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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-31, Page 1
===== I A HAPPY NEW YEAR We hope the New Year jpay bring you health, happi prosperity EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31st, 1936 AS the year draws to a close we take this opportunity of thanking you for your liberal patronage of this store Jones & May We wish our many customers ALL FEEDS ARE ADVA BUY NOW IF YOU WA Dr. Roe’s 19 per cent. Egg Ma Dr. Roe’s 40 per cent. Concen Dr. Roe’s 32 per cent. Concei Dr. Roe’s 40 per cent. Hog /ING IN PRICE. TO SAVE MONEY te ... centrate ...$2.55 a cwt. ....$3.50 a cwt ....$3.25 a cwt. ...$3.00 a cwt. public installation of of Exeter Lodge 67,1 be held inwthe lod ' Keral, pints ....... Keral, quarts ...... Cooper’s Dri-Kil R. P. Stock Tonic...15c. a lb. R. P. Poultry Tonic 15c. a lb. R. P. Hog Tonic.....15c. a lb. POULTRY COD LftE jX^AUc for “C. C. M pRl Shoe Outfits hav< „ _______ HI_________ priced sets have solidrleather boxed toes, leather insoles and outsoles. MEN’S OUTFITS BOY’S OUTFITS 90c. a gallon « latched Sets.” Our C. C. M. Skate ten carefully selected. Even the low . $4.35 and up- $3.50 and up Traquair’s Hardware LU U Sixty-Third Year W. D, SANDERS ELECTED REEVE BY ACCLAMATION E. M. Dignan and J. W« Hern are the only two to qualify for Coun cil. Another Nomination required Mrs. Beavers, A. O. Elliot, C. V. Pickard and J. M. Southcott re turned to Board of Education Public unlucky for thu proved to be an the nominations councillor for the village Out of that number on Monday only two had Tuesday DIED IN WINNIPEG Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Robert McMurray, who died recently at her home in Winnipeg, Her husband predeceas ed her several years ago. Her maid en name was Miss Mary Clarlk. For many years Map. McMurray and famived lived in Crediton. She is survived by three sons also one brother Mr. Sidney Clark, of Lon don and one sister Mrs. Will. Coul- tis, of Toronto. L. J. Penhale, elected to Utilities. Thirteen number in position of of Exeter, nominated qualified by nine o’clock evening and another nomination and possibly an election will be required to fill the vacancies. The tw*0' coun cillors who qualified and are thus elected by acclamation are J. W. Hern and E. M. Dignan, two mem ber’s of last year’s council. Wm. D. Sanders, who on several occasions has been reeve of Exeter, will again occupy that position and will represent Exeter at the County •Council. Reeve Thos. Pryde and Councillor J. W. Morley, who' were nominated for the position, announc ed that for private -reasons they were not1 seeking re-election and did not qualify leaving Mr. Sanders elected by acclamation'.1 sNominations were held Monday at noon when the fol lowing names weije placed in nomin ation. The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday evening to hear the members of the did council give- an account of their stewardship and al so to listen to any new aspirants. For Reeve Morley, James W., Solicitor, nomin ated by W. E. Middleton and B. M. Francis. Pryde, Thomas, Craftsman, nominat ed by L. J. Penhale and H. C. Rivers. Sanders, Wm. D., Gentleman, nomin ated by Jesse Elston and Joshua Heylwood. For Councillors INSTALLING SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR PROTECTION A new sprinkler system for fire protection is local branch ners. Eight representing Extinguisher1 ers in New York', sent installing the systems are being brancheq The men least two • ing their tral Hotel, being installed in the of the Canadian Can men the Co., offi- .O.IF. r rooms 5th, to riends of A special the widows te that the at 8 o'clock cers Will Tuesday evening,^. Januai which the wives ®jtd lad “the members are wvite invitation is extended of oddfellows. PleaSo meeting will commeni sharp and will be followed by a sdcial hour. A. G. Hicks, Noble Grand E. A. Howald, ISeciretary TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN TOW&HIP Ladies and Gentlemen—. Having served tf|| municipality as Deputy and as co feel that I? the municii spectfully solicit fluence bn nW bel will do all in of the Towns’h' _ the County of Huron, tend Season's Greetings. Mawhinney. ;eeve f iicillor fi three years f three years I sition to serve eeve and I re- r vote and in- t. If elected I jffifrer for the .good iff Stephen and of To all I ex Chester The Thnes-Advocate are desirous of securing several copies of the paper dated Octobei’ 2.2nd. 5c per copy will bo paid for the paper when returned to this office. PURCHASED RESIDENCE Dr. D. A. Anderson, of London, a .former resident of Exeter, has purchased the residence of the late John Pedlar, on Main St. and ex pects to move to Exeter early next summer. The residence is at pre sent occupied by Mr. Wm. Winer. Dr. Anderson, who has been practic ing dentistry in. London intends re tiring. Their many friends will wel come Dr. and Mrs. Anderson to Exeter. at pre Similar at the Forest, from Montreal, Worchester Fire with headquar- are here system, installed at Strathroy and expect to be here for at months. They are headquarters at the mak- Cen- back WEEK OF PRAYER A week of Prayer has been ar ranged by the South‘Huron Minis terial Association beginning with Monday of next week. Services will be held for three nights in Ex eter and also at Hensail, Lucan, Cen tralia, Kippen, Thames Road, Cred iton, Elimvilel, Grand Bend and Kirkton. The opening service in Exeter will be held Monday in Main iSt. church with a service more par ticularly for the young -people. The speaker will 'be Rev. Mr. Moore, of Grand Bend. The service Tuesday evening will be ^teld in. Caven church with Rev. Mr. Parsons, of Kirkton, as speaker. On Wednes day evening the services will be held in James -St. church with Rev. Mr. Hill, of Caven church as speaker. Francis, Birtle M., Agent, nominated by H C. Rivers and J. R. Hind. Rivers, HarpeiroQ.,4 Butcher., nomin ated by B. M. Francis and W. E. Middleton. Middleton, Wm. E., Baker, nominat ed by B. W. Tuckey and Jos. Davis Snell, Clarise, Drover, nominated by B. M. Francis and Jos. Davis Dignan, Edwin M., Gentleman, nom inated by J. W. Morley and Moses Amy. Morley, James W., Solicitor, nomin ated by H. C. Rivers and B. M. 'Francis. Amy, Moses, Gentleman, nominated by E. M. Dignan and J. Elston-. Hem, J. Wellington, Painter, nomin ated by H. J. Jones and F. J. Del- bridge. Fjord, Herbert, . Farmer, nominated by A. O. Elliot and J. H. Jones May, Frederick, Merchant, nominat edf by R. N. Creech and Rev. M. A. -Hunt. Southcott, Herbert O., Merchant, ■nominated by R. N. Creech and L. J. Penhale. Kestle, .Victor J., Bookkeeper, nom inated by IF. J. Delbridge and John Willis. Delbridge, Franklin J., Agent, nom inated by L. J. Penhale and. E. C. Appleton. Foi’ Public Utilities Commission Penhale, Luther J., nominated by J. R. Hind and H. C. Rivers For Board of Education Elliot, A. O., Cam Dealer, nominated by H. C. Rivers and B. M. Francis Beavers, Mrs. Roxie, nominated by B. M. Francis and Rev. M. A. Hunt Pickard, Clarence V., Agent, nomin ated by A O. Elliot and R. N. Creech'. Southcott, J. Melvin, Editor, nomin ated by R. N. Creech and Rev. M. A Hunt. Hunt, Rev. M. A., Minister, nomin ated by W. H. Dearing and Thos.; Jones. On Tuesday evening the town hall was filled with ratepayers and Mr, B. M, Francis, an ex-Reeve, was appointed chairman. The members of the retiring council were -called to the platform and the first to be call ed on to speak was Reeve T. Pryde, Mr. Pryde gave a very compre hensive report of the work of the council during the past year and he also spoke of county over an hour he held those -present as he (Continued on matters. For the interest of explained the page 4) the COMMUNICATION Exeter, Ont. December 29th,1936 PENHALE-WRIGHT The marriage of Edna Ileene, eld est daughter o.f Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wright, of Crediton, to Harry Kestle Penhale, eldest son of Mr. and .Mrs. Luther Penhale, of Exeter, took place recently at the home of Rev. Gladstone E Wood, of the King St. United Church, London. They were attended by the Misses Mar jorie and Marguerite Wright, sisters of the bride and Mr. Clifton Hunter, of Exeter, assisted the groom. The bride wore a blue triple crepe dress with gold accessories and carried yellow mums and fe>rn. A wedding dinner was served at the bride’s home to the immediate attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Penhale will reside in Exeter. They will have the wishes of their many friends. OFFICERS INSTALLED At a meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F & A.M. on Monday even ing the officers for th© ensuing year were installed by the instal ling master, Wor. Bro. M. W. Pfaff, the retiring: master of the lodge, as sisted by the director of .ceremonies Rt. W. Bro. T. Pryde, V. W Bro. W, W. Taman and Wor. Bros. E. M. Dignan, A. E, Howald, Wm. Frayne and R. N. Rowe. The offic ers installed were as follows: W.M., W. Bro, W. E. Middleton; I.P.IM. Wor. Bro. M. W. Pfaff; Sr. War, Bro. S. F. Reed; Jr. War., Bro W. H. Pollen; Chap., Wor. Bro. E M. Dignan; 'Treas., V. Wor. Bro, W W. Taman; Sec’y, Wor. Bro, R. N. Creech; D. of C., Rt. Wor. Bro* T. Pryde; Sr/ D., Bro. C. Mawhinney; Jr, D., Bro. J. W, Batson.; I. G Brp, C. Tanton; Sr. Steward. B.ro. K; Lampman; Jr. S., Bro. H. H. Cowan; organist, Bro. Geo.’ Grant; Tyler, Wor, Bro. C. G. Salter. The Board of General Purpose was re appointed. W. Bro. Pfaff was con gratulated on the manner in which, he installed the officers. The new ly installed master thanked the brethren for the honor conferred: upon him. At the close of the lodge refreshments were The brethren were* treated es by W. Biro. Middletoni by B-ro. R. Williams. served, to orang- and also best DIES CHRISTMAS CHEER The Christmas Cheer Fund well supported this year and a of $107.39 was turned over to the * Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion. A committee of ladies from the Women’s Institute assist ed the members of the Legion in the preparing of baskets. The num ber of homes that were remembered were twenty and the majority* of the money spent w-ent fob .clothing and footwear the amount fo-r ’‘this being $41.00; for bread tickets ’$'1,3.00; milk tickets $16.00; groceries $^^5 The balance was used in connection with the concert for the kiddies, but as the amount was far from ade quate to meet the expense the Le gion (provided the remainder. The amount of the contributions report ed last week was $98.39. Further contributions were received as fol lows: J. Norry $1.0'0, Wm. Ward $1.00'; W- H. Leavitt $2.00, A. O. Elliot $2.00, R. G. Seldon $1.00, J. W. Morley $1.00, C. T-riebner $-1.00; total $1107.39, A quantity of hon-ey butter was donated by Mr. Abbott. was total w. be interruptions in elec- supiplied the pumps at in which case the gaso at the reservoir pump Editor, The Times-Advocate, ■Exeter, -Ont. Dear Sir:— We note by a letter appearing in your issue of December 24th, 1936, and signed as CITIZEN, that there is some uneasiness Iregarding t>he quality of the water which will be delivered to the town system at in tervals from the underground res ervoir, and also that this .water will be used only in case of fire. The real object of the reservoir was twofold. First to be used in case of .fire and second, to. take care of any peaks in consumption' which would only occur for short periods. There is also t'he .possibility that there would trie power the springs, line engine house could be iused to supply the town system. It is also' the inten tion of the Commission t0' use water entirely from the reservoir for short .periods and refill with fresh water .from the springs. Where Municipal Water Systems are installed the usual practice is to have reservoirs for storage purposes as is the case in Exeter and the Commission has been assured by the Waterworks Engineers and also the Provincial Board of Health that water does not become stagnant in an underground covered reservoir if properly constructed, if the water is held in storage for years. The reservoir of 250,.000 gallon capacity was necessary to meet the approval of the Fire Underwriters an-d also to maintain the low rate of Fire In surance that this town has. We might also state that this sys tem has been installed under the supervision' of one of the best wat erworks Engineers in Ontario and 'has been approved by the Provincial Board of Health. To further safeguard health of the people of Exeter samples of water both ffom the springs and res ervoir will be forwarded to' the Pro vincial Board of Health for examin ation. The Commission feel quite sure that after the system has been prop erly cleaned and flushed that the water will be amongst the finest supplied Notice paper as isidered i sumptioil. EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION to- any municipality. will appear in, the local soon as the water is con- absolutely safe for con- USBORNE RESIDENT The death took place in London on Monday of Mr. George Westcott Delbridge, who passed away in% his 63rd year. The funeral took place from his late residence, lot 7, con cession 9, Usborne, Wednesday af ternoon with interment in the Kirk ton cemetery. The deceased is sur vived by his bereaved wife whose maiden name was Miss Nellie Mar- riot, also three sons and one daugh ter, John and Reginald, of Usborne, 'Gordon, of (St. Marys and Mrs. H. Murch, of Elimville. He is also sur vived by two brothers and -three sisters, Franklin, of Ex^er; Charles . and the Misses Beatrice*>an,d*^o,ra, Of. Usborne, and M-rs; George BaK®y» of’Myoodham. The funeral, privafte^ was comdiipt^d.. by Rev. Mr, Pen/ose, pastor of toil" Elimville United Church. tv F, Exeter of Mr. two 4th ago In THE LATE JOHN BELL The death took place in on Saturday, December 26th, John Bell an esteemed resident in his 74th year. Mr. Bell had been in poor health for the .past years. He was born on the Con. of Usborne and 31 years he moved to Exeter to reside. 1915 he purchased the property on which he resided. He is survived by his bereaved widow whose maid en .name was' Elizabeth Hodgert, and one daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Dil ling. He is also survived by three brothers, William Bell, of Chicago; George, of Seaforth and Thomas, of Usiborne. The deceased was a mem ber of the James St. United church and the funeral Monday was con ducted by his pastor, Rev. A. Page, with interment in the Exeter cemet ery. A solo was sung by Mrs. [John Hodgert. The bearers were Messrs. S. J. Hogarth, E. Rowcliffe, Jos. Sutton, John Duncan, Wm. Hodgert and Nelson Kestle. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.* Geo.. Elliot and son and Mrs. F. Mas’Sh. of London; Arthur and Mrs. Elliot, of Thedford; Mr. and Mrs. Watson and family, of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buttler, of London and relatives from Seaforth and dale. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Santa Claus made his appearance in Exeter on the Wednesday even ing before iChristmas, entertaining the children and presenting them, with oranges, nuts and candies. Headed by the Exeter band St. Nicholas paraded through the town followed by a large crowd of jolly children. At Leavitt’s Theatre they, were treated to a free concert, the theatre being donated by Mr. Leav itt. |A comic picture was shown fol lowing which Miss Gooding gave a' program of tap dancing by her Ex eter pupils. The theatre was pack ed by the children, Invitations hav ing been sent out to the children of the neighboring schools. At the close Santa Claus distributed 385! boxes of candy, nuts and oranges to the happy children. iReeve Thos. Pryde acted as .chairman. The ( concert was sponsored by the Exet er Branch of the Canadian Legions and the committee in charge was K. Clarke, A. Easton and H. Heylwood. Mr. Roy Blatchford. who fell from a ladder last September breaking hfs airm and <his leg, returned from the hospital on Wednesday last and is able to get around with the aid of crutches. He is at present stall ing with his sister Mrs. Win. Wood. Annual Meeting of the Russel-Exeter Agriculturi will be held i Society The Exeter Agricultural are announcing for their meeting to be held Friday, January 115th at two o'clock. The new com munity hall which will be used for fair purposes should give an impetus to the fair during the coming year. The Fair is Exete-r’s biggest day of the year and the business people of Exeter should rally to the support of the directors to make this affair an outstanding event. Your pres ence and your suggestions will b© welcomed at the annual meeting. Plan to be there. Society annual TOWN mill/, For the -p-urpos^b election of officer tion of any oth© ter ess of the SocWty. ceiying reports nd the transac- ■ siness fn< the in- A meeting of the ditectors will be held at 1.30 o'clock p.in. WM. COATES, President R. G. SELDON, .Secretary