HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-15, Page 1p r"h V NEW MATERIALS The Fall Brand is the 79c. to $1.50 Silvertones, Tweeds, etc. with self also luxuriously tri low price. We can KSTABWSHaD 1873 t Aylmer Tomato Juice, jumbo tins 3 for 25c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes per pkg............7c. Pitted Cherries, No. 2 tins ......... 2 for 25c. New Cooking Figs, ............... 3 lbs. for 25c. i A 4J EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15th, 1930 s Made-to-Measure Suits Phone 32 Men’s and Young Men’s I NEW STYLES ONABLE PRICES ren’s Gloves “Bits B’F Brand Work Shirts each. Rubber Boots Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Jones & May Phone 32 “Big B” POULTRY—We are cash buyers of all poultry live or dressed; also canning poultry. Phone for prices when you are ready to sell. Cascade Salmon, large ............... 2 tins 25c. Huron Toielt Paper................. 10 rolls 25c. Harry Horne’s Peanut Butter...2 lbs. 25c. New Mince Meat bulk ............... 2 lbs. 25c. Rubbers, Goloshes, now ready for the cold and wet weather. Our prices are very low on these lines. d fur collars at very and iptei^^eight shirts are here for your consideration, triple stitch seams. Prices Mr. Sydney Miller representing La Salle Style Tailors of Toronto will be at this store THURSDAY, OCT. 22nd with the very latest styles in fall and winter cloths for mad to measure suits. Mr. Miller is an expert in this line and suit is guaranteed a perfect fit. Prices are very reaso 9 The new gloves are here for Fall in all thjjFhew styles and fabrics including cape­ skin, chamoisette, silvertonfes and the newg^ivoollen effects. Let us show you these newest styles. Ladies’ new rich scarfs in crepes^Kd silk and wool and all wool materials at Attention Poultry Owners Now is the time to worm your Pullets before putting thegj^ih for laying. One tablet does a bird. No exra work. V catch them give them a pill and yoni* troubles are all ovei 85% of. tho Birds raised utfder average conditj^ wormy “Use Tetsiiles?’ ’ MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Fred Bawden was hostess on Friday evening last to a miscell­ aneous shower in honor of Miss Margaret Russell, bride-elect. The room was tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers and at­ tached to these were colored bal­ loons with notes inside telling the bride-to-be where to hunt for the gifts which were hidden about the rooms. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. GREB—SCOTT A quiet wedding took place ,t,tlie Borrnar Presbyterian manse, J ^Toronto, on Wednesday, Sept. 30 th, when Mrs. Scott, of Toronto, and formerly of Parkhill and Mr. Simon Greb, of Exeter, were united in marriage by Rev. G. C. Lamont. {Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs, Greb enjoyed a trip to Nia­ gara Falls and points in the South­ ern States. They recently returned to town where they will reside in future. The Times-Advocate ex­ tends a welcome to Mrs. Greb and joins with their many friends in ex­ tending best wishes. A FREAK OF NATURE Tile Times-Advocate has on hibition in its window a freak nature in the form of a mangold that is tied in a complete knot. The mangold is about six inches in cir­ cumference, not quite as big as a map’s wrist and if straightened out it would measure almost three feet long. It was grown on tile farm of Mr. Ed. Johns, Elimville. The knot is as pretty a knot as one e.uld wish to see and -has grown that way from seed. Mr. Johns came upon it ac­ cidentally while pulling a few man­ golds for feed, ex- of MINISTER INJURED A huge oil dium was responsible foi a motor mishap whi h brought facial injuries to Rev. R. P. Bulteel, rector of St. Thomas church, Dover, and formerly of Kirkton. Mr. Bul­ teel noticed the drum was beginning to roll off a truck near a narrow bridge on the River road, so he speeded up his car to avoid eollison with it, The minister’s machine got out of control, plunging into a narrow ditch and smashed against the bridge abutment. The drum rolled off the truck 200 feet away. at FRACTURED HIP TURNBULL—BROWN A pretty wedding was solemnized at the United Church manse, Grand Bend, when Rubie Isabelle, young­ est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, of Parkhill, became the bride of Rufus Turnbull, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull, of Hay. Rev. J. B. Moore officated They were attended by Miss Lillian Wilson an,d Russell Brown, the bride’s brother. The bride chose a navy blue triple sheer and carried a bouquet of roses and maiden hair fern. The brides­ maid was also gowned in navy blue sheer and wore a shoulderette of Sweetheart roses and fern. The groom’s gift to the bride was a chest of silver; to the bridesmaid, a white gold bracelet, and to the best man a gold watch chain. After the ceremony the happy couple left on a motor trip to North Bay, Niagara Falls and Toronto. Tne bride travelled in a knitted or­ ange suit with accessories to match. ROSSER—RUSSELL The Times-Advocate will give the remainder of this year to new sub- scilbers for 25c. Subscribe now. Startena complete LEAVITT’S THEATRE Purena Calf Starteip— From Purina Experimental Farm comes and this outstanding new evidjneein Raisingjffealves •calf feed that you feed dry leaving it befQfe the calf all the time. Think what this means No> mixing —No pails to keep clean—No feeds to mix. J<st refill ho ir two or three times a week and keep the calves jgupplied wi|ff -plenty of fresh drinking water—No other feed req red excep Purena Stock feed We carry a full s explain these to you. ALSO DR. ROE’ Purena feeds, Come in and let us ROYAL PURPLE HEN AND HOG NCENTBATE We have a large range of Enamel Stoves and Ranges to choose from. See our New Models and find out the difference in Ranges. Traqu air’s Hardware With rela- a re- Mr. Charles Hodgert, of Athens, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgert and family, of London, visited Miss Jessie Hodgert and other tives On Thanksgiving Day. Rev. A. E. Elliott attended union of his old battalion, the 12fith at Brantford, on Saturday and Sun­ day. A banquet was held Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon a church parade was held to Grace Anglican church where Mr. Elliott had the honor and pleasure of preaching to his old comrades, He returned to Exeter conduct the evening Main St. ehureh. Our now assortment of Christmas cards have just arrived. We have a Very attractive line for this year. T-he popular price for cards printed with your name and address is one dollar a dozen. We have some bet­ ter ones a little higher in pried. We Can quote very attractive prices in quantities. in time to service in A small green purse containing five dollars was dropped in the post office tvednesday evening of last it at the returned to veek and by reporting Times-Advocate it was its owner next day, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 'October 15th, IBtli and .lTtli^gf Naughty MarieJ The popular Victor He« rt light opera with? Jeanette Ma^Ponald add Nelson E a Metr^-Goldwyn MONDAf, TUESI The marriage took place in Tyivitt Memorial Church on Saturday of Margaret Moir Russell, second dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rus­ sell, to Stewart MacKenzie Rosser, of Blenheim, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rosser, Denfield. There was a large gathering of friends and relatives at the church for the cere­ mony at 3 o’clock performed by the rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. The maid of honor was the bride’s sister, Miss Irene Russell, and the best man was /Lloyd Murdock, of Blenheim. The bride was given away by her father. Ths church chancel and altar were beautifully decorat­ ed with yellow mums and other flow­ ers, Miss McFaul played the organ. The bride looked charming in a dress of imported French faille made on princess lines, in Dubonnet shade, maid of honor and best" mail. S.ignet model of triple sheer crepe in a! spruce green shade. The groom’s gift t.o the bride was a bracelet, to the maid of honoi’ and best man siget rings, and to the organist a cameo necklace. Following the ceremony there was a reception at the home of the bride’s parents and this was followed by a wedding dinner at the Imperial Hotel, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mr. Rosser are on a trip to Chicago. On their return they will reside in Blenheim. The bride is one of Exeter’s popu- lar young ladies and the best wishes of a host of friends will follow them to their new home. s feiWring Edward G. Robinson COMING: Zane Grey’s ‘Drift Fence’ “Three Cheers For Love” yer picture WEDNESDAY , 20th, aist 99 Mr. and Mrs. Win. May and son Gordon visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ericson, of Rochester, N.Y. A rally of the Young People’s So­ cieties of Huron Presbytery will be held in Caven Presbyterian Church Monday evening of minister, Rev. Mr. the address of the next week. The Hill, will give evening. suffered an in- ___ .. .... / last week. He was passing some shrub­ bery when a branch flipped and struck him in the eye producing an extensive ulcer. The eye proving and he has been remove the bandage. Mrs. N. Stacey and two Marion and Donald, of Grove, visited fir a week former's mother Mrs. J. S. Mr, Stacey spent Thanksgivin,, and was accompanied ,home by the wife and family. Rev. Mrs ton, the Mr, Wm. Rivers jury to his left eye one day BOX—AMOS The home of Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Amos, Lieury, was the scene of a pretty evening wedding recently when their daughter, Margaret Edith became the bride of Mr. Lawrence Box, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Box of Parkhill, Rev. Walter M. Kitely, of Parkhill 'conducted the ceremony. The bride who was giv­ en in marriage by her father enter­ ed the living-room to the strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin played by Miss B. Amos, of Hamilton and was becomingly gowned in white chantilly lace cut in regency style, the skirt forming a graceful train. Her veil of white net was caught into her hair with orange blossoms and fell over her train, She wore silver slippers and carried a bouquet of Butterfly roses. The oniy attendant was Miss Lor­ na Box, niece of the groom, attired in tea rose silk, she wore a match­ ing bandeau and carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses. During the signing of the register Mr, Ray O’Neil sang Thine, othy Box. ception was held. is i ar­ able to children Willow With the Harvey. g here __ _ ............. L. C. and Harvey and family, of Gran- also spent Thanksgiving with former’s mother here. „ 'All Joy Be accompanied by Miss Dor- After the ceremony a re- __ * "I, the bride and groom receiving the guests assisted by the bride’s mother wearing block transparent velvet with a corsage of red roses. The groom’s mother wearing marina crepe with a corsage bouquet of Talisman roses received with them. Following the wedding dinner the young couple loft on a motor trip to Northern a dress matching seal >coat, __ __ and Mrs, box will reside in Parkhill. Ontario, the bride wearing of muscatel crepe with accessories and a Hudson Upon their return Mr. Mrs. Hutchinson, who some time ago came to Exeter from British Columbia to care for her sister, Mrs. F. Gill, who suffered from a fractured hip, the result of a fall about a year ago, on Tuesday morn­ ing suffered a similar accident to that of her sister when she fell on the slippery walk on Huron Street. Mrs. Hutchinson was on her way up town when - she fell and fractured her left hip. She was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London in Mr. R. N. Rowe’s ambulance. Mrs, Gill has made a splendid recovery and Mrs. Hutchinson was planning to return to her home next week. BY-LAW NOW BEFORE MUNICIPAL BOARD At a special meeting of the muni­ cipal council on Saturday evening the by-law to provide for the erection, of a community hall in Exetei* re­ ceived its second reading. The by-law has been forwarded to the Municipal Beard in Toronto for ratification and as scon as the approval of the Board has been received the con­ tract for the new building will be let. We understand the contractor is ready to start the erection of the new building at once, has previously been cipal Board and is their approval will fore the end of the The by-law before he Muni- expected that be received be- week. WOLVES MAY VISIT DOORS Judging from reports made Indians at near Forest this winter the door as more numerous than in other years. While hunting near Port Franks Edgar Sawnoo and Wilfred Shaw- kenese ran into a pack of seven, shooting one and wounding others. The same day Beattie Greenbird counted a pack of nine. by Kettle Point Reserve, it will be a hard task to keep the wolf from the animals are much THANKSGIVING SERVICE The Thanksgiving service in Trivitt Memorial church Monday evening in which the various churches of town united, was well attended and a splendid service was held. The choir was composed of members from the different choirs, with Miss McFaul at the organ. Mr. Arthur Middlemiss sang a solo “Out of the Depths.” Rev. M. A, Hunt had charge of the were Rev. liott, Bishop of Huron, was the special speaker for the evening. He was delighted with the splendid atten­ dance and delivered a very thought­ ful and inspiring address from the text “Whatsoever that shall he also reap; ing was taken for the aid of West- ..................... ’to services and assisting , him Rev. Mr. Young, of Hensail; D. C. Hill and Rev. A. E. EI- of town. Rev. C. Seager, a man soweth An offer- ern relief and it amounted $25.39. USBORNE COUNCIL Miss Mary Horney, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Allison. ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH .ANNIVERSARY. Sunday, October 25 Special Speaker REV. R. N. STEWART, Centralia Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Hot FOWL SUPPE] Wednesday, Oct. 28j$ Supper Se^ed from 5 to .Follow^ by a prog^rn by Miss Peafl Newtek of ronto, insisted by Mrs. ( arey and Miss P locutionist SION 5Oc. and 25c. REV. J. W. PENROSE, Pastor W. T. ELFORD, Secretary G. W. Miners, Treasurer ..AMATEUR NIGHT Town,. Hall, HensalJ FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 3/ CL AS S—Junior, e and Sen' Elimville, Oct, 3 ’36 The Municipal Council of Usborne Township met on above date with all members present. Minutes of September '5 meeting were read and auopteu Oh- motion by Passmore and Ballantyne. '"--...y Report was presented by CSffiEi&s- tee to investigate claim for ditc-h-^^ and catch basin by Heber Shute.Q| Council granted 4 inch tile for that&y portion on side of road on motion Ballantyne and Berry. || Weed Inspector Nelson Coultis|| presented 'communication from th^|| Agricultural Representative sug-|| gesting cutting weeds, particularly^ wild carrot now standing on Town-|| ship roads. No action. || Communication from Dept, of P|.' Highways re sidewalk construction'; at Kirkton. Cooper and Berry thag|| letter 'be filed. Communication from Drainage Dept. O. A. C. Guelph advising tha their field man Mr. Cox would be ii^g Usborne about October 7 was instructed to refer Reeve. Communication from torney re appointment This was referred to committee foi this work. The Reeve, Assessor am- Clerk. Interview was granted re Publi^ Liability Insurance. Matter referred to November meeting. Moved by Passmore and BerrO that those owing Council for lan gravel be billed for their respective accounts immediately, Carried. Compensation claim by Wm. Ste­ phen fo-r wheat damaged by snow fence was reopened and $5.00 grant­ ed on motion of Barry and Cooper. The Exeter District Plowmens’ As­ sociation was granted $10.00 on motion by Passmore and Berry. Clerk was instructed to amend the tax notices as follows: That the collector and Treasurer will receive taxes at Roy Francis’ store, Kirkton on Friday, December 11 and at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, December 12, between the hours of 9 a.m ahd 4 p.m. Treasurer’s follows: Refund on Lane gravel, gravel, 1936, Und oney Prizes pices of Carmel ijyterian Church ADMISSION 25 and 15c. Fee. Crown At of Jurors or S. Clerl him to th< Thames Road ....ANNIVERSARY •report was received as labour 1935, $2.2'5 1935, $27.50; Lane ___, $30.06. Accounts paid 1 filing cabinet $7.00; printing and supplies $13.i69; compensation for wheat killed by snow fence. $5.00; grants $10.00; Clerk part salary $75.00; Collector meetings and mile­ age $18.00; real super,’s pay sheet $667.4.7. Council adjourned to meet Satur­ day, November 7 at »1 p.m. A. Morgan, Clerk **' 7 yr OS foi s foi all amateurs jarred from openng junioi Sunday, October ISthj Supper Major junior to and Opei Contes HOT GOOSE SUP Tuesday, Octobei^20th be follow, Bdwes Amate vision foi by a real Contest, A ntestants up ncludihg LW^'ears of age. division f 3 prl Com •reps Those test kindly apply in writing to the Secretary, A. w. Morgan, HensalL before October 15 th. Admission to Supper And Concert Odo,; Children! Sdc, j dors: $3, $S and 00 prizes Oil Division $5, $d, $2 serve right to call for iber from the winners, mg to take part in con-