HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-10-01, Page 4I FORD COACH 1931 FORD VS COACH 1934 FORD VS COACH 1935, THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE ZURICH FAIR PRESENTATION CHEVROLET COACH— Master six, run less than 1,600 miles. This car Was traded in for a new Ford V8 Coach. The original other’s loss is your gain. Save over $350.00 on this job. SEDAN—-With radicurJhis job cost over is still like new ----- l-~ 1------t-1- £— STUDEBAKEI $2,000. $1075.001 SEVEF now be bought for GOOD USED CARS AND EIGHT GOOD USED TRUCKS SANDY ELLIOT PHONE 64 EXETER ........... . LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY October' 1st, 2nd and 3rd Lionel Barrymore f ’ DEV]4<T Doll” ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis wish to announce thar engagement of their youngest daughter Geitrude..Blanche to Mr. Andrew James of Mrs. Jane/ JIi F. Hamilton to take place the middle of October. ...es^i^fiiilton, son ^Hfon and the late wTSxeter, the marriage MONIllY^BgESDAY, WEDNESDAY October 5th, 6th anil 7th Laurel & Hardy in “The Bohemian Girl” M-G-M. Pictures RALLY DAY SERVICES Rally Bay services in the Sunday Schools of James fit. and Main St. churches Sunday afternoon marked the change of the services from the morning to the afternoon. A drizz­ ling rain affected the attendance. In Main St. Church Rev. M. A. Hunt was the guest speaker and he gave a most interesting and instructive ad­ dress. Miss Violet Gambrill, Lon­ don, sang a solo and Miss Marion Powell played a violin solo. The or­ chestra under the leadership of L. Battersby assisted with the music. Each attendant brought a flower for decoration and these were arranged by Mrs. G. S. Ryckman, who In James St. Rev. A. Page, address. Mrs. solo and Miss Mary Van Camp told a story. The orchestra were pres­ ent after -being absent for the sum­ mer months. Howard and Mrs. A. also supplied flowers. Church the pastor, gave an. interesting T. Coates sang a ENGAGEMENT./ Mr. and MrsJMilto nounce the daughter, Mai art MackenziWSP"son Mis. Stewart Rosser, of the wedding to take place part of October. Moir, ussell of to Stew- Mr. and Benfield, the an­ their early CARD OF THANKS Mr. Roy Dietrich,x of ,.gtephen Twp. wishes to thankfxheNeighbors and friends who sq,$dndly’ remem­ bered him with c^Kts^i’d flowers and in other ways^w^iie a patient in St. Joseph’s Hosjpital, London, and especially to thd^Shipka Ladies’ Aid.------- CARD OF a*HAN&S Mr. Richard Hill to thank those wlhoj sent hi$$$jards and flow­ers or in &.ny remembered him while a p^ieii't "in Victoria Hospital London CARD OF THANKS Mrs. T. J. KgSBTeWishes to thank the neiglhbor^* and Jriends for the many acts/bf ldh^ness and sym­ pathy extende^Wi'ring their recent sad bereavement; ^also for the floral tributes apd loan|of cars. Zurich Fair went Tuesday. The day one of the largest was on hand tiunally gji practically contested, what light, faiily good. sh» wing of larly in the limits. The _ _____ shewn weighed 60 pounds _ ___ the next heaviest weighed 58 pounds 111. ozs. Four bands competed for prizes and enlivened the afternoon with their music. Prizes were award­ ed as follows: 1st Bashwood, 2nd ; Hensail,; 3rd Broadhagen and fourth Grand Bend. The gate receipts weie ever $425, the largest in some years. In the evening a concert was well patronized. The president, Wm. Dec'lrer and the secretary, E. Klopp, together with the directors were untiring in their efforts to see that things went off smoothly. The winners were as follows: i HORSES I General Purpose I Brcod maie, W. A. Keys, Kruegei; foal, W. A. Keys, Krueger; 1 year old, A. Melick year old, W. Becker, A. Melick, year eld, J. Kreis; span mares geldings in harness and over the top on was fine and crowds in years There was an excell­ ed showing of horses,! all classes being keenly The cattle was some- . Sheep and hogs were I. There was a splendid, : indoor exhibits purlieu-' roots, vegetables and tlnee heaviest mangolds '>6 ozs., (Continued from page one.) W-e, the citizens of this commun- ", having heard with sincere re-ity. giet that you have been transferred fiom the managership of the Exeter Branch of the " " - - Commerce the Die cd you. er Bob. Head Office your connection branch and with the people ol’ this coniniunity, with wth-om you huves been associated for the past five years. At the same time we con­ gratulate you upon the fact that the powers that be in your Bank have recognized your worth as a bank manager and have given you tais deseived promotion to a larger branch and at an increased salary. During your residence here you have made many friends in business in civic, in sport, in church and social lite; by the care and courtesy you have exercised in handling the financial matters of the bank’s pat­ rons entrusted to you; by the lively interest you have taken in all mat­ ters connected with the welfare of the town, which was for the time 'being your home; by the uniformly ____ ... good sportsmanship you have shown „ _ wagon, J.'in the various sports, in which you Kreis, W- Becker; sweepstake badge have taken part, whether as official W. Becker. Agricultural Hy. Hy. 2 3 or ore to sden this Mrs. our Canadian Bank of to the managership of Branch, have assembl- evening to express to Sayers and the young- very great regret that has seen fit to sever with the local . LOCAL NEWS Thanksgiving Day, October 12th. Mis. Yeager and Miss Drew Cros­ by, of Newark N. J., are visiting with the former’s father, Mr. E. J. Wetliey. 6 Mr. anil Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Patrick’s mother, Mrs. J. C. Snell. (Mr. and *Mis. Howard Campbell and family, of lAuburn, visited with Mrs. Thos. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston and other relatives during the Mr. and town, Mrs. Bowey, of don on Wednesday attending the funeral of their uncle the late James Mulland, who died at his home in Winnipegton .Sunday, The remains were brought to London for ment. AUCTION SALE — of I spectator or participant, and by the pleasant and! have taken in and other week-end. Mrs, Jas. P. Bowey, ot •Grainger and Miss Edith Brucefleld, were in Lon- Speedy Fellow inter- Neighbor: “Where’s your brother Freddie.” Freddie: “Aw, he's in the house playing a duet. I finished my part first.” HARPLEY How would? you like this Bathroom in y<r home? Don't live in just a "house" — make it aJffeAL HOME by install­ ing a new, modern bathroom and a Duro Automatic Pumping System. The Duro-Special Pumping System, all^anadian-made, having a capacity of 250 gals, per hour, completewith 30 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25- or 60-cycle 110-volt motor, cost: only $8 1 ,50 •ices.1 ry and Toilet— .........................$136.00 mplete Bathroom nt as low as..........$ 81.50 FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & household effects The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on Lot 11, (’on. 13, Stephen Township, 3% miles south and J mile west o£ Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 th at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES-—1 black ihorse 10 years old; bay horse 7 years old; 1 aged mare. CATTLE—Roan cow in calf; red cow in calf; red cow due in Decem­ ber; red cow in calf; farrow cow;,^ roan 'heifer in calf; roan heifer ing 3 years; 6 roans and reds rishg 2 years heifers and steers; 6 year?- ing roans and reds, steers and heif­ ers; 5 small calves. Practically all good Durham cattle in Al condition. HOGS—York sow with litter at foot of ten; ...fork sow with litter- at foot; 3 Yojir*k pigs weighing about 100 lbs.HEN.S^OO Rock hens. ENTS—McC. binder, 6ft V1FH. ihay loader; McC. mower* 5 fLSFM. 1-L fertilizer harrows, wagon, drill; gri an SCUffl ’.a 1km 5-sec-, ftffirrvator; ----, Oliver puller combined; 2-farrow plow; one iler; pair hob sleighs, fan­ ning mill; set wagon springs; 2000' lb. set of scales; cutter, open bug­ gy; light wagon, single set harness, heavy set harness, sling ropes, hay fork, 4» forks, shovels, quantity of lumber, quantity of hay and a quan­ tity of straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Two couches, churn, chest drawers, single iron bed, leather rocking chair, 2 other rocking dhairs, bed with springs and mattress; 3 small tables quantity of chairs; range stove; cup­ board and other’ artices too numer­ ous to mention. TERMS—CASH MRS. TIM COLLINS, Proprietress ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer Everything will be sold as Pro­ prietress has sold her farm. Frecl Bailey, of London, isMr. holidaying with Mr. Newton Hayter. We are glad to report that Mrs. Hugh Hodgins who has been ill is improving. Miss Luella Finkbeiner, London, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Jno. Carruthers. A number from this district at­ tended the Parkhill Fall Fair and all report a good day. The Harvest Thanksgiving Ser­ vices are being held in Grace Church, Greenway next Sunday, Oc­ tober 4th, morning and evening ser­ vices. Mr. Lloyd Love, of London, visit­ ed over the week-end with his par­ ents. kindly interest you the social life- of the community.' of this neighbor- your good counsel in banking matters; your kindly greet­ ing on the street; your cheery re­ ception of the ups and downs ot spor-t life and your pleasant parti­ cipations in the various activities of social lffe. We trust that your all too short life in Exeter has not been without its compensation to you and your family; that you, too, have gained something worth while; that you have added to your life some pleas­ ant and profitable experiences, and have stored up pleasing memories of the town of Exeter and its people. We cannot let the occasion pass without expressing to you in some tangible way oui* appreciation of the many good qualities we have found in you and your estimable wife, and we ask you and Mrs. Sayers, to ac­ cept this lamp as evidence of our appreciation. May the light that it slhows in your new home ever re­ mind you of only the pleasant ex­ periences which you have enjoyed while resident in Exeter. Our sincere wish is that you may live long and be happy wherever your lot is cast; that you will only remember what seen in that you mind that outside of ever you and desire us. And now nothing remains but to say according to ancient custom “Good Speed, and may God be with you.” Signed on behalf of the citizens the Committee, Thos. Pryde, O. Southcott, R. N. Creech. N. Keys & Son, W. Turner; 1 yr. | vianv" neonle old, E. Restemeyer, 2 yr. old, Wm. 110od “viil miss Hamilton & .Son, Ed. N. Riley; 3l,noo?.wiH miss year old, Wm. Hamilton & Son, N. Keys <fc Son; span mares or geld­ ing in harness and wagon, R. .Scott, WTm. Hamilton; sweepstake badge, Wm. Hamilton. Heavy Draught Brood mare, PI. Truemner, Cecil Rowe; foal, C. Rowe, H. Truemner; 1 yr. old, W. J. Dale; 2 yr. old, W, J Dale, W. Turner; span mare or geldings in harness and wagon,, J. Scott, L. H. Rader; Sweepstake badge, James Scott. Roadster Brood mare, E. Fawm, R. Man- son; foal, E. Fawm, Elmer Keys; 1 yr. old, Dan Lohr; 2 yr. old, E. Fawm, D. Lohr; 3 yr. old, W. E. Keys; span mare or gelding in har­ ness and wagon, W. F. McLaughlin, Currie & Tervitt; single roadster in harness and buggy, Currie & Ter­ vitt, W. F. McLaughlin; lady driver, Mrs. E. Willert, Pearl pfile. Mern- er Oesch Special, for halter broke colt, Cecil Rowe; Geo. Hess Jas. Scott; W. Johnston Currie & Tervitt; F. Thiel Jas. Scott; Stade & Weido Jas. Scott; J. W. Merner Special, W. E. Keys; W. Decker Special, Hy. Krueger, A. Melick. Judge, Archie Haas, Paris R.R. 2 CATTLE Registered Durham—W. Oestrich. er won 6 firsts and 1 second. Beef Type Grades—-Heifer calf, O. Battler; steer calf, O. Battler. Holstein—-W. Sparks won 4 firsts and 2 seconds. Jersey—Milk cow, H. Flaxbird, H. Volland. Reg. Polled Angus, yearling heif­ er, B. Klopp and 2nd; 'heifer calf, this years, B. Klopp. SHEEP Lincclns—Aged ram, A. Steeper, Snowden; shearling ran;--, A. ISteeper; shearling ewe, A. Steeper and 2nd; ram lamb, A. Steeper and 2nd; ewe lamb, A. Steeper, T. iSnowden; ewe, A. Steeper and 2nd. Oxford Downs—Aged ram, O. Mc­ Gowen, J. P. Henry; shearling ram, J. P. Henry; shearling’ ewe/ J. P. Henry and 2nd; ram lamb, J. P. and 2nd; ewe lamb, J. P. I-Ienry and 2nd; ewe, J. P. Henry and 2nd. Shropshire Downs—O. McGowen won six firsts and six seconds. Leichesters—Aged ram, shearling jam, s-harling ewe, ram lamb, and ewe lamb, Graham & Son ancl 2nd; ewe, Graham & Son, W. G> Clarke. HOGS Yorkshire—Aged sow, er and 2nd; aged boar, er; spring boar, A. H. second; spring sow, A. H. Warner, Wm. Sparks. Tamworth—Aged sow, Gelinas & Son, R. Manson; aged boar, T. Snowden, R. Manson; spring boar, T. Snowden, R. Manson; spring sow Gelinas & Son, R. Manson. POUTRY Black Hamburgs, c., L. O’Brien and 2nd; h., L. O’Brien; pit., L. O’Brien; S. S. Hamburgs, c., h., ckl. and pit., Dr. McKinnon and 2nd; B. Rocks, c., h., ckl., pit., F. McCly- mont and 2nd; White Rocks, c., D. Graham & Son, T. Snowden & 2nd, h., T. -Snowden, L. O’Brien, ckl., pit., W. Clarke, T. Snowden; Brahamas, c. and ckl., Thiel Bros, Dr. McKin­ non, h., D. Gra.ham & Son, Dr. Mc­ Kinnon, pit., Thiel Bros.; Black Minorcas, pit., L. O’Brien; White Min-orcas, c., h., ckl., plt.t H. Des- jardine; Cochins, h., ckl., pit., J. Kochems; S. C. W. Legihorne, c., h., ckl., pit., Thiel Bros, and 2nd; Buff Orpington's c., h., ckl., pit., J. Ko­ chems and 2nd; W. Wyandottes, h., D. Graham & Son, ckl., pit., O. Batt­ ler; R. I. Reds, c., h., ckl., pit., J. Kochems and 2nd; Campines, h. and ckl., O. Battler and 2nd, pit., L. O’-Brien; Black Spanislh, h., J. Ko­ chems; Silver Grey Dorkings, c., and ckl., O- Battler, Da’. Graham & Son, h., and pit., O. Battler and 2nd_; B'antams, booted, h., ckl., pit., Kochems; Bantams, unbooted, c., O’Brien, D. Graham & Son, h., O’Brien, J. Kochems, ckl., pit., Graham & Son; Black Samantha, h., eld., pit., L. O’Brien; Old English Game, c . . “ . ” J. Kochems, L. nhems find 2nd, mavn win., 11., ckl., pit., D. Graham & Son; An- dulusians, c., h. and 2nd; Blacli ckl . . .. shire Reds, c.., 11 nit., L. O’Brien; McKinnon, J. Graham & Son Kochems and Ducks, old, T. young, O. Battler, uen Ducks old, T. Snowden; young, T. .Snowden A.O.V., old, „ Snowden, J, Kochems louse, young and old. ... ........... Wild Ducks, old, D. Graham & Son. Laird's Special for Ducks, O, Batt­ ler. Judge, Wm. Carter, Dondcsboro SHIPKA Special, Special, Special, Special, A. H. Warn- A. H. Warn. Warner and good you may have your Exeter friends, and will constantly keep in the door key is on the many a home here when- may have the privilege to spend a few days with The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer next Wednesday, Oc­ tober 7th in the evening. Quite a number from here attend­ ed Exeter, Parkhill and Zurich Fails The community extends sym­ pathy to Mrs. L. Schroeder in the death of her mother Mrs. Phoebe Mason, who has been, residing with her daughter )Mrs. Jno. Smith at Lucan. iSihe was in her Slst year. The funeral will he held on Thurs­ day with interment in Parkhill cemetery. There will be no preaching service or Sunday School in the United church on Sunday, October 4th account of anniversary services Crediton. Mrs. P. Mcltenzie, of Windsor, at present visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. A. Finkbeiner. Mr. Roy Dieterich returned home on Monday from St. Joseph’s Hospit­ al, London, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Lochner, of Pennsylvania is at present visiting at the home of his brother Mr. Chas. Lochner. Miss Barbara Dinney, of Exeter, visited over the week-end at home of Miss Ada Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Talbot, and Mrs. Roy Scotsmer and Kenneth, of Bayfield, visited Sun­ day with relatives here. Mrs. L. Schroeder is at present confined to her home with an tack of heart trouble. on at is of by T. KADING—MacLAREN The marriage of Jeanne Marion MacLaren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William MadLaren, of Cromarty to Raymond Edward Kading, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kad­ ing, Grand Bend, was solemnized by Rev. James Reidie at the Presbyter­ ian Church Cromarty on Saturday, September 26th at 2.30 p.m.. The bride entered tihe church on the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding march played by Mis's Sarah McKellar, of ‘Cromarty. The bride wore a navy blue tailored suit With pink and blue accessories and a corsage of pink rose buds and maiden hair fern. Anna MacLaren, of Toronto, was her sister’s only at­ tendant, wiho was attired in a rust crepe tunic with brown accessories and a corsage of golden rose buds and maiden hair fern. Ross Brown, of Park'hill was groomsman. Im­ mediately following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride to the immediate families. After which amid showr ers of confetti and best wishes the happy couple left on an extended, trip north. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all’ persons having claims against the estate of Angus McDonald, late of the Township of Stephen County of on or abou A.D. 1921 their claii# dersigned^AdministratoM# fore the Seventh dav D. 1936J And after t or w estate claims notice. Dated the twenty-first day of* Sept­ ember A.D. 1936. HERBERT K. EILBER Administrator Crediton, Ontario A the Mr. son at- AUCTION SALE — of STOCKERS AND BREEDERS to be held^aL,^ FRED ELLERINGTON’s F^RM, 2 miles North and 3 3-4 mile^ east of Exeter 1930 — on —/A BRIDAY, OCIOB^s) ^”TO-^galelat; 2_t 125 Extra Chojde’ Qu and Feeders,'."Steers in uron, Farmer, who the eleventh day of are required to foj; duly proven t the or be- 4^* October, A. ’ ?r given that date the Administrat- !|i ^proceed. to distribute the having regard only to the of which he then shall have NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of ELIZA­ BETH MCKENZIE, late of the Vil- large of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Widow, who- died on the Fourteenth day 6f August, 193 6, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Fifth day of Octa-h/r, 1936. AND NOTICE? IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that afte-mhe said da|,$the Exe­ cutors .will proceed to di§tribute the estate haviyfe regar<Wmly to the claims of ^ich th^then shall have notice. DATE day of jgFbp at^ifflxeter, this fifteenth her, 193 6. ^ff)M-AN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Executors’ Solicitors,ity Stockers good fleshy>from 50 to 900 poi^^H xfTER5JS ASH tel VjG-nttle MeHYered uirJo a distar^w ..............■..........-............JLOCAL BOY IS CLUBBING FAR AFIELD During the past week Mr. John Greb and family of Hay Township have had the pleasure .of a visit from his eldest son/Ed., of Kansas City, Missouri, a young man who left here a few short years ago to seek his fortune. With no exper­ ience, just a green lad off the farm, he left ihome with the determination to find work. After many exper­ iences he is now in Kansas City in an X-Ray machine business with a capable staff of workmen who as­ semble the parts as sent out by the factory in Chicago. His young bro­ ther Gordon, who gave all of us a thrill last May by graduating as Bachelor of Arts from the Western University at the age of nineteen threw in his lot with him. Gordon first went to the factory in Chicago to obtain first hand knowledge of the business. After two months work there he joined his brother’ in Kansas City and today he is in the same line of work in Salina, a near­ by town. We all wish these young men success in a business that ap­ pears Of it. of 20 miles, for 25c. peMiead WM. NAIRN, Auctioneer '‘s^> J. McARTHUR, Proprietor ADMINISTRATORS AUCTION SALE --- of — REAL ESTATE AY, OCTOBER a. isSALEMS OF cent on tfhe day of sale, p"You seem to be a very bright boy I suppose you have a very good place in your class.” “Yes, I sit by the window.” sold sub- o£ the Official An Error Diner: “Waiter, I’m sure there’s caterpillar in this cabbage.” Waiter: “Pardon me, sir, but that the sausage you ordered.” at 2 o clock dwelling Land Other equipm Look At these Three pieces — Bath, fphower, Laval as illustrated, with all fitting1 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Lortdon Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver [SUhoSORENis jl-l'MITCD l|ll|| Canada' ro*s Free Gift to ural Dwellers ElectricJCurrent will be provided—Free gJ Ch/rge—for operating electric pumps tWlSrbvide water under pressure for Household Sahitary Systems* Write lor Free Booklet E. Lindenfield Exeter, Ont. plt.L L. ‘O’Brien O’Brien, : Jersey J. L. L. D. c., and 2nd, h. ckl., J. Ko- Black Gts., and pit, Laugshang, 0. Battler , .. ............. c., h., pit., J. Ktchems; New Hamp- M. Rader, <" ’ O.A.V., c., Hi., Kochems, ckl,, ; J. Kochems, pit, 2nd; Pekin China Snowden, 0. Battler, T, Snowden; Ro­ ll. Flaxbard; Ducks, 0. Battler; young T. Geese, Tou­ ch Pattier; Ckl., , Dr D. J. to have a ‘great future ahead NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY Juvenile “Children >of Other Lands [Entwistle “Glass Book”Pryor “•Steel Book”Pyror “Scouts Every Day” “Nature and Birds”Dusley “Little Dutch Girl”Bran dels f'Little Mexican Boy”Bran dels “Little Tony of Italy”Brandeis “Little Anne of Canada”Brandeis “Young Cowboy”James The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on the permises, the following real estate known As the & South Half )t 15, Con. 12, Stephen 50 WEDNES iFrai premi ject i balance iiv30 days or as soon there­ after as conveyance can be tendered to the purchaser. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor HERBERT K, EILBER, Adminis­ trator of Angus McDonald Estate. Expensive Scotch Jones—'How is your son getting on at college.Smith—-die must be tiding pretty good in languages, I just paid for 3 courses—$10' for Latin, $10 for Greek and $100 for Scotch. < Blank Check Books at this Office 10c ea