HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-10, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1030 Christmas Toronto Markets SLIPPERS—The Gift of Ease ZION The Mrs. Mrs. the die James Street W. A the sav- are way. The strain .of riv- ceased. .Something quick­ sensibilities and our sym- We are magnanimous and It is t-he happiest day of of the most baneful of In this competitive the Lord’s minutes of and roll -was Mrs. Harold and an- Christmas spirit by our attitude towards The lowei* one goes in the civilization, the more evi- the quality of suspicion, •on DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT Peoples Cash Shoe Store 1 HOSIERY $1.19 rs, colours [ (Canadian National Magazine) December! One the bleakest of months, one of the most' depress­ ing, the culmination, of the old and worn, yet it is one golden, glor­ ious day. It is a day of hope and cheer in which the young revel and the old find again the buoyancy of youth, a beam of light sending its rays through all the year, an oasis in a drab desert—'Christmas Day. If we were to- express in fewest words the spirit of Christmas, the most comprehensive, as well as the most compressed, -would be "peace and goodwill,” the latter the cause, the former the result; for there is no peace nor concord, international, social or otherwise without that at­ titude of mind which feels and r.................................. evinces the spirit of benevolence. (Since the great war, so ghastly and so costly in resources and in the in­ finitely more valuable asset—men--— the -heavily-burdened nations are making an effort towards -outlawing this futile means of settling inter­ national disputes and finding some less costly and more efficient arbi­ trament, some way whereby they may be free from the nightmare of armed forces which carries in it pos­ sibilities of a destruction more hor­ rible than even t-he last war, with all its savagery, brought into use. It is a necessary and rational ideal which must one day be attained, if for no- other reason than that of self-interest. How is it to be attained? In seeking a remedy the first and most obvious thing is to diagnose the disease, to get at the cause be­ fore we find the cure. What then are the causes of strife? ■One of the prime causes is con­ flicting material interests. War be­ tween nations, it may confidently be affirmed, are seldom, or ever, gener­ ated by competition for the higher values of life. One country does not go to war with another because that other has 'Outstripped it in the race for scientific knowledge, or has produced more or better art, deeper or better rnoals. No nation in the world would dream of challenging another to moral combat on. these grounds, rivalry; if benevolent -would end Wars have such things do not create they did, it would be a rivalry, which, in itself, the possibility -of war. their origin in the spirit of acquisitiveness, for the things which belong to man as an animal, not to man as an intellectual, moral or aesthetic being. Hogs fight for a bene; nations too fight for a bone only in the nature of territory, trade or commerce; but ever it is for something material, Coupled with Wm. H. PARTED, Proprietor USEFUL GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY DON’T FORGET THE CHILDREN HAND SMOCKED JERSEY DRESSES Sizes 2 to 12 years $1.49 and up JERSEY SUITS FOR BROTHER Sizes 2 to 6 years, $1.49 and up DAINTY HAND KNITTED SETS For the new baby GIFTS FOR THE BABE Both useful and Entertaining 15c. and up Rubbers and Goloshes always make useful and acceptable gifts Very Low Prices On All Lines SEE OUR DISPLAY OF USEFUL HANDMADE NOVELTIES 'FIT- FOR A HOSIERY FOR HE Corticelli 2-thread Chiffon Corticelli Crepe Chiffon ... Corticelli Extra Heavy Service Holeproof Chiffon or Semi Service 69c. A Lovely Gift Box With Each Pair She will be pleaed to receive these f FOR HER FELT KOZYS, Blue and Red Felt, Furtrimmed or Strap Dorsay’s in Velvet and 98c Children’s Slippers this, or arising out of it, is the spirit of suspicion (a spirit deplored by Premier Baldwin in a speech de­ livered recently), and this, too’, is indicative of a primitive condition of life, our place in civilization can be determined with a fair degree of accuracy others, scale of dent is Savage tribes are always alert against attacks by other age tribes. Modern nations watchful, too, but in a subtler But perhaps the greatest menace of all to peace and goodwill is envy "lean-faced in her loathsome cave, ’ the greatest and worse ingredient in this hell-ibroth cauldron, if this were removed wars would cease to the ends of the earth. iSu far we have been considering international relationship and the causes which disturb these, the same is true of our social life. Is not suspicion which "shapes faults that are not” one influences? arena, where the sharpest wits think they win, we hedge ourselves around lest we be taken advantage of—and we lose the finer graces and satis­ faction of life. Added to this is envy of the suc­ cess of another. Let suspicion, envy and jealousy be extruded from the world and nine-tenths of evils that afflict society would of inanition. These are the causes of wars social strife and, therefore, the thithesis of the What is that spirit? We gather around the hearth on 'Christmas day. airy has ens our pathies. normal. the year, because we are animated by a spirit .of goodwill towards all. Reformers are ever hard at work endeavoring to. bring about a hap­ pier state of society. .Suppose they concentrate on the cultivation and dissemination of the Christmas spirit —three hundred an.d sixty-five Christmas days would transform the •world. To- increase the stack of goodwill is fundamental to any so- ;ial betterment and he who does this in the fullest degree is the greatest benefactor of society. HE KEEPS HIS JOB Though TURNED 70 House Painter Who Takes His Kruschen Every Day How many painters can continuer to work 'When they are over 7&? Here is one who can—and he .s$ll does some of the most trying^jpbs in his trade. How does he ‘ He tells us in this letter:— "I have been in the habife' ing a few grains of Krusc|g in- every cup & tea I have/ great numbs® of years, that I am turned 70 y| being born w July am a -housepainter h still at worn I can : ladder, no matter w$ cradles whi® are buildings. I^iave times how as I look onl3 . them all that I' take Kruschen regularly every day.”—J.S.A. Kruschen is a combination of nu­ merous mineral salts which assist m stimulating your liver, kidneys and digestive tract to healthy, reg­ ular activity. They ensure internal cleanliness, and so help to keep the blood-stream free from impurities. Salts for a state s of age, 1864. I trade and rk off any height, or in outside high asked many age so . Well, well, I tell Salts PICTURE WORTH $2 FREE A handsome gravure photograph of H.M. King Edward VIII is waiting for you at your druggist’s—a picture every home will proudly frame. Free with the purchase of a bottle of Kruschen Salts. Supply limited— get yours now. ROM 49c. to 89c. $1.30, $1.95 and $2.50 Bedroom Slippers, All Colours 75c., 98c. and $1.25 hen sending tJMoney away The W. M. S. held their Decem­ ber meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Hern on Thursday, December 3rd, with fifteen members and two visit­ ors present. ^he president had charge of the meeting which opened by repeating the watchv&rd and hymn 304 followed by Prayer in unison. The last meeting were read called. A letter from Hern- thanking the Auxiliary for the box and cards sent her while in the hospital. It was decided to send a Sunshine box to the sick for Xmas. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Clare Towle. Rev. Mr.Penrose then led im prayer. The Devotional Leaf­ let '“Jtesus in the Villages” was read by Mrs. Melville Hern. The closing chapter in the Study Book -was taken by Mrs. J. Johns. Mrs. Jas. Earl in­ vited us to her home for the next meeting. Mrs. Norman Brock then favoured with an instrumental. A poem was given by Mrs. Penrose, "I Wonder What I Would Do.” The election of officers then took place. Meeting closed with benedic­ tion followed by lunck and a social half hour. Election of Officers for President, Mrs. R. E. .Pooley; to i«t reiKAS Of m BANK OF MONTREAL --------- 4------- BANK. MpMEY QROER nog 137408. __________ —UBHIA.ONT---------------------------------------wSAt. < .OF MONTREAL - ------- .l‘-*bOLLAIH »«oii*nr Wil rr*n «wm 1937: ; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Melville Hern; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. J. T. Hern-; Rec. -Sec. Mrs. Wellington Brock; Press Sec., Mrs. Ephriam Hern; Cor. Seo., Mrs. George Brock; Treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Earl; Mission Circle Lead­ ers, Mrs. Warren Brock; Mrs. An­ gus Earl; 'Christian Stewardship Sec., and Assistant. Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Ward Hern; gers’ Secretary, Mrs. W. J. Baby Band Sec., Mrs. J. T. HOG PRICES FIRM ON TORONTO MARKET Cattle Steady in Active Trading Monday’s Live Stock Receipts Cattle ............................ 3,240 Calves ................................ 560 Hogs .................................. 1,430 Sheep and Lambs .......... 2,220 Prices on the cattle division of the Toronto Live Stock Market held at previous levels Monday, with kill­ er cattle setting the pace for active trading . The calf, sheep and lamb divisions were steady, while hog prices closed firm. The cattle hold­ over for the day was 9 0-0 head. One load of choice heavy steers reached a top of $6.25, with other weighty steers ranging from $4.5 0 to $6. Good butcher steers and heif­ ers brought from $i5. to $5.2'5, com­ mon grades selling downward to $3. Butcher cows sold from $3.25 to $3.50 and can-ners and cutters from $1.50 to-$2. Good bulls brought from $3 to $3.25, one load reaching $2.‘50. Bologna bulls sold between $2.50 and $2.75. Choice fed calves rang­ ed from $7.50 to’ $8, while medium varieties sold downward to $5. Stockers brought between $3.25 and $4 a cwt. -On the calf market, choice grades brought from $9 t0’ $10 and down to $5 for common vealers. Heavy Western calves traded between $4 and $5.50. The hog market closed firm at $7,- 75 to $7.85 for -off-truck 'bacons, with car hogs quoted at $7.40 f.o.b. an-d at $8.15 weighed off cars. The lamb market was steady, with good ewes and wethers going gen­ erally at $|8. One load of choice reached $8.2i5 and a few Southdowns were traded at $9. A few show lambs brought $10. Heavies were discounted $1 to $2 a cwt. tSheep sold from $1.50 to $4.50 a cwt. Ch^istjm^s TiJ^e . . for presents — for purchases ; other purpose money orders conveni^it, economical ir drafts for Hsafe. Money orders can always be obtain'^ promptly of Canada’s oldest bank Established 1817 • • or for any of Montreal absolutely er amounts any office SMilton fitran- Brociki; . _ ----, ----Hern; Mite Box Sec., Mrs. -Charles Jaques, Miss Edith Earl; Associate Helpers Sec., Mrs. John Johns; Temperance Sec., Mrs. A. Jaques, Mrs. J. Johns; Missionary Monthly Sec, Mrs. Har­ old Hern; pianist and Assistant, Mrs Geo. Brock, Mrs. Norman Brock; Flower Com., Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs E. Hern; Auditors, Mrs. E. Hern and Mrs. A. Jaques; Heralds, China. Mrs. Clare Towle; Japan, Mrs. Nor­ man Brock; India, Mrs. Warren Brock; Korea, Mrs. Penrose; Africa Mrs. Melville Hern; Trinidad, Milton Brock; Home Missions, J< T. Hern. Exeter Branch: W. HL MOISE, Manager MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ...//?« outcome of 119 years.’ successful operation DEER IS SIGIITEt) CLOSE TO EXETER Following pioneer days, deer were far many years unknown in this dis­ trict. A few years ago they return­ ed and have been observed again this year, in the Hay swamp near Exeter. Observers are careful to ex­ plain that this does not mean- that deer are always in the swamp, for they roam for miles and appear from time to time. This week, a more venturesome buck is reported to have aproached within a mile of the village limits on the bashwood road. The annual meeting of the James Street W. A-. was held last Thursday with Mrs. M. Heywood in charge of the devotional exercises. The re­ ports of the various committees -and groups were given and showed a very successful .year. There are 109 members and nearly a thousand dollars raised. Rev. Mr. page took charge of the election of officers and the following were elected for 19>37: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Page; Pres., Mrs. C. Kestle; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Earl Shapton; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. E. Steiner; 3rd Vice-Pres., Mrs. H- Taylor; Rec. Sec., Mrs. G. Mantle; Assist. Rec. Sec., M-rs. M. Cudmore; Treas.. Mrs. A. Traquair; Assistant Treas., Mrs. F. A. May; Corr. Sec., Mrs. T. Din-ney; Press -Repoitter, Mrs. J. Norry; Assistant, Miss Hart­ noil; Pianist, Mrs. E. Lindenfield; Assiet., Mrs. V. Kestle; Floral Com., Mrs. L. Reynolds, Mrs. W. Shapton, Mrs. W. Coates, Mrs. Ed. Westcott, Mrs. (Dr.) Roulston; Visiting Com., Mrs. ,J. G. Jones, Mrs. H. T. Rowe; Parsonage Com., Mrs. M. Heywood, Mrs. F. Sharpe, Mrs. S. .McFalls, Mrs. J. Rowe; Emergency Com., Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Mrs. O. V. Pickard, Mrs. W. R. Moulding, Mrs. F. Boyle, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. M. Cudmore took charge for a short program. Mrs. W. D. Sanders gave an interesting address describing her experiences -as one of the Vimy pilgrims. Miss Catherine Armstrong rendered a pleasing violin solo. Tea was served and a social half-hour spent.