HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-09-17, Page 1Q ESTABLISHED 1873 Sixty-Third Year 7 Mrs. and Mr. EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1936 /f /jp***** ■ Complete Showing of New Fail Merchandise J When in town for the Fair visit this store and see the new Fall Merchandise. NEW COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, ETC. SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES’ AND MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S WINTER COATS FALL DRESSES—Beautiful Silk Crepes at from $3.95 up. YOUNG MEN’S 2-PANT SUITS SPECIAL—The new check patterns in blue, brown and grey, plain or fancy back coats, the greatest value yet SUIT AND EXTRA PANTS $21.00 NEW FELT HATS, CAPS, ETC. The cool weather is here. You will want a new hat or cap. We can show you a good variety in hats and caps. NEW SUEDE SHOES FOR GIRLS AND./ > WOMEN <• LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDA .Sept. 17th, 18th, lpth LOUIS-SHARKEY FIGH picture with “Eight Bells” fdftur ing Ralph Bellamy andJRmn Sotheran MONDAY, TUESDAY, W Sept. 21st, 22n Ken Mayna “THE FUGITIV Sept. 24, 25, WILSON—RUSSELL A wedding of interest to many residents of Exeter took place Sat­ urday afternoon September the 5th, uniting in marriage Mary Isabel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Milton M, Russell, of Exeter, Donald Douglas, only son of Frank I). Wilson, of La Grange, Ill. The service was read at six o’clock at the Lyonsville Congregational Church, La Grange, by Rev, John H. Boose, pastor of the church. The bride was lovely suit of navy alpaca trimmed cire braid. roses Irene Russell, of Exeter, the bride’s sister and maid of honor was gown­ ed in ink-blue taffeta. Her corsage was of roses. Mr. Gladwin Clarke, formerly of Exeter, and now living in La Grange, served as best man. The bride entered the church on the arm of her brother Homer, also of Exeter, Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of La Grange. Fol­ lowing the ceremony the entire party motored to St. Charles, Ill., where a wedding dinner was served in a pri­ vate dining-room of the Baker Hotel A large wedding cake brought from Exeter, was cut by the bride. The bride is well known in Exeter where for the past four years she has been principal of the Sexsmith school. The groom is a graduate of North­ western University of Evanston, Ill. The young couple left on a motor trip to Northern Wisconsin on returning will reside Grange. in a becoming with Her corsage was of and lily-O'f-the-valley. Miss BOARD OF EDUCATION The monthly meeting of the Board of Education was held in the Public Library on Monday evening, September 14th, at 8 o’clock. Absent F. J. Delbridge and A. O. Elliott. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and approved. The Buildings and Ground Committee were congratulated on the improv­ ed appearance of the school after the redecorating. The Public School Principal re­ ported a total attendance of 212, with all rooms in good condition for the 1st of September. The rooms were fairly evenly divided with the exception of Room 2, which has a first class of thirty pupils. During the holidays the principal had pass­ ed his tests at Western University; Miss Klik, the Special Education Course at Western, while Mr. Wag­ horn received credit for the first term in the Agriculture Course at Guelph. ’A communication from Dr. Maine was read regarding the Ex­ tension and Extra Mural Course for teachers^ necessary to_ those desirin. their ~ ‘ books room. Per ard: That the Principal be asked to reply to Dr. Maine’s letter stat­ ing that room would be available at the school on the Saturdays the lectures would be given. The Chairman congratulated Mr. Creeoh on the splendid Entrance results and also expressed the Board’s satisfaction at the whole work of the School. Mr. Creech in thanking the Board also expressed his appreciation of the cooperation of both staff and pu­ pils and hoped for still better re­ sults during the coming year. Per Mrs. Beavers and J. M. Soubh- cott that the books desired by Miss Kirk be procured. Carried. Principal Wetliey reported for the High School an enrolment of 155. Attendance in forms 1 and 2 had been distributed so that the five teachers only would be necessary, been he'ld and results published. Depart,menttal examinations have Middle School was fair to good and Upper School the best for a number of years. The South Huron Annual Track and Field Meet would be held on October 2nd and the program al­ ready was nearly complete. Mr. Wethey expressed his appreciation of the hearty cooperation of the Board in this .matter. The Chiaranan congratulated Mr. Wethey and the other the staff work. Per R. That the adopted and the books desired for the High School he procured. Car. Per Mrs. Beavers and W. H. Dear­ ing. That Mr. Goulding be retained at the same salary. Carried. Per G. Lawson and W. H. Dear­ ing. Payment of the following accts. L. Johnston, painting contract $160.00, extras $60.00; Jones & May, supplies $3.20; extra burlap $28.00; blinds $20.00; Jas. Law- son, repairs $4.50; B. W. F. Beav­ ers, supplies $5.67; E. Lindenfield, supplies $1.00; Times-Advocate,' supplies $15.30. Carried. Per R. N. Creech and Mrs. Beav­ ers: That the Chairman, Messrs. Lawson, Pickard and Southcott be a committee to decide the matter and purchase of a shield or prizes for the different events at the local field meet. Carried Adjournment—J. N. Willis. K. M. MacFaul, Sec’y. NESDAY SHERIFF” an Francisco” TUESDAY, EPTEMBER 22nd EXETER FAIR DAY DANCING in the evening in Exeter Pavilion RONNIE HART & his orchestra lum ;RCOATS Brown, black or navy made in fi or high heels. Suedes are Come in and see them. ■S Permanent Firsts. A few were needed for Miss Kirk’s R. N. Creech and C. V. Pick- ..Band Concert NEW WINTER Q The new winter Victori^Park ats are here in a variety of stvIes.^iJffake your selection early while we zes at $15 to $18. BROGBOYS’ SUITS, WINDBREAKERS, ETC. Smart new shades in Boys’ Suits in the check patterns at medium prices. Also full range of windbreakers in button or zipper styles. $ OXFORDS FOR MEN Sunday JJvenin 7 Leader Black ri Our rown brogues are good for fall, ne of brogues are great value, aper Oxfords at $2.00 up. Spatial Fall Hojjp*y Bargains Children’s cashmere .and cotton hosieU color, 35c. a pair. hosiery, all sizes 45c. a pair. at 29c. a pair. Children’s silk and wool, sand Ladies’ silk celanese hosiery, good Supersilk, pure silk thSaad hosied^ mostly grey in color, slightly imperfect, a real bargain at 59c. a pair.J| •fcfe V • Extra Special—Cfiildrer^Fsilk and wool hosiery, white only on sale 29c. a pair. Gigantic Flannelette*Blankets $2.10 a pair—Ibex $2.25 a pair. See our regular 35c. quality figured Flannelette at 29c. a yard, Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Phone 32 Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg. ......... 20c. Rinso, large package ............................. 20c. Assorted Sandwich Biscuits per lb...... 15c. Matches, silent.............................3 pkgs. 23c. FULL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES FOR FAIR DAY. Jones & May 14c.Pure Lard, one pound carton Rice, good cooking 5c.; extra choice 2 lb 15 Lux 1 large pkg, one Lifebuoy Soap for 24c STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS Irs, polished top 20 in. Oven Be sure to see our full line of Ranges and Heaters before buying this Fall. We invite comparisons and we are con­ vinced we can give you the best value for your $1.00. Findlay’s Super Oval, All-Enamelled, 18 by 20 inch. Ov Warming Closet Findlay’s Vega Enamelled oit-cast iron 18 by 20 inchj Warming Closet Findlay’s Vega EnamelIed|Front 18 by 20 inch. ( Findlays Oval Steel Rafige, 18 by 20 inch.fl^en and Hirh Closet Findlay’s Square Quebec, 14 in. Oven, 4 cq Beach Companion fullf Enamelled 18 Warning Closet J| Beach Comrade, fullj| Enamelled l^by 20 in. Oven igh Shelf JjT Beach Companion,>t Enamelh 18 by 20 in. Oven arming u Beach Thatsit, 4 ethers, 14jjnch Oven, polished top Ed covers, 14.inch OvenNew Idea Quebec,! USE PURENA FA CHECKERS THIS FALL For fattening your young cockerels fed dry, no muss or bother, gives a milk-fed finish without milk. Takes about 3 pounds to finish a bird. Simply confine birds in small peri for 10 days to 2 weeks.—$2.75 per cwt. Traquair’s Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Hookey, and son, of Granton, 'recently .moved to Exe­ ter into the residence of Mr. Gam­ brill, Main St. t flev. A. Page and Mr, Wm, Frayne returned Friday last from a trip to the British Isles. Mr. page visited with his mother and renewed old ac­ quaintances. It was Mr, Frayne’s first visit to Great Britain and he ^pent some time in Devonshire vis­ iting the district from which his grandparents came. After visiting numerous places in England In com­ pany with Mf. page he ■Edinburg, Glasgow and MCks in Scotland, Visited in the Tros- Tuesday next will be Exeter’s big ■day of the year, the second day of the annual fall fair. In addition to the exhibits the directors have planned a splendid afternoon of en­ tertainment. Foot races, open to amateurs, will be iheld in front of the grandstand. Horse racing will b'e a feature this yuj* with a 2.&0 and 2.28 trot or pace, V'Ui purses of $100 each. There will be three', heats in each race and every heat a race. A girls softball game will be played between the St. Marys and Exeter teams. The Exeter band will provide the music. Meet your friends at Exeter Fait. MIXED TOURNEY and in up- La EXETER H. S. MEET NOTICE The Thames Road Foj^l Supper and Co ' -on TUESDAY,CTO ER 20th e the form $ Anniversary Cert will be ." The concert will ta an "Amateur Ni of There will be Jw^classes, junior to 16 years.and senior, junio: Contestants takffig part will noti­ fy Archie Morgan, Hensall R.R. No. 1. Money prizes are being offered for winners. GODERICH FAIR WEEK Tuesday a&d We. September 2<2rwL and ' rich Industrial«Exihil floor. Improve nesday afternoon ered grandstani 2.20 and 2.28, Vaudeville performances, and other’ attractions. esday next, rd, the G-ode- tion takes the p^fgram for Wed- ront of big cov- w-o speed tests, purses of $30 0. -------, Midway The Two Dollar bill that was ad­ vertised as lost in the Times-Advo- cate last week has been returned its owner. to PURCHASE BUSINESS Mr. J. Zuber, of Kitchener, purchased from Mr. Edelstein, of Strathroy, the Fashion Ladies’ Wear store in the Frayiie block and lhas already taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. Zuber will take up their resi­ dence in Exeter. They are holding an opening sale On Saturday next. ■See advt. page fiv^. H. A. A. A* ARRANGE MEET A meeting of the Huron Amateur Athletic Association was held in the Collegiate institute at Clinton last Thursday, Arrangements were made for the Track Meet which is to be held at Exeter the 2nd of October. Six High Schools will Compete: Go­ derich, Mitchell, Seaforth, Clinton, Hensall and Exeter. Medals will be awarded to the Junior, intermediate and Senior Cihampions and cups and shields, to the schools with the high­ est numiber of points. has tourna- ever to The entry A mixed rinks bowling ment, the first of its kind be held in Exeter, sponsored by the Exeter Ladies’ Bowling club Thurs­ day evening of last week wras a decided success. Everything turned out wonderfully well. The weather was exceptionally fine, was so large that the local players withdrew in favor of the visitors. Sixteen rinks participated, compris­ ing two men and two women each. Mrs. Telfer, president of the Ladies’ club welcomed the visitors. The greens were keen and in splendid condition. After two games of ten ends each were played lunch was served by the ladies in the Town Hall. The final game was arrang­ ed high against high. The winners ■were awarded beautiful prizes. The first prize went to W. -Mawson’s rink from Parkhill; second to E. J. Mc­ Murray of the London and third prizes to W. don Thistles. The results were as W. Mawson, Parkhill, 3 E. J. McMurray, Elmwoods, 3 plus Forbes, Thistles, 2 plus 14. Banting, Lucan, 2 minus 3. McCool, Wingham, 2 plus 7. Love, Ailsa Caig, 1 minus 1. . H. Henderson, Granton, 1 min. Harrison, Wingliam, 1 plus 1. Strickland, Elmwood, 1 minus ■Cameron, Ailsa Craig 0 min. 17. Dufton, Mitchell, 1 minus 7. Dr. McTaggart, Hensall, 1 minus J. Beattie, Seaforth, 2 plus 4. E. Piper, parkhill, 2 plus 9. W, Mohr, Mitchell, 0 minus 22. Dr. Kennedy, Ailsa Craig, 2 wins. Elmwoods Forbes, Lon- follows: wins plus 23 21 W. Dr. W. W. J. E. G. R. F. 14 14 4. was and Ex- BALKWILL—HODGSON A pretty autumn wedding solemnized at tihe home of Mr. Mis. R. Skinner, Andrew street, eter, on Wednesday, Sept. 16th, at 3 p.m. when their niece Viola Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Nelson Hodgson, of Decker, .Man., was unit­ ed in marriage to William E. Balk­ will, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, of Exeter. The Bridal Chor­ us from Lohengrin was played by Mrs, Wellington Skinner as the bride took her place in the living-room beneath a canopy of pink and white flanked by ferns and autumn flow­ ers. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Arthur Page. The bride wore a smart jacket costume of white suede leaf-lace which draped on the floor. Her tulle veil which formed a train was fashioned with a band of orange blossoms and pearls, white suede slippers com­ pleted the costume. She carried a bouquet of Talisman roses, ferns and lily-of-tihe-valley. The bridal couple we're unattended. During the signing of the register Mr. Lloyd Hodgson, cousin of the bride sang, ■‘I Love You Truly.” A wedding breakfast was served firom a table decorated in pink and white, centred with the wedding cake by Mrs. W. Elierington, Miss Greta Harness, Mrs. J, I. Ford ahd Miss Doris Sal­ ter, all of Exeter. Far travelling the bride doirned a Maywine Shifley; Lace dress with coat of Oxford grey Scotch tweed trimmed with Siberian Squirrel with grey accessories. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Bahvkill left on a trip to Manitoulin Island and Musk- oka and on their return will reside hi Exeter, Guests were present from England, Toronto, Harriston, Strat- (ford, London, Centralia, Granton and Kentucky Mountains. The many [friends of the bride and groom will Ijoin with the Times-Advocate in ex­ itending best wishes. Mrs. S. West on Friday last uh* erwent an operation In Victoria hospital, London. on the success N. Creech and two School JEFFREY—HAYS members of of the year’s J. N. Willis: reports be at the manse three united A quiet wedding took place Thames Road United church on Saturday afternoon at o’clock when Rev. Mr. Mair in marriage Miss Mabel Lerraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hay to Mr. Victor George Jeffrey, son of Mir, and Mrs. George Jeffrey, of Us’borne. The bride wras beauti­ fully attired in a navy blue triple sheer suit with taffeta blouse of sunset shade and navy accessories. Witnesses to the ceremony were Mrs. Harold Murray, of Clinton, and Mrs. Harry Coates. Immediately following the ceremony the bridal couple left on a wedding trip and on their return will reside in Usborne. Their many friends will join with the Times-Advocate in extending congratulations. BARN SAVED WHEN STRAW STACK BURNS During threshing operations Sat­ urday afternoon on the. farm of Harold Walper, of the Mollard Line, southwest of Dashwood, fire started in the straw stack about ten feet from the large barn, and through the heroic efforts of the tlrresher- men and the Dashwood fire brigade the barn was saved. It is believed that the fire came out of the blower and started near the top of the stack. Fortunately there was a good supply of water. BEQUEST TO CENTRALIA CHURCH According to the terms of the will of 'Mrs, Grace Hooper, of Exeter, who passed away recently, the Cen- talia United Church benefits to the extent of $1,000. Mrs. Hooper, who before her marriage was Miss Grace Obe, had lived in the Centralia com­ munity practically all her life and had been a devoted member >of the United Church there until her re­ moval to Exeter a few years ago. For the first time in several years Exeter High School will hold a Track Meet of their own on Friday, Sept. 25th at the Fair Grounds. Great in­ terest in the event is being taken by the pupils. The School Board is donating a shield to the girl and boy winning the most points at the Meet, as -well as ribbons to the win­ ners of each event. The winners of these events will participate in the six-school Meet which is to be held at Exeter this year on the 2nd of Oc­ tober. Lome Howey, Ralph Del- bridge and Ted Buswell have built new jumping standards, vaulting standards and targets for events. There are a number of students who should make an excellent showing on October 2nd some of these are; Phyllis Prouty, Ethel Kydd, Grace Snell, Betty Hogarth, Eleanor Ab­ bott. Lome Howey, Bob Dinney, Wes. Ryckman, Ralph Delbrldge, Max Harness and A. Fahner. It is to be licked that the town people will turn out to encourage the Exe- er H. S. pupils. Programs for the Meet on October/ 2nd will be off the press shortly and will be for sale by any E. H. S. pu­ pil. These programs will be the ticket of admittance. GLADMAN—BRIEN The Church of the Advent, Ridge­ town, w’as the scene of a pretty wedding /Saturday evening at 6.3d o'clock when Jean Lenore Brien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brien ■was given in marriage by her father to Charles Gladman, of Peterbor.01, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman. of Exeter. The church was decor­ ated with gladioli in autumn tints, autumn leaves and clumosus fern. Rev. Walter Jones, rector of the church, officiated. The bride wore her mother’s w’edding gown of Brus­ sels applique over satin, fashioned on princess lines with deep flounce flaring into a short train, long sleeves puffed at the shoulder and yoke of Brussels net. A pleated tulle coronet held the long tulle veil in place. <She carried a coldnial bou­ quet of Johanna Hill roses and val­ ley lilies. Miss Audrey Brien -was her sister’s maid of honor, wearing a frock of bronze green velvet made with a tight bodice and full skirt flowing into a slight train. The low square neck was outlined by a deep stand-up collar. The bridesmaid, Miss Nora Brien, also sister of .tho bride, wore a smiliar gown of rush velvet. They wore Mary of Scot­ land hats of stiffener net and carried bouquets of Talisman roses. Melville F. Gladman, of London, brother of the groom, was the groomsman and the ushers were William Shepherd, of London, brother-in-law of the groom and Edward Brien, of Toron­ to', brother of the bride. Organ mu­ sic <was played by iMr. C. E. Wheel­ er, of London, and during the sign­ ing of the register, Mrs. Passmore, of Toronto sang, "Because.” Mr. and (Mrs. J. D. Brien and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman received the guests at a reception at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr.s. Brien wore a gown of turquoise blue lace and , maywine girdle and hat and corsage of Johanna Hill roses, Mrs. Glad­ man’s frock was of chiffon and lace. She 'wore a black turban and corsage of red ceived ranged es and mums, chose a tunic suit of with which she Ivor© black accessor­ ies. Folowing their wedding trip they will reside in Peterboro where they will be at home after October I. roses. The bridal party re­ in a drop window recess ar- with screens of autumn leav- tall standards of gladioli and For travelling the bride green wool At the municipal council meeting Monday evening the first reading of the By-law to .construct the new skating 'Vink and gymnasium was read. <1 4