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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-06-25, Page 8
THURSDAY, JUNE 2)5th, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE No Longer... Need you dread the tedious unc fortable ..rdeal which has cessary in rmanent wav New BonatJfMethod saves fa simplified reduced b arily req You a with tht S H N M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE isfacti rinding opera ; one half the red for per assured Bonat reii ent waves, ec* results ; process. Guaranteed e 231w Exeter Markets Wheat 68e. Oats 2Sc. Barley 42c. Manitoba's Rest $2.70 Welcome $2.20 Low Grade $25.00 a ton Bran $21.00 a ton Shorts $21.00 a ton Standard Screening Chop $19,00 Mixed Chop $22.00 Creamery Butter 26-27c. Dairy Butter 19-2 2c. Eggs, A large 16c. Eggs B, 14c. Eggs, C 13c. Hogs $8.50, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Young, B. ScA. » Interim Moderator Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.- We have a large assortment to choose from in Crepes, Voiles, Piques and Linens Priced from $1.25 to $7.95 BOWLING NOTES Messrs. R. H. Sayers and M. Tel- fer attended the Scotch Doubles howling tournament at Seaforth on ‘Wednesday of last week and were successful in tieing for third and fourth places. At the weekly jitney Friday even ing eight rinks of three bowlers each participated. The rink skipped by R. G. Seldon with Jas. Grieve and B. Rivers won first prize with three wTins and a plus of 13. The rink skipped by Dr. McTaggart with G. Lamport and Wm. Rivers was second w.th two wins plus 13. Bowlers are asked to note that the draw Fri day evening next will be made at 7.15. II "■ 1 i LOCALS i 1 I a a PURE PORK DELICIOUS Tomato Sausage B.A. unto Sun- ■Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev, S. M-oore Gordon B.D., Subject: “Looking Jesus” p.m.—Rev. Mr. Gordon Subject; “Keeping Faith” This is Mr. Gordon’s Farewell day. Friday, July 3rd at 7.30 p.m. Special Service by the Presbytery of Hur on inducting Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D., as Minister to which the public is cordially invited. Re ception by the congregation to Mr. Hill and family after induction. Sunday, July 3rd, 11 a.m. only—Dr. Margaret Strang-Savage. ‘ SUB-STANDARD HOSE We have received a new shipment of full-fashioned sub-standard hose in Summer shades at 59c. PER PAIR LACE TABLECLOTHS Just arrived, new lace tablecloths priced at Size 60 by 80, $2.95; Size 70 by 90, $3.50 Size 70 by 90, $4.95. Exeter’s Mosfe Popular Sausage $8^ IDEAL^EAT MARKET Phone 38 NEW STYLES AND COLOURS IN BATHING SUITS Bathing Suits in the New Styles and Colours, Orange and Flame, Sun Red and Talisman Blue at $1.95 •n BLEACHED HEMSTITCHED SHEET'S 0 A good quality sheet in two widths, Size, 72 by 90 at $1.00; Size 81 by 90, at $1.15. SUCCESSFUL GARDEN PARTY The Garden Party under the aus pices of Caven Young People’s Guild which was held on the 1’awn of Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury on Thursday ev ening last was a very enjoyable af fair. A splendid program with Rev. Mr. Gordon as chairman was fur nished by Lieut. Huckaby, Miss H. Finkbeiuer, Rev. W. A. Young, Mrs. Young, Miss Irene Hoggarth, Frank Battersby, Miss Elaine Stanbury. Marguerite Hogarth, Joyce Simmons Shirley Mason and Miss Marion Powell. Ex- _?5y, June F'the home Free Dinnerware With every cash purchase you make from us, we give Free Counans which al low you to procure this beautiful Embassy Dinnerware absolutely .;Jpree. Coupons with every 25c. purchase or more. - - - ------------------ - — GREEN WINDOW BLINDS INLAiplllNOLEUMS This is a washable bliiyL looks like We are ^Owing five of the Season’s linen and is real value J best sellers^|pring in the size of your room EACH 49cJ and let ufflp note you Prices. of Toronto, is in and around and Miss Ola this week at the McDonald reunion ‘The annual McDonald Reunion was held at Springbank on Wednes- hay afternoon last with over fifty members present. The afternoon was spent in sports everyone heartily entering into the various races. Mrs. Wm. Jeffery was elected president for 1937 and Miss L. McDonald as Secretary-Treasurer. THE DICKENS REUNION On Wednesday, June 17th, Dickens reunion picnic was held at the home of Mrs. Phin. Hunter when over 50 relatives were present. Ow ing to the rain the races had, to be cancelled but a jolly evening was spent in games, contests and an im promptu program. During the even ing a mystery box was presented to Mrs. Phin. Hunter it being her birth day. The evening was in charge of Mrs. F. Coates, who was -president, The president next year is Mr. Wm. Dickens. the at of O’Brien, o£ Spokane, is at present visitin; relatives, the and Mrs, John “A Hom^JRfay From Home” •SHuston North- James •y eac o 6 MUNICIPAL TAXES DU Mr. W. G. Pearce, will be in^fhe basej eter Libr and 2 tt receivin taxes. ( will to 9 x Collector, ht of the Ex- y from 9 to 12 for the purpose of a Instalment of esday, June 30th, he re in the evening from 7 TLinoleum LARGE SIZES I Permanent Waves Let the Sh^ton give you 4 Coiffures of lovely softness made possible with a Permanent Wave. -Sunday Rev. G. School E. Morrow, o£ Me- a.m.- a.m.- a.m.- a.m.- FRESH SODAS McCormick’s TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . . . 40c10 10 11 7 p.m.—Evensong ancTSermon 10 11 ___ Killop 7 p.m.—Rev. Mr. Thursday:—Prayer Service. Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss a.m.—Sunday School -U-Go-I-Go Class , ■Morning Prayerz& Sermon -- ------ -------~--------- •'’"WFright kind of/Permanent for/ybur particular type of hair. 10 11 7 p.m.- The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup per will be administered bbth morning and evening. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—“A Beautiful Vocation” A Successful Service” wide. This is a splendid pattern pecial price, per yard $2.75. Wide Eng One only piece English Linoleum, 4 yj and will give excell^ht wear. This a a Morrow SMONEY. Phone 16 again, j I^Value Priced as low as Modern—-In Good/Repair Phone 157j. Ftime to or der your cOal supjji^' for the year, before th P. BOWEY Sun LifevcRep. HOUSES FOR SA1Jf ..... ir!...,..., , , „ajjjjgAm1 Four Medium Sized/O»Uses 1 OF TROUSERS FREEWITH AN EMTRA P IHigh-Grade Suit ffrics—styled just as you desire it and guaranteed LINOLEUM RUGgjfFGET OUR PRICES. WE CAN SAVE YOU CERW For Jams a$jl Jelly Per bottle ? CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp 3 pkgs, for . . 21c PUFFED WHEAT Special 3 pkgs, far BLOCK S® Plain or Iodized Each . COLGATES HAND SOAP Coleo 3 cakes for .. 10c RUBBER RINGS Per doz.............. 5c ZINC RINGS Per doz...........23c ■< ;<■ SALMON ' Cascade 2 large cans .. 25c 3 small cans .25c Extra Special RED PATH SUGAR 100 lb. bag . $4.89 2 lb. for ... . 25c Southcott Bros Phone' 16 Miss Edna Wyley, spending three weeks Exeter. Miss Hazel Elliot Reid are spending Grand Bend. Mr. Earl Shapton continues ill his home on the third concession Stephen and is confined to his bed. Rev. Borden and Mrs. Cunning ham and Betty, of Glencoe, visited the former's parents the forepart of •the -week. Mrs. Edna Preston returned Fri day to Cleveland after visiting for two weeks with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Sanders. The James Street Sunday School picnic has been set for Wednesday, July Sth to be held at Turnbull’s Grove near Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. T.homas Duncan, of Winnipeg, motored down and are visiting with the former’s brother Mr. John Duncan, of Usborne. Mr. Hugh Creech, M.A., of the Banting Institute, Toronto, spent the -forepart of the week with his parents Mr. and 4Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mr. Kenneth Greb has returned home from a trip to Kirkland Lake and other points. He also- visited the Dionne Quintuplets at Calland er. Mr. John Washington, his Exeter family, Mir. cott and with Mr. and Mrs. Gould, Stratford. At the communion service Main Street United Church, Sunday morning there were eight accessions to the membership, two by profes sion of faith and six by letter. Mrs. William Blake, of Ashfield, an aunt of Mrs. W. H. Johnston, and her cousin Mrs. Glen and her daugh ter Alice of the Nile visited in the home of W. H. Johnston recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders and son Aljoe accompanied by Mrs. K. Hedden who ,has visited with them for a time visited with the latter’s daughter" Mr. and Mrs. Carman Doupe in Lucan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. iSam’l Elliott and two daughters Nina and Wanda, of Milford, Mich., returned to their home Wednesday after spending a few days with the former’s father Mr. Thos Elliott and taking in the races. The Huron Presbytery of the United Church was held at Duff’s Church, Walton, on Tuesday. Rev. Chas. Cummings, of Walton, was elected chairman and Rev. H. M. Wright, of tSt. Helens was elected as Secretary. The Exeter Racing Club wish to thank the citizens of Exeter who so kindly loaned stalls for the .horses during the races; also to the merch ants who closed their places of busi ness for the day and to all who as sisted in making the day a success. Mrs. E. A. Follick returned home Tuesday from Toronto where she was called owing to the illness and death of her brother the late Ed ward French. Mrs. Follick‘was ac companied home by her daughter Mrs. Edna Hearts and Miss B. Shep- perd, who are spending a few days here. Mr. Howard Dignan, B.A., vice principal of the Thorold High School and who was recently appointed principal of the school at Niagara- on-the-Lake spent a few days at his home here last week leaving Tues day for Guelph wherfe he will take a summer course in Agriculture. Mrs. John O’Brien, Kirkton, who was attending the funeral of her sister in Pt. Elgin on Thursday vis- with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson her return trip, remaining until Fri day. Mrs. O'Brien, whose maiden name was Shipley out of a family of eleven, only two remain, one sister, in Kincardine and Mrs. O’Brien.fl Mt. Drew Knight, of Los Angeles, Calif,, who with Mrs. Knight has been visiting with his uncle, Mr.«J. J. Knight, -of London, spent Satur day last with Mr. E. M. Dignan of town and again called on many old friends. During the past four weeks Mr. Knight has visited with relativ es at Goderich, Owen Sound, King ston, Ottawa, Brantford and St. Thomas. It is seventeen years ago since Mr, Kfiight left Exeter and he noted numerous changes. Ho left for his home on Monday. at the Mrs. Susan Johnston, who recent ly suffered a paralytic stroke at the itbme of h'Or sister, Mrs. Wm. Baker, hows little sign of improvement. Miss Gladys Penhale-, of London, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Asa Penhale over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ray (nee Ruth Lamport) and daughter Nor- een, of Chatham, are visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. E. M. Dignan. Mrs. E. Rowcliffe had the mis fortune to fall down the cellar steps ■Saturday evening. Although shak en up fortunately she was not hurt seriously. Rev. H. Royle occupied the pulpit of James St. United church on Sun day, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Page tak ing anniversary services for Mr. Royle at Bethesda. Mr. W. J. Statham, of London, was in town for the races. Mrs. iStatham has been visiting at the home of Mr. J. R. Hind owing to the illness of Mrs. Hind. Mr. R. E. Keddy, of Toronto, spent the week-end visiting his bro ther Chas, at the home of his uncle Mr. W. O. Keddy and also' took in the Down reunion at Springbank on Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and fam ily of Thorndale, and Mrs. Annie Westcott, of Seaforth, were visitors on -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook. Mr. Eli Christie returned on Wed nesday after spending the past sev en months on Government Road Construction work at White River and Jackfish, New Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lahey, of Detroit, and Mrs. C. Secord, of Oak land, visited with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. L. Sanders and with Mr. and Mrs. J. Preszcator during the holi day. Mrs. Henry Ricker and son Arthur of Hay, with her daughter Mts. G. Pybus and her two daughters Helen and Norma, of Webb, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mts. W- H. Johston last week. Mrs. Pybus was down with the body of her husband who was buried in the Exeter cemetery. They are returning to their home this week accompanied by Mr. Ar thur Ricker, her brother, who will remain with them for the summer. 4^1 Astounding Offer for Limited* FREE PANTS !BY ORDER NOTICE club meeting wijj^be held in Metropolitan 27th at 8.30 aie requeste Exeter M. R. A _ the Jote.yFSaturday, June 11 club members rbe present. United Farmers’ Club Cudmore, Sec'y.-Treas. TAKE NOTICE that---------- ---------- g- er be responsible fo^any daij^in curred by my wife Ii$ne DATED this 24th d 6-25-2tc.------------y; will no 1. Brockline 1936. rfield F'OR SALE—19 a<ef>y Mrs. T. Willis, Ce^trJ^Ia,. 27r5, Crediton. | ed Anthracite have bee erably reduced. They j^Fnot re main at th finitely. MEN! Here’s your chance to get from your own selection of fine quality^ WITH EVERY SU Tailored to Youi easure by SHIRE” Apply Phone -25-2tp , cab- oley’s , Ex- FOR SALE—iStr-ong^fe^lth bag© plants, seed potato and hearty lettuce. eter. £'Z * ff Hay Township,______ . ___? black streaks and ^ib^&rns comin, [ two years old.L received by B. Mak" ' ■ ^w£'F0R SALE—A limft^n^iiWh-er o.E springer cows. > eter. phone 176-22 FOR SAI STRAYED—Froxrt'Lot 7, Con. 7,T’An-r,ah4nj redTlleif^/with few smation gladly is", R. 1, Exeter. WmiF FByne?yEx- i ItC enclosed coAl burner. A 1 rebuilt and stoves 2, 3 and 4 to W. J. Melville, FOR SALE OR jRENTs 'Brick house, 4 bedroom fuWiiTOathroom, new furnace, gardfn^t!^ V. Pickard, phone 165. WANTED-j&Eor ^(gigneral with with P.O. MAID _housework in Londrf^h^ffe, all conveniences. MjfeWoe good children. Good wages. Apply to Box 232, Exeter. LOST—"Between Woodham Exeter, a bunch of keys. 1 please leave at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE- hand pump lozjgt Apply to John agfi i and Finder ■Swlng hammock J at Tfmes-Advocate, nuij^er of second ed condition. Apply ator, e new, 1 only used elec^ic^^i'frj very cheap, looks a —W. J. Deer. We still have a supplyjpFTomato Cab base and Caul if low plant's as well as a ) f 'flowering plants.-—L, Da.y/& J Bi^y now he Phone 165. Priced V. PICKARD erms ‘ices advance. V GOBLIN (YLEAMfEilliS—See us be fore you bu$FRent a Goblin to do your cleaning only 50c. for half day. —W. J. BEER. Wednesday o£ next week will be Dominion Day and a public holiday. Sunday, June 21st, was the long est day of the year and the first day .of summer. The Entrance examinations are now in progress. Miss M. E. Brown is presiding. The Oke family picnic will be held at Riverview Park, Wednesday, afternoon, July 15th, Mrs. Thos. Dinney home of Mr. and Mrs, of Clinton, last week, Mr, and Mrs. W. D. troit, are visiting the Mrs. C. H. Perkins. Mrs. J. Petzold, of Green Cove Springs, Florida, visited over the week-end with Miss M. Broderick. Mr. Asa penhale has returned to his home from St. Joheph’s Hospital following his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden were in Palmerston on Wednesday attending ‘....................................“ Wm. visited at the Wm. McEwen Follick, of De former’s sister the funeral of the late Mr, Lawless. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis i ed over the week-end with Davis’ sister, Mrs. Hooper and Hooper at Tara. visit- * v Browning’s Drugstore aww OtST/tfRlST W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER,ONT. Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith and son Harry and Miss Sadie Holman, of Toronto, were here over the week end. Mrs. Grififith. and Harry are re maining for some time at the home of Mr. James Handford. The Presbytery of South Huron will hold a special service at Caven Presbyterian Ch.uy.Cli on Friday ev ening, July 3rd at 7.30 o’clock to induct Rev. Douglas C. Hill B. A., B.D., late of Roslin out as minister of the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.^Dearing re turned Saturday evening after three .....City, They saw many Industries weeks’ visit in Detroit, Bay Saginaw and Birmingham, report a good time and building improvemehts. seem to be picking up. Visitors with Mr. and______ ___ _ Mrs. Rowcliffe on Sunday following E. _______ _ _ „ the Bell Reunion on Saturday were: Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Broderick, Figeoh, Mich.; Mr. and Ml’S. Alf. Newman, Sebewaing, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. E. Wideman and Mr. Geo. Hatherill, of Pontiac, Mich.; Mis§ Morma Hather- ill, of Durand. Mich.; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Veal and family, Mr, and Mrs, P. March, Helen and Marion and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Pym and family. Mr. Clifford Griffith after a week’s visit at the home of his grandf;4JL* Mr. James Handford, returned' Toronto, Friday accompanied by s aunt Mrs. W. V. Foster, who W&* Sei’en0^ins.to the accident which befell her father, Mr. Hand ford, some week’s ago. Mr. John Greb has returned home after .spending a week attending the annual International camp meeting of the Church of God at Anderson, Indiannajaia^was very laraelv nt., tended] Colorai a.m. J 3,000 and last Sunday 18,000 were present at the services, iSome of the leading ministers of the Church of God were the speakers, among taem being Revs. R. c. Cairdill, of Middleton, Ohio; E. E. Byitum, of Anderson, Indiana; H, M. Riggle, of the same (places. A fine spiritual atmosphere prevaded all meetings and many conversions took place W,“VG others were baptized with the Holy Spirit, a similar camp meeting is being held in Lon don this week, JkgWas very largely at- Ip^oming as far west as |Bw attendance at the 6- . meeting was about