The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-17, Page 4THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE A Grand Assortment of Christmas Goods at Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store Exeter and Hensail t-Sweet, Juicy, California Sunkist Seedless large size CHRISTMAS > --r- NUTS | Prices c Filberts, Pecans f » « j Brazils, Walnuts j 1116 Jiffi 0 CANDIES Made specially for Cook’s Rock Bottom Stores f < A nice assortment of candfes. Ideal for kj^ stoc Fd 'I iffies ngs. Fine ass^tment of rfgh class chpldlates. 2 lbs for 7 25c VISIT Cook’s Christmas aar THAMES ROAD The Young People’s debate: Re­ solved that Maggie’s treatment of Jiggs is not justified.” The affirm- ative was taken hy Everett Miller and Andy Blair and the negative by Ann Rhode and Jeanette Stone. The debate was full of interest and the decision went to “Jiggs” as the judges thought Maggie was far too hard on poor Jiggs. Judges, Mrs, T. Ballantyne, Mr. Ray " Miss Finkbeiner; also paper talk on Africa een Borland. Mr. Gilbert Duncan .. . with Mrs. H. Lawrence at Seaforth the past week, Tne Beet Ring Directorate held their annual meeting at the home Mr. and Mrs. P, Stone on Wednes­ day. Commencing its business again in March and continuing for 40 weeks. Mis. Gollings is spending this week with her daughter Mrs. Shier Mr. Shier is laid up with an injur­ ed knee. Our pastor Rev. Wm. Mair gave a very timely address Sunday morn­ ing from his text “What shall it pro­ fit a man* if he gains the whole vorld and lose his own soul." The Young People presented their play, "The Country Minister” at Roy’s Church on Wednesday Decem­ ber 9 th. A combined Christmas service of church and Sunday School will be held next Sunday, Commencing at 10.4'5. A Christmas Pageant will be presented by the Sunday School. Mission Circle Elect Officers The annual meeting of the Thames Road Mission Circle met at the Manse on Saturday, December 12th with a good attendance. From all re-i ports it has been a busy and pros­ perous year for the girls. During the year, they made an autograph quilt, which from the proceeds they prepared for a bazaar which was held the latter part of November and proved a great su-ccess. They have met their allocation, cent, increase. They donation to Charlton in Northern Ontario, Christmas gifts for They are presenting Church with a pulpit lamp WINCHELSEA Creech and a Missionary by Miss Lor- was a visitor Don’t forget the Christmas Con­ cert to- be held at the School -on Tuesday afternoon December 22nd, Everyone- welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock, of Thames Road, spent Wednesday with their daughter Mrs. Freeman Home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gurnet Johns visited with the former’s Grandfather Silas Johns at Chiselnu-rst on day. Mrs. George Parkinson! and Eunice, of Blanshard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whaley and Ju­ dith, Mr. Scott Whaley, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley B-urns and baby, of St Marys visited on; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten. CROMARTY Mr. Sun- Miss wit J Mon­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: ELIZABETH ANN AMY, late of the "Village Qf Exeter, in the Coiuity of Huron, yvidow, deceas­ ed, CREDITORS AND OTHERS .hav­ ing claims against the estate the said deceased are requiredAiWsend lull particulars of such cMins duly verified® to the undersi — before ^January 2nd which wte the exeti ceed said cl ail ceivedS Nomination and Election {township of L’sbome public Notice is hereby given that meeting of the Electors of the You will find a large assortment to choose from. Exeter Hensall Phone 58 Phone 46 MlNCfMEAT 1 GREENWAY Next Sunday afternoon the White Gift service will be held during the regular worship hour. All are urg­ ed to assist by bringing a gift wrap- iL **d in white. ?k cMrs. Edward McPherson and Mr. '-^tpd Shettler went to Buffalo last MJjs&y. MiSi'is Ruth and Shirley Wood­ burn are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn. Several r-om here attended the j community 'Christmas tree in Park­ hill on Saturday. Mr. H. Purdy, of Hensall, attend­ ed the funeral of 'Mrs. J. McPher­ son and is spending a few days in the neighborhood. Mrs. Eva M-drrison, .of Detroit, visited her brother Mr. E. Eggert tor a few days last week. Mr. W. T. Ulens and Mr. H. Bel­ ling were in London last Wednes­ day on business. Mrs. R. English visited with her daughter Mrs. R. Sheppard in Lon­ don last week. The Harmony Class held regular meeting at the home and Mrs. Elton 'Curts. Those part in the program were P-ollock, Arthur Brophey, Mrs. H. Brophey, Mrs. Elton Curts, Mrs. R. their of Mr. taking Milton i or after al's will pro- e assets of the gard only to the 'notice has been re­ j Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks I and Mrs. L. Brophey. Mr Hugh Horner, of Toronto, is home -on vacation. The young folk .of the commun­ ity met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason last Monday evening and Gordon Young read an address and Gordon Luther presented a signet ring to Mr. Bob Brunswick, who is leaving to work in Toronto. Bob has been a general favorite during the years he has spent in our com­ munity and the hearty good wishes O'f his many friends Will follow him into his new life.(Last Friday evening the Y. P. U. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smithers. After the wor­ ship period and topic were given Miss -Olive English read an address and Eddie Hartle presented them with a handsome clock. They re­ plied in a fitting manner and all present joined in many expressions of good will and congratulations on their recent marriage. A social hour and refreshments brought to a close a happy event. The Late Mrs. Prance large congregation of friends,(A neighbors and relatives met in the United Church on Saturday to pay their last tribute of respect to the late Mrs. W. J. Prance who passed iFire PHONE 181w SPECIAL I WHAT ABOUT A LOVELY ENAMELLED STOVE FO CHRISTMAS Now is your opportunity towbtain that long-desired stc^Ef at prices neatly reduced till the New Year Christmas Tree Lights | $1.00 and $2.00 I Separate Lamps for Above! 10c and 20c. each ’ Electric Toasters, Irons > reasonably priced t Pyrex in 8 and 9 piece sets, Make a lovely gift An Ever Ready Flashlight is always a suitable gift 85c. to $2.00 Silk Wreaths with Lamp will last for year, $1.50 .. ................................ ................. . The Store of 1001 Useful GiftsU Adjustable Desk Wmp Finished in Black arief Silver Coleman Irons, La Lanterns ? We have a larg<|Fstock of ^Graniteware in .Ivory and Gree^and Red & ■A large’ assortment of Skates iand Boots ih all sizes and Hockey Sticks of splendid Value. Get yours before they ate picked over Numerous to Itemize Lindenfield’s Hardware EXETER away at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Lovie last week. -Mrs. Prance has been a great sufferer for many years so her death was not unexpected. She was a faithful mem­ ber of the United Church and the Women’s Missionary Society. The sympathy of these organizations and the whole community is extend­ ed to the bereaved husband and family who rise up and call her blessed. One son and three daugh­ ters also survive, James Prance, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. J. Lovie and M,rs. G. Stewardson, made in- parkhill her pastor, Rev. J. B. charge. Many relatives from a dis­ tance were present, six -of .whom were chosen as pall-bearers. Death of Miss Eggnrt Seventy-six years ago Miss Sophia Eggart, daughter: of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eggart was born in Blen­ heim township and came here as a child. She spent practically all her life in this community. For the past fourteen years sihe suffered the great affliction of being blind. She had been in poor health for some time and was taken to Victoria Hos­ pital, London, a week ago where all was done that could be to relieve her suffering. But her Heavenly Father said “It is enough. Come up higher” and she passed away on Tuesday morning. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband James McPherson, one son Walter four grandchildren. The funeral held in the Anglican Churcih Friday where she has been a long member. Her rector, Rev. F. L. ,Lewin, who has been -unfailing in his kindness to her, conducted the ^•service in the church and at Grand spend cemetery. The bearers .were [Roy and Leslie Hutchinson, rence Pollock, Ervine Eggart, Irwin Luther and Wesley Mitchell, neighbors and friends -of the bereav­ ed expressed their sympathy in word and deed ciated. Interment was cemetery with Moore in and was on life- Law- The which was much appre- SHIPKA G. Webb, who underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital in London, on Monday last is progress­ ing as well as can be expected. Please remember the Christmas Concert in the United Church on- the evening of December 22nd. Everybody welcome. The public school Concert is be­ ing held on Tuesday evening, the 15 th. . The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Major Baker- in t»he death of her mother, Mrs. Prance, who was buried on Satur­ day afternoon last at Parkhill ceme­ tery. Mr. Harry Lochner, of Windsor, is .at present visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Lochner. Mr. Czar Kellerman visiting with relatives Miss Elva Adams is Lucan waiting on her Mary Adams, who has Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Neil and Betty Anne, of Windsor, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Scott. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Haddock, of Centralia, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Bnyn- ham. Mrs. iA. C. is_ at present in. Toronto, at present at mother Mrs. been ill. with a ten per sent $10.00, a Sunday School to be used for the children, the Thames Rd. _ ' j also vases and flowers for the church. After the installation of officers for the coming -year, Mrs. Mair, their (honorary president thanked and con­ gratulated the girls on their very fine efforts and co-operation in their work during the past year. A short program was enjoyed and then a social time was spent over the tea cups. ‘Officers for the coming year are: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Mair; Pres., Evelyn H-unkin; 1st vice, Jean Bal- lantyne; 2nd vice, Janet Stone, Se­ cretary, Margaret Allison; Treas. Helen M-organ; ,Supply Sec’y., Mar­ jorie E'therington; Mite Box Sec’y.,' Doris Duncan; Corres. Sec’y., Mary Borland; Literature Sec’y., Mildred Hodgert; Pianist, Dorothy McCurdy Assistant, Janet Stone; Birthday Alma Borland. The recent thaw has left the roads in. a very bad condition although it was welcomed by a good many as quite a few wells were getting very low. Mr. David Miller of the village is at present in the St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. It is expected he will undergo an operation which we all hope will be beneficial. Miss Helen Norris is spending a few days at home with her parents. A stag party was held Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Colby, it being the birthday of Mr. Cole, Mrs. Colby’s father who makes his home with his daughter Mrs. Colby. A very enjoyable time was spent, just a few of the venerable ones be­ ing present. Mrs. McDougall, of near Cromarty is at present on the sick list. Mrs. Alex. McKellar is at present in attendance as practical nurse with Miss Olive Speare who has been on the sick list for: some time. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Miller, of Stratford, spent Sunday with the former’s mother Mrs. S. A. Miller. See our display of gifts for every­ body. A larger stock than ever fore at S. B. Taylor’s. AUCTION SALE of household effects The undersigned auctioneer received instructions tMsell by auction, >t Blie be- has pub- Box, ELIMVILLE Next will be noon at Paul and Edward Johns, of ilton, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Wes. Johns. The Sunday School Christmas con­ cert will be held in the church on Wednesday, December 23rd. Officers of the Junior Bible Class The officers of the Junior Bible Class for 1937 are Teacher, Eva Penrose; Ass. Teach­ ers, Harry Cole, Kenneth Johns and Lula Hunter; Pres., Lome Elford; Vice-Pres., Laura F-ord; Secretary, Amos Herdman; ass. Secretary, L. Skinner; Treasurer, Gilbert Johns; Ass. Treasurer, Howard Johns. Officers for Adult Bible Class The officers of the Adult Bible Class for 19-37 are as follows: Teacher, Wm. Johns; Ass. Teach­ ers, Mrs. ('Rev.) Penrose and Wm. Routley; Pres., Newton Clarke; 1st Vice-Pres., Wm. Routley; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Newton Clarke; Se­ cretary, Mrs. iGeo. Davis; Ass. -Se­ cretary, Mrs Hy. Murch; Treasurer, Freeman Horne; Ass. Treasurer, W. Veal. Sunday the Church services held combined in the 2 p.m. after- Ham­ and as follows: Jamtw Steret, E^ter, on SATUlA.Yt DilCWBER 19th, at 1^’0 p.m. Iht 'following: 2 sid^boards^T couches, dining room tagje, ‘6 Awing room chairs, 1 rocker, ||tojp^’ windows, 3 small stands, by|10; kitchen stove, clock, k^Chen chairs, kitchen table, mirror, ®aper rack, ” cellar t^jle, ch^t, beds, 2 Bresser^ 2 lor table! 3 rockers, bedroom %ng electric sh®isg^rtable, bunch of old shingles and othei’ articles too num­ erous too mention. TERMS OF SALE—OASH The Estate of the late Mrs. E. A. Amy Frank Taylor, Auctioneer 6 tons of coal, electric iron, 2 commodes, par­ small stand, 1 9, toilet sets, Renew Now! Mission Band Elect Officers The Friendly Workers’ Mission Band met at the home -of Jean Davis on Saturday last and elected their officers for 1937 which was as follows: Pres., Jean Davis; Vice- Pres., Mildred Veal; Rec. Secretary, Eilene Johns; Treasurer, Ethelene Johns; Co.rr. Secretary, Doris El­ ford; Mite Box Secretary, Bessie Johns; World Friends Secretary, M. Miners; Singing Leaders, Leona Co­ ward and Burdene Clarke; Pianist, Margaret Miners; Heralds, India, Grace Brook, Japan, Annie Elford, China, Lois Coward, Korea, Isabelle Cooper, Canada, Ola Johns, Stew­ ardship, Irene Johns, Temperance, Irene Pooley. Y. P. Meeting and Election of Officers 'The Y. P. Union met on Monday evening with the president in the chair. Meeting opened with the hymn “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” and the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Pome business was dealt with. Allen Johns then took charge of the worship period. Hymn, “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.” The topic “What Christmas Means to the Individual” was .given by A. Herdman. Ronald Elford read the Scripture Lesson. The discussion on the lesson was given by Mary Johns Delmar Skinner led in prayer. The hymn “There’s A Song in the Air” was Sung, The election -of officers for 1937 then took place which, re­ sulted as follows: Pres., Howard Johns; Vice-Pres., Margaret Johns; Secretary, Mary Johns; Treasurer, Elgin Skinner; Organist, Marion Miners; ass. Organist, Ina Ford Convenors, Citizenship, iL, Elford Missionary, Gladys Johns; Chris tian* Fellowship, Eva Penrose; C Culture, Delmalt Skinner; Recrea­ tion, Bernice March; social, Lloyd Bell, FLASHLIGHTS PHONE 86 Make this a memorable Christmas for Mother Buy her a DEFOREST WASHER W-lflWsV a Township of Usborne will be held in the Township Hall, Eliniville, Mon­ day, December' 28th, 1936, at the hour of 1 o’clock P'-m. For the pur- - pose of making and receiving nom­ inations for the offices of Reeve and four Councillors. And further take notice that in the event of more can­ didates being proposed than requir­ ed to be elected, proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, January 4th, 1937, when* polls shall be held from 9 o’clock 'a.m. until 15 o’clock p.m., at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by Township by-law viz: Poll 1, Eden School, J. J. Hunter D.R.O., Jno. Luxton, P.C.; Polk 2, Lloyd Steward’s House, -C. B. Ali­ son D.R.'O., Chas. Jeffery P.C.; Polla 3, Hector Rowcliffe’s Hotise, S. W.W" Dougall D.R.O. Vm. Jeffery P.C.; Poll 4, Public distribute Exeter, Ontario, this December, 1936, J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for Executors, Exeter, Ont. 12-17-3tc 16tl®d a Nomination and Election Village of Exeter Public Notice is hereby given that the the meeting of the Electors of Village of Exeter will be held in Town Hall Exeter, at the hour 12 o’clock noon on MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1936 For the purpose of making and re­ ceiving nominations for the offices of Reeve and Councillors; one mem­ ber of the Public Utilities Commis­ sion and four members of the Board of Education. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings wilh be adjourned until Monday, Janw ary 4tli, 1937, when the polls^fn) be open at 9 a.m., closing at feaTm.. at the following places, as ?Wed by Village by-law viz: -JtrPol! 1, 7a' ‘ " dence, Mai: W. J. Car] 2, Town H Creech D.l ing Clerks Main antyp d er son, I| ing Clerlff: dence, 'nlLu. ql., n-wm, b,u. wciou, D.R.O., John Kydd, Polling Clerk. All electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern them­ selves accordingly. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk Exeter, December 15th, 1936. of Biss A. HandJfrd’s resi- I St., E. TJfDle, D.R.O., Fnjg, Polliaji|F Clerk; Poll ill, MaWStreet, R. N. .0., Mftk Coates, Poll- PollJfS, Medd’s Office, df Wellington Sts., G. An- GKRdap; George Jaques, Poll- jLdfFoll 4, T. Webster’s resi- ISH. St., North, Rd. Welsh, NOTICE AS TO INCOME TAX VOTERS That every person of the full age of 21 years and a British subject by birth or naturalization, and not disqualified under the Municipal Ac or by law from voting, who has p in full an income tax of not less U1 fifteen dollars, under the provigBB’hs of the Income Tax Act -of 19'3'6, within the twelve monjjgr next preceding the last day fo complaint to the Judge Veters’ Lists .Act, shal to vote at a m|tnicipa( municipality M whic either .in reswet t( dence or plajg©- of and to obta‘ him to so v the clerk o tiime withi: day of pol official r of the sai _____ __This is provided for by 1936 sta­ tutes, chapter 40, section 2, sub-sec­ tion (2). Tall, Farquhar, Jn(y| I Leonard HarriHodgert D.R.- C.; Poll '5, T^Vnship Hall, J Lloyd J'cbns Poll 6, EaiH Johnson Hern, D, C.; Pt CMitfgr R.O., W. )use_, Ross bn Brock P, orrison’s House, D.R.O., Wm. Mills F* All electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, A. w. MORGAN, Clerk. R. No. 1, Hensall .Dec. 14, 193 6.R. Nomination and Election Township of Stephen Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Town­ ship of .Stephen will be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1936 at one o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving Nominations for Reeve, Deputy- Reeve and Councilmen. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office, than require*' to be elected, the proceedings will adjourn until, Monday, January 4th, 37, ’ ’ - t Tin. at the following places rby the Township By-law, Poll 1, Mills’ Shop, lot 5 Nelson Baker D.R.O., Wm. Poll Clerk; Poll 2, Penh chen, lot 20, con. 2, Presto D.R.O., Geo. Walker, Poll 3, Wenzel’s Barger SWP, lot 11, con 6, Thos., Trevethick .R.O., C. G. MorlockJ Poll Cler^1 Poll 4, Town Hall, pt 10, con, J. T. HirW zel, D. R. <X, J. H. nw'OA. Clerk; Poll$5, O’l lot 10, con.&12, Pa R.O., James&Mawihi Poll 6, Be: N'B, Ed. G$Kraft Gaiser, Pol® Cler.™,., rwi i, zer’s kitchen^ lo^lO, con. 17, John Houlahan >. - •Clerk; P(B. lot 40, coiB R.O., W. mt 9, Wanner’ih con., Lloyd Besterd, Jr., Poll Clerk. And all electors' are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HERBERT K. EILBER, Returinng Officer Crediton, December 7th, 193 6 when polls will be open at S' .................. ‘ asifixed daking er the entitled n in the resides, of resi- Mniess therein, tificate entitling n producing to lunicipality at any y days prior to the for such election the t evidencing payment income tax. ®n. 1, illert, s 'kdt- Dearing Clerk; R.O. Poll J. T. Hirto. aiser, PC ’s •k-itohetj^j fc Sullivan,"VuW „y. Poll Clerk, or’s StfiSe, lot 23, con. R.O., Chester Poll 7, iSweit- We would like to suggest to our readers the sending .of the Times- Advocate as a Christmas present. It will help to solve youir Christmas gift problem and will be a weekly visitor for 52 weekis. CHRISTMAS IS ONLY ,Majo,r Baker Poll y' Pollock’s store,, Russell Pollock D. 'Clerk; Poll use, lot 1, Sauble dor, D.R.O., Isaac a FOR FATHER FOR MOTHER ion of EXETER Shopping Days Away Let us Help You Select Your Gifts Many to choose from 69c. to $2.50 ELECTRIC TOASTERS $1.50 to $4.50 ELECTRIC IRONS $1.50 to $4.50 (Electric) The best on the market at a Special price of $72.50 GOOD CHEER STOVES Enamelled Special 18 by 20 inch, oven new style grates and firebox and backed by the reputa­ tion of one of the oldest stove makers in Canada $79.50 The prettiest and highest quality enamelware obtain­ able at moderate prices. Willow Pattern, Ivory and Red and Ivory and Green FROM 25c. TO $3.00 The very latest Chrome plated butter dishes, cheese and cracker dishes, serving plates etc. $1.00 AND UP Tools Saws^65c to $3.75 PlaJL, $1.25 to $4.50 Hammers, 20c to $2.50 a large selection of ranches, Knives, Etfij PYREX. which any at prices from c. TO $2.75 See the new Schick Electric Razor. .All electric, blades, no brush, lather No man woul without one afters once used it. Gillet Raz accessories such strops, etc. FOR THE CHILDREN Toy Guns Baby Cups Baby Dish Sets Baby Silver Sets Jack Knives (something every boy should have) Flashlights We have a large selection of Skates, hockey Sticks, pucks, Etc. Have the children ready for the opening of the new rink. B. W. F. BEAVERS