HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-11-12, Page 8THCltSI.Al', NOVBMBBU JS. 1»SO THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BONAT The process which revolutionised. ....................................d s? permanent waving, is acknLwl by leaders in the profession a^' the utmost in perfection on all Apes. of Now, by reswrin the hair during pei uniformly beautiful tained. Ask f^’ ■t’1 solutions for t Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 231w iriin F to ent waving, suits are ob’ hl supplies and “feet coiffure. H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.00 Oats, standard 45c. Feed Batxey 6 5c. Manitoba’s Best $3.25 ■Welcome Floui' $2.70 Shorts $1.5'5 Bran $1.50 Low Grade Flour $1.90 Creamery Butter 28c Dhiry Butter 22-2'5c. Eggs, A large 39e. Eggs, A, medium 36c. Eggs, A. pullets 28c. Eggs, B. 22c. Hogs $7.25 LEAVITT’S THEATRE IHURSDAY, FEIJIA1’, SATURDAY November 13th, 11th “Kelly the Second” With Chas. CJR^e and Patsy Kelly, and aiF/ill star caste Met r o-i Lu TRAVELLING TEA Under the auspices of the Main Street United . .Church. First home Canada, Mrs.,;Xvib. Martltf; Ireland, Mrs. B. W. Bea- " " ' ’ Mrs M. Quajffie; ton; United# This tea wit Friday, November 13th at -4.30 p.m. Adimission 10c. at each home. England, |pfand, Miss Hus- ita^TMrs. G. Jaques. Wtart at Canada on LOCAL NEWS Young Men’s and Men’s Overcoats We are showing some very smart models in young men’s and men’s over­ coats. We consider they are the best values to be had for the money. A beautiful all wool scarf is given with every coat. See these wonderful values at $16.50. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Rouglas C. Hill, R.A., B.D. Y i X’oinedy end er MON.DA Novi “Gallant D A Pete^B. K COMING Western, with Starrett -eds Goes to Town’ “The Country Doctor” “RAMONA” November 23, 21, 25th Helen Hunt Jackson’s Immortal Idyll in the new perfected technicolor Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—(Service withdrawn in rec­ ognition of Main St. United church Anniversary, service, pan,—‘‘Wanted, a Doctor”7 Text: Jeremiah VIII 22. ‘'Is there no physcian there” Monday, November 16, at 8 p.m.— Regular Meeting of the Y. P. G- TOMATO SMJSAGE Fo oun Mr. and Mrs. V. L Roulston, of Simcoe, spent the forepart of the week with their parents in town. Mr. Wallace Fisher, manager of the Dominion Ban<k, Montreal, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, and two children, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday and >on Remembrance Day with their parents in town. Mrs. Hugh O'Connor and two chil­ dren John' and Hugh and Miss Flor­ ence Campbell, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis. A number of the members of the Exeter I.O.O.F, attended a district meeting in Clinton Monday evening, the guests of horror being the Grand Master W. T. Kingston^, of Carling, Ont., and Grand Secretary, Wm. S. Brooks, of Toronto. D.D.G.M. Chas. Salter, of Exeter, presided. The ad­ dresses -of the distinguished visitors were of a high order. Amongst the oldest members present were Bros. G. C. Petty, of Hensall, who joined the order at Exeter 59 years ago and Bro. Swan, of Brucefield, a member for 5'5 years. NOTICE—«O£ag to ^consistent ru­ mors that th^ price ofawork has ad­ vanced the ^a/bers^o^h Exeter wish . to annouisc<3<'$$iat th.ere|has been no advance i^» .price. If, arid when we are forcedMb advance the, price we will notify our patrons through this paper. coat, Price Apply Box 2 80M, Exeter. FOR SALE—A man’s coon large size, in fail’ condition. $25.00. DRY WOOD FOR SAL^ —- Body liaa’d” wood $3.5>r perl Cord iand lim’b : ’ &Ard w'o;od-’$-3.:W per -cojri, mixed $2.75 per ciordyThis.;;wn^'is all cut into 12 in. lengths arifr these prices include all delivery charges. 50c. per cord reduction if called for at my yards in Clinton. Phone or write Victor D. Faloo>neTf, Clinton, phone 97 j. .£l$12-4tp. FOR SALE—A nRriiber oft'barred / riock cockerels, ^Ov’t'^ inspected, j blood tested, goojf' sbo&r also a i number of pullet# ^OWelsh. > FOR SALE—iCoWjfro'g; also collie pups. Apply W. Exeter. 4 Christie, FOR SALE — Fisher’s White Dottes, all $5 gettings, pairs 1'1 lb. $4. Smaller ohes./clieanq^- Yelland, Exeter. ; v ' l'X-12-3tp MAN WANTED^ith car td?'handle Ward’s Quality /^eas, Coffee^ Cocoa, Spices, Extrac^ Medicijia^'Prepar­ ations direct t.o establish® users in Huron CountyJ Write H. Ward (Company, johB^^^ftamilton. STRAYED—(Onto |he premises of Stewart Webb, R. JR. 2, Dashwood, on October 2.2, a.fwo year old roan 98 or 45c. icious Meal at the —- IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. Golden Wedding Anniversary A surprise party was held last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Sidney Wilson, Elimville, in honor of their golden wedding anniversary. On behalf 'Of their four sons Mervyn Wilson, of London presented a Windsor rocking chair to their parents. Mr. Wilson re­ plied. Cards were enjoyed during the evening and dainty refreshments were served. 11 Reception Mr. J, R. O. Moffatt will receive at her home on Friday, November 13 from 4 to 6 o’clock. Mr. Jas. Francis spent the week­ end in Exeter. Miss Ella Link is visiting with relatives at Ubly, Mich. Mrs. John Rowe is confined to her home through illness. Mrs. George Anderson is confined to her bed at present under the doctor’s care. Mrs. John R. Ogden, of Usborne, is receiving treatment at Dr. Flet­ cher’s Hospital. Mrs. Wm. White underwent an op­ eration in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Mitchell is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johns in Lucan. Reeve Thos. Pryde, Jack, Douglas and Bobby, spent Sunday in Hamil­ ton with Mr. Ray Pryde. Dr. W. E. and Mrs. Weekes and son Billy, visited with the former’s mother in Glencoe on Sunday. It’s her§. The New Canadian Clipper, 17 jewel men's Bulova wrist watch at S. B. Taylor. Jeweller. If its Bers, Springs or Mattresses, Do your shopping at E. W. Hopper’s Removal Sale. We can fteny bed. Mrs. James M. Marshal, of Lon­ don, spent last week with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. W- L. Kerslakee. Mrs. Ar to Delve and three chil­ dren, of Forest, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliott, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt during the week. Miss Jean Stanbury, of London, spent the week-end with Miss A. Brown at the home of Mrs. Melville. Mr. and Mrs. David Eizerman and Miss Evelyn fj-om Mitchell spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kerslake. Mrs. M. Elfo’r'd, who has been ill was remived to St. Joseph’s Hospital London, in an ambulance Tuesday foi’ treatment. Mrs. Robert Stephenson and son Herbert, of Varna, were visitors in the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston on Sunday. Miss Stella Southcott took load to Mt. Brydges Friday last to attend the fowl supper in the Mt. Brydges United Church. Over 850 persons were fed. Mr. Willerby Brodie, of Markdale and Miss Erno Jean Collingwood, of Meaford, visited the latter’s father Ernest Collingwood over the week­ end at the home of Mr. Thos. Welsh. Mrs. H. C. Rivers, who last week underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis at Victoria Hospital, London, is making a satisfactory recovery and is expected home the latter part of the week. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, of Detroit, Mr. Reg. Beavers and Miss Billie Dowie, o'f Sarnia, and Mr. Geo. Beavers, of St. Marys, were guests fpf' the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. B. tW, F. Beavers. Clifford Quance, while playing football at the school grounds Mon­ day, inflicted a nasty wound in his head when he struck a fence. Miss D. Ryckman administered first after which he was attended, at office of Dr. Weekes. Miss Marjorie Broderick, who cently underwent an operation Victoria Hospital, London, has suf­ ficiently recovered as to be able to leave the hospital, Saturday. She is now recuperating at the home of her sister, Mrs. Swayze, in London. Mr. Harry Horton, Sr., Mrs. Grace Harpole, Mr. Harry Horton, Jr., Mrs. Agnes Horton and Mr. Ray Pat­ terson, of Hensall; Mrs. Evelyn Mears and son Raymond, of Hayter, (Alta., and Mrs. Carl Bladd, of Rock Glenn, Sask., spent Sunday with Mrs. Horney and Miss M. A. Horton. Mr. Wesley Redmond and wife also son Billy, of Detroit, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce over the week-end. On Mon­ day they went to see Mr. Redmond’s mother at Milverton, who celebrated her birthday on Tuesday, Miss Eva Reared, of London, also visited with her parents on Sunday, w.H. an auto evening your home town. Start at once. Cut this advertisement and mail it today for free details. General Manager, 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. steer.Owner may have same by proving property and'paying ex- penses.11-12-3tP Have a good paying business in A Tonic, gives vigor to nervous, rundown people— f sick headaches and i ness. Dr Hammonj Nerve Pills, 50c boi treatment. Recomn® Drug Store. gir backache Igeneral wa|f- |’S Braim^and ihree^week’s Indo^nv Cole’s ■. salesman wanted Financial House services of a high man to represent t locality. We are sp issue of r'dal merj no other. Our I were win: production^; T1 with a coif welt Comri desifes the class sales- jjtn in this ‘soring an ?we handle two issues ?e now in ^proper man ean do real i basis. Apply Box 280A Sold at XJrOtvxxin®irugstore Infant Son Dies Mr. and Mrs. George Davis the sympathy of many’ triends in the loss via, was last have JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—“People” 3 p.m.—(Sunday .School 3 p.m.—Sunday School Evening service withdrawn ,on ac­ count of Main St. Anniversary. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. Thursday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union. Friday, 8 p.m.—Choir Practice. November 29—W.M.S. Anniversary Children’s War Mem­ in London where it the same day. The held Saturday after- of their infant son Norman Al- aged fifteen days. The babe taken ill Wednesday night of week and on Thursday was taken to the orial Hospital passed away funeral was noon at 2 p.m. with interment in the Exeter cemetery. Besides the ber­ eaved parents one brother Harold and one sister Jean survive. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader ANNIVERSARY SERVICES James Street W. A. The W. A. o'f James Street Unit­ ed Church met for a short business meeting on Thursday at 2.30. A motion was carried to donate $100. to the Board of Stewards. Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, Mrs. M. Heywood and Mrs. T. Coates were appointed a nominating committee to prepare a slate of officers for 1937. At three o’clock the guests of the afternoon, the W. A. of Main Street United Church arrived and gave an enjoyable program, including a duet by Mrs. N. Hockey and Miss E. Hus­ ton; a reading by Mrs. W. Smith and a chorus by a number of the ladies. Mrs. Layton gave a talk in her pleas­ ing manner, her subject being, “The Greatest Power in the World.” She said this power is not to be used for material gain or for entertainment, but for blessing and saving men and women. It is the power of the Holy Spirit and is obtained through pray­ er. Many who are prevented by age or illness from doing what they would like to do for God’s Kingdom, can do the most effective work of all 'by presistent prayer. Evils have been overcome and wanderers brought back to the fold through prayer. Wrong thoughts-and feeling hindred prayer and made it inaffec- tual. Mrs. T. Coates directed an inter­ esting contest and then the guests were conducted to the tea room, where refreshments were served from a prettily appointed table. Mrs. (Dr.) Fletcher was convenor of the committee in charge and M'rs. (Dr.) Steiner poured tea and Mrs. Cecil Stewart coffee. Mrs. (Rev.) Elliott voiced the appreciation of the Main St. ladies of the afternoon’s hospit­ ality. . a.m.—Rev. W. Stanley Owen, of Brantford p.m.—'Sunday School p.m.—,Rev. Dr. Thomas Green, of London, Special Music Monday at 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Thursday at 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Ser­ vice. 11 3 7 10 3 Big showing of, mattresses at tractive prices ayRXN. Rowe’s. _____________________________________ at- County of Huron there are of 50 men, women and who are faced with the of every day life without Women’s Institute Helps Blind In the upwards children, problems the use of their eyes. For years the services of the Can­ adian National Institute for the S^Blind have been extended to this a invnlvinp’ n P.xnAnrli- aid the re­ in ‘group involving a budget expendi­ ture of $1,000.00 per year. For years the people of Exeter were not asked to contribute any­ thing towards this valuable work, but in recent years it became nec­ essary/to approach all citizens in Hurpn County in, order that services of yftal importance to the blind be maintained. The Exeter Women’s Institute have carefully studied the situation and kindly responded to the call for help by the Institute for the Blind, and last year supervised and con­ ducted a successful campaign. Thus, for the first time, citizens of Ex­ eter were given the opportunity to share in the privelege of assisting their sightless friends. Again this year, beginning Thurs­ day, November 19th, the Women’s Institute will organize and conduct a personal canvass of the community and those who- contributed so gen­ erously before, will be asked to re­ new their subscription for 1936. If you could meet the many de­ serving cases that are brought to the attention of the Canadian tional Institute for the Blind, know how you would respond to appeal. / When pricing ottr g(/odl for •ja *«. ft WVft 1 ftftT-X- iSlft-ft*ft 14 CoSts. dueled.- Storte. Na- we this ........ t........„ ..... out removal sale, we forg# all about Our large stock must be re- -E. R, Hopper's Furniture TRI VI IT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. MiddlemJso 23rd Sunday After Trinity a.m.—-Morning Prayer & Sermon “The Beauty of a Life- of Service” St. John VIII: 31-32 p.m.—iSunday School Owing to Main St. Anniversary Service will be held at 10 a.m. THE SALVATION ARMY Main Street Captain W. G. Gammon 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 2.30—Sunday .School 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting THE MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Meeting Friday at 8 p.m. Sunday, November 8th 2.30 p.m.—School and Bible Class 3.3 0 p.m.—Devotion 8 p.m.—Evangelistic A welcome awaits Pastor, message, you. Come! J. T. Edgar Not a thing to about “rid, ith D. & H. I/At«nracite, I’m all ^weather. l^food fuel delivered ry With /a bin fijle, Cone-Qldaned/ ready por cold If y^u n,dedt _________________ "fe/pj|^$y and with dis- ^alljr^-phone 33 or 157j. W'' --------- cleanl; patch JAS. P. BOWEY 3 fl. THE GREAT WfiftT LIFE ASSU Offer Meet Ever Pgficies to Insurance Need C. V|P1CK^RD Phone 165 James St. Y. P. U. The James St. Y. P. U. mads their annual visit to the County Home at Clinton on Thursday evening last. Mr. Joe Creech made the opening re-< marks" and the following program was given: Ila and Iva Willis, piano duet; Garnet Hicks, guitai’ and song violin solo Catherine Armstrong; Harold Elliot, flute solo; Labelle and Audrey Sims, a duet; Ann Mor­ gan, reading; Charles Godbolt, song Scotch; Marjorie Flynn and Marjorie May tap dancing; Earl Heywood, guitar and song; Ola Reid and Lau- rene Beavers, piano duet and Chas. Godbolt sang “An. Evening Prayer*’ bringing the program toV close. Mrs. Jaobs,matron of the Hottie, expressed her thanks to the group far- the splendi program, Mr. Creech making a fitting reply. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. SWEATER COATS FOR MEN As good value as you will find anywhere. Comes without collar and in assorted shades. EXTRA SPECIAL $1.00 NO BUTTON UNDERWEAR Hatchway This popular underwear comes in winter weight and is an excellent seller. Ask to see them. Our best line sells for $2.95 MEN’S FORFUSED COLLAR SHIRTS Showing some very new colorings which are sure to please $1.50 and $1.95 MEN’S FLEECE UNDERWEAR We handle the Dodds line and coh^ider they are the best value SHIRTS 79c . DRAWERS 79c, COMBINATIONS $1.1W KENWOOD and FAMOUS RAMCREST BLANKETS The luxurious warmth of the famous Kenwood blankets, the exquisite colorings and dainty pastel shades make them both practical and beautiful. They are Satin-bound and in both single and double bed sizes. Some are reversible showing contrasting shades softly blended; others are in single solid shades. Ask about our simple purch­ asing plan. REVERSIBLE $9.25 each SOLID COLORS $4.95 each GOLD LABEL UNDERWEAR, Stanfield’s This is an all-wool garment and is unbeat­ able for wearing and washing SHIRTS AND DRAWERS $1.50 COMBINATIONS $2.75 LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S J$>ATS show- and styles. DOMINION RUBBERS Keep your feet dry. We handle ajfull range of Dominion Rubbers and Rubber Boots. We think they are the best. RUBBER BOOTS AT $2.50^2.75, $3.25 EE DJdfiff^ERWARE Start saving Coupons. l$bu will Jj Dinner Set. Coupons g^en We carry a fine rs ing the newest Splendid values at MISS ND LADIES’ DRESSES pment of the better line of dress- just been placed in stock. It will $j$Freal pleasure to shown them to you. Surprised how soon you will be able to get a Free "ery 25c purchase. GFfciOCERY SPECIALS Chi’istmas will soon be Here. Let us supply your for Cake and Pudding. New fruits. DATES, NEW HALLOWI 3 lbs. for 25c. RAISINS, SEEDED 2 packages 29c. SHELLED WALNUTS New, 49c. a lb. DATES, PITTED 2 lbs. for 25c. DATES, SAER 4 lbs. for 25c. RAISINS, SEEDLESS 2 lbs. for 25c. CURRANTS 2 lbs. for 25c. NEW ALMONDS Choice Quality 59c. lb. Let us supply you with these needs NEW PEELS Ready cut per lb. 25p> *». NEW CHERRIES Glazed, per lb. 39c. NEW MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. for 25c. Southcott Bros. Hensail, Phone 16 Margaret Strang Auxiliary The Margaret Strang Auxiliary of Caven Presbyterian Church, won sec­ ond prize in the Supply Contest, of the W.M.S. for all Canada. Each young ladies’ organization was to make 10 useful and inexpensive ar­ ticles 'f'pr use in hospital and the needy. The prize was a gift of two* the latest books written for study girls groups. of in Main Street Men’s Union The Men’s Union of Main Street United Church on Wednesday event­ ing November 4th, entertained the ladies of the church. The program consisted of two vocal solos by Miss Pearl Wood; two piano duets by ,Rev. A. E. Elliott and G. C. Koch and two humorous readings by Mrs. W. Smith. The guest speaker for the evening was Mr. W.< D. Sanders who gave an interesting description of his trip from London, Ont., to London, England, via Belgium and France on the pilgrimage to Vimy. Mr. Sanders exhibited photographs and newspaper clippings depicting the Vimy Memorial and the tour of the battlefields. Refreshments were served by the ladies and the meeting was closed with the 'benediction by Rev. Mr. Bernard, y. 100% BRITISH MADETHE NICEST. CLEANEST. QUICKEST KIND OF SHAVE. LEAVES SKIN IN NATURAL CONDITION. SOLO BY —■—-—-*■—- r BROWNING’S DRUGSTORE ES YOU INSTEAD YOU SHAVING ISELF. OPERATES i SMALL BATTERY. SCRAPING PRESSURE. a 'I Exeter, Phone 16 k, NEW FALL HATS In Silvertones, Black, Blue, Brown Royal Blues Prices <1.95 and New Stylfs, E A SOCKS SOCKS A new line of socks just arrived at 50c. and 75c. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 Special C. G. L T. Special A special C.G.I.T. service was held on Sunday evening in James Street United church. The service opened with a candle light proces­ sional, the girls taking their places in the centre pews. Miss Dorothy Traquair conducted the opening de­ votions assisted by Margaret Mel­ ville, Jean Jones and Catherine Arm­ strong. The theme of the service was “Peace.” Rev. Mr. Page chose as the subject of his address “The Dawn of Peace.” are Miss er, Miss Coates, group; Miss Florence Down, inter­ mediate group and Mrs, Rage, jun­ ior group. The leaders of the groups Flossie Hunter, Dept, lead- Hazel Smillie, Miss Jean assist, leaders of senior EXETER, ONT Caven Congregational Circle .There was a large attendance of the ladies of the Caven Congrega­ tional Circle meeting held Tuesday afternoon in the Manse. Harold White was in the chair. The treasurer reported that with all bills paid and a few receipts still to come in, the profit on the fowl supper held in connection with the church anniversary exceeded two hundred dollars. Much of the time was tak­ en up in arranging the details of the annual bazaar, to be .held this year on December ion of the were served D. C. Hill. at their November The President, Mrs. 5th. At the conclus- meeting refreshments by the hostess, Mrs.