HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-09-24, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 193« HENSALL IMPORTANT NOTICE Owing to the change in the man­ agement of the Hensail Post Office, Miss Margaret Johnstone who has been *a competent assistant in the Office for the past year or so will be in temporary charge. iA number who are indebted On Rt. fl Pfllinlfi HI* Jen arD^Ul’Sjust a couple or |so years’ arx^' ■of box rents are requested to $£11 at the residence of Sthe gned and kindly settlqf foi thussaving the rende^in oLJKich small all sums. Newspaper s papeis are solic>e< Any news it$^F far newspapers call personally or phone No. 5. Conveyancing, Fire Insuiance and the^aldng of Affidavits as Notary PulSfte and Commissioner promptly attend^ Ato. SUTHERLAND, Hensail iSee the new Zircons Rings. Birth Stone Rin Jeweller, Exeter bluexandThe^*Ww De white cember Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. Q ’’&-n/llie:of To­ ronto, visited a few days last week with their son here. Miss Mattie Ellis spent the week­ end visiting her sister Mrs. Fred Smallacombe, of Guelph. Miss Edna Hutts who has been visiting relatives in town has re­ turned to her home in Toronto. Miss Violet Willis and Mrs. Brown, of Marlette. Mich., spent the week-end with relatives in town. Mr. Casey Hudson who has been working at Brussells for some time, spent a few days at his home here last week. Messrs. Lloyd and Albert Pass- more, of Delhi, spent Sunday at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore. Robert Passmore and Norman Sinclair are leaving the end of the week for Toronto where they will attend the University. Miss Jessie Bell is having a new garage erected at her home on the London Road. The work is being done by Messrs. Joe Hagan and Wm. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Travis, of Walton, spent Sunday in town visit­ ing their new, grandson which arriv­ ed at the home of their son Kenneth Travis on Friday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Case spent the week-end with relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Andrew Lammie who had been visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Case returned to her home in Detroit with them. Holy Communion will be observ- ed^-in the United church on Sunday n$W<Swig, September 28th. Prepar­ atory service will be held on Thurs­ day evening of this week and will be in charge of Mr. Robt. Passmore. Tne sale of home cooking held in Bonthron & Drysdale’s store on Sat­ urday afternoon under the auspices of group 1 of the Ladies’ Aid of the Carmel Presbyterian church was very successful and a nice sum of money was realized. Mr. Geo. J. Sutherland who has been post master here for over 50 years was retired on Friday and a new post master will be appointed immediately. Until the new appoint­ ment is made Miss Margaret John­ ston will be in charge of the post office. Dr. Moir, accompanied 'by his wife and sister left the beginning of the week for a trip to the West. The doctor expects to return on or about October 6th, but the others will be away for a longer time. Dr. Donald Steer will have medical sup­ ervision of the hospital during Dr. Moir’s absence. Mrs. Andrew Moir has moved in from the farm to her residence on Richmond St. Mt. Wm. Wildman who is taking charge of the farm for t’he owner moved out to the farm last week. Mr. Wildman had been living in Mrs. Little’s house, Oxford St., for the summer months till he could get possession of the farm. Harvest Home Services were held in the St.. Paul's Anglican church Sunday. The church was nicely decorated and good congregations were out to enjoy the services. Rev. M. A. Hunt, of Exeter, conducted both services. The choir was as-- sisted by the Trivitt Memorial church choir of Exeter. At the morning service solo parts in the anthems were taken by Miss Louise Drummond and Mrs. Goodwin and Mr. Middlemiss, of Exeter, rendered a splendid solo in the evening. Anniversary services will be held in the Chiselhurst United church on Sunday, October 4ih, when Rev. J. N. Gould, of Sarnia will have .charge of the services. Services will be held at Chiselhurst at 2:30 and 7:30 pan. and at the Hensail United church Rev. Mr. Gould will have charge of the morn­ ing service and the evening service will be withdrawn. Rev Arthur %£^lsir will take Mr. Gould’s pul- pit’SnbUie Parker St., church Sarnia. The Young People’s League of the United church held their reg­ ular meeting on Monday evening with Mr. Clarence Smillie in charge. After the opening exercises the de­ votional leaflet was read by Alex. Filshie, followed by a piano duet by Misses Verda Watson and Gladys Passmore. The business part of the meeting was taken by Miss Greta Lammie, after which a cornet solo was rendered by Keith Buchanan. The topic which was very ably tak­ en by Dr. James Tapp was on “Lon­ don, England’’ and proved very in­ teresting and instructive. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. The Funeral of Mrs. ThoS. Butts Thu funeral of the late Mrs. T. Butts, who died oil Sunday took place from her late home, Stanley Township, on Tuesday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Chandler, of the Kippen United church, interment taking place in the Exeter cemetery, Quite a num­ ber of relatives and friends from Hensail attended the funeral. Mrs. Butts was 47 years of age and a na­ tive of Clinton. Rally Day Services Rally Day Service was held in the United church on Sunday morning last. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion and a large congregation attended the ser- ; ..vices. The following was the order ' of the service: Hymn, “Praise Him”; Prayer; responsive reading, Kenneth Passmore; offering, Senior Boys; Hymn, “Hark the Voice of Jesus”; exercises, “Three Little Gates”, Primary; chorus, by begin­ ners; speech by Joe Marks, “The Rally Day Pathway”; exercise, “A Good Example”, Primary; duet, "A Rally Day Song”, Evelyn Corbett and Bobby Hess; all classes joined in chorus; exercise, “Working One by One”, Intermediates; chorus, “Win Them One by One”, Wobelas; speeches, “The Gate Posts”, Miss Hazel Smillie, “The Gate Hinges”, Miss Margaret Johnston, “The Gate Keeper”, Miss Margaret Hobkirk, “Gates of Opportunity”, Mr. Henry Pfile, “The Open Gate”, Rev. Mr. Sinclair; Closing hymn, “In the Harvest Field”; Benediction. At the evening service the pastor oc­ cupied the pulpit and a very beauti­ ful solo was rendered by Mrs. Geo. Hess. The Funeral of Mrs. Harry Harmon The funeral of the late Mrs. Harry Harmon took place from her late residence on Thursday after­ noon, interment taking place in the Exeter cemetery. The Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor of the United church had charge of the services. The pallbearers were Messrs. Henry Howard and James Simpson, of Hensail and Thos. Boyes, Wm. Bak­ er, Wm. Oke and Wm. Bowden, of Centralia. Mrs. Harmon had no immediate family but is survived by two nephews, one in Little Britain another in Lindsay and a niece in Hamilton, who attended the funeral. Mrs. Harmon was found dead in her home on Tuesday, September 15th. She was born at Victoria near Lind­ say 71 years ago. She has resided in this district about 35 years. She Was married twice, her first hus­ band being John Oliver, who pre­ deceased her about 10 years ago when they lived at Centralia. She later married Mr. Harry Harmon and they moved to Hensail where she has resided since. Mr. Harmon passed away at Stratford about a month ago. Death: of Mrs. Edward Sheffer Mrs. Edward Sheffer, a resident of Hensail for nearly 60 years pas­ sed away at her home here on Sat­ urday evening after a week’s ill­ ness. She was in her 81st year and was born in Stanley Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Heaman. After her marriage to Mr. S'heffer they resided on a farm at Hillsgreen and later moved to Hensail where she has been a highly respected resident. Her hus­ band, the late Edward Sheffer pass­ ed away last January. She was a member of the Roman Catholic church. Mrs. Sheffer is survived by one daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of Port Rowan, and one son William, of Toronto.One son Norman died in Toronto a few years ago. There ■ was also a daughter, Jennie Sheffer who died in the States a number of years ago. There are also twq grandchildren and three great gand- children surviving. The funeral took place at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning at St. Boniface church, Zurich, the funeral service being in charge of Rev. Father Power and interment in the St. Boniface cem­ etery, Zurich. The pallbearers were all neighbors and intimate friends of the deceased, Messrs Wm. Con- sitt, Fred Manns, Cornelius Cook, Joseph Hagan, Charles Hoggarth and Dr. A. R. Campbell. Amongst those who attended the funeral from a distance were Dr. and Mrs. Reid, of Port Rowan and Mrs. Minnie Muir, of Detroit. CREDITON See the new blue and white Zircons Rings. The new December Birth Stone Ring at S. B. Taylor, Jeweller, Exeter We are giad to report that Mrs." Charlotte Brown is greatly improv­ ed after her recent illness. We regret to report that Mrytle Haist is critically ill at present. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder spent the week-end with Mr. and Mis. Carl Scriven in Toronto. Mr. Harold Pletch left Monday for Kingston where he will take a course in engineering at Queen’s University Miss Audrey Yearley has left for London where she has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyes and family, of Waterloo, visited with Sir. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz and other friends in the community on Sun­ day. Quite a number attended the an­ niversary services held at Shipka United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and Miss Mrytle Walker spent, Sunday in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodman, of Detroit, are visiting with the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs. Charles Schroe­ der. Miss Marguerite Guettinger has re­ turned after spending two weeks in Chicago. The usual fall epidemic of chick­ en-stealing has started in this dis­ trict. Farmers are asked to take a careful count of all their flocks with special attention to breeds, distin­ guishing marks. If possible, it would be au excellent plan for the farmers to mark their birds with their own individual markings for identification purposes. The opening meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute was held in the Crediton Town Hall on Monday ev­ ening. Thirty three members and visitors were present. Mrs. Mabel Ewald the president was in the chair for the business session and it was later taken by Mrs. Frank King for the following excellent program: So­ los by Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer and Daw­ son Goulding; piano solo by Miss A. Gaiser; guitar solo by Ruby King; currents events by Mrs. M. W. Tel- fer; reading by Mrs. Lawence Wein; two very interesting papers were given one on “Canadian Industries” by Mrs. Elmer Lawson and the other on “Agriculture” by Mrs. William Wright. A delicious lunch was then served by the following hos­ tesses: Mrs. R. Finkbeiner, Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Mrs. F. King and MTs. Eli Brown and a pleasant so­ cial time was spent. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Merner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alex­ ander on the Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and two sons and Mrs. John Baird spent the week-end with relatives in Thedford. Mr. Gordon Parker and Vera Ed­ wards, of Ingersoll, spent the week­ end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price and chil­ dren and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Meis­ ner, all of Dashwood, spent Sunday with‘Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. Henry Motz spent a few days in London last week. Quite a number from here took in the Fair at London last week. JI Illllllllllllllllllllllllllll THE RED and WHITE STORE ll;ill It KIRKTON Mr. Lloyd Colgan, of Detroit, spent the past week with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Howe. Mrs. R. R. Copeland, of St. Marys is holidaying with her granddaugh­ ter, Mrs. Eric Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. David Hazlewood spent the past week with their daughter Mrs. H. Balfour, of Lon­ don. Mr. H. C. White, of St. Marys ad­ dressed the Sunday School Rally service Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall. Mr. Wm. Brown and family, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts. Cluff—Mar shall The marriage took place at Kirk­ ton United parsonage of Thelma Marshall, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall to Wil'bur S. Cluff son of Mr: and Mrs. John Cluff, of Kirkton. Rev C. L. Lewis officiat­ ed. The bride was gowned in a brown tunic crepe dress with fur trimmings and accessories to match. The attendants were Miss Gladys Shier, of London, and Mr. J. John­ ston, of Brussels. Following the cerhmony t’he young couple left for a motor trip to Toronto and Hamil­ ton. WOODHAM Anniversary services will be held in Woodham United church, Sunday October 11th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The guest speaker for the day will be Rev. A. J. Langford, of Port Stanley. A .great number from here attend­ ed the London Fair last keek. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Den’ham, of Bracebridge, were visiting friends here the latter pant of last week. Mrs. Howard" Anderson, of Wash­ ington, spent several days last week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Squire and also took in the London Eair. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd and family spent last Saturday in Lon­ don. Mrs. Dykeman, of Galt, spent the week-end at the ‘home of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove. Wm. Lovegrove leaves Monday of this week to attend London Univer­ sity. We wish him success. iSunday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. Dobson, Kirkton at Mrs. Hopkins; Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and little daughter, of Thames Road at Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern’s; Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Arksey with Mrs. Rinn; Mrs. Jas. Squire and Miss M. Jane Brethour with the Misses Am­ anda and Sarah Shier; Mrs. C. Camin at Mrs. J. Camm’s; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott, Verna and Audrey at Mr. Herb Langford's. Rev. Mr. Lovegrove assisted by the Cheerful Workers’ class and Mrs. Rev. Lovegrove took charge of Rally Day services on Sunday last. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kei’s- lake, of Lumley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Srague and Vio­ let, of Toronto, spent the \yeek-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts, of Lucan, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Johnson, Marion and Audrey, of Woodham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock spent the week-end with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Coultis, of Exeter called on Mr. and Mrs. Horace Del- bridge on SUBday. SHIPKA Rally Day Services will be held next Sunday. Service at 10.30 and Sunday School at the usual time. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Schroeder, of Clandeboye, visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. Win. Sweitzer is at present laid up with a sprained ankle. He had the misfortune to have his foot caught in the roller. Misses Ruby and Norma Fink- beine.r and Mr. Alvin Finkbeiner, of Crediton assisted in the choir for the anniversary services on Sunday last. Large crowds were out to the an­ niversary services which were held last Sunday. Rev. S. Johnson, of Lucan addressed the congregation and was much enjoyed by all pres­ ent. .Mrs. L. Finkbeiner had the mis­ fortune to fall fracturing her shoul­ der. ■Mr. Roy Dietrich was rushed to St, Joseph’s Hospital on Wednesday last for hn operation for appendici­ tis. He is getting along nicely, LARGE PKQ. OXYDOL 59c. GROCERY SPECIALS KIRK’S CASTILE SOAP ............................................... 1 CAKE LIFEBUOY SOAP AND 1 LARGE LUX 3 CAKES CALAY SOAP, 1 PURE CASTILE SOAP BIG FIVE CLEANSER ..... Pure Peanut Butter ................. Keta Salmon Fancy Large tin Libby’s Pork and Beans largdF tin Good Cooking Rice .........dp lbs. for Fresh Sarr Dates ................#4 lbs. f Huron Toilet Tissue ..........®5 roJJl ........-■ .... 25c. 10c. 10c. 1 Bruns 3 tins for 15c. Corn Flakes ........... 2 pkgs. 15c. y B. Powder with goblet each 25c Aroma Coffee with cup and saucer lb. 39c. McCormick Butter Sodas 1 lb. pkg. 2 25c. Falcon Prepared Mustard . large jar 15c, We Deliver GREENWAY ’ Mr. W. J. Brown and family and Mrs. J. Brown visited in Londesboro on Sunday. Mrs. A. Hotson, of London, visit­ ed here this week. Mr. and Mis. Ray Pollock, of Ker- Wvod spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson. Next Sunday the Quarterly Com­ munion Service will be observed in the United Church at the regular hour of service. On Thursday evening at 8 o’clock Rev. Mr. Kitley, of Parkhill, will conduct the Preparatory s.ervice. Mr. Lloyd Whiting has returned to Toronto University after spending a week with Mr. and Mis. Roy Whiting. Mr. Hugh Horner has left this week to attend Pharmacy in Toron­ to. Mr. Claude Fallis spent last week with his sister Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Mr. Seibourne English, of Detroit enjoyed a week’s vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. English. Mr. Jo’hn James was a recent vis­ itor with his niece Mrs. Roy Whit­ ing. Harry Steeper resumed his studies at Western University this week. "Walter McPherson has returned to his home here after being employ­ ed near Exeter for the summer. Miss Adah Shank is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Shank. Our community was well repre­ sented at Western Fair last week. .Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mellin and Marjory, of Wheatley are visiting relatives 'here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battram, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Shank. Messrs. Lawrence and Aimer Luther of the West are guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. James Luther. We congratulate the teacher and pupils of S. S. 10, Stephen on their creditable standing in the Grand Bend school fair. Shirley Murray won the special cup for the most points. We express our sympathy to the family of Mrs. Thos. Stewardson, who passed away on Friday evening after a lengthy illness. Last Sunday afternoon was Rally Day in the United Church school. A very impressive promotion service formed the principal part of the program. Addresses were given by Rev. J. B. Moore. Mr. S. W Webb Superintendent, who presided and by­ Mrs. Elton Curts Jr., Supt., outlined the organization of the school and the method of promotion. The schol­ ars passed through nicely decorated gates receiving diplomas and were accompanied by the teachers to the new departments. Much credit is due the committee in charge. The sup­ erintendents Mrs. Ulens and Mr. Young. GRAND BEND Rally Day Services were held on Sunday morning with a large at­ tendance, 24 visitors being present. The church was beautifully decor­ ated with flowers furnished by Mrs. Geromette and Mrs. J. Love. The Supt. of the S. S., Mr. Hendrick, was assisted by the pastor, Mr. Moore. A young people’s choir led the singing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton Mr. Nelson Statton and family, of Forest; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt, and Mr. Jos. Ravelie, returned Sun­ day evening from a pleasant motor trip in three cars to Northern On­ tario. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and Teddy of Loudon, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Misses Gwen Hicks and Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week­ end at then* homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, of Wingham, visited last week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham Sr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker and fam­ ily have been holidaying for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. K. Car­ ter, of Mooresville and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee at Brinsley. Miss Jewel spencer, of St. Thom­ as, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Mills. Miss Stella Cook, of London, is visiting With Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook. Mr, and Mrs. John Pollard were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Manford Smith at ParkhiM, Mr. and Mrs. Harrs Mills visited with i datives at Woodham on Sun­ day. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Harry Har­ mon in Hensail on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Harmon was a former resident of this village. Mrs. Kershaw had the misfortune to fracture her wrist last week. A large congregation atttended the Rally Day service held in the chuich here on Sunday last. Music was provided by t.he Willing Work­ ers class and the Truth Seekers class Short readings were given by June Sleamon and Flossie Davies’ class; Dorothy Hicks told the story of *‘A Jar of Rosemary”; Reginald Hod­ gson led the service and Rev. R. N. Stewart gave the address. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Turner, of London, and daughter, Iris and hus­ band of Philadelphia, called on Mrs. W. J. Parsons and other friends in the village on Monday of this week. ELIMVILLE The W. M. S. held their Septem­ ber meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Johns. Mrs, Wm. Elford was in charge and opened with reading four verses of hymn 15 4 “Holy Spirit, Truth Divine” in unison also repeating the watchword. Hymn 413 was sung followed by the read­ ing of the scripture lesson by Mrs. Will Johns. Mrs. Ford read the Devotional Leaflet, “The Spirit of Jesus gives Victory.” Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose led in prayer. The sing­ ing of hymn 400 “Fight the Good Fight” was next and the secretary read the minutes which were adopt­ ed. Roll call was answerd by a verse on “Seek.” Fifteen members responded and one visitor was also present. Two delegates, Mrs. Wes. Horne and Mrs. H. Ford were ap­ pointed to attend the South Huron Sectional Convention to be held in Centralia on October 22nd. Other business was discussed and the Questionable and answers from the Blue Book were read by the ladies. Hymn 399, “Faith of our Fathers.” was sung and after a minute’s silent prayer the benediction was pro­ nounced. Following the meeting a ten cent birthday tea was served and a pleasant half hour spent soc­ ially. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Sherwood Hunt­ er with Mrs. R. D. Hunter in charge. Sunday, October 25th has been chosen for the fall anniversary date for this church. Rev. R. Stewart, of Centralia will be the speaker. It has also been decided to have a fowl supper the following -week the exact date has not been set. MT. CARMEL Judge and Mrs. Coughlin, of Windor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin over the week-end. Miss Mary Mahoney, of London, spent Sunday at her home. Mr. M. Doyle is visiting friends in London. Mr. Frank Hall, of London, cal­ led on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fallon and Miss Elizabeth Dietrich, of London, vis­ ited friends here Sunday. Messrs. Martin, Jerome, Gordon and Dennis O’Rourke and Ed. Hog­ an attended London Fair last week. Mrs. M. Doyle had the misfortune to fall and break her ankle last week. ■CKMMi DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., DENTAL surgecmf^ At office injfeartleilyjffDck, Dash­ wood, first twee daaiFof week and at office ovejJth^#R)St Office, in Zu­ rich, last three“days of week. Dashwood cider mill will be run­ ning every day during the season. A. Zimmer, proprietor. 9-3-4tp See the new blue and white Zircons Rings, The new December Birth Stone Ring at S. B. Taylor, Jeweller, Exeter- Mrs. Cummings, of Chicago and Mrs. Sutherland, of California have returned to their home after spend­ ing several weeks with relatives. Miss Maida Wein is attending Business College in London. Quite a number attended the Western Fair at London last week. Mrs. P. Melsaac spent a few days with relatives in London last week. Mrs. Hy. Kellerman and Mrs. Dibbs, of Elkton, Mich., visited ■with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreich- er. Mrs. Hooper, who has been visit­ ing in Toronto has returned and is spending a few weeks with her daughter' Mrs. Guenther. THAMES ROAD Wedding bells were ringing on Saturday last when Miss Mary A. Gillfillan was united in marriage with Mr. William A. Church, of Ful- larton. They were attended by the bride’s brother and sister Mr. John and Miss Annie Qillfillan. They will make their home in McKillop Township. The best wishes of their many friends will follow them to their new home. Miss Kathleen WTiseman has been engaged on the teaching staff of the Westervelt School, Louden. Rev. Mr. Mair had charge of an­ niversary services of the Embro charge on Sunday last. The September meeting of the Thames Road Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Vera Pollen with the president, Miss Evelyn Hunkin in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn 43 4 after which Mildred Hodgert read the Scripture lesson followed by prayer. Loreen Borland had charge of the program. Two heralds were given by Annie Rhode and Alma Borland. Miss G. Kers- lake gave a guitar solo followed by a reading by Roberta Duncan and a solo from Doris Duncan. Loreen Borland gave an interesting reading. The meeting closed by singing hymn 622 followed by the Mizpah bene­ diction. A social houi* was then spent making articles for the ba­ zaar. Lunch was served. HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodgson and Murray, of Clandeboye; Mrs. W. Read, of Toronto; Mr. Burton Hod­ gson, of Pontiac, Mich, and Miss Helen Sanders visited at Mr. Man­ sells Hodgins on Sunday. Miss Edith Love spent Sunday with Miss Lillian Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hayter, spent ■Sunday with Mrs. A. Hayter. Congratulations to Miss Shirley Murray who won the T. Eaton trophy at the Grand Bend school fair. ... Notice To Retailers ... Butter Must be Graded In future all butter you sell must be labelled with its grade on the wrapper in letters at least a quarter-inch square. (This in­ cludes block butter cut from solids on the counter.) This is a new Government measure, and will be strictly en­ forced by a special staff of inspectors. Solid’s o€ buttor held, responsible for its Qunlity being described. If you buy improperly-labelled butter, the seller is re­ sponsible at the time of purchase. After purchase, it is your re­ sponsibility, and Government inspectors will be calling at the stores from time to time to check the accuracy of this branding. If the butterflies gone off in quality under your care you will ’ed nearbe held responsible. In other words, it any meats, vegetables, oils, etc. quickly, anj^should be kept cold, We Ontario^ should not be Butter odours ONTARIO CREAMERY ASSOCIATION maintaining the quality Of Exeter Creamery Co., Limited Creameries at exeter and winchelsea