HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-15, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 th, 1038 New Scientific Discovery . . . Means Permanent Waving results never before possible sl<g$ • AKHentif pan. Annual Huron will b B.D., Exeter THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WINTER COATS • • •• • • Si 11 EACH $1.00 ALL WOOL SWEATER COATSFELT 11 SOUPS AROMA COFFEE 3 pkgs 25c 2 per our racKs a the newest styles McLaren’s Freez-Easy ICE CREAM POWDERS Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlomisa Crosse and Blackwell Cream of Asparagus Chicken with Rice Pure Chicken Tomato Soup 2 for . CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH We are showing shades in men’s hats. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH |<RVES 3 7 Monday at 8 p.m.- Thursday at 7.3 0 p.m.—Prayer Ser­ vice. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . . . 2>- This is a popular coat for both men and women, they are real wool and a real value $1.49 2 tins for . . . 27c p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. “The Christian Duties” II Tim. 2 1-5. GLOVES The Van Raalte gloves for fall are in a variety of shades, wine, green, grey, brown and black at 59c., 69c., AND $1.00 CANNED BLUEBE for pies cans............15c W°°L^ and a large range of assortment to choose from AYLMER PUMPKIN Large tin CANNED PINEAPPLE Sliced 2 tins for .’. . 22c with each pound we give a cup and saucer free .. . 39c CREPE DRESSES We have just put on our racks a shipment of Dresses in L_ and fabrics priced from $3.50 TO $10.95 Exeter Markets Wheat $1.0u Oats, standard 45e. Feed Bailey G5e. Manitoba’s Best $3.25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Shorts $1.55 Bran $1.50 Low Grade Flour $1.90 Creamery Butter 2S-29v. Dairy Butter 22-25 e. Eggs, A large 3 Ge. Egas, A medium 31e. Egas, b ISe. Eggs C 16c. LOCALS ti had hot re l\v for f action Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hupper and two children visited in Wingham on Sunday. lized hair de- tinet, b:.it. iff. thinning. > lmir Bun at FourfDays— 21, 22 23, 241 E’S Drugstore Save hi m ?y you usual spend Lr drug st "re needs. Zabounds for. MARKETIDE that lai definite ti/ieney tleness, By restoring A during i Vita m symp It is now ■k of Vitamin shows till toms: H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Rexalr 1-cen For these chilly days try, our Pure Pork TOMAo SAUSAGE Phori^Main St. Rev. Douglas C. Hill, BA., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 p.m.—-Our Larger Respcnsibilitj Text: St. Luke. X:29. And who is my neighbor? p.m.—“The Censorious Mind” Text: 1st Corinthians XIII:7. Charity . . . believeth all things Thuisday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Sunday, October 25th 75 th Anniversary Services con­ ducted by Rev. Angus Maclver B.A. of Tiverton. Tuesday, October 27th ■ Fowl Supper and Program by the Church^^clioir of St. Andrew’s United London. Monday, October 19tli, at 8 In Caveri Church, Exeter, Rally of Young People of Presbytery, The speaker Rev. D. C. Hill, B.A., ANNUAL MEETING OF UNITED FARMER^ th Dire tor S1 ubs, Fer- , and to nty 'y-Trea. The annual meeting of the ed Farmers' Clubs will be 1 Town Hall, Hensall, ThursJJ tuber 22nd at slo’cLck cuss the business of tilizer, Binder jTwi elect officers f$r 1 R. J. McMil- Joseph Fcr ONION GROWERS—PJ^se take '' " ’ r or.i"us at Sr., on H. Grieve cam/ one Dashwood y leave at Rewaid. notice that I will tak the usual pl Tuesday, Octi -One a^jhlllotiifunnelj^betweei jpnder^i&d^ Station. —— FOR SALE—100 acres Lot 14, Con. 14, Stgp-hen ter, 30 acres clear, For further par tic Jacob A. Ratz, 2.4-r25, Crediton LOST- large and Exeter Gibson’s Senice land, : wa­ der bush, apply to I, phone 3t STRAYED-40nto LotXl, Hay TcAvnMiim three he|d year-ora Zattljw ' same*/ ing R. R. Con. 2, g_ of two- may have ’ and pay- iky Bros. •Ul, H/y. X" STRAYED—FrOm.,LflM*k. Con. 5> Hay, a red steer, ytf it’ll wliifd&spots, white star on ;£dreheade slit.^ut of right ear, dehorned, two .peal's old and weighing-- about Infor­ mation gladly receive<Lby A. J. Todd phone 5‘lr83y Hensall or at Times- Advocate. 2tp Do you want to become a mers- chant or the owner ofa prosper^s business? We supplyAhe goods; can earn real good|money, income, right away. I Now chance to get ahea^i Fo tails write general Ma Clement St., Montreal eady your free de- 570 St. FOR SALE—’Walffittifrol^top desk standing oak dSS'k^fAwp'^ieaf table, •small hen house.—^R. HE. Balkwill, .phone 152j. 'I f ltp. _________22 222 “ in hi; buildi and Mrs. W. F. Abbott spent a few days in Toronto last week. M the week-end with relatives at /ia- H Mr. and Mrs. Pauline spent don. Mis. W. M. to. is vLi’ing Down. Dr. Wm. Lawsun, of spent the holidays under tai roof. Mr. James Francis, of spent the holiday at the home of Mr. Geo. Jaques. Murray Madge, of London, visited with his aunt, Mrs. G. W. Williams foi the holidays. Miss Ella Link spent Thanksgiv­ ing Day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bick- ell in London. Mr. Harry Stokes, of Strathroy, has taken a position as barber with Mr. E. O. Harness, -k Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thomson, of Arden, Man., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers. Mrs. J. Caldwell, of Cromarty spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mr. Len Peters, of the Ford gar­ age, and Mrs. Peters spent Sunday and Monday visiting in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale, of Elora, visited at the home of Mrs. M. F. Salter on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. E. A. Follick -returned last week after a pleasant visit in Tor­ onto, Barrie and Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the latter’s mother Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. Joe LaMantia Jr., of Strath­ roy, spent the week-end with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Laing. . Mr. and Mis. A. A. Ferguson, of ^Toronto, visited for several days with Mrs. Egan and Mr. Jas. Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz and Miss Dorothy Kuntz spent Sunday w-itn Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bickell in Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Richards and son, of friends week. Mrs. and Mrs. J. T. Paisley spent Oril- Jos. Folli.k the holiday in and Lon- Blatcliford, of Toron- with Mr. and Mrs. F. Listowel, the paren- Tavistock, St. Thomas, visited in town a few days with last FOR SALE—iFarm of cultivation, good wheat well advanced, done. Convenient to terms. C. V. PIC Phone 165. Exeter, Estate fall Sloughing er. Liberal D, HOUSES FOR|S^LE — several comforta/p at reasonable um ARD, Phone IGF. drhomes ies. C. i for sale V. PICK- have inker’s Drug sale Be sure td visit fStore during the N^Zz for 1 this Thursday, Frid; milkNOTICE—Will the stole a pair of lings freyi the wagon of Wm. Hafter^lease return same at once a further trouble. Mrs. N. HockW” wi she has not been agi Griss for overJjyM^ now dealing wf^h H,_« London, a reliable- .f$rm made to measure. to state for Mr. H. ears. She is .tel Furriers, ats v Wheat and beans/ Reid & Co., Dash ted. J. C. sFO-Stc ROOM3 FOR R Times-Advocat atT—Apply FOR SALE—>9b/^ire Ji’ed Barr­ ed Rock pulletSi/H^tchw in April. Apply to Joseph F^fcon. Lot 33, Con. Usbornj. ’ 2tc. and used guns amjKuhjtiA all sizes, "t^vens^.® gauge pump Wanted "fefemington Hi —„»2 North pEnd^W®rvice FOR SALE— and rifles; i Special new St$V $35.00. Wanfei Power rifles, 3-2 Z —— Ranted—Wfifrbuy aA jfumber of cheai^ borsM r, horses also bfce® hidesJ® Zand horse hair,•/ wood.—Isaiah T^wau. * i - ...........................----L....—J. — ----- I e. tation tt/limited /Fertilizer nrse hides ;n 3 4 Dash- JurtWrub^in. CO/iN ossthcmst Price 35c. ning’s Drugstore ' -New Sold at Lar- holi- Benson son the of pel- Mr. the and over Hugh Dolphin and ry, of London visited over days with Mr. and Mrs. Tuckey. Miss Margaret Penhale, mont, visited with her parents and Mrs. !A. J. Penhale over holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Westlake family, of Wyoming, visited the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and family, of Zion, visited their grand­ father, Mr. Henry Hern in Exeter on Sunday. Rev. R. eE. and Mrs. Southcott and two sons, of Mt. Brydges, visited with the former's mother Thanks­ giving Day. Mr. Wesley Dearing and sister Mrs. Chas. Isaac left on Tuesday to visit for a, few days with relatives in Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, spent holiday with the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Messrs. Allan and Ross Ferguson and Mr. J. Williamson, of Toronto, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Dr. Hazen, of London, conducted the service in Main St. church on Sunday morning in the interests of the Ontario Temperance Federation. Mrs. Ila Wood, o.f Santa Barbara, Calif., and Mrs. Fred Simmons, of Hensall, visited in the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston and other friends on Friday. Mrs. Geo. Patterson and daughter Miss Mary, of Griswold, Man., and Miss Minnie MacDonald, of Tisser, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers returned Sunday after attending the Provin­ cial W.C.T.U. Convention at Guelph and also visiting with her sister Miss A, Eacrett in Preston. <M1*. and Mrs, Geo. Jaques and Mis. H, Kyle spent the week-end in Rockwood sell Peart, with her weeks, Mr, and Mrs, .. daughter JAdfi and Miss Violet Pat­ terson, of 'Toronto, and Mr Christie, of London, silent the week­ end with the former’s parents Mr, and Mrs, C, W. Christie, Harold Kuntz, of the Thanksgiving former’s parents with Mrs, sister Mr, and Mrs. Rus- jaques is remaining for a couple of ,T. A. Christie and Eli a.m.—Rev, A. E. Doan, M.A..B.D, Essex 3 p.m.—.Sunday School 7 p.m.—.Rev. A. E. Doan, M.A.,B.D, Wednesday S p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Yeung P. U. Sunday, November 1st.— Rev. Dun­ can McTavish, Anniversary, MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—'Special W. M. S. Service Autumn Thankoffering Speaker: Rev. E. F. Chandler. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Rev. E. F. Chandler ■Y. P. S. 18tli Sunday After Trinity 8.30 a.m.—-Corporate Communion for A.Y.P.A. 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 THE SALVATION ARMY ^•Main Street Captain W^iG. Gammon 11 a.m.—Holipres^ Meeting 2.30 .p.m,-^3un,{I«ry School 7 p.m.—(Salvation Meeting THE MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Service Friday evening 8 p.m. Services foi< Sunday, October 18th 2.30- -p.m.—School and 3.3 0 p.m.—Devotion 8 p.m.—Subject!- A tion “What will happen Huron Ministerial Association, they don’t get out of Syria, back to Bethel?” Every church member in town should hear this one. Pastor, J. T. Edgar Bible Class great ques- to.the South if Ready for an Early Cold D. & thracite i^ideally ^uhpted to variable cause of ____________ Cold wejfither uncertain to come, so look orderi An- Tutumn Zweather be- xcellen^draft control. heaj|fand act ahead by S. P. BOWEY MRS. THOMAS NAGLE Mrs. Mary Ann Nagle, widow of thd late Thomas Nagle, died at her home, town line of Blanshard and Nissouri, aged 94 years. Born in Mc- Gl'livray township Mrs. Nagle spent he”' early life there. After her maf- rkge she and her husband farmed near Woodham until 55 years ago when they came to the south town line of Blanshard where she has liv­ ed until the present She was a life­ lot g member of the Holy Name R. C. Church. Surviving are the following sons and daughters, John, Edward, and Thomas Nagle, df the town line, Rev: Father C. F. Nagle, of Goder­ ich; Michael of Claresholm, Alta., and Mrs. Bernard Payton, of Plan­ shard. The fnneral took place on Monday morning with the interment in St, Marys cemetery, / It will pay you to see our values in Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats. They are in the Newest Cloths and Styles, nicely furred in Wolf, Squirrel, Oriental Fox Sable and Seal at prices to suit you. HOSE The Van Raalte hose for Fall. Comes in three popular shades, smokeline, stroller, and gunmetal AT PER PAIR $1.00 DRESSES For the cold weather, we have a range of woolen dresses in jerseys, wool crepes and rabbit hair. $3.95 TO $12.95 Kenwood Christmas Club A small deposit each week buys Kenwood Blanket for Christmas—for yourself; for your friends. Each week you make a small deposit. It is entered in your Ken­ wood Pass Book. By Christmas th^/blankets you plan to buy are Paid For—and you have?never missed the money. Inquire about, this simple purchasing plan.^O^ ------------------------- -------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- - PENMAN’S AND STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR #’ With the cooler weather yo|r will need warmer underwear. We car^r a range at $1.00 $1.50 In fa colours. CERY SPECIALS McCORMICK SODAS 2 pounds for . 25c OXYDOL f Large pkg. . . 19c Southcott Bros Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSU C. V. Offers Meet Every NCE CO. CKARD Phone 165 oliciesxl^F ce Need LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. Z-uber spent the week-end visiting in Toronto. Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Roulston spent the holidays in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Lawson, of Toron­ to, visited at -her home here for Thanksgiving. > Mrs. Dale, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. ~ left Wednesday evening Miss Edith Hutchins, to, visited at the home Mrs. Jas. Gardiner -over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey visjted with, the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant in Glencoe on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey and Donald, of London, spent Thanks­ giving with Mr. and Mrs. George Mawson. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Keller, and daughter Ann, of Chatham, spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt and family, of London, spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. James Jewell and other relatives. Miss Olive Wood, Reg. N., of Tor­ onto, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood. On Tuesday Miss Wood accompanied by her mother motored to Detroit for a couple of days. Messrs. E. Howald and F. Sheere, Mrs. Hockey and Mrs. Boyle motor­ ed to Simcoe Sunday and were ac­ companied home by Mrs. Howald who has .been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, .Stock up for ^inte Drug Store durin Sale this 'week. A Gentleman to see You Sir Mr. Geo. H. Jones, Special Representa tive of Tip Top Tailors will be here on T. Acheson for Boston. of Toron- o.f Mr. and t Walker’s Nyal 2 for 1 FRIDA 23rd Mewer, OCTQ ffst outstajjjfHag collection of his- Ehentic styles! These p Top representative is . Be sure to come in him personally. If you wish tory! are v brin and let h’ffi help you build your Fall ward­ robe; His world of experience in the clothing business is at your disposal. Make a note of this date. You’ll want to meet our representative W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT." Mr. Harold McDonald spent the holiday in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer motored to Detroit Sunday owing to the ser­ ious illness of Mrs. Beer’s sister, Mrs. C. J. Patterson. Mrs. Patterson recently underwent an operation for inward goitre. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Sanders and son Aljoe, of town, and Mrs. Peter Robertson and of Stratford, visited over days with Mr. and Mrs. R. of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. E. returned to Owen (Sound after holidaying for two weeks in Exeter, Napanee and. Forest. Mr, Wm, Bossenberry and Miss Eileen Bossonberry, of Forest, returned to Owen Sound with them on a visit. Mr. son the . E. and Peter holi- Dhle, Acheson Monday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mason two daughters spent Sunday Monday in HarrietSville. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johns __ two sons Roger and David, of Tor­ onto, spent Thanksgiving with the former’s mother, Mrs. W. Johns. The latter returned to Toronto with tli&tn wli&rG sh.G ‘vyill win** ter. At the morning service in James Street church on Sunday Mr. Johns sang a. very acceptable solo. The first frost of the season visit- od this locality early Monday morn­ ing, The fall flowers, which have been blooming so profusely, wore cut, Early Tuesday morning the ground wWoovoted with a light fall of snow, 'the trees and shrubbery looked beautiful in their white man­ tle. and and and -. .............................................................................. ..