HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-09-17, Page 8THURSUIY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE The perfect method to produce what current style demands ... in the shortest possible time . . . with, the most conWort to- patrons. Bom offers new standards of perfe in the art permanently hair. Z” Satisfacti^ guaranteed. z H.hyfiviiTH z*b®auty shoppe Exeter Markets Wheat 98c Oats, standard 45 c. Feed Barley 65c. Manitoba’s Best $3.25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Shorts $1.55 Bran $1.50 Low Grade Flour $1.85 Creamery Butter 30c Dairy Butter 19-22c. Eggs A large 25c. Eggs, medium 21c. Eggs. C 15c Hogs $8.35 EXETER FAIR DAYS Trade ins for sale at F. G. WRIGHT & CO. LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday. School 11 a.m—-Communion Service. Text. 1st Corinthians X-21—“Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers o-f the Lord’s table and of the table of devils.” p.m.— British Israel. SEPTEMBER 21st and 22nd We invite you to call and inspect our Fine Range of New Fall Merchandise. Every department has something new to offer. Come in and see our Fair Day Specials. l—Ligh i-or m-’del, good condition, 4 brand new ti: tubes never used .......... 1—-Easy Vacuum Electric- er. Looks and runs Going at 1—7-tutf Chea pt Chevrolet Truck, Super- m-idel, good mechanical es and e NOTICE U$>Roulston who h htion o will re-opf a Monday, on ental Of- $$$mber 21st. 1—7-tufc A nice Liberal T Headquarters Kelvinators, and Philco Radios Excellent values in other merchan­ dise throughout the store ...$44.00 model . $40.00 in good shape .....................$39.93 No Carrying' Charges for Easy Washers. Northern Electric F. G. WRIGHT & CO. LOCAL NEWS Mr. George Hunter received word Tuesday morning of the death of his uncle, Mr. John Hall, of Oshawa. -Miss Jean Cann returned home Sunday after spending a week her sister • G. Rockola, of ley. Re-member the concert by Alpha Juvenile Choristers (Strat-j ford Boys’ Choir) in James St. church on October 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Blanchard and Mr. and Mrs. George Rockola spent Sunday with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rockola, of Drayton. Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. L. San- der^ returned Thursday from a three weeks visit in Cleveland. While there they took in the Great Lakes Exposition. The Times-Advocate have on ex­ hibition in their window a parsnip grown by Mr. R. N. Rowe that has a long slender root, the whole of which measures 28 inches. Dr. W. E. Weekes will be in Tor­ onto Wednesday and Thursday tak­ ing a course in -medicine at St. Mi­ chael’s Hospital. He was accompan­ ied by Mrs. Weekes, Mrs. Francis and Mrs. Beer. Rev. A. Page occupied his own pulpit in James St. United church on Sunday last after an absence of six weeks in England. Mr. Page stated that while enjoying his trip overseas he was glad to be back a- ga-in and was greatly impressed with the welcome he had received on his return. Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.D., of Caven Presbyterian Church preached two powerful sermons on Sunday. In the morning his theme was “Christ’s a Personal Religion” from the text ‘Give me thine heart” and in the evening he combatted D-r. Huestice’s claim that Christianity and Communism could be c-ombined. In a trenchant analysis he showed that the only apparent similiarity was in the humanitarism of both but while Communism advocated bro­ therhood for the restricted benefit of their own group the Christian Religion embraced all mankind. One is Spiritual the othenJVfaterialistic.ZZ with Rip- Fur Coats repaired,J* remodelled, latest styles; cleaned/and glazed; reference supplie” —--- able. Wanted t| seal, Hudson, ml Warges - tfuy-old i ----, ---------, „.,„Z’at coats. Mrs. Norman Hockey. -reason­ electric . Apply 3tp. acres of grass FOR SALE Lot 12, Concession 4, Tow Usborne, containing one acres on which is erect storey brick house wl bank barn 3'6 by 70 together house. Also abbut thi . ____ land being’partj^f Lot 9, Concession the property of the of lundred slate roof, 35,by 50, ed and hen- 9-17-3tc. 5, UsborU late Willi For fuf er particulars apply to J. W. MO'RLEY, (Solicitor for Executors Exeter, 0nt. SALE—-A, Qj^J&c heater, ' J' :s at $2.00 lensalu A meeting o of Huron Coun Town Hall ______ September 2$fd, 1J$$ Western ' Board. the BeajiF'&rowers Afield in the t 8 p.m. on W. E. Reid, Bean Marketing FOR also some malt ban$$Ts at $2.00 each. Apply at Middleton’s Bakery. .' • *' • 3 House for Relkt Cottle. .0 -At.. . $ply to Miss tic ouse in Exeter you fell list it with us.— and Mrs. E. Lindenfield and visited on Sunday in St. with Mr. and Mrs. Milton 7 Text. St. Matthew XXIII-12.—“Who­ soever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” [Friday, September 19, at 8 p.m.— Preparatory Service. If you have tyould like “ . CSV. PickajdJFphone 165... ■ - - ---------■■■.- Z HOUSE For SALE—Mode^Fred brick residence in good loempoh, for Apply at‘tDInif^-Advocate .... .{Z* 2tc . ------___ ----- FARM FOR RENT— 2, Con. 13, Township of Stephen acres, owned by Estate of the, WitzieL iwmifone yeat 1936. Tena __ . „ lands at an^ftime!j^For more par­ ticulars app Eilber & Sob1, CreditoiL 9-3-Btc. te William rom Dec, 1, has rljjht to plough amily Marys Boltcn. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Morley, of De­ troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones Wednesday while on their wedding trip. -Mr. and Mrs. Win, Harris, of Waitsburg, Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sweet and other rela­ tives during the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Preston and Mrs. Edna Preston, oif Cleveland, Ohio, are guests at the home of Mrs, M. McAvoy and Miss A. L. Sanders. The Exeter Band will provide the music at London Fair Friday after­ noon of this week. The band under the leadership of Mr. T. Walper will eomi.ise uver thirty members. Mr. Hil-born, who last year was a member of the Exeter H S. staff, visited in town over the week-end. Mr. Hilborn has secured a splendid l>osition on the staff of the Hamilton Collegiate. Recent visitors with Mt. and Mrs. W. E. Winer were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dinney, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers and Miss Alma Winer, of London and Mr. Ed. Bales, of Tor­ onto. Mr. Rd. Tapp following his recent bereavement, left the latter part of last week with his son Lynn for GravenhuTst where he will visit for a time. Mr. k. J. aims naa the misfortune to have his right hand caught in a machine for the making of boxes at the Exeter Canning Factory on Sat­ urday last. The hand was badly mutilated. Mt. Preston Dearing is in London this week exhibiting his Dorset Horned sheep at the Western Fair. He made a splendid showing with his sheep at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. iMr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers, Mrs. John Chambers and Mrs. Wm. Winer spent a few days north of South­ ampton at Arrow Lake last week. Mr, and Mrs. Chambers returned home to London on Friday. Mr. Charles Mason is carrying his right foot in a plaster oust and is able to be around with the aid of crutches. On Friday last at the Ford Garage an iron bar fell on the foot fracturing one of the bones, i Mrs. Elizabeth Hardy .has disposed of her residence on Sim-coe street to Mr. Edgar Broderick, of Hay Town­ ship. Mr. Broderick _gets sion November 1st. * put through by Mr. real estate agent. Mr. W. G. Medd, Medd and Miss Helen Dignan mo­ ored to Toronto the latter part of the last week where they took in the Exhibition. They were ied home by Mrs. Medd the past few weeks with Medd at Napanee. The W. M. S. of James iheld a meat supper in the church basement Friday evening of last week. In spite of the wet weather there was a fai.r attendance. The ladies served a very excellent repast and during the supper hour music was furnished by the orchestra un­ der the direction of Mr. Goulding as­ sisted by Mr. T. Walper, trombonist. Mrs. John Gilfillan, who has spent the summer with her son W. A. Gil­ fillan, of “Woodside left on Tuesday for San Francisco, Calif, intends visiting .her D. T. Gilfillan in Winnipeg for some time reaching California the latter part of October. She will travel through the Canadian Rockies to the Pacific Coast and from Vancouver will take the boat to Seattle and JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—The Minister 7 p.m.—The Minister Wednesday 8 p.-m.—-Prayer Service. t;- 10 11 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—'A Great Message From a Small Book.” 7 p.m.—“A Away.” Monday at 8 Thursday at vice. 10 11 Young Man Who Ran p.m.—Y. P. S. 7.3 0 p.m.—Prayer Ser- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaal Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlsa 15th Sunday After Trinity a.m.—-Sunday School Service in the afternoon at 3 p.m. owing to the Hairvest Thanksgiving Services in St. Paul’s Church, Hen- sall. Harvest Thanksgiving Services in Trivitt Memorial Sunday, Sept. 27th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 10 THE SALVATION ARMY Main' Street Captain G. GamingjL ’31 1:1 a.m.—Holies Meetii^ 2.30 -p.m.- 7 p.m.—Salv^ion^jiM^eting Where t d Time Gospel is proclaime There is a hearty welcome to one and all at the Ar-my-—Come and worship with us on the Lord’s Day. I posses- The deal was C. V. Pickard, Miss Marjorie accompan- who spent Mr. A. B. St. church Farm” Kirkton her home in Mrs. Gilfillan other son Mr. vis- sis- and Mr. Harry Sweet, of Windsor, ited over the week-end with his ter Miss Hettie S-weet. London Fair is on this week many cars pass through town daily on their way to and from the city. The fair is exceptionally good and is being well attended. Mr. and Mrs. B. Perrltt, Mrs. John Markham and Miss Nora and Mr. W. C. Davis, of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell Davis recently returned to England. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. family, of Ilderton; Wm. Sillory, and Mr. and Mrs. Car­ man Cann spent Sunday at Mr. A. Hamilton’s cottage at Grand Bend; Mr. Homer Russell and Miss Irene Russell, who attended the wedding of their sister Isabel in Chicago re­ turned home the latter part of the week. They made the trip from Chicago to Detroit by aer-oplane. Mr. Jack .Stanbury accompanied Mr. Westlake and party of the Blue Water Highway, near Bayfield o-n a visit to Toronto Exhibition and -friends in the Queen city over the week-end. Sunday. Mr. from a trip prebble and Mr. and Mrs. Notice To Retailers ..._______________________________ radedButter Must be In future all the wrapper in h eludes block buff This is a forced by a spei Sellers of described, If j sponsible at tti sponsibility, a» from time to | If the bif be held respoli any meats, vsg quickly, and Bb We solic® Ontario butte®. ]i _S' Ibutter you sell must bj^Tabelled with its grade on itters at least a quarijpr-inch square. (This in- v cut from solids oimhe counter.) iw Government m^jnire, and will be strictly en- hl staff of InspectoiK rdKonsible for its quality being as yly-labelled butter, the seller is re- Bse. After purchase, it is your re- ^-pectors will be calling at the stores Ji|ie accuracy <of this branding. roff in quality under your care you will ber words, it ' e^-C’ Butter fncept cold. „ i'est co-Oiperation in churn to table. jputter are held you buy impriop* time of purdi gel GovernmentJU Ime to check, ;ter has igbijf ’silble. In, ;etables. kould ly i y-oun £fro. should not be stored near picks up outside odours maintaining the quality of ONTARIO CREAMERY ASSOCIATION , Exeter Creamery Co., Limited I CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA z NEW STYLES AND WEAVES IN LADIES’ SWEATERS Don’t fail to see these new styles and colors.They come in a range of prices. $1.95 $2.50 $2.95 DRESSES We have a smart range of styles in silks and in woolens at prices that will interest you. 4 ** $3.95 TO $10.95 KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS We have the agency for these beautiful all wool blankets and will be pleased to show you this lovely range. $4.95 TO $9.95 NEW SHOES FOR FALL In brown or black suede with medium of high heels in T-strap styles > PRICED AT $2.75 AND $3.50 JUST ARRIVED—A Fine Assortment of'Children’s, Misses’ and Women’s Coats. Smart Styles - Suitably Priced - See These Coats NEW BROGUE OXFORDS FOR MEN Smart looking brogues made so that they will give real comfort and long wear. PER PAIR $5.00 MEN’S NEW HATS FOR FALL Look at your hat, everyone else does. We are showing the newest shapes and shades $1.95 TO $3.95 NEW FORFUSED SHIRTS WITH ATTACHED COLLARS . .Sh’owing a range of the newest patterns in the popular collar-attached shirts EACH $1-5Q^ NEW TWEED ODD TROUSERS A very popular number, comes in grey and brown checks with pleats in front. PER PAIR $3,00# i to TownCambridgeClothes Representative Cojrf On Monday, Septemtyfr 21st, Mr. McKenzie will havg^UHi him the latest samples of cloths and models fo>your inspection. to look over this complete showing of Fall and Wjfiter samples. McLaren’s Jelly Pcj^vder any flavor 6 for . AROMA COFFEE with each poun cup and saui$ per pound .. . 39c s 4 CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp . . 19c Harry Horne’s strictly fresh PEANUT BUTTER 2 pounds for . 25c RUBBER RINGS z ZINC RINGS S PICKLING QUARTS OR PINTS SUDS ^washing easy s. for Free—one cake of Lifebuoy Soap with each large pkg. LUX per pkg............25c TEA Try our Special Blend a real good tea at a real low price. Black or Mixed 47c• • CUCUMBERS Cukes are more plentiful now. Leave us your order. Try Heintz Vinegar this season >■ Southcott Bros. Ilk Be Permanently Beautiful NEW FALL HATS THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE C Offers Polici Meet E^tfery I^urance Need enable ove Phone 245 $2.50 SOCKS ires, his Fall A Permanent Wave you that Fa every girl a Look Your 1CKARD one 165 Ordered your coal yet? Cooler weather will soon be here. Don’t delay too long ^nd when you select your Cgprre- Rsnioned winters an<l.,;get a fuel. D. & H^^one-CJj^ned Anthra­ cite is su< member the^recent old^R 33; Res. 157 j r re­ ,O^S. P. BOWEY Phone 33 Residence 157J -----------z -..-..-...... feraM)/iin ' New LpiwPrice 35c. Sold at Browning’s Drugstore In Silvertones, Black, Blue, Brown Royal Blues New StylesJCrew SOCKS A new line of socks just arrived at 50c. and 75c. w. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. ( Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell, of Hen­ sail, Mrs. Stone and Mr, William Kernick Sr. have returned home from- a motor trip to North Bay, go­ ing via Tobermory, Manitoulin Isle, and Sudbury, visiting Callander and the quintuplets on tne way home. Mrs. Albert Eacrett, of Pt. Angel- us, Washington, is at present visit­ ing her brother Mr. John Campbell and other old friends here and also with her brother and sister Mr. E, Campbell and, Mrs. Coxsworth, -of Hensall, Mr. Fred Ross, formerly of Dun­ gannon but now of Auburn, attend­ ed the presbyterial in Caven church and called on Mr. and Mrs, G. s. Howard, Mr, and Mrs, W, PI. John­ ston and <Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mawsen who are old time trends of theirs. 'Misses Mabel and Dell Ward, of Toirontio, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W» Powell on Tuesday. Miss Ma­ bel Wdrd and Mrs, Powell were school chums and tihis was the first time they had met in 35 years. Captain Bedford, Captain Gram- mon and C. C. Bruce Cann and C, C. Stewart Cann of the Salvation Army spent Thursday in London and at­ tended the welcome meeting to Brigade? and Mrs. Bunton in the Salvation Army Citadel, Mr. and Mrs. B. W, F, Beavers were in Toronto on (Sunday where they were present for the baptism of their grandson, Frederick. Downey, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Beavers. They also visited -with Mr. and Mrs. D. J, Eacrett in WoodStOgk return­ ing home Monday.