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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-11-19, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1930 HENSALL Mr. called day. Miss Margaret Buchanan, Toronto was visiting in town over the week end. Mr. Keith Buchanan was a recent visitor with friends in Kitchener and Waterloo. Mrs. Glenn Love, of Garden Lake was a recent visitor with her sister Mrs. J. E. McEwen. Miss Myrna Hudson, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson, Misses Louisa and Beryl Drum mond were recent visitors with rela tives and friends in Toronto. Mrs, Ed. McQueen spent last week visiting with her niece Mrs. A. J. ■ Swetizep, tct the Beach-o’-Pines. Mrs. Orval Beavers and little daughter Norina, spent a few days here last week visiting relatives. Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, visited over the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonth ron. Miss visited day. Mrs. few days last -week visiting her dau ghter and son-in-law Alf. Wuertli. Mrs. Ed Berry, of Mr. Wilson Berry, of ed over the week-end with their mother Mrs. Thos. Berry. Mrs. Harry Abrey and baby, sf London, are spending a couple of weeks visiting wit'h her parents Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Miss Jean. McDonald, of Goderich, has accepted a position with Cook. Bros ag bookkeeper and stenograph er. Mr, George Fraser and his mother Mrs. Fraser, of Belmont were in town on Thursday last visiting their cousin Miss C. Mitchell. Mrs. J. P. Campbell and son Neil, of Windsor, spent a few days last week visiting at the home of Mrs. James A. Bell. Mr. Harold Bonthron, who is at tending College at New Market, spent the week-end with his parents iMr. and Mrs. James Bonthron. Miss Mae to spent the parents Mr. Naughton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron were in Hanover attending the funeral of Mr. Peppier, Mrs. B.onthron’s sister’s father-in-law. Our deer hunters who went north j^jple of weeks ago on a hunting lave returned home. They did ave much success this year. /Mr. J. W. Ortwein, Mr. and Mrs. Marik Drysdale and Mrs. James Pat erson were in Toronto one day last week visititing Miss L. Ortwein who is seriously ill in the Toronto Gen eral Hospital. The dance held in the Town Hall •on Friday evening last under the auspices of the Junior Farmers’ Club was fairly well attended and a ■pleasant time was spent. The music was furnished by the Denom- me orchestra, of Zurich. Mrs. Fred Bonthron who was tak en to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Friday afternoon last underwent a serious operation on Saturday morning. (She'stood the operation well and although suffering severely is doing as well as can be expected. Hei- many friends hope speedy recovery. Next Sunday will be People’s anniversary in church. Rev. De W. William Jarrott, of Hillsgreen on friends in town on Mon Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter, with friends in town on Sun- Swartz, of Crediton, spent a Mr. and Mrs. Windsor and Toronto visit- McNaughton, of Toron- week-end here with her and Mrs. David Mc- t I no? A Mai for her a Young United the the Cousins, of Clinton will be the speaker at both services. Special music is being ■prepared by a young people’s choir. These services are expected to be very interesting and good congrega tions are looked for. The Y.P.S. of the United church held their regular meeting on Mon day evening with a good attendance. Miss Lettie Love presided. After the opening exercises and business ■period the Scripture lesson was read by Edna Saundercocik. Ivan Filshie gave the topic and a duet was ren dered by Misses Greta Lanimie and •Bella Smale. The ’meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. The Welfare Youth Club of Car mel church held a social evening on Monday evening in the school room of the church. It was the opening meeting for the winter m'onths. There was a good attendance and a splendid program. The meeting was in charge of Miss Beryl Pfaff. A sing song was much enjoyed and was presided over by Rev. Mr. Young with Mrs. Young as accom- painist at the pian'o. The Scripture lesson was read by Irene Hoggarth, .gx-solo by Rev. Mr. Young, an ad dress by Mr. Ross McKay. The guest speaker of the evening was Dr. Steer who gave a very interesting talk. A solo whs given by Rev. Mr. Young at the close of the meeting. Lunch was served and a social hour was spent which was much enjoyed by all present. The Young People of Carmel Presbyterian church held their an niversary services on Sunday last. There was splendid congregations both morning and evening. The speaker for the day was Dr. W. M. Kannawin, who is in charge oif the young people’s work of the Presby terian church in Canada. At the morning service Miss Beryl Pfdff had charge of the devotional exer cises. Miss Dorothy Thompson read the scripture lesson. Mr, das. Mus tard led in prayer, An anthem by the choir, a quartette by Mabie Workman, Irene Hoggarth, Jas. Mustard and Frank Battersby and a solo by Mr. Cristiana, of London. At the evening service Miss Mabie Workman presided over the opening service. Mr. Frank ■ the Scripture lesson, Ii one Hoggarth. Mr. ; two beautiful solos. . gave two very interesting addresses and very helpful to the young , people. Nomination Meeting A nomination meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Friday ev- 1 ening November 27t‘li, to nominate candidates for the positions of Reeve 4 Councillors, 3 School Trustees and one Hydro Commissioner for the Village of Hensall for the year 19 37 In case an election is necessary it will be h’eld on Monday, December 7th. Poll 1 in Council Chambers; No. 2, in the waiting room of the town Hall. Reeve Geiger has an nounced that he will again be can didate for t’he reeve’s chair, ex-reevo William J. Jones, is also being men tioned for the reeveship. Foi’ the •council and the other positions nothing definite is known yet but it is very possible that the present members will again be candidates. 85th Birthday Mrs. Richard Welsh, one of Hen sail’s aged and highly respected citi zens celebrated her S5th birthday at her home on Sunday. A number of relatives and friends called dur ing the day and evening to offer their congratulations. Mrs. Welsh received two beautiful birthday cakes from relatives in the West, also sa great many letters, cards, flowers and other gifts from friends and relatives. Six members of the family were home -for the event and sat down to a birthday dinner -with their mother. They were Mrs. A. Youngblutt and Mrs. W. J. Seed, of Vancouver, B.C.; Mrs. Abner John stone, Manitoba; Mrs. Alf. Clark, Thos. Welsh, and William Welsh, of Hensall. The other five members of the family were unable to be pre sent: Mrs. Emily Boyle, Toronto; Mrs. Leo. Sask.; Man.; 'flake, Man.; and John Welsh, Ver million, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh and several children came to Hen sall 57 years ago from England and were good industrious citizens. Mr. Welsh -was a contractor and builder. He died about sides the eleven ily living there who enlisted in of the 161st Battalion, went over seas with the battalion and was killed in action. There are twenty seven grand children and fourteen great grand children. Mrs. Welsh has been very poorly for several months, but is now- some better and ■her family, relatives and many 'friends hope that she will be spared to see many more birthdays. Celebrates 96th Birthday Hensail’s grand old lady Mrs. A. Hudson celebrated her 9 6th birthday on Friday last at her home here. She has been in very poor health for several weeks and was confined to her room for the ’day, but she was very bright and cheerful as she re ceived her guests. Over seventy re latives, neighbors and friends called during the day and evening to offer their congratulations. She received a great many cards, telegrams and phone calls from those at a dis tance who were unable to be pre sent. The home was fairly banked with flowers, showing the deep re spect 'held .for Mrs. Hudson by her family and friends. A large birth day cake with candles graced the dining room table, each guest re ceiving a piece and a cup of tea dur ing the afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Yo.ung sang for her also Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess. The members of the family living in this district were present for dinner. Mrs. Hud son was born, 96 years ago at Moun tain near St. Lawrence, moving from there to the farm on the Parr line, Stanley township, just north of Hillsgreen. Mr, and Mrs. Hudson continued to live on t'he farm for many years, raised a large family of children, were highly respected, in dustrious and prosperous citizens. They retired from the farm and moved into Hensall 34 years ago. Mr. Hudson passed away about 24 years ago, and she has resided here since. For a number of years her daughter, Mrs. James Logan, after the death of her husband, has resid ed with her, also this year another daughter, Mrs. Al. Harvey after the death of Mr. Harvey came home and from then the mother has received wonderful devotion and care. The eleven children are all living and are Thomas, of Pontiac, Mich.; John of Marlette, Mich.; George, Hensall; Isaac, of .Seaforth; Mrs. James Troy er and Mrs. John Consitt, of Sea forth; Mrs. James Jarrott, of Hills green; Mrs. Wm. field and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle, Mrs. James Logan and Mrs. AL Harvey, of Hensall. There are 35 grand children, 34 great grand children and 13 great, great grand children, a remarkable record. Mrs. Hud- , son is very popular, enjoys life at the Old Boys’ Reunion he^ year ago, rode in the proce rasping 'She wag also able recently to&otho tho to London to visit her gt Joseph Hudson, who is in a eXperhnent there. 'She has been a 1 inember of Carmel Pre ehurcli, always attending vices when able. Althc Battersby read prayer by Miss Cristiana sang Dr. Kannawin Bishop, of Battleford, Mrs. McMurchie, Winnipeg, Mrs. Elliott Fairburn, Snow five years ago. Be- members of the fam- was one son George the Hensail company Douglas, Bruce- poorly for .several weeks she is now Showing some Improvement and the earnest wish of 'her many friends is that she will be spared yet awhile. Council Minutes Hensail, November 16, 193 6 Regular statutary meeting of the Village Council held this evening at 8 p.m. in the council chambers with all members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting weie read and adopted on motion of Councillors Brock and Jones. Constable Fee reported re stray dog. Reeve Geiger reported re Brock St. drain being completed north of Queen .St. Communications were read as fol lows: Imperial Oil Co., Ontario Hos pital Wo'odstock, County Engineer, Judge T. M. Costello, Charles F. Fingland, G. Coultis & Liquor Control Board, Bell phone Co., same filed. Bills and acc’ounts read: A. erson, supplies Brock St. drain, $8.- 25; G. E. Fee, labor, Brock St. drain $13.25; W. Taylor, labor, Brock St. drain, $23.25; T. Richardson, labor Brock St. drain, labor, Br’ock St. Geiger, teaming, $3.40; G. Coultis St. drain, $1.40; streets, $12.00; o. Geiger, salary as Reeve, $42.00; W. Jones, salary as Councillor $10.00; Geo. Brock, bal. salary as councillor, $6.00; E. Shad dick, salary as councillor, $28.00; A. Hamilton, salary as councillor, $26; ■C.N.R. freight on empty barrels, $2; E. H. Epps, cartage on crack filler, $2.75; T. Richardson, extra labor on drain $5.0 0; Hillsgreen Peat Works wood for hall, $5.00; J. Priest, labor streets, $7.80; W. Otterbein, labor, streets, $7.80. Total $257.9-5. Hamilton and Jones: That ac counts as read be paid. Carried. Brock and Shaddick: That’we ad journ. Carried. James Patterson, Clerk. Bell, Son, Tele And- $29.85; L. Rands, drain, $2420; I. Brock St. drain, & Son, tile, Brock R. B. Dick, gravel Notice—A small deposit will hold any article till Christmas, early at S. B. Taylor’s. •Shop ZION sev- and the Mrs. Henry Hern is spending er al days at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor Grant visited on Saturday at home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. We are sorry to hear that Mr. ■William Hern is under the doctor’s care. ery. We hope for a speedy recov- Zion AV. M. S. November meeting was held home of Mrs. John Hern Sr. i members answered the roll Our president had charge of a g Service of Worship, were The Scripture The at the Eleven call. ( the meeting which « opened with Thanksgivin, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Lesson was read by Mrs. James Earl poem, “One of the Nine” was given by Mrs. Angus Earl; reading “Ste wardship of Thankfulness was read by Mrs. Melville Hern. Rev. Mrs. Penrose, then led in prayer. An- in teresting chapter in the Study Book was taken by Mrs. Pooley, This was followed with a reading by Mrs. W. Brock and a short poem by Mrs. Pooley. Mrs. Ward Hern- invited us to her home for next meeting when a 25c. lunch will be served in aid of the Sunshine committee. The meet ing closed with hymn 225 followed by the benediction. THAMES ROAD CREDITON d|. A meeting of the local branch of the Bible Society will be held in the United church, Crediton, on Wednes day evening, November 25th, at 8 p.m. for receiving reports and elec tron of officers. Rev. W. E- Chol- eiton, district secretary, of London, will be present and deliver an ad dress on his experiences when engag ed on missionary work in the Bel gium Congo, in the heart of Africa- He will also have some curios with him, A good ance is requested. Miss Marguerite Amy, of spent the week-end at here. African attend- London her home ** Mr. Oscar Wolff, of Detroit, is vis iting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney, oi Detroit, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hertzel. •Miss Emma Ratz spent a few days in Detroit last week. Mr. Russell Eilber, of Detroit, is visiting with his father Mr. Charles Eilber. Mrs. E. Heatherley, Mrs. Morley and Mrs. Smith, of London, visited on Thursday with Mrs. Violet Cock will. A leadership training school open ed, at Crediton United Church on Tuesday, Noevmber 16th with about 70 persons present, a gratifying and encouraging result to the promoters. Miss Metannis Semmens, Childrens’ Work Specialist, led a group in the study of the place of the religious education of our children. Rev. H E. Roppel, of Dashwood, led on a study on the life of Christ and Rev. R. N. Stewart, of Centralia faith and conduct. The opening service of ■worship was conducted by the Dean Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend. On Tuesday evening the interval be tween sessions was in the form of a sing s'ong conducted by Miss Sem mens. i1 THE RED and WHITE STORE Christmas will soon be here. Let us supply you with new fruits, peels and nuts for your Christmas Cake and Pudding ’per lb. 19c /2 lbs. for 25c r. 2 lbs. for 29c ...... 2 lbs. for 29 c .... 4 lbs. for 25c 2 lbs. for 25 AVomen’s Association annual meeting of the Wo- Association of the United the Sunday th? As- success- Misener for the The men’s Church was held in School basement on Thursday, No vember 12th. The president Mrs. C. Misener presided. Reports were given >by the different committee and the Treasurer reported sociation as having a very ful year financially. Mrs. expressed her appreciation co-operation she had received from the members during the year and a vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Misener for her excellent leadership. Rev. Johnson then presided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. W. Wright; 1st vice-president, Mrs. J. Woodall; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Ea. Chambers; Mrs. Roy Swartz; J. Trevethick; Mrs. B. Kestle; Secretary, Mrs. Mrs. A. Baker; Mrs. Johnson, enjoyed with Mrs. and Mrs. A. Baker as hostesses. vice-president, 3rd vice-president, Treasurer, Mrs. Recording Secretary Assistant and Press J. Lovie; Pianist Assistant Pianist, A social time was M. Finkbeinei* a Stewart Bros, is the place to get good winter tune-up on your WINCHELSEA Jack Delbridge spent a car. fewiMr. days last week in Windsor. Mrs. P. Munch, of Elimville, spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis. Mrs. Herman Foster and Verna and Miss Edith Grose visited on Fri day with Mr. and Mrs. George Par kinson in Blanshard. Mr. and Mrs. and Bruce spent and Mrs. Henry ter. Miss Ina .Ford, a few days last week with her Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Passmore enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Belmont. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning visited with Mrs. S. Gun ning. There has been considerable sick ness with throat and gland trouble the patients being quite sick. We are glad to hear all are convalescent. Rev. Wm. Mair gave a most in teresting address Sunday morning on the north country. Part of Mr. Mair’s work while resident there was handling off the relief stores sent north. It was Thankoffering Sun day for the W. M. S. The Thames R'oad choir enjoyed a s'O’cial evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone, Thursday. The evening was spent with music and games. A pleasing lunch was served by the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. F. Golling attended the .St. Marys Journal-Argus lunch eon at Granton on Friday. The monthly meeting of the Thames Road Mission, Circle met at the home of Miss Ann Rhode. The meeting opened wit'h the president in the chair and all singing hymn 502. The Scripture lesson was giv en 'by Ann Rhode. The Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were then given followed by hymn 614. The roll call was answered by your fa vorite colour. Business was then dis cussed. Mary Borland thencharge of the program. Hynueals for public life and conduct, the develop* was sung and Dorothy M'b’pinion expressing the life of the Dominion is out Horace Delbridge Sunday with Mr. Delbridge at Exe- of Elimville spent aunt Freeman Horne. WOODHAM Rev. J. Moir, of Preston, delivered a splendid address on t'he Temper ance cause on Sunday morning last at our church. All who heard him said he was one of the best and most forceful speakers on that ques tion they had heard for some time. On Saturday afternoon last sever al ladies .of the W. M. S. met at the home o'f Mrs, Wesley Shier, London, and presented ,her wth a lovely sil ver cake plate and a well worded address. Mrs. Shier thanked the ladies- in a few well chosen words, after which dainty refreshments were served. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire on. Sunday last were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson, of Bright; Miss Gladys Squire, Whalen and the Misses Amanda and Sarah Shier. Mr. Frank McNaughton spent Sat urday last in London. Mrs. Whitfield eral days. imiwo about as much free- thder a harrow. Further, when .ctpVK each an interesting He^Uon. To this day the average Ontario citizen knows ing duet was/C^iat is going on in( Quebec than he knows of what is trans. and 1,TJ Fancy Blended Sultanas ... Seedless Raisins ............ Raisins with Seeds in ... Extra Fancy Currants,^ Sair Dates.................. Pitted Dates ................. --------------------------------- ------------------------------------Choice QualU^ Minceme^ Large Seedless Gra Fresh Oysters- Phone 102 Cut Mixed Peel .... Cherries, whole Cherries. GOOD COOKING APPLES ■y » lbs for 25c . 5 for 25c . per pt. 45c DASHWOOD S) C Kt j^?Bck, Dash- b’f week and St Office, in Zu- sf*” ■Sc. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S^ DENTAL- SURGI^^ At office in partied wood, first thrive jjgjl at office over rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, Veterinary Su^eon Phone 96 W^Zurich IWWialnuts ... /per lb. 25c per lb. 33c, ... per lb. 45c eapple assorted colours lb. E9c .... per Jb. 59c ... per lb, 59c per bushel $1.03 Codfish per package 15c Smoked Fillets of Haddie ......,....... 15c Fresh B. C, Salmon ................... per lb. 17c Hr CENTRALIA CROMARTY Mrs. Spencer and jewel, of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs, H. Mills visited' with relatives in Woodham I on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown were in Lambeth on Sunday attending funeral of the former’s uncle. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleamon June were in Toronto for a few this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper, Mur iel and Rayborn, of Parkhill, were Sunday visitors with John Pollard. Miss Thelma Cook, visiting with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday to spend the their son Mr. and Mrs. John Brock in London. Mr. Fred Warner, while in Lon don one day last week, talked by telephone with his wife in Germany. •Mrs. Warner and son are coming here in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kains at Byron. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. James Mitchell in his bereavement and also to Mrs. C. J. O’Brien who received word on Monday of this week of the death of her brother Mr. D. Hennessey in the West. Mr. Wm. Folland, son and dau ghter of Royal Oak, Mich, spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. Byron Hicks. Mrs. M, Kershaw visited with rel atives week. i the and days Ont. J c. 6-10-3tc Wheat and beans wanted. Reid & Co., Dashwood. Mr. Elgin Merner was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week where he underwent an operation We understand the operation was successful and hope for a speedy re covery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb, Mrs. H. Mosher and Roy Neeb, all of Pon tiac, attended the funeral of their uncle the late Mr. John Snell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp, Harry Hoffman, Gertie Huffman and Miss Lylyian Rader, of Zurich, visit ed with friends in Seaforth on Sun day. Mrs. Alvin Kellerman and grand mother Mrs. Weber spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Caldwell in Exeter last week. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nicholson, of London accompanied by Mr. and Mrs David Hartleib, of North Dakota, vis ited’with Mr. Jonas Hartleib Lavada last Wednesday. The b'ox social held in the ment of the Lutheran church Wednesday night was atended fair crowd. After the boxes were all sold a good program was given. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder and daughter, of Windsor were week-end visitors with Mrs. J. Schroeder. Mr. Edwin Miller, of Kingsville, spent the week-end with her mother on the 14th Concession. Miss Hildegard Miller left last week for Cleveland where she will spend the winter with her brother Rev. E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walper have moved into Mr. P. Mclsaac’s house formerly occupied by Harry Zimmer. Miss Freda Miller left for Wind sor where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Matilda Kraft was the lucky wanner o,f a woollen blanket pur chasing a ticket from the Danish Lutheran church in London. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rader, Mrs. E. Rader and Miss Matilda Kraft and Gloria spent a few days in Kit chener last week; also attending the funeral off the late Mrs. Foster at Kitchener. Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and family, of Detroit are visiting with her th er Mrs. Hamacher. of London, is Mrs. B. Cook. Brock left on winter with Upwards of thirty-five young farm boys from the different counties of Perth, Hur'on, Waterloo, Middlesex with the Agricultural Representa tive of each county met at the farm of Mr. James Scott ‘'Elmbank” a few days ago. This gathering is for the purpose o’f a judging contest to select young farmers for judging at the Royal Winter Fair. We are aware that some of our boys in the neighborhood have already acted in that capacity at the Royal Winter. Mr. Roy McCull'och is at present on the sick list. Miss Olive Speare, at the present time, is confined to her room. Mrs. John Scott -of the village spent a few days in Mitchell last week with Mrs. McGill who is under the doctor’s care. Mr. David Bruce, south of Crom arty, held a very successful sale last week. Stewart Bros, is the place for your winter car accessories. SHIPKA and base last by a mo CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon family, of Bayfield, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son Barry, of Grand Bend, Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington and children and Mr. Sam spent Saturday in London. Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, of Exeter, visited Thursday with her daughter Mrs. Gordon Merner. Mr. and Exeter and son visited Sunday. an d spent Harry Haist Sims Mrs. George Lawson, of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Law relatives in Parkhill on ELIMVILLE El fordMr. and Mrs. Wm. in London for a few days last • W. M. s. November meeting was held home of Mrs. Albert Mitchell good attendance. Mrs. Byron the worship The at the with a Hicks had charge of period and read the Devotional Leaf let. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Powe, followed by the hymn “Take Time to be Holy”.. Mrs. G. Hepburn favoured with a solo. The study book was taken by Mrs. Powe assisted by Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. A. McFalls then took the chair for the business. Final ar rangements for our’ chicken supper and bazaar to be held on November 2'5 were made. Each member is ask ed to carry her own hymnary to the meetings. As next month is elec tion of officers there will be no pro gram. Mrs. Hepburn offered her home for the next meeting. Mrs. Mc Falls closed the meeting. Don’t forget the chicken supper and bazaar on Wednesday, November 25th to be followed by a good pro gram. Our W. M. S. Thank-Offering ser vice is on Sunday, November 22nd, at 7 p.m. Mrs. (Rev.) W. R. Mc Intosh is to be the special We are looking for a good speaker, crowd GRAND BEND brother home The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid was held last Wednesday, No vember 11th at the home, of Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. Ten members and seven- visitors were- president Mrs. __ . ed. Meeting opened with Ringing; hymn “Take Time to be Holy^S'ffo^ prayer by Rev. Johnston. Scripture lesson was read by Miss P. Keyes. Minutes were read and adopted. Six sick visits were reported. The ladies decided to pack a bale to be sent to Northern Ontario. After the business part was taken a short program was given. Readings on Remembrance Day, by Mrs. M. Sweitzer and Mrs. Albert Gaiser; solo by Mrs. O. Sharpe; instrumental • by Miss Leia Mollard and Miss Ruby Finkbeiner; solo by Miss Leia Mollard. Meeting was closed with prayer and lunch, was served by the hostess. Brothers and sisters of Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer and their family met at their home Monday evening and gave them quite a surprise. The- occasion was Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Lunch was served and all enjoyed a social evening. The bride and groom of twenty five years ago were also presented with several pieces of silver. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker (nee Minerva Brock) who recently were married. Mr. Wm. .Sweitzer attended the fire insurance meeting at Zurich. Mr. 'Isaiah Tetreau is making reg ular business trips to Ingersoll. 1 Mrs. Alf. Tilley spent last Thurs day in London. Mr. and Mrs. T. Yearley and fam ily, of Crediton visited'with relatives here. i Mr. John Gower is 'couple of weeks visiting • were- -©resent. The .. Alb.ert Gstfaer presid- ... __.d ..Ha Ringing; Mr. Wilbur Dewey and Francis, of Hudson arrived for the winter. Mr. Dewey is One of at the home of Mr. and the fishermen of the North Country. Mrs. Nelson Statton and two sons, o'f Forest, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Statton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Batty, of Sar nia, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Statton last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clinger have gone to spend the winter in Forest at Bossenberry’s Hotel. Grand Bend Young People are preparing for a new play “Who Said Quit?” which will be presented in the near 'future. I i I I J I last Sunday ft spending a in Thedford Mrs. Robert Richtar. Mr. Fred Schroeder had the mis fortune to break his arm last Satur day night while cranking a car. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker who were married Saturday spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Major Baker. A sumptuous supper was served in honour of the couple. “What did you think of the horse show?” “I didn’t see a single frock I car ed for.” pii’ing in New York. Nor are matters any better when we consider what the Prince Edward Islander knows off what is going on in Al berta or British Columbia. The system of reduplication that Pre mier Hepburn is desiring to correct is not only expensive and inef ficient but stands in the way of Canadian progress. Were every provincial government in Canada abolished today, not one of them would be missed, still less mourned, ten years hence. Mr. Hepburn, is in the line of progress. and ighters visited the latter’s father ( Hall at Well'burn on Sunday hite a number from here are at- img the Teachers’ Training at Crediton. A. McEwen, Hazel, Frank and ^visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Williams over the week-end. *fewen went home on Sunday. • Rd Mrs. John Cornish, Ewart k Cornish also Dennis and f-nish motored to Philadelphia ■with Mrs. Cornish’s sister ’he had not seen for a number Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER A CHELSEA sell Cream ces to buy Butter ^Makers of “FIRST GRADE” Winchelsea Star Brand and Exeter Brand Butter Ask your dealer for these Brands