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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-12-03, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1930 HENSALL / Miss ©wily Hoskins is confined to her hojne through illness. .Dr. a‘nd Mrs. Campbell spent a few days la^st week in Toronto. MisstJoyce Scruton, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home in Hensail, Mrs. Massey, ,o£ Clinton, is visit ing here with her sister Mrs. Ernest Shaddick, Miss Jennie Murray is spending a few days this week visiting friends at Seaforth. Mr. Wm. Chapmaar still continues very poorly at his home on the 3rd con. of Hay. Mrs. Wm. Davidson .has been quite ill recently at her home on South Richmond St. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Traviss and little soon spent the week-end with relatives at Shelburne. Miss Mildred Follick had her ton sils remove^ on Wednesday last by sEFf. O’Dwyer, of Zurich. Reeve Geiger is attending the De cember* meeting of the County Coun cil at Goderich this week. Quite a number of car loads of sugar beets have been shipped from the Hensall station recently. Public School Inspector E. 0, Beacom, of Goderich made an inspec tion of the Hensall public school on Monday. The Arnold Circle of the Presby terian church are holding a bazaar in the basement of the church on December 5t'h. Mrs. Walter Fairbairn of the town line has been very poorly for several weeks and her many friends hope she will soon recover. 'Mr. William Cochrane and Mrs. Gerald Farquhar, of Chicago, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farquhar and other relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dayman who have spent several weeks visiting relatives and friends in this dis trict have returned to theii* home in Pontiac, Mich. The big snow storm of Saturday and Sunday filled in the roads and sideroads badly. Our new snow plow has been out several times and iWOEks splendidly. (Mbs. Maud Hedden assisted the choir of Chiselihurst United church at their service on Sunday afternoon Mrs. Hedden also sang as a solo “The Stranger of Galilee.” The Sunday School of the United church are holding their annual 'Christmas Tree T^ondav p.vpnir.^ entertainment on * 21st. A ded. ■as tak- Fospital home _o uiiyrovement. The auction sale of the house hold effects of the late Mrs. Agnes Ross was held here on Saturday af ternoon. 'Considering the stormy afternoon the sale .w’as well attend ed everything sold well, some of the effects going very high. At the close of the evening service in Carmel Presbyterian church a fel lowship meeting was held at the manse. A duett .“What a Wonder ful Love” was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Hutton and Miss Irene Hog garth and an interesting talik was given by Mr. Cooper Forest. The Mission Band of Carmel Pres byterian church held their regular meeting in the school room of the church on Sunday afternoon, the president James Campbell presided. The Scripture lesson was read by Carl Daters and Mrs. Young gave a very interesting talk to the yio-ung people. At Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young preached at both services. At the evening service Mrs. W. A. Mc Laren and Miss Mabel Workman took the solo parts in the anthem. Owing to the illness of the organist Mrs, Max Dougall, Mrs. Young pre sided at the organ. Mr. McDonald, of Norwich, who spent several weeks here recently assisting at the C. N. R. station spent the week-end here with friends Three of our meal hunters H. 0. Dayman, Leslie Gibson and Fred Brock have returned from their hunting trip to New1 Ontario each securing a fine deer, Mr. Joseph Hudson, who has been in Westminster Hospital, London, since last spring for treatment is now able to be up in a .wheel cair and if nothing serious further devel ops expects to be able to spend the 'Christmas season at his home with his family. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Higgins quiet ly celebrated their 3'5'th wedding an niversary at their home on Friday last. A number of members of the family living at a distance were home for the day. Mr, and Mrs. Higgins were married here on No vember 27t'h, 1901 by Rev George Jewell. They lived for several years on the Higgins homestead farm in Usborne Twp. In 1905 they moved to Hensall and have resided here since. The Young People’s .Society of the United Church held their regular meeting in the school room of the church on Monday evening and took the form of a missionary meeting. The guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. Norman Johnson, a mis sionary ’ from Bolovia. Miss Greta Lammie presided. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer led by Mr. Follick. Miss Vera Decker read the Scripture lesson and Miss Mildred Scruton read the Devotional leaflet. Mrs. Maud Hedden sang a beautiful solo “The Stranger of Gallilee.” The guest speaker Mys. Johnston gave a very interesting address on missions. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benedic tion. Death of Mrs. David Foss The death occurred on Tuesday, November 24'th, at the home of her’ daughter, Mrs. E. T. Steiwart, 15 (Alhambra Ave., Toronto, of Mary Carlisle, wife o'f David W. Foss and a former well known Hensall resi dent. Mrs. Foss has been in poor health for several years and a couple of years ago Mr. and Mrs. Foss rent ed their home here and went to To ronto' to live, with their daughter Mrs. .Stewart. Mrs. Foss was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Carlisle and was born in eastern Ontario 76 years ago. The Carlisle family moved to this dis trict when Mrs. Foss was a young girl and up to the time they moved to Toronto she resided here. In 18I8>9 she married David Foss and for a number of years Mt. Foss con ducted a bakery here and later a market garden. Mrs. Foss was a valued member of the Hensall Unit ed church and Jfighly respected by all who knew her. Besides her hus band she is survived by one daugh ter, Flossie, Mrs. Stewart. The funeral took place on Friday after noon from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, interment taking place in Parklawn cemetery, Toronto. Nomination Meeting A nomination meeting was held on Friday evening in the Town Hall to nominate candidates for the of fices of Reeve, 4 councillors, three school trustees and one public Utili ties Commisison. The village clerk, James A. Patterson was Returning Officer. At 8 o’clock the following were nominated: For Reeve—'Ernest Shaddick by W. J. Jones and G. C. Petty; Owen Geiger by Thos. Kyle and W. H. Love; William Jones by G. C. Petty and W. Shepherd. For Council—'Orville Twitch ell by N. Blatchford and Jas. Sangster; George Brock by W. H. Love and CHRISTMAS — at — Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store Exeter and Hensall Watch for th^/Great Surprise MENTS OF assort ARRIVING E Nuts, Cannes, Oraj Fruits. Large bcolates in Fancy REMEMBER YOU SAVE ON EVERY ARTICLE AT Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store EXETER PHONE S8 HENSALL PHONE 64 WE DELIVER i Thos. Kyle; E. Shaddicfci by James Sangster and N. Blatchford; W. Shepherd by James Sangster and C. Campbell; W. J. Jones by G. C. Pet ty and Jas. Priest; A. Hamilton by A. L. Case and W- E. Foster. School Trustees-—Alf. Clark by E, Shaddick and W. J. Jones; W. 0. Goodwin by G. E. Brock and Fred Manns; John Shepherd by 0. Geiger and Geo. Brock. Public Utilities—Thos. Welsh by Owen Geiger and Wm. Shepherd. As there were just three nomin ated for 'School Trustees and one for the Public Utilities the Returning Officer declared Alfred Clark, Wil fred 0. Goodwin and John Shepherd elected school trustees for 1937 and Thos. Welsh elected to- the Public Utilities Commission. A public meeting was held after t'he nomination- with James Pater son presiding. The candidates were called to the platform and the first called on ,w!as Mr. A. ,L. Case, secre tary of the School Board. Mr. Case reviewed the school work for the year, the grants made by the Legislature and County and said the board would have a nice surplus at the end of the year. He gave the cost of installing the new boiler at the school and that it would save its cost in fuel in a few years. Trustee Goodwin also made a short address on the work of the school and particularly stressed that in the case of contagious diseases in the family to> 'keep those affected away from other children so it will not effect the school attendance more ' than necessary. As .the school grants are effected by the school attend ance it was advisable to have the children at school as much as pos sible. Reeve Geiger was then called on and gave a review of the work done by the council during the year. He expressed his sorrow at the death of Councillor Wm. Sangster during the year. He gave a report on county finances and gave the reason for some of the increased expenditure incurred by the county. Councillors Jones, Hamilton and Brock and Shaddick gave short ad dresses. During the address of Reeve Geig er he spoke on Hydro matters and read a number of letters from the Auditors of the Ontario Hydro' Com mission .referring to- the complaints of Mr. Filshie on local hydro affairs Filshie complains that the financial reports of the Ontario' Hydro. Com mission and the local Commission do not agree and has been trying for several months to get a satisfactory explanation. The auditor of the On tario Hydro Commission states that their report is for their own use and purely for statistical purposes and that the audit .of our own municipal auditors on the receipts and expen ditures of our own local commission is the proper one for the use of t'he Hensall ratepayers. We have gone carefully over the local hydro ac counts and with the exception of the amount due on one hydro debenture we believe the accounts are correct and our hydro affairs are in a flou rishing condition. We believe that some of the receipts and expendi tures of both the County and the village should be more satisfactorily explained by1 our own local auditors as to the mode of payment of these accounts especially between the Co. Treasurer and County Engineer and our local Treasurer. Ilf this was done our people would understand these payments better and would do away with most of the dissatisfac tion. We have a very low tax rate this year 28 mills, every department of our municipal Government well man aged and in a very prosperous con dition and we 'have a good list of town officials. Our debenture debt is being rapidly paid off. There is plenty of money on hand to pay the remaining hydro debentures. The Fire Engine Debentures were paid off in 1936 and the balance of the Fire Equipment will be paid in 1937. The other debentures are The Black Creek Drain due in 1939; balance of Town Hall Debentures due in 1939 and the last payment on the school debenture is due. in 19 41. and these amounts are comparatively small. On Saturday evening at 9 o’clock the following had qualified: iFor ReeVe.—'Owen Geiger and Ernest Shaddick. For Council—William J. Jones, A. Hamilton, George Brock, William Shepherd anid Orville Twitchell. All of these gentlemen have had municipal experience except Mr. Twitchell who is one of ou.r younger business men. The big fight will be for the Reeve ship. Mr. Geiger has had a long municipal career was reeve a number of times before the Great War, and was County Warden, we believe, in 1911. He was also reeve in 1923, 24, 2'5, 26, 27, 31, 32 and 36. Mr. Shaddick is one of our young er men cominig to tllie front in muni cipal life. He was village auditor for several years, entered the coun cil for the first time in 1936 and was a very able councilman. At the time of the war he enlisted in t'he 161st Battalion and Served in France and on his return went iiito busi ness for himself as a painter and deorator which he is still engaged in.. An election will he held here on Monday, December 7th to fill the of fices of reeve and councillors, Foil No. 1 will be held in the Council Chamber with Gordon Parkier as D.R.O. and Scott Welsh P.O. Poll No. 2, in the waiting room of the hall with Nelson Blatchford D.R.O. and Robert Higgins P.O. Address and Presentation Members cf the United Farmer's Women’s Club of the Brucefield district and a number of neighbors and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dow, of the London Road, who recently moved to> Hen sall from their farm, to spend an evening with them, The members of the U.F.W.O. first held their regu lar meeting. After the meeting was over they were joined by the men ■present and a program of music and ■readings was given and a social hour spent. At the close of the program Mr. and Mrs. Dow were presented with a beautiful living room table and an electric toaster. The follow ing address was read by Mr. Wm. Douglas: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dow, We, the members of the U.F.W.O. with some of your neighbors and friends feel that we could not let you leave our community without some way showing how much we have valued your acquaintance in the club. You have been faithful members, always taking part, when able and opening your home to *us, whenever the opportunity came. As neighbors you will be missed by your pleasant ways and always hav ing a smile for everybody. As a remembrance from the Bruce field club and your neighbors we ask you to accept this gift. We hope you will like your new home in Hen sall and that God will spare you f.or many years to come and when thro’ with this world, will hear the Mas ter’s voice saying, “Good and faith ful servants, enter thou into the joy ■O'f the Lord.’’ Signed on behalf of the Bruce field U.F.W.O. and old neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Dow both replied, thanking the people present for the beautiful gifts and for their kind ness to them during their residence in the Brucefield district. Mr. and Mirs. Dow are now at home to their friends on their beautiful home on Queen street, Hensall. CREDITON ■Crediton public school concert will be held Friday evexx^t,-, ‘December 18th. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend t)he special service to be held in the United 'Church on Sunday evening, December 6th. A pageant entitled ‘"Ilhe. S,even. Lamps” will be ©resented by members .of the W. A. under the direction of Rev. Mr. Johnson. The Missionary Committee of the Evangelical Sunday School under the convenorship of Alvin. Fin-kbein- er presented a .program during the Sunday morning session. Gerald Finkbeiner wave a missionary read ing; Emery Fahner and Murray Morton rendered an excellent coronet duet. Reeve William Sweitzer and De- puty-fReeve Chester Mawhinney are attending County Council at Goder ich this week. The Women’s Institute are hold ing their annual Christmas party at the Institute hall on Monday even ing December 7th. The delegates who recently attended the conven tion at London will give their re ports. We regret to learn that Mrs. Wm. Oestricher is quite ill following a serious operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London. We wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Lila Haist has returned home after spending two weeks at Lon don. CENTRALIA Mr. Henry, of Ottawa, visited for a couple oif days last week with .his son Mr S. Henry. Mr. Chas. Hoffman, of 'Crediton, and Miss Hazel Smith, of Exeter, ably assisted with the program which followed the chicken supper and bazaar theld in the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday of last week under the auspices of the W. M. S. Mr. fi. Henry was in Toronto for a couple of days last week attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Fred Warner was a week-end guest of M.r. and Mrs. Chris. Haist at Crediton. Mr/and Mrs. Fred Penwarden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Row- ■cliffe of Usborne on Friday evening last. WHALEN Mu*. Harvey French and Miss Elva (Morley are holidaying in Detroit with the latter’® brother, Mr. How ard Morley. ’Mrs. George Mardlen, London Twp., is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchelsea, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. Friends will be sorry to learn of Mrs. Milne Pullen’s recent misfor tune from a fall which resulted in a cracked bone at the elbow. At the present time she is in Exeter at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Earl. Mr. Russell Parkinson returned home on Friday having sfient the past, two weeks in Windsor and De troit. Master Poverty Foster and Graf ton squire are in London for two weeks under the doctor’s care. 4 iiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiuiiiHiiniiiiiniiiiuiiiinniHiiirniiHiitfnHuimiiuiiniiiaiiniiiuiiiiHiiiiiiimiHiii THE RED and WHITE STORE IL± i Christmas will soon be here. Let us supply you with new fruits, peels and nuts for your Christmas Cake and Pudding Fancy Blended .Sultanas Seedless Raisins ............. Raisins with Seeds in ... Extra Fancy Currants... Sair Dates.. Pitted Dates GOOD QUALITY SPJFAPPLES Choice Quality Minq^neat . Large Seedless Gra^efrj^ Fresh Oysters Cut Mixed Peel ............. per lb. 25c Cherries, whole and broken.....per lb. 39c;. Cherries, whole ... Candied Pineapple Almonds Wain Per Bushel $1.50 per lb? 59c per lb, 39c 25c ... 5 for 25c per pt. 45c $per lb. 45c colours lb. 59c "L Codfish ............................... per package 15c Smoked Fillets of Haddie .............. 15c Fresh B. C. Salmon......................per lb. 17c We Deliver DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryje, L.D.S M------ SURGE fartleib DENT At office in wood, first th at office over . rich, last thre DR. W. Bl Veterinary Phone 96 Dash- c ick, f week and "■Office, in Zu- of week. XONl B.V. ^Zurich, Ont. Dashwood Evangelical Christmas entertainment will be held on Wed nesday evening, December 23rd. Mrs. S. Gottschalk, who spent the past few weeks with her daughter in St. Thomas ”eturned home on Sun day. Mrs. Elmore Thiel and daughter Bernice and son Harold, of near Hensall spent Friday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch. Mr. Elgin Merner, who. underwent an operation in. St. Joseph’s Hospital London, a few weeks ago- was brou ght home on Monday in Mclsatac’s ambulance. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. I Mrs. Roy Stebbins, who resides I near Lake Smith about four miles' beyond Grand Bend was removed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London on Monday in Mclsaac’s ambulance where she had to undergo an oper ation for mastoids. The roads at this < time were impassable for cars and ( she was detained for sometime until a snow plow was ordered by Dr. R. H.'Taylor to open them. However she reached the hospital in time and was operated on immediately, the operation proving successful. WOODHAM Mrs. Anderson, of Washington, Ont., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire recently underwent an oper ation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don, and is reported to be getting alone nicely. CROMARTY Enough snow has fallen in these •parts to make good sleighing. A vary successful bazaar and chicken pie supper was held in the church on Friday evening. A love ly lot of articles were on display as well as some homemade cooking and we are pleased to say very few pieces were left over. Wedding bells were ringing in our manse -on Saturday last. “A wedding at the Manse.” Miss Marie Scott who recently re turned from the West is spending a few days with friends in Stratford. (Miss Olive Speare who has been on the sick list is improving nicely. Mrs. McDonald, of Toronto', spent a few days with her sister Miss Olive Speare. Miss Townsend, of Moose Jaw, is at present the guest of Mrs. Thos. Laing. See the latest styles of Bulova and Elgin wrist watches at S. B. Taylor's KIRKTON .Mrs. S. C. Switzer left this week to visit her daughter Mrs. Alf. May in Belmont. IMiss Elizabeth Shier .returned home after spending tihe past three weeks at the home of Mrs. Howard Balfour, London. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. P G. Butcher in Stratford the past weaki. HARPLEY Mrs. Lloyd Taylor went to Tor onto on Tuesday for a few days and attended the Royal Winter Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Statton,of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgins, of Cor bett, spent Tuesday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. EaglesOn. Mr. Joseph Carruthers and Mr. Colin Love attended the Royal Win ter Fair in Toronto on Thursday. 'Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Love and Mr. and Mrs. d. Taylor visited on Wed nesday evening with Ml’, and. Mrs. Jack Ridley, Miss Beulah Hodgins spent Sun day at her home here, CHRISTMAS CARDS printed with your name and address from 75c. a dozen up. We have a splendid as sortment this year, bigger and better than ever.—Times-Advoeate. GREENWAY The Y.P.S. of Benmiller will pre sent their play in the United church on Thursday evening December 3rd. The members of the various or ganizations in the United Church are enjoying an increased interest and activity. •Rev. J. B. Moore, B.A., and Mr. W. J. Brown were visitors in Toron to last week and attended the O.R. E.C. convention and Winter Fair. Mrs. Sherritt returned on Sunday from a visit in Windsor and Wheat- ley. Her many friends will regret to learn she fell on the icy road on. Wednesday night and broke a small bone in her hip. She is at the home of her daughter Mrs. Herbert Harlton and we wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Mary McGregor and Miss Snowden, of Clinton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor. IMiss Shirley Woodburn is a. guest with Mrs. Carmen Woodburn. Mrs. Goodhand Sr., of Tillson- iburg, is visiting Mr. ahd Mrs. I. C. Goodhand. Mrs. Geo. is vuiifiiicd t-n her bed suffering from varicose veins. We hope she is soon able to be around again. Miss Virlee Steeper is spending a few weeks at Springbank. Congratulations to the Misses Ellen, Doris and Ruby Hicks who sang accompanied by Miss Ula Ulens at the contest in Parkihill and won second prize. Mr. Fred Steeper sold a horse to Mr. Meadows, of Embro recently. IMrs. Gieger and her son Mr. Gieger, of Zurich, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Whiting last Sunday. Mrs. York and daughter, of Michi gan visited her niece Mrs. Eldon Steeper last week. The Y.P.U. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones last Monday evening, and had an interesting pro gram presided over by the convenor of the Citizenship Dept. During the evening their only daughter Olla, who with' her husband Mr. McDon ald, of West Williams, were present, was presented with an address and casserole. A social hour was en joyed and many kindly wishes fox* the happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Mc Donald were expressed in. honor of their recent marriage. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Woodburn welcomed a little son to their home last ‘week. The W.M.S. held a very success ful social evening at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. David Shepperd last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, R. Hutchinson, Mrs. ■Scott and Miss N. Hutchinson were in London last Monday. Mr. W. Whiteside visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Hodgson, of Brinsley last week. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gratton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson -on ’ Sunday. t, Mrs. C. Rickhorn is visiting her niece at Hensall. KHIVA Khiva School Concert will be held on Monday evening December 14th. A good program is being prepaired by the pupils and the young folks of th,e section. Miss Leila Mossey spent the week end at her home near St. MaryS. Mrs. James Ziler is visiting with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. luey ixodgins and family,- of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ma son. ■Mrs. G. Surerus, of Zurich, is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and’ Mrs. Otto Willert. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade and son. Harold, of Zurich, spent Friday ev ening with Mr. and Mrs. William Stade. SHIPKA The Sunday School of the United ■Church are holding a Christmas Concert on the evening of December 22nd. Next Sunday being Missionary ■Sunday special instruction will be given in the Sunday School. Mr. Wm. Sweizter is attending County Council Meeting in Goderich this week. Miss Isabel Wiles, of Parkhill, visited over the week-end with Miss Nola Sweitzer. USED CAR SPECIALS 1930 Pontiac Coach 1929 Chevrolet Light Delivery truck and trailer 1929 Oldsmobile Coach 1928 Durant 4-cylinder Coach Come early and secure one of the above at a baj|t£in price. F THIS IS Be sure to/have your car WinteiiaiH0Fat once Accessaries for your imm Defrosted, Heaters, Tire_ service Anti-Freeze ^Lubrications E PLACE! ! ! PLYMOUTH HURON GARAGE ART BROS. AND CHRYSLER DEALERS O.M.L. ROAD SERVICE Notice to Cream Producers Road and weather condi cream deliveries to be ma day night deliveries will ctember 5, but will be next spring. Many during th the week C bns have caused most of our r. during the day, therefore, Satur** F_t be continued after Saturday, De* umed after the winter months, early r your splendid Saturday1 higbt patronage ason. Bring your cream any day through with our collectors* er Creamery Co., Limited MERIES AT EXETER AND W1NCHELSEA