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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-07-30, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JULY 30 th, 1030 HENSALL FOR SALE—That jtick building on Main st., Heng^ formerly oc cupied by the! crfnadian Bank of Commerce. Jg$eed at a sacrifice.— 0. V. FickardFExeter. For Kelvinators; Rogers, Philco and Northern Electric Radios; also Battery Radios and Easy Washing Machines, Expert radio repair ser vice apply to Harold Higgins, Hen- sall. Easy terms, Miss Verda Watson is holidaying at her home in Londesboro. Mr. G. M. Case has treated him self to a new Terraplane car. Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Jinks spent ws, .-w Sunday with friends in London. -Mi**. Ed, Penhale of the Lake Rd. was in town Monday on business. AlTSs Ruth Coles, of (Listowel, vis ited last week with friends in- town. Rev. AV, A, Young is lecturing at the Minister’s Camp at Kintail this ■week. Miss Donna McEwen is holidaying at the home of her grandparents at Paisley. Mr. Roy Soldan visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen- Soldan, of Hamilton. Miss Elva McQueen, who has been holidaying in Detroit, returned home last week. Miss Elaine Peck, of Clinton, is visiting with her friend Miss Mary Goodwin. Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Exeter, preach at the evening service at the Angli can church. Miss Evelyn -Corbett visited a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Roy McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover, visited this week with relatives here. Mr. Charles Chapman, of Palmer ston-, visited over the week-end with relatives here. Mr. John Darling, of Alberta is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Parlmer. Mr. Arnold Bell, of Toronto, visit ed over the week-end with his mother Mrs. Bertha Bell. Mr. David Smith and daughter, of Detroit, are visiting with Mi*, and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. Mrs. John Corbett and son Ross are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of .Stratford. Miss Martha Hunter, of Exeter, visited- during the week with rela tives and friends here. , t'. Mr. and M-rs. Geo. Hudson, Mrs. '** Logan and Mrs. T. W. Parlmer spent Tuesday in London. Miss Irene Douglas who has been ‘in Toronto for t-he past few weeks returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss -Gladys Passmore is holiday ing this week with her friend Miss Verda Watson at Londesboro. Mrs. W. A. Young and children are holidaying at Gallie’s Beach this week with G. M. and Mrs. Young. Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Gram, of Lans ing, Mich., spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Gram. Miss Joy Taitt, of London, who has been visiting with her cousin Miss Shirley Twitchell returned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former’s .parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Parlmer. Baptismal services were dispensed in Carmel Presbyterian chur-ch on Sunday evening by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young. , Miss Marie Miller who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jinks returned to her home in Wind sor on Sunday. Mrs. D. MciMartin, Irene, Emalie and Elaine H-oskins who have been visiting in Detroit and Galt returned •home Saturday. Mrs. A. Scruton and Miss Mildred returned Sunday -from a very pleas ant visit with -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton at Port Dover. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. AV. R. Davidson are pleased to see them both improving so rapidly af ter their recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook at their cottage at Wasago Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sheppard' of London, accompanied by Mrs. Sheppard’s parents visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron, who has been visiting during the past week with her mother Mrs. Youngblut, of ‘v^Sitchener, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore re turned Sunday from a very pleasant trip to Pike’s Bay and called to see the Dionne quintuplets at Callander. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fi-sher, and young son, of Windsor, spent the week-end at the home of the form er's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Fish er. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Bob and Jack are holidaying up north this week and will call to see the famous Dionne quintuplets at Cal lander. Miss Mae Simpson, of Detroit, ac companied by her mother Mrs. Lou, Simpson and Mrs. R. Bonthron, are enjoying a motor trip to Barrie and other points. Mr. and Mrs. G. AL Drysdale and Ja<-k, Lois and Marion- MacLarOh, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess attend ed a .picnic in Sarnia on Saturday. Services in- Carmel Church will be held in the morning only during August. Rev. D. C. Hill newly in- ucted minister of Gaven Presbyter ian will have charge of the service. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs, Vair and little son- Douglas of St. Thomas visited Sunday with Mrs. John John ston and daughters, Miss Margaret1 and Mrs. John Parke. The choir of -Carmel Presbyterian Church motored to Exeter Sunday morning and took charge of the an-. thems and music. Rev. AV. A. Young ' has been preaching services in Exe ter in the morning during July. Rev. Mr. Bremn-er, of Brucefield, had charge of the morning service at t-he United church and Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen, preached in the evening. The service next Sun day morning will be at eleven -o’clock conducted by Mr, Robt, Passmore. I The pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, will have charge of the evening service at seven thirty. THAMES ROAD AVe are sorry to report that Miss Rheta Cottle is nursing a broken I arm. She had the misfortune to1 trip while getting out of the car. Miss Ann Turnbull, R.N., of New York; Mr. Wilfred Turnbull, of To ronto with their mother Mrs. Turn bull, of Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rohde. Mr. Robt. Passmore, of Hensail was in charge of the service here on Sunday, speaking from the text “Re member the Sabbath Day.” Rev. AV. Penrose, of Elimville, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Mission Circle The monthly meeting of the Thames Road Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Dorothy McCurdy on Saturday, July 11th. The meeting opened with all singing hymn 507 followed by the Scripture lesson given by Dorothy McCurdy. Lillie Millei* then lead in sentence prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved fol lowed by the treasurer’s report. Hymn 445 was then sung. After the business was discussed the collection was taken followed by hymn 288. Beth Ballantyne and Evelyn Hunkin gave two heralds. Mildred Hodgert favored with a lovely solo followed by an interesting .reading by Mar garet Allison. The topic was read by Jean Ballantyne on the work of David Livingstone. Jeanette Stone gave an interesting reading follow- by all repeating the Mizpah benedic tion. A dainty lunch was served. CREDITON ♦ Mrs. Ila Adams, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mas. Charles Treitz. Master Jack AVestcott and Miss Helen AVestcott are spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Ratz. Mr. Earl Ratz and Mr. Gordon Ratz spent the week-end in Kitch ener. M-r. and Mrs. Roy Marshall, of De troit, spent the week-end with re latives in the community. 'Mrs. Clyde Lytton and daughter Elaine, of Oklahoma, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Treitz. Misses Marguerite and Eileen Lamport, of Detroit, are spending a week with theiii parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Gray and fam ily, of London Township, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward Faulder and son, of McGillivray spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill. AVilliam Sweitzer, Reeve of Step hen Township, states the tax levy for this year has again been lowered another half mill, making the levy one and one-half mills. It is the lowest in 30 years an-d in addition, ' there has been no money borrowed I from local banks. He also states the people of Stephen Township are 100 per cent, taxpayers and the municipality never lost a dollar in uncollected taxes. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. AV. A. Coleman and Bobbie spent the week-end with friends at Seberingville. Mr. George Holman, of Goderich, Mrs. Maria Owen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher, of Exeter vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. AValker Kers- lake on AVednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley spent the week-end at Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fletcher and family spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Seers. Mr. and Mrs. George Layton, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Veal on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Horne visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole, of Elimville. Miss Eunice Parkinson, of Blan- shard visited a few days last week with Miss Mildred Veal. Rev. M. and Mrs. Elston, of Dun dalk, visited on Sunday with Mr. and - Mrs. George Davis. ELJMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and Patty attended the Bannerman re-, union held at Springbank on- AVed-' nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Rae and Ro bert, of Stratford, were Sunday visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wil liams. Mr. and Mrs Enos Herdman, of Toronto, were visito-rs with relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. AVebber and daughters of AVoodham, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell last Sunday. M-rs. John Johns spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. J. AVillis while the latter’s husband was in a London Hospital for an operation for appendicitis recently. Miss Grace Ba’ock and Mr. Clifton Brock returned home from Sarnia where they have been visiting at t-he home of Mr. and Mrs. Len. O’Reilly. M.r, AVilbur Bosn-ell, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. AVes. Johns last Sunday. Mr. Robert Passmore, of Hensail, will be in charge of the services on this circuit - next Sunday and will preach here at 7 p.m. Last Sunday morning’s service here was under t-he auspices of Mrs. T. Bell’s group of the W. M. S. and was well attended. Mrs. Geo. Layton of Exeter was the speaker and gave a splendid address dealing with her trip through the States and the Can adian- AVest last year. She Spoke principally of peoples and churches visited and to her audience it seemed too short. We are sure all felt that they would like to hear more. Mrs. Chas. Johns and Mrs. Will Elford as sisted with the service. M.r-s. Sid AVilson- who has been visiting for a week with relatives in Romulus, Mich., has returned home. She was accompanied home by her niece and nephew, Mrs. S. Elbert and Mr. Roy AVilson. They also visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ogden of London- on their way back to Elim ville. BRUCEFIELD ’ Death of Miss Munroe The death occurred on Saturday at her home on the Mill road, Tuck ersmith, of Miss Marion Munroe, a highly esteemed resident of Tucker smith, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Munroe, following a stroke of paralysis. Deceased, who was 68 years of age, was born on- the homestead where she spent prac tically all her life. She was a valu ed member of Brucefield church and the AVomen’s Missionary Society. Surviving are two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. J. W. Maxwell, Graf ton, N.D.; Mrs. AV. Nesbitt, on the homestead; AVilliam Munroe, of Minnesota and D. Munroe, of Bruce- fleld. The funeral took place Mon day with interment in Baird’s ceme tery. MT. CARMEL Mr. Hubert Moir, of Detroit, call ed on friends here last week. Mrs. John Barry and family, of Detroit, spent last week with her brother Gerald and Denn-is O’Rourke. Messrs. Edward B-oland and John Barry, of Detroit, visited with their friends over the week-end. Mrs. Ann Mulligan and Joe spent the week-end with Mrs. T. Collins. Mr. Thomas Quinn, of Detroit, vis ited friends over the week-end. Miss Kay Morrissey, of London, spent the week-end at home. Mr. Joseph Regan spent the week end at home. Messrs. Gordon O’Rourke, Cyril Hennessey and Bob McGuire camp ed at Grand Bend over the week-end Miss Marie Regan R.N., of London spent Sunday at home. Messrs. Wilfred Ducharme and Eddie Hogan called on friends in Zurich on Sunday. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. AValter Baynham, of AVinnipeg, Man., have been holiday ing for the past week with the form er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Bayn ham Sr. Mrs. J. C. Smith was in London for a couple of days last week visit ing with her sister Mrs. E. Heather- ley. Miss Bernice Brown visited last week with her grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney. Mr. an-d Mrs. Taylor Barnes and| children, of Hamilton and Miss M. Mitchell, of Mitchell, visited on Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Mir. and Mrs. John Pollard were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Poore, of Sylvan. Mr Ken Hodgins spent the week end at this home at Greenway. Mrs. B. Coughlin, of London, was a. guest with Mrs. C. J. O’Brien for a ©ouple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Steam-on and daughter June and Miss Doris Greb spent Sunday with friends in Port Stanley. Dr. and Mrs. Heighway, of Lon don, Mrs. B. Hicks and -family, Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Essery and family spent a pleasant day with Mr. and Mrs. John Essery last week. The oc casion was Mrs. Essery’s birthday. Mrs. Clara Abbott and Mrs. C. J. O’Brien visited with relatives in Lu can on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner and family visited in London 011 Sunday t-lie occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Skinner’s mother. The Canadian National Exhibition that unfailing barometer of business, -reports that space reservations by manufacturers and others have reached the. 1929 peak in most of the buildings, THE RED and WHITE STORE Coffee, Fresh Ground with Cup and Saucer New Honey, Pure Clover 5 lb. pail 50c, 10 lb. pail 95c AYLMER CATSUP KETA PINK SALMON McCORMICK BUTTER SOD SUGAR CRISP CORN FLA LIBBY’S PORK AND BE GOOD COOKING RICE^ \ ... 25c. 15c. Olives, large bottle Falcon Prepared Musjjlrd 24 oz. jar Orange Marmalade JL , large jar each 25iMi Palmolive Toilet S .................... per..bottle 10c. ...................... large tin 10c. 1 pound package 2 for 25c. 3 pkgs, for 21c. ............ large tin 10c. 3 pounds for 14c. teef.........2 tins for 25c. ................. 4 lbs. for 25c. WTonderfuI Laundry Soap .............8 for 25c. Large Watermelons ....................... each 69c. Hereford^ WE ALSO HAVE S 1 LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ICE COLD DRINKS AND ICE CREAM We Deliver KHIVA Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lippert visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert, Mel bourne on Thursday. Miss Mossey, of St. Marys, has been engaged to teach Khiva School S. S. No. .6 for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dietrich and Mr. Chris. Dietrich visited, relatives in Zurich last Sunday. Miss Margaret Fritzmaurice, of London, is visiting with the Misses Laura and Marie Regier. Miss Thelma Neeb, of London, is spending her vacation with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. in Zu-P-ost days of week. Block, Dash- of week and Office, DENT; At office in/ wood, first t.S at office ovaSE rich, last tfflFee NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC AVe have taken over the Dash wood Flour Mill and will be in the market for all kinds of grain; also we will supply all kinds of feed and floui. Chopping every day. J. C. Reid & Co. 7-9-3tp. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lempke, of AVindsor, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schroeder. Harry Hoffman spent Sunday in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer, newlyweds, are visiting friends here -having returned from a honeymoon trip to the AVest. Mr. and Mrs. G. Chesna, of Bir mingham, Mich., are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred AVillert. Messrs. Maurice and Howard Klumpp and Miss Selma Rader spent the week-end in Detroit. M-r. and Mrs. AVm. Snell, of Lon don, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stire. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and family have returned to their home in AVindsor after spending a week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. SHIPKA Next Sunday being Missionary Sun day special instructions will be given Rev. J. Johnson- will occupy the pulpit in the church next Sunday. Service will be at the usual time. Mrs. George Lawson and son Ger ald, of Exeter, visited last week with relatives here. Mrs. Earl McDougal and family, of London are spending a cou-ple of weeks at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder. Miss Rena Yearley, of Crediton is at present holidaying with relatives here. Mr. Verne Sharpe has been con fined to his home the past week suffering from .blood poisoning in his arm. Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, of Park-hill, an-d Mr. Howard Sheppard, London, visited Saturday with relatives here. Mr. A. AVebb spent Monday in London on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. SFinkbeiner at tended the funeral on- Thursday af ter noon last of the late Dr. Hudson of Parkhill. GREENWAY Next Sunday afternoon the regu lar Sunday School and Church Ser vices will be withdrawn as the pas tor, Rev. J. B. Moore, will be on va cation. However, a union service will be held in- the Anglican Church under the auspices* of the Bible Society when the Secretary, Rev. D. Bright, will be present and give an address. All the members of the community are -cordially invited to be present. Rev. AV. P. ZIemann, of Talbot St. Baptist Church, London, will have charge of the open air services at Grand Bend on August 2nd. Airs. D. Sheppard is nursing her daughter Mrs.’ Holt and babe. Miss Edith Vincent is spending her vacation with Air. and Airs. Hy, Isaac. Air. and Mrs. Truman Tufts and family, of Kirkton visited with AV. J. Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Morley and family, of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hutchinson of Parkhill spent Sunday evening -with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts, Eunice and Erma and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts spent the week-end in Capac, Mich. They attended the Lempke Reunion at Govell’s Park, Mich., on Saturday. Mr. Dean Brown had his finger badly cut on a binder knife last week. ■Mrs. C. V. Laughton, of Detroit, Mrs. E. Lut-her, Crediton and Mrs. J. Binger, of Parkhill, spent Wednes day afternoon with Miss M. Wilson. Messrs. J. McPherson and E. Bul lock were in Exeter on business last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Genner and Lydia, of Sarnia, spent Monday and Tuesday last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Westgate and their son and daughter, cf London, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gratton, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hot- son. Mr and Mrs. Kirkby, of Walton, visited Mrs. J. AV. Pollock on Sun day. Mr. AV. Whiteside visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Hodgson last week. CREDITON EAST Mr. j. Sims, of Jasper, Alberta, is visiting relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims and fam ily and Mr. J. Sims, of Alberta, spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills and two daughters, of Cleveland, spent the past week wit-h Mrs. Mills' parents Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau. Mr. Gordon Parker and Vera Ed wards, of Ingersoll, spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. AVilson Anderson is visiting- in- London. Mrs. Blake Heathe and daughter Rose Mary, of AVindsor are holiday ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. Mrs. AI. Merner and Mrs. AVm. Heatherley, of London, are holiday ing with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. Miss Shirley Motz, of Exeter, is holidaying with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Motz. Mrs. Lottie Colwell, of Cargill, is visiting with her sister and brother- in-law*, Mr. and Mrs. AV. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. AVm Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson, of Hensail, vis ited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. AVm. Motz. Mr. Milton Gower, of near Cen tralia, and Miss Kleinfeldt spent# Sunday with relatives here. KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. L. Grose and daugh ter AVanda Lee, of St. Marys, visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Paul and Mr, and Mrs. D. Hazelwood on Sunday afternoon and evening. Miss E. Shier spent AVednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shier Mrs. Fred Brock, of Exeter, is vis iting with Mrs. Eric Humprheys. Master Howard Roy, and sister Dorothy Roy, of Stratford, are visit ing with their aunt Mrs. G. Doupe. Renew Now! I TORONTO MARKETS CALF PRICES rise 25c TO 50c LOCALLY Cattle Holdover Totals 1,200 Head Cattle .................... 4,960 Calves ........................... 1,030 Hogs ................................ 1,020 Sheep and lambs ............ 1,480 Calf and feed calf divisions led the activity in all sessions of the Toron to live stock market Monday, regis tering 50-cent gains for calf grades and 25 to 5 0 cent gains of fed calves. The cattle market was generally ac tive and strong, while sheep and lambs held steady. Hog prices clos ed steady. The cattle holdover was 1,200 head. With fed calves selling from 2 5 to 50 cents higher, the cattle market showed activity on all grades, with prices generally steady at last weeks advance. -Choice weighty steers sold from $5.50 to $6, with medium and good grades bringing $5 to $5.40. Good butcher steers and heifers went from $5 to $5.25, common grades ranging downward to $3.50. The market for butcher cows held a* general top of $3.25, with a few sel ling at $3.50. Plain-grade but.her cows sold down to $2.-50. Good bulls brought $3.25 to $3.50 with bologna grades going at prices ranging from $2.75 to $3. fed calves sold from $7 to $7.50,. with medium grades downward to $5.50. The stocker market was fairly active at. $3.25 to $3.50 for good quality, mediums bringing $2.75. Calves sold 50 cents higher most of the day, at $7.50 to $8 for choice but closed easier at a general top of $7.50. Grassers went from $3.50 to $4. AVhile no hog prices were estab lished earlier in the day, hc.gs sold 25 cents higher at $9.35 off trucks for bacon, with some as high as $9.50. The lamb market was steady, with good ewes and wethers selling at $9 Bucks and culls brought $8 and $7, respectively. Sheep sold steady at $1.50 to $3 a cwt., according to quality. HOGS—Off-truck basis: Selects, $1 premium; bacons, $9.35 to $9.50 butchers, $1 discount; heavies, $1 discount -per head; lights and feed ers, $1 discount per head; sows, $5.35 to $6.50. CALVES—Good and choice veal, $7 to $8; common to medium, $5 to $6.50; grassers, $3.50 to $4. Sorry AVife: “Dear, were you talking in your sleep last night?” Hubby: “AVas I? Sorry to have in terrupted you.” “What I admire her for most is her exquisite taste in perfumery. “I see, you let yo-urself be led by the nose.” That Was Different A colored man, after being res cued from a deep pond, was asked why he had ventured in when he couldn’t swim. •‘Well to tell the truth,” he said, ‘‘Ah didn’t think it was so deep be cause it -only took that little duck up to its all.” Creamery Limited will be continued Wirtchelsea. - CREAM Exeter Creamery Company, Limited, will take in Crea every Saturday night at their Exeter Creamery. Cream s be delivered before nine o’clock. It will be gradetygMEsied and paid in full at delivered (|ream prices. Farmers have asked for <|his service and Directors have decided to m|fet their wishes. Cream collecting throw (out each w as usual for the CreameriesBt Exeter Exeter Cream