
$1.80; Peter Eisenbach, lumber $3.-
00; Peter Eisenbach, road 25, $64.-
70; Peter Eisenbach, gravel $35.10;
Geo. Eillber, supt., Salary $4.50; Al
bert Morlock, repain’s to grader, $3.-
95; Augustus Latta, road 18, $2.00;
total $126.49.
Orders—-Lloyd England, postage
an-d envelopes, re tax notices $2.54;
County Treasurer, indigent hospital
accts. Adams $20.38, Wagboirn, $17.-
50 total $37.88; C. J. Murdy & Sons
burial expenses re Rollings $30.00;
Prov. Treasurer, Dept, of Health, in
sulin, account 80c.; P. Schenk, wood
for ihall, $30.25; Sylvester Wuerth,
Flour re Kinney 90c.; Municipal
World, supplies $34.85; H. Barnard
Stamp & Stencil Works, dog tags
$14.07; Eli King, dog tax $2.00;
Canadian Bank of Commerce, cash
ing road cheques 75c» -Carried.
The Council adjourned to meet
again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday, the list day of March A.D.,
1937, at 1
H. K, Eilber, Township Clerk!
Claire Baechler, of -Goderich, was
acquitted on a charge of driving a
motor vehicle while undei* the in
fluence olf iliquor, in Magistrate’s
I-Iawkshaw’s court here on Friday
last. Several hours were spent in
hearing the case which arose out of
an accident that took place last No
vember in Hensa-ll when Baechler’s
car, coming onto the main street,
slid partly across the -street ■and
then started up again, coming into
collision with another -car Baech-
ler stood the stand in seilf defense
and admitted having had two bottles
of (beer. -
Eight w-itnesses in all were heard
with some variations in the accounts
of Baechler’s condition at the time
of the accident.
“I intend to give the accused the
benefit of the doubt,” said the mag
istrate at the -conclusion of the case.
Dudley Holmes, crown attorney, of
Goderich, (prosecuted. IF'rank Don
nelly, of -Goderich, defended.
A number of minor cases were
dealt with the defendants having op
erated theii* cars lacking either a
driver’s permit or 1937 plates.
An interesting case was that of'
William ISmale who had made a
wood-cutting apparatus from a car
with belt and pulley attached to the
drive shaft. It cost the owner $24
in all to find out tha-t she shou-ld
have had a driver’s permit and
plates for the car.
Mrs, Rachel Gowami, wife of Nas
sau Go;wan, olf Granton, died in Vic
toria Hospital in her 67th year. For
merly Miss Rachel Cook, she was a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
George Cook, -of Blanshard Township
She was bor.m in Blanshard, but had
spent her married life in G-ranton.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. C-li-f-
f-o-rd McRoberts, of London Town
ship; four so.njs, -Clilfford and Ivan
Gowan, of Windsor, and Carman
and Walter Gowan, at home; one
brother and a sister, Herbert Cook
and Miss Co'ok, of Blanshard Town
ship. The funeral was held from
the home in -Granton on Monday.
Interment in Birr Cemetery.
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