HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-10, Page 9T THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER JO, 1036 That snow! the last stretch of Christinas shopping.And now for J And now for «* 2 Kirk’s Castile Mt remember that prayers have .politicians have proven impo- the long succession of school entertainments. saved situations where tent. 1 Steel Enamel DISH PAN The Hum! Have we gone too far with this Christmas entertainment enter­ prise? It’s not the first time that a man has been injured by flattery and adulation. 10 lbs. Granuiated Sugar 53c. 10 lbs. Yellow Sugar ..... 53c. Loose Cooking Bran 5 & 10c. Crisco .....................3 lb. tin 65c The British Empire may well pray to be delivered from the intrigues of the (opportunist and the shyster. Let’s not in the midst of our political turmoil forget those stockings nor .overlook the need of the shoeless. ***** What are we to say about it, anway? ******** V * * • • • ■• • • •Christian Britishers do well to warriors and It’s just too bad when a certain woman is allowed to usurp the place of Santa 'Claus. «*«****.* big stir ‘‘over there” has eclipsed Mitch and Fergie. Ho! GROCERY SPECIALS Box and Bulk Candies, Oranges and Nuts for Christmas at Lowest Prices 24 lbs. Pat Pan Pastry Flour, EXTRA SPECIAL.............75c. 2 pkgs. Eureka Minute Tapioca with mixing bowl...........29c. 3 large rolls Dreadnought White Toielt Tissue...................23c. McCormick’s Dainty Wafers.........................................2 lbs. 30c. 1 large Bottle Niagara Dry Ginger Ale, 1 drinking glass 16c. Bee Hive Corn Syrup in ..........................9c. a lb. ALL FOR 97c. HUNTERS RETURN 'Six members of the Granton Club, A. Chittick, C. Gorvitt, Parkinson, W. Parkinson, T. gins and N. Gunning returned a hunt deer. at Lion’s Head with. Hunt R. J. Hod- from nine Missed Something (to office boy, who is<<•halfBoss an hour late): “You should have been in here at eight o’clock.” 'Office Boy: “Why, what happen­ ed.” FOR » 1 it s I YOUR <A Grovel I BROMO QUININE . 0Table USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of Usborne Township met ,on the above date at 11 a.m., with all members present. Minutes of the October meeting were read and adopted on motion by Passmore and Coopej?. Correspondence was tabled as fol­ low’s; Request for grant from National Sanatorium Association. Considera­ tion of request deferred until 19 37 as $10.00 has already been granted this year. Railway tax for 193 6 was receiv­ ed from Provincial Treasury Dept, amounting to $106.56. v Accounts rendered for Indigent Hospital patients in provincial Hos­ pitals $l'06.5\6. Sample packets for Election pur­ poses were received. Matter referred to the Clerk, with authority to pro­ vide necessary supplies. Report from the Sanitary Inspec­ tors for Usborne was presented by Joshua Johns.re Inspector of Slaugh- . ter Houses in' July and October. Con- * ditions found to. be Very satisfactory. ^.Motion by Berry and Passmore Huron County be charged 33 ce*nfe>per yard for crushed gravel in bin from Brock’s pit in October. Car. It was moved by Berry and Coop­ er that a 'by-law be prepared by the clerk to supersede the Dog Tax ancl Sheep Protection Act. The by-law to include sheep', cattle and turkeys and the young of any of them. That | the word sheep valuator be’ struck out and the word Live Stock Valu-1 assistant to Mrs. Will MacJLaren in ator be substituted and that all claims for loss the live stock valua­ tor must be notified within forty­ eight hours of discovery by owner. That the dead animals must be in­ spected by .him and evidence of kil­ ling by dogs established to his sat­ isfaction and that this valuation on these claims for compensation must be final. Amendment by Ballantyne that the by-laiw be prepared according to Statute. Motion carried. Applications for supplying (public Liability Insurance on Usborne Tp. roads were read. Moved by Cooper and Berry that Public (Liability Insurance be purch­ ased. Amendment by Passmore and Bal­ lantyne that this Municipality carry its own risk. Motion carried. B. M. Francis, agent, was award­ ed the business. Treas. report was received as fol­ lows : ties $30.98; $4.63. ed on Berry: Board . carding, $19.95; grants, $60; salar­ ies, $517.00; miscellaneous, $1:20; road supt’s voucher re road expendi­ tures, $141.16'2. 'Council adjourned to meet Tues­ day.' December 15th, at 10 a.m. A. W. Morgan, Clerk Collector taxes and penal- 1935, $(1'66.30; lane gravel, ; Robert Kydd, snow fence, ■Following bills were order­ motion of Ballantyne and Insurance, prem., $113.90; Health, inspection, and pla- The snow is good * * for * * * * The holiday table in every home should groan with the weight of choice quality Meats and Poultry .... Here you’ll find tasty foods at low prices ... all specially reduced for the festive feasts. Shop here if you want to save on choice Christmas Meats and Poultry. Au£ Poultry drawn Free CROMARTY The annual meeting of the Crom­ arty Auxiliary of the W. M. S. was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. James Scott, with a full attendance. • A very pleasant feature of the meet­ ing was the presentation of a Life Membership to Mrs. James Hill, who has been treasurer of the society for over twenty-five years. Mrs. Hill •was completely taken by surprise but replied in a very fitting man­ ner. ..Mrs. Will Hamilton read the address and presented the certificate Theie were a few changes of offic­ ers: Mrs. S. Miller is president for this year, as Mrs. James Reidie re­ signed; Mrs. Quance has taken over the Glad Tidings secretaryship; Mrs. John Hamilton, was appointed as as­ sistant treasurer to Mrs. James Hill. All the other officers were re-ap­ pointed, with Mrs. Houghton as an UNPOPULAR neither coasting nor snowballing. ****** A BAD COMBINATION An icy hill, a group of coasting youngsters and a skidding au­ tomobile! ******** MAKING HISTORY? That trip of President Roosevelt to South America was any­ thing but a pleasure jaunt. «*♦**«** HE KNEW We are reminded just now of the remarks of Stanley Baldwin on one occasion of his accepting the office of Prime Minister. Friends were congratulating .him of the high position which he had attained. “I’m not sure but that I am more an object for prayers rather than of congratulation,” he wisely and feelingly replied.A******* LET’S NOT FORGET Over there in Spain they’re killing each other. Little children are pinched for food as they shiver in the sleet or in the frost and asked with wide-eyed wonder what is is all about. Well, all the Wiorld can give them an answer. Spain had .rulers who gave themselves to speed, to extravagance, to scandal and to flouting the moral law. .She gave herself to politics’rather than to good government; to pleasure rather than to service and down­ right hard work in pursuit of worth while ends. The confectioner and the milliner and the winemaker, the dancer and the troubadour rather suit? ridden .of this Choice Beef, Pork, Lamb, Sjjpbked Bacon, Smoked Ha Picnic Hams, Cottage Hplls, Weiners, RIVERS’ QUALlTYJ “For Service and Quality” MARKET Phone 9, Exeter GENERAL MOTORS NEW ANNOUNCES CHEVROLET * THAT AUDITING Time and again The Times-jAdvocate has pointed out a .party­ councils accession io'f <our knows what has But let no one briber carries more care to admit. boast. We’re weight In the A great deal of deal of the fault iClear- ****** than the schoolmaster were esteemed and followed. The re- A war-torn country. country and the country than we not lay all the blame ion the king, with those in high places. A great lowering of moral standards of the nation. * f WRIST WATfil akingMove *0n Master De Luxe Models,LOUR PRICED FROM for economical transportation 1 SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER John Passmore & Son, Hensail, Ont. C. Fritz & Son, Zurich; John Sprowl, Lucan Best fortall youjt PUR 5 Repairing a Specialty JAS. LAWSON Jeweller, Exetc.r Chi MaWEle Clocks Clocks DrJ ssser Clocks the Welcome and Welfare work of the society and Miss Currie as Ex­ change secretary. The financial re­ port given by the treasurer was very encouraging as was also the excel­ lent -report of the secretary. Mrs. R. Scott. The society regretted the •resignation of the past president, Mrs. Jahies Reidie, who claimed to have her time fully taken -up with her Mission Band work, and her ac­ tive interest in the Marion Ritchie girls’ group—apart fiom the presi­ dency of the W.1M.1S. IMrs. Scott pro­ vided an .abundant lunch, which, add­ ed to the social part of this special meeting which closes the wiork of the society for this year. 'Roy McCulloch and several others from here attended the Guelph Winter Fair. .Mr. and Mrs. Duncam MacKellar and Mrs. Lindsay MacKellar spent Thursday with friends in Mitchell. that the system of auditing for the majority of affairs in .rural Ontario, is not only largely useless but a positive menace. At last county authorities are waking up to the truth of our remarks. This wak­ ing up is long overdue. We make no reflection, we .have made no reflection, upon the integrity of the auditors who have allegedly examined the accounts .of the average municipality or company or lodge or such concern. We have simply pointed out that these municipalities and concerns have employed men for a task for which the employees were not fitted. Men have been assigned tasks in auditing that in heir very nature make repairing a high grade watch or a telephone system the merest child’s play by com­ parison. Little wonder that serious mistakes have been made. It takes a whole lot more than good intentions and ability to> add and subtract and to. do a little reading to make a good job of auditing. ******** S> LAWSON’S XMAS SALES Offers outstanding values for Thrifty Shoppers WE SPECIALIZE IN DIAMOND RINGS PRICED FROM $12.00 UP Birth Stone Rings......................$1.00 and up We have a Nice Assortment of Cut Glass in White and Coronation Colours Dresser Sets. Splendid Vanet .95 TO $100.00 IT’S JUST TOO BAD All this mess over the King is simply too bad. Never since Kings were crowned in England did a monarch ascend the throne amid brighter omens than those that marked the present monarch. By this time every school boy taken place. JB'ut let’s the fault lies lies with, the eyed men and women are the first to conress that there has been for the last quarter of a century a decided lack of moral vigour and ig­ noring of high Christian ideals. When many leaders in the church tell you that there is no1 hell for the wicked and no heaven for the self-denying and the straight-going, anything may ibe looked for. When the pleasure of the hour becomes the standard of conduct for a very large proportion of the people we need be neither surprised nor A||ocked when folk in high places make indulgence their rule Wactice. What is needed more than anything else is a know- dge of and loyalty to the ten commandments and a deep assurance that the Most High will by no means clear the guilty, whether the guilty be king or peasant. iGod still punishes evil and rewards virtue, whether we admit or not. As iregards the constitutional aspects of the deplorable situa­ tion two things are needed. (First, confidence in the king’s min­ isters and level-headedness and patience on the part of the rest of New Diamond Crown Styling . . . makes this new car the most beautiful in Chevrolet history, a speed­ line masterpiece! New Valve-in-Head Engine ,.. more powerful than ever, faster on the “get-away”—with the lowest operating costs ever proved in a full-size car! New All-Steel, All-Silent Bodies... Built by Fisher, with the famous Turret Top of solid steel. Unisteel construction throughout. Plus All These Features . . . Perfected Hydraulic Brakes; improved * Knee-Action gliding ride; Safety glass in every window; Fisher No-Draft Ventila­ tion—and many others. See the new Chevrolet—“The Com­ plete Car, Completely New”*—at our showrooms. Monthly terms to suit your purse on the General Motors Instalment Plan. C-I7C (2-Pass. Business Coupe) Master DeLuxe Models from §819 Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Govern­ ment taxes, license and freight extra. Associate Dealers