HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-08-13, Page 8THURSDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1936 The advanced.technique of the Bonat Method p.m.- UNION SERVICES an- 2 & 10 11 10 11 Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Mlddlemiss a.m.- a.m.- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Main St. and James St. United Churches i Prayer Service Thursday at 8 p.m in Main St. Church THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE LOCAL NEWS past Suit daughter, on Mani- Memorial picnic at e ’C visited with Mr. W. A. and Mr|s. J. T. Stewart week. Exeter Markets at $1.00 .ft's 40c. iilFeed Barley 70c ’Manitoba's Best $3.2 Welcome Flour $2.70 Shorts $1.50 Bran $1.45 Low Grade Flour $1.75 Creamery butter 28-29c Dairy Butter 19-22c. Eggs A large 25c. Eggs B 22c. Eggs C 16c. Hogs $9.00 t dry takes limp, solves the two Perman 1. Establlslie waves close to/the scalp. 2. Contr they are softj&nd beautiful^ and kinky. Bonat rejStalizing the guesswjrk out lifeless andfdiffj^ Satisfaction major problems of t Waving strong, p waving hair. manteed. Phone 231-yv H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE EXETER COUNCIL August 10 th, 1936 The regular meeting of the muni­ cipal council held with all members present. The minutes of the meet­ ing held July 27th were read and with a correction as made in the re­ quest cf Mr. James Taylor, the word tax substituting the word as­ sessment, the same were adopted on motion of councillors Middleton and Hern and carried. Circulars were laid on the table: Circular letters were read as fol­ lows: Declarations regarding allot­ ment of school taxes from the fol­ lowing firms were submitted and ordered filed: Swift Canadian Co., Limited; Chainway Stores, Limited; The Bell Telephone Co., of Canada; Supertest Petroleum Co., Limited; Canada Packers Limited, per Gunns Limited. A circular letter from the department of health with a state­ ment setting forth that after Sept. 1st a charge will be made for insul­ in as supplied to patients of 25 per cent, of the cost obligating the muni­ cipalities for the supplied. There insulin after this A request was lie Utilities Commission council to further arrange for finan­ cial aid in the sum waterworks local Granted on motion Morley and Hern. A letter was read Sweitzer regarding the right of way now* being used by the citizens. The council’s reply to the request was that this being a private matter the council had no control. A request was made by the Wo­ men’s Institute for the loan of chairs for an open air entertainment. Granted with the request that the chairs be returned to the 'hall the same evening. Motion by Morley and Middleton. W. C. Pearce, relief officer, hand­ ed in his report for July. Only one family on relief for a small amount. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Public Utilities Commission, street and park light­ ing $225.25; F. Coates, supplies, $2.01; W. Hatter, milk 56c.; W. J. Beer, batteries and rental fire dept. $1.00; J. IV. Morley, Fidelity Bond, W. C. Pearce $8.00; Treas. Usborne Council, bal. on gravel $132.48; Traquair Hardware, supplies $19.; J. M. Roberts, county clerk, re in­ digent patient, $7.00; W. Andrew, labor $18.00; H. Smith, labor $5.; R. G. Seldon, cement R&B, culvert $122.85. Passed on Middleton. Adjourned cost of insulin so will be no free date. made by the Pub- for the of $5,000 for improvement, of Councillors from Mr. S. motion of Dignan by Morley, jos. Senior, Clerk LOCAL NEWS and Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz and family are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Thos. Appleton visited in De­ troit for a few days last week. Mr. W. J. Lower, of La Porte, Ind., is visiting his daughter Mrs. John Taylor. Miss. Reta Rowe spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, of (London. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Quan-ce and Clifford spent a few days last week at Grand Bend Mr. Eugene Ho-wey is holidaying for a couple of weeks with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mr. Grant Sanders, M.A., of Mont- clair, N.J., is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sanders. Mrs. J. G- Jones and Miss May Jones are holidaying at their cot­ tage "The Mayflower” at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis, of To­ ronto, are visiting for a week with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. 0. Davis. Messrs. Milton and Ho'mer Russell Leonard Greb and Ken Hockey are on a fishing trip this week to Ches- ley Lake FOR RENT—-f ing cf seventy-fi For further par W. Morley, Solic consist- or Sodom. app|y to J. xetei, Ont. ?8-13-3tc. FOR SALE—<A fbur-^ieel Chev­ rolet trailer, cheap. Ap»ly to Hy. Bierllng, Hay. P.O ' ' MEN WOT$D To train for ./’Ifo^iyi&iis on ref rig- —j fioning instal- &fk. Must ‘ erenees. oration and aijfr-co lation and rejpir to- furnish •’j age and pre Box 28<*‘B, notice— off the painting account of mess have the job do painting and tint: effects in offees take this work, b and two-tone effect on furniture. E. L JOHNSTON be able _ state oj^upatlon. Apply putting stores on order should praying; also soiled plaster am prepared to h house painting CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Sil’s. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 aI I I gl ■■IIII MH II <1 ■— II — II 11 <1 IWI 'I II IIM IHMII — II —I 'J GARDEN SOCIAL AND BAND CONCERT featuring the Exeter Concert Band on the lawiuof Mr, W. J. Seymour^ Andrew Street, North, THURSDAY, AUpUST 20th /from 8 tj><6.30 p.m. under th^attspkes of the Exeter "Women’s Institute Fortune-telling and ice-cream booth on the grounds Come and enjoy a musical treat Concert and Refreshments 25c. 0. I i i LOCALS Dr. W. E. Weekes d/sires to an­ nounce that his offlce/will be closed from August 17th t’^Sth. Dr. H. H. Cowen wishes to nounce that his office will be closed from August 17th to Ajfgust 30th. Miss Vera Rowe is holidaying in Toronto. Mr. Nathaniel Ogden is confined to his home through illness. Mr. Jas. Creech, of Detroit, visit­ ed with relatives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey are, holidaying at Grand Bend for a. week. Rain is badly needed as field and garden crops are suffering from the drought. Mrs. W. G. Walker is visiting with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Chappell at Dundas. Miss Annie Weekes, of Guelph, is visiting with her sister Miss Minnie Weekes. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott are holidaying at San Sousi in Muskoka District. Dr. Dunlop, wife and are holidaying this week toulin Island. The choir of Trivitt Church held a successful Goderich on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinney and Barbara vis­ ited in Listowel last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. David and son Grant, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. H. C. Carey. Mrs. E. J. Miners, who has been visiting in Exetei* for some time has returned to her holme in Kingsville. Rev. and Mrs. Connor and daugh­ ter Elaine, of Ernbro, visited day last week with Bowey. Mr. and Mrs. H. Henry visited with Geddes on Sunday, ing for the week. Mrs. Rae Clark and Dhrine, of St. Thomas, Mrs. Bloomfield and Roy ’Austin, of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd, Miss Marion Schwegler, has re­ turned to her home in Toronto af­ ter holidaying with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lampman, of Burgesville and Mr. W. H. Lampman and family, of Woodstock, visited on Sunday at the home of the form­ er’s son Mr. K. J. and Mrs. Lamp­ man. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bickell, don visited on Sunday with ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz. Their daughter one Mr. and Mrs. J. Eyre and son Mr. and Mrs. G- Henry is stay- of Lon- the lat- William Dorothy Ann returned home with them visiting for a couple of weeks her’ grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Grierson their Lyle and Harold, Mrs. Neuart and Miss Ella Seuart, of Lintlaw, Sask., who- have been at Listowel attend­ ing the Old Boys’ Reunion visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth on Monday before leaving for their home in Sask. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. England and two sons Carlisle and George and three daughters, Margaret, Rose and Ivy, of Calgary and Stewart Chap­ man, of Lacombe, Alta,, motored with Mrs. John W. after with sons .—The Minister Second of the series Key Men of the Bible “MOSES” Text: Deuteronomy XXIV: 10.... “And there arose not a prophet since in Israel, like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.” There will be no service in the morning during August. .^il-................................................... Rev. A. E. Elliott in charge The Main Street Choir will lead the service of song. a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—James Street p.m,—Alain Street Eighth Sunday After Trinity ^Sunday School Morning Prayer & Sermon No evening service during summer months.. THE EMMANUEL TEMPLE BRANCH Located in the Opera House, Exeter Sunday Services, August 16th p.m.—Sunday School and Class 3 p.m.—‘Devotional 7 p.m.—Prophetic message In the absence of the pastor will be a guest speaker for Services Come! ! Bright singing ana a warm wel come to all. Come. rastor, J. T. Edgar Bible THE GREAT WEST LIF ASSURANCE CO. Offers Polic ies to J Meet Every Ins^rancjlFNeed C. V. PICK Phone Once More We t Urge You . .. to take advantage of j$w Sum­ mer prices gon D. “Cone- Cleaned AftthraciteJFAnthracite cannot deteroriate storage and will be worm mor^jrthan you paid for it next fall Phone 157j ?try some D.&H. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 157j. Sun Life Rep. The very thing for Boys or Girls for the cool evenings. 1 pure all wool botany yarns and come in Scarlet, Navy and Manila Brown. two piece skirt. These suits are made from— • in Girls in three piece with pleated Boys $2.95 Girls $3.95 Extra Special in Porch Dresses 7 dozen only Porch Dresses. These are regular $1.50 numbers and are the best values we have ever been able to give our customers. They come in floral and geo­ metric patterns. Sizes 14 to 44. Buy two or three at this price. Special $1.00 Cotton Dresses Another value in Cotton Dresses, values to $2.19. We bought these at a special price and are offering them this week at each, $1.59. New China a Glassware fine fsortment of New China and Glassware. We This week we have received a invite you to bring your visitors in to sjj£ the many new pieces we have to offer. Prices vary from 25c. to $2.25. CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp 3 pkgs, ... . 21c Quaker, 3 for 23c Kellogg, 3 for 25c j SALMON Fancy Red 1 lb. tin........ 1-2 lb. tin.... CROC • • RY SPECIALS Choice ^CLOVER HONEY . sealers . b. pails lb. pail CANNING AND PICKLING .95c White Rubber Rings 5c doz. Best Zinc Rings 23c. dozen Fruit Jars, pints 99c. dozen 25c 15c JEWEL SHORTENING 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c PICKLES IS SEASON leintz Special Pickling Vinegar, per gal. Pure Per gallon 59c TOMATO CATSUP Crosse & Blackwell 2 bottles for . 25c APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 1 gal. jars «... 50c KEEN’S MUSTARD r 1-2 lb. 49c 1-4 lb. . ; ; . . ; 25c Southcott Bros. Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Mr. and Mr. A. E. Buswell, Ted and Helen-, are holidaying with their daughter, Mrs. B. Ellsmere, at J^lden Valley, Northern Ontario. dr. and Mrs. H. Clark and Mrs. Gilfillan, of San Francisco, Calif., Turnbull the Astounding Offer for Limited Time FREE PANTO& of Lacombe, down and are visiting England’s mother, Mrs. Taylor. At the bowling jitney eniiig last six rinks participated. First prize was won by G. Cochrane, H. C. Carey, E. J. Wethey and W. E. Sanders with three wins plus 17. Second prize was won by Mrs, Wm. Davis, G. May and R. N. with two wins minus 1. . Several children from the __ _ borliood Workers’ Association, Tor­ onto, are enjoying a two weeks’ va­ cation in various homes in Exeter. These children came to Exd^er in. care of the conductor of iW "train* and are enjoying a vachtion they would otherwise be deprived of, .Rev, John Walker, wife and two daughters, of Hickson, visited with the former’s brother Mr, Edwin Walker, over the week-end. Mr. Walker and family have been holi­ daying with relatives in New York State and at Buckingham, Quebec, Friday e?- Rivers Creech Neigh- even- vlslt- with Cyril Hennessey of the Highway South, cut a nasty gash in the right knee joint with one of the knives of a threshing machine Tuesday ing. Miss olive coxsworth, R.N., ed for several days last week Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes while on her way home to Vancouver from England. Miss Coxswortli, who was a classmate of Mrs. weekes, is in charge of the Out Patients Depart­ ment at Vancouver General Hospital Mr. M. L. Vincent, of the Wind­ sor Daily Star, with wife and chil­ dren Robert and Bert and the Miss­ es Betty, Marjorie and twins Elean­ or and Corrine and Mr. E. A. Gauld, of the Canada Bread Co., Rondon, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and family were enrouta to their summer cottage at Ipperwaxh Beach. Mr, and Mrs. Elliott expect to spend the coming week with them at the Beach.r H ... Miss Kathleen Strang week-end guest of Misses Elaine Stanbury, at Bayfield rendered a solo in Knox Church on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore and family, of Sarnia, visited the former’s mother Mrs. E. Passmore and other relatives during the week­ end. Misses Helen Dignan and Marjorie Medd, *ho- attended the Dignan- Mowat wedding at Acton on Satur­ day will visit at Brampton and To­ ronto before .returning home. The following were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston: Mrs. I. Jarrott, of Kippen and dau­ ghter Miss Etta, of Toronto; Mr. R. Searson, -of Strathroy, cousin of Mr. Johnston; Mr. Ernest Blake and five children, Lucknow. Mr. Blake is a cousin of Mrs. Johnston. Dr, and Mrs. W. C. Johnston and Peter, of Wallkill, N.Y.; Dr. and Mrs. John­ ston spent a few days at Rochester, with the latter’s mother and they are then going to camp for ten days in. Massachuttes. Miss Evelyn Howard returned Wednesday from the Girls’ Camp at ‘Goderich. Miss Mary Howard, of Goderich, accompanied her home and -visited for a few days. Other guests at t'he home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard were Mr. and Mrs. W. Eis- enbach, Dorothy and Verna of De­ troit; Miss Mary Johnston- of New Liskeai’d, M-f. and Mrs, Norman Johnston and daughter, Anna May, of Bolivia, South America.,Mr. and Mrs. Johnston are doing/ mission­ work at Caiepo Mission was Jean the and and OKA COHN $)O[ST/KR£ST ' New Low Price 35c. Sold nt Browning’s Drugstore WITH EVERY MEN! Here’s yourjfehance to ge from your own selectionjof fine quali you desire it and guaranteed Tailoredto “D WITH AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE igh-Grade rics—styled just as Hr Measure by NSHIRE” — Astounding Value Priced as low as $23.50 W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr. Sim Pollen, of Flint, Mich., spent the week-end with relatives here. He was accompanied home on Monday Pollen, where weeks. Mr. ed of a Dorset yearling ram was shipped this week to be exhibit­ ed at the Illinois State Fair, Mr, Dearing has made an enviable repu­ tation for himself with his Dorset sheep. He is at present fitting sev­ eral sheep for exhibition at Toronto and other fairs this season. Miss Helen Stanbury, who has been taking the Department of Edu­ cation Summer Course in Music at Toronto in furtherance of her Kin­ dergarten Specialist Certificate Is spending tho remainder of tho holi­ day season with her parents at Bay- field, She was accompanied by Miss Lona Reeve who is remaining for a week, by liis mother Mrs. W. Wiggins Lake,to they will camp for Preston Dearing has Mich., a few dispos- that 1............................... ~ , .‘J Mr. j, j. O’Brien, of Bruoeiield, visited in Exeter on Thursday and called on many of his old friends who were glad to see him. Mrs. F. Newman and son Seldon and Mr. Wallace Seldon returned .Saturday from a motor trip to Roch­ ester, Minn. They were accompanied lioiine by Mrs. R. g. Seldon who re­ cently underwent an operation at the Mayo Bros. Hospital, where her son Dr. Harry Seldon, is one of the thephysicians. Mrs. Seldon "stood" long trip very well. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd, Bill Sylvia, spent the week-end at home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd on their way home to Toronto after having spent a month travelling and "............ places Banff, Mon- and tho sight seeing, Some of visited were: Pueblo, Col,, mountains in Wyoming and tana, up to Calgary into the Cana­ dian Rockies and British Columbia returning by way of Nebraska and Iowa,