HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-06-04, Page 8BIRTHSExeter Markets JOHNS—In Usborne, on men time-saving Advantage RReru Bonat Ale »y discriminating Continuous re scientifically co teriipeia, uve is uniformity to failingly perf ■Satisfaction Phone d is re ui:-. Guaranteed 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Wheat 65 e Oats 3Ue Manitoba's Best §2.GO Welcome Flour $2.40 Rs ->> Grade $25.00 a ton Bran $21.00 a ton Shutts $21.00 a ten Standaid Screening Chop §19.00 Mixed Chop §22.00 . .uinii.y Butler 25-20u Dairy Butter 19-2 2c. Eggs. A large 17c E-.^s B IM Eggs, C 13c Hogs SS.Ue THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE KESTLE*~-In Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Tuesday. June 2nd and Airs. C. AV. Kestle, (William Gerry). to Mr. a son, Tuesday, June 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. noth Johns, a son. Ken- i DEILB RIDGE—-In Usborne oil day, J line 2nd to Mr. and Horace Delbridge. a son I Henry). i Tues- . Mis. (Bruce ---- , ' ,' A .............................. John Trevetliick Sr., of Brins­ ley and his two daughters, Air. and Air.-'. M. Treat and little daughter Jane and Dr. and Airs. Otto E. Kiel- inq. all of Grand Rapids. Alieh., vail­ ed on Air. Monday, and Airs. Crediton. and Airs. AL Amy, ..n They also called, n Air. AVill Alawhimit-y mar TENDERS WAN’ ■Sealed tohder^w;l til Juui<,f13. 19 Uni’: t- d?, ’ t* h u r ch.; S’ .or tvftv by ly 1V,6 • ■ W. Mas. Squire, Chaii ,1 be leq^lyed , for .p^fatlng iiecessa to he c un- the Lo west .ly lu- uplett-d LOCALS i D. ’s Alost Popular ba 2 lb MARRIAGES st. man AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ABEETING A meeting uf the members ... i Exeter Agricultural Society w.il held jm tlu Town Hall. Exe.vr, Saturday. J .me 20th, 193 G. at 8 p for purp”se of considtiing the granting . i a lease of the louth-w.esi two acres ;f the grounds lur.^pl-r- iod ef nimny-nme years Vil­ lage ii ExCit-r on whiclms^fr'erect a comi.ru ily building to part­ ly for lair purposes^pil t\r trans- actius v'hor^^raisiness as may pnqxtly be 1,1 ui^Fbofori-! the meet- LG/TED day c,f June 1936 LAyini0i H. Coates,, Preside:.; r'xvkUKl’d G. Selden, Sefrittary the ijf on it NOTH IE Mui.srs and o’nd ami Buy hotum' ild ^paired, r ^'■tilted, s Guiiera- 'ilso all :t:ieal appli- HiOtUi’S fur fork TON, Guaranteed Exeter 64-3tc. 1 se out an ts- ... Alisa Cialg, • ,'tucco ,1.ni;'h. ■■ m flours, coin­ n -. ■ ?dw . . • '.dipjGjfe, hydro EtfWfetros of land. ■odLgralss land, be- C. t. apply to or David , Toronto. I 6-4-2it.; er engage- t, since he is us- alve. At all drug 'LE—Barn12'3; by binder; a ^ei;1 3. Apply-"'^)t d'dgar 1s feet; 4 a/iiid 6 zFanson, d brilV.l RE PORK ICIOUS Some Today IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 d j to Air. James Shapton is confined his bod ikrough illness. Air.'. John Rowe is co: in r hu’.ue through illness. T. day AVednesday is tin. begmnMg j of th- weekly half holidays for the summer. I AL’. Alaik Alituhull has ietuvne'.l Exeter after spending the winter in London. I Air. Alulvin Halls, of .Vtlund. Sask., is visiting at tke hum Airs. K. J. Sims. Air. and Airs. Harry Burwell, spent the w Air. and Airs. Wm. Ct. ok. Air. Chireme Boyle, of London, visited over the week-eml with his mother. Airs. F. Al. Style, Aim Cha-. C:x. n- Hamilton, visit­ ed over the w’u»‘k~und with his par­ ents Air. and Mrs. N. Hannigan. Airs. Wm. Harrison and son Wil­ bur and wife, of Detroit-,- visited with Alls. Egan. Alls. (Dr.) Sweet and Aliss Het tie Sweet. Air. Andrew Terry, uf Atwood and Air. Frank Terry, of Tur-nti., visit­ ed with tluir ’inch Air. Richaid Terry on Saturday. Rev. II. C. Feast, of Seaforth, will preach in Caveu Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. Thu evening ser­ vice will be withdrawn. Air. and Airs. W. J. Terry and daughter and Air. R. T. Brawn, of AVa;-ne, Mich., visited their cousin Mr. II. Terry on Sunday. J. O. Hardie, who has been at the home of Air. R. Terry past m nth luturned to his I o: Al Mr. . lying i the me nt at, v T j; iliO, ary A F. tec in a Bates of Pt. ■ k-ellil with /oreiicld Saturday. W. K. Turn, of Toledo, with his sisters ,d Mrs. Sweet for ing the past week. *s. D. Hall and Miss sev- ’TED TO RENT- r farm, in or near |i or Dash-wood of July and ASsu ■^children, > Hkte at oiij [also loci ps-Advoc ssv IElderly j j ating rent to Box 280, B—Seve’FZ and r"oii^§tdvbs.,<r;it"3 and 4 y to AV. MFAtolville. S KIN NEK—SN E LL - -1 n James Church on Wedne-day, June 3rd, Miss Mabel Ann Snell, daughter of Mrs. Snell and the late J. C. Snell, to Mr. Harold Bailoy Skin- son ■ f Mrs, Skinner and the Samuel Skinner, all of Exe- by Rev. A. Page. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT The members of the Young Ladies Bible Class and Mission Circle of Janies Street United Church met at the h unt?'of Miss Mabel Snell on Monday evening to sliewer her with gifts and good wishes in honor of her coming marriage. A fitting address was read by .Mary Van Camp with Giaee Strange making the presenta­ tion. The gifts mostly for kitchen use were each daintily wrapped in white and pink paper and enclosed in a large box, attractively wrapped in the same colors. After the bride- to-be had opened each gift and gra­ ciously expressed her appreciation, the evening was spent in games after which a dainty lunch was served; MRS. HUNT ADDRESSES AUXILIARY DEATHS BROWN—In Usborne Township, on Monday, June 1st, 19;;u, David ■- Brown, aged 7 5 years and 1G days CARD OF THANKS The family of the later Mrs. E. An­ derson wish L ’ thunks and friends and Hess during the lengthy illness their mother shown ment. lho expyo'ss their since, e appreciation t.j the many (neighbors for tlie r kind- o£ and the sympathy to the family in tlicir bcreavu- I I Army, and syiu ;■ recent ally lilt*A- . Wm. Kellar, CARD OF lighter, hank th? •r the kind- tended during veniG&lt and cs- f?rs »pf Salvation IN MEMORIAL! In loving memory of MRS. PETER McNAUGIITON wh pass' d away one year ago June (>, 1’135 Sadly mi-Scd bv Fat :u’.’. Mother Sistui and Br. tilers LOCAL NEWS Al rs. friends Miss F. Sharpe in London her the former’s sister Mrs. Greenestreet, of Detroit visited over the week-end th Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kestle. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fruckioton, of Pt. visited with Mr. and Airs. N. Alary them on a gin, Hannigan over the week-end. 1-Iannlgan returned with visit. Messrs. Ted Schwartz Bank and Misses Utah tlie JerN HOUSE for Sale or modern conveniences.J»am- Main St., Exeter Jf Jw? SOAAy^RS JITNEY—a jitney will heVtm, /bn the greens Friday inning WWnencing at - HEIFER XoS ferd, red wfW>i knowing of the.A-j beast please notf 177-11. p.m. ’old Here- Ariyone outs of this Dew, phone w, Dr. Bennett, ,, ... en Dream,,,Glads, of lilghtU nicid^to clear_.aV oOc. per dozen Buy Crimson < Giant Ny^nph, G ror.. . „ la Exeter ’ up-to-diif$. refisonaMA Terms to suit. --------- J' , Pickard. VILLAGE OF EXETER tenders, properly marked, Will Ire received by the undersigned iitutil 12 o’clock noon, Strttai’dn; |?or« the cooti’uction of a c<^ »d Pump-ltouse. Plans be seen TJ tilltiCKjj the Cqjfl mMmM ences s are one 165 June 13th, 1936. . Odie J^tlie HFgpeei- o office JJGTExeter, or Ring Engine- 1W Ranleigh Jipans and specif!- eF’on ftpf>Lea.tion for ,,.,^00. I or any tender not noc- feted, fctmc UTILITIES II Exeter, Ontario and Mrs. N. Ogden were in week Miss from and few Mr. of the London laymen in this and Harry Clark and Karen Butelsex, of London, visited with Air. and Airs. H. C. Clark over the week-end. * Miss Dorothy Alanning, of Clinton Public School staff has re­ signed diet position and it has been filled by the appointment of Miss Hazel Watkins. Mr. London, Wednesday of last and attended the graduation of Zeta Nadiger, who graduated Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie Jean, of Toronto, visited for a days with the former’s parents and Mrs. C. AV. Christie. Jean is re­ maining on a visit. The London Conference United church is meeting in this week. Ministers and from the United churches district are in attendance. Mr. and Airs. Preston Dearing and son Gerald, Mr. and Airs. Wes. Wit­ mer spent the week-end in Sarnia and port Huron. Little Leo Witmer visited in Lucan with his grand­ mother. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling and son Donald and Mrs. E. Coultis, of Detoit, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Selling’s parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis. Mis. Coultis is remaining for a time. Mr. troit, took hhek, Visit, in Bay -City. Mr. and Los Angeles, tored here and are calling on Irfenda. They are also visiting with the former’s uncle, Mr. J. J. Knight, of London. Salakin Sunday Win. I)e and Mrs. Leo. motored over Mr, and Mrs, •with them for a few They De­ an d wing weeks’ also are going to visit Mrs. Drew Knight, of , California, U.S.A., mo- old Mrs. Al. A. Hunt was tile speaker at the June meeting of the James Street Evening Auxiliary on Mon­ day evening. The nu eting was held at the home of Mrs. J. Paisley with Miss Mary McKaig's group in charge. Mrs. Hunt chose as her subject “Wo­ men—Ih-r Power and Iniluence” which was dealt with in a manner wrj appealing and acceptable' to the gi ’.Is. Miss AIcKaig presided over Un- program. Devotional leailvt was read by Mrs. W. J. Allison; mission­ ary for prayer by Al ss Doris Salter; reading by Miss Kuby Finkbeiner; quartette by Mrs. Lindeiifield, Miss­ es Lulu Lindenfield. Gladys, Stone and Kuby Finkbeiner; temperance hp’i-r read by Mis. W. Hern. FoILw- h’g the close of tile meeting lllllch wu< sciv-. d by the group in charge and a s.cial time enjoyed. THE LATE MRS. BOWERMAN the John whose Jane The following lines are dednuted to the sacred memory cf the beloved wi;e < t Dr. D. A. Bowerman, whose maiden name was Laura Tom, third daughter of the late Charles Tom and his wife maidi n name was Margaret Giveuway. She was 'born at Wel- c-.n.e in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight and came to Exeter with the family in eighteen handled and seventy. Hur girlhood days were spent in Exeter. In dred and ninety she imuriago to Dr. 1). Shortly after their moved to the city ( Wis„ U.S.A. visited with for the week-end. Amelia Acheson is visiting with her bi oilier, Charles and Airs. Acheson of Owen Sound. Rev. and Airs. R. R. Conner and daughter Elaine, of Embro, visited with Air. and Airs. Jas. P. B ,>wey on Alonday. Air. and Airs. David AVilsuii, Air. and Mrs. Alorley AVilson, of Dresden spent. Sunday with Air. and Airs. J. W. I’owell. Air. and Airs. Norman Ford and daughter, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with Airs. Box and with Air. and Airs. Fiank Taylor. Air. and Airs. Gordon Perkins and daughter Joan visited over the week­ end with the former's parents Air. and Airs. J. N. Perkins. Air. Charles Keddy, ol’ Alelfort, Sask., is spending the summer with his uncle and aunts, Air. AV. C. and the Alisses Keddy, of Usborne. Airs. Jas. Etherington, Mrs. Albert Etherington and Aliss Marjorie, of Usborne, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. AValper in London Tues­ day. Miss Hazel Smith has . had netv awnings installed on the windows of her Beauty Shoppe wTiich will add further to the comfort of her clien­ tele. Mr. been Terry Hardy will remain for A-ndrew Terry has also Mr. Frank Triebner, of Stephen, has a mare that gave birth to twin colts, AVednesday of last week and both are doing well. The«colts were sired by Ginger Boy owned by Chas. Godbolt. Mr. AVm. Haddock, of Centralia, suffered injury to his right hand on Tuesday morning when a window ’he was putting up fell on it. He was brought to the office of Dr. Fletcher and it required several stitches to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellerington, Aliss Quinton and Mr. and Airs. AVm. Ellerington were in ' London AVed­ nesday of last week attending the graduation exercises of Miss Mar­ garet Ellerington of the Victoria Hospital school of nurses. j Hardy, of Aloorefield, who has Mr. Richard home. Mrs. a time. Air. been here. 1 eighteen hiin- ■ was united in A. liowei man, marriage they of Menomonie, Here they lived in peace and pr. speritv for marly forty six yeais, highly respected and sin­ cerely loved by a hu-t of friends. (Early in May of ihis ; ear, slm devel- j oped slight symptoms oi hi art weak- j ness which proved to ue more ser­ ious than anyone suspected. With surprising suddenness blie passed peacefully away on Friday evening May the twenty-second. Strange, indeed, that the two sisters Ada and Laura, sh< uld have (tied in almost (he same way and within six days of eat li other, hut our loss is their gain. A few things may w 11 lie -written concerning the translated sisters. They weie by nature and birth true Home Makers and Home Lovers. The Toms, of Badstow, Cornwall, Enf4 land, have resided on the same tate for nearly nine centuries. Fei some thirty generations the man who has lived in the “Badstow Home’’ has been called Gregory Tom. One of the same name still lives in the old home. It is said that no family among the commoners of England can show the same record for home staying. On their family Crest or Coat-of-Arms, we road “While we Breath, We Hope.” The members of this old historic family have al- i ways loved their homes. The last oire of the family here, to pass into ’ the Great Beyond was no exception i to the rule, respeseting home. She loyal to the land of her adop- true to the church of her choice devoted to the home of her mak- For nearly forty years she was taking care of has returned 200,000 Votes for a renewal sub­ scription for one year to the Times- Advocate in t'he Exeter Community Campaign. Renew now and votejitir a friend. Substantial bonus J$>tes for subscriptions in arrears, -w*’ 1 New Low// in. conn 0£5rff£/t£ST Pvice 35c. Sold/nt Browdiin)*, Druggist’ CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Young, B. ScA. Interim Moderator Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist EVERY PRESBYTERIAN GO CHURCH SUNDAY 4 10 11 10 11 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister AV. R. Colliding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader i a.in.—Sunday School . a.in.—Rev. H. C. Feast, of forth. Evening Serve e withdrawn June 14th—Communion Service- Rev. S. M. Gordon B.D.. in charge ........................................- , -------------- ------------------ MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E- Elliott, Alinister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader ' a.in.—Sunday School a.in.—The Alinister p,m,—Rev. Denny Bright, repre­ sentative of the British and For­ eign Bible Society. Alonday—Y. P. S. Th u rsd a y—praye r Service, l<t 11 a. m.—S u n d a y • S ch o c 1 a.m.—Kev. Denny Blight, repre­ sentative of the British and For­ eign Bible Society. 7 p.m.—The Minister. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Union. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M.. A. .Hunt. Organist, Alis.s MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleuiiss a.in.—Sunday School a.m.—U-Go-l-Go Class a.in.—Morning Prayer & Sermon & 10 10 11 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon C. V. PICKARD staying at the Bend for a few ' tion and ing. J actively engaged in the various en­ terprises of the First Congregational Church, which is located a few yards from her home. Her sorrowing hus­ band, her daughter Airs. Dutton and her grandson Donald D. Dutton, mourn the sad loss of a devoted wife a loving m-other and a humble Chris­ tian. iShe has said: “Good night, I will meet you again in. the morning.” Mrs. Bedford, Of London, Messrs. Gordon and George Bedford, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with the ' former’s daughter, Mrs. V. Arm­ strong. Mrs. T. Oke, who lias been con­ fined to her bed following a stroke Sunday, May 21st, continues about the same. Her sister, Mrs. Bowman, who came here from Windsor, was taken ill Saturday last and is also confined to bed. Mr, and Mrs. G/jo. Etherlngton were called to London Saturday ow­ ing to the serious illness of the form­ er’s sister, Mrs. Emma Walper, who died in St. Joseph’s Hospital Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Etherington attended the funeral on Tuesday. Following the Skinner-Snell wed­ ding ceremony at James st. United Church Wednesday afternoon the Exeter band, of which the groom is a popular member and the first to break the bachelor ranks, lined up at the Church and played a selection and then, headed a procession thro’ the Main St. The auto 'containing the bridal party was towed by a light truck decorated with signs and ati old stove. Aut Pho Exeter Creamery Company, Limited, will in Cream every Saturday night at their Exeter Cream§a$d Cream should be delivered before nine o’clock. It wi $ne graded, tested and paid in full at delivered Cream pi fl Farmers have asked mr this seO’ce and the Creamery^! Directors have decided tamest the wishes. [13 Cream collecting th^ugh^B’each week will be continued as usual for the Cream®es j^Exeter and Winchelsea. Exeter Creamery Co., Limited Mrs. Laverty’s brother Air. F. Pryor and wife and son Gordon Pry­ or, wife and two sons Ronald and Gordon, of Sarnia, visited with Air. and Airs. Laverty recently. They are days. Miss Mrs. Jeart Mr. Broughton, of Meaford, Broughton, of Chatsworth, Kirkpatrick and Miss Erno Collingwood, of Markdale, spent the week-end -with the latter’s father Mr. Ernest Collingwood at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stanlake. James St. Sunday S. commenced last Sunday to hold thei” sessions in the morning instead of the after­ noon for the summer months. Main St. will commence their service in the morning"next Sunday. A Chrysler 8 sedan wit'h a London license was destroyed by fire, be­ tween Lucan and Elginfield over the week-end. The occupants of the ear were unharmed but the whole body was destroyed. The cause of the fire was not determined. Phone 157^}. Celery. . Windo: Farmers.. Tail6red-To-Measure reduced to 50 EXETER, ONT.PHONE 81Renew Now! Fred Evans, of the Barker Tailoring Co., will be here on that day. U0ENHOUSB Andrew Street, Exeter Insurance^^^ han one Rar per chance? rance carry full protec- vanesa Alutual at Now is the time. Exeter Canny People All over town^are filling their bins with D. & Anthracite. Th saving in theitf yearly fuel get that the resent low,; permit. « Why not ptit in yo at the lowest pricer . Cone-Cleaned realize the BOWEY Sun Life Rep. — COME IN — order now of the year? All Kinds of PLANTS FOR SALE Geraniuims, all kinds; Fusia, Be­ gonia, Salvia, Giant and all kinds of Petunia; Snap Dragon, Ci’ego Asters Stocks, Verbena, Vinca, Colored Dew German Tvy, Adgeratum, Drecena, Thurmbry, Golden Gleam and Glour- is Globe, Double Nasturiums; Silver Leaf Phlox, Foliage, Bonny Bflfet, Early Jewell, Earlinca* John Bear# Beef Steak and Pepsi' Tomatoes; Cauliflowers, C s, Boxes and Uffi'^ing Bas­ kets fillc® to order June 4th This is one of the those rare bargains that comes once in a blue moon. With . ‘ woollen prices rocketing, iL' means to you a mojrt^^iav- \ ing offer that^i|>*not Ikely to come ngj^iPin years. Re- memb^^du get dollars off regt^ftf' prices, custom mak- ?ing, and a gUjarantee of per- :^Ffect fit,