HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-08, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Ki ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS This is a popular coat for both men and women, they are real wool anj^ha^iM1 value GLOVES The Van Raalte gloves for fall are in a variety of shades, wine, green, grey, brown and bl^ck at 59c., 69c., AND $1.00 PENMAN’S AND STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR With the cooler weather you will need warmer underwear. We carry a range at $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 HOSE The Van Raalte hose for Fall. Comes in three popular shades, smokeline, stroller, and gunmetal AT PER PAIR $1,00 WOOL SCARVES In fancy weaves and a large range of colours. A big assortment to choose from EACH $1.00 THl'BSVAY, OCTOBER Sih, 1030 • ® • Organist Thanksgiv- the ig- D.lll.- 13 th- a a 11 in 11 Presentation at- 2 tins for mother Mrs. T. Aches- 225c cans Ho- Southcott Bros< G./jCaminon and Seaforth im-i her home is closed turn very Gladman, with the . Mrs. F. Beavers, of his parents Mr. McLaren’s Freez-Easy ICE CREAM POWDERS con- days Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacEaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemisa vis- Hill B.A., lJ.D. at he conducted TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH the foot no bones around on H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Toronto, and last 3 pkgs. . . . 3 7 Monday at 8 p.m.—Y. P. g. Thursday at 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Ser­ vice. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader New Scientific Discovery ,, . Menns Permanent Waving results never before possible It is now scientifically re./.-Mlzed that lack 0? Vitamin F in hair definitely jshows the foljori’ng de­ li iency symptoms: a brit­ tleness, .dullness, dan^iiiff, thinninr By restoring VitanUr ” ”during permanent-’#: Vitamin F Men’ll symptoms iUi^Tgiv no^s.vbcauty ’and c Vitnmi'i'vF to the hair ' 'having, t te Bunat cor. rets tui-s*1 , the hair a sa’.t- ......_ . ... lnwiag lustre that it ha^mwer had before. Phone 23 lw for fin the” informa­ tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter markets Wheat Oats, standard 45e. Feed Ba:ley 65c. Manitoba’s Best $3.25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Shorts $1.55 Bran §1.5a Low Grade Flour $1.90 Creamery Butter 2He. Dairy Butter 22-2‘ie. A large 33c. s, A medium 29e. s, B ISc. LOCALS Mr. Jas. Hookey, son rf Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Hirnkny, of town, was taken to Westminister Hospital, Lon­ don,don. Wednedaj of last week in a:i ambulance for treatment. Miss Gwendolyn Horne, daughter of Mrs. O- M. Horne, of Watr -us, Sask., arrived last week and is stag­ ing wit.i her aunt, Mrs. J. Luxton. Gwendolyn will spend the year here whore she will attend school. For these chilly days try, our Phre Pork . TOMATO SAVAGE 2 pounds for 45c. IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St, WINTER COATS • • • CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, 10 a.m.-—Sunday School a.m.—“Thi ughts on ing” Text: Genesis VUI: 22 "While the eaith remain eth, seed time and harvest shall not fail.” p.m.—‘'Silencing the Critic” Text: 1st Peter 11:15, “For so is the will of God, that with well do­ ing ye may put to silence norance of foolish men.” Thursday, October 15, at 8 Prayer meeting. Tuesday afternoon, October Meeting of Caven Congregational Circle at home of Mrs. C- Mason. It will pay you to see our values in Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats. They are in the Newest Cloths and Styles, nicely furred in Wolf, Squirrel, Oriental Fox Sable and Seal at prices to suit you. CREPE DRESSES We have just put on our racks a laAje shipment of Dresses in the newest JAyles and fabrics priced from $3.50 TO $10.95 DRESSES For the cold weather, we have a range of woolen dresses in jerseys, wool crepes and rabbit hair. $3.95 TO $12,95 Thanksgivi ng Service A Public Thanksgiving bervi-e will be held in Trivitt Memorial Chir.ch. Monday, Thanksgiving Day, at 8 p.m. The choirs of the various churches are asked to unite for this service. Special Speaker—The Bishop of Huron. Will each one kindly bring a hymn book. The offering for Western Relief. Mr. second contest Company of Canada for the most new cars sold by any salesman in Canada for the two months period July and August. Mr. Hunter re­ ceived his cheque last week and is now all smiles. Wins Second Prize Gordon Hunter finished place in the new car sales put on by -the Ford Motor THANKSGIVING DAY a.m.—Sacrament of the Loid’s Supper. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Thanksgiving Day. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday S p.m.—Young P. U. Nov. 1st—Church anniversary, Rev. D, McTavish, Kenwood Christmas Club A small deposit each week buys a Kenwood Blanket for Christmas—for yourself; for your friends. Each week you make a small deposit. It is entered in your Ken­ wood Pass Book. By Christmas the blankets you plan to buy are Paid For—and you have never missed the money. Inquire about, this simple purchasing plan. On Friday evening of last week a reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeffrey (nee Miss Mabel Hay) by the young people of the commun­ ity at the Farquhar Hall. The even­ ing was spent in dancing and in the course of the lunch Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey was presented with an _ ad­ dress and two beautiful occasional chairs, the address being read by Mr. Jas; Millar. Mr. Jeffery ex­ pressed the thanks of himself and Mrs. Jeffrey. A jolly time was spent by all present. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. JB. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—.Rev. Dr. E. N. Hazen, of London, a repiesentative of the Ontario Temperance Federation will speak. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—The Minister FELT HATS We are showing the newest shapes aria shades in men’s hats. See our special $1.95 CANNED "BLUEBERRIES a for pies GROQ JF CANNED PI NEAP Slic AYLMER PUMPKIN Large tin Accidents At Factory Mr, Jack Elliott met with a pain­ ful accident at the Canning factory Tuesday of last week. He got his hand caught in the corn conveyor and a tendon of the forefinger of the left hand was severed and a nasty gash was cut in the palm of the hand which required several stitches to close. On Friday last Nelson Wells got his left foot caught in the conveyor ’ at the same factory and was badly crushed but •broken. He is able to be crutches. Mrs. Peter Strobie, who ing on from a badly infected . injuries proving. was work- the corn line is suffering hand ^from i'eceived. The hand^as -------------hZ the date opIn^Friday, 13th for a “Trip Around dinner at Main St. church.------------------<— ?. 1 Wheat and beans wanted. J^C. ^Reid & Co., Dashwood. £^^-3tc Keep vember w€rld” No- the -I nX Exeter, gatur- ) bill, the ltp MONEY 3.day evening, Sept, Wth, a $5.00 Finder rewa&ed w leaving at Times-AdvocaYe. y ROOMS FO^^®T—-Apply Tim es-A dvopafl. at FOR SALE-—90,,(^fe4bred Barr­ ed Rock pullets,^Mhjfeo'd in April. Apply to joseplijyFeftu&on, Lot 33, Con. 4., Usborri^. 2tc. USED PIANOS FOR SALE 1 Mason & Ris^ii (apartment size) § B'S.0 0; 1 Karn’ (sold hv^Heintzman & Co.) $98.00/ IDbminion looks and acts like/new, $100.00; 1 Ger­ hard Helntztjian (apartment size) $165.00. These piano| carry our liberal guarantee.—Martin’s Mugic Store. Would you like to good F your own irience not reliable, in- fgF&eorge, 570 St. Montreal. .... ....- FOR SALE—Wew $nd used guns and rifles; ait^muhijabn all sizes. Special new SteVenV12 gauge pump $35.00. WantecL—" ‘ ‘ Power rifles, 32 or North End^ income fight, ij ^locality? special^ ejjg necessary, openirf telligen t men. G,j| Clement Street, Remington Hi te'5 calibre, service Station WANTED—-Will bUjeimlnlimited number of cheap Fertilizer horses also beef hideWfnorse hides and horse hair. Phole l’5on34 Dash­wood.—Isaiah Tetr^u,;./ 1 New L<s Sold at Brfflvning's Drugstore Monday next, October 12th will be Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday. ■ Miss Martha Hunter is spending a few days at Crediton. Mr&. L. A. Marshall, of Lmd'm, is visiting in town. Mrs. Roy Webber and Mis. Wm. Kernick spent Thursday last in Lon­ don. Mr. F. W. Gladman was engaged in a magistrate's court at Thedford on Thursday. Mr. Sim Pollen, of Flint, Mitch., speot the week-end with his mother Mrs. W. Pollen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton have returned after visiting at Sinicoe and Port Ryeise. Miss Maijory B.oderick was fined to her home for a few through illnes.. The leaves are beginning to and the countryside presents a beautiful appearance. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers left Tues­ day to attend the Provincial W. C. T. U. Convention in Guelph, Mrs. J. R. Hill, of Ottawa, is iting with her son. Rev. D. C. at Caven Presbyterian manse. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott tended the Forest Fail’ and visited their daughter Mrs. Arto Delve. Mrs. Wortley, of Windsor, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and other friends recently. Mr. Wm. Johns, Mrs. Roy Web­ ber and Marion spent Sunday with Lizzie, Will and Jessie Horn at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Acheson, of Owen Sound, are holidaying with the former’s on. Mr. Geo. visited with Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers one day week. Mrs. W. C. Pearce and Miss garth are attending the W.C.T.U. Provincial Convention in Guelph this week. Miss Hazel Smillie, teacher at S. S. No, 3, Stephen, is ill at " near Hensail. The school far a week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. of Peterboro, spent Sunday former’s parents, Mr. W. Gladman. Rev. D. C. Hill was Friday evening where Preparatory Service at the Presby­ terian Church. Mrs. L. Billings returned to London Thursday of last week af­ ter visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield were in London on Saturday attending the Clemas-iBoltnn wedding, the bride being their niece, Mr. Fred R. Hunt, wife and fam­ ily, of Aylmer, visited on Sunday with his brother Rev. M. A. and Mrs, Hunt at Trivitt Rectory. A heavy rain storm accompanied by lightning, thunder and hail visit­ ed this section Monday evening. The hail stones were quite large. Mrs. Labelle Finn and daughter Margaret, of Ingersoll, called on friends in town (Saturday and spent the week-end at Grand Bend. Mr. A. M. Robertson, of Goderich, who attended the High School Meet on Friday called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miss Alma Brown a dinner party for and "Mrs. Stanbury at the home of Mrs. Wm. Melville Monday evening. /Mr. Joseph Mallough and sisters Margaret and Sarah, were visitors in and Mrs. W, H. day. Mrs. S. West, Victoria Hospital, London, eral weeks where she underwent ad operation, was able to be brought to her home on Sunday. The Mission Band of Caven Pres­ byterian church attended a rally at Seaforth on Saturday last. Caven Band presented a pageant and Mar­ guerite Hogarth sang a solo. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Knightly and daughter Mary, Miss Violet wil- lert and friend Mr. pete Marks, all of London, wore week-end visitors ,^iih Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner. ■ Mr. A. j&. Dobbie, editor of the Smith Falls Rocord-Ne®s» accom­ panied by Mrs. Dobbio, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W< H. Moise. Mr, Dobbie is secre­ tary-treasurer for the Ontario-Que­ bec division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and was a pleasant caller at the Times-Advo- cate. 18th Sunday After Trinity 8.30 a.m.—.Corporate Communion for A.Y.P.A. 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon. “The Christian Duties” II Tim. 2: 1-5. Installation of A.Y.P.A. Officers A Public Thanksgiving Service will be held on Monday, October 12, at 8 p.m. Preacher—The Bishop of Huron. THE SALVATION ARMY Ma’ Strd^t Captain 11 a.m.—HolinefesjZi^eeting 2.3 0 .p^.—Su 7 p.i^—JSalvati School Meeting W$ are privileged to have with us Envdy Chittenden from London for Saturday and Sushday. He will con­ duct tyhe meetings. Come and hear him. A. special/nvitation to all. A warm Welcome? awaits you at the Army. THE MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street K services each---Tuesday and Friday lights at 8 p.m. Sunday Services fc^^tinday, Oct, 11 2.301 p.ni—School‘‘^nd Bible Class 3.30 p.ih.—Devotionj 8 p.m.-4iSubject: ' place calle'i d wiomCn McCORMICK SODAS 2 pounds for ,®2 THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Offeri Policies to Meet Every!. Insurance Need C. vJpICKARD Pnone 165 SOUPS Crosse and Blackwell Cream of Asparagus Chicken with Rice Pure Chicken Tomato Soup OXYDOL Large pkg AROMA COFFEE with each pound we give a cup and saucer free w.W. TAMAN Men’s Wear Store EXETER, ONT his old friends Johnston. entertained to Judge J. G. of Lucknow, the home of Mr. Johnston who has on Mon- been in for sev- ♦Subject: ‘its there really such a'place called, Hell?’’ Men and wiomdn are constantly using such an expression but do they know anything about it? Come out and hear this one unrav­ elled. Pastor, J. T. Edgar THIS SHOP WILLJBg CLOSED WEDNESDAY, UNTIL TOBER 7th HER NOTICE Mlf Russell It wont be long NOW! Tty a ton. Cost AutiXmft Days are creep on us and begin to bl coal. D. & cite mee peratur heat. Give up- s will to order aned Anthra- evejjj^chaiige of tem- rightMegree of JAS. P. BOWEY Mr. Donald J, Gladman, B.A., visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman for a few days last week. During the summer he has been on a mission field at Dray­ ton Valley, Alta., about 100 miles south west of Edmonton, He has returned to Emmanuel College at Toronto, where he hopes to finish his last year in theology. Oven Rally The auditorium of caven Presby­ terian church was well filled un Sunday morning when the annual Rally of the Sunday School was held. A large junior choir led in the music and a very well rendered solo was presented by little Miss Marguerite Hogarth. The minister, Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.D., gave the address. James Street Women’s Association The regular meeting of the Janies Street W. A, was held on Thursday last. After the opening hymn and prayer the second vice-president. Mrs. E. Rowcliffe conducted a busi­ ness session when final arrange­ ments were made for the concert on Friday evening and the harvest home services on Sunday. The presi­ dent took charge for the later busi­ ness and Mrs. T. Coates for the program which followed. , Mrs, L. O’Brien read the scripture lesson and Mrs. A. O. Elliot sang ‘T Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”; Mrs. V. Kestle rendered a piano so­ lo and Mrs. E. Lindenfield, Mrs. M. 'hidmore, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Goulding gave, a lovely quartette. Rev. A. Page gave a vary interest­ ing address describing in a vivid manner his experience as a cattle­ man on an ocean liner. He also spoke of living conditions in Eng­ land. The meeting closed with singing "All the way my Saviour Leads Me.” and the benediction. Y FEATURING BARKER TAILORED TO MEASURE CLOTHES THE BARKER REPRESENTATIVE IS COMING TO TOWN For Fall and Winter we present Canada’s finest popular priced made to measure clothes by^The Banker Tailoring Co. and annomaafee the pj^sonal visit of MR. EVANS, the *WER re- esentative. MR. EVANS—an e JOG yyou the newest in st ?in his line, brings Fand a huge array of ’’’suit ends; and he will $22.50 up Tailored To Measure y, October 9th ere you will find every type of fabric in ary known type and shade. The lowest prices known in years for fine tailored clothes. Don’t buy a Fall or Winter Suit or Over­ coat until you have examined these fine wool­ lens—every number is an outstanding value. Stop in—you’re most welcome to look. Worsteds, Crashes' and Novelty weaves Jin"'a-*' completely New array of colors and patterns. Styled and tailored with all the skill and cars for which this House is famed. . ■ Anxious to serve you, W. W. TAMAN Mr. C. E. Aidworth brought Into the Times-Advoeate Saturday even­ ing a puff-ball that measured 26 in. around. iA, few* persons, including the editor, had visions of a delicate dish but unfortunately the puff-ball proved to- be a little too old. Jhmos St. Young people The Young People's Society of James St, United church held their rally service Thursday evening of last week after being closed for the summer months, it was planned to hold a weiner roast at the river two miles west of Exeter but owing to the rain the young people met in the church and enjoyed a jolly evening, the Caven Presbyterian W. M. S. held its Fall Thankoffering meeting on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room. Besides a, good atten­ dance of the members a number’ from the Trivitt Memorial Auxiliary came as visitors. Mrs. will Sillery, the president opened the meeting devotional exercises after which she called upon Miss L, M. Jeckell to preside. The outstanding Wonderful address of the guest speaker, Mrs. w. R. Hill of the Central Council, Ottawa, mother of the minister, Her talk was forceful and Inspiring. Mrs. 'Sillery and Mrs, C. Cann contribut­ ed a vocal number. ■ft •4