HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-11-05, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVWBH 5th, 1036 THE EXETER TIMES.ADVOCATE The process which revolutionized permanent waving, is ucknvwledged fey leaders in the profession as giving the utmost in perfection ON ALL TYPES OF HAIR Now, by restores Vitamin F to the hair during p^’manent waving^ results are Ask for vital supplies solutions for the Defect coiff Satisfaction guara H. BE uniformly beautifu tained, eed. Pl Y SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.00 Oats, standard 45c, Feed Barley 65c. Manitoba’s Best $3.25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Shorts $1.55 Bran $1.50 Low Grade Flour $1.90 Creamery Butter 28e Dairy Eggs, Eggs. Eggs, Eggs, Hogs NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Having disposed of my Beauty Bailor to Miss G. M. Simpson, of London, I wish to thank my many customers for the liberal patronage that was afforded me and at the same time to solicit a continuance of your support tor Miss Simpson. Margaret Rosser (nee M. Russell) -— ■"»■■■■■■ ... TRAVELLING TEA uspices of thn tzhomeChurch. Wib Under the Street Unittf Canada, Mrs. B. Mrs M. ton; Un This tea will start at Canada on Friday, November* 13th at 4.30 p.m. Admission 10c. Ireland, England, fPScotland, Miss Hus- tates, Mrs. G. Jaques. OT1CE A Club me/ting will h$$ the Town Hi November members au Exete< M. ' * jwield in Thursday, t 8 p.m. Ah BtTto attend. Filed Farmers’ Club Cudmore, Sec’y.-Treas. H Butter 28C Butter 22-250. A, large 40c. A, medium 37c. A, pullets 30c. B, 22c. $7.00 LOCALS TRY OUR TOMATO^AUSAGE 2 poypds for 45c, For Janies St. Y. P, S. The regular meeting of the Y. P. U. of James Street church was held on Thursday evening. Arrangements were made for visiting the County Home at Clinton. Following other business and singing of a hymn Irene Van Camp took the chair. An­ other hjmn was sung and Evelyn Lawson led in prayer; scripture les­ son was read by Edna Arthur. The topic on "Missions in Canada” was given by Joseph Creech. Earl Hey­ wood played his guitar and sang a song. A social hour was spent in games and contests and at the close candy and apples were served. Truck Collides With Train his CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G, Cochrane, Organist I a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—Armistice Memorial Ser­ vice: "Canada’s. Part in the World War.” Text: Lamentations 1:12. “Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?” All returned soldiers cordially invit­ ed to this service. 7 10 11 IDEA! PhoneT (^Delicious 3 ' - at the M,MARKET Main St. 13 A meeting of the South Huron Plowmen’s Association will^to'e held ‘ ” " " 'J? Monday, ^lock p.m. Ail g of plowing meeting. Wm. Gordon McDon- in the Town Sail November 9th/at § interested in/pjj^ please atteijfty Welsh, President, aid. Secretary. ' The Thames Rbad Facer’s Club are booking ordefs feu^^estern Feed Oats and Agent^aH^orn. All orders to be in as so off as possible. Percy Passmore. Secretary. STRAYED--From^^^l, Con. Hay, one 3-year^M^-rli€____ left ear. J^F'S. Shapton, 17-25,^0T®ton. ----- WANTED—A second hand beam scale also second' hand electric washing machine. Apply at Central Hotel. , ___ ____6, eifer, U-cut in phone ll-5-3tc. A- FOR ply at ' Reserve, SALE—Chestnut mare. Ap- Ford Garage. /Itpy.-ltp ____ , November 18th /4or a plafr ‘When a Friend Needs Friend’ under auspices of the Canadian Le­gion |n Leavitt’s Theaffe. you want to become a mer- <ehan|t or the owner of a prosperous goods. money, Now is For free bus-^ess? We supply the You van earn real ^6°d stead^ income, righl'away. your cuiance to -get1 ahead. : details | write General Manager, 570 St. ClerneAt Bt., Montreal. __ _______- .y...-- ------ A Toni|,, give^figor to nervous, rundown for backache — ‘ 4 *- general *weak- Brain and week’s Cole s sick l®ad! . _ ness. ^rjiWIammond’s Nerve Pills, 50c box—three treatment. Recommended by Drug Store. Short- accredited. 3, Itp. FOR SALE—'Dual^urpose horn bull,. 4 yeW^^oldj Apply -Qlrarles Whns, RJ§^ No. Exeter. B <7 FOR .SALE-^GfedWS^dnd hand coats, dresses/ana sweaters sizes 12 to 14. Appi^Tfe^lWg^^te. Itp --------------' LOST—-On Mai/^j^^r' a key ring with four I&ysJrkindly leave at Times-Advocatefe^ Itp. Potted Plants in Walker’s Drug Store. PJANOS—Clearance jsales anteed used pianos, a everhauled by our for special list of bar man & Co., 242 Dundas St. stock JLt f guar- oroughly Write Heintz- London. FOB SALE The residence of the late Mitchell, in Centralia. a seven-room brie jod repair with^ coal and wo oft water. Thomas and particulars apply & Stanbury, Exeter, or le or ga This is tags, in lights anc hard and frame st acre of g perty wot farmer. For t to Gladiffhn „ „ T. Albert Mitchell, R. R. No. 1, Cen­ tralia. furnace, here is a ., about an land. This pro- ’itablo for a retired Young Men’s and Men We are showing some very smart models in young men’s and men’s over- , coats. We consider they are the best values to be had for the money. A beautiful all wool scarf is given with every coat. See these wonderful values at $1 €5.50. SWEATER COATS FOR MEN As good value as you will find anywhere. Comes without collar and in assorted shades. EXTRA SPECIAL $1.00 NO BUTTON UNDERWEAR Hatchway This popular underwear comes in winter weight and is an excellent seller. Ask to see them. Our best line sells for $2.95 SALESMAN WANTED’ x Financial House desires tW services of a higli class _sa ma® to represent; them inj locality. We are ibponsorin issue of real moMt, we h no 'Other. Cur were winners and'Are “ w in production. The WPiwr nian with a connection dagpt well. Commission basis, Apply BOx 280A ' New Low Boid Mrs. M. Elford is con-fined to her home Mr. spent Dr. spent r cof. Mrs. Annie Geddes, of St. Thomas is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes. Mrs. Wm. Rollins, of London, is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. T, G. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. Manning, of Clinton visited on Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Down. -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, of Lohdon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mr. Alonzo Hedden has moved from Clandeboye to Lucan where he will reside in future. Miss Merna Sims has accepted a position in the offices of Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury. Miss Fern Welsh, nurse-in-train­ ing at the Sarnia General Hospital spent Sunday at her home. Miss Stiuthers, of London, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Glad­ man for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hueston and Mrs. M. >Burke, of London, visited at the home of Mrs Sheere on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher and Mrs. Sh-annon, of Harriston, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. Fisher. Mr. Wm. Ronald, of London, vis- itede at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Beckler, of Usborne, over the week-end. Miss Eleanor Abbott entertained a number of girl friends to a jolly birthday party Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. James Grassick, of Varna, is visiting her daugher Mrs. Frank Wildfong and called to see Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. family, of Grand Bend, day for California, where they will spend the winter. Mr and Mrs. Harry Eyre, of Lon­ don, attended the funeral former’s aunt Mrs. George Chiselhurst this week. D.D.G.M. Chas. Salter, I.O.O.F. and his installing officers together with the first degree team from the Exeter lodge will visit the Seaforth lodge Wednesday evening. Miss Pearl Wood assisted with the -program at the Egmondville fowl supper Monday evening. Mrs. H. C. Carey accompanied her on the piano. Mr. Silas Reed, who has been em­ ployed with Traquair’s Hardware, is at present receiving treatment at the Queen Alexanderia Sanitorium, London. His many friends here hope for his speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, A, E. Lowden, or Hamilton; Dr. and Mrs. MacDonald ard Mr. Gallagher, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carter, of London, were -week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt. Mr. Drew Swan and Mrs. E. M. Bowey, of Brucefield; Mrs, J. R. Calvert, Mr. -Stewart Calvert, Mrs. C. Calvert and Master Telfer Cal- vet, of Ilderton, visited with and Mrs. Jas. W. Bowey on Sunday. Wins Consolation Prize One of our Exeter citizens was agreeably surpised last week to re­ ceive a cablegram stating that he had won a consolation- prize in the Irish Sweepsakes. The prize amount­ ed to £100' or about $500.00, Underwent Operation Mrs, H. C. Rivers was rushed Victoria Hospital Monday morning where she underwent an operation for an acute attack of appendicitis. She is getting along as well as can be expected, Buys Hensail Store Mr. WWi. Cook, of the Rock Bot­ tom Grocery Store in town, has re­ cently purchased the grocery meat business at Hensall from A, E. Wtierth and business shortly. through illness. Clarence Boyle, of Sunday at his home Wm. Lawson, of Sunday under the London, here. Listowel, parental Grieve and left Wednes- of the Eyre, of of the will open Mr. to and Mr. for A Stratford truck driver ran machine into the London-Winghaln train at a level crossing on No. 4 highway near Londesboro Wednes­ day cf last week. The truck was brushed aside by the train and turn­ ed over in a seven-foot ditch, the two occupants, Arthur Kirk, ^driver and David Brown crawling out from under with scarcely a scratch. The train’s emegrenty brakes were ap­ plied and the crew returned to the scene to find little more than a da­ maged truck. . Traffic Officer Lever, who investigated the acci­ dent stated that a charge would be laid against the driver. p.m.—"Canada Faces the Future” “Peace or War?” Text; Zachariah IX: 10- He shall speak peace unto the heathen and I-Iis dominion shall be from sea to sea and from the River even to the ends of the earth.” Thursday, November 5th at 8 p.m. Margaret String Auxiliary Thank- offering meeting. Lantern slides on India. Everybody welcome. MEN’S FORFUSED COLLAR SHIRTS Showing some very new colorings which are sure to please $1.50 and $1.95 MEN’S FLEECE UNDERWEAR.. « We handle the Dodds line and consider they are the best value SHIRTS 79c DRAWERS 79c, COMBINATIONS $1.50 Good Showing Made by Exeter Students That pupils will continue to ap­ ply themselves when ability and op­ portunity are factors is evidenced by the standing of the 17 students of Exeter High School whose grad­ uation diplomas have just been re­ ceived by Principal Wethey, from the department of education. The diplomas indicate the passing altogether of 4*68 departmental pa­ pers and seven more middle and one more upper school paper would make the average eight lower school 12 middle school (junior matricu­ lation) and eight upper school pa­ pers for each student. The minimum requirement is much less. The graduates are Geraldine L. Armstrong, Charles E. Baynham, Florence E. R. Bell, Betty R. Coates Florence M. Dunsford, William C. Dunsford, Beatrice M. Essery, Jean E. Horner, Paul A. H. Hess, Quim­ by F. Hess, K. Patricia Martin, L. Nelson Pepper, Norman A. Sinclair, Alexander D. Strang, M. M. Grace Strange, Irene C. Sweet, Roylance Westcott. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and, Choir-Leader . a.in.—The Minister. p.m.—Sunday .School p.m.—(Special C.G.I.T. Service. “The Dawn of Peace.” Address by Rev. Arthur Page. ’ Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. Thursday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union. Friday, 8 p.m.—Choir Practice. November 29—W.M.S. Anniversary 11 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—-The Minister.11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday at 8 p.m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday, November 4: Open meet­ ing. Men’s Union at 8 p.m. Thursday at 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Ser­ vice. Sunday, November 15th — Church Anniversary. Preachers, Rev. Stan­ ley Owen, of Stratford and Rev. Dr. Tnos. Green, of London. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH .... Sleopening .... Monday, November 9th SSeauty Shopp. (formerly Margaret Russell SSbppe) under jew manage MISJ> jL M. SISSON ALL WRK GUARANTEED Rector, Rev, M«. A. Hunt.- « Organist, Miss MacFauI Choig-Leader, Mr. MlddJemlsa Twej^-Second Siuiday Aftei* Trinity 7,}^p.’m.—‘Evensong and Sermon "Working for God’’ St. John VI: 28 * Commencing on Sunday, Sunday School will be held at 3 p.m. durr ing the winter. Finger Waye JTMarcel Shampoo ...........— — Manicure or Eyebrow Arch 35c Perfect Permanents $3.50 to $5 Phone for appointment—Phone 245 Wins County Spelling Match Anne Morgan, daughter of M'r. and Mrs. A. W. Morgan, S.S. No. 10, Usborne won the spelling contest at the annual public speaking and spelling match held at Clinton Sat­ urday last. Shirley Manors, of Grand Bend, was fourth in the pub­ lic speaking contest, her subject be­ ing “Petroleum.” Elsie Gaiser, “ R. 2, Dashwood, was fourth for citation and Jean Cann, R. R. Exeter was sixth. Ada Keller, R. 1, Dashwood and Donald Ratz, R. R. 2, Dashwood, competed in the spelling match. Miss Morgan’s prize was the sum of $4.00. R. re- 3, R. was given Stanbury mezzanine Reception for Judge and Mrs. Stanbury A delightful reception In honor of Judge J. G. and Mrs. Stanbury on the of Hotel Leonard on Friday after­ noon, ooctober 30 by the County of Lincoln Law Association. The guests were received by Mr, A. W. Marquis ICC., president of the Association, and Mrs. Marquis, Judge and Mrs, Stanbury, and Judge and Mrs. J, S. Campbell. Colorful bouquets of gladioli decorated the mezzanine while large yellow crysanth emums and yellow candles adorned the tea table over which Mrs, Don Pepier b,nd Mrs. Murton Seymour presided. The guests Included Judge- and Mrs. iStanbury’s two sons, Dr. W. Stuart (Stanbury, Hamilton; Mr. K. C. Stanbury, Toronto and their daugh­ ters, Miss Helen, Miss Jean and Miss Elaine Stanbury; Mrs, W. Stuart Stanbury, Hamilton; Dr. R. B. J, Stanbury, Toronto; Judge and Mrs. Livingstone, Welland and Judge Carpenter, Hamilton, St. Cathar­ ines Standard, THE SALVATION ARMY Main Street Captain W. G. Gammon 11 a.m.—'Holiness Meeting 2,30—Sunday School 7 p.m.—-Salvation Meeting THE MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Meeting Friday at -8 p.m. Sunday, November 8th ) p.m.—'School and Bible Class2.30 3.30 p.m.—Devotion 8 p.m.—'Evangelistic A welcome awaits Pastor, message. . you. Come! J. T. Edgar The Time .... is at hand whpn that empty Coal bin mut be filled. so, order D*1 H, Anthracite money, moving th^inbu makes D. fuel.—Tr do eaned for your by re- le impurities ost economical phone 33. Whe Con JAS. P. BOWEY d get KENWOOD and FAMOUS RAMCREST BLANKETS The luxurious warmth of the famous Kenwood blankets, the exquisite colorings and dainty pastel shades make them both practical and beautiful. They are Satin-bound and in both single and double bed sizes. Some are reversible showing contrasting shades softly blended; others are in single solid shades. Ask about our simple.purch­ asing plan. REVERSIBLE $9.25 each SOLID COLORS $4.95 each GOLD LABEL UNDERWEAR, Stanfield’s This is an all-wool garment and is unbeat­ able for wearing and washing SHIRTS AND DRAWERS $1.50 • COMBINATIONS $2.75 LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S COATS DOMINION RUBBERS Keep your feet dry. We handle a full range of Dominion Rubbers and Rubber Boots. We think they are the best. RUBBER BOOTS AT $2.50, $2.75, $3.25 We carry a fine range of new coats show­ ing ,.,the newest materials and styles. Splendid values at $13.95 to $24.95* GROCE get a Free f MISSES’ AND LADIES’ JFA new shipment of the belt ? es have just been placet} be a real pleasure to s She of dress- Ftock. It will 'h them to you. FREE DIMNERWEAR Start saving Coupons. You will be surprised how soon yj Dinner Set. Coupons given on every|25c purchase. COOKING FIGS new 3 pounds for . 25c NEW MINCEMEAT Choice for pies 2 lb. for . . . 25c NEW DATES Choice Hallowi la entrated ER SUDS One 20c package One 20c package 40c Value for . . lc 20c 21c Made Especially for Washing Clothes NEW PACK PRUNES large size 2 pounds for . 25c ARTIC LAUNDRY'^P Real good soap 3 bars............10c ----------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------- APPLES! ! APPLES! ! Let us supply you with winter needs of apples Price & Quality Guaranteed Socithcott Bros. Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 t Locates at Tavistock Dr. Eugene Tieman, of Dashwood has decided to locate in Tavistock, a'nd has taken up his residence in the house formerly occupied by the late 0. C. Kalbfleisch. Dr. Tieman is a graduate of Western University medical school. He served as in­ terne in the Hamilton General Hos­ pital and for the* past year was the medical officer at Camp Borden. THE GREAT WEST LIF ASSURANCE CO Offers Policies tod Meet Every lOuranrf Need C. V. PKK Pho Mrs. Jane Terry and her brother Robert Buchanan, Mrs. Alex Bucn- anan, Marie and Margaret Vipond, all of Donegal, visited in Exeter on Friday. her has last Mr. sot. Mrs. D. Rowcliffe accompanied by grandson, Ronald Graham, who spent several months here, left week to spend the winter with and Mrs. N. Graham, of Wind- James St. Evening Auxiliary Miss Reta Rowe was hostess on Monday evening to ’the November meeting of the' James Street Even­ ing (Auxiliary. Articles suitable for Christmas were brought and at the close of the meeting a bale was pack­ ed to be sent to Mrs. E'ntichnap, in Kincaid, Sask., for distribution, The bale contained many lovely toys, games and useful gifts. 'Announce­ ment was made of the annual rally to be held in Goderich on November 5th when L. M. Montgomery will be the speaker, many planning to at- tend.Mrs. W. R. Goulding then took charge of the meeting. Devotional leaflet was read by Miss Mamie Pridham; convention reports were Even in a very concise and interest­ ing manner by Miss F. Hunter and Mrs. Page; prayer by Mrs. Amy; a reading "Jack Knives from Heaven" was given by Miss Ella Link; piano duet'•by Misses Ola Reid and Laur- ene Beavers. 'The speaker of the evening was Mrs. W. D. Sanders tak­ ing her audience with her on the recent trip Mr. and Mrs, Sanders along with about 6,000 other pil­ grims made to France to attend the unveiling of Vimy Memorial, Mrs. Sanders spoke of the kind reception and hospitality extended to them everywhere they went on the Con­ tinent. The feature of tllO address was the impressive ceremony at the unveiling of the memorial in honor of our Canadian fallen heroes. Mrs. Goulding expressed the appreciation of the AuxiltKry for the very inter­ esting and timely talk given by Mrs. Sanders. Lunch was served by the group in charge. MEET MR. M. CLARK "CLOTHES OF QUALITY” BRAND Special Representative experienced stylist . His visit is i Thursday, * RNIN SURE TO INTRODUCE this es of Quality”, to men of this community because he will present £ r inspection the finest range of new woollens yet offwred^By Clothes of Quality. His experience as a well-known ^j^ie annotator is at your disposal. If superior clothing interests you—you’ll want to meet the Clothes of Quality representative. The date is important. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, Mrs. J. H. Stainton and two sons Ronald and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Holcombe, ‘of St. Thomas, and the latter’s brother Mr Saunders, who returned from Spain On Satur- " Mrs.day, were guests of Mr, and W. R. Goulding on Sunday, Main Street Y. P. S. The Main st. Y.P.S. was held Mon­ day eve. with Mr, Koch in charge. Following the singing of two hymns Mr, Medd led in prayer and Charles Pearce read the .Scripture, The meeting was then favored with a delightful piano duet by Misses Ila and Iva Willis. An interesting to­ pic was given by Mrs. Beavers after which Misses Willis favoured with another piano duet. Closed the meeting by singing "Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus" and repeating the mizpah benediction, Caven Young People’s Guild The regular meeting of the Caven Young People’s Guild was held on Monday evening with the president, Ethel Kydd presiding. Alma- Brown presided over the devotional exer- ises. A contest based on the know­ ledge of the Bible was very interest­ ing with the girls competing against the boys. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted fol­ lowed by roll call and the treasur­ er’s report. .■ Rev. Mr. Hill gave an interesting talk on the twentieth cenury poets, reaing various poems to illustrate the various character­ istics of modern poetry. Kathleen Srang reviewed the life of the great Presbyterian Missionary, Dr. Goforth Betty Hogarth presided over the social section. The meeting closed with the repeating of the Mizpah benediction in unison.