HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-31, Page 4TJWRSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Sincerest Wishes For A
d our
wish to thank our
r increasing interest
bur utmost desire that
jJFve you to the highest
lines of Large Type S.C.
d and proven Feeds,
f theJBig brick building on the cor-
s which will be used for Office,
, and a Modern Feed Mixer.
orders f$r Early Chicks and
believe next year will be even
pleasure that
ds for your
ness and it
we can
ncy in
It is with pur greate
many customers and fn<
and patronage in our b
during this coming sea
possible degree of exce1.
White Leghorn Chicks
We take possessio
ner of Main and Statio
Incubators, Battery Bro
Come in and place your
freshly mixed feeds and we
more Prosperous than the past. Open every day and evening.
Lakeview Poultry Farm
................... . ...............................-..... « .............................................................. W-..J
erected and it was up to the citizens
to make the best use of it. He was
entering into it with a free hand,
anxious to make it a success and
hv'peful of paying back some of the
money expended. Exeter is one of
the best towns in Western Ontario,
situae in one of the best agricultural
districts. He thought it was wis
dom to go a little slow. He would
enter upon his new office and do his
best to make a success of the under
takings just as though he had- al
ways been in favor. He wanted to
forget the differences of the past, to
bury the hatchet and to work to
gether on the most friendliest of
terms in the best interests of the
people of Exeter.
J. W. Morley
Mr. Morley stated that he was not
in the tuning for the reeveship or
the council. He had served on the
council two years. The council had
not always been unanimous but
when a decision had been reached
there was that democratic spirit
among the councilloo-s that the ma
jority wins and there was the ut
most co-operation. He congratulated
Mr, Sanders on- his election.
A new department that of Muni-
Found Unconscious in Motor
after midnight Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooper
Dec, 31st, Jan. 1st and 2nd
“Her Master’s Voic^*
A feature comedy with Edward^v-
erett Horton and Peggy ConWn
An. all star caste
The Mo
With Marga
ButtevwortJi and
star of the “Trail <
(Continued from page I)
work of the various organizations in
which he, by virtue of his office was
associated. He stated that in 1934
the ratepayers had voted in favox' ot
securing a supply of water fox* do
mestic purposes and this work ^as
now well under way.
In order to confirm with the re
quirements of the government who
are now demanding that reports be
made in a. certain way the council
early in the year decided to install
a new system of accounting. The
•Gid system had served a useful pur
pose and there was no reflection oxx
any of the officials but a new sys
tem had been installed at some little
expense. A new safe to safeguard
the books of the municipality had
been purchased. The council had
also appointed a tax collector and he
believed that the appointment had
justified itself. The date of the
election fox* municipal office had
been changed back from Novembex*
to December. There had been more
or less confusion with the financial
statements and because too long a.
time elapsed between the time thejcipal Affairs had been set up by the
council was elected and when it as
sumed oll’ice it was deemed advis
able to change the date. Different
px’ojects had been undex’ way during
the year. Unfortunately they are
not .completed but ape well under
way. The council was authorized
to spend $10,000 for the erection
of a new community building and
this amount has not been exceeded.
Streets are in a favorable condition.
A new culvert had been erected on
Huxjon street at a cost of about $400
Speaking o.f the cemetery Mr.
Pryde said that the beauty of the
Exeter cemetery was well known. An-
iron fence with ornamental stone
pillars had been erected at an ap
proximate cost of $700, all paid for
out of revc “e. The perpetual care
fund is r/ w over $29,000, the inter
est of# ’ xxich goes .for the upkeep of
the metery, the fund being invest
ed -i trust funds and our own muni
cipal debentures. He paid tribute to
the caretaker and his assistants.
IMr Pryde spoke of the wonk of the
County Council and paid tribute to
the work of the county officials. The
county is in a splendid financial
Speaking of hydro, the reeve said
that the hydro rates had beexx re
duced three times this year. The net
debenture for hydro was about
$5,000 to be paid off during the
next .four years. The hydro depart
men have now on hand $11,000 in
The greatest activity this yeax- .has
been in the Waterworks Dept. The
water from the springs is now in
the mains and after a few minox* ad
justments are made will be x’eady for
domestic use. The Commission in
its search for watex* had tried every
means to secure it by wells even to
the sinking o,f a deep 'well. $6,000
was spent in exploration. The money
was well spent to prove that water
could not be securea in this way. At
the start the engineer’s estimate to
bring water from the siprings was
$32,000 and this had been exceeded
by only $1,000. With the $0,000
spent in sinking the wells the cost is
approximately $40,000. Even this
is far below what it .has cost many
similiai’ municipalities in securing
suitable supply. The,; debt incurred
wil be
The engagement is
Florence B. Sutcliffe,
est daughter of Mrs. ’
the late Rev. • J. F.
Charles W. Hodgert,
announced of
R. N.» young-
Sutcliffe and
Sutcliffe, to
of Athens,
youngest son of the late Mr.
Mrs. Andrew Hodgert, of Exeter
marriage to take place the
of January.
Nearing Completion
The sheeting for the new
munity building has practically
completed and the structure
pxesents a very imposing sight. The
work on the interior of the building
is now being pushed rapidly and a
few more days will see the work al
most completed. The ice surface
has been levelled and now awaits
cold weather for the making of ice.
With cold weather only a few days
will be required to put the ice
condition for skating.
Township of Stephen
Mr. John Ryan, of Chicago, spent
a few days last week at the home- of
his brother, Michael Ryan.
Rev. Fr. Murray, of Toronto, is
the guest of his sister Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Coughlin.
Mr. Patrick Hogan received the
sad news of the death of his brother
Edward Hogan, of Edmonton, Alta.,
on Saturday,
Mrs. Martha McPhee and Miss A.
McPhee spent Christmas with friends
at Stratford,
A number from here attended the
dance at Lucan Christmas Eve.
(Miss Mary McCann, nurse-in-
training at St. Mary Hospital, Kitch
ener, spent Christmas at the home
of .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mic-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radcliffe, of
Detroit, is spending Xmas holidays
with the latter’s mother Mlis. Nora
(Mr. Joseph Conlin, of Centralia,
spent Xmas with friends here.
Mr. Austin McKeever is visiting
his sister, Mrs. Ed. Ash and other
relatives in Detroit.
Misses Mary Mahoney, Lizzie Diet-
rich, Helen Coughlin, K. Morrisey
and Marjory Regan, of London spent
the holidays at their homes here.
Mr. Joseph Mahoney, spent Sun
day with friends at London.
iMr. James Dalton, of Goderich, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dal
Misses Clara Glavin, of St. Marys,
and Madeline Glavin, of Colgan, are
spending the Christmas holidays
with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Miss Geraldine Harness, of Strat
ford, called on friends here last
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Rourke, of
Jackson, Mich., spent Xmas with the
formeir’s mother Mrs. Richard O’
John Patten is visiting his sister
Mrs. Andrew Teaion, of Detroit this
iMiss Helen Murray, of Wilton
Grove, spent a few days witih Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Coughlin.
Mr. Hugh Fleming, of St. Peter’s
Seminary, London, is spending the
Christmas holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Fleming.
.Miss Evelyn Regan, of Detroit, is
home for the Xmas vacation.
Mrs. William Rowland is the
guest of her sister Mrs. Tresa Row
(Mr. Richard Beda’rd spent Xmas
with his .parents at Zurich.
Congratulations to Master Tommy
Morrisey, son of Mir. and Mrs. An
drew Morrisey, winner of 2nd prize
in the Rexall Drug store prize cion-
test at Exeter on Christmas Eve.
Mr. Joseph Regan>, of Stratsville,
spent Xmas at his home.
Mr. and Mrs.’ Corie Regan and
family, of Lucan, Mir. and Mrs. Jos.
Fallen and babe and Miss Gertie
Dietrich, of' London, spent Xmas at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
iMr. Thomas Garagan, of Watford,
spent Christmas with friends here.
Grand Bend, celebrate
Christmas at the ho&^=
Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer anu? <
Miss Lucille Lochner, wii
ill in the hosipital for sevei
is spending the Christmai
at her home here. We are.
see Miss Lucille is improi
ly. .
Miss Louise Ball, of Lt,
Mr. Elmer Moore, of Sara-
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs-
The Sunday School held their
Christmas entertainment last Tues
day evening. A real good time was
enjoyed by all. Much; of the suc
cess was due to Miss L, Waasman,
.public school teacher.
Mrs. Thos. Hern, of Exeter, is at
present at the home of her son Wil
liam Hern, who is ill but is Slowly
improving. His sister Miss Minnie,
of Exeter, and his family spent
Christmas with him. We are pleas
ed to have Lloyd Hern back with us
■having recently returned from the
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hern and family
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
George Earl, of Exeter. Mrs. Har
old Hern and son Bobby remained
for a visit.
A number
the skating
helped to put
Township Council.
Reeve: Reuben Goetz, Chester
Deputy-Reeve: Edward Lamport.
Alonzo McCann.
Councillors: Thomas Love. John
Morrissey, Herman Powe, Roy Ratz.
Edmund Shapton.
provincial government to safeguard
the interests of the municipalities.
Because of the reports demanded by
this department a chartered account
ant had been employed to set up a
new system of bock-keeping, There
had been no reflection on the offi
cials. The new. system would give
an accurate set-up of municipal fi
nances at all times.
At the beginning of the year the
council had set up their estimates of
expendiures and .they had tried to
keep wihin the estimates. This
spring it was .found necessary to
build a new culvert on Huron street
at a cost of $400. and the estimated
expenditure for roads and bridges
had been, exceeded by that amount.
$S17.47 had been spent for relief
but with the government .grant and
the relief returns to the town the net
cost to the town was only $177.44.
The expenditure for the band had
been a little more than anticipated,
owing to the changing of the instru
ments from high to low pitch. The
financial statement shows an over
draft of $8'39.41. By deducting the
$147.55 spent on the community
hall which would be returned to the
town when the debentures were sold
and with the amount on hand with
the tax collector there was now
suirplus on hand of $351.62. 1
reasons he did not care to
was not seeking election.
J. W. Hera
Practically all of the
voiced their appreciation
nominated and thanked those who
had placed them the e. Mr. Hern
had served two years on the council.
Mr. Pryde had covered the work
very thoroughly especially that of
the cemetery of 'which board he was
a member. He paid tribute to the
work of the chairman-, Mr. Seldon.
E. M. Dignan
Mr. Dignan sated that he had
served the town to the best of his
ability but was not too well pleased
at that. He thought certain things
could .have been improved on. He
spoke of the work of putting in the
new culvea’t on ‘Huron street, a sav
ing of $100 having been made to- the
town by doing the work by day labor
Some of the sidewalks of town need
improving, in fact some of them are
W. E. Middleton
Mr. Middleton was the junior
member of the council, taking the
place of Mr. Rowe following his re
signation through illness. He had
served to the best of his ability and
had no intenion of standing foir re
H. O. Southcott, F. A. May.
H. C. River all expressed
thanks at being nominated;
gratulated the council on their
wished the new council every suc
cess and extended the .season’s .greet
B. M. Francis stated that for eight
years he had served the municipal
ity to the best of his ability and had
no intention^ of re-eat«rta< the. Muni
cipal field.
Board of Education
The members of the Board
Education were next called
of those interested in
rink at Winchelsea
it iix condition for the
---------------- *
Police Villages,
Centralia: Bruce Field, John Pol
lard, William Willert (accl.)
Crediton: Joseph Bullock. Law
rence Wein, Emmery Fahr net, (accl)
Dashwood: Edward Nadiger, Da
vid Tieman, Clayton Pfile, Charles
Rinker, Harry Zimmer.
Grand Bend: Ivan Green,
Elsie, Thomas Webb, (accl.)
■Crediton: Sylvester Wuerth
Dashwood: Robert Hay ter
Eve while
of town were returning to
from London they observed a wreck
ed car in a field of Mr. Ed. Walker,
two miles south of Exeter. On inves
tigating they discovered that Mr.
Lome Hicks, of Centralia, had met
with an accident when his car skid
ded on some ice, and that he had
been rendered unconscious. He was
brought to the office of Doctor Dun
lop for treatment having suffered
some severe cuts and bruises. The
ear had jumped the ditch, grazed a
tree and had gone through the fence.
It was badly damaged.
at our Sa Banis E
Cattle and H
sale on a
6, 1937
up to aged
be taken fotf lion basis a
January 4th, 5t
s Home
the Lonesome
Usborne Nominations
atnomination meeting
Monday Reeve George
and the old council, P.
Hugh Berry, Bruce Coor
Bend: Arnold E. Ravelle
Horses compile suck
G —
Lawrence Tiblb^tt; “Under Your
“Pigskin Parade” all star caste
“Early to Bed” Charles Ruggles
Mary Bowland
Township of Hay
George Armstrong, Allied TERMS—CASH
E. NIA'IRN, Auctioneer
J. DOW, Proprietor
Council: Fred Haberer, Henry
Schilbe, Max Turnbull. Wm. Haugh,
Roand Geiger.
Police village trustees: John Gas
cho. Harry Eickmeier, Oscar Klopp
Notice is hereby given that all^
persons having claims against thj|
estate of Mary Flynn, late of the Vj^
lage of Crediton in the County
Huron, Widow, deceased, who jped
on or albo-4- ihe eighteenth dajp of October A * ^'uiiifd-rio^
forward t1 ; t
H. Eil'ber
fore the
And notice is ____
after the said dat^the E^cutors will
proceed to distribute th^estate, hav
ing regard only
which they then, S3 __—
Dated this tw^tjjltourth day of
December A.D. 193
BULLOCK, Executors
12-31-2tc R.R. 8, Parkhill,.
At the
er and john*Ballantyne were rc-el-
ected by acclamation. P. T ass-
more was nominated for tb.fi' Reeve
ship and John Hodgert dd Clark
Fisher for the council t'ic they did
not qualify. The cler^< A. W. Moir-
gau‘. presided over the nomination
following which Mr. H. Strang was
appointed chairman. The reeve and
the various members of the coun
cil p/tftlined the work undertaken,
djafing the year. Councillor H.
"Berry advanced the suggestion that
the council next year make use of a
power grader and scarifier for the
roads with the application of less
gravel. Road Supt. H. Ford gave a
short address and Jas. Ballantyne,
M.L.A., also spoke. The hall
filled fox* the occasion.
discuss he
at being
Tuckersmith Townsihp
There will be no election in Tuck
ersmith Township. W. R. Archibald
was returned as reeve as was the
1936 council, consisting of Charles
McKay, Samuel Whitmore, Andrew
Bell-and David Gemmell.
home^where all seemed
shining light,
nd ever will
he¥'e is none -,can
EGUNTER—On Christmas mqrning,
" "^,^yahh Mrs. Hubert Hunter, of
xt; ’borne, a son.
urn b$t not in< vain
n we wiia rheet again
quarters on or
uce our stock
e at reduced
Mrs. John
Mrs. Dilling^
neighbors and
Down, hire we .
For up
DELBRIDGE—tin London, on Mon
day, December 28th, George West
cott Delbridge, in his 6«3rd year.
BELL—In Exeter, on Saturday, De
cember 26th, John Bell, in his
74th year.
__ _____ __ frien
ness and sympathy e
their recen&V bereave
the loan ofecars an
Page and Mrs. J. Ho
nd daughter,
• thank the
or the kind-
aided during
also for
o Rev. Mr.
who passed away
29, 1935.
one year has passed
gloom its shadow
IN 3fE
0’B.RIEN—'Inj^oving memory of
■dear daughter and sister,
Mary O’Brien
Time spe
Since de;
And to1
We m|
Her vaiiddnt ip-lace
that lig
Ever r, ered by jSi other, Dad,
and 'h^|Br.others. J/
iir- WfcwM"
Mrs. Louise Hackney, of Thames
Road is holidaying for a few days at
the home of h'er sister,, Mrs. Ben
Mrs. G. Dykeman and babe ,of
Galt, is spending a few days at the
home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McNaughton.
[Christmas visitors: Mr. and Mrs.
Louth and babe, of London at her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Switzer;
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar. Brien and babe,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stevens with Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff; Mrs. Victor
Chatten at her parents’ ihome in
London; Mr. Victor Chatten and
John Tomlinson, Mrs. John Routly
and Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. Chatten Sr.,
(Miss Carrie Wynn with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Wynn; Mr. and Mrs. James
Squire and Violet at Mr. and Mrs.
John Hern, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mills and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Delmar Johnson, Marion and Audrey
at Mr. and Mrs. John Camm’s; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Rodd and Mr. and
Mrss Clarence Gunning, Hazel and
Ross at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott’s;
M’r. and Mrs. Beckett at Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Rodd’s; Mr. and Mrs. G.
Dyckeman at her home here.1
Townsliip of Biddulph
Reeve: Myron Culbert, Cecil
Council: Charles Coursey, Frank
Langford, William Morken, Joseph
Bryan, Sidney Hodgins, Jos. Ryder.
urtheir iveuL
ave notice.
Township of McGillivray
Reeve: Daniel Lewis, Ceci!
Deputy-Reeve: W. John Thomson,
Wilbert Young.
Council: John W. Morgan, Gordon
Cunningham, Freeman Hodgins
Reeve: W. H. Dignan (accl.)
Council: H. B. Langford. J.
Hodgins, U F. Stanley, T. A. Middle
ton (accl.)
. Blanshai’d Township
Nominations for Township
We wish at this time to, expre
appreciation for the patrona
our many friends and to ext
to all, our sincere best wis
for a
Happy and Prosperous New
We expect to commence movin
about January 15th, 1937, and in
are offering ALL HARDWARE m
prices for dash until the above date.
indenfield’s Hardware
borne by the water useirs and
not affect the tax payers.
The Community Hall
new building has been a con
troversial question. Cj The ratepayers
voted to spend ten thousand
and the speaker believed that
getting value for our money,
be under the management of
mittee of seven according 1
Municipal Halls Act.
that all should now co-operate to
make, it a success and .fill a long-felt
The taxes of the municipality this
year had been, reduced by three mills
After deducting the uncontrollable
expenditures such as the county
levy, the school taxes, street light
ing, fire protection, the public lib
rary grant, sidewalk debentures, the
cost of the streets and the salaries
the council .had only about two thou
sand dollairs to spend out of a levy
of $26,000. The selling of the re
cent municipal bonds at $4.05 and
$5.00 above par speaks well for the
financial standing of the municipal
Mr. Pryde paid tribute to those
with whom he worked. They had all
.given of their best for the town. He
respected those who had honestly
differed with him and thanked those
who had appreciated what had been
done. He announced that he was
not seeking re-election,
W. D. handers
<Mir, Sanders, who was eleced reeve
by acclamation, stated that he had
waited until the last moment and as
no one had qualified, rather than let
the position go by default he had
qualified. He congratulated Mr.
Piryde on his splendid report. He did
not intend to criticise any of the
work that had been done. He had
not been, in favor of all that (had
beeh done. He had been opposed to
the new building because of its lo
cation and because of the expense
added to the cost of the waterworks,
However the building was now1 being
we are
It will
a com-
to the
He believed and
of Blanshard .were completed at Ran-
noch and resulted in acclamation for
all the members of last year’s board
as follows:
Reeve, Dr. G. H. Jose.
Councillors: Peter G. Morrison,
Hodgins, Wm. G. Arthur, Alex
Mrss Beavers was the first to speak’
.and stated that during the six years
she had been on the /board she had
missed only one meeting. She paid
tribute to the splendid staff of
teachers who aire doing a fine work.
A. O. Elliot, C. V. Pickard and J. M.
iSouthcott all spoke briefly in con
nection with the work of the school.
Mr. L. J. Penhale, chairman of
the P. U, C. also spoke briefly and
that the new rates for water
be announced in a short time.
A Green Christmas
The merchants of Exeter report a
splendid Chrismtas trade. Most of
them report an increase over the
Christmas of last year. For several
days before Christmas the town was
a very busy spot with people throng
ing the streets and autos lined up
along the curb. Additional clerkfe
were required in many of th6
stores. All of the stores were gaily
decorated presenting a most attrac
tive appearance.
FuUarton. Township
Nominations for Fullarton Town
Reeve: W. C. Hodge, (re-elected)
Council: W. A. Tuer, Leslie Wil
liams, John Ratz and William Roger
Hibbert Township
Hibbert Township filled all offices
by acclamation.
Reeve: Joseph Nagle.
Councillors. Jos. Atkinson, Robert
Bu.rohill, Clifford Dow and Wm. J.
McKillop Township
MicKillop Township returned Reeve
John Eckert by acclamation,.
Council nominations: Russel Dor
rance, Elmer Hackney, Hugh Alex
ander, Joseph O’Rourke, Peter Ma
Morris Township
iMorris Township elections:
Reeve: Elston Cardiff, Finlay
Councillors: Edward
■Dumcan, James Phalen,
lace, Walter Sliontreed,
derson, Cecil Wheeler..
All municipal offices were filled
by acclamation. The results were:
Mayor, George McLean; reeve, Geo.
Ronnenberg; councillors, Jas. Kane,
Edmund French, J. Bosper, Thomas
Roney, J. T. Levy, George Seeder;
school trustees, David Eizerman for
the west ward; Lome McHenry for
the north ward and James Brooks
for the south ward; P, th C., Nor
man, Park.
The annual meeting and election
of officers of the Sunday School
were held on Wednesday afternoon
last in. the church, Rev J. Johnson
in charge. After reports were given
the election of officers took place,
which are as follows for the year
1’937: iSuipt., Milton Ratz; 1st asst.,
Ed. Lamport; 2nd asst., Ernest
Keys; treas., Nola Sweitzer.; sec’y,
Verne Sharpe; asst., Milton Sweitzer
pianist, Mrs. M. Ratz; assts., Mrs.
V. iShappe, Nola Sweitzer, Ruth
Lamport, Lorraine Baker; Mission
ary Supt., Pearl Keys; Temperance
Supt., Matt. Sweitzer; teachers, E.
Keys, Mrs. W>m. Sweitzer, Wm.
Sweitzer, Pearl Keys, Matt. Sweitzer
Mrs. Ernest Keys; assts., Louis
Schroeder, V. Sharpe, Lillian Love,
Ruth' Lamport. Meeting closed
with prayer by Rev. J. Johnston.
Mrs. Wm. Ratz is at present con
fined to her home through illness.
Her many friends hope for a speedy
/recovery. *
Mr. and
family from
Mrs. Lovie
Bend spent
Mr. and Mrs. Major Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and
Donald, of London, spent the holi
day with, relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair, and
family, of Ilderton, visited Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fossald and
end at
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Deitrich and
babe, of Windsor, spent the week
end at the home of Mrs. J. Dietrich
and family.
The Ladies’ Aid will be held at the
home of Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner on
Wednesday", January 6 th.
Miss Gladys Ratz, of Kitchener,
Miss Mildred Lamport, Miss Lor
raine Baker, Miss Blanche Morenz,
of London, spent the holidays at
their respective homes.
Miss Audrey Yearley, of Crediton,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Keyes.
Mr, and Mrs. George Clark, Thed
ford, , Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brenner
and babe and Mrs. Ezra Brenner, of
the Village of Exeter, in ^ithe
County of Huron, Widow, (leBas-
ing claims against the s of the
said deceased!.are requh ' to send
full particuIOj of sucWiaims duly
verified to tfie unde 1 on or
before janoW-y 2n^ 1937, after
which datej®ie tors will pro
ceed to disfribut^Hie assets of the
said estate imvi regard only to the
claims of wi ^t^notice has beeni received. - ■ t
DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this
16th day of December, 1936.
o , J. W. MORLEY,Solicitor fo,r Executors, Exeter, Ont.
- 12-17-3 te
Bryans, F.
Robert Wai-
W. H. Hen-
Mrs. Stewardson and
the West and Mr. and
and family, o.f Grand
Xmas at the home of
and Mr. and Mrs. L Rout-
of London, spent the wieek-
the home iof Mr. and Mrs, M.
Nomination and Election
Township of Stephen'
Public Notice is hereby given
meeting of the Electors of the ship of Stephen will be held
Town Hall,
Crediton, on
at one o’clock in the afternoon for
tne purpose of making and receiving Nominations for . Reeve, Deputy-
Reeve and Councilmen.
And further notice is hereby given that m the event of more candidates
being proposed and qualifying^ for
to be elected, the proceeding'will
unti1’ Monday, Jami® 4th 1937, when polls will be cjmn at 9
b “ih’1 fixed'
iton. Dearirrc
that a
in the
any particular office, than rei
1937, when polls will be ot
Nelson Bakeri D.R.O.,'
Boll Clerk; foil 2, ]
ion. 2, Pdjclien, lot 20 J D.R.O., Geo.l
Poll 3, Wenzd
con 6, Thosfl
G. Morlock,3
Town Hall,
zel, D. R. 01
I’s Bar.,
Trevdi Pollj|
lot 10, con, $.2,
Walkejw poll Clerk?
“ Shop, let 11,■fick D.R.O., C.
Elerk; Poll 4,
in. 7, J. T. Hirt-
i. Gaiser, Poll FRourke’s kitchen,
‘atrick Sullivan, D.n o ounivan, d.rkn’’Poll Clerk- NB J’H^n(P?t0re’ 10t 23, eon
Gaise? pSifK dAR;,°” tester
zer’s MfPhLCIieZ?;,A;Po11 7’
tt5 i Kitchen, lot 10, con. 17 Tohn
Major Baker Poll 1A Po11. 8> Pollock’s store
R c 40-wCOtj-a?P’ Ru,s’se11 Pollock D.
? °«VaW' I:?icks' P°n 'Clerk; Poll ’ot. 1, SaSievv aimers HOUSO, lot 1 con., Lloyd Tavlor n n A ^ble Besterd, Jr., Poll Clerk °" Isaac
Crediton, December^ 7tih