HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-10, Page 4THURSDAY, DECEMBER JO, lf)30 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THE IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. TANTON CHOICE QUALITY MEATS For the past four yours we have established a reputation for selling oply the best quality meats. is also well-known by our May we also serve you when Butter, Lard, Bacon, Etc. a whether you orde visi umerous customers we are sur )ur courtesy and service ’ill be satisfied y a personal store. OPPOSITE FORD GARAGE on the subject Vokes advocat- milk for three been debt Win Report Solicitor R. C. Hays was to report Bedford at A. H. Erskine PHONE 38 for Christinas TITE-LAP herd in the at all asked ■of Dungan- appealed to tatae emerg- advantage -ROLL or it away—TITE-LAP me this week. In the first place, steel prices are going up. You will have to pay more if yoU wait. But the Government’s Home Improvement Plan now lets you do much-needed roofing and repairing with three years to pay for it! An opportunity you should not miss! What could be more a 11 r active and a c c e ptable than a gift to make her work lighter and more pleasant? Silex Glass Coffee Maker with heat- resisting Pyrex bowls, 6 and 9 cup sizes. Gives the perfect, heart­ warming c o f f ee which experts de­ clare can only be made in glass. Complete with el­ ectric stove $4.75 Electric Iron with the a u t o m a tic heat r e g u 1 ator, can be set at the temperature d e - sired with no dan­ ger of over-heat-^ ing or scorching^ New stream-line^ model $3.25 uW Electric Gifts Buy Hydro Long-Life Lamps Now 20c. Exeter Public Utilities Phone 127 WE COOPERATE TO PRACTICALLY ELIMINATE CARRYING CHARGES Under the Home Improvement Plan there Is a 3J-X% discount on advances by the banks. Eastern Steel Products Limited is helping its customers to almost wipe out this charge. We have adopted a 3% cash-with~order plan., So buy now. Get a new, durable, non-leaking, thoroughly weather-proof roof on these easy, money-saving terms. Save extra money by orddhpg before rising steel prices force roof­ ing prices up. ‘ We urge you with all sincerity to take advant­ age of this remarkable opportunity. Get free cost estimate by simply sending us ridge and rafter measurements. When you get this cost estimate, go to your banker. He will show you how you can get the money for your re-roofing needs Under the Home Improvement Plan. The whole transaction. Can be completed in short order. i’ THATHOOF WOULktiAVE COST ME A LOT MORE IF ID WAITED % \• TheJje two roofings have fqj EasternnSteel Products Limit roofing Wues. RIB-ROLL and.4 leak. Thews,are positively weati permanehr%C{ shingles. Rfifc fully imitated^ your dealer doi he is not ah Easi Huron County Council . From Library Boards requesting n „ I grants and enclosing annual state-The December session Qf Huron ^ents_BxecuUve. nnnn 0UUrC M I HolUlOS, CrOWU At- atteinoon. In his address, Warden' „onn,niY,onr1?nW n T.iwm R. J. Bowman reported that despite considerable increase in uncontroll­ able expenses, the county, had been able to stay within its estimates. Increase in number receiving (the Mother’s Allowances and Old Age Pensions was the cause of the addi­ tional .outlay, He congratulated the chairman of the Property Com- irt^“^*’'calling only one meeting and for low expenditures; and the County Home Committee for the results achieved. .Some necessary impiovements had been made but against this a very considerable re­ turn had been received from estates and .from the Old Age Pensions, leaving the financial situation of the ■County Home a most creditable one. He considered the criticism of the County Road Committee’s purchase of a new snowplow very unfair. Extends Invitation The Warden closed his address by extending an invitation, to the mem­ bers of the Council to be his guests at a banquet at Hotel 6.30 p.m. Thursday. Dr. H. A. S. Vokes, non, invited to speak, the County Council to ency steps to rid Huron County of the cause of undulent fever. He told of a very distressing case in. the hospital, which had been diagnosed as undulent fever resulting in in­ sanity and of the increasing menace’ He said that an accreditted of cattle was accredited only case of tuberculosis and not for Brucella Abortus, and that rigid steps be taken to rid the dairy herds of the county of the disease. Huron County Council could make itself famous in medical history, Dr. Vokes asserted, if it took immediate and stringent steps to eradicate the cause. torney recommending G. E. Little as County Constable.—Referred, to Reeves (Sweitzer and Turner. From Norman SandeYson, Blytli, re the registration of middle white pigs.-—Agricultural Committee. ■County of Bruce enclosing ution re Farmers’ rangement mittee. County petitioning I amend the ing peisons who are not properly I owners .qualifying gislative. County of Perth, spect to Farmers’ rangement Act and purchase and sale coal. County of Elgin respecting the Department of Education and in respect to the tonnage on transport trucks.—Legislative. A letter from Highways :re Filed. County of theft of farm F. W. Andrews, Clinton, re .claim for damages.—Good Roads. Ontario Agricultural Council in respect to potato craps.—Argicul- tural. ■Mrs. Robert Davidson, Secretary, in report to Trustees’ and Ratepay­ ers’ Association of the County of Huron, together with financial statement.—-Education. Council ‘will resume on Wednes- morning. a vote of thanks to both speakers was tendered. Mr. Cumming also answered a query: “Can the equalization be ex­ tended legally,” by saying: “If you are all a happy family there is no reason why you can’t or even fifty years." Council adjourned after the address to mittee work. extend it five immediately take up com- day BOOK ON HOCKEY resol- Creditors’ Ar- Act.—Legislative -Com- of Hasting— resolution the Government, to Municipal Act res-pect- for .office.—Le- resolution in .re­ Creditors’ Ar- in respect to the of Anthracite the Minister of Dr. Dunlop’s tomb.— Lincoln, resolution re products.—(Legislative Wednesday Would Go Slowly McLeod, Agricultural Repre- of Requests Amendment To Farmers’ Caieditous’ Act <. Huron County added its name on Thursday last to the list of municip­ alities requesting amendment to, or repeal, of the Farmers' Creditors’ Arrangement Act, holding that it had frightened investors and depre­ ciated farm values, R. J. Deacliman, M.P., for North Huron, told County Council that if the act, validity of which was now befoie the Privy Council, was held ultra vires, it would immediately be repealed, but that settlements al­ ready made would hold. The act failed to find a support­ er in Mr. Deacliman or in any of the 29 reeves, nearly all from rural municipalities, assembled. The resolution adopted asking peal of the legislation, referred to it as having “a most unfortunate ef­ fect on the Warden R. “everybody fair.” re- farmers of Otnario” and' J. Bowman remarked thinks it is a poor af- A Great Book “How to Be­ come a Hockey Star’’ by T. P. “Tommy” Gorman, manager and coach of the Montreal “Maroons”, profusely illus­ trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game, also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES ot GREAT PLAYER^,* {mounted for framjti'g) Group Montreal “M om'I . Group “Les Ca r individual us Mark Established 1873 and 1887 at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday Baorainl SUBSCRIPTION—-?2.0i0 per year in advance RATES—Farm or sale 50c, each four insertions. ’ quent insertion. ____ ____,tides. To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six worda. Reading notices " Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c, Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association lleal Estate for insertion for first 25c, each subse- Miscellaneous ar- 10c, per line. 50c, Legal ad- 8c. per line. In one verse 50o. each. County instructed in the morning. Dr. ed boiling all .raw minutes. County Treasurer gave aJ^jrgthy report of the coun- r”s^^ancial condition. s^^motion was passed asking the Government to remove the $2 gun license. This was in .relation to the shooting of jack rabbits. Another motion was endorsed complimenting the Warden, Clerk and Treasurer on the satisfactory condition of the county’s finances. A debenture indebtedness ihad -reduced by $42,000 leaving a of $46,000. Communications The following communications were received: From the .Mother’s Allowance Commission requesting names of Municipal nominees for appointment to the 1937 board.—Tabled. From the Inspector of Legal Of­ fices expressing appreciation of the condition of the Registry Office.— Filed. From (Sheriff Robert Johnston enclosing the report of the Grand Ian sentative, advised the members Huron. County Council to “go slow­ ly” in. answer to the enquiry on the proposal before them to sponsor a test of all dairy cows in the county, to eradicate buicella abortus, the cause of undulent fever in human beings, said by medical men to. exist in this district.. Mr. MacLeod, tho' in sympathy with the movement, ex­ pressed the opinion that such a test ■would mean the destruction of many beasts for which no provision had been made for compensation to the owners. “If Canada would spend one-fifth what it is spending on the house re­ pair plan, the money would soon rid the country of diseased cattle.” de­ clared Reeve Eckert. Mr. McLeod doubted the possibil­ ity of the disease being entirely era­ dicated because new cases are con­ stantly being developed. Township boards of health and councils have been approached with a request to conduct tests of dairy herds, but so far nothing has been done. Deputy Minister Addresses Council H. |L. Cummings, deputy minister of municipal affairs, .addressed council for nearly three hours at the afternoon session. In an infor­ mal and highly informative manner he discussed municipal government ■financing and auditing. “For approximately ninety years we have had a general system of .government when each municipality ' iL ----l system. One Weak­ ness ’wEts^t.hat ^mistakes W&re made because there w'trs Ui.eW»Lere to go for advice. The whole function of the department of municipal affairs in this province is to be of service and assist in making improve­ ments. Our first and last move is the municipalities themselves. He stres­ sed the importance of contact of the department with the muni­ cipalities and the .necessity for the former to have all the facts before decisions can be made. ■LW its own Thursday After a lively discussion, Huron County Council defeated a resolution asking that the Old Age ] Commission make monthly tion'S from pensioners’ cheques establjsh a burial fund. Reeve McNall of Blytli, who troduced the discussion, under quiries, cited a ease where an inmate of the County Home had become an Old Age pensioner and his relatives suddenly displayed an affection for him and had him removed from the institution to their home. “When he was not an asset to the county, no one wanted him, but when he be­ came one, his relatives showed a sudden desire to- have him and the .head of the municipality was not consulted. Is this allowable?” Warden Bowman explained before an inmate is released the' Home, those seeking him post a bond if $200 which is found worthless. Reeve McNall where a husband receiving an old daughter and child, the mothers’ al­ lowance in one home and a son was employed. Reeve Sweitzer explained it is the duty of every reeve to report where pensioners are receiving too- much money. Burial expenses came .un­ der discussion and several reeves expressed the opinion that residents who had been taxpayers of the coun­ ty for years and because of adverse circumstances at the time of the deaths there were funds for burial, it responsibility of the motion was lost on Reeve McNall ^informed council he had been fined $5.50 nig a rear light on his forwarded the money but the charges in the it ' uowed 50. “Constables making a commercial enterprise charges.” He thought badges should be issued, with the approval county council. o/.* aul Haynea Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortera “Ace” Bailey Art Lesieur Frank Boucher Marty Burke Alex Levinsky of the above • label from a tin of “ BRAND” or “LILY WHITE” Corn Syrup.—Write on the back your name and address — plainly — and the words “Hockey Book” or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail the label to the address below. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN 5YRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD A product of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY limited TORONTO T5 Professional Cards nny G GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOL1631TOR^&g« Money to Loan, Inveltmeni^.'M'ade Insurance'll^ Safe-deposit Vaults fo'r use of olp Clients without charge EXETER and HENS ALL CARLING & MORLErf I &OBARRISTERS, SOLICITOR LOANS, INVESTMENT INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Mfcun Stree®, EXETER. ONT. Pensions ’ deduc- and in- en- that from must often casealso cited a. and wife were each age pension and a of not sufficient should be the county and the majority vote. for not hav- car. He had to. Goderich criminal aud- are ..of RIB-ROLL METAL ROOFING ■ - - res developed exclusively by . They are Canada’s greatest 'TE-LAP do not warp, bulge or m .—^r-pro of, durable, good-looking, Jan be laid quickmover sheeting or right over old TOLL and TITEKAP are widely but unsuccess- io be sure you wo not get an inferior brand. If S^iot handle RK-ROLL and TITE-LAP roofing Steel Prdwucts dealer. GUELPH STREET, PRESTON, ONT./ 7711 l&U FACTORIES ALSO AT MONfftt-AL and TORONTO PIONEERS OF COMPANY-BUILT BARNS AND MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARN, SOtK MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT OF ALL KINDS, I j picture is disgruntled bad, then To .get a Auditing Not Satisfactory “Municipal auditing is as a rule, rotten.” the speaker declared. “There are not 50 per cent, of them that are real audits in that they fail to show a picture in words and figures of the money being ac­ counted for. Of the 950 municipali­ ties in the province only 100 have a proper audit An audit is for the ratepayers,4 not for, but of the council. In other words an audit is the watchdog of the county. The accounting system must be effi­ cient and an accurate necessary to satisfy the taxpayer. If auditing is we’ve got to improve it. good audit it is not necessary to employ the highest paid man. It is a question of getting a man who understands accounting.” Mr. Cum­ ming urged the council to think twice when appointing auditors and see that they are fully qualified. “If buy doubt is in the minds of the people give them an audit.” Mr. Cumming gave some timely advice on the collection Of taxes. Reeve Cardiff asked if it would be good business to employ a county auditor who had offered to audit various municipalities’ books at a special price. Mr. Cumming answ­ ered that it would because he would have an expert knowledge and would dovetail it with his county audit. Mr. Moore, also of the same de­ partment spoke briefly. On motion of Reeves Matheson and Archibald Suggest Re-organization Reeve Sweitzer said Provincial Constable McCoy had given him a list of acting constables. There has been a list of 75 officers in the coun­ ty constabulary. Some are dead and others inactive, ed getting back all re-listing conetables badges,'.on approval Reeve Scott read showing that the $|6.5'0 in the Mc- Nall charges were paid under au­ thority of Magistrate Makins, cover­ ing witnesses’ and constables’ fees. Council endorsed a resolution of the Warden’s Comittee requesting the provincial government to give careful consideration' to the jack­ rabbit menace which .has assumed such alarming proportions within the limits of Huron County. After some debate the clause respecting the withdrawal of $2 .gun license was deleted. A by-law amending all by-laws in respect to the ment of county officials so will read that the official office re the pleasure of the council was endorsed. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S^DJ^ DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons a; Mr. McCoy, advis- equipment and and reissuing of council, correspondence previous appoint- that each will hold Refuse Grunt of $25 -Council refused grant of $25 to the East Huron Women’s Institute recommended by the executive com­ mittee, and endorsed the recommen­ dation of the committee that all grants be paid to libraries that have sent in the ^.ecessary financial state­ ment. Lucknow Library Board’s "* quest -for a grant was refused cause of no financial statement ing submitted. Motions Eckert-Geiger—That we authorize our clerk to purchase a cabinet and register for use, of stationery as we think this ’system would save- the county money in the future, and that the departments be notified- in (Continued ph Next Page) re- be- be- ONTAtt I Ch■ ATWOOD, If you have not choice homegrown grains, ask for ROE COMPLETE 19ft EGG MASH . the finest feed that money can buy. llcpresented Locally by L. Schilbe, Zurich on the ROS/Complete Concentrate Plan Here's a proven me with his own home, of ROE 32% or 40% about one pound pounds of home-gr on which level of. youFchoice. Use 6 We give you formu get wsults. You and .ypu'll have th can 15&y • • fully Vi roven for Re 32% a id for every fanner n grain. Get a bag oncentrate, and mix Severy three or four n grain, depending otein concentrate is sound, heavy grain, in each bag that do your part in mixing, nest feed money can ized for Health and 40% Complete TRATES fully vitamized for ur home-grown grain. This plan has made a hit with farmers everywhere. It saves oh freight and hand­ ling charges, lowers feeding costs, main­ tains health and vigour in the birds, and when it comes to egg-laying, you will be more than satisfied with the increased pro­ duction of large eggs of better texture and flavour - - a money-making plan for the business-like farmer. Try a sack • • you'll bo back. JL A. Traquair, Exeter Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.g.S.,D.Dgr DENTAL SURGEON Successor to the late D> Atki -A Office opposite the pfpt .effice, Main Street, ExW Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons JOHN WARD & ih CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY^ ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA# VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST. EXETEB ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY^ PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANT^jfD Phone 57-13 Dtishwd^’’ R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER • For Huron and Middlesex , FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction* Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. W. H. COATES President SAMUEL NORRIS Vice-President DIRECTORS JOHN McGARTH, J. T. ANGUS SINCLAIR, / HACKNEY £ AGENTS- * JOHN ESSERY, Centraliaf Agent. ” ----- ’ -"Ipti J » Age* ■a Jr ALLISON®N for Usborne and Bid< ALVIN L. HARRIS, Mun- for Fullarton and Lo®a THOMAS SCOTT, Cromarty for Hibbert W. B. W. F. BEAVER? Secretary-Treasurer Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & ST ANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Cedar Chest ;en< AND NEW EURNIT Also furniture rejfbdelledJFo order. We take orders t blnet work for kiBhe ds of ca- a-t the DASHWOOD PLANING MILL Edge Grain Shingles tot at the lowest prices money. Take a Now. A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANTON PHONE 12 Doubled His Bid Jerry: “Did you hear about Mr, Ray the bridge exjwt being the father of twins?” Karl: “Yes, looks doubled his bid.” like his wife