HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-07-16, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1036 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Your Permanent Wave Is a Summer’s Investment sfaction Phone All Bonat preparations are lory tested Nothing is left Guar Be Sure of the Best *> SHOP ED FR M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE ILL BE JULY 20th TO INCLUSIVE Exeter Markets Wheat, standard 74c Oats 34c Barley 47c Manitoba’s Best $2.75 I* Welcome $2.40 Bran $23.00 a ton Shorts $23.00 a ton Mixed chop $24.00 a ton Creamery Butter 27-28e Dairy Butter 19-22c, A large 18c B 16c C 14c $8.50 EggS, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs * vzl 15] SALE OF Mrs. Frank Taylor and daughter Jean visited for a week with her sis­ ter Mrs. Norman Ford in Detroit. Mr. Taylor accompanied by Mrs. Jim Taylor motored over on Saturday and in company with Mrs. Taylor attended a family reunion at land, Ohio. they Hol- sharp tog-efi icnic The Women’s Institut their annual Park, Wednes short business at 3.30 families invited. hold Riverview 27th. A to be held embers and theii’ with fiiends are es clo-ce L 50 lb. vt to phone HONEY FOR S^^-^Cl ver honey, 9c. a$b'. or lots or over. JP-rii ’change. Wesle^,.^ Crediton., 17rl$Kt " ' “'W----------- -F>FOUND-^At r_.mF—At Port'Blake on Tues- Bly, a bunjh of keys on ring. Own- <r may ha^e same by proving pro- anjlSaying expenses. Apply at '^^WWTvocate. •- -F*' g LOST—Ti^d^y.o&Jsideroad one and a quarter miles jf>uth of Exeter in Stephen ^own-shjtoy^wo pitchforks Finder —kindiy^re.t'ifrn th S. Winer,■%>,.../ ltp. FOR SALE—JClibice clover honey at 9c a lbf Fifty^pound or over Sc in customer's con^jners. Ewart R. Pym, Exetek two blocks east of Mc- Goll-Fronten^.^er^ce Statiojj$ 3tp LOST—-Between ExeterJFhd Grand Bend a truck license 67319C. Finder k River’s Meat Marke e Number leave at * horses, a CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—‘Rev. W. A. Young, BA Sc. Evening service withdrawn ^during July. The Summer Dresses on our racks go on sale this week. If you are in need of another hot weather dress come in and see our stock. LOCALS Rector, Rev. hl. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss i with friends in Sixtli Sunday After Trinity 10 11 The Public Library wilt continue to stay open during TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCHis visiting with Cade at Mount to stay open during tW summer months on the reg$lammys, Mondays Wednesday and ffyt^uays afternoon and evening and ^’Friday for after­ noon only. FOR SALE—<20 wo-i ' few matched teams, age$ from ■to ten, all well-broken Bid gn^an- : teed. Apply A. R. Thon^mg^u-ath- %roy. ltc ' ------------------* NOTICE — The Thames Road Farmers’ Club now have twin^pn hand and would like a" ers and any new o' their supply as soon a^posj^Te.- Passmore, Sec’y. ecu-re P. X inch and 9-1'6 inch | 7-8 inch, for hay fori be purchased at Meti^polit Be sure and get our buying. •Treas., The Exeter Farmer’s Club has sale: Binder twine and manilla br sling r 3 grmay M. R. OU( phone 13-2, Exeter, before Sec’y.- SALE OR RENT -^Brick 4 bedrooms, fyfll Jmhroom, . Pickard, FOR -house,new furnace, garden./CL phone 165. W*/ LOST—A red Hereford steer with '"white face, 3 years-old abou^ClOO pounds. Anyone hwing mation please notiw. W„., Centralia, -phone Cr^^ra^ itjvard. ' ’ ----------------- FOR SALE — DesirafJ- lot at Grand Bend, ated on north sille. Ford, 6319 LafeyUt#Blvd., Mich. an^? infor- Elliott, 9-21. Re- lte, fie buildin: pleasantly Jtpply ■to situ- to A. J. Detroit, FOR SALE and encl and 4 bu Tractor bottom, u condition, ville. rebuiltSeveral al oil stoves, 2, 3 Iso 1 John Deere 3-furrow, ery little, pply to W. 12 in. perfect J. Mel- HONEY FOR SALE We wish to inf that we can supp Choice Clover Holey at ing prices: in ers 1 to 50 lb. over 8c a lb. amber honey at fhe 1 lb to 50 lb. 8. 7c a lb. change without & Sons, 2 blf Zurich, Ont. r m our c tomers in with e follow- stomdf’s contain- 50 lb or o have some llowing prices: 50 lb. or over Thes^pjifces are subject to otice. J. Haberer _ s south of Hotel, Telephone 1 I, Zurich. FOR SALE Two storey brick hojfse in good the c ner of Main e Village of ty of’John Dilling. __ulaFs apply W. Morley, Solititof; Exeter, Miss Vera Mooney, of London, spent the week-end with her mother. Mr. Harry Cole left Sunday for Muskoka to spend his vacation. Miss Marjorie Lawson, of Dundas spent the week-end 2----1“ town. Mrs. T. McCurdy Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brydges. Miss Jessie Hodgert is visiting for a time with her brother Charles at Charlston Lake. The Misses Iva and Ila Willis have spent several days with the Misses Elliot at Grand Bend. Mrs. Leo. Hennessey and family are visiting with the former’s moth­ er Mrs. St. Thomas, at Lindsay. Miss Phyllis Bierling, of the train­ ing staff of Kitchener-Waterloo Hos­ pital spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. R. Dowie, of end with Beavers. Mrs. Richard Spu-rr Elsina Winne, of Brockport, N. Y., were guests last week of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. Mrs. D. D. Crittenden, of St. Thomas and Mrs. John Penhale, of California, visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Penhale over the week-end. Messrs. Arthur Nash, Jr., Will Seabrooks, of Sarnia, guests with the former’s aunt J^^V. Powell, on Sunday. ! Miss Jetta Mark, a teacher in the Exeter H. S. will have the sympathy of many friends in the death of her father, the late W. H. Mark, of Parkhill. Mrs. McCreath and son Ronald, of Kincardine, spent the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs. I. Armstrong, Ronald remained for a visit. Mr. Wm. Frayne a consignment of Colwill for a tvip try. He expected sailing for Cardiff. Mrs. J. T. Miners, of Kingsville, is visiting with friends in town-. Mrs. Miners visited Oshawa, Bowmanville Toronto and Hamilton before com­ ing here. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Sweet are holidaying with their daughter Mrs. D. McInnis, of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. McInnis motored down for them 0‘n- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve in Forest. Margarelt Delve has been sick for several weeks but is slowly improving. Mr, and Mrs. N. M. Graham and two sons Jack and Ronald, of Wind­ sor, are visiting with Mrs. Graham’s mother, Mrs. D. Rowcliffe. Accom­ panied by Mrs. Rowcliffe they will spend two weeks at Grand Bend. Mr. W- J. Birney, of Toronto, vis­ ited over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Birney. Mr. Bir­ ney ‘ha^ just returned from a busi­ ness trip to Winnipeg where Mrs. Birney and ing. Mr. and delphinium is a pale blue and the spike is inches long, also a pin,k hollyhock 9 ft 3% inches and the flowering part is 39 inches. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Miss Ila Westcott,' -of Toronto and Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, mo­ tored up last week and visited Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates. Westcott and Miss Fisher are among relatives, rinks of Exeter bowlers twilight tournament at St. Friday evening. A i a.m.—-Sunday School , a.m.—.Morning Prayei’ & Sermon No evening service during the summer months, THE EMMANUEL TEMPLE L. Beavers and Miss W. Sarnia, spent Mr. and Mrs. BRANCH the week- B. W. F. and Miss and were Mrs, left Tuesday with cattle for W. T. to the Old Coun- to leave Montreal son Gordon are Mrs. Johnston 7 ft. 2% inches holiday- have tall. repair, situate on and Hill Streets Exeter, the prop For further par to J is farm N Stratford. Top Notch ChicBjbriceg ag a drop. Here thEy for the fs tup on his meats of Barred shires, breeds, heavy Located in the Opera House, Exeter Sunday Services, July 19th p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class p.m.'—Devotional Services 2 3 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Message Friends cause you services. you are all welcome be- can’t afford to miss these Pastor, J. T. Edgar A Good Permanent Is So Important Important if you’re staying at home—doubly important if you ^ar. EffPEN F are going away for the THIS OFFlA WILL R ON MJLY 23^ —...— --■JK< SUJ Uussell rane 245 HOME FOR SALE Modern JSrick Ho| Hardfood FloW Gooq Loca^on $21ofoQ^erms C. Vl^CKARD 'MH BATHING SUITS In the new colors and styles. A suit for every taste. $1.95 BATHING CAPES A large size towel with drav^strin^1 that can be used as a cape. $1.95 to $2.50 EACH VOILES We are showing a large range of voiles for hot weather wear at per yard 29c, 39c., and 49c. ANKLETS For the hot weather wear anklets in a shade to match your costume. 15c. AND 25c. New Embassy Dinnerware Absolutely Free With every purchase of 25c. or more we give Free Coupons which allow you to procure this beautiful Dinnerware Free. Start saving now. WASHABLE SUMMER TIES In a range of new patterns which are very smart EACH 50c. HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN AND BOYS Hatchway No-Button Underwear, cool and comfortable BOYS’ 75c.; MEN’S $1.00 STRAW HATS FOR HOT WEATHER In several very smart shapes, in white and sand and grey. $1.00 TO $1.95 GROCERY AROMA COFFEE 1 lb. pkg .... 39c Cup and Saucer Free LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS Large tin . .10c. McCORMICK’S SODAS 2 1-lb. pkgs.. 25c. MEN’S SOCKEES s no garters and are very cooj^ and ^practical. f PER PAIR 50c. PECIAL For theJHot Weather HARRYjpORN’S PUjjg Orange, LemgtjO^me, bottle About 13 glasses to a bottle 3 CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp . for . 21c NEW HONEY Quart Sealer. 35c 5 lb. pails . . . 50c 10 lb. pails . . 95c FLOUR AND SUGAR Are advancing in price. Get Your supply now PREPARED MUSTARD < Jar . . . 19c CHERRIES—We will have another shipment of cherries this week. We would appreciate your order. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 Master Dawson Goulding is visit­ ing with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. David Goulding, of Kigkton. Miss Gertrude Newman, of Osliawa is the guest of Miss Florenle Down Mr. Arnold Olmstead, of Castleton, was a guest over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, attended the Hern family ■picnic and visited with the former’s mother Wednesday of last week. Miss Ella Jones, of Stratford, is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones. M-r. and Mrs. F. ■Rice, of Brantford, also spent several days with the latter’s parents. Astounding Offer for Limited Time FREE PANTS! INTERESTING TRIP ■Phone 157j offers a cut your ly of nthracite Better Hurry U and buy ypur annual. D. & H. Cdne-Cleane before prfbes go u splendid oppo ! yearly^oal^ Phone JAS. P. BOWEY 157j. Sun Li WITH EVERY SUIT MEN! Here’s yfur chance to get a High-Grade from your own selection of fine quality fabrics—styled ^^^s you desire it and guaranteed Tailor/d to Your Meas a It 36 with Miss holi- took rink two two. won day ing Two in the Marys skipped by M. W. Teller won games and lost their third by A rjnk skipped by W. H. Moise tied one and lost one game. Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Sanders left Wednesday for Montreal where they will sail with the Canadian Veterans on-the pilgrimage to Vimy Ridge where the Canadian Memorial will be unveiled on August 1st. Mr. Gol- lings, of Usborne, is also leaving on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jewell, of Hereford, Eng., Who- are visiting with the former's brother, Mr. Jas. Jewell, spent several days with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Beer in their rolling home at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. •gains catch er depart- gh-orns 5%c.; New Hamp- Wy-andottes pullets ll|ic.; heavy eghorn dockerels 2jc., BJd. Started ehidks, I prices, one week Be; two weeks, 6c.; three 9c. Bhotie or write, Tep Chick HatcheiPy, phone 1893, W. E Bfadt, and family, of London, spent Sunday with them. Rep. and and last Soo. WITH Al MELVILLE IN] Rooms with Bo/rd Good M| “A Home Away From Home” The intense heat of the past week has surpassed anything the present generation, has experienced. On sev­ eral days thermometers have hit the hundred mark in the shade. At night citizens have sought relief by sleep­ ing out on verandahs and in the open. Relief came with a cool wave Tuesday afternoon. The attendance at church on Sun­ day was bit by the hot weather. Most of the men attended in their shirt sleeves. The union services was held in Main St. Church in ths morning and in James St. church at Night. In the evening Mr. Chas. Hoffman, of Crediton, sang a very acceptable solo. Miss Berdine McFalls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alexander McFalls, of Biddulph is to be congratulated on receiving her first class certificate in elementary pianoforte playing at the recent examinations held at. Ex­ eter centre by the London College of Music, England, Sordine was pre­ pared by Miss Forence Mitchell, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson two .children Keith and Onalee Miss Doris Harvey returned week from a motor trip to the Mr. and Mrs. Batson motored up the American highway through Michi­ gan and spent several days visiting with friends at the Canadian Soo. While there they enjoyed a seventy mile drive to Batchewana. oonsiderd drives on a visit to Park and ed at Thessalon on their way to Basswood Lake and Slate Falls where they camped for a few days. At the Soo and Thessalon Mr. Bat­ son renewed acquaintances after an absence of twelve years. Returning to Toronto by North Bay they paid a visit to the quintuplets and on the Monday they were there it was the opening day of the playgrounds. A sandpile with large umbrellas was built in the centre for the quints and many visitors from all parts of Can­ ada and the States were there and enjoyed the antics of the little sis­ ters. Mr. Batson’s sister Mary ac­ companied them from the ,Soo to. To­ ronto where a few days were spent before returning home. This is to be one -of the prettiest the continent and includes Chippewa Falls, Hiawatha Crystal Falls. They visit­ way and Slate Xi ' Ne Sold a in. £S77f£rtST Pride 35c, wiring's Drugstore ■ EVONSE XTRA PAI stoimdin TROUSERS FREE ue Priced as low as — W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Miss Florence Mitchell, of -Cent­ ralia, was a highly successful candi­ date at the recent examination- for pianoforte playing 'held at Exeter centre by the London College of Music, England. Florence secured a first class certificate in higher senior and was prepared by Mrs. Gambrill, of London. These inatione include the theory of which is compiilsory. The hot weather has greatly in­ creased the cosumption of water TV the watering of lawns and gardens. The supply at/ the river is getting low and a warning appears else­ where for users to go slow. exam­ music of De­Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Beavers, troit, spent the week-end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. B. W. F. Beav­ ers. Lloyd is an electrical foreman in the Chrysler plant. Besides do­ ing his W-ork he is taking up a night course in the University of Michigan for the degree of Electrical Engine­ er. The results of last year’s work show that he was the only one at­ tending either the day or night classes at this University who ob­ tained 100 per cent, in physics, His standing in all subjects was over ninety per cent, James St. W. M. S. The July meeting of the W.M.S. was held in James Street church on Thursday afternoon last. The de­ votional period was taken by M-rs. Mantle and Mrs. Miners read the Scripture lession and led in prayer. Following the regular business it was decided to have a 25c supper the second week in September with more particulars later. A splendid report of the temperance part taken at the Branch Conference at Sarnia, was given by Mrs, Page. Mrs. Page stresses Mrs, Farquharson’e appeal to get the Temperance Posters. A solo by Mrs. T. Coates was much en­ joyed. Mrs. Moise very capably gave a chapter from the‘study book.