HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-08-06, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AUGUST (RJi, 1930 * HENSALL For Kelvinators; Rogers, philcoA VJL 1 y 44.4 m*V4 *31 AfrUfowXsJj 4. •444 V” y»yi * cfand Northern Electric Radios; also n,w<„ V1S Battery Radios and Easy Washing Machines, Expert radio repair ser­ vice apply to Harold Higgins, sail Easy terms, Hen- ATTI< De NTJON VETERANS! I ! Inoration Day Services w held on Sunday, Aug ans will form up a square at 1.45 pan. Cenotaph where a sli be held followed by of the graves of dep tation heed to vice will decoration d veterans. Mr. Joe Hagan spent the week­ end visiting friends at Port Rowan. ~ .. ' Mr, and Mrs. A. AV. E. Hemphill and family are camping at Grand BenA^ Mrs, John Johnston is visiting her daughter Mrs. Douglas, of Hyde Park. Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home ' here. Mr. Harold Willard, of Exeter is spending a few days at his "home here. Mr, and Mrs. Cross and daughter Miss Goldie are away on a month’s vacation. Mrs.- Thos. AVren, Sr., of Exeter, spent Sunday here with her son Mr. T. D. AVren. Dr. Sam Coulter, of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting here with his father, Mt. John Coulter. Mrs. John Parke spent a few days last week visiting relatives at Lon­ don and Hyde Park. Miss Hess, of Jackson, Mich., is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parsons. A number of relatives from Pais­ ley spent the week-end here with Mr and Mrs. A D. McEwen. Miss Irene Douglas left on Mon­ day for an extended visit through the Maritime Provinces. Raymond Higgins returned home on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks visiting at Kitchener. Miss Alice Pfaff is visiting at Delhi, the guest of her brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff. Mr. and Mrs. John Dingwall and Mr. Harry Saul, of Streetsville, spent the week-end with relatives. iMiss Mavis Spencer, of Dashwood spent the week-end here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spenc­ er. Miss Elizabeth Murray, of Mil- j^^Uwaukie, visited during the past week*^^^with her sister* Miss Hannah Mur­ ray. Miss Marion Sinclair, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her parents Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sin­ clair. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and son Billy visited over the week-end with Mr. Mickle's parents at Ridge­ town. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Storie and son Junior, of Norwich, are visiting here this week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson. Miss Grace Brock, of London, is spending .her holidays visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock in town. Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair have returned home after being away for a couple- of weeks on their ■holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitcliell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hor­ ton, spent the week-end at Midland and Callander. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and family, of Kitchener, spent the holi­ day-with relatives .here, also at the Beach-O-Pines. •Miss Lois Moffatt, of Brucefield, is visiting here with her grand­ mother Mrs. Peter Fisher and aunt Miss Eleanor Fisher. Mrs. Albert Hudson and daughter Marion, of Seaforth, were visitor® on AVednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson. Mrs. Reid, of Osihawa, who has been visiting here for a month with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Traviss, returned to her home on Saturday. Mrs. Robt. Bonthron and Mrs. Lou Simpson have returned home after, a very pleasant Visit with relatives at Barrie and Havelock. Miss Donna McEwen has returned home aftdr spending a month visit­ ing with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow, at Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. McAsh, Miss Ada Gram and Miss Isabella Manson, Of Detroit, visited over the holidays with their relatives in town. Mrs. Sparks has moved into the house on south Richmond street that she recently rented from the estate late Mrs. Alex McM-urtrie. j 0. Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson and Mrs. Hannah Paterson are away on. a motor trip up north. They will call on the Quints at Callander. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and two daughters Misses jean and Dorothy, of Toronto, spent the week-end here visiting with Miss Ethel Murdock. The holiday passed quietly in the village, quite a number of our citi­ zens were at the different lake re­ sorts or taking in the sports in- oth^* places. Mr. Archie Hamilton, and family who have spent the past month in Simcoe returned home on Friday. Mrs.. Hamilton is remaining there another month. MA and .Mrs. Will Higgbls and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McNeil, of Clin­ ton and Miss Madeline Higgins, of Toronto, were visiting with relatives in the village last week. Mr. John McLaren, of Seaforth and son Wilfred MacLaren, of Sag* inaw, Mich,, visited here on Satur* day with Mr. w. L. MacLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren. .Service was conducted Sunday : in Carmel Presbyterian church by Rev, Douglas C. HUI, newly inducted pastor of Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins re­ turned home on Monday after spend­ ing a month visiting with their daughters at Woodstock, Kitchener Farquhar and the Beach-O-Pines. Mr, famil; Mrs. spent McLaren and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Mc­ Laren. Miss Emma Johnston accompan­ ied by her sister Mrs. Short of Wind­ sor have pleasant District, Beach. The Junior Institute will hold their next meeting on Mondaj' ev­ ening, August 10th at 8 o'clock in the basement of the Anglican church. The roll call will be an­ swered by a hint, Mr. Robt. pulpit of the day morning and the pastor, Rev Mr. Sinclair in the evening. At the morning service Dr. Smillie sang a solo. The choir of the church are having their holidays. iSouthcott Bros, of Exeter opened up their new store here on Saturday August 1st with a brand new stock. The store has been painted and fix­ ed over and has a nice appearance. Mr, AV. 0. Goodwin is in charge and is assisted by Miss Irene Hoggarth. Miscellaneous Shower A miscellanous shower was tend­ ered to Miss Pearl Moir, bride-elect of this week, by her girl friends on AVednesday evening at the home of Miss Irene Hoggarth. The bride re­ ceived many beautiful gifts which were hidden at the ends of stream­ ers. The rooms _ were beautifully decorated for the occasion. A very pleasant evening was spent in music and games and a ed. Miss Moir is her friends and congratulations. Honored on ; The family and relatives of Mrs. John Jackson who lives south of the village of Hensail, gathered at her home in honor of her 80th birthday when an enjoyable evening was spent. In the course of the evening a presentation was made to Mrs. Jackson, after which lunch was serv­ ed. During the day she was the re­ cipient of checks from the West and congratulations from far and near. Mrs. Jackson came to this coun­ try some fifty years ago from the County of Wicklow, Ireland, and has resided in this district ever She is in excellent health for age and enjoys all her faculties. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin and , of Farquhar and Mr. and Glenn Bell and son Bobby Sunday here with Mr. AV. L. Cowan, of Exeter, Airs. H. K. Eilber Hany Sweitzer, returned home vacation in the Callander and after a Musk oka AVasago preserving or canning Passmore occupied the United church on Sun­ dainty lunch serv- very popular with is receiving their 80th Birthday MT. CARMEL since, her Miss Winnie Madden of Toronto, spent a few days at her home. Messrs. Martin O’Rourke and Gordon McKeever spent the week­ end at the Shrine in Midland. Mrs. Alice Lane, Misses Eileen and Bernice and Mr. and Mrs. J. Lane, Detroit, called on Mr. and Mrs Jos. McKeever on Sunday. Mrs. A. Lane is spending a few days with* her brother here. Mrs. M. Doyle is spending a few weeks with friends in .Strathroy. Mr. Dave Geromette Jr, and his friend Miss Tillie Dietrich spent the week-end with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Mary Coughlin and son Jim accompanied by the former’s sister Miss Annie Doyle, of London, called on friends here Sunday. Miss Kay Morrissey and friend Mr. L. Groom, of London, spent .the week-end at the former’s home. Mr. Jerome O’Rourke is sporting new Ford V8 Coach.a KHIVA Miss Clara Dietrich is visiting with relatives in. Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason, Green- day, spent Friday with his brother Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lippert, Mrs. J. Eller and the Misses Marie and An­ na, Mrs. Louis Ziler and son Henry, Mrs Alex Voison and daughter Mary, of Mt. Carmel and the Messrs. Chris. Dietrich, Wm. Dietrich, Gordon Mill­ er, Martin O'Rourke, Gordon Mc­ Keever and Hugh Flemming motored to Midland and spent the week-end. Mr. Jerome O’Rourke is sporting a new car.„ The Misses Doris Denonime and Rita Regier have returned home after spending their vacation with relatives in Detroit. Mr. George Dietrich, of Sarnia, visited with relatives in this neigh­ borhood. Miss Mildred Neeb has returned to London after spending the last few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. Rev. Jerome Fisher, of Kitchener, called on relatives here last week. Miss Dorothy Dietrich, of London, visiting at her home .here.is STAFFa Mrs. 0. H. Kerslake, Mrs. Ed. Chappel and Miss Annie Taylor mo­ tored to Kinloss and spent several days visiting the former’s son Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kerslake and family. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE RED and WHITE STORE • •f I*-CREDITON Don’t fail to attend the Garden * S Party at the Community Park, Fri- ‘ = day evening, August 14th. Refresh- ~~ meats served 8 to 10.30. The Hen- ~ rick Alemorial Band will provide the S music. | ss Airs. Charles Fritz, Airs. Ward' s= Fritz, Miss Pearl AVurtz, of Zurich and Airs. (Dr,) visited Air. and on Friday. AI>r. and Airs. Kitchener and son Carl Sweitzer, of Pittsburg, visited Mrs. B. Braun on Thursday. AI<r. Harriott, Air. and Airs. Jack Harriott and son Donald Harriott, of Toronto visited with Air. and Airs. Jacob Ratz over the week-end. Air. and Airs. Bert Foss, of Lon­ don, are visiting with Air, and Airs. Albert Gaiser. Aliss Elsie Finkbeiner, of Dunn- Ville, is visiting for a week with re­ latives in 4he community. Air. and Airs. James Brock visited in London on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Walter Dearing. Air. and Airs. E. K. Fahrner and family spent the week-end in De­ troit. Air and Airs. Ernie Hill, of Port Harold I Huron, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlock vis­ ited in Hamilton on Sunday. . Rev. and Airs, Pletch, Pletch and Myrtle Pletch of Moun­ tain Sanatorium, Hamilton, left for a holiday trip to Pembroke and Chi­ cago. During his absence the ser­ vices will be in charge of Rev, J, W. Johnson. Miss Stella Misener, of London and Mr. and Airs. E, W. Farr, Fenwick, were guests the past wee,k with Dr. and Mrs C. C. Misener, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess, of Zu­ rich, Aliss Gertrude Haist, of Goder­ ich and Air, and Airs. Chris. Haist, motored to Muskoka* and points north over the week-end. Rev. and Mrs. Hagelstein are vis­ iting the latter’s father Air. Hill for a few days. Miss B. Kenny, of London, a -few days last week with Elizabeth Clark. Isaac spent Mrs. Air. AVm. Fisher has accepted a position with Mr. Alark AVilds of Grand Bend. Young People Picnic The Evangelical Young People's League held their annual picnic at Springbank Park Friday afternoon of last week. The picnic was in charge of Gordon Ratz assisted by Airs. Lawrence AVein and Maleeta AVein. Race results were: Men’s El­ don Smith, Austin Fahrner; Ladies’ Norma Finkbeiner, Aldona Wuerth; three-legged race, Irene Fahrner, Fred Kerstine; rope contest, Lloyd Lamport's side. Paper bag race, Hy. Hirtzel’s side; cup and saucer race, Alvin Finkbeiner, Dorothy Ratz; la­ dies’ kicking the slipper, N. Fink­ beiner, Irene Fahrner; Feeding the elephants, Alvin Finkbeiner, Dorothy Ratz; men's ball throwing, H. Hirt- zel, Austin Fahrner. Death of Lydia Adeline Klumpp Lydia Adeline Klumpp, wife of John Klumpp passed away peaceful­ ly on Friday morning, July 31st aged 64 years, 1.1 months and 23 days. In youth she was soundly converted and became a useful member of the Crediiton Evangelical church. In 1892 she was united in marriage to John Klumpp. This union was blessed with two daugh­ ters, Mrs. Alfred Holtzmann and one died in infancy. She is surviv­ ed by a grief stricken husband, John Klumpp, one daughter, 'three broth­ ers, Henry, Edward and Albert Fahner all of this community and one sister Mrs. Christina Rogers, of Saline, Mich. One brother predeceas­ ed her in death. Private funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at the home with the family and re­ latives after which a public memor­ ial service was held in ithe Crediton Evangelical church. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. E. Burn of the Zurich Evangelical church conduct­ ed the funeral. Rev. Mr. Burn de­ livered a memorial address and paid glowing tribute to the life of the de­ parted. The choir sang very effec­ tively “Some Day AVe’ll Under­ stand.” Mr. Clayton Sims and Mrs. Wm. Smith sang at the church. Burial took place in the Crediton cemetery. The pallbearers were: Henry Fahrner, Edward Fahrner, Albert Fahrner, Herb Fahrner, Wil­ liam Smith and Nelson .Schenk. The flower bearers were: Harold Holtz­ mann, Howard Holtzmann, Harvey Pfaff Claire Sparling, Edward Schenk and Paul Schenk. The sym­ pathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Relatives and friends attended the funeral of Mrs. Klumpp from a distance included: Mr. and Airs. Ellwood Roger. Mrs. Charles Fahr- ner, Orville Fahrner, Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Burkhart and Air. Albert Hag* lett, of Saline, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoppe, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schroeder, Lucan; Mr. and Airs. Jack Mallett, Air. and Mr. Art Hintz, London and Air. J. Quinlivs, Stratford. AUCTION SALE — Lambert & Burdens Sale Yards, strathroy, Sat­ urday afternoon, Aug. 8th. Usual sale of mixed pigs and calves also 80 mixed cattle, including Stocker steers and heifers and a few springers. Trucks to tieliver, Terms cash. A, G, McAlpine, Auctioneer. 2 tins for 25c. AYLMER CATSUP .... KETA PINK SALMON McCQRMICK BUTTER SOD SUGAR CRISP CORN FL LIBBY’S PORK AND B GOOD COOKING RI per bottle 10c* . large tin 10c. ... 1 pound package 2 for 25c. . for 21c. arge tin 10c. 3 pounds for 14c. Olives, large bottle.. Falcon Prepared Mtjrcard 24 oz« jar... Orange Marmalad^'.. Palmolive Toilet Fresh Dates ........................... 4 lbs. for 25c. Wonderful Laundry Soap ........... 8 for 25c. Large Watermelons ....................... each 69c. WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ICE COLD DRINKS AND ICE CREAM We Deliver lllllllllllllllllli SHIPKA service United 9th as School in the Sunday, August Rev. J. Johnson is on There will be no preaching or Sunday Church on the pastor, vacation. Air. and Airs, J. L. Amos, Owen and Ernest Amos, of Brinsley, visit­ ed relatives here on Sunday. Last Sunday being Alissionary day in the Sunday School a paper was given to the beginners and primaries by Aliss P. Keys entitled i “God’s Little Garden” and a ‘ by Aliss Lorraine Baker with dolin accompaniment. Airs. George Afaier and son, Eric Pearson and daughter, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Air. and Mrs. Albert Mornez. Mr. Billy Alaier, who has spent the past few weeks visiting relatives has returned to his home in Detroit. solo man- Mrs. Air. and Airs. Alatt. Sweitzer, Kola and Stewart and Air. Simon Ratz visited Sunday with friends in For­ est. Fred AlcPherson, of Parkhill, is holidaying with relatives here. Air. and Mrs. Gus Divine, Mr. Grattan from Grand Bend spent Fri­ day at the home of Air. and Airs. AVm. Divine. Airs. Ella Alason from Parkhill, spent a few days with her mother Airs. I. Tetreau. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth from Kitchener, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Airs. Lome Fink­ beiner. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gale and Air. Lionel Gale attended the Grif­ fith reunion Saturday last at Spring­ bank. DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryct L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTALjBuJRGE0N At office in iR^tleibAjlock, Dash­ wood, first three7 daywof week and at office over t®e Office, in Zu-; rich, last thr^daSTof week. i Aliss Emij^^ieman, of London, is spending her vacation with rela­ tives here. Mr. Sam AVitzel, of Toronto, spent' the week-end with his mother Mrs. AVitzel. Mrs. George Maier and son George Airs. Eric Pearson and Lily Anne, of Detroit, who have spent the past week visiting relatives here have re­ turned to their home. Dr. Lorne Tieman, of Middleton, N. Y., is spending his vacation with his parents Air. and Airs. D. Tieman. Mrs. AV. Sc.hmoock and daughter Lucille, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives. Air. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder and daughter, -of Windsor, spent the week-end with his parents. Air. and Airs. Lempke, who spent the past week with Air. and Airs, Jacob Schr-oeder returned with them. Air. and Mrs. D. McCallum and Mrs. Wm. AIcCallum, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Snider. iMiss Rose Guenther, of AVindsor, is spending her vacation with her parents Mr. and Airs. Chas. Guen­ ther. Dashwood Henrich Alemorial Band attended a garden party at Bryanston on Thursday night and the Gossman reunion at Grand Bend on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Ira Tieman, of Ham­ ilton, spent the week-end with his parents Air. and Airs. E. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Smith and daughter, of Windsor, are visiting her parents Air. and Mrs, R. Baker. Air. Jacob Schroeder is on the sick list. AVe hope for a speedy re­ covery, Mr, and Mrs. Bruer and family, of New Hamburg spent Sunday with Ml*, and Airs. J. Schroeder. Mr. AVm. Tieman and son Nelson, of Stratford, spent a few days with relatives. Willis Melsaac is spending his holidays with his parents in Detroit. Mrs. AVm. Schroeder and daugh­ ter Eileen, of Detroit, were Sunday visitors with her mother Mrs. Ha­ macher. Air. and Airs. Fear and daughter, of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hamacher, ELIMVILLE Rev and Mrs. Penrose, AValter and Eva returned on Thursday last from a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Penrose and two sons of Montreal spent the week-end with them at rhe parsonage, Mr. Robert Passmore, of Hensail, preached in this church last Sunday evening from the text '‘Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy,” He dealt with the subject very capably. Mrs. Geo. Penrose sang a solo ”0 Love that will not let me go” which was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns and Hazel returned on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alert O’Reilly near Orangeville. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom­ as, is holidaying in this community. Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman and family Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Bradshaw and David attended the Horney Re­ union at Grand Bend on Civic Holi­ day. Considerable improvement has been made to the interior of the parsonage recently. Miss Rutn skinner has returned home after a several weeks' holiday in the U. S. and Muskoka. Mrs. Jean Jackson, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. March over the week-end. Mr. Harold Belt, of Sarnia, spent a few days here last week. Mrs. AA^es. Horne visited with rel­ atives in Exeter for two days the end of the week, Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch and Mrs. Jean Jackson, of Toronto; also Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper spent Sunday at Niagara Falls and Mr. and Airs. Harry Murch visited in Ingersoll on Sunday. Hazel and Onah Williams enter­ tained a. number of little girl friends last Tuesday afternoon, the occasion being Onah's birthday. Little Lenore Cooper is ill with pne.umonia. Edith Hunter, of Exeter, is visit­ ing with her cousin- Miss Gladys Skinner. Mission Circle The monthly meeting of the Mis­ sion Circle was held at the home of Margaret Johns on AVednesday after­ noon of last week-. Hazel Johns had charge of the meeting which was opened with the hymn “Take- Time to be Holy” and the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. The Scrip­ ture Lesson Gal. 5:14-18 was read by Gladys Skinner. The Devotional Leaflet “The Freedom Which. Be­ longs to the Spirit of Jesus'* given by Eula Herdman. Helen Murch and a number accompanying herself on the guitar. The hymn ‘'Come to My Heart, O Thou Wonderful Love1’ was sung. Parts of a leaflet ‘‘Christian Use of Time and Money” was given by Margaret Johns. Laura and Ina Ford gave a piano duet. Gladys Johns read a poem “Because.” Pray­ er was offered by Marion Miners. The meeting was closed with the hymn “The Lord is My Shepherd” and the Mizpah Benediction. Stuck To Him Howell-—Much depends on the for­ mation of early habits. Powell—I know it. When I was a baby my mother hired a woman to wheel me about, and I have been pushed for money ever since. j CENTRALIA ; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Smith were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe in AValkerton, Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Al. C. Sleamon and June, and Mrs. Margaret Fletcher and children spent the week-end at Simcoe and Port Dover. Rev. Mrs. Stewart and Lorraine are holidaying for the month of Au­ gust with relatives in Chatham and Montreal. Mrs. Lome Hicks spent the week­ end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, in Ripley. Hei* niece, Bertha AValden, returned home with her for a couple of weeks’ visit. Mr. Fred Fairhall spent the week­ end with his sister Mrs. Clara Ab­ bott and his father, Mr. Chas. Fair­ hall. Mr. Fairhall is motoring from. Montreal to Vancouver and from there to his home in Pasadena Calif. Mrs. Thos. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry AVest and Miss Flossie Davey spent the week-end at their cottage at Grand Bend. They had as their guests Mr. West’s sister and brother- in-law from Grand Aralley. Mrs. Richard Parker spent a couple of days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee in Brinsley. Mrs. Rex. Mills visited on Tues­ day of last week with Air and Mrs. Harry Mills, Marilyn returned home with her. Mr. Bill Cook, of London, is visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and Greta, All*, and Mrs. Fred Ford and Billy and Mr. Verne Tapp. Exeter, spent the week-end at Grand Bend. Air. L. Mills, of Woodham, Mr. N. Sambrook and Miss L. Sambrook. of Toronto, visited with Air, and Mrs. Harry Alills on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Murdy, of Lucan, and Misses Gertrude and Lula Demp­ sey, of Toronto were visitors with Mrs. John Essery and Mrs. B. Hicks on Tuesday of this week. Two dinners for the demonstra­ tion of Aluminum ware were served in the village last week. One at the home of Air. and Mrs. Grant Ford and the other at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker. The members of the Dashwood band paid a visit to Air. and Airs. J. Morrissey, newlyweds, one night last week and charivaried them not with pots and pans but with some very fine band music. CREDITON EAST Mrs. AVilson Anderson has return­ ed home after a week’s visit in Lon­ don with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, spent the week with the latter’s parents Air. and Airs. Eli Lawson. Quite a number from here took in< the Sims Reunion which was held at Springbank on Monday. Air. and Mrs. Edgar Horney and family, of Dunnville, and Air. and Mrs, Wm. AVilson, of Sarnia; Airs. A. Collingwood, of Hamilton and Airs. Lottie Colwill, of Cayhill spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alotz and also attended the Horney re­ union at Grand Bend on Alonday. Air. Percy Laity, and Air. Charles La Rush and Lila Collingwood, of Hamilton visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. - CREAM - Exeter Creamery Company, Limited, will e in Cream every Saturday night at their Exeter Creamaji Cream should be delivered before nine o’clock* It w‘“ e graded, tested for this hrou and paid in full at delivered Cream pg Farmers have ask Directors have decide Cream collectin as usual for the Cr vice and the Creamery to meetJReir wishes. itt each week will be continued at Exeter and Winchelsea. Exeter ■MHCM x. eamery Co*, Limited