HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-07-30, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1036 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Your Permanent Wave
1$ a Summer’s
Be Sito of the,$p5t
All Bonat p^paration^'are 1
tory tested.mbthingjj^aeft to t
Sati^ction guaranteed
X^PhQj^ 231w
This shoppe will re-open on
Tuesday, August 4th
Exeter Markets
Wheat, standard 80c.
Oats, 38c.
Barley, 50e.
Manitviba’s Best $3.00
Welcome Flour $2.50
Shorts $1.35 cwt.
Bran $1.30 cwt.
Low Grade Flour $1.60.
Mixed chop $24.00 a ton
Creamery butter 28-29c
Dairy Butter 19-22c.
Eggs, A large 22c
Eggs, B 19c
Eggs, C 13c
Hogs, $8.75
Rev, Douglas C, Hill, B.A., B.D.
Mrs. 3. G. .Cochrane, Organist
10 a.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m.—Rev. Douglas C. Hill B.A.
This will be Mr. Hill’s first ser
vice since his Induction.
Morning service withdrawn during
Miss Annie Cox has returned to
Goderich after a week’s visit at her
home here.
Mr. Sydney West, of Fergus, visit
ed his mother Mrs. S. West over the
The Sims Reunion will be held at
Springbank, on Civic Holiday, Mon
day, August 3rd.
Miss Olive Wood, Reg. N., of Tor
onto, is holidaying with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills and two chil
dren, of Cleveland, visited Mrs. Mills
aunt Mrs. John Morley last week.
’ Miss Jessie Monteith, of Ilderton,
is visiting with her father, Mr. Chas.
Monteith and aunt Miss E. Monteith.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellerington and
Miss Margaret Quinton visited their
friends in Brooklyn, Ont., on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ridge and
son, of Hamilton, visited during the
past week with Mr. and Mrs. Fran
cis Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and
daughter Evelyn attended the an
nual Allan-Drysdale reunion at Sar
nia on Saturday.
4; W-<| IWMH>0
Warren May is visiting with Stan
ley Smith at Grand Bend.
Mr. Nelson Kestle spent the past
week visiting relatives in London.
Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Hunt are
spending two weeks holidays lit Port
Main St. and James St. United
Rev. A. E. Elliott in charge
The Main Street Choir will lead the
service of song.
We wish to announce to the public that we are opening a new store at
Hensall on Saturday, August 1st, directly opposite the Hotel. We will carry
a full line of Dry Goods, Ladies’ Ready-to-W®ar, Gents’ Furnishings, Boots
and Shoes. This store will be under the management of a well-known citi
zen, Mr. W. O. Goodwin, assisted by Miss Irene Hoggarth. f
A?Our policy will be to have on sale Honest, Dependable, Merchandise and
that by co-operating with our Exeter store, and selling for cash, we will wl
have for the public an up-to-date, well assorted stock at prices that will
merit the confidence and support of the public.
Misses Tenie McCurdy and Lulu
McDonald are holidaying at Kin
Mr. and Mrs. D. Gordon are tak
ing in the Wallaceburg Old Boys’
Miss Patsy Russell is holidaying
with Miss Jean Thompson at Se-
Kathleen Perkins has returned
home after visiting at Winchelsea
and Elimville.
10 a.m.—Sunday School
11 a.m.—James St. Church
7 p.m.—Main St. Church
Prayer Service Thursday at 8 p.m.
in Main St. Church
Extra Special in Porch Dresses
7 dozen only Porch Dresses. These are regular $1.50 numbers and are the best
values we have ever been able to give our customers. They come in floral and geo
metric patterns. Sizes 14 to 44. Buy two or three at this price. Special $1.00
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott went
to Forest on Wednesday •when Mr.
and Mrs. Arto Delve’s two girls had
their tonsils out.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and
sons, Roger and Gordon, of Toronto,
are holidaying with the former’s
mother Mrs. W. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Harness, Donald
and Boyd, of Pt. Edward, are visit
ing with Mr. Elmer Harness and his
other brothers in Exeter.
Mrs. D. Elliott is visiting in Brant
ford for a time. Rev. A. E. Elliott
and Mrs. Elliott and family motored
down with her on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Edmunds and
son Barry, of Flint, Mich., are holi
daying with Mrs. Edmunds’ parents
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe.
Mrs. Irvin Armstrong and daugh-
ter Miss May, left by motor Tuesday
for a fewr weeks’ visit with the
former's daughter Mrs. MiCreath at
Kincardine. Mrs. Armstrong has not
been enjoying the .best of health for
some time and her many friends
trust the change beside the lake will
prove beneficial and that she will
return much improved im health.
LOST—A car ru^"on^ake Road,
Monday morning, kindly re
turn to Russell B^-lk^ll or at the
Times-Advocate Office; J^^hrd.
FOR SALE—Jligs Si/ wejksJold.
Apply to Leslie Thoms&^^R. 1,
Hensall, phone Kirkton^54m9. ltp.
/ FOR SALE-—19 little York pigs.
Apply Geo. Dunn,. HeiU^ll Tl.R. 1,
'"■phone Exeter*zT77r4.^-/
tary of S. S, No. 2#Usborne will' re
ceive tenders up^'until August 5th
for painting thf/interior of the school
» and the jmraiL 2 coats of paint, also
varnish the desk. Contract to be
completed by August 2 6th. N. Pass-
Secy.-Treas., ,R.R. 1, Woodham
A GovernmejSr survW^fiovering a
large numbenrof homes found that
an average Jawing 'ofi three wtons of coal per yejs.r was afsectecL/by the
use of insolation. Alhmiuftx Ther
mo-Seal Insulation eawndies the
greatest Sion-condu^WH^ properties in the field oLiittwlatidn. and is for
sale by S|pL SANDERS, Exeter
WANTED^—A second hand/port-
able garage. Apply at ^thar Ford
FOR SALE—Choice" Cltfv^ Hon
ey. In customer’^ contiy^i's, 50
lbs. or over 8c. p‘er lb*’1e's.f than 50
lbs. 9c. Darrel p&rker, R,>^t. 3, Exe
ter. r •< ' 7—22-2tp
ver honey, 9c. a lb, ,p/"8c. in utklb.
lots or over. P-ricfes suWecw to
change, Wesley Dearing^^phone
Crediton, 17rl4. ' Z
FOR SALfe—Clwjce clover honey
at 9c a|M. Fifty ^u'hdwidr over 8c
in customer’s coj^$iners. Ewart R.
Pym, wceter/ftfrw, blocks east of Mc- Coll-Frs^itenac Service Station. 3tp
and enclosed coal oil stove
and 4 burner; also 1 Joh
Tractor plow
bottom, used vfry lit
condition. A
Several rebuilt
J» Mel-
Monday, August 3rd, will be Civic
Holiday when all places of business
will be closed.
Miss Gladys Kestle, of Copper
Cliff, is spending the holidays at
her home here,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dinney, of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Winer.
Miss Phyllis Walper, of Wood-
stock, is visiting with her grand
father Mr. Nelson Kestle.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sitter, of
Wilkie, Sask., called on Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Batson on Saturday.
Miss Lillian Hopper, Reg., N., is
spending this week at the home of
her brother, Mr. E. R. Hopper.
Dr, Ward left Saturday last for
Chicago where he is taking a two
weeks short course in oestopathy.
Mrs. (Dr.) Fletcher and daughter
Mary left Tuesday for Wallaceburg
to attend the Old Boys’ Reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson and
family visited on Sunday with Dr.
and Mrs, H. H. Batson at Otterville.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper are in
Toronto this week attending the an
nual Funeral Directors’ convention.
Mrs. Alex. Lloyd and two child
ren, Shirley and Beverley are visit
ing with the former’s father Mr. L.
Miss Marion Schwegler, of Toron
to, is spending her holidays with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. J.
Miss Millicent Winegarden, Park
hill, is spending her holidays with
her grandmother Mrs. Mary Wine
Miss Edna Martene underwent an
operation for the .removal of her
tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s office on
Mr. jas. Morley underwent an op
eration for the removal of his tonsils
at Victoria Hospital, London, Friday
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCool, Wing
ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E.
R. Hopper Friday evening and took
part in the bowling jitney.
Miss Dorothy Dore, of New York,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robertson,
of Stratford, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. N. J. Dore on Sunday.
Mrs. Fletcher, of Strathroy and
Miss M. Fletcher, Reg. N., of Detroit,
visited over the week-end with the
former’s son Dr. M. C. Fletcher.
Mr. Jos. Senior accompanied by
his son Mr. E. H. Senior, K.C, Tor
onto, is enjoying a boat trip through
the Thousand islands to Montreal.
Mr. E. J. Wethey’, M.A., returned
last Saturday from Toronto, where
he has been engaged in the marking
of departmental examination papers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham,
and two daughters, Misses Lucilld
and Rosina, of Kansas City, N. J.,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham, of Win
nipeg, visited recently with Mrs.
Graham’s cousins, Mr. H. S. Walter
and Mrs. Wood. They also visited
at Hamilton.
Mr. Frank Glanville and sister
Miss Ida, Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy and
Mrs. Mary Mawhinney spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Mawhinney
of the Goshen Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis and
sons Gordon and Bruce, of Ken
more N. Y., and Mrs, E, M. Steiner,
of Bergen, N.Y, spent last week with
Dr. and. Mrs. E. S. Steiner.
Mrs. Clarke, of Salvador, Sask.,
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Rd, Hunter at Goderich and with
relatives in this community left the
latter part -of last week for her
Mrs. Wm. Tookey -and daughter
Marion, of Lucan, are visiting with
the former’s mother, Mrs, Gunning,
Miss Erima Jaques, of Usborne, is
also holidaying with her grandmo
Rector, Rev. Ml. A. Hunt.
Organist, Miss MacEaul
Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss
Seventh Sunday After Trinity
10 a.m.—Sunday School
11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon
No evening service during the
summer months.
Located in the Opera House, Exeter
Sunday Services, August 2nd
2 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible
3 p.m.—-Devotional
7 p.m.—Prophetic message
Subject for the evening will be
“Who is the Anti-Christ”
Bright singing ano. a warm wel
come to all. Come.
x-’astor, J. T. Edgar
..Beauty Seekers..
Shelton’s Permanent Wave will
give you a hairdress that $411
glorify your personality.
Treat yourself to
permanent. w*
M. Russell
Phone 245
Offers to
Meet Every UjUurance Need
Phone 165
A Bin Filled with
D & H Anthracite
bought at the low pridwynow pre
vailing Means a Spying equiva
lent to a high ren£?rbr that other
wise useless spe^e.
Why not
you a re'
Order i
majaryour coal bin pay
^raay phone 157j
Phone 157j. Sun Life Rep.
“A Home A;
rom Home”
Rooms with Boat
New York—-Expressinjf optimism
a*bout “the future Sof Jtlie United
States and The Ollsl ljuustry.” the
Standard Oil Co-mpawwFof New Jer
sey has signed contr^|fe for the con
struction. of Eight new tankships at
a cost of $13,000,000.00
Miss Helen Patrick after a two
weeks’ visit witli her grand
mother Mi's. Maud Heywood, return
ed to her home in Windsor on Sun
Misses Ruth and June Taylor, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with
Miss Lauren® Beavers. They are, this
week, attending Camp Minnehaha at
Goderich; also attending’ the Camp
are Laurene Beavers, Dorothy Tra-
quair and Margaret Melville of James
Street C.G.tT.
Cotton Dresses
Another value in Cotton Dresses, values to $2.19. We bought these at a special
price and are offering them this week at eac$, $1.59.
New China ahd Glassware
Sugar Crisp
3 pkgs, for . . 21c
4-string good quality
This week we have received a find^as sortinent of New China and Glasau
invite you to bring your visitors in toJJFee the many new pieces we
Prices vary from 25c. to $2.25.
Prices are up and will be
Buy at the low price
5 lb. pails ... 38c
10 lb. pails . . 68c
quart Fruit Jars $1.13 doz.
Pint Fruit Jars 99c. a doz.
Best Quality Zinc Rings 23c
Rubber Rings ....... 5c. doz.
Per lb.... 37c
24-lb. bag . . 53c,
For your Pickles this Season B
and Table Use.
Try Heintz Special Vinegar H
Per gallon ... 59c |
Southcott Bros.
Phone 16Phone 16
Mr. Ben. Wilson and son Roy Wil
son, of Romulus, Mich., were recent
visitors with the former’s brothers,
Mr. Charles Wilson, of town and Mr.
Sid Wilson, of Elimville.
Wheat threshing is now in full
swing. The wheat is turning out a
good sample testing 59 and 60 to the
bushel. The yield is a good aver
age. The cutting of oats and barley
will soon be under way.
The cost of staging the Canadian
National Exhibition- is one million
dollars each year. The exhibitors
expend huge sums which, together
with the amount disbursed by the
Exhibition, make a staggering total.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor, Jim
mie and Dorothy, of Fanwood, New
Jersey, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Johnston and' called on Exeter
friends last week. They 'camped for
a week at Port Ryanse on ILake Erie
with Mr. Taylor’s parents, E. J. Tay
lor, London. Twenty three of Mr.
Taylor’s family spent a very pleas
ant week together. They also visit
ed the Spencer’s of Hensall and Mr.
and Mrs. -.Switzer, Kippen and on
Friday brought them down to Exe
ter to visit Mr. and Mrs. Johnston
and call on some other -friends. Then
they all had a picnic tea at .Mr. John
ston’s. They spent a few days with
Mr. Taylor’s brother in Hamilton and
called on Dr. Mabel Bray, going on
to Toronto where Frank Taylor lives
and spending a fine time camping
with them at Jackson’s Point on
Lake -Simcoe. They spent a very
pleasant month and expect to come
back next year. They took back
with them Mrs. Moir and her two
boys who were home seeing Mrs.
Moir’s father and mother, also Mrs.
John -Moir, of Exeter. Since leav
ing Exeter Mr. Taylor has been -con
nected with the coal and oil businsss.
The 'company with which he is as
sociated have made large gains in
their business especially the fast few
' New Low Price 35c.
Sold at Browning’s Drugstore
Astounding Offer for Limited Time
MEN! Her-
chance to get a HbO^Grade Suit
$P£-styIed just as
MEN! Heregs your <-------- — a_. „
from your own selection of fine quality fabji^
you desire it artBr guaranteed
Tai® red to YouwBasure by
AstoupHng Value Priced as low as —
— ■■ ■
Mrs. Maud Heywood is spending
a few days in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Vipond, of
Donegal, Margaret Vipond, of At
wood, Teasdale Vipond, of Lorns-
town, New Ontario, and Ann Harvey
of Kitchener, visited with Mr. .and
Mrs. W. H. Johnston recently.
Miss Cora Sanders and Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Sungberg and daughter
Marie and Bobbie Burns, of Detroit
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Sanders over the week-end.
The latter are remaining for two
weeks. Donald Burns also returned
from Detroit after a two week’s holi
Miss Evelyn Howard 'is attending
Uamp Minnehaha from July 27th to
Aug. Sth, The camp is for teen age
girls, held at the United Church
Summer -School Grounds, north of
Goderich, Miss Howard is leader of
Nature Lore. A Junior Camp for
girls 9 to 11 will be held at the same
place from Aug. 5th to 8th,
Week-end visitors at the home of
Mr. and, Mrs. C. V. Pickard were
Fit. Lieut, and Mrs Riddell, of Cwmp
Borden and daughter Martha; also-
M.rs. M. F. Gladman and Mr A. W.
Pickard, of London
Afr. and Mrs. Ralph McIntyre, of
Rockford, Ill., Miss Violet 'Tucker,
o-f Elgin, Ill., Mrs, Jas. Thompson
and Miss Gladys Thompson, of Sea
forth, spent Tuesday, with' Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Makins,
The engagement is announced of
Sarah Margaret, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. R. N. Douglas, of Blake, to
Mr, Donald -Claude Turner, son of
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Turner, Glan-
worth, the wedding to take place
quietly in August.
Many Ontario centres have en
quired of the Canadian National Ex
hibition as to the possibility of ar
ranging -community parties to attend
the Rudy Vallee show. Many such
en bloc reservations have been made.