HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-01, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
. ............. " •' M THURSDAY, OCTOBER JM, 1936
important notice
Owing to the change in the man*
agexnent of the Hensall post Office,
Miss Margaret Johnstone who has
been a competent assistant in the
Office for the past year or so will be
in temporary charge.
A number who are indebted for
just a .couple or so years’ arrears
of box rents are requested to call at
the residence of the undersigned
and kiixdly settle for same, thus
saving jhe rendering of such small
Newfpaper subscripts for all paper^rare solicit “ fiUrin the past,
for newspapers
IF'or phone No. 5.
Amf news
the, ng of Affidavits as Notary
Public and 'Commissioner promptly
attended, to.
Kh’cing, Fire Insurance and
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7th, at 8 p.m.
‘Hitching'.Hiking Around the World’
The Toll Brothers’ remarkable
travelogue which is ta&iftg’ the
country by storm. The.u^st thrill-
j ing travel story ever^ffjd’ in Amer-
I ica. On the screenp-gyrize pictures 1 in colour, all talq^py the brothers.
» No member of UJV-i family should
$ miss this outstanding attraction.
• ' Adults 25c., children under 16, 15c.
See the Ney^^acltkrd Electric
Shaver—No Soap. An
ideal Cfhrisjkmas/gift—S. B. Taylor
Mr. and Tj/lL Hutton spent the
week-end With friends in Brussells.
Quite a numbex’ from town attend
ed Seaforth Fall Fair on Friday
Quite a numbei’ from Hensall
tended the Zurich Fall Fair
Tuesday afternoon.
Messrs. Robt. Passmore and Nor
man Sinclair left on Friday last
attend the University.
Mrs. Leslie Allen and son,
Guelph are visiting at the home
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Drummond.
Mr. C. Cook is making a number
of improvements to his home on the
cornex- of Richmond and Nelson St.
Wednesday afternoon of this
week will be the last Wednesday af
ternoon half holiday fox’ this
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore
daughter Miss Gladys, spent the
week-end with friends and relatives
in Toronto and Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson are
t'he proud possessors of a grandson
born to theix’ daughter Mrs.
Abray, of London, last week.
Mr. Wm. G. Davis a formex* resi
dent of Hensall and a member of the
HeySall Manufacturing Co. is visit
ing friends in town. Mr. Davis has
just returned from an extended trip
in the Old Country.
Reeve Geiger, Councillor Brock
and Clerk Paterson attended a meet
ing in Clinton on Monday night of
the different municipal councils to
consider’ the relief situation fox’ this
fall and winter.
Mrs. James Green has returned
[home after a pleasant two weeks’
visit with Mrs. Geo. Gregory, of
Pigeon; Mrs. Taylor, of Saginaw and
Mrs. Nettie Weekes, of Flint, Mich.,
who were daughters of the late H.
Schuart, of the Pari’ Line.
There will be an amateur night
held in the Town Hall, Hensall, on
Friday, October 15 th under' the
auspices of the Cai'mel Presbyterian
a very
Mr. W. L MelLaren sustained a
severe injury to his left hand one
evening last week while putting
down a window in his home. He
let the window slip which fell on his
hand, breaking one fingei’ and sev
erely cutting and brusing >his hand.
He immediately secured medical at
tention and had the fingei* set and
the hand dressed. “Mr. McLaren is
nursing a px’etty sore hand.
The Young People of the United
church held theix’ meeting on Mon
day evening with Miss Lettie Love
in charge. The meeting opened by
singing'hymn 9'5 after’ which the De
votional lesson was read by Miss
Mildred Scruton
Love led in prayer,
was given by Miss Greta Lammie
followed by a solo "Oh, Love That
Will not let me go” by Miss Bella
Smale. Hymn 97 was sung and the
business was then discussed. Miss
Mattie Ellis very ably gave the topic
introducing the book "Thining Tow
ers” by Marion Keith. Hymn 94 was
sxrng and the meeting closed with
the Mizpah benediction.
Under’ the auspices of the You'ng
People of the United church, Toll
Brothers, of Toronto, will give their
celebrated travelogue "Hitch-Hiking
’Round the World,” on Wednesday
evening, Octobei’ 7th at t'he United
^^tCTiI’cIi. This travelogue has been
given a number of places in this dis
trict and has been met with a won
derful reception fi’om pleased audi
ences. It has a great educational
'Value, is romantic and humorous and
will be very interesting to both
and young.
Nomination Meeting?
A nomination was held here in
Council Chambers on Monday even
ing to nominate candidates to fill
the position of Councillor caused by
the death of the late Wm, Sangster.
The village clerk, Jas. A. Paterson,
was returning officer, At the close
of the nomination the following were
nominated: Wm, J. Jones by Geo. C.
Petty and Geo. Brock; G.
by W J. Jones and J. W.
Mr. Petty immediately
leaving Mr. Jones elected .
mation, He accepted the office and
was sworn in by the clerk. A special
meeting of the Council is called for
Wednesday evening of
taxes for 19,36 will
important business
the council.
Dr. F, J.
There will be 3 classes
Intermediate and Senior and
interesting evening Is ex
and Lettie
A Bible drill
C. Petty,
by accla-
this week
be set and other
will come before
of* Dr.
Cawtliropo one of the
loading citizens of Tavistock and
one of the most noted physicians of
Western Ontario, died in the Brant
ford General Hospital ou Monday
evening. Two weeks ago he under
went an operation” from which he
failed to rally. He was born at
Thaniesford 63 years ago, a son of
the late Mr. and "
thrope. He went
Parkhill in 19 08
lished himself as
leading citizens.
his wife formerly Miss Jean Dick, of
Hensall; 2 sons, Joseph and Robert
3 brothers and 3 sisters. The fun
eral took place from his late home
on Wednesday afternoon with inter
ment in the St. Johns Anglican cem
etery at Thamesford. Dr. Cawthrope
was a former well known physician
here and since moving away has been
a frequent visitor here, He was a
brother-in-law of Mrs. Bertha
and Mr. James Dick, of Hensail
Mr. Geo. Dick, of Hay Twp,
Death of Mrs, James Ross
Mrs. Agnes Ross, widow of the
James Ross, of Brucefield, passed
away at 'her home here on Saturday
evening in hex’ 7 8th year, Mrs. Ross
has beexx a highly respected resident
of Hensall for about 24 years. She
has been iix ill health for a number
of years and for several years 'has
been confined to her home. Her
maiden name -was Agnes Burgess, a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
James Burgess, of Brucefield. Sur
viving here are faux- sisters and two
brothers: Mrs. Mary Stuart, Wyan
dotte, Mich.; Mrs. Isohel Anderson,
Mrs. Frank
Mrs. L. Par-
Alex Burgess,
Wm. Burgess,
funeral took
of Mrs. Saun-
Mrs. Joseph Caw-
to Tavistock from
and ^quickly estab-
one of Tavistock’s
He is survived by
of Crosswell, Mich.;
Fish, of Belba, N.D.;
sons, of Havern. Mo.;
of Sheldon, N.D. and
of Minot, N.D. The
place from the home
dercock on Tuesday afternoon with
interment taking place in the Exeter
cemetery. The funeral service was
conducted by her pastor, Rev. Arth
ur Sinclair.
General Hospital, on Satur-
Teacher Dies
M. Slay, blind teach-
passed away in the
er, of
Sarnia _
day, following an operation.
to entering the hospital she had
been teaching in Windsor. Miss
Slay lost her sight when she was 12
years of age. .She received her ed
ucation at the Blind School, Brant
ford and was highly educated and a
pianist of rare ability. Since her
graduation she has spent her life
teaching and organizing classes for
the blind. For a number of years
’she yvas a member of the concert
trio ’consisting of Miss Greta Lani-
mie, violinist, Miss Katherine Sells,
reader, of London and -Miss Gladys
Slay, pianist, ^.of Sarnia, and gave
numerous concerts in this district.
She was a frequent visitor with Miss
; Lammie and made numerous friends
who will ba very sorry to hear of her
death. She is survived by
mother, Mrs. Chas. Wiggins and
sisters Mrs. Letter, of England
Mrs. M. Cunningham, of Sarnia.
Services in the local churches
were well attended on Sunday last.
Ac the United church Rev. Arthur
Sinclair occupied the pulpit in the
morning and solo parts in the an
them were taken by Mrs. G. M.
Drysdale and in the evening Rev. J.
W. Herbert, of Holmesville deliver
ed a very excellent discourse. At
Carmel Presbyterian church. Rally
Day services were observed in the
morning. The church was beauti
fully decorated and the music was
lead by the Junior choir. Rev. G.
M. Young, of Nairn, gave a very in
structive address tO' the Sunday
School. At the evening service Rev.
W. A. Young occupied liis own pul
pit. His subject being “I came not
to bring peace, but a sword” and
Miss Dorothy Daters took the solo
parts in
sons, of
the anthem. Rev. M. Par-
Kirkton, had charge of the
in St. Paul’s Anglican
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher
family spent the week-end
friends at St. Catherines.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley
the week-end in Toronto.
Miss Marion Lufts, of Kirkton,
spent Sunday with Miss Genevieve
Mr. and Mrs. John Prance visited
one day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Prance at Thedford.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
and family attended the anniver
sary services at Saintsbury on Sun
day and Miss
a few days.
Mr. Theron
for the West
bring back a carload of cattle.
Mr. R. W. Batten has disposed of
his farm on the Sunshine line to Mr.
Greta remaining for
Creery left .Saturday
where he intends to
J. T.
The Mission Circle met at the
church on Friday evening last with
ten members and one visitor present.
Mary Johns and Ina Ford had
charge of the meeting which opened
with the hymn “Come to my Heart,
O, Thou Wonderful One” and prayer
by Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose. Dorothy
Johns read the Scripture lesson 11
Corinthians 4:5:18. The Devotion
al Leaflet “The Spirit of Jesus Gives
Victory’’ was given by Hazel Johns.
The members then took part in
questionnaire from the Blue
M > Book.
The roll call answered by a quota
tion from a favorite hymn. Sometion from a favorite hymn,
business was then dealt with. Mar
ion Miners favored the members with
a piano instrumental. The meeting
was closed with the 'hymn "Fight
the Good Fight” and the Mizpah
benediction. The next meeting will
be held on Friday evening, October
29till at the parsonage,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Annette also
Ernest and Erma, of
ed recently with Mr.
Next Sunday thei’e will be
preachihg service in this church but
Sunday Softool svill be held at 2 p.m,
Devizes, visit-
and Mrs. II
Wheat jumped to $1.05 a bushel
at Hensail Saturday, a new high for
the year and the elevators are the
scene of great activity. At one ele
vator trucks have been lined up un
til near midnight waiting to unload.
See the? New Packard Electric
Shavev«t^p.;rrbrush---No Soap.
. ideal Oh/istmas gift—S.
Rev/’axid Mrs. A. E.
tended the funeral of Mr. Pletch’s
uncle, Louis Pletch, of Mildmay,
Ont., on Saturday.
Herbert pletch, of Charlottetown,
P. E. I., returned after* a three
weeks’ vacation with his parents,
Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletclx,
Mr. and Mrs, William Damm, of
Chesley, were in the village oxx Sat
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Mary Haist is improving after the
fall she sustained a couple of weeks
' Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke spent
the week-end in Detroit.
Mr. Murray Morton, of the Bank
of Commerce staff, has returned af
ter spending his holidays at his
'home at Southampton.
Mr. Lawrence Wein had one of
his fingers badly crushed while
‘loading logs last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale have re
turned to Brampton, after spending
their vacation with the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Lestex1 Maclsaac and
Mr. Elgin Woodall,
spent the week-end at their respec
tive homes.
Anniversary services
on Sunday, October 4th in the Unit
ed church. Rev. Mr. Hicks, of Lon
don, a former pastor on this cir
cuit will be the guest speaker.
Miss Agnes Lamport has left
Detroit where she has accepted
position for the winter months.
Recent rains accompanied
warm weather promoted exception
ally good growth. Fall wheat which
has been sown is growing well.
Many garden vegetables such as
lettuce, radishes and spinach have
been planted and in some cases po
tatoes which have been left in the
ground have sprouted. Heads of
cabbage are splitting open.
Mr. Clinton Morlock who former
ly occupied part of F. W. Morlock’s
store has moved his radio business
into the drug store in the Holtz
mann block. This will be a more
convenient location and Clinton no
doubt will be able to give the public
expert advice in the future.
Mrs. Ellen Holtzmann, Misses
Pearl and Lauretta Holtzmann, of
Cleveland, spent a few days with
friends in the village last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Queen, of St.
Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr
left for the Bruce Peninsula where
Mr. Queen and Mr. Kerr will partic
ipate in the opening of the wild
duck season which begins October 1.
Mrs. Annie Gilvin, of Goderich,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. K. Eillber.
Mrs (Dr.) Misenex*
borne after’ spending a
Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
Mr. and Mrs. William Baker,
ter, spent Sunday with Mr and
Alvin Baker, celebrating the form
er’s mother’s 70th birthday.
Miss Ferrol Fisher, of
spent the week-end with her
Miss Doreen Baker.
The Young Peoples’ Union
United Church held their
Young People’s Rally last Sunday
evening. The service was conducted
entirely by the young people when
Mr. Jack Galloway, acting as presi
dent, gave a few well chosen words
extending the appreciation of the
society for the encouragement given
them. Miss Hazel Woodall then
gave an interesting paper on "Jesus
and the Beatitudes.” Mr. Wesley
Cope, of Forest, a leader in young
peoples’ work, gave a very appeal
ing address “To Jesus—from Me.’’
A young people’s choir rendered the
singing fox’ tilie evening.
The United Church Sunday School
service have been withdrawn next
Sunday owing to the anniversary
Sunday School Rally
An impressive Sunday School
Rally program was given in Zion
Evangelical Church on Sunday. Mr.
Art Amy S. S. Superintendent, open
ed with devotional exercises. A
short lesson period was conducted
on the lesson, review. A short Bap_
tisal service was conducted when
Harvey Ervin Ratz, child of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Ratz was dedicated in
Baptism. Miss Addie Gaiser gave a
reading on the "Model Sunday
School.” A short pageant entitled
"Heralds of the King” was effec
tively rendered by eight members
of the Sunday School. This pageant
made a deep impression on all pres
ent. Mrs. Mabel Ewald’s class sang
a song entitled “Rally Day.” Mr.
Amy conducted the promotion class
es and teachers. Mrs. Albert Gaisex’
and Earl Haist were added to
teaching staff as new teachers,
pastoi’ A. E. Pletch conducted
impressive dedicatory service
which the whole Sunday School par
ticipated. The pastoi* offered the
dedicatory prayer in behalf of Supt.
Teachers and Pupils. This presented
an. impressive scene. The Sunday
School was beautifully decorated
with flowers and autumn leaves. A
special missionary offering was re
ceived for
weeks an
and Blues,
stin Fahrner the Captain. An excel
lent spirit, prevailed throughout all
the services and great things are in
store for this live and aggressive
Sunday School.
B. Taylor
Pleteh at-
of Detroit,
•will be held
has returned
week in Fen-
EXTRA SPECIAL’—-Good Cooking Onions, 50 lb. bag 55c
4 pounds for 2J
2 tin;«F'25c.
for 19c.
for 25c.
per pound 5c.
Fisher and
of the
Peanut Butter in bulk ......... 2 lbs. for 25c.
Libby’s Pork and Beans, tall tin each 10c.
Tomato Juice ............................... per tin 5c.
j^ew.J&Cp Grapefruit...................4 for 25c.
WUPet Potatoes ....................... 5 lb. for 25c.
Good Cooking Apples... 11 qt. basket 45c.
Phone 102
Miss Elizabeth and Wm. Love
grove, of London, spent Sunday last
at their home here.
The choir of this church are pre
paring special music for our anni
versary services on Sunday, October’
Little Dorothy Thompson, daugh
ter of Mr. Wm. Thompson had her
tonsils removed on Monday of last
week at the home of Di’. Morphy,
rille is getting along nicely.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott were: Mr.
and Mis. Wm. Rodd, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Cann and son Arnold of Thames Rd.
A fine day
annual school fair,
good attendance of
pupils who spent the
specting exhibits and
various contests. There was a splen
did showing of flowers, fruits and
vegetables. A special feature of in
terest was the public speaking con
test and also the singing contest by
the little folk, Woodham school
carried off a great number of priz
What might have proved a seri
ous fire occurred at the home of
Mr. Harry Rodd. ou Friday after
noon cf last week. The fire start
ed from a coal oil _ stove in the
back kitchen.
side on the verandah at the time;
and heard a noise and ran in and I
found the small kitchen a mass o-f
ilames and immediately turned in a
fire alarm.
greeted Rannock
There was a
parents and (last,
afternoon in
watching the
Mr. Leonard Abbott, of Detroit,
was a week-end guest of Mrs. Par
sons and Mrs. Kershaw.
Mr. M. Sleamon i eturned home
last week after a several weeks trip
to England.
Messrs. W. R. Elliott and George
Hicks have returned home from
their trip to the West.
Master Douglas Fletcher had the
misfortune to fracture his arm on
Saturday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden and
family visited with Mrs. F.
in Stratford on Wednesday
Mrs. Margaret Fletcher
with the singing at the anniversary
services at Saintsbury cn Sunday
of last
Mr Wm. Colwill left for the West
I Saturday of last week.
Due to a very wet Sunday the
tendance was not large at the Rally
Sei vice, but nevertheless the minis
ter’s address "A Sheep Dog’’ and the
story of the “Jar of Rosemary” giv
en by Miss E. Hunkin were very in
teresting. Those taking the Scrip
ture readings were Misses Mildred
Hodgert, Doris Duncan and Helen
-- _ ,, . . Selves. Miss Jean Cann also -gave
short reading. ’
I Sacrament Sunday, October 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Passmore spexjt
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William
Smith, of Belmont, Mr. and Mrs.
Melville Gunning accompanied them
Miss A.
clays last
church are plannin_
as soon as possible.
Mr. B. Gardinei’ left for Toronto
University on Monday.
Rev. Mr. .Harold Lawson, Thed
ford, will be the guest speaker’ for
anniversary Sunday, October 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mavars are
enjoying a visit from his sister* Miss
M. Mavens, of Vancouver.
Rev. W. and Mrs. Mail- and family
returned on Saturday after spend
ing a few days with relatives
Men were soon on the
and extinguished the fire be-
much serious damage
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and
two sons and Mrs..John Baird spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mernei* near Mt. Carmel.
Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, of
spent the week-end with her’
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr., spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff
near Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs, Alec Hamilton, of
Grand Bend, spent Monday with Mi.
and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Master Bar
ry Hamilton, who has spent the past
three months with his grandparents
returned home with them.
Mrs. Sam Baynham and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Waghorn spent Saturday
in London.
Miss Jeanne Baynham has accept
ed a position in London and left
for there on Wednesday.
Mr. Eli Lawson left Saturday for
the west to accompany a carload of
Quite a number from here
in Exeter Fair last Tuesday.
Miss Verda Hoffman, of Kerr
wood, spent the week-end at her
home here.
Elmer Truemner, of Chesley,
Sunday -with his father
Mr. Dan Truemner and
was Passmore spent a
week with Mr. and
homes north of
g to install hydro
Dr. W. Df Bryce^BD.S., D.D.2.
At officehn Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of-:\veek.
See the New^^ckai’d Electric
Shaver—No brj®F—-No Soap. An ideal Ohristm.^^gift—S. B. Taylor
Special anniversary services will
be held in the Evangelical Church
on Sunday, October IS th. Rev. S. R.
Knetchel, of Kitchener, will be the
guest speaker. "The Mississippi
Four” a coloured male quartette
from Erie, Pa., will supply the mu
sic at b'oth services. On Monday ev
ening October 19th these artists will
give a concert in the church. These
men were our guests two years ago
and at that time won many friends.
Be sure to hear them again this
Mr. and Mrs. Burns, of Port Hur
on and Mrs. Walsh, of Saskatoon,
spent tihe week-end with their moth-
er Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Walsh is re
maining for a few days.
Mr. Roy Summerville, of Hamil
ton, was the guest of Miss
Tieman over the week-end.
Dashwo'od Henrich Memorial
was successful in obtaining
prize at Zurich Fair on
x.___ _____ _ . . Tuesday.
They will attend Ilderton Fair on
Wednesday and Bayfield on Thurs
and Mrs. Percy Thede,
Miss Elsie Martin, of
don, spent the past week
home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Kemp.
Miss Helen Bickell spent Satur
day in London.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Marshall and
daughter Betty, of Hamilton, visit
ed last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Marshall.
Miss Elaine Denham returned
home Sunday having spent the past
three months with her aunt in
Rockwood, Ont.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Wm. Denham got kicked with a
horse which resulted in a broken
leg and will be in Victoria Hospital
for some weeks.
Mrs. Frank pridham and daugh
ter Miss Mamie, of Russeldalo, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Miscellaneous Shower
A pleasant time was spent
Friday evening when the young
dies of Mrs. Wilbur Kirkby’s class
gathered at the home of
Ira Marshall to honor their
Thelma, bride-elect and
her with a miscellaneous
The gifts wore placed in a prettily
decorated basket and brought in by
two girl friends. After opening the
articles and reading the cards at
tached Thelma thanked the girls for
their kindness. The evening wos
spent in games and music. After
* ■ * * j sang
( "For She’ll a. Jolly Good Fellow”
‘Keep to the’and all wished her much joy and
happiness. .
A little baby girl arrived at
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert
last week.
A number from here attended
Zurich Fair on Tuesday.
Mr, Dennis Collins is visiting with
relatives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kraft and Miss
Lorna motored to Sarnia on Monday
and spent the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Hodgins, of Mount Carmel on
Miss Evelyn McCann, ,of Chatham
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stebbins spent
Sunday with relatives at Ilderton.
Miss Sadie Campbell, of Detroit,
visited her brother Mr. J. Campbell
last week.
Misses Evelyn McCann and Ter
esa Hogan, of Chatham, were home
over the weeft-ond.
Miss Winnie Maden, of Toronto,
was home for a few days last week
Mr. Jerry Campbell and family
spent Sunday in Dublin.
Miss Regina McCann visited
sister Miss Mary McCann in
ehener on Sunday.
Miss Margaret Hogan and
Miss Margaret. Hogan and Mr.
Willie Ducharme were in Chatham
on Friday last.
There will be a social in the hall
on Friday night.
Misses Marjorie and Helen Regan,
of London, were home for the week
iMr. and Mrs. J. Mlorrissey, of
Centralia, spent Sunday with friends
Remember anniversary services
in the United Church, October 11th
at’2.45 and 7.30 p.m. Mrs. J. T. Sut
cliffe guest speaker. Fowl Supper,
October 16th the program by Strat
ford talent.
The S. S. executive met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Young on
Wednesday evening and made plans
for the temperance course and
Christmas concert.
The W. M. S. has planned a ser
ies of teas for the autumn months.
The Women’s Association met to
plan for the Fowl Supper.
Rev. W. M. Kitely, of Parkhill,
conducted the Preparatory Service
last Thursday evening and gave a
very inspiring message.
Rev. J. B. Moore was in . _ __
last week and his mother Mrs. (Dr.)
S. Moore returned with him.
We are glad to see Mr. E. Mason
is able to be out again atfer his re
cent illness.
Mr. Ed. McPherson was very ill
last -week but is somewhat improved.
Mrs. Sherritt attended the Shipka
anniversary last Sunday and was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Webb.
The Harmony Class will hold its
regular meeting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Whiting on Friday,
October 2nd.
Mrs. Graham of Winnipeg and
Mrs. Fassold, of Toronto, called on
Miss Mae Wilson on Saturday af
We extend best wishes to Mr. and
Mrs. Rufus Turnbull (nee Miss Ru
ble Brown) who were married at
the manse ’ ~
by folk of
Congratulations to Willis Steeper
who exhibited a colt at Exeter and
Parkhill Fairs and won 1st prize
each case.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson,
Niagara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hutchinson, of Parkhill, called
relatives here last week.
Miss Pauline Eagleson won 2nd
prize, a book for having the second
largest number of points at, the
Grand Bend Fair.
Claude Fallis has resumed his law
studies at Osgoode Hall, Toronto.
Mr. Charles Stewardson and his
daughter Mrs. Gordon Woodburn
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock,
of Kerrwood last week.
Donald McGregor who is employ
ed at. the J. M. Gibb’s Co., Parkhill,
spent Sunday with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. McGregor.
Miss Nola Isaac attended the
High school Field Day in Lucan
last Thursday.
by Rev. J. B. Moore last
Fair was well attended
this community.
the Canadian North West
During the past six
interesting contest was
between Reds, Whites
The Red’s winning, Au-
Mr. and
Creameries pay n$6re for high giity cream.
“I fainted something for last
year’s academy."'
“Was It hung?" .....__ -wYes near the entrance where | lunch was served the girls
everybody could see it,
"A board saying, •
left? >!
You can get thi^FPremil
you keep youy
Exeter Creamery Co., Limited