HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-10, Page 2THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1930 ROWE We are Specializing in Christmas Cake at the no litera- of bit- of icri- as has group of 115 were observed in a field not far from one of the county roads then- ces will or des- The ap- MANY PHEASANTS NEAR DENI'IELD FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON the storm is. the strong and we read the back upon con- In the broad can, however, the message ol safe or wise for any as was contained in message intended to and endurance into people going through beyond our ability to un­ or been slain,” is elsewhere tihe book, as these as Wild game of all kinds continues plentijj^in this district and some will soon have as many pheas- ^ants as -poultry .on them. Recently a Of all the useful things you can present your family, there nothing more enjoyable than furniture. Make your house a home that you and your family will be really proud of . . . one where your sons and daughters will love to entertain. We carry everything to be had in an up-to-date furniture store at very lowest prices. We invite you to call whether you pur­ chase or not. Tables A splendid collection of Occasional Tables. All handsome new pieces in walnut, magogany and maple from ......................................... $1.25 up Chairs that are roomy and comfortable Bedroomeuits CHRISTMAS CXMLOlt SCHEMES SUNDAY, DECE^IBER 13th “John’s Vision on Patmos” Rev. 1:4-18 Golden Text—Rev. 1:17, 18 Topic for Young people and Adults “The Living of Christ Among t-he Churches’’ In the time of our disposal there will scarcely be opportunity for us to get any very complete or compre­ hensive understanding of the book from which our lesson text is taken or decide very exactly what is it that the writer is talking about. The book is liighly-imaginative poetry, and precise meanings are not easy to discover in that type of tore. It grew out of a time er persecution, when a sense sis was .on the Church such not often come upon it throughout all its history. For that .reason it such this put the a homes. Color are the first essentials Holly and mistletoe, are pre-eminent in and for of the our LaillpS Bridge Lamps, Table Lamps and Floor Lamps that are attractive and useful in the home. They make a lovely gift. Priced from ...................................................$2.00 up /We carry an attractive line of mattr^tf^s that invite sleep. If you are thinking of a Ch field Suite it will interest you to see our stock and com Just about the Nicest sets we have ever dismayed in beauti­ ful glowing,^aud-glazed fini They are tl room sui tic in s surprise/tyou. absolute! KITCHEN CABINETS, SMOKER CABINETS, MAGAZINE AND END TABLES SEWING CABINETS AND PLATE GLASS MIRRORS A piece of furniture is a gift to every member of the family. Delicious with the^finest of Fruits^^mNuts Sold by the Found or macLeA'o order TRY OUR BRE AND PASTRY STAFFA A large number of friends neighbors attended the reception en in the hall for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barbour .Archie Hogarth . read the address and presented them with two chesterfield chairs. Mr. Barbour thanked the donors very kindly and then all joined im singing “For They Are Jolly Good Fellows.” Frank Hamilton and Nelson Howe supplied the music for the dancing. Miss Jean Smale is visiting friends in Stratford; Mrs. C. Treffrey, Lon­ don, with Mr. and Mrs. F. O’Brien; Mrs. Wm. Worden and' daughter, Ethel, and Reg. Mantle, of Stratford with .Mr, and Mrs. J, M. Worden; Mr. and Mrs. Haliday, Toronto, with their daughter M.rs, H. Leslie. and .giv- TWO CONVICTED BROKERS TAKEN TO PENITENTIARY Sheriff’s officers last week remov­ ed Gordon MacLaren, 40, and Robt. Fletcher, 48, Toronto brokers, to Portsmouth penitentiary to start their five year term for the theft of J $94,3 00 from the clients of J. J. Huggard, Seaforth lawyer, who is at present serving a three-year sentence for the same crime. MacLaren and Fletcher also were convicted of for- and uttering at the November ftrssize court, and their 30-day limit for appeal had all but lapsed when they signed waivers, permitting transfer from the county jail. DIES IN BIDDULPH James Lamphier, one of the oldest residents of Biddulph Township died December 2nd im his 84th year. Born in Biddulph, he lived all his life in this township. He is survived b his wife, two daughters, Mrs. An­ thony Bennett and Mrs. JaS. Blake both of Biddulph, and two brothers, Anthony Lamphier, of Biddulph and John Lamphier, of Omaha, Neb. The funeral was held Friday morning from his late residence, concession 8, to St. Patrick’s Church, where re­ quiem high mass was .celebrated, Teacher—“New Tommy, if 3 eggs here and 5 here. How eggs will I have?” Tommy—“Gosh, teacher, I believe you can dO' it!” Well, we have had two seasons 1st of July and Winter. I lay maty don’t was not message book, a courage souls of testing derstand, to speak out in plain terms its meaning. The effort was to convey the message through terms more or less veiled and ob­ scure except to the initiated. To them the meaning would be some­ what transmittable, but the key to their, understanding has been lost at many points, and as book we have to fall jectu.re very often., aspect of things we see that the heart of the hook is, that to His faithful and enduring people help and deliver­ ance is sure to come. God is the helm and the great ship of Church is not to' be wrecked, matter how fierce The reason, for abiding faith that this writer has that the Church will outlast all tihe bitter storms of persecution and hatred that are being and that will be hurled against it is, that it is no man-made institution, 'but that in. it, the source and centre of its very life, is the 'Christ, tihe “one like un­ to the tSon of Man”, as our lesson­ text describes Him, or “the Lion .of the Tribe of Judah,” or “a Lamb; as though it had “the Lamb,” as He cribed throughout use of such titles plied to 'Christ help us to see how allegorical and picturesque the book is throughout in language and thought and structure. But though the writer uses such figurative, and, to our seeming today, .rather fanci­ ful, language, there is an intensity of feeling and .purpose in his book that is very striking and it is very evident that it did bring a message of courage and triumph and victory to the harassed group of Christians to whom it was addressed. A good many times through its history the Church has, had need of just that kind of message that this book brought to the first-century Chris­ tians and the message, when it has come, has been backed up with the same kind of assurance that, with the Christ in her midst, the Church was destined to triumph no matter how many her foes might be or how strong their power or evil their pur­ pose. But John’s book reminded these early Christians, as it reminds us, that tihe victory and restoration and triumph of the Church in her day ■of trial depends upon her faithful ness. Over and over again the ap­ peal is for steadfastness, fidelity to principle, a faith that cept defeat no matter the forces may be that against it. John had about the living Christ staying with the Church and defending it against its enemies and bringing it off tri­ umphant in the end, but occasion­ ally he expresses his misgivings' lest the church should prove yield upon only First it isn’t the wealth or power or in­ fluence or wide-spread authority ot the Church that counts, but only the vitality of the life that flows thro’ its veins, the life derived Christ Himself, it . Would sometimes that the Church more of the Christ who died than it did of the Christ who ought live in it, the source and secret all its purpose and achieving. Home Daily Bible Readings December December DecemJber December December December December It is never toa early to begin de­ vising plans for the Yuletide decor­ ations of our ccmfort success, course, scheme. ■One thing should be kept in minds. Place these evergreens so that they will be well cut of the way of naked lights. Such procedure mitigates any dangers of fire. Hollyred is a fine provoker of ex­ citement, Mistletoegreen is restful and adds to our stores of energy. Make sure of buying both holly and mistletoe during the early days ot December. Never leave the buying later as they certainly lose fresh­ ness. Tinsel-twine adds a distinctive charm if it is lightly hung around ■holly. Lamps are also su:ted to similar treatment, which results in the pro­ duction of a lovely seasonable glit­ ter. Speaking of gutter, frosted mes-1 sages on minors are extraordinarily with with LIVE AND DRESSED LT R YPO DressedJJiicks, Geese and Turkeys ^Highest Prices Paid ’“Wife Write or Pho TADIAN CO Exeter Phone 216 to of will not ac- how strong are arrayed no- doubt unworthy to cowardice and turn its back the Lord. |A living Christ can abide with a living Church, century or any other century, from seem made for it 7— Rev. 1:9-18 8— Acts 1:6-11 9— Acts 7:54-60 10— Phil. 2:15-11 11— Rev. 22:l-l5 12— Rev. 211:1-5 13— 1 Cor. 15:3 5-44 SEVERAL SANTAS There are several Santas, includ­ ing Kris Krinigle and St. Nick: or Nicholas. The original St, Nick was a bishop who is said to have lived to take jiart in the 'historic Council >of Nice. 'This is disputed by histor­ ians, but he certainly lived prior to the reign of Justinian, in whose time Several churches in> Constantinople were dedicated to St. Nicholas.— Capper’s Weekly, No Reds now turn to toe the pro- to seek the support of County Council for the effective. Whitening mixed salts provides a reliable paint which to work the oracle. Candles are more decorative lamps, although they cannot be said to produce the same excellence of il­ lumination, But both lamps and candles have their different tasks to perform. taker door: “me So who- asked the woman “How many ini your “Five,” snapped the I >> I’m a Conservative, the a Liberal, the .kid’s wet, dry and the cat’s a pop- than New 1937 Ford V-8s Announced Hydraulic Lift PHONE 64 III SEE THE NEW FORD V8 FOR 1937 AT OUR GARAGE NOW SANDY ELLIOT es in attrac PETITION FOR HIGHWAY A deputation, from the County ot Waterloo, headed by Warden Peter Wagner, waited on Perth Count) Council on Wednesday last, asking Perth County to join in an appeal to the Provincial Government to create a provincial highway across the northern parts of Waterloo, Perth and Huron counties to Lake Huron. The plea won unanimous indorsa­ tion and a committee composed of Warden William Donaldson, Reeve Joseph Nagle, chairman of the coun­ ty road committee and J. M. Empey, county roads engineer, was appoint­ ed to place Perth’s resolution before the minister of highways. On Friday morning a deputation from the Perth Council went to Go­ derich Huron ject. census at the family? answer, the old man, kid, cow and cat.” “And the politics >o'f your family? “(Mixed. old man’s the cow’s ■ulist.” ■ ■ ■ 4 FOR HIM HIRTS, NECK-WEAR, GLOVES , PYJAMAS, SWEATERS, BRACES^ Our shelves are den with practical useful gifts thgj guarantee^>to' please the MOST parti Christmas Broadcloth Scarfs and ' TIES., MUFFLERS DRESSING GOW Silk, Silk and Woj^Sr Lisle Socks, jamas and Shirts,,J#Kor Wool Mufflers or ^designs put up in Fancy Boxes , ^Popular Prices TAMAN WINTERIZE/YOUR G NOW! Gasoline MileageJTester^ For your convenience we hundreds of dollars worth of ment including: Coil Tester, ter( and Carbureator Tester. We can tell you exactly how many miles per gallon you are now getting and have found in most cases we are able to step the mileage up from 3 to 10 miles per gallon. We charge you nothing for the test. The only charge is for the time and material re­ quired for the repairs, if repairs are neces­ sary. Mllllllllillllllll For greasing and general inspection. Many small chassis defects are found in this way that would otherwise cause serious" trouble and possible passenger injury. Special prices on Heaters, Defrosters, Win­ ter Grease and Alcohol