HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-15, Page 4Hl'BSDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1036 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE .......... ............------------------— Ju V W JuK Jl • • • • on New and Used Cars 1937 Chevrolet Models Available Soon Lighter Grade . Batteries s EXETER, AND at Valve Grind Motor Tuned FALL yest Prices bricants PHONE 100 AUTO ACCIDENT Three automobiles figured in an auto accident* shortly o'clock Tuesday uel McMath, of Clinton, stopped his car on the east way about half Brucefield and a car driven by Dr. W. W. Martin, of Goderich, crash­ ed into the rear of it. A third car driven by Harr^ Plumsteel, of ton, crashed into the Martin All Acars were headed north. Ms^in suffered head injuries ^possible fracture of the leg. Helen McMath suffered from shock and slight facial lacerations, three cars were The accident was Traffic after seven evening when Sam- side of No. 4 High- a mile south of Clin- car. Mrs. with Miss AU badly damaged, investigated Officer Wm. Robinson, CENTRALIA by Sunday School anniversary United church will be held BIRTHS LOCAL NEWS WOODHAM WILDFONG—At Dashwood on Sat­ urday, October 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wildfong, a sen. Metropolitan on Friday, Oc- and Mrs. John Hanna Ave., a PRYDE — At the Hospital, Windsor, tober 2nd, to Mr. B. B. Pry de, 111 daughter. MOORE—At Mooresville, on day, October 9th, to Mr. and Bert Moore, a son. Fri- Mrs. MARRIAGES GREB—SCOTT— At the Bormar Presbyterian manse, Toronto, on Wednesday, September 30th hy Rev. G. C. Lamont, Mrs. Scott to Mr. Simon Greb, of Exeter. DEATHS resi-GRAYBIEL— At the family dence, Dashwood, on Saturday, October 10th, 1936, John Wil­ liam Graybiel, dearly belpved husband of Nancy Lovisa Warner in his 72nd year. Interment Exeter cemetery, on Monday, tober 12 th, 193'6. in Oc- ENGAGES Mrs. John Jjahns nounce the --- daughter I^y^ taxe pjacejt: — ENGAGES^ Mr. and Mrs. ,Efiiis nounce the eiigfagenJ^j L. Klumpp, t^ie we/ding to place this month. / Mrs. John G#hvbJ^ and family •wish to thank/th^sjneighbors and friends for t ir kifdness and sym­ pathy extended during their recent bereavement. • es an- her to of Harold L. Boyes, f-^ratfoijF, the marriage to take placeithe lajfter part of October. Kader an- of their daughter Selnja Mr. Maurice take - — card of THAMES ROAD Tuesday evening last the Young People met in the church basement •owing to weather conditions. After the regular devotional exercises the evening was spent socially and those weiners tasted good just the same. The Mission Circle girls entertain­ ed the James Street Circle on Fri­ day evening. We understand a very enjoyable and spent Miss Lillian her home in grandparents. Mrs. S- Gunning, o.f Exeter, has returned after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thomson, of Arden, Man,, Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers, of Exeter and Mr. and ■Mrs. C. F. Chambers, of London, spent Sunday at the home of the (former’s cousin Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chambers. profitable time was Mildred is making Napanee with her ■■ ews The RefalL^ne Cent Sale— Your oppfjjjtfnnity to save 50% October , 22, 23, 24th at— W. S. COLE’S, Rexall StoreW-... —— ....— ....... Rev. J. W. Down and daughter Miss Florence have returned from an extended motor trip down east. Mr. W. Martin accompanied by his mother, Mrs. S. Martin, spent several days visiting in Toronto and Beaton. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Westcott and Bert, of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. son Gordon, of holidays with the former’s mother, Mrs. Chas. Birney. Mr. aqd Mrs. Gordon Davis, and family, of Toronto, spent the week­ end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham Miss Lois, of London, visited Thanksgiving Day with Mr. Mis. J. R. Hind. Have you procured your winter diug needs If not be sure to vis­ it Walker’s Drug Store this week during the Nyal 2 for 1 Sale. Mr. ana Mrs. Alec Lloyd and two children, of Toronto,, and Mrs. Mil­ lar, and two children, of London, spent the holidays at the home of Mr. L. Day. Mr. Hugh J. Creech, M.A., visit­ ed at his home^here over the week­ end. He attended the Varsity- Western rugby game Saturday after­ noon and the Western Alumi dance in the evening. A baptismal service was observed at the James ,St. United Church Sunday morning when William Earl son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frederick James, son of Mrs. Gerald Ford, were Rev. Harold Swann, a Missionary from Trinidad, hurried call on friends in Exeter on "Wednesday. Mr. Swann gave an il­ lustrated address of the work in Trinidad at Grand Bend, Tuesday evening, and at Thames Road Wednesday evening. Easterbrook over W. J. Birney and Toronto, spent the and on and Allen, and Mr. and baptized. returned made a GRAND BEND on Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull have moved into Mr. Southcott’s house for the winter. We welcome them to the village. Miss Bernice Webb, of Toronto, is The New PlymouthWedding hells are ringing here this week. Anniversary Services Anniversary services were observ­ ed in the United church here on Sundiay Aast, the church at both services was filled to capacity. The special speaker fur the day was Rev. A. J. Langford, of Port Stan­ ley, who at both morning and ev­ ening services impressed his hearers with his delightful and inspiring messages. Special music was pro­ vided by the choir assisted by Mr. II. Tufts, of Toronto. During the morning service Mrs. Alex. Berry­ hill sang a heauitful solo “Jesus’ Great Love’’ and at the evening ser­ vice a quartette composed of Messrs. Charles Paul, of Kirkton; Mills, Ray Mills and Wm. favored with the hymn “I Thee, O, I Need Thee.” The er took for his subject in the ing “Will You Rob God” and evening service “Co-laborers gether with God.” The church was beautifully decorated with flowers, fruits, vegetables and grain. Mrs. Morley is under the doctor’s care. We hope she will soon be feeling better. Some of the visitors who attend­ ed fhe anniversary and spent the day with friends were: Mr. Mrs. IL White, of Kirkton, with Mrs. F. Parkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Edger Squire, of Whalen; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice of Thames Road and Mrs. Gunning, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques and children with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Scott; Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Mary and Marjory and Mr. and Mrs. of Exeter with Mr. and Nor­ Jas. Lon- and ■ ■ ■ The New 1937 Plymouth cars are the last word in Modern Automobiles. These will be here on display this week and prices that will surprise you all. Used Car Specials this Week 1930 Marquette 4-dqor ^edan, body by Fisher, A car with many miles of good^service; in splendid condition and 4 new tires on it. 1929 Pontiac CoapJn—a right good car, newly painted. Mr. Wm. Rodd, Need speak­ morn- in the To- .KNOCK!t)CK! WHOSE THERE? WHETHER! WHETHER WHO? ^WHETHER you have stopped to splendid time to have your turejrwhich are T’~:have any kind you want; Car heaters in different models to choose from. Your lubrication on your car is very important and will save you large repair bills. h a ler tempera- EXETER, ONT The of the on Sunday, November 1st, when Rev. Harold Swan, returned mis­ sionary from Trinidad, will be the special speaker. Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the week-end at her home in Goderich. Miss Jean Thompson, of Sebring- ville, was a guest with Miss Marie Fletcher over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Rex Mills and Marilyn, of Wyoming, Mrs. Spencer and Jewel, of St. Thomas, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hariy Mills. Mr. Gordon Mitchell, of Windsor and Mr. Wm. Mitchell, of London, spent the week-end with their par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. Messrs. Gordon McDonald and Donald Hicks spent the week-end In Detroit. Mrs. Andrew .Flicks ac­ companied them as far as Windsor and visited with Mr. Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bly th, Mr. and Mrs. Gowan, of Windsor, visitors with Mr. and Mis. Arthur Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of Sebringville, spent Sunday with Mis. Thcs. Willis. Mr. S. Henry is holidaying at his home in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with the former’s parents Mr. and Ms. D. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, ot Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and Teddy, London, spent Thanks­ giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Brooks. Mr. Allie McFalls, of Lucan visit­ ed with his brother, Mr. John Mc- F'ails on Friday, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and Marjorie and Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis and Edna Smith, of London, visited with Mrs. W. J- Parsons on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cutbush, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skel­ ton, of Clinton, were Sunday visit-0 ors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Penwar­ den. Mr. and Mrs. R. .Schroeder, of Clandeboye, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huxtable and Marie, of Exeter, were Sunday vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith. Large congregations attended the Thankoffering Services held in _the Church here on Sunday last, guest speakers, Rev. S< M. man, of Ilderton and Rev. Smale of Strathroy delivered spiring messages. The pastor, Rev. Stewart was present for both ser­ vices. The choir was assisted by Mr. I Walter Cutbush of Exeter, who sang two appropriate solos. Miss Greta Mollard assisted with • at of of and Mrs. A. McGowan, of Findlay Mc- were Sunday The Sweet- A. J. in­ AllOO ECl lllvtj VVUUUj Ml lUlUHLUj JlO .O-L-AMW w A *, , visiting her parents Mr. and '"Mrs. the concert at the Ham Supper Stephen Quite vices at Mrs. Sarah Eagleson spent Thanks­ giving with Mr. and Mrs. Gunning at Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor has moved to our town and we welcome them. They have purchased Mr. John Ross’ house. The young people’s Convention1 is being held in the United Church. Saturday. All the young people are invited to attend. Mr. Geo. Oliver visited his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver. Mr. Bruce Eagleson has raised his house and is putting a cement cel­ lar and otherwise improving h.is home. i Mrs. Wilbur Dewey entertained a few of hex’ friends at a birthday party for the twin daughters. All enjoyed the evening. Mrs. Necter, of Thedford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Holt this week­ end. IsUin this service you will re-* and Geo. Earl, Mrs.cjas. Squire; Mr. and Mrs. man Brock, of Zion, with Mr. Routly; Miss Evelyn Wynn, of don at her home here; Mr. Mrs. WTesley Shier and Netta at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chatten’s; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Copeland; Mr. and '' — — »• Mrs. Kirk and many more too num­ erous to mention. The members of this church arc this week helping to fill a carload of vegetables and fruit to be sent to the drought stricken part of the west. Mrs. (Rev.) Thompson, of Park­ hill spent a few days recently at the home of her son Mr. Harold Thomp­ son. Mrs. Ed. Stone and Violet with Mrs. T. Tufts, of Kirkton with SHIPKA Webb for a week. a number took in the ser- Greenway on Sunday. Clandeboye, on Tuesday evening this week by singing a couple soles. Women’s Association The monthly meeting of the W. was held on Thursday, October 1st, with Mrs. A. Essery in the chair. Hymn 168 was sung followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The les­ son was read alternatively from Psalm 119. Mrs. J. Blair gave a reading entitled “Motherhood.” A solo by Mrs. Margaret Fletcher was much appreciated. Flossie Davey gave a couple of reading. Following the singing of hymn 254, the presi­ dent, Mrs. L. Hodgson took the chair . for a short business session. The 1 ladies who collected in place of the Fowl Supper handed in $1’10. Rev. Mr. Stewart gave an intereting talk on his trip that he took while on his holidays. Hymn 268 was sung and Mr. Stewart closed the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Bus­ well, Mrs. T. Boyes, Mrs. B. Hicks and A. i Mrs. C. Skinner. CREDITON EAST and SEIBERLING TIRES, EXIDE BATTERIES, NEVER-NOX GASOLINE AND AUTOLENE MOTOR OILS STEWART BROS. PHONE 155w and 248 AUCTION SALE Feed for Better Results Hens can’t produce eggs unless you supply them with the proper materials. You must also balance the ration and supply vitalizing elements that will keep the bird in best results you need a fine healthy condition, ^or return­ stay in Sarnia, mother Vi-tal-ized o Concentrate for mixing with and balancing h< tion of the highest grade of dnvei and mineral elements in a safe, easily availabl protein concentrate. It contains BBtchford’s Y mins A. B. D and G are definitel#present- cess against loss of strength or pftency. Start now to feed this eweentffate and j ie grown grana a combina- ified animal Jjrotelns, vitamins economical highlf in which the vita- sfljfled by patented pro- AUCTION SALE — of. FJ J. TUESDAY, OC ATT] BER m S5E&RLINGS AR-OLDS S—CASH LOR, Auctioneer MORRISSEY, Proprietor AUCTION SALE HOUSE & HOUSEHOLD EFFECT^ SATURDA WM. D. HY. STA — of OCTO Proprietor Y, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Rev. cupied United the pastor Rev. Mr. johnston); who was the anniversary speaker at Holmesville. There will be no church next Sunday. Anniversary are being held at Brinsley. School as usual at 10:30. Mr. Matt. Sweitzer gave perance talk at Sunday whi.ch was much enjoyed by sent. Guests at the home of Mr. Wm. Sweitzer for the holidays were: Mr. and Mrs. Bend and Thedford, Bweitzer. Quite a ed anniversary services at Greenway last Sunday to hear of Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs. F. family, of Sarnia, with relatives here. Mrs. E. Evelyn, of the home Tetreau. Miss Alma Ratz Teachers’ Convention last week. Miss Bernice Webb and friend, of Toronto, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F'ink- beiner. The Lockner reunion was held at their home here .Sunday last. All members of the family were hdnre. ? The neighbors and friends,%^/f Mrs. S. Collins enjoyed a social5ev­ ening last Friday. V* ' Mr. Baudey, of the pulpit Sunday church. In the Varna oc- last at the absence" "of <'■ of — ROCKERS ATjfiy BREEDI tp^be held at service services Sunday a tem- School all pre­ Glenn Brenner, of Grand Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke and John Ratz and Ida number from here attend- Mrs. Sutcliffe, La Fond and visited Sunday Mason Parkhill, of Mr. and daughter are visiting at and Mrs. I. attended the at Goderich - -----YrSW WHALEfCo V '•tf>and Mrs. Howard Morley, of FRED ELLERINGTON’s $ mileZ / / I KFRIDAjY^p^bBER^X6Hi, I - T Sale at^^p^n. 125 and gool 2 s M, east 936 - "T Sale at^p-m. | Exvra Chojce Quality Stickers Feeders, jJteers/and Heifers in flesh, fr^m 50.0 to 900 pounds \/ TE^JB^-CASH Cattle delivered up -to^ a distance of 20 miles, .fQr ’-25c. per head. WM.‘ NAIRN, Auctioneer " IMMcARTHUR, Proprietor AUCTION SALE — of --- FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD E FEE CI'S & The undersigned has received structions to sell by public auction, in- on Lot 9, N. B. STEPHEN, TWI’., 3 3-4 miles west of Exeter at Sodom and 4 miles east of Dashwood, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27tli, 1936 1.00 o’clock the following: 4 /HORSE'S — Aged - - -------J CATTLE—9 cows yearlings rising 2, 2 2-year-old heifer, 8 heavy ie of 4 2 di 3 sid 6 s — of — VALUABLE FURNVruBE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS to be held at the J. G. Stanburj ;r, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. 28th, at gaso, 11 tai tables and 14 chairs, boardsjiB' couches, 10 rockers, s> 2 hall racks, music Ing desk, flower stand,, fbve,, electric plate, 8 bed- B’ass and wood), 5 springs., | rs, 3 bureaus, 2 toilet sets,. litchen table and rugs; one cabinet and 11 chairs, dish- es.jpid utensils, sausage grinder, re­ frigerator, lawn mower, veranda swing and 4 chairs, baby carriage,, cart, sleigh, cot, cradle and higli chair, pictures, books, etc. Terms—Cash FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE 53* Under and by virtue of the Pow­ ers of Sale contained in a certain, mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be of­ fered for sale iby THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 193G at the hour of two o’clock in the af­ ternoon at the farm of Daniel F- Coughlin, Crediton, Ontario, the. following property, namely: All and singular those certain parcels or tracts * of land and prem­ ises, situate, lyinfc and being FIRST: In the Townshiifof Stephen, in thex. County of .Huron and being coifl||F posed of Lot Amber Nineteen*: the South BouSidary Concessj the ;spid Township of Steph fONDLY. Gillivray, . Blesex, and j^ing nt i teen. /nujtwi®— Aged mare, iplyde horse, sucking colt. all in calf, 9 two-year-old’s, spring calves. These cattle are in Al condition. HOGS—4 shoats 60 to 70 lbs. brood sows. IMPLEMENTS—McC. binder. H. mower, disc, 2 sets harrows H. riding plow, new; walking^Wow, 2-furrow Cockshutt plow, sesO^drill, broadcaster, corn cultivat John Deere manure snrelTer. John Deere hay load delivery rak|, 2 wagon, buggy, M H separator, attachments^ litt car and tr folk, new; set harnes quantity sleighs, er, fianni drums, iturnip single;! gers, scytihe, quantity 3 inch tile, 1 light tongue, neckyokes, quantity of bags, silo full ensilage 1936 fresh filled. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Daisy churn, 2 sugar kettles, 3 incubators, coal oil stove, Pandora range cook stove, laundry stove, large leather chair, leather couch, sideboard, or­ gan, 2 bed steads with springs and mattress, number of pails, cross cut saw and numerous other articles. REAL ESTATE—25 acres of land all in grass with 5 acres of good bush on it with windmill and plenty Of water, This land is in Hay Town­ ship. TERMS—CmiiituB, cusiij fate, 10 per cent, to b& paid on of sale and balance in 30 days. SILAS STANLAKE, Proprietor GEORGE MERNER, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer ncessj Mr. Detroit, spent the holiday with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson visit­ ed with relatives in Toronto over the holiday. Mr. and iMrs. ,S. Webb, of Green­ way; Mrs. Eagleson, of Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Webb, of Shipka psent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning. Mrs. Robbins has .returned home from Exeter where she past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirkton, visited -recently with and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hodgson, of Toronto, and Mr. Arthur Westman, of London, visited for a short-time on Sunday with Squire. v Mr. and Mrs. ' ed on Sunday 1 Wm. Rodd and Anniversary. Mt. and Mrs. < Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. George Seed, Dash­ wood, visited on Bunday with Mr. and Mrs, N. Ogden. ** W. M. S. The October meeting was held at Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart’s home at Cen­ tralia with thirteen members pres­ ent, Mrs. Harvey .Squire was in the chair and she read a poem which opened the meeting .followed by singing and prayer, The Study Book was taken by Mrs. E. Squire and three assistants, Mrs, Thomas Gunning, Mrs, Wm. Brooks and Mrs, Mervin Johnson. Mrs, Milne Pullen favored with a solo and Mrs, Hazelwood read the Scripture les­ son. At this time it was decided to hold a pressed chicken supper on November 20th. Mrs. John Hodg­ son closed the meeting. spent White, the of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. .Frank George Squire visit- with Mr. and Mrs. attended Woodham eere side Wagons, light 2 root pulpers ’lb. scales with Carrier and track goslings and liay set harness, single chains, gravel box, ngolds, set of bob h-SFhg chains, corn blow­ hill, shovels, 2 steel gas arnia fence stretchers, 2 eders, one double, one cow bells, 2 post hole au- sed of -Lot ;he North the Town- y, containing in acres, more 'Or Number Ni Boundary ship of all Two less. ON the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. THE lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE; Ten percent, paid the of the purchase money to be down at the time of sale and balance within thirty days. •FOR further particulars and ditions of sale apply to R. G. M. McDOUGALL, Esq., con- R. G. M. McDougall, Esq., East Block, Parliament Bldgs., Toron­ to, Ontario, Solicitor for Mort­ gagee. / DATED at Toronto this Twenty* t * fourth day of September, 193 6. Gordon Hodgson, of I on Thanksgiving NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: CATHERINE DOUPE, laic of the Village of Kirlatoii, in the County of Perth, Spinster, de­ ceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS havrf? ing claims against the estate cf ti» said deceased are required oi before November 2nd, 1936 t with the undersigned Execi his Solicitor fuJ>partlculars claims duly v®ified date the said to distribute tate having claims of w received. DATED t A. D. 1936. AMOS DO Kirkton, Ontar Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lippert children spent the week-end with the former’s parents in Melbourne. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and two children, of Grand Bend, .spent Sunday with .relatives here. Mrs. Wilson Anderson has ed home after a few weeks’ Exeter with relatives. Mr. Charles Anderson, of spent the week-end with his Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatlierley, of London spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz. Mr. Eli Lawson returned horn* Friday from the West. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards and daughter, of Ingersoll, spent the week-end with relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Ohlen Truemner and children, of Grand Bend, spent Bun­ day with Mr, Dan Truemner and and Mrs, Aaron Wein. Mrs, Hairy Lewis is visiting latives near Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs, Royal Gaiser two children and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender and daughter spent Saturday in London. Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr., spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Marry clarke near Shipka. rc- an <1 Mr. Phone 181w ....We have also Blntchford's 3f>r'% Ho better hogs. Try it. more and bigger eggs, oncentrate which builds •Chattels, cash; Real Es- i day Exeter* Ont I I J*-—....... 1 h day of October Solicitor, Executor, xecutor ie asse egard, f their which proceed said es- to ** the has been Esq., . .. _'io. by J. W. MORLEY, his Exeter, Ontario,