HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-08-06, Page 4THURSDAY, AVGUST 0th, 1030 =^= THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BIRTHS BRINTNEI-L-At fir. Moir's Hospital Hensail, on July 29 th to ;. . i and Mrs. Clifford Brintnell, a ( daughter (Barbara Mae) I ROUTLEDGE—At Victoria Hospital | civic Holiday. London, on Sunday, August 2nd. ' ’ - to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rout­ ledge, (nee Nelda Ftmsold) a sun. BEIRNES^FERGUSON REV NION PASSMORE—-At fir. FIdtcher's Hos­ pital on Saturday, August 1st, to Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Passmre, daughter (Rosemary) MARRIAGES fftUi tinuual Beiriits-Fergusun MiCand, reunion was held at stoney Creek ' Farm, near Listowel, the home of Mr. W. F. Beirnes, with 15 6 mem­ bers present and ideal weather on . Shortly after ten a.m. guests began arriving and a very enjoyable time was spent till 12.1-5 all sat down to a sumptuous dinner on the spacious lawn after ! which a hearty welcome was extend­ ed to everyone by the host and presi­ dent, who in the course of his re­ marks mention “We are repiesenting here today the Beirnes-Ferguson families. It is 133 years since our great grand dad. Mr. Beirnes, was born in Dublin, Ireland; 103 since a the Sat-, he landed in Guelph, with his wife and was the first man to do any of the painting in Guelph when he paint- nnd Mrs. Richard Murphy ed the first catholic Church, altlio’ ARMSTRONG—MURPHY — At Trivitt Memorial Church on urday, August 1st. Miss Mildred J and was the first man to Agnes Murphy, daughter late Mr to Mr. Eric Armstrong, of ilton, by Rev. M. A. Hunt. Ham- DEATHS KLUMPP—in Stephen Township, on Friday, July 31, 193 5, Lydia Ade­ line Fahrner, beloved wife of Mr. John Klumpp, aged 64 years, months and 23 days. 11 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gardiner announce the marriage of their daughter Verda Irene to Mr, Thomas Garfield Kincaid on Saturday, gust 1st, 1936, at Simcoe, Ont. Au- CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. ford, England, home, wish-to and friends-for them on their Canada. Good . C. Jewelft.oif Here- sailing,.ooi; their way thahk their relatives the hospitality given glorious holiday bye, everybody. in ('ARD OF THANKS Con- those The members of the Exeter cert Band wish to thank all who helped to make the Band Tat­ too a success; and especially Mir-: Silas Reed, who took charge of the dance and the following persons and places of business who together with some of the members of the band guaranteed the expenses of the Tat­ too, viz: M. Walker, E. R. Hooper, South- cott Bros., H. C. Rivetns, E. Linden­ field, Jones & May, W. AV. Taman, B. W. F. Beavers, AV. E. Middleton, Wm. Partlo, A. Traquair, K. Lamp­ man, Cunningham & Pryde, Harvey Bros. Mill, James Bowey, H. T. Rowe Swift Canadian Co., Jas. Grieve, F. G. Wright & Co., Jos. Senior, James Morley, J J. Cox, Hazel Smith, Browning’s Drug Store, AV. S. Cole, Geo. Lawson, Dr. Weekes, R. Motz, Dr. Cowen, Stewart Bros., Sandy El­ liot, Dr. Roulston, Exeter Produce Co., Flynn & Carey, B. W. Tuckey, W. E. Balkwill, Chainway Stores, Bank of Montreal, Canadian Bank of Commerce, Snell Bros. & Co., R. N. Rowe, Roy Goulding, "White's Bakery, Cook’s Grocery, Frank ‘ Coates, Times-Advocate, Dr. Dunlop, Gladman & Stanbury, C. Tanton, El­ mer Harness, W. Martin, F. J. Wick­ wire, Dr. Fletcher, B M. Francis, AV. J. Beer, Geo. Hawkins. he was a great Orangeman and dur­ ing the McKenzie rebellion of 1836- 3? he put his principles into practice We have Imre with us today the sword he used 100 years This one family bad sons and two daughters, this family were married of the Ferguson family, years since our grand dad and grand mother passed away being one of the Beirnes-Ferguson unions. They were a dear old couple, loved by ' everyone who knew them. Again wo welcome you. and want you all to enjoy yourselves and make this a marked day. ”An excellent program of sports was carried out by the con­ venor Mrs. Jack stock as follows: othy Beirnes; 10 Asmussen; 10 to Stewart; 15 and Hagey; soda biscuit race, Mrs. Sum- married ladies Gladys Laur; Fred Sawyer; spot Clarence Thiel; three-legged Muriel Beirnes; Edith Ferguson; Helen Alexander; Douglas Sauder; ladies, 'Mrs. C*. AV- Chris- liters; married men, race, Lloyd Hagey and stretching, •race, girls, race, boys, race. IN MEMORIAL - , • /In loving nYemory ^f our dear (grandfather.^ohn jpofd, who passed Anss/sfaway, August h935. Lovingly* .^membered by his grandchilfl^sm Joan/Peggy and John # Flint, Michigan V. IN MEMO In lqy>fh -rlc JOHN FOR 7 who pas®$ ;t" August 9th,^935 Remembered by h'fe Wife and „ Sons the CRITICISMS IN GENERAL (Contributed) The Starlings are having a home- coming every night—what can we do to give them a welcome? It’s a credit to our fair town or any other town to have fine bands like we had last week (Tattoo week) Did you boys notice how fine fair sex showed their talent as well as having fine uniforms? Apple season will soon be on. Get that cider barrel ready. Exeter needs a new re-paint the water tower, The speed through town in early morning is about 50 miles per hour, NOT 10 to per hour. Some children sure like ing other people’s goods in den. Try it on your own what Pa and Ma will do. You want to know what business a man carries on, the sign on his door or However, some do not care tion what it is or was, ■ Few people realize that neighbors could be a good worse. on the 60to 15 miles destroy- the gar- and see kind of look at window, to meh' their deal George Allen, of Ushorne, while in he a&t of installing the knives on a binder, had one of the fingers of his right hand practically severed. He was attended by fir. Fletcher. today ago. seventeen Three of to three It is 30 Long, of "Wood- Hi yrs. girls, Dor­ year boys, Don 15 girls, Dorothy- over, boys, Lloyd gum shoe shoe time tie, Mrs. Tom Ferguson; time race, men, Mr. William Beirnes. Prizes were then awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, Hensail, Ivan child, Beir- were Ferguson, being oldest couple and to Campbell Beirnes youngest son of Mr. and M-rs. Howard nes. Then group pictures taken. The annual meeting was then held with Mrs. John Long in the chair. The invitation of Mr. Lloyd Hagey Preston, was heartily accepted for Civic Holiday 1937. The following officers were pointed for 1937: President, Lawrence Sauder; secretary, James Peacock; Sport Com., Mr. L. Hagey; press reporter, Mrs. C. W. Christie. A vote of thanks was tendered by Mrs. James, Parkhill to the retiring officers, Mr. W. F. Beirnes and Mrs, Jack Long and their families for their untiring efforts to make today a success. The orchestra then tuned in and dancing was idulged in for a time. Then at 5.30 all adjourned for lunch again. During the sup­ per hour regret was expressed for the passing on of one of our reunion organizers, Mrs. D. B. McDonald, of Galt and flowers were sent to her husband Mr. D. McDonald, former president now in hospital. Guests i were present from Saskatchewan, Woodstock, Detroit, Listowel, Park- liill, Brussels, Ethel, Kitchener, Guelph, Toronto, Owen Sound, Pres­ ton, Seaforth, Dobbington, Chats­ worth and Exeter. ap- Mr. Mrs. STAFFA TEAM CAPTURES PERTH SOFTBALL HONORS The Perth Presbytery softball fi­ nals were held Wednesday evening at Motherwell. Tihe teams entered were Parkview, Stratford, Donegal, Zion and Staffa. The first games between Parkview and Donegal was won by Donegal and the second game between Zion and Staffa was won by Staffa. The final game between Donegal and Staffa proved to (be very inter­ esting and was won by Staffa by a score of 4-3. Staffa now is the win­ ner of Perth Presbytery. After the games a bonfire was lit and a ves­ per service taken by Atwood and Donegal Unions. The theme 'through­ out being “prayer.” Anne Vipond prayed and devotional exercises -were led iby Rev. Mr. Anthony. Rev. Mr. McMillan, Eleanor Fisher, Agnes Coghlin and Marie Buchanan, Alice Irvine and Margaret Vipond sang a duet, accompanied by John Irvine on the violin. Fred Long gave a very interesting topic on the subject sung“Prayer.” Two hymns were and lunch was served. KIRKTON Miss Gladys Shier, Miss AV. Gallop, Mrs. AVm. Arthur, Mrs. Ira Mar­ shall and daughter Thelma left on Tuesday for a week's holiday to Huntsville, .South River, Rye, Cal­ lander and North Bay. A number of Farmers have thresh­ ed and report a very good yield, Mr. Alex Walker is holidaying at r Grand Bend. I Miss Carrol Balfour is holidaying s at her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. I). Hazelwood. Mt. and Mrs, Maitland Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly are *• holidaying at Midland. Master Lome Francis is holiday­ ing at Staffa. CROWD SHRIEKS AS BOY IS DRAGGED ON TRACK GODERICH, August 3.—Perched on top of a moving horse van with ! his feet dangling over its edge, Le­ roy Taylor, 11-year-old boy, eaught his head on the starting wire at the holiday race meet Monday, As the van passed under the wire the boy was precipitated into a meshwork of steel hoops used to drag the track after each heat. The accident happened in full view of 3,000 fans and shrieks rent the air as the boy’s body was ter­ ribly lacerated by the hoops before he was freed.. The driver of the truck which pulled the van, to the rear of which the road-drag was attached, was ob­ livious to what was going on and failed to stop. When the boy picked himself up and staggered off the track with the aid of police officers who jump­ ed to his rescue, the. big crowd cheered his gameness. At the doctor’s office it was stated there were over a score of lacera­ tions on his body, many of them bleeding, but no bones were broken. The hoops used to drag the race track are discarded heavy gauge wa­ gon wheel ripis. SIMS REUNION The annual Sims reunion was held at Springbank on Civic Holiday with an attendance of 144. The weather was ideal and the officers still re­ main for the coming year. Mrs. R. Flynn, of Lucan was the eldest lady present; Mr. Robt Kydd, of Exeter, was the oldest man; the youngest baby boy was Billy Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and the young­ est baby girl, Phyllis Flynn, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Flynn, of Clandeboye; the man coming the longest distance of 2500 miles was Mr. J. AV. Sims, Jasper Park, Alta., and the lady coming the longest dis­ tance Mrs. Melvin Sims, of Windsor. Guests were present from Jasper Park, Alta.; London, Win-dor, Exe­ ter, Clandeboye, Granton, Hensail, Crediton and Mt. Carmel, The re­ sults of the sports were as follows: bean guessing contest was won by C. W. Dayman; kicking the slipper, May Sims; clothes pin race, Sam. Hedden, Irene Kydd; grandfather’s race, J. AV. Sims; fat woman’s race, Mrs. L. McDonald; married women, Mrs. Isaac Sims; married men’s race Earl McFalls; young men’s race, C. Flynn; young ladies’ race, Ethel Kydd; boys 12 to 15, Buddy Sims; girls 10 to 12, Dorothy Kydd; boys 6 to 9, Earl Sims; girls 6 to 9, Mar­ ion Morgan. HORNEY REUNION The eighth annual Horney Reunion w.as held on Monday, August 3rd, at Grand Bend with about seventy-five present from Owen Sound, Auburn, Goderich, Cargill, Sarnia, Hamilton, Dunnville, Toronto, Cromarty, Cred­ iton, Hensail and Exeter. The pro­ ceedings were presided over by the President, Mr. John Herdman, Elim- ville, assisted by the sport convenor Squire Herdman. The sports took place in the afternoon with results a-s follows: Girls, 5 years and under, Jean Christie, Shirley Benson; boys 5 yrs. and under Hughie Westlake, Earl Hunter; girls 10 and under, L. Westlake; boys 10 years and under, Donald Horney, Carmen Herdman; boys'10 years and over, Roy Horney Donald Davis; young ladies race, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Motz, Lila Col­ lingwood; young men, Amos Herd­ man, Ernest Horney; time race, Ir­ ma Ferguson, Mrs. Wm. Wilson; marking 100 feet, Amos Herdman, Bert Herdman; ladies kicking the slipper, Mrs. H. Hunter, Mrs. W. Motz; men kicking the slipper, Squire Herdman, J. Cochrane; ladies throwing the ball, Mrs. Lottie Col­ well, Miss Flossie Westlake; men throwing the ball, Percy Laity, Arn­ old Westlake; clothes pin race, A. Herdman, Ernest Horney; oldest person present, Wm. Horney, Owen Sound; youngest person present, Shirley Horney, Dunnville. After which supper was served at the din­ ing hall on the beach. The officers for 1937 are as follows: President, Walter Spencer; secretary-treasurer, Arnold Westlake; sport committee, Hubert Hunter, Wm. Motz, J. A. Christie; table committee, Mrs. H. Hunter, Mrs. Rhoda Westlake, Mary A. Herdman. MUSICAL SUCCES® At the recent examinations held by the London. (Eng.) College of Music the examiner presiding being Mr. AV- H. Shinn, of Winnipeg, the following pupils were successful: Madeline AVhiem, primary piano, pupil of Miss Luella Stanlake; Bir- dine McFalls, Elementary piano, piano, pupil of Miss Flornce Mit­ chell; Miss Grace Darling, adv. in­ termediate, pupil of Mr. Arnold Kil­ mer; Miss Eva Jenkins, Windsor, was awarded the A.L.C.M., diploma; also the former pupils of Mrs. Gam­ brill their final preparation by Miss Leila Mallard A.L.C.M., vocal ele­ mentary grade, Jack Harness, Phil­ ippa Harness; piano intermediate grade Betty Elliot, adv. intermediate Iva and Ila Willis; higher senior grade, Miss Florence Mitchell, pupil of Mrs. Gambrill, London. Mrs, J. S. Riddell has.returned to her home at Frobisher, Sask., after visiting for the past three months with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Rickard. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sanders, Wind­ sor,, visited relatives over the holi­ day. Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Hamilton, is visiting with Mrs. p. Coates and other realtives. Mrs. Rogers and Mr, Chappel, of Hamilton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle. Reeve Thus. Pryde and Councillor James Morley were in Toronto Tues­ day on business. Mrs. L. Hennessey and family re­ turned Sunday after holidaying with her mother at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis at­ tended the Old Boys Reunion at Springfield Sunday and Monday. Master Donald Grant is spending two weeks with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant, of Glencoe. Miss Margaret Elleringtou, nurse­ in-training at Victoria Hospital, vis­ ited at her home over the week-end. Mrs. George Geddes, who has been with her daughter Mrs. AV. Snell returned to London Saturday- Mr. Simon- Greb and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greb and Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile attended the Stoner reunion. Mr. Nelson Kestle returned Satur­ day after holidaying for ten days with relatives in London and Wood­ stock, A large number from town and district are attending the ‘Old Boys’ Reunions at Kincardine and Listo­ wel this week. Mrs. Geo. Tuffin, of Staffa, Mrs. John Oliver, of Hearst, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver, of Sarnia, visited on Saturday with Mrs. AV. Pollen. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie and daughter Jean, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chirstie. Mrs. H. C. Carey and Geo. Mc­ Master, of Appin, won third prize in a mixed doubles bowling tourna­ ment held last week in Glencoe Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns, of Vis­ alia, California, visited for several days last week with the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. AV. AV. Taman. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Broderick and Mrs. G. Broderick, of London, visited with Miss M. Broderick on Sunday. The latter is remaining for a week on a visit. Mrs. J. C. Gardiner, of Kirkton, spent a few days in Simcoe and was a guest at the wedding of her grand­ daughter Miss Verda Gardiner to Mr. Garfield Kincaid, of Hamilton. . Mastei’ Donald Scott who has been visiting his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Cook for the past three weeks has returned -to his home in Tillsonbnrg. Mr. AV. G. Stewart, of Detroit, vis­ ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart the forepart of the week. He was accompanied home by Stewart Fuke on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bert White, Regina, •Sask., called on the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wickwire and Miss White on Sunday. They were on a motor trip and expect to return for a further visit. Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Hill and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Ridige and son Gerald have returned to Hamilton after a pleasant visit with the former’s mother, Mrs. Le­ wis Aidworth. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bobby, of Hamilton, are visiting with Mrs. Gillies’ mother, Mrs. S. Mbrtin, and other relatives. Mr. Gillies is this week assisting with the audit at the Canadian Bank of Com­ merce. Mr. and Mrs. AV. Grierson, of Lintlaw, .Sask,, called on Mr and Mrs. C. E. Aidworth, on Wednesday of last week. It was with Mr, and Mrs. Grierson that Rev. Ed. Aid­ worth boarded while stationed at Lintlaw, Mr. Wallace Seldon and his sister Mrs. F. Newman and son Seldon, of Kingston motored to Rochester, Minn., last week to visit with their mother Mrs. R. G. Seldon, who is re­ cuperating from an operation and also with Dr. Harry and Mrs. Sel­ don. At the weekly bowling jitney on Friday evening six rinks were in play. The winning rink comprised Mrs. J. Bowey, AV. C. Davis, H. C. Rivers and AV. E. Sanders with two wins plus ten. .Second prize win­ ners were E. J. Wethey, Wm. Rivers Robt. Sayers and M. AV. Teller with two wins plus eight. At the union services of the Unit­ ed Churches on Sunday, Rev. A. E. Elliott was in charge and preached two splendid sermons. At the morn­ ing service in James St. Church the male qartette sang and in the even­ ing a ladies’ trio, Mrs. N. Hockey, Misses M. Follick and H. Dignan, sang in addition to the anthem. The following were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. John­ ston recently. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Mor­ rison, Clintoil and daughter Violet, Toronto; Mrs. C. Carter, Clande­ boye; Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Jones, of Hensail; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Par­ sons, Hensail; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson and daughter Reina, of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. George Ste* phen son and son Bobbie, Walkerton; Hugh F. Johnston, Washington fi.O., who is camping with Bobbie at Bruce' Beach for two months. SOFTBALL MIXED Wednesday, July 89111, «l 2.80 Devizes girls met defeat by the Exeter girls, 23 runs to 8. Exeter girls batted freely against the De­ vizes’ pitchers getting 22 hits; Ver­ dun Lindenfield a double, Jean Baynliam a double and triple and Marion AValper a home run. M. Hubbert, c. Line Ups Exeter Devize/ G.Snell, S. S.M. Trudgeon s.s. A.Cutting cf,M. Hudson, 2 h V.Lindenfield, 1 f A. O’Reilley c.f. E.Kydd, p M. Parkinson l.f. E.Abbot, 1 b.O. Riddell, p, L.Sims, r. f.A. Hodgins, 1 b. J.Baynham, 3 b.E. Hodgins, r.f. V.McLeod, c.I. Hodgins, 3 b. Batteries, Exeter, Ethel Kydd and Vera McLeod; Devizes, Ola Riddell, A. O’Reilley, Mary Trudgeon and Edna Hodgins. Exeter .......... 1-2-4-6-4-1-4-1-x—23 Devizes .......... 3-0-0-0-0-1-1-1-2— 8 At 4 O’clock Exeter All Stars were too good for the Victorians of Goderich. This in­ vincible team met their first defeat by the superb pitching of Hammond and the connecting bats of the Ex­ eter players. Their hitting was so hard, four bats were broken. Feat­ ures of the game were: eighteen strike outs by Hammond, home runs by Lawson in the first inning and Skinner in the fourth. The score was Exeter 24, Goderich 6. Line Ups Exeter L. Baynham c.f. A. Goetz l.f. F. Creech, r.f. N. Floody, 2 b. G. Skinner, 1 b. M. Hammond, p. O. Lawson, c. M. Dearing, 3 b. K. Hockey, s.s. Goderich V. Smith, r.f. C. Larder, 3 b. B. Bloomfield, c.f. C. Fisher, c. G. Correll, l.f. A. Bloomfield 1 b A. Powell, 2 h C. Bloomfield s.s. A. Fisher, p, Batteries, Goderich, A. Fisher and C. Fisher; Exeter M. Hammond and O. Lawson. Goderich ..... 0-0-0-0-0-0-1-3-2— 6 Exeter .......... 5-0-5-9-1-1-3-0-x—24 Lucan at Exeter The hardest fought game of the season took place on Friday even­ ing when the Lucan lassies, leaders of the league went down to defeat by the close score of 10 to 9. The fans were on edge with excitement throughout the game and with winning run went wild in their claim for the winning team. Line Ups the ac- G. M. A. V.P Lucan J. Darling cf E. Hodgins 2b J. Revington 'lb I-I. Hodgins c E. R. G. A. Watson 3b Hodgins rf Darling ss Thompson p I. Hodgins If Lucan, A. Thompson, Exeter Snell ss AValper 2b Cutting cf Lindenfield E. Kydd If E. Abbott lb L. Sims rf J. Baynham 3b V. McLeod c Batteries- R. Hodgins, E. Hod gins and H. Hod­ gins. Exeter, Vera McLeod Lucan .......... Exeter ......... V. Lindenfield and 0-3-0-0-1-0-0-0h5— 9 l-H-0-1-0-0-3-3-1—10 Exeter at Devizes Exeter .girls won the return game with Devizes at their Old Boys’ Re­ union, Monday afternoon. Again the good batting of the Exeter girls gave them the big end of a one score 34 to 13. Line Ups sided ■34 ■13 E. Abbott lb L.Bilyea A, Cutting cf O.Riddell J. Baynham 3b V.Baines G. Snell p A.O’Reilley p E. Kestle ss M.Parkinson M. Walper 2b &cK.Moss L. Sims c & If M.Hudson I. Schroeder lf&21.Needham K. Kestle rf M.Trudgeon Exeter ............... 2-9 -0-5-3-1-14—: Devizes ............., 0-5 -2-0-1-0- 5—: EVENING AUXILIARY The August meeting of the James Street Evening Auxiliary took the form of a picnic supper held at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Allis­ on. Following a very bountiful sup­ per served in the grove a short meeting was held with the president in change. Inspirational devotional exercises were taken by Miss Ruby Finkbeiner. Mrs. Page gave a con­ cise and interesting account of the W. M. S. Branch Conference held in Sarnia recently. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Allison for her kind hospitality. FORMER PUBLISHER DIES Mr. Malcolm McBeth, of Milver­ ton, former publisher of the Milver­ ton Sun, past president of the Can­ adian Weekly Newspapers Associa­ tion and a past president of the On­ tario Edu'cational Association, died in Victoria Hospital, London, Mon­ day in his 68th year. Mr. McBeth for 31 years was postmaster at Mil­ verton and for 30 years was a mem­ ber of the Board of Education and was its chairman at the time of his death. He was widely known and highly esteemed for his Stirling qualities, Messrs. James Bowey, C. Tanton, C. Stewart, S. Reid and Chas. Salter motored to Stokes Bay in the Bruce Peninsula for a fishing trip Civic Holiday. They were successful in landing three lake trout and theft limit of black bass. auction sale — of HOJRSES, CATTLE & HOGS to be held on the farm in the VILLAGE OF EXETER THURSDAY, AUGUST Sth 40 suckers nicely weaned. 2 sows. TERMS—CASH WM. NAIRN, Auctioneer G. J. DOW, Proprietor WOODHAM Rev. Mr. Lindsay, of Rochester, U. S., who is spending his holidays with friends here will be the guest speaker here next Sunday morning, August 9th at 11 o’clock a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Copeland and children visited for a few days recently at the latten’s home in Hal- dimand County. Mr. and Mrs. H. Parkinson and family spent Sunday afternoon last at Grand Bend. Miss Francis Lindsay, who is at. present the guest of Miss Janet. Thompon sang a very pleasing solo at last Sunday morning’s service. Miss Evelyn Wynn, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott, Au­ drey and Verna, Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ ence Gunning and family spent Sun­ day afternoon last at Grand Bend. We are pleased to report that Miss Audrey Johnson is getting along as well as can be expected having been taken to Stratford hos­ pital last Tuesday, August 4th for an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. James McCullough and family spent Sunday last at Grand Bend. The AV. M. S. are holding a spec­ ial meeting in the basement of th® church on AVednesday afternoon of this week, inviting the Mission Band Baby Band and Mission Circle. WINCHEL5EA Miss Marion Tufts of Kirkton spent a couple of days recently with Miss Genevieve Kerslake. Miss Marion Pooley spent a few days last week with Miss Alma Law­ rence of Seaforth. Miss Rhea and Master Lloyd Smith of Plugtown, spent Thursday with Ronald and Norma Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reid, at Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale and' family cf Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. AValker Kerslake. Miss Jessie Heywood is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Launce Battersby of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke and family spent Sunday with friends in Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Fletcher spent Sunday with relatives in In­ gersoll. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Davis were Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Pym and family of Exeter Mt. and Mrs. Jas Kirkland and Mal­ colm, of Thames Road. VOTERS’ LIST 1936 Municipality of Stephen Council County of Huron Notice is hereby given have complied with Section Voters’ List Act and that posted up at my office at on the 31st day of July 1936, .jffi list of person^ entitled to voi^B„ the said MuniMpality at Mu^ppal Elections and <Bat such list^^^ains there for inspfetion. And I herew call upqj to take immWiate prdw^dings have any eOrs orjjjfir * reeled accor®g toZ. for appeal V|Bg thMlst day of Au- guest 193(6. Dated at dmiiton, this 31st day of July 193 6, HERBERT K. EILBER, Clerk of Stephen 7-6-3tc. Crediton, that I 7 of the I have Crediton^ ■^pi voters 3 tO fissions cor- tihe laist day NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of GRACE HOOPER, late of the Village of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on the Eleventh day of July, 1936, are required to forward their claims dilfy proven to th^ixn- dersignad on < before the T$6nty- fourth Day of jkugust, 1936/^-' AND NOTICE IS FURT^R GIV­ EN that after Jis said d^e the Ex­ ecutor will piwceed distribute the estate .haviwg regard only to the claims of whftlfeythen shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ont., this Fourth day of August, A.fi., 1936. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall (Solicitors for Executor