HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-11-12, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL rela- Hay days MAPLE LEAF SALMON... QUICK QUAKER OATS .. NEW SAIR DATES ........... THURSDAY; NOVWOJW Jt& 1930 for 25c, for 25c. for 25c, Smoked Fillets of Haddie Freeh Frozen Salmon ...... Oysters per jar ................ Oysters in bulk ................. per lb. 15c. per lb. 17c. ............25c. ..... pt. 45c. pounds pounds 10 bars .... 1-2 pound Package 22c. pounds for 25c. took" place from her late residence on Monday afternoon, interment taking place in the Fxeter cemetery, The funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. A. Hunt, rector of St. Paul’s Anglican church and was as­ sisted by Rev. Archdeacon w. J. Doherty, of London, who preached the general sermon. The funeral was largely attended by relatives, neighbors and ‘friends, showing the deep respect held for Mrs. Petty in this community where she spent her life. The pall bearers were H. Aid- rich, Edgar Butt, Dr. A. Moir, Fred Manns, William Consitt and Daniel Dew. Mrs. Petty was formerly Miss Lillian Purdy, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Purdy, of Hen- sall and was 75 years of age. Since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Petty have resided on their 'farm on the 2nd concession of Hay about two miles northwest of Hensail. Mrs. Petty was well known in this dis­ trict, taking an active part in the work of St, Paul’s Anglican church of which she was a valued member and. in the community life of this district. She is survived by her husband, 3 sons John, of Toronto; George, of Detroit, and William on the homestead; four daughters Mrs. Elsie Tibbett, o'f Bayfield; Mrs. T. D, Wren, of Hensall; Mrs. Charles Greene, of Seaforth and Miss Olive at home; also one sister, Mrs. Elsie Ashman, of Jordan. Hensall Public School Report for September and October Sr. IV.—Harold Koehler 81, Nor­ ris McEwan 75, Blanche Thompson 68, Howard .Love 68, Mary Goodwin 6 6, Ronald Parker 64, Cecil Kipfer [5 9, •■’•George Sangster 51. J'r. IV.—.Marion Drummond 7 8, Reta Bell 73, Robert Cameron 71, Donald Joynt 69, Emily Hoskin 66, June Saundercock 63, Audrey Twit- chell 60, Jack Shepherd 57, Shirley Twitcliell 57, Carl Daters 55, Robert Hess 5 4, Margaret Sangster 5 3, *Laird Hudson 51, Ross Green 48, Robert Sangster 45, Ivan Allan 31. * Missed examinations. C. H. Blowes, Principal Intermediate Room in.-—Ross Kennedy 79, John 78, Lois MacLaren 7/6, Bobbie 73,Gordon Campbell 69, Joe Mr. Harold Sherritt, of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer are spending a few days in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, of Orillia ware week-end visitors with tives in town. Mrs. Alex. Mousseau, of Township is spending a few visiting in town. Mr. Roy Todd who was seriously ill for several wee'ks at his home here is improving. Mr. Garnet Case is making a number of improvements at his coal sheds remodelling and building larger. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, of Toronto, spent a few days last week visiting with her sister, Miss Ethel Mur­ dock. ' '• Mr. an'd Mrs. James Miller, o'f To- rontfy’1 spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson fo.rd and other relatives. Bobby Cook, little son of Mrs. Norman Cook is very pneumonia. Miss Gladys Douglas, Reg. N., of Blake, is in attendance. The Kippen East Junior Woman’s Institute are planning to hold a daned and euchre party in the town hall on the evening of November 20. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton spent a few days visiting in Hamilton last week also taking in the Great War Veterans’ banquet there on Saturday night, Mr. Colin Hudson, who has been in a serious condition at his home for several months is slowly recov­ ering and is now able to sit up a while each day. The many friends of Mrs. Fred Bonthron will regret to hear she has been seriously ill at her home here for several days and expects to un­ dergo an Her many recovery. Mr. and children and Miss Alice Higgins, of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children, of the Beach- O-Pines, spent Sunday with rela­ tives in the village. Mrs. John Pope, who- left here a few weeks ago to spend the winter months with her daughter in Toron­ to is seriously ill with a nurse in at­ tendance. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Albert yvuertn who sold his store last week to Mr. Wm. Cook, of Exeter, is moving his family to- the residence on South Richmond st. that he recently rented from Harvey JaU“ Kt<...... Mrs, Roy Bell Arnold Circle at her home London -^JEload, south, on Monday evening to aXhnner. After the usual opening exerPjtees of the meeting and the business a duet was rendered by Miss Ii^ne Hoggarbh and Mrs. E. K. Hutton,'After which Mrs. (Rev.) D. C. Hill, of. Exeter, gave a very inter­ esting address on the beginning of missions up to'the present day which was very much, enjoyed by all pre­ sent, A social time was spent. The Young People of Carmel Presbyterian church are holding an­ niversary services in the church on Sunday, November 15th. The speak­ er for the day will be Dr. W. M. Kannawin, who. has charge of the young people’s work for the Pres­ byterian church in Canada. Mr. A. L. Christiana, 'former tenor coloist •- of St. Andrew’s church, London, will assist the choir both morning and evening. The Y.P.iS. of the United church held their regular meeting on Mon­ day evening in the basement of the church with a good attendance. The meeting opened with singing a hymn and prayer; a solo by Dr. Smillite and a cornet solo by Dave Kyle. 'After the business part' of the meeting Miss Depew, teacher in the Coliegate Institute, Clinton, gave a very ’interesting talk on travels in • Etiro’pean countries which was very much enjoyed. The meeting closed by singing a bymn and the benedic­ tion. ' W. M. S. Thankoffering The W.M.S. of the United church held their annual thankoffering meeting in the basement of the church on Friday evening. The men folk of the members were in­ vited and gave the program. The opening exercises were .presided over by the president, Mrs. Cross. O Can-^^VeaT War "veteraniS. ada was first sung and was follow^, ed by the Lord’s prayer. The min- ' utes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. A splendid report was given by Mrs. Hobkirk on the amount 'collected for mite boxes and S. work, a'bale of clothing W ,s being collected and packed by the society and will be shipped West this wee'k. The men’s part of the program was then put on with Mr. M. G. Drysdale acting as chairman and who Opened the program with />the chairman’s address. Rev. Mr. "Sinclair followed with a talk and •prayer; a solo by Mr. Goodwin, viol­ in and guitar duet, by Mr. Hess and itir. Zuefle; a talk by Mr, George Follicle; solo, by. Mr. community singing, led by Mr. Good­ win; solo, by' Mr. Wilson Carlisle. The offering was taken by Messrs. Edgar McQueen and Albert Spencer. Solo, by Mr; Sinclair. A and a social The The funeral oT the late Mrs. Oliver L, Petty who died at her home in Hay Township on Thursday last, visiting Blatch- Mr. and ill with operation very shortly, friend hope for a .speedy Mrs. Leslie Knight and and lately occupied by Mr. iWl^aviss. Mrl entertained the C. Blowes Cross; prayer, ilev. Mr. lunch was then served hour spent. Late Mrs. petty Sr. Beer Nicol Marks 66, Jimmie Clark 66 Shirley Fairbairn 63, *Raymond Higgins 45. Jr. III.—Marion MacLaren 77, Mildred Brock 69, Donald WHliard 60, Ronald Stephen i60, James Sang­ ster 60, Douglas Corbett 58, George Otterbein 53, Elaine Hoskin 46, Howard Smale 3 3, Eldon Fairbairn * Sr. II.—'Shirley Hedden 80, Nor­ ma Sangster 80, Catherine Hamil­ ton 80, Ruth Hess 74, Marion Sang­ ster 74, Jack Drysdale 71, Donald Shepherd 70, Patsy McDonald 70, Gloria Twitchell 67, Marion Greene 6'6, Alvin Smale 65, 64, Mabel Fairburn McEwan 40. Miss M. A. *Bobby Cook 59;* Al pine Teacher Marvyn Ellis, Sr. II.—’Shirley Wolff 7 6, Stephen 75, Helen Wolff 7'4, Sandy McArthur 72, George Beer 69, Mina McEwan 66, Douglas Cook 65, Don­ na McEwan 64, chey absent. Sr. I.—Ronald Hedden 80, Lila Hedden 76, Ruth Hamilton 72, Hedden 57. Pr.—Joyce Broderick 83, Mickle 80, Elaine Carlisle 79, Campbell. 78, Doris Buchanan June Kennedy 76, Laura Sangster 7 6, Dorothy McNaughton 7'5, Freadie Robison 6’6, Norma Greene 5 9, Har­ old Wolff 48. Miss Beryle Pfaff, Teacher Beverley McClin- Moir 8'3, Moir 7'6, Young 73, Mary Ross Jinks 71, Junior Ronald Roy Billy Billy 77, Mr. E. K. Hutton Is in charge of the 'C.N.R. station, at Kippen. Mrs. Harry Abray and little son, of London, is visiting with her par­ ents Mr. and Mr.s. C. S. Hudson. Mrs. Alen Swan has been confined to her room for a ‘few weeks and is not improving as quickly as her many friends could wish. Mr. and Mrs. Lyie Statham, of St. Thomas, visited over the week­ end with Mrs. Statham’s parents Mr. aind Mrs. John Elder. Mr. Alvin Curry, who has been employed with Mr. Robert Green for the past few months left for London on Wednesday where he has secured a good position. Remembrance Day was a public holiday in town, the school and all places of business being closed. A memorial service was held first at the Memorial then in Carmel Pres­ byterian Church. A wreath was placed at the monument by the ~__t .-A.At 11 o’clock two minute silence was observed. The W.M.iS. of Carmel Presbyter­ ian Church held their annual thank- offering on Tuesday evening in the school room of the church with a splendid attendance. The meeting opened by singing Psalm selection 109 a'fter which Mrs. C. Hudson led in prayer. Mrs. Edwards read the Scripture Lesson from Psalm 93. Mrs. F. Farquhar gave a very inter­ esting reading on ’passage money. Mrs. J. W. Bohthron sang a solO' “Have Thine Own Way, O Lord” ac­ companied by Mrs. W. A. McLaren. Mrs. C. Hudson gave a reading on thankoiffering. The offering was taken and dedicated by prayer by the president Mrs. C. Hudson. The guest speaker was Rev. E. A. Wright of Thorndale, who gave a wonder­ ful talk on his work in the Peace River district. Mr. Wright was a missionary in that country. The meeting clased by singing a hymn and prayer by Rev. W. A. Young'. Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt have been married 50 years. Well tan-own and highly fespeicted residents of Hensall and this district Mr; and Mrs. Thomas Consitt celebrated their 50 th wedding anniversary on Tues­ day, November 10th at their home here. Throughout, the afternoon and evening a great number of re- latives and friends called to offer their congratulations. The home was nicely decorated in yellow and white and the table was graced with a wedding cake beautifully decorat­ ed. A dinner was served to their immediate family, those present be­ ing Mr. and Mrs. Robin McAllister and family, Mr. and Mis. Clarence Park and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ sel Consitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt, Hensall; Miss Annie Consitt, Hensall; Mrs. Sarah Cole­ man, Hay Township; Mrs. John Con- Bitt, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Forsythe, Tuckersmith; Mr. and Mrs. Q. N. Forsythe, Kippen; Reeve and Mrs. Turner, Stanley Township; Miss Elizabeth Forsythe, Egmond­ ville; Rev. Arthur and Mrs, Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Consitt were at home to their friends from 7 to 9 p.m, but lLwa®*JSociety will be held in the Town Hall Hired 0,n' Thursday evening. A good interest CREDITON The special services held for the last two weeks in the Evangelical church were well attended. The ministers Rev. A. E. Pletch, of the Evangelical Church and Bro, Garner of gcarboro, were in charge. Mem­ bers of both churches were cordially invited to attend. On Friday even­ ing Rev. Johnston of the United Church gave a very inspiring address to the young people. Mr. and Mrs. J. Quinlivan, Strat­ ford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fahrner ano Orville Nichols, of Crediton, visited in Adelaide on Sunday. The next practice of the Choral Ml THE RED and WHITE STORE 4 pkgs for 25c the last caller had offered t congratulations. Tea was poured by Mrs. Wm. Dougal and Mrs. John Mitchell and lunch was served by Misses Jeanett aind Ruth McAllister, Mrs. Clarence Park, Mrs. Russell Consitt and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mrs. Consitt was formerly Miss Jennie Forsythe and she was married to W. Consitt, on November 10, 1886, at her home in Tuckersmith Town­ ship by the Rev. Samuel Acheson. Up until five years ago they resided on the Parr Line, where they were highly respected industrious and well beloved citizens. Five years ago they purchased a beautiful home in- Hensall and have lived here since. They have three children, Russel, Consitt on the homestead; Mrs. Ro­ bin McAllister of the Parr Line and Mrs. Clarence Park, of Blake. Mr. Consitt has one brother Mr. Wm. Consist of Hensall and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Coleman, of Hay Town­ ship and Miss Annie Consitt, Hen­ sall. Mrs. Consitt nas three bro­ thers Alen Forsythe,* of Melbourne; Abe, of Tuckersmith and Thomas of Kippen and two' sisters, Miss Eliza­ beth Forsythe, of Egmondville and Mrs. John McLean, of Plenty Good, Montana.. Mr. and Mrs. Consitt were presented with many beautiful gifts including a beautiful bunch of mums by the immediate family. Mr. and Mrs. Consitt have the best wish­ es of their many friends who hope they will be spared for many years yet to 'enjoy the declining years of a well spent life. It’s here. The New Canadian Clipped, 17 jewel,jnen’s Bulova wrist watch’iat Taylor, Jeweller. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Statton and Mrs. Capes, of Forest were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard Miss Mary Yeo are spending a days in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ravelie re­ turned home Sunday after a week's visit in Detroit. Mr. ana Mrs. L. ily le'ft Tuesday to in California; also Bender left on Thursday to spend the winter in the same place. Mr. Alf Tiederman, of is spending a few days daughter Mrs. Bert Holt. Miss Velma Baker, o£ visited her mother on Wednesday. Mr. Geo. Oliver, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver. Mrs. M. Desjardine is very present. and few Grieves and fam­ spend the winter Mr. and Mrs. W. Thedford, with his London, THAMES ROAD ill at Mrs. John Bolton held a successful sale Thursday last. Good prices were realized. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton are. leaving for the south soon, hav­ ing rented their farm. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Parker at­ tended the Beekeepers’ Convention held at Clinton. Mrs. Wisemen is a visitor at Tees- water with her brother Rev. Wm. Monteith. W. M. S. Meeting The W. M. S. held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Park­ er. Mrs. .Stone, president was in the chair. Meeting opened with hymn “Tell Me the Story of Jesus.” Mrs. Kydd led in prayer. During the busi­ ness discussion it was decided to pack a bale and to enclose the goods and wool for knitting rather than make up articles. The report of the Presbyterial at Centralia was given by Mrs. Stone. Mrs. Morgan was in charge of the program. Mrs. Wm. Etherington gave a pleasing piano solo; Mrs. A. Morgan and Mrs. Wm. Allison favored with a duet; Mrs. A. Etherington gave a reading entitled “Friendship Street”; Mrs. Gollings gave a reading from the study book. The meeting closed with all repeat­ ing the served. Lord’s Prayer. Tea was then Shop at E. R. Hopper’s Great Re­ fining Room, Bed- irfield Furniture. We rnoval Sale for, room and CJiesre_____________ ...still have several sets to choose from GREENWAY Next week the annual training school will be held in Crediton from Monday to Friday evening inclusive. The Y. P. U, met at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaddock last week and presented them with a casserole and their congratulations on their recent marriage. Mrs. Archie McIntosh was called to visit a sick friend in Port Huron last week. The Harmony class will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of the president, Mr. Lawrence Curts on. Friday evening. Miss Mary McGregor, of Clinton, spent the week-end with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor. The young people of the cast are presenting their play “Headstrong Joan” at Kirkton on Thursday even­ ing. Mrs. J. Horton has been ill with flu but is recovering. is being taken. 7 8 members have already joined. Come and be a mem­ ber of this society. W. R. Goulding, conductor. Miss Lila Collingwood, Mr. R. P. Laity and son Bobby visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chirs. Wein, on Sunday and also visited home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hill, Huron, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodman and Miss Wealthy Schroeder, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder. Mr. Jack Lovie, Miss Marion-Lovie Miss Lulu Kerr and Walker are visiting for a in Detroit this week. Mrs. Ward Fritz and Mary Lou, of Zurich, are with Mr. and Mrs. H. K, Eilber. A successful chicken supper served in- the United Church Wednesday evening, November A l^.rge crowd was present and took of a bounteous supper served by the ladies -of the congregation. The program which ‘followed con­ sisted of readings by Miss H. Fin’k- beiner, solos by Mr. C. Hoffman and a’ play entitled “Too Much Matri­ mony.” Those taking part in the play were Mrs. Wm. Wright, Miss D. Kyte, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz Mr. Roy Finkbeiner. The play directed by Mrs. M. W. Telfer Rev. Mr. Johnston. A meeting of the Evangelical dies’ Aid and W. M. ,S. was held Friday at the home of Mrs. Em­ mery Fahrner. The president presid­ ed. After the devotional exercises the minutes were read and roll call­ ed when 25 members and 3 visitors were present. The proceeds of the bazaar at the fowl supper were $32.- 17. The ladies decided to write Rev. Clemens of Milverton to give his illustrated lecture with lantern slides on Palestine sometiihe the lat­ ter part of next month >on the occa­ sion of a thankoffering meeting. Mrs. Wes. Wein then took charge of the program and opened with a hymn. A chapter of the study book was given by Mrs. Wes. Wein; ing -by Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney; instrumental by Miss Verna and Miss Aldonna Wuerth. The ing was closed with song and 'prayer after which a social half hour was spent. A vote to the hostess charge. The regular men’s Institute Hallowe’en masquerade party at the home of Mrs. Chris. Haist. 40 mem­ bers and visitors were presen-t. On arriving at the Haist home the mask­ ed guests were conducted through the mystic house where they were greeted by several ghosts who with shrieks and groans made them per­ form many acrobatic stunts before they finally got into the living room. A dress parade followed by the best dressed ladies; 1st prize, Mrs. Law­ rence Wein; best dressed comic iMrs. T. Mawhinney; guessing con­ test Mrs. Emmery Fahrner. The ’president then took the chair and took charge of the business which was opened by singing the Ode and repeating the Lord’s prayer in uni­ son. Miss Addie Gaiser then- pre­ sided for the following program: Hallowe’en songs were sung; current events, Mrs. H. K. Eilber; musical quartette; Mrs. Chris. Haist then gave a splendid demonstration of making ice box buns. Mrs. C. C. Mis- ener then spoke on the work of the standing committee. Mrs. T. Ma­ whinney gave a reading; Mrs. Myers, of Zurich, conducted a cup contest. Lunch was served by the following hostesses, Mrs. C. Haist, Mrs. J. Woodall, Mrs. F. Clark and Miss A. Gaiser. A vote of thanks was mov­ ed by Mrs. B. Kestle and seconded by Mrs. C. Sims. at the Horney of Port Miss Myrtle few days daughter visiting was on 4th. par- and was and La- last read­ piano Wein meet­ of thanks was given and commitee in meeting of the Wo- took the form of a HURONDALE Community Night Hurondale W. I. held its annual community night on Friday of week, Mrs. A. Rundle acted chairman. A splendid presented which was lunch. The program vocal solos by Misses and Kathleen Strang; by Mr. Garnet Hicks; by Mr. G. Bolton. Mr. gart favoired with last aS ■was by of program followed consisted Pearl Wood guitar solos violin solos . M. McTag- H a reading*. A group of Institute members sang several choruses. Ah entertaining feature of the program was that given by Mrs. W. D. Sanders when she painted a vivid word pictu’re of the unveiling of the Vlmy Memorial and other features of the overseas trip of Mr. and Mrs. sanders. The program concluded With the Na­ tional anthem, 2= FRESH BROKEN SODA^ PEANUT BUTTER IN\BULK GOOD LAUNDRY SgX ---------------............................ New Figs................. Mincemeat for Pies|^$££ pounds for 25c. Grape Fruit, Marsh Seedless ... 6 for 25c. Sweet Potatoes...................... 5 lbs. for 25c. We Deliver iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. DASHW Dr. W. D. Bryce/t.D.S., UMS? dentalMurgeqwC ’ a, „<•<•:„„ rtst.uiu "ifk, Dash- f week and 'Office, in Zu- of week. At office in J^^rtleib wood, first thitee da at office ove rich, last t Phone 96 DR.OXON, B.V. Urinary Surgeon Wheat and beans, wan Reid & Co,, Dashwood. Sc. 6' C. 10-3tc uric It’s here. The New Canadian Clipper, 17 jewel men’s Bulova wrist watch at S. B. Taylor, Jeweller. Miss Gertrude Hoffman spent Sat­ urday with friends in London. Mr. Addison Tieman and family and Milford Merner spent the week­ end in Detroit. Mrs. Tieman who has been visiting in Detroit return­ ed home with them on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of London, were .Sunday visitors with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Miss Helen Morgain-, of Thames Road w~s the guest of Miss Eunice Oestreicher over the week-end. Dr. Eugine Tieman who has open­ ed up a practice in Tavistock, spent Sunday evening with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer were Sunday visitors in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer and fam­ ily and Mr. E. Becker are visiting in Tonawanda and Buffalo week. Mr. Charles Baumgarten who been visiting his father the past weeks returned to his home in Mani­ toba on Tuesday. Glen'Guenther san of Mr. Melvin Guenther, of Windsor, underwent an operation for tonsils in Dr. Taylor’s hospital am Thursday. __ was assisted by Miss Zeta Reg. N. v Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, London, spent .Sunday with ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. Harry Hoffman was successful in winning the silver medal in the bari­ tone open class at the Canadian Music Festival held in Landon last week, being open to contestants who obtained over 75 per cent, in any previous festival during the year. Mrs. P. Mclsaac was the lucky, winner of three prizes at a Bingo party at Mount Carmel last Friday night. Death of John Snell Jolrni Snell was found dead in the stable at the home of his brother William Snell, who Irides east of the village on the Lake Rd. He was found lying behind the horses by his brother as he went to do the even­ ing chores on Monday. Coroner, Dr. P. J. O’Dwyer, of Zurich, was called and pronounced death.due to a heart seizure. The remains were taken to the undertaking parlors of Mr. P. Mclsaac, in Dashwood and the following day taken to. the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Neeb with whom he had resided. He wag un­ married and in his 7‘9th.year. Sur­ viving are two sisters, Mrs. Mary Neeb, Mrs. David Tieman, both of Dashwood, two brothers, Charles, of Cavalier, N.D. and William, o.f Dash­ wood. The funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon from the home of Mrs.' Mary Neeb with Rev H. E. Roppel officiating. Inter­ ment was made in the Exeter cem­ etery. Feature Oratorical Contest The Young People’s Mission Circle of Dashwood Evangelical church sponsored an oratorical contest on Tuesday fnight. Miss Gertrude Hoff­ man, president of the Circle presid­ ed for the meeting. Miss Mary Pat­ terson who spoke on “The Fullness Thereof” was declared the winner in the oratorical contest and was presented with the gold award pin by Mrs. H. E. Roppel, president, of the local W.M.S. The other con­ testants wera Miss Ella Witmer and Miss Eunice Oestreicher. The judg­ es were Gordon Keeler and Dr. R. H. Taylor and Miss Addie Gaiser, of Crediton. Other numbers on the program included a violin solo by Jean Weber accompanied by Donald Oestreicher; a vocal solo by Harry Hoffniaju, accompanied by Miss Anna Tieman and a cornet solo by Donald Oestreicher accompanied by Mrs. A. E. Destreicher. Arrangements were completed for a contest to raise mis­ sionary money by using “Penny Tapelines.” Miss Anna Tieman and Stuart Wolf are captains of the sides which were named “Leaping Lena” and Toonerville Trolley” respective- The contest ends on February the losing side are to be the winners at a Valentine this has few Dr. Taylor Nadiger) of near her par- I ly- ,1st and hosts to social. Lamps, spacious f They are Come in t around. I Bmps: Wo have a Lamps of all kinds, priced to sell quickly. , R. Hopper’s and look is P. MT. CARMEL Miss Kate MeCaffry, cf London, visiting for a few days with Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Joe. Regan, of Stratfordville, was home for the week-end. On Thursday, November 6th, to ML and Mrs. Gordon MeKeever, a •son, William Joseph. On Tuesaay, November 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dietrich, a daugh­ ter, Gertrude Ann. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Moss, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gereomette. There will be Bingo and dance on Friday evening. Messrs. Austin Boland and Hubert Desjardine left Monday morning for Cochrane where they hope to pro­ cure employment in the gold mines. . Messrs. William Chartie and Jer­ ome Dietrich, Clem McCann, Gerald O’Rourke and Hubert McKeever spent a very enjoyable evening in London on Monday. The funeral of Mrs. M. O’Brien, died on Sunday was held at 10 Tuesday morning in Mt. Car­ church. Fr. Cyril Doyle nep- 'Of Mrs. O’Brien celebrated the Requium mass. Mrs. survived by one son and ters, Cornelius O’Brien Joseph Mahoney, of Mt. Mrs. suppei’ Mission­ in the on- The will be put on of the church here November 25th. he followed by a good who a.m. mel hew O’Brien is two daugh- and Mrs. Carmel and T. Ducharme, of Detroit. WINCHELSEA andAlf. Collier spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher and Marjorie, and Mr. David Clark spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ son Hawkins, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Grace, of Kirkton, with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery, Earl and Walter attended the golden wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson near Hurondale Tuesday evening last. Mr. Clifford Whitlock, of Thomas called on Mr. and Mrs. Ho,me on Sunday afternoon. Miss Edith Grose, of Devizes, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster. Miss Bessie Heywood has return­ ed home after spending some time at the home of Mr. Dave at Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence visited on Sunday with Mr. Harvey Godbolt at Centralia. •Mrs. Wes. Heywood spent week-end with her daughter (Launce Battersby in Exeter. Mr. R. E. Pooley has gone to London this week for an operation. We hope for a speedy recovery. on St. F. Stephens Fletcher and Mrs. CENTRALIA the Mrs. Fred Fairhall left on Friday week for her home in Cali- She was accompanied home Mrs. of last fornia. by Mrs. Clara Abbott who will re­ main there for the winter. Mr. Hugo hunting trip last week. Miss Mary spent the weelk-end at here. Rev. R. N. Stewart underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday of last week, Mrs. Margaret Fletcher and Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the week-end at the latter’s home in Goderich. Mr. Thos. Parker who has been employed with Mr. Thos. Lee, of Brinsley for several months has re­ turned home for the winter. A num- Theander enjoyed a in Northern Ontario O’Brien, of London, her home » ber from here attended the Anniver­ sary services at the Whalen United Church on Sunday last. A bazaar and chicken sponsored by the Women’s ary Society schoolroom Wednesday, supper will program. The Centralia Young People’s Un­ ion were pleasantly entertained -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Skelton in­ Clinton on Friday evening of last week. A very enjoyable time was spent in games followed by lunch with Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson assisting Mr. and Mrs. Skelton. Be­ sides the Centralia Young People, Mr. and Mrs. D. Maltby and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murray of Clinton were also guests for the evening. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith, Mrs. Laura Elston, Miss Sara Neil, •O'f London and Mr. T. W. Neil and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Penwarden and Har­ old spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Essery. . # ----- Big savin^flrfurniture prices for this moi&h. New stock and lowthis moi^i.^’New stock prices.—R?*>N. Rowe. KHIVA Mr. ed the mneiai ul me fleisch in Zurich on Sunday Miss Hilda Neeb left on* for London where she has, ’ employment. ./ and Mrs. Wm. Stad( attend- funeral of the late M r„ Kalb-> 91' . i employment, ./ Mr. Gordon Millen^ visited days last week with | friends in kit­ chener. / Miss Lucille Dietrich is spending a couple of weeks with friends near Centralia. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel, of MacGillivray and Mr. and Mrs. John Northcott and Miss Doreen Camp­ bell, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and iMrs. Gordon Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner childen, of Mt. Carmel, and Mr. Mrs. L. Piefer, o'f Chatham and and and Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Baird. Mr. Ed. Sturgeon and two chil­ dren, of Bayfield, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. David Baird. Mrs. Sturgeon and two children, who spent the past two weeks here re­ turning with them. Mrs. Henry Motz had the misfor­ tune to fall on some boards last Monday and tore the ligaments of her arm and will be laid up for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz the latter returning home with them for a visit. Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Exeter, is visiting his sister Mrs. Wilson Ander­ son. ELEVEN SHEEP KILLED BY DOGS IN STANLEY Eleven sheep were killed by dogs on the farm of Thomas Snowden, on the Blue Water Highway, over the ■week-end, bringing Snowden’s total this season to twenty-four. Saturday night a posse was organized and one of the killers, a large collie, was brought down. Councillor Watson says that so far this year Stanley Township has paid §500 in sheep claims. There is a $5 reward for every dog killed caught chasing sheep. Cheap First Grade Butter MAY WOT BE SO GOOD Ask your dealer “WINCHELSE^ BRAND’1 or “EXETER BRAND0 BUTTER — made by —* __ iKl Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA