HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-09-17, Page 4WHVRSDAY, HBriEMBEB 17, 103«THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BIRTHS —In Stephen, to a HOULAHAN- ' day, September 8th, Mrs. J. Hculahan, ! (Madeline Celia.) on Tues- Mr. and daughter. L» •*’ V tl V -1. It J GRAND *•j MARRIAGES A 4 yo 1 h1 r OPENING OF FASHION LADIES' WEAR EXETER, ONTARIO SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 This Store has been bought by J. Zuber, Kitchener Mrs. Zuber has had many years of experience in the Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear in fitting and buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. Come in and get acquainted. You are cordially invited to see for yourself the wonderful values we can give you. EKS BKMSI 9SKHI New Fall & Winter HATS All fur felts. Colors, black, brown, wine & navy 1.75 to $3.49 L h We specialize in large head sizes. 9> ESQ FALL /DRE S for Sport, Afternoon and Sumbf Night Wear in youthful styles-/ Sheer CreptfTSatin faced Crepe and Velvet. ~ - - • * - Navy, Black, Fall Prints, Travel H freen, Win#?veeds and Fine Wool in Get acquainted prices $2.7 'o $16.75 I S 14 TO 52 1-2 We specialize in short, stout and half sizes in coats and dresses. We are making our residence here and hope you will let us assist you in your clothing problems. Women’s & Misses’ Fall & Winter VW cm*® Ml W.\v COATS in youthful styles trimmed with Sable, Seal, Beaver, Fox in the newest colors, brown, black, navy, sand, wine. Get acquainted prices! BALKWILL—HODGSON — At the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner, cn Wednesday, Sept. 16th, Viola Alice, niece of Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hodgson, Decker, Man., to William E. Balkwill, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, of Exeter, by Rev. Arthur Page. JEFFREY—HAY—At the Tbaanes Read Manse on Saturday, Sept. l‘2th, Mabel Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hay, of Exe­ ter, to Mr. Victor George Jeffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jeff­ rey. of Usbctne, by Rev. William Mair. RANDS—ROBINSON—On Saturday September 12th, at St. Thomas Anglican church, Seaforth, Ethel Mae Robinson, daughter of Mr. David Robinson and the late Mrs. R binsun to Mr. Levi Rands, all of Hensall. by Rev. Canon Apple- Bird. DEATHS WORDEN—In Scott Memorial Hos­ pital. Seaforth, on Monday, Sept. 14:h. Mrs. William Worden, cf Hibbert, aged 45 years. SANGSTER—In Hensall. on Sunday, September 13th, William gangster aged 47 years. SCHROEDER—In Dashwood, on ! Tuesday, .September 10, 193 6, Jac.'b Schroeder in his 77 th year. HODGINS—At her late residence, 59 6 Colbo’.ne street, London, Ont. on Friday, September lltli, Am­ anda. daughter cf the late Robert R. and Mary Ann Hodgins, Clan- deboye. STEWART — At Ailsa Craig, cn Sunday, September 6th, 1936, Archibald D. Stewart, V.S., belov- husband of the late Minnie Cell, in his 74th year. se­ Mr. Parkh of the Isabel if Mr of Or? place AUCTION SALE --- of ,—. FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLE­ MENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The unde:signed au tiuneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction, on Lot 23, Con, 7, Stephen Township 2 miles north of Crediton on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1936 at 1 o’clock the following: HORSES—Draft horse 7 yrs. old; draft mare 11 yrs. old; draft mare 16 yrs. old; driving pony. CATTLE—Cow due Oct. 20th; 1 heifer due Oct. 22nd; 2 heifers due April 25th; 2 fresh cows; Cow due June 5th; Durham bull; farrow cow; 5 2-year olds; 4 yearlings, spring calf. POULTRY—100 hens. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. Binder; 1 mower, hay rake, roller, gravel box, riding plow, walking plow’, cultiva­ tor, bean scuffler, hand scuffler, set harrows, pulper, fertilizer drill, one turnip drill, disc, hay loader, gang plow, 2-furrow plow, hay rack, heavy wagon, seed drill, set sleighs, cutter, buggy, carriage, wheel barrow, wa­ gon box, pig rack, ladder, gas en­ gine and chopper, manure spreader, reaper, set heavy harness, single harness, quantity of hay, pump, corn cutter, wire stretchers, fanning mill, forks, shovels, hoes, neckyokes, whiffietrees, chains, boxes and bar­ rels. GRAIN—100 bushels rnixe HOUSEH steve, 2 h bed and , ,1 I I,;............*............................ Plymouth car 1929 in good running ■order; 18 leads of good mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Range stove, Doherty, nearly new, burns wood or coal; wood heater; kitchen stove burns wood or coal; extension tables 10 ft.; kitehen chaits; 6 din­ ing room chairs; good kitchen table, 3 x 7 all cherry wood; 1 couch; 5 rolls of linoleum; 2 settees; parlor table; nig 9 x 12; quantity of car­ pets; parlor lamp; bedioom suite; 2 beds; mattresses; 3 benches; pict­ ure frames; churn; screen doors; 2 new stable windows; arm chair; quantity of sealers; pots and pans; ■galvanized tub; wooden tuhs, and all other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE ARE CASH Real Estate: 100 acre farm on same lot (more or less, bank barn, ^driving Shed, large wood shed, bri k house with kitchen, small orchard, pleftify of .water, well fenced and also well drained, mostly all seeded down, around 10 or 12 acres of good bush. Terms of Real Estate—10 per cent. to be paid on day of sale and bal­ ance in 30 days. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer Mrs. Oliver Fee, Mrs. Gordon Love, Executors of the late Mr. Ferdin­ and Stelck, Estate. time the more bank and served bit. ushels oats, 300 rain. EFFECTS—Banner ers, rug, Kolster radio, ings, gas lamp. ESTATE ng of 100 ss with good brick barn, drive shed, well drained. (Sold subject same or sale acres house, fenced to re­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate ERINE FAHNER, late of ship of Stephen, in the Huron, married woman, on the seventh day of August, 19 3 6, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Twenty-First day of September, 193 6. / AND NOTICE IS /URTHER GIV­ EN that after the ministrator will j bute the estate Jh to the claims have notice. Dated at I day IS of CATH- the Town- County of who died TERMS— Chattels, Cash. Real Estate, per vent, on day of sale, balance in 30 days. The estate of the late Peter Marlene F. COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ll)Said date the Ad- jjnoc-eed to distri^ aving regard oifwhieh he thei^OTalland Mrs. ill. annou >ir '.e an ia , of ament Rubie ly sen rman Turnbull, redding to take ternher. CARD OF T^NKSj The famj^^Vf theklate Chas. I Fairhall tatae^ fhis opapxtunity of j thanking tireir nlany friends for the < kindn@ss.4how’n an^gfir recent sad • bereave^*ent,.s^^s^mally to / who lo^neW^T^s and Rev. ! Stewart? j |cARy OF _ THANKS J Mr. Richard,,/Hipp anjr _____ j wish to think .tJieir man^friends for j the kindness hnd^ sympathy extended ■ during their recen^ bereavement. ]We also wish to thank these who so i kindly f 1 ewers. EXECUTOR’S SALE — of --- VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROP­ ERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IN EXETER remembered Mother hroedei bereav and n Mrs. wish io 11 j the f| kindness and j during Mr. S in their recdni pecially for t loan of cars. CARD Mr. Harcld WalpejM^ press his I thanks io I Bend ; whos* help ing t thus those R. N. family with ajKl family te thanks jors for the y extended illness and rent, and es- trinutes and PP OF THANKS-s^ ^.Jshes io ex- gratitud< and .woof andf Grand others d efficient ul in controll- t hi§ farm and loss. I CARD OF THANKS f. For all the assistance both finan­ cial and in labor following our re­ cent loss by fire we take this means ! to extend cur most heartfelt thanks. Special thanks is extended to those who organized the assistance.—Oluf ! Pedersen and family, Dashwood, Ont. card ghTth Jacqb Scliroed express their fiend: sincer^ the-dfasl: I fire brjga.de and ;e quickth’espc' were sajsucces :he recen^fire averted se^ ,o IN MFMORIAM In loving memory of our dear daugh ter Minnie, who passed away on September 20th, 1935. The days bring hat-kyg"! The loved one^..... And these wh^wl Are theses' One year day, God FcrgejJ Forjra Thj lin : 0 10V I s passed d her since bes ad liveth still, grf&t, the shock rcd the one vfe 1 her, no, we our he.a blow^i^as levere, little thought tl And only those wh H t&-5» ®ie pain of Will. Someday we^jrBpe, to meet her, SomeWfewW’eT’know’ not when We shall clasp her hand In a better land, And we‘11 never part again. Written and inserted by Mothe: and Father and Brother Lloyd Baynham. without fare- end was near, have lost can AUCTION SALE STOCKERS |eND FEEDER to^/e held at jRINGTON’S FABM,FRED ELlJ 2 miles North & 3 3-4 niile^’feast2 miles North & 3 3-4 nlil< Exeter Vi on —FRIDAY, Sl|»TEMBHJ|y 25i t Comh^ncin’g ‘ 2 p.’nj ■. 125 Good^ualjlfy Stockej^ and Feeders, ftteei’S & Heifers in Good 1-4e,^ Ftom 500 Jio 900 < Pounds /■" TEAMS—CASfl Cattle delive;eo^up to distance of 20 miles a head. WM. NAIRN, Auctioneer J, M'ARTHUR, Proprietor 231 1,1936 The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell on the premises of the late W. H. SATURDAY, at 2 p.m. the Settee, Rocking Chairs, Room Table and Chairs, Cupboards, Drop Leaf Table, 2 Bed­ room Suites. Couch, Lounge, Kit­ chen Cupboard, Kitchen Chairs, Or­ gan, Electric Lamp, Carpets, Dishes, Bedding, Garden Tools and other household articles. Also FORD COUPE, 1927 Model (with dition P. Hooper on SEPTEMBER 26th following Chattels: Dining 2 Glass j I self starter) in splendid con- mechanically and as to paint, Heal Estate 288, New Municipal PlanLot Number Twenty (20) in the Village of Exeter, formerly known as Lot Number S6, on the South Side of Huron Street, Carling and Acheson’s Survey, containing one acre more or less. On the property is a comfortable brick house in good repair, having been recently repainted and redec­ orated, the quant garden an ed, and fxeter nbe’Aji $7 this First. . 1936. STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Administrator- of Sept.®! gladmIs NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of JAMES ROBERTSON, late of the Village o£ Hensall, in the County of Huron gentleman, who died on the seven­ teen day of June, 193 6, are required to forward their claims duly proven . ' ' ’ gnjd on or before thgd i (Jay of Septemlw^ to the undetsi; Twenty-Eighth 1936. AND NO TIG EN that after cuter will prgpeed t; estate bavin claims of w] notice. i Dated at Exete of September A.D GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executor f veg. IS FURTI said $fetr only then s ^T'GIV- mlie Exe- ibute the to hall the have day Ont., this E 1936. ghth NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of ELIZA- I BETH MCKENZIE, late of the Vil- large of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the Fourteenth day of August, 193 6, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Fifth/day of October, 1936. / AND NOTICE Is/fURTHER GIV^ EN that after thersaid date the ,15^- cutors .will prcc^d to distribi^^lhe estate having Jtgard onlw^’o the claims of whiqf they thejj^hall have notice. J DATED afATJjft^er, this fifteenth day of September, 19 3 6. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Executors’ Solicitors t ‘"locat- •then particulars, apply to: so a good stable, y of land desiral run for cow’ ong good n CHATTELS Cashj#®’ (10% Ten per cent. V of sale and balance irty days, when posses- For FRANK TAYLOR Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executor AUCTION SALE — of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 27, Con. 5, Hay Township 3 miles west of Henlall and li miles North! on IBER 18, 1936 1 the following: ine team of aged od condition. — Massey-Harris M.-H. -inowe . cultivator; 3 section ha: new; 16 ft. ' riding ne. hors^j^fecuffler; gen; top I cutter; 1200 lb. mg lad- bags; 6 wooden track; harness, new; ?ss; wheelbarrow; kettles; horse col- blankets; chains; carpenter tools; hay 11 h 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: RICHARD G. TERRY, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Carpcntem^tte- ceased. “ CREDITORS AND OTHE' claims against the estate deceased q^'e required^ October 5th, 1936, JpT,... ___ ._ undersigned* Soliei$Sr fo-r the execu­ tors full yarticjriSrs of their claims (’■ . nIt.,1.1.1. v„„ said exe^itQ^s will proceed to distri- ’VSsetS of said estate having ~ having p„ : the said h or before #rfyle with the duly vermecGMter which date the bute tlr^____ __________ ____o regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. . DATED this 16th day of SepteiUL? r A. D. 1936. J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for Executors, Exeter, Ont, FRIDAY, SEPT at 12.30 o’cloc HORSES—One Clyde mares in IMPLEMENT binder, 6 ft. c ft. cut, new; M on 10 hoe drill M.-H. bay load wagon; wagon reaper; Quebe walking plows, pair bob sleigh buggy; road ca harrow cart; 1 scales; fanning dets; quantity sling ropes; cap double set single set of stone boat; 2 lars; horse forks; shovels; "WhiffletreeS; t-tiipcmer luuis; nuy fork; 3 chop boxes; grass seeder; bag truck, root pulper, cutting box; gravel box; quantity of lumber; gang plow; vinegar barrel; cross cut saw; grind stone; pea harvest­ er; clover buncher for mower; windless; stock rack; ditching scoop scythe; water trough; quantity of barrels and boxes; 27 cord wood; log beat neckyokes NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that, persons 1 estate of Township of Huron about the^ twenty-four March, A,*®, 1933. forward ,f®eir clain tn the u before tb 1936. f And J after proceed having which Date II her, th that wiH xecutor on or of October laving claims against William Sims, oL-Stephen, in ■Farmer, who n or lay of lied to proven A.D. he bls A.D. further given e the exeoutoi "'distribute the estate d only to the claims of than shall have notice. Court eent 1936. Murray day of Scptem- Noil, Executor Creditor*, Ont,