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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-08, Page 5
(ft jt THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale .is week visiting friends in. Mis. E. are To- are Paul’s — K. Hutton this week moving into St. Anglican church rectory. Misses Beryl and Dorothy Drum mond visited over the week-end with friends in Woodstock. Mrs. M. Sarkissian, of Regina, vis ited for a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. M. McKaig. Miss Dorothy Drummond return ed heme last week after a pleasant ten-day visit in Kincardine. Mrs. Kenneth Travis and little son are spending this week at Shel burn with Mrs, Travis’ mother, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Green and family, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case are visit ing in Detroit. Mr. Case being on his holidays from the C.N.R. station. •Ml'T and Mrs. Thos. Parlmer in tend shortly moving into the McKay house formerly occupied by Mr. J. Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Shenk and family, of Crediton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wuerth. Mr. Robt. Higgins is visiting with his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer of the Beach- O-Pines. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hastings, of Listowel, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Andrew Dougall and Miss Cas sie Dougal. Mr. and Mrs, Alf. I-Iunkin and daughter Eleanor, of Thomas Road visited on Sunday with Mr. W. L. McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc Laren. Mrs. A. Johnston, of Manitoba is visiting her mother Welsh who has been quite ill for the past week. Mrs. Blad, of Rockglen, visiting with her sister Horton and other relatives friends in Hensail and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Orme McKenzie and children, of Kincardine are visiting l’or a couple of weeks with Mrs. Mc Kenzie’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Drummond. Mr. George Ongell, of Listowel is taking Mr. A. L. Case’s place at the C.N.R. station during Mr. Case’s holidays. Mr. Arthur McDonald, of is the assistant C.N.R. Mrs.Richard seriously Man., is Mrs. N. and holiclays. Norwich, agent. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and children, of Kitchener, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Knight’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins. Miss Alice Higgins accompanied them home. An event of real interest is prom ised when the ladies of Carmel Pres byterian church present an amateur ’ - in the Town Hall on October*_£vth. Mrs. Hutton, of Hensail, will receive the entries. The congregation of St. Paul’s Anglican church are having the in terior of the church all re-decorat ed and expect the work to be com pleted before the end of October when the re-opening service will be held. Miss Marion Drummond, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Errold Drummond was successful in win ning 3rd prize of $15.00 in the con test put on by the Central Bus Com pany. The contest was to be an essay of not more than 1,000 words ■on ‘‘Your Home Town.” All con testants to be under 1(6 years of age. Marian is to be congratulated on her success as she is only eleven years old. We understand the es say is to be published in our local papers. Mai'tin-Treejner A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Treemer, of Tuckersmith, when •their daughter Mary Ella was united in marriage to Charles Arthur Mar tin, of Rosseau. The ceremony was ■performed by Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor of the United church, Hen- sall. The bride was charmingly 'gowned in white georgette with ac cessories to match and she carried a bouquet of white asters'. The young couple were unattended. They left by motor for Simcoe, Shelburn and other points on a wedding trip. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Martin will reside in Rosseau. Anniversary Services Anniversary services were . ob served in the United church, Chisel hurst, on Sunday last, the church being filled to capacity, the guest speaker was Rev. R. N. Gould, of Parker St. United church, Sarnia, who delivered two very interesting and thoughtful sermons. .Special music was given by a mixed quar tette from the Hensail United church choir, namely Mr. W. O. Goodwin, tenor, Mrs. Maude Hedden, soprano, Miss Greta Lainmie, contralto and Dr. I. S. Smillie, baratone. At the afternoon service a mixed quartette was rendered, “Jesus Lover of my Soul”, a violin solo, Miss Greta Lam- mie, and a solo “His Eye is on the Sparrow, by Mrs. Maude Hedden. -a.^jAt the evening service a duett, “Watchman, What of the Night”, Dt. Smillie and Mr. Goodwin; quar tette “Now- th© Day is Over”, ists Dr. Smillie, Mrs. Hedden, Lanunie; violin solo, ‘‘The Old ged Cross”, Miss Lammie. Eleanor Fisher presided at piano, the music was very much en joyed, each number being well, ren dered. The church was beautifuMy decorated with flowers. Women’s Association The Women’s Association their meeting in the basement of the ■church recently with a good atten dance, Mrs. Drysdale presiding. Fol lowing the opening exercises a pleas ing duett was rendered by Mrs. M. A. Sjinflair, "I with Miss E. Miss Maude and Mirs, Tell of Jesus, accompanist. solo- Miss Rug- Miss the held Hedden Love to Fisher McLean gave a vary interesting talk much Miss- pass- Dur- appointed consisting of Mrs. C. Cook convenor, Mrs. W. Carlisle, Mrs. II. J. Patersun, Mrs. Harpole, Mrs. C. Blowes and Mrs. E. Kennedy. Miss Irene Douglass gave a very interest ing account of her summer holidays and her trip she took to the Mari time provinces and Quebec. Council Minutes Hensail, October 5, 1936 ’ A regular meeting of the Village Council was held this evening at 8. p.m. in the Council Chambers with all members present. The minutes of the previous three meetings were read, Shaddick and Brock that t.hei minutes be adopted as read. Car-! ried. I Reeve Geiger reported re thej engineer’s report on the Queen St. I drain; the Clerk reported re the registration of land by-law; G. Walk er’s 1 eport read by the Clerk, Shaddick and Hamilton that we purchase 2 loads of coal at $13.50 per ton, one from each dealer. Car ried. Communications were read and filed as follows: Deputy Minister of Hospitals, County Judge, Clerk of Seaforth, Mrs. W. Sangster, Bickle Fire Engine Ltd., County Engineer. Bills and accounts were read as . follows: Geo. Walker, part salary $45; N. Blatchford, cutting weeds . $19; Bonthr.cn & Drysdale, supplies : $12; Hensail Hydro, hydro $5.42; : total $81.42. Hamilton & Jones that accounts as read be paid. Shaddick Carried. Carried. & Brock that we edjourn. james Paterson, Clerk Clemas-Bolton .United church, London, = THURSDAY, OOTODER 8th, 1936 serv- shed and Mr. THE RED and WHITE STORE EXTRA SPECIAL-^--Good Cooking Onions, 50 lb. bag 55c CREDITON Remember the Fowl Supper ed in the Evangelical Church on October 22nd. •Mr. and Mrs. II. Gordon family visited last week with and Mis. Herb Mitchell. We are glad to see Mr. Richard Hill out and around again after his recent operation in victoria Hospital London. I Mr. William Smith, Geiald and I Eldon, spent the week-end in Pig eon, Michigan. Mrs. Wm. Smith re tinned home with them after spend Ing several weeks with her sister. Mis. Wilson, son Aimer Wilson of Lobo and Mrs. Ed. Faulder, McGillivray, visited with Mr. Mrs. Richard Hill, Evangelical Ladies* Aid The meeting of the Ladies’ and W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. H. K. Eilber recently. The Piesident presiding. After the de votional exercises the roll was call ed when 25 responded and three visitors. The business was then transacted, The society reported 10 calls, 12 sick visits, 10 treats, 13 bouquets and four cards. The mag azine Convenor, Mrs. J. Finkbeiner reported having received 8 new sub scriptions for the Missionary World it being the 50tli anniversary of the magazine. Mrs. H. K. Eilber then took charge of prayer; Mrs. A. Mor- lock gave the chapter of the Study Book followed by a hymn. A read ing by Mrs. Hy. Beaver, a duet by Mrs, E. Wenzel and Mrs. C. Hoff man; a reading by Mrs. Art Amy. The meeting closed with a song and prayer by Mrs. Ezra Faist, after which a dainty lunch was served. A vote of thanks to the hostess and all committees who took part. Mr. and Mrs. M. Faist and Lewis and Miss Nola Faist spent Sunday at 'Cliesley visiting with Rev. Fred and Mrs. Faist. Woodall is visiting in SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE NEW PACK PIE CHERRIES GOOD COOKING RICE .. FRESH BROKEN SODA^ READY CUT MACAR^fa ... BEAVER BRAND Bljffe BERRI __________________________________r.^. ——----- SUPREME SHORTEN Peanut Butter in bulk ...........2 lbs. for 25c. Libby’s Pork and Beans, tall tin each 10c. New Mincemeat ..................2 lbs. for 25c. LB. PKG. |^FF2 tins for 19c. 2 tins for 25c. 4 pounds for 19c. 3 pounds for 25c. per pound 5c. 2 tins for 27c. 2 for 25c. New Crop Grapefruit 4 for 25c. Sweet Potatoes ......... 5 lb. for 25c. Good Cooking Apples ... 11 qt. basket 45c. ROLLES’ GROCERY We Deliver EE iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||li^ Phone 102 Wesley was the scene of a lovely autumn wedding when Doris Enola, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton, Hensail, was limited in marriage to Albert Gordon Clemas, of London. Rev. Thos. Green, Th.D., performed the ceremony. The church was dec orated with large baskets of apricot glow and golden dream gladioli and the pews for the guests were tied ___., __ _____, .............._ ....... with large bows of yellow and pink'end at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eilber, metaline ribbon. The bride who J Mrs. Eilber going back with them was given in marriage by her father,' for a visit. entered the church to the strains ofj Very successful anniversary ser- wedding music played by the or- vices were held at the United church ganist, W. E. C. Workman, L.L.C.M. I on .Sunday last. Rev. Robt. Hicks, of ...a gown. London, a former pastor was the guest speaker and a large crowd long sleeves, full at the was present at both services. Mr. fitting the arm tightly | Hicks preached two very inspiring elbow and tapering to a! sermons and expressed himself as be- I Mr. Bill Detroit. Mr. and Bobby, of Mrs. Roy Wolfe and son Detroit, spent the week- the bride was charmiing in a of white satin fashioned on princes: lines with shoulders, below the ------ -------------- -lily point over the hand, her veil | ing happy to be back again among was a french silk tulle in finger tip old friends. That this was mutual length caught with a. bandeau of was evidenced by the large crowd braided satin, she carried briarcliffe1 that lingered after both services roses with white streamers knotted 1 eager to grasp the hand of their be- with lily of the valley. The brides-1 loved former pastor who had shared maid, Miss Norma. Bolton, sister of the bride, chose a lovely frock of Marina blue taffeta fashioined with brown waist length tunic and brown accessories. (She carried souvenir de Claudius pernet roses tied with fel low satin ribbon. Mr. Lome brother of the groom, acted man and the ushers were Parkes and Jack Affleck. the signing of the register Clemas, as best George During the or ganist Hilton Abel in his delightful rendering of “I Love you Truly.” After the ceremony a reception was held in Hotel London, where the bride and groom received the guests assisted by the bride’s mother, Mrs. Bolton, wearing pine green chiffon velvet gown with hat and shoes to match and carrying sweet peas and roses. The groom’s mother, Mrs. Clemas, who also received, was be comingly gowned in white wine crepe with matching accessories and wore roses and sweet peas in a cor sage. Mr. and Mrs. Clemas left by motor for Atlantic City and the East ern States the bride travelling in a grey tweed swagger suit with navy blue trimmings and accessories. On their return they will reside in Lon don. Guests were present from Millville, Pa.; Toronto, Guelph, Kit chener, Durham, Southampton, Hen- sall, Exeter and Parkhill. Mrs. A. J. Hummel aind Mrs. Welliver, of Bloomsburg, Pa.; came by plane to attend the Clemas-Bolton wedding, piloted by Mr. Dick Beckley, of the Columbia Airways. After the wed ding Misses Alda and Maud Bolton accompanied the pilot from the Lon don both their joys and sorrows during his pastorate here. The choir re ceived many congratulations for the excellent music furnished, they were assisted by Messrs. C. Sims and F. Taylor, who sang a well rendered duet at the morning service, entitled “The Old Wayside Cross”. Mr. H. Hoffman of Dashwood, assisted at the evening service and delighted the audience with two beautiful solos "Lead Kindly Light” and “Bless this House.” Service in the Evangel ical Church was withdrawn and Rev. Pletch and his congregation were present, 'Rev. Mr. Pletch assisting in the service. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns and a liberal thankoffer ing was received at both services. ELIMVILLE and Airport to Hensail. WOODHAM The Mission Circle girls here en tertained the Kirkton M. Circle on Saturday afternoon last, the latter putting on the program after which a dainty lunch was served. The W. M. S. meets Thursday af ternoon of this week in the basement of the church. Church services were withdrawn here last Sunday owing to anniver sary services being held at Zion on the Mitchell Road and Kirkton An glican Church. Those who attended the W. M. S. Autumn Rallj* at Mitchell on Friday of last week were as follows: Mrs. (Rev.) Lovegrove, Mrs. W. Mills, Mrs. Wm. Wynn, Mrs. Wilbur Wynn Mrs. John Camm, Mrs. Cecil Camm and Miss Kate Jameison. Those from here who attended Zion Anniversary last Sunday were: Mr. James Routly and Mrs. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn; the Misses Amanda Shier; Ada Hopkins and Rea Mills; Mr. and Mrs. James Squire and Violet; Miss Evelyn Camm; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper; Mr. Ray Mills. Rev. Mr. Lewis of Kirkton was the guest speaker the day and all who attended joyed mons. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns Patricia were visiting with relatives in St. Marys last The Y. P. S. meetings with a Monday evening About forty-five were present, enjoyable evening was spent playing games. The lunch consisted of weiners, raisin pie and coffee. Mrs. George Kellett spent several days last week with relatives in Ex eter. Mrs. J. Johns has had a new ce ment walk laid on her property. Mrs. Chas. Stephen Sr., of near Dashwood, visited for a few days the fiist of the week with her son in the village. Quite a number from here at tended the Anniversary services at Zion church last Sunday. Mre. M. Routly, of London, visit ed this week with Mr. and Mrs. Routly. It has been arranged to have Fowl Supper in connection with Fall anniversary of this church October 28th. See particulars later. Mr. Bert and Miss Mary Herdman visited relatives and attended the fair at Strathroy last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Williams left last Friday for the West where they will spend about a month vis iting relatives. Sunday School in this church will commence at 2 o’clock from now on. Preaching service next Sunday be at 7 p.m. Thursday, commenced their social evening on at the church. An at W- the the on will SCHOOL REPORT following is he school report S. No. 5, usborne, or the ■of September: IV—Jva Fisher 77.8, Lloyd immensely his impressive for en- ser- CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Eldon Merner andMr children, .of Mt, Carmel, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. David Baird. Mr. Frank spent Henry Miss Jeanne Raynham Cook, of London, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. .s. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton, of Grand Bend, and Mrs. Henry Lewis T. M. Yuli and Mr. Shielding, all of Saturday with Mr. Motz. and Mrs. London, and Mrs. on "'Thanksgiving”, which was enjoyed. During the offering os Verda Watson and Gladys more rendered a lovely duett, ing the business part of the meeting it was decided to hold a supper in the near future. A committee was spout Wednesday in London. and Miss The for S. month Sr. Webber 72.5, Shirley Gregufi 66. Jr. IV.—'Nola Perkins 90.5, Ray mond Heywood 67.8, Jack Westcott 67, Pauline Godbolt 65.3. Sr. III.—Shirley Moir 71.5, man Johns. ‘ Jr. III.—Marion Kernick .'Marie Heywood 56. ’IL—'Gordon Johns 93, Kenneth Frayne 77.5, Lois Ford 75.5, Mar jorie Johns 72.5, Donald Kernick 53.6. I.—'Glenn Fisher, jack Heywood, Doris Westcott, Marion Rundle, Norma Moir. Primer—Amelia. Fisher, Margaret Rundle, Glonn Jeffery, Donna Mc Falls, August Gregus, Frank Grcg- us. Number on roll 28,- average at tendance 25.9. Grace A. Robinson. Teacher Renew Now! ’Nor- 79.S, DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce^L.D.S. DENTAL At office in Ha^leib wood, first thre at office over th rich, last three URGEO Dash- week and, IFoffice, in Z^- DR. W. B. COXONj B.VJ&. Veterinary SufgeoriF Phone 96 Etfirich, Ont. Special anniversary services will held in the Evangelical church . Sunday, October 18th assisted Rev. S. R. Knetchel, of Kilchen- and the Mississippi Four. Miss Reta Hayter, who has been visiting at her home here has re turned to London. Dr. Eugene Tieman, who spent several weeks in Camp Borden has returned heme. Miss Ruth Tieman left on Mon day for London where she will at tend Business College^ Mrs. Robt. Hayter spent the week end with her daughter in Waterloo. Mrs. Ravelie, of Grand Bend, spent the week-end with Mrs. Weber Mr. Harry Zimmerman and sisters Mary and Mrs. Barbar and family, of Tavisto-’k and Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, called on Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman on Sunday. Miss Zeta Nadiger R.N., who has graduated from Victoiia Hospital, is spending a few weeks with her par ents. Mr. C. Baumgarten, of Manitoba, spending a week with his father.V' Mission Circle The Mission Circle met home of Gertrude Hoffman evening with 20 members Myrtle Gaiser had charge meeting which opened with and prayer by Phyllis Reid Eunice Oestricher after which Betty Taylor favoured the members with a cornet solo. Hope Roppel read a chapter from the Study Book ''Con sider Africa.” After the roll call considerable business was dealt with. The meeting was closed with Mizpah benediction. be on by er is at the Tuesday present, of the a hymn and the WINCHELSEA c Om an d Sun- Miss Rhea Foster, of Granton, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster. Quite a number from this munity attended the Kirkton Zion Anniversary Services on day. Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts, of Lucan, called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis on Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Jaques, of Zion, spent Sunday with Miss Ethel Pool- ey. Mr. Percy Foster and daughter Helen, of St. Marys, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster. Miss Margery ueioridge spent week-end at her home in Exeter. th© MT. CARMEL and Mrs. J. Glavin returned this week from Mt. Pleasant where they attended the Mr. home Mich., golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. Glavin. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, of God erich, visited friends here last week. Miss Kay Morrissey, of London, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Beck Lynch, of De troit, called on friends last week. Miss Gertie Dietrich is spending a few days at her home. Mr. Gus. Morrissey left last week for the West. Miss Mary Regan is spending. a few days with her sister Mrs. J. Die trich. Miss Evelyn Regan is visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. D. Geromette and Norman visited friends near Zurich on Sunday. Mrs. M. Doyle and Kay moved to London where they will make their home in future. GRAND BEND Rugy Desjardine, daughter Leo Desjardine, was badly in an auto accident on Sun- to Exeter Miss of Mr. injured day while on their way when their car left the road. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Mathers, of London, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie over the week-end. Mr. Floyd pollock has moved in to part of Mr. Frank Geromette's home for the winter. Mrs. Davis, of Wincfeor, is visit- ing for a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs.. Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Desjardine had a narrow escape on Friday returning from London, was hit by another car over in the ditch but no jured. Mr. Abner Mollard is few weeks at Watrous, wan, with Mr. and Mrs. Del. Mollard who were residents of Grand Bend at one time. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer, of Strath roy, visited at Mr. Zimmer's home, Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Iiavelle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull have returned from the wedding trip and settled down to the stern realities of life on the groom’s farm on the Blue Water Highway. Best wishes of all for a happy and properous life. The Grand Bend Y. P. U. met at the church last Thursday evening to organize for the following, year. The evening was closed with games and a buffet lunch. An enjoyable even ing was had by all. The officers are as follows: President, Ruth Hen drick; Secretaiy, Olive Turnbull; Treasurer, Joe Baker; Convenors, Fellowship, Arnold Gaiser, Marjorie Patterson, Missions, Janet Turnbull,1 Ruby Latta, Citizenship, Mervyn ’ Love, Sherwood Dewey, Culture, E. Holt, Mary Patterson; Recreation, Phyllis Gill, Lillian Wilson; Leader ship Training: Publicity, Iva Lovie, C.G.I.T., Beatrice Green, C.S.E.T, Douglas Gill, Organist, Edith Love, Director of Music, Douglas Gill. KIRKTON Mrs. last when Their car and turned one was in- spending a Saska tche- Brown, of Hannon, Thursday with Mr. Rev. and Ont., spent E. N. Shier. Mrs. S. Shier, last Monday with friends in the vil lage Mr, Harold Wallace, of Granton, spent Sunday with Lome Marshall. Mrs. Anthony Gettler, of Fullarton assisted the St. Paul’s choir Sunday and also sang two very fine solos. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman, Exe ter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cluff this past week. Mrs. Kenneth Lewis (nee Dorothy Switzer) and Mrs. Leonard spent of Highland Grove are spending the next two months with Mrs. S. C. Switzer. Mrs. Sam ‘Shier is holidaying her son Stewart Shier. Thi eshing and silo filling most of the fall ploughing have completed in this district. Sunday Visitors Mr, and Mrs. M. Lammond family of Cromarty, Mr. and Cecil McRoberts of Lucan with J. Creery. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Veitch, London with Mr. R. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Fullarton, Miss Veitch, London, Mr. and Mrs. don, with Mr. R. Switzer. Miss M. More, of London, with her sister Mrs. F. Pridham. of Bryanston spent with and been and Mrs. Mrs. Anthony Gettler, of Ina Gallop, Mr. H- with Mr. C. Paul. Ed. Waterton, Lon- CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Pepper, Mrs. Feony and Mrs. Hilderbrand, of Stratford, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrissey spent the week-end in Detroit. Mrs. Mor rissey remained for a week's visit. Mrs. Fletcher sang at the anni versary services held at the Clande- boye United Church on Sunday last. Miss Mary O'Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here Mr. Andrew Hicks left for the West on Satudray of last week. He intends to bring a carload of horses home with him. Mr. and Mrs. R. Knight and fam ily, of Hensail, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight. Mr. Harry Mills was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of his brother the,late Mr. C. N. Mills. Mrs. W. Harkness, of Muskoka is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mis. Wm. Connor. Mrs. E. Carruthers, of London, visited with her sister Mrs. George Baynham Jr. on week. Mr. and Mrs. son Mac, of Walkerton, visitors with Mr. and O’Brien. Mrs. James Mitchell ill at her Bowden is Mr. and iting with Monday of this Miles McCabe and were Sunday Mrs. C. J. is seiiouslj home here. Mrs. William in attendance. Mrs. D. Hodgson are vis- their son Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgson in Chatham. Mr. and Mis. George Baynham Jr. and family visited with relatives at Shipka on ‘Sunday. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins, spent Sun day at his home near Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobi and Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tiuem- ner and family and Mrs. Jane Ja cobi, of Zuiich, were ors with Mr. and Mrs. on. On Sunday, October sary services will he held church here. The choir will be as sisted by Mr. Chris. Pink and son, Mr. Kenneth Pir.k,.of London. The guest speaker for the morning ser vice will be Rev. Sweetman, Ilder- ton and in the evening Smale, of Strathroy. Sunday visit- M. crsieam- 11th anniver- in the Rev. Mr. KHIVA Inspector visited Mrs. to Mr. ing an Mrs. is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eagleson and othei rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. W'm. McFalls, of West Williams spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Mrs. Martha Hewlett is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert. Beacom, of the school here on T. Collins has sold her farm Jacob Ratz and intends hold auction sale on October 14th. Sarah Hutchinson, of Alberta GREENWAY Goderich, Thursday. Next Sunday Mrs. J. F. Sutcliffe, will be the guest speaker at the Unit ed Church anniversary services at 2.45 and 7.30 p.m. Many will recall her as a forceful interesting speak er. Thursday, October 15th the an nual Fowl Supper will be held with an excellent program by the Hous- tin Concert Co., of Stratford. There will be a variety of music and read ings. Admission 50c., children 6-12, 25c. Miss Erma Goodhand has begun her work as teacher of music in the Parkhill and Lieury schools and also has a class in piano and theory in Exeter. We wish her success. Mr. Maurice Racey, of Parkhill, has the contract to paint the exter ior of Grace Church. Mrs. J. Gardiner spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. J Wellman, of Port Huron and S. English, of Detroit, spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock and Miss M. Corbett were Fordwich vis itors over the week-end. Mrs. W. Hayter, of Parkhill, is visiting Mrs. Fred MciLinchey. Mrs. Flynn, of Crediton, spent last week with Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Mrs. J. Hotson, of London, is a guest of her son Mr. J. Hotson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Shettler, of Buf falo, came on Saturday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. McPherson. We regret to report Mr. McPher son is not improving as fast as his many friends would desire. The West Middlesex Deanery is meeting in Grace Church on“±hurs- day. A very successful social evening was spent at Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc Gregor’s home last Wednesday ev ening. These meetings are informal and help us to know each other bet ter. CREAM PATRONS Creameries more forjrfgh-quality cream. You can get cream ium if you keep youy AND COLD Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA Eh