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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-01, Page 8
THURSDAY, OUTOBKR 1st, 1030 New Scientific Discovery . Means I’vr.tiatiem before t • never ■mil' >ly shafts th' ■ symptoms; dullness, da mriag Jy’iiainj pt rmrfnent I F /.MtoffF ms ■-a-u Wnd gl ■ lover had bef e 231a tor I satisfaction ; Waving i cmiKs possible ieally recognize n F in theJitti a d I'ld’J. vin, lie htur 1 Bonat 1 hvse a sott- Exeter Markets Wheat $1.00 Oats, standard 45e. Feed Bat Ivy 65*. Manit uba’s 15*. st ‘§3 .25 Wole*>me Flour §£-.70 Short;5 §1.53 Bran §1.50 Low ■Grade Floi ir :§1.! Crean wry Buttv.? 2 DC. Dairy Butt* r 22 -25 E A large 2! 7c Eggs.A Median:i. 2(5 c Eggs,B 18c. Eggs,U IB.. tTHE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WINTER COATS• • •• • • tan 4 10 ii LOCALS H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE we.- toll, <<*lb ilivi Athletic Meet '■•it preparations ■ fa the annua’ Hu .cur Athletic Assuvi : a ill be he’d on lids Friday utter;.., < Pupils fr m Gad' S* a .nth. Mitchell ; Is a ill compete. Th •d. Admission 15e. meet Fair till" CTili- 1.5 SI TO; IDE/ Phoi jKpcundrfor 45c. Ij^EAT market taS Main St. to IletiU ns M •. and Mrs. turned Tuesday two and a half They loft Exeter on th*1 Canadian Ridge, at and in: will eV>.‘ visited >> From Overseas W. I). Sanders re- after a holiday of months overseas, the middle of July Pilgrimage to Vimy That was one of the out- events of their lives which be a pleasant memory. They some time at Blackburn in Lancashire and also at mer turn real. Co M time ize in P ar C. ve fi’ so wi a w a Mi. od CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas .Hill, B-A„ B.D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist i a.m.—Sunday School L a.m.—Rally Day Service Text: Philippians IIL.14 —I press toward the mark. p. m.—Dis e o u i a ge m ent Text: Romans VIII-28 For we know that ali things work together for good to them that lave God. Tuesday, October 6th at 8 p.m__ Annual Thankoffering meeting of W.M.S.—'Special Speaker, Mrs. J. R. Hill, of Ottawa. Tuesday, 0‘tober 27th, Annual Fowl Supper. i i It will pay you to see our values in Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats. They are in the Newest Cloths and Styles, nicely furred in Wolf, Squirrel, Oriental Fox Sable and Seal at prices to suit you. GLOVES The Van Raalte gloves for fall are in a variety of shades, wine, green, grey, brown and black at S9c., 69c., AND $1.00 CREPE DRESSES We have just put on our racks a large shipment of Dresses in the ney/est styles and fabrics priced from ' ' $3.50 TO $10.95 <4 HOSE The Van Raalte hose for Fall. Comes in three popular shades, smokeline, stroller, and gunmetal AT PER PAIR $1.00 DRESSES For the cold weather, we have a range of woolen dresses in jerseys, wool crepes and rabbit hair. $3.95 TO $12.95 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader Anniversary Services of the Women’s Association conducted by the Minister 11 a.m.—Divine Worship Special Boy S.Heist — Master Jack England p.m.—'Sunday School p.m.—Music by the Juvenile Choir of Dundas Centre United Church, Mr. Parnell Morris at the organ. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Young P. U. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1930 CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Preacher—Rev. Duncan McTavish of Port Hope, a former minister Kenwood Christmas Club A small deposit each week buys a Kenwood Blanket for Christmas—-for yourself; for your friends. Each week you make a small deposit. It is entered in your Ken wood Pass Book. By Christmas the blankets you plan to buy are Paid For—and you have never missed the money. Inquire about, this simple purchasing plan. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wood visited in Chatham over the week-end. Miss Barbara Dinney spent the week-end with Miss Ada Gaiser at Shipka. Mrs. Chas. Hudgins, of Lucan, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Samson M Falls. Mrs. Wm. G-bson, Iteiuield, visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson over the week-end. Mrs. R. N. Rowe. Misses Vera and Re;a are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. H lloway, at Peterboro. Mrs. Beatrice Fitzgerald has turned to her home in London who has won 10 first( ter visiting with Mis. D. Davis. A heavy white frost visited this section early Wednesday morning but no serious damage is reported. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFails and Mr. and Mrs. Pincombe spent the week-end at Niagaia. Falls and Buf- lal.. Mrs. Lammie, of Hensall, visit ed with her son, Ray Lammie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter, on Sunday. Miss Ann Allison Reg. N., who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Allison has re turned to New York. Dr. G. C. and Mrs. Hind, of Walk erton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley, of Owen Sound, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hind. Mrs. Edna Preston and son Bruce returned to Cleveland on Monday after two weeks’ visit with Mrs. Mc Avoy and Miss A. L. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hockey, of De troit, Mis. May Saul, Mr. and Mrs. F. G- Saul, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grigg, of Moose Jaw, Sask., and Mrs. John McArthur, of St. Marys, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ryckman. Rev. M. A. Garland, Mrs. Gar land and daughter Marlyn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson on Saturday last while Mr. Garland was lecturing in town. Rev. Harold and Mrs. Wright and family, of Priceville, Ont., visited during the past week with Mrs. Wright’s family, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford, of Usbnne. Mrs, Frank Morley visited at Whalen last Monday attending the reception at Mr. and Mrs. William Morley’s in lunor of their son Ho ward and liis bride. Brucefield United Church will ob serve its diamond jubilee from Octo ber 4th to lltli. Anniversary ser vices on Sunday will be followed by a hot fowl supper Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morley and daughter Joan, of Stratford; Miss Jean Morley, of Whalen, called on the former’s mother and his grand father, Mr. John Cornish on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, of Toronto; Miss Allie Eacrett, of Pres ton; Mr. and Mrs. A. Gambrill and Miss Violet, oji London, were guests ■with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Sunday. A union service will be held in Trivitt Memorial church on the ev ening of Thanksgiving Day, October ■12th, when Bishop Seager, of 'Lon don, will be the special the occasion. A union lead the singing. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon daughter Joan, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Perkins. His sister, Mis. Wm. Hunter and daugh ter Eileen, returned with them on a visit. * Miss Shepherd and Mrs. E. Hearts of Toronto, visited for a few days last week with Mrs. Hearts’ parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mrs. Follick 'returned to Toronto with them on a visit. Mr. Ray Waghorn, teacher on the public school staff, has rented the residence of Mrs. R. Hunter and is moving in this week. Mrs. F. Griff of Goderich, was down Monday in connection with her mother’s pro perty. Mr, Preston Dearing was at Strat ford Fair with his Dorset Horned sheep. He showed ten sheep and was successful in securing 6 first and 4 second prizes. At Seaforth Fair ho showed 12 sheep and won 6 first and 6 second prizes. In the Exeter Fair prize list last week ’MS. Hackney was reported to received several prizes in the "Dorset Horned sheep class. These should have been credited tt> Mr, P> Dearing. Mr. Dearing showed sev en sheep and secured seven prizes, also W. W. Taman's special prize for ram lamb. resort of Mac ml). On they spent two days the suni- the ir re nt Mont- 1> h u ;q ■mpetes at Canadian National ’. Wm. Hyde, of Hensall, an old fiddler. s and 4 second prizes in 14 mtitions, competed this year in Id time fiddling contest at the ilian Exhibition and _ made a, creditable ^showing. time ful poi S3 com □ret nd ’9 d I. FOR ploiv, 3 lard, L. See Shave ideal re- ai’_ 3 7 PENMAN’S AND STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR With the cooler weather you will need warmer underwear. We carry a range at $1.00 $1.50 $ 0 WOOL SCARVES FELT HATS In fancy weaves and a I&rge ran^>-df colours. A big assortment to chq^^xrom EACH $1.00 made It was his at Toronto and he was in winning fourth place hits. These ahead of him . 81 and 80 points. He panted on the piano by ta Bell who was adjudg es an accompanist. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader We are showing the newest shapes and shades in men’s hats. Saejhir special at $1.95 ALL WOOL SV^ ER COATS This is a popuW^oat for both then and women, they arj§$real wool and a real value $1.49 d par id 3 4r3,6 ■ed SALE- •fuirow •ndon Roa sizes. r all gauge pump lemington Hi 5 calibre, rvice Station Telephone Desjar. ltp. tractor Y. Wil- Itp. height a.m.—-Communion Service. -Sunday School -“Portraits of Jesus.” ■Y. P. S. ii 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Monday at 8 p.m.- Thursday at 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Ser vice. 25 KELLOGG’S GOgDS ON SAL Corn Flakes ^ Rice K Wheat Bran 1 kshutt to A. th. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH I SALK—New r/d used guns .ties; /animuXfitiJFnw |3tevens Wf ifles North I Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir-Leader, Mr. Middteiuiss ii' 17th Sunday After Trinity a.m.—-Sunday School the New §I?Jckard Electric —No brush—NY Soap. An Christmas gl£U=». B. ^oyior FOR SALE— eter. Splendid opportunity for Margaret RusselW ir in Ex- nd good Apply to 10 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Earth a Teadher” Job 12:8. The Harvest Home music will be repeated. The service during the winter months will be in the evening at 7 p.m. Free—one cake of' Lifebitoy Soap with each faif^^pkg. LUX per pkg............25c AROMA COF with each pound give a cup and sauced free per pound 39c ORANGE MARMALADE Large Jar 3 for 23c. 2 for 23c. . 2 for 23c 2 for 23c ......... 19c. 2 for 23c. SUPER SUDS make washing easy 2 pkgs, for . . 19c 2 SOUPS Croosse and Blackwell Cream of Asparagus Chicken with Rice Pure Chicken Tomato Soup cans- ..... 25c Harry Horne’s strictly froah PEANUT BUTTER 2 pounds for . 2|e TEA Try our Special Blend a real good tea at a real low price. Black or Mixed ............47c Get your supply of flour now. We are below the wholesale price S' FOR SALE-—-Grey mare b years old, weighing 1500’1'bS., quiet and reliable in ail lAuness. Apply John Caldwell, Exeter. ' ltp WANTED—Will buy an- ujhimit&d number of cheap horses. FeryjiXer horses also beef hide's,hides and horse hair. Phone 15on34 Dash wood.—Isaiah Tetreau. WANTED—FEW YOUNG MEN mechanically inclined for TELE VISION, RADIO and SOUND PIC TURE INDUSTRY. Large organiza tion will properly prepare men sel ected. For personal interview give age, present position, phone, educa tion, DoForest’s, Box 280De. --------------------■ Fur Coats repaired?1 remodelled latest styles; cleai^eti and blazed; reference supplied/? charges able. Wanted to buy-old seal, Hudson, muskrat cdats. Mrs. Norman Hockey. ?' -reason, electric - Apply 3tp. FOR SALE Lot 12, Concession 4, Towns Usborne, containing . „ acres on which 4s erectedjO' storey brick hoitse ■with ,mto bank barn 36 by 70 an together with Jurivesh house. Also about land being pa 5, Usborne, b late William For furthe two roof, by 5 0, hcn- speaker for choir will JPerkins and 9-17-3tc. House ftftfe If you4 would lik C. V. Pickar res of grass 9, Concession h property of the pf^ticulars apply to V. MORLEY, blicitor for Executors Exeter, Ont. ent—Apply to Miss tfcIda Cottle. in Exeter you sell list it with us.—• one 165. To Exeter1 aminic iijjty *** "“‘4 “ “ ay Concern.; mice that Mrs. no more the To Whon$Tf, We beg toiai Norman Hoc. — uu u.u.v mv agent for Mr®/iss, tlie furrier. We will not he responsible for any busi ness transactions that she will with the public, H. Griss, 0/57 ' New Low Price 35c. Bold at Browning’s Drugstore THE SALJi^ION'WMY ain Street n W. " mon 11 a.m.JS-Holiness fMe^cing 2.30 pj .—'Sunda School Southcott Bros. Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 7 p.i rhanksgiving■Har^i ^^ecial^Meeting Gbd.4ias b'less/d us with bountiful blessing and Wr owe Him a debt of gratitude. A^e you giving God your bes^ for wMt He has given you? Corifba<aiid,,r‘fenjoy an hour with us on Sunday. * ------------------------------------- THE GREAT WEST^$FE ASSURANCE^. THE MIZPA^''>ilSSf6N Located ij4/Leiivi£tZs'ifeill, M&iin St r^jf Services'i’<fi; October 4 th SpeciaUopening ail'd Dedication 5 Services with special singiilg and speaking STA welcome t4' all. Come! ^■v^sp'astor, J. T. Edgar Offersfrojicies to Meet Ever^ltnsurance Need C. WPICKARD Phone 165 NEW FALL HATS The following were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. John ston last week: Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Morrison and son Gordon of Luck now; Mrs. D. K. Alton and son Les lie, of Ashfield Township; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Meilis and Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Forsythe, of Kippen, who attended the funeral of Mrs. Thos. Butt, of Ki'ppen, who was buried in the Exeer cemetery on Tuesday; Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Clinton and Mrs. THIS SHOP WILL BE CLOSED4^ gus Mackenzie,' Edmonton, cou- ..^^sin of Mrs. Johnston; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and five children of West Wawaivnosh. Tuesday just before the noon hour a truck belonging to the Can_ ada Fish Distributors, Limited, Windsor, was going south on the Main St. when it collided with a car belonging to Mr. Nelson St. Clair. The latter car struck the rear of a car belonging to Mr. J. W. Powell and forced the front wheels ovei’ the curb onto the sidewalk. The accident was caused wihen another .©ar came out from the driveway at gflie post * office .just as the truck ’came along. Fortunately ...... damage was done W any of vehicles. In Silvertones, Black, Blue, Brown Royal Blues Prices $1.95 and $2.75 S W £ ATER New Styles, (frew Necl^^S: V Necks 50 WEDNESDAY,^OCTOBER 7*1 IceUNTIL FURTHER NQSI - M issell H' SOC A new IWie I SOCKS beks just arrived at and 75c. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT., .................. ............................................................................................................... JUST REACH FOR YOUR TELEPHONE! 'Call 33 4 ensure JEozy Warmth this wWe recomiihend little the and winter. yWe recomtf nd & H Corie-CIeaned^AnthraciteD ■n j^sTp. BOWEY Mr. Wm. Rivers spent a few days last week with -his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Way, of :St. Thomas. While there Mr, Rivers was takon to the large farm of Premier Hepburn and he brought home with him one of the large Spanish onions in which the premier specializes in growing. He has twenty acres in onions and the one brought home by Mr, Rivers is exceptibnally large. >S. H. Ministerial Association The South Huron Ministerial As sociation met at the home of Rev. A. E. Elliott on Monday. Election of officers resulted as follows: presi dent, Rev. M. A. Hunt, Exeter; Vice- President, Rev. A. E. Elliott; Secre tary-Treasurer, Rev. A. W. Young, of Hensall. It was decided to have a general service of Thanksgiving in Trivitt Memorial Church on Monday evening, October 12th, to which tho people of the surrounding churches are invited. It was also arranged to have a car for relief sent to the West under the Auspices of tho min isterial association with the people of the district to contribute, The .new shield that has been do nated by the Board of Education for competition at the annual meet of the local high school, has been on display in the window of the Times- Advocate. Exeter Women’s Institute’ The (September meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday evening at. the home of Mrs. Horney, Mrs. E. Walker had charge of the meeting when thirty members and visitors were present. Mrs. Abbott was appointed delegate to the fall convention to be held in (London, A piano duet was given by Ila and Iva Willis. Miss A. Brown gave a paper on Current Events and a paper was given by Barbara Din ney. Miss M. A, Horton gave the topic on. “Grading of Textiles and Silk Products." Lunch was served and a social half hour spent. Second Crop of Berries Mr. Harry Smith, of town, last weeek brought into the Times-Ad- vocate a branch that contained a number of ripe raspberries that were of second growth and well formed. Main Steet Y. p. S, The regular meeting of the Main. Street Y. P. s. was held Monday ev ening with Miss Isobel Kirk in charge. The meeting was opened by singing two hymns after which Miss Lillyan McDonald led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Miss H. Smith. “The Old Rugged Cross" was then sung. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers very ably took the topic on “Ex ample", Wo closed the meeting by singing “Jesus calls us o’er the Tu mult” and repeating the benediction