HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-06-04, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE THURSDAY, JUNE 4<R 4030
Mrs. Margaret Vair is visiting
friends at Havelock this week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Foster were
visiting in Exeter on Saturday,
Mr. Harold Higgins is spending a
couple of weeks at the Beach-O'-
Reeve Geiger is in Goderich tins
week attending the June session of
the County Council.
Mr. Kenneth Manns left last week
for Musk ika where he has secured*
a good position,
Mr. Wilburn Callahan, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Corbet.
Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, of
Detroit spent the week-end visiting
relatives in town.
Rev. Arthur Sinclair conducted
anniversary services in Centralia on
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Allen. Soldan, of Hamilton is
visiting in town the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Berry, of To
ronto, were recent visitors here with
Mrs. Thomas Berry.
Mrs. D. B. McLean spent a few
days last week visiting with her sis
ter in St. Thomas,
Ross Corbert, little son. of Mr.
and Mrs. John Corbert, is seriously
ill with pneumonia.
Harold Bailey, of Shelborune, is
visiting here this week with his sis
ter Mrs. Ken. Traviss.
Mrs. L. Simpson and Miss Mae
Simpson, of Detroit, spent the week
end here with relatives.
Mr. Milton Ortwein and son Lloyd
■of London, spent Sunday here with
Mr. and Mre. J. W. Ortwein.
Wednesday afternoon commences
the half holidays in. Hensall for the
months of June, July and August.
Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson, of Sea
forth visited over the week-end with
Mr. and Mi's. Nelson Blatchford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton, of
Oshawa, spent Sunday here visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Paterson.
Miss Glacier, of London, is spend
ing a week or two visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Green.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harburn, of
Staffa, spent Sunday with Mrs. Har-
burn’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron
to; spent the week-end here with .her
■parents Mr. and Mrs. David Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris, of Ail-
sa Crag spent the week-end here
wth Mrs. Harris’ parents Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Fee.
Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Graham, Lon
don, were recent visitors here with
Mrs. Graham’s sisters Mrs. Ballan-
tyne and Miss Katie Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hannon, of
Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. John Mil
ler of Exeter, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. I-I. 0. Dayman.
M,r. and Mrs. Herbert Britton and
little daughter of Dublin, spent Sun
day here visiting with Mrs. Work
man and Miss Mabel Workman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and
Miss Dorothy Wallace, of Buffalo,
spent Sunday in town, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fee.
Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of Port Rowan,
who was visiting here for several
days last week with her mother, Mrs.
Ed. Sheffer, returned home on Mon
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty spent, a
few days last week in Toronto visit
ing relatives. Mr. Petty was a dele
gate from Hensall to the Conserva
tive 'Convention.
Miss Mabel Fee nurse-in-training
at the St. Thomas hospital who .has
been home for several weeks thro’
illness has returned to St. Thomas
to resume her duties at the hospital.
Mr. Joseph Hudson who has been
in Westminster Hospital, London
for several months had one of his
legs amputated below the knee last
week and is now doing as well as
can be expected.
At the United church Rev. Arthur
Sinclair had charge of the morning
service and in the evening Rev. Mr.
Stewart, of Centralia, occupied the
pulpit. A Young People’s choir led
in the singing at both services. In
the morning a solo was given by
Mr. Claude Blowes and Mr. Lome
Elder .rendered a solo in the even
The Young People’s choir of the
United church will lead in the sing
ing at the Blyth United church on
.Sunday while the Blyth choir will
attend the services here. Rev Mr.
Sinclair will also exchange pulpits
with the Blyth minister.
Junior Institute
The Junior Institute will hold
their meetings on Monday evenings
during the summer months. The
next meeting will be on Monday ev
ening, June 8th and will be visitors’
night. Each member to answer the
.roll call with the name of their
Anniversary Services
Anniversary services were held in
the Carmel Presbyterian church on
Sunday last with large congregations
attending both services. Rev. 0. C.
Stewart of the Chalmers Presbyter
ian church, Toronto, preached very
Inspiring sermons. Special music
was rendered by the choir. At the
•morning service a ladies' quartette
was given by Misses Dorothy Daters,
Irone Hoggarth, Mabel Workman
and Mrs. Frank Harburn and special
parts in the anthem was taken by
Mrs. W. 0. McLaren, Mrs. James
Paterson and Frank Battersby, In
the evening Mrs. Young took the
solo parts in the anthem and Mrs;
James Bonthron rendered a very
beautiful solo “The Stranger of Gal-
Young People’s Social
The Young People of the United
church held their regular meeting
on Monday evening. The meeting
was intended to be a lawn social
but owing to weather conditions had
to be held in the basement of the
church. Mr. Lome Elder, president
of the society presided. The pro
gram was opened by several selec
tions from the Hensall Citizens
Band, A solo was given by Dr.
•Smillie and Miss Ellis gave two very
excellent readings, after which a
violin duet was rendered by Misses
Greta Lammie and Margaret Bell.
The Band gave several selections be
tween each number. At the close
of the program lunch was served.
Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the vil
lage council was held on Monday
evening at S p.m. in the council
chambers with all members present,
The minutes of the previous meet
ings were read.
Brock and Hamilton: That min
utes as read be adopted. Carried.
The property committee reported
re the fire hall as needed cleaning.
Brock reported re tne notice from
the health inspector.
Correspondence read as follows:
Treasurers Dept, re Licenses, Motion
No. 2, Shell Oil Co., filed; Relief
Board, filed; Canadian National
Railways, filed; Dept, of Agricul
ture, filed; County Treasurer, filed;
Dept, of Municipal Affairs, filed;
■Salvation Army filed; Dominion
Tar and Chemical Co., filed.
Hamilton and Sangster: That we
pay licenses for Town Hall and Park
for 19 3 6. Carried.
Shaddick and Brock: That A.
Hamilton interview Manns & Far
quhar in regards to pool room lic
ense of 1933 also 1935. Carried
Bills and accounts read: D, Sang
ster, labor, streets $1.00; K. Manns,
labor streets $2.00; W. Otterbein,
labor, streets $8.80; W. Dabus, lab
or, streets $2.00; C. Wolff, labor,
streets $24; W. Hildebrandt, labor,
streets $21,40; Ira Geiger, team lab
or, streets $8.00; W. R. Davidson,
coal, hall $22.80; School Board,
current expenses $700; Imperial Oil
Ltd., road oil $523.92; Hensal Hydro
•hydro $4.77; Huron Expositor, print
ing $4.10; total $1,322.79.
Brock and Hamilton1* That ac
counts as read be paid. Carried.
H. Dalrymple and H. Berry of
Brucefield appealed re service of the
fire department.
Sangster and Shaddick: That we
sell the old fire department equip
ment for the sum of $(15. Carried.
Brock and Hamilton: That we
adjourn. Carried.
Jas. A>. Paterson, Clerk
Part of the Centre Road south of
Cromarty is at present being gra
velled. The work is being don® by
Schmelling of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie and family,
•of Acton, were visitors at the home
of Mrs. McIntosh in the village over
the 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, of
.Sunshine, were visitors at the home
■of Mrs. S. A. Miller on Sunday last.
Mr. Tiller occupied the pulpit last
Sunday evening in the interests of
the Bible Society. Mr. Cummings of
iStaffa, United sang “Out of the
Ivory Palaces.’’
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Speare, of
Toronto, visited at the home of their
brother Mr. Joseph Speare on the
Mrs. Haughton had the misfor
tune to fall while going down cellar
and severely strained the ligaments
of one of her legs.
Mrs. David Bruce has gone to
Windsor to spend some time with
her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Merner
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel south of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and
daughter of Woodham, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Pfaff Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and daugh
ter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Clarke, of Mt. Carmel.
Mr. and Mrs Alex Hamilton and
son Barry, of Grand Bend, spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley,
Mrs. Stanley Kelly and Mrs. Frank
Scheiding, all of London, spent Sun
day with their parents Mr. and Mrs.
I-I, Motz,
Miss Jean Baynliam returned Sun-'
day after being ill at her home here
the past week.
Mr. Melvin Halls, of Artland, Sask
is visiting relatives here and in Ex
Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson.
Mr. Fred Waghorn returned home
'Sunday from Victoria Hospital, Lon-
■don, where lie has been since. March
as the result of a crushed foot.
Mrs. Allen Brown and Mrs. D.
Drummond, of Ailsa Craig and Mrs.
MacLoan, of Toronto, spent Tues
day with Mrs. H. Hoffman, and Mr.
and Mrs, C, Hoffman.
The Sr. E.I.C.E. of the Evangelical
■Church held their regular meeting
on Friday evening. The Department
oi Woishii) with Ella Morlock as
convenor sponsored a most interest-!
ing and, instinctive program. Louis
Faist acted as chairman. The topic.
“The Story of the Criminal” was
given by Martin Morlock with cor-
kspending scripture lead by Harold
Fahner. A vocal duet was render
ed by Alma Smith and Eldon Smith.
Mr. Delton Finkbeiner gave an in
teresting address on “Palestine of
Today.’’ A violin solo by Arthur
Gaiser closed this part of the meet
ing after which a short business
meeting was conducted by the pies*-
dent Alvin Finkbeiner. Miss Ger
trude Amy who has been the efficent
recording secretary has accepted a
position at Zurich. The young people
regret to lose her services. Mr, Mar
tin Morlock was appointed to take
her place. The meeting was closed
by the Mizpah benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Baxter, Miss
Marguerite Lamport and Mr. Frank
Kirt, of Detroit, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam.
Mrs. Marion Kellinger and Mr.
Harold Kellinger, of Detroit, spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Fahner over the week-end.
The annual Sunday School picnic
of the Evangelical Sunday School
will be held at Grand Bend on June
10th. The 'Starrs Class with Mr, C.
Mawhinney as chairman will be in
•charge of the sports.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilber and son
Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett,
pf Detroit, spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. A. King.
The 39th Anniversary of the Evan
gelical Church will be observed on
■Sunday, June 7th. Rev. Wm. Kotes-
kie, of Mack Avenue Evangelical
Church, Detroit, will be the special
Mr. Wm. Fisher and Mrs. Mary
Donnely, of Toronto, spent Sunday
last with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Web
er, of Dashwood.
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Misener attend
ed the Ontario Medical Association
Convention in London last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser, Mrs.
Wm. Ratz, Mrs. Ed. Westcott, Mr.
John Gaiser, Mr. Verde Haberer, Mrs
Lloyd Gaiser and son Orland attend
ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Adam
'Gaiser at Detroit on Monday.
Union services oil Sunday evening
at the Evangelical church.
Mrs. Myrel MacPherson has re
turned home after spending a few,
days in Detroit and Munroe, Mich.,
with her sisters and brothers, Miss
Millie Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Matz, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Webb and her father
Mr. David Webb.
Mrs. John Sims and Mrs. Myrel
MacPherson were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Huxtable Thursday
of last week.
Mrs. Myrel MacPherson- and Mrs.
John Sims were in Thedford on Fri
day evening on business.
Dea tan of Mrs. Adam Gaiser
The news reached Crediton of the
•death of Mrs. Adam Gaiser, a form
er resident of this community, who
died in Detroit in her 71st year.
Mrs. Gaiser was formerly Louisa
Sweitzer, was born- near Crediton,
daughter of the late Henry and
Fredricka (Sweitzer, pioneers of
Stephen township. She spent her
early life here and in 1889 married
Adam Gaiser. They moved to Buf
falo, N.Y., and after a number of
years moved to Detroit. Mrs. Gais
er was taken to Highland Park Hos
pital, Detroit, a few weeks ago
where she underwent an operation.
■She passed peacefully away on Fri
day, May 29th. 'Surviving are her
bereaved husband, one sister Mrs.
Chris. Trick, Crediton; two brothers
Harry Sweitzer, of Kitchener and
Dan Sweitzer, of Vancouver; two
sons Gordon and Earl, of Detroit
and a grandson. Funeral services
were held from her late residence
22302 West Seven Mile Road on
Monday afternoon with interment
also in that city.
Mrs. Martha Allister of St. Marys,
is visiting with friends in the neigh
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lumbard, of
Pt. Huron, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Holt over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Dewey, of St.
Marys, visited with Mrs, Dewey’s
mother Mrs. N. Ravelle.
Mr. antf Mrs. E. Thompson, of Mt.
Carmel, were Sunday visitors with
Mrs. Sarah Eagleson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig spent the
week-end at Niagara Falls.
Mr. Warren Patterson, of Sarnia,
visited his parents Sunday.
The Misses Jennison, of Parkhill,
were the guests of Miss Marjorie
Jennison recently.
Over the week-end Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Purcell, mother and father;
Mrs. Ross Desjardine and her bro
ther Harry and his wife, of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelligan,
of Detroit, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Desjardine.
Mrs. Floyd Pollock is very ill in a
London Hospital at present.
Miss Verda Page, of Ravenswood,
visited her mother Mrs. Fred Page
on Saturday.
Mrs. Melvin Dodds, of Buffalo,
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geromette,
The Hurondale W. I. held its reg
ular meeting at the home of Mrs.
Luther Oke. The chair was occu
pied by the president Mis. Rundle.
It was decided to hold the annual
picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday,
June 27th. Miss K. Strang gave a
splendid report on the District An
nual. The cooperative program has
been adopted tor this year and Mrs.
R. Kestle has been chosen as local
leader. A social evening for mem
bers and their families is to be held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Kern.ck on July 16th.
Miss Anna Kernick favored with
a piano solo and Miss Helen Morgan
with a leading “My Brother Bill.”
The topic for the day on “Saving*'
was taken by Mrs. Kestle; a piano
solo by given by Miss Grace Betkier
The June meeting is to be held at
the home of Mrs. Geo. Dunn on
June 17th. One week earlier than
usual. At the close of her topic Mrs.
Kestle was presented with an ad
dress and a silver bread tray and
silver salt and peppers. The address
was read by Mrs. Beckler and Mrs.
Kestle -made a suitable reply, follow
ing is the address,—
Mrs. Rufus Kestle,
Dear Mrs, Kestle:
We, the members of Hurondale
W. I, felt that we could not let you
vacate your office as president of
our institute without, in some tang
ible way, expressing to you our sin
cere appreciation of your efforts to
further the interests of our organi
zation and to make it stand true to
its motto, ‘’For Home and Country.”
We would, therefore, ask you to
accept this gifts as a token of our
friendship and esteem, hoping it
may always remind you of pleasant
associations, and that you will have
many more years of happy fellow
ship with us.
-Signed on behalf of Hurondale
W. I., Alma Rundle, V. Beckler.
Dr. W. D. Bryfce, L.D.&f^.D.S.
At office in .,®artlg^F‘Block, Dash
wood, first thfe^mtys of week and
at office -over the Post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week.
Mrs. Schmoock and daughter, of
Detroit, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan and other
Mr. and Mrs. E. Randal, of De
troit, were week-end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. L. Bender.
MY. and Mrs. Roy Davis and family
■of Lockport; Mr. and J. Davis, of
Exeter and Mr. Wm. Lindenfield, of
Park-hill were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen.
Harry Hoffman and sister Mrs.
M. Tieman accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Goukling, of Exeter at
tended a musicale in St. Thomas on
■Friday evening.
Miss Amelia Willert left last week
for Detroit where she will remain for
some time.
Miss Ruth Tieman is spending this
week in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Berensen and daugh
ter Leona and Miss Ella Zimmer, of
Detroit are visiting with Mr. Wm.
Zimmer and family.
Mr. Gordon G-oerz, Miss R. Donehey
and son John, all of Chicago, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mrs. I. Schaefer, of Parkhill, is
visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen is visiting
relatives in Parkhill this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kenzie and son
Harold, of Fergus, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Web
Miss Dorothy Dietrich, of London,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and
family spent Sunday with relatives
near Pafkhill.
Mrs. Wm. Ratz spent the week
end in Detroit.
The Misses Abigail Flynn and
Marjorie Daley, of Brinsley, spent
Sunday with Miss Grace Willert.
Miss Dorothy Becker, of London,
spent the week-end at her home
Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit,
visited over the week-end at her
home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Coots, Mr. and Mrs.
Tyre, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs.
J. Carruthers, of -Sarnia, visited over
the week-end with Mrs. J. Carruthers
Sr. and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Warner, of
Detroit, spent from Wednesday until
Saturday with her mother Mrs. J. B.
Mr. G. Carter and Mr. Ivor Bice, of
Clandoboye, called on Mr. Mansell
Hodgins on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wellwood Gill and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Ryan and Mr,
and Mrs. Russell Ryan and family
of London spent Sunday at Mr. M.
Hod gins.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Birney spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh
The. Misses Jennison, of Parkhill,
‘spent the week-end with Mrs. T.
i ■iiniiiiiiiiiHiiiini
Redpath Granulated Sugar
SUGAR KR1SP CORNFLAKES .................
LIBBY’S PORK AND BEANS .......................
PITTED DATES ...................................................
............. 10 pounds for 50c,
........... 3 packages for 21c,
............................. per tin 5c.
large jars, each 25c.
........................ per tin 10c.
3 pounds for 25c.
Vanilla, largq bottle ....
Sweet Mixed Pickles...
Sweet White Corn ........
No. 4 Peas -------
................ each 15c,
large jar ea^^^5
.....tins 25c.
..... 3 tins 25c.
Pure Castile Soap....
P. & G. Soap ............
Snowflake Ammonia
2 lbs. for 25c.
.... 10 for 25c.
... 8 bars 25c.
... per pkg. 5c.
Phone 102
Fletcher; Mr.
John Willis and family
and Mrs. R. Davey; *Mr.
Orma Pollock, of Ripley
and Mrs. Lome Hicks; Mr.
J. Madge and family with
Visitors in the community on Sun
day were: Mr. and Mrs. George
Thompson, of Sebringville with Mrs.
Parsons and Mirs. Kershaw; Miss
Jean Thompson with Miss Marie
Fletcher; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skel
ton, of Clinton with Mrs. Thomas
Willis; Mr. and Mrs. W. Moody with
their daughter Mrs.
and Mrs.
with Mr.
and Mrs.
with Mr.
and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford; Mr. and
Mrs. L. Abbott, of Lucan with Mrs.
Clara Abbott; Mr, and Mrs. R.
Schroeder, of Clandeboye, with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mitchell, of
Detroit, Mr. Cole and Mr. W. K. Mit
chell, of London, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gross, of
Boston, Mass., called on Mrs. Clara
Abbott and Mr. Chas. Fairhall one
day last week.
Mr. Win. Colwill left on Monday
of this week for the West where he
will remain for
Mr. Kenneth
day at his home
Mrs. Andrew
around again after being confined
to her home owing to illness last
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell
Miss Florence Mitchell and Mr.
Mrs. Albert Mitchell attended
funeral of their brother-in-law
late Mr. Thos. Seely, of Lucan,
a few weeks.
Hodgins spent Sun
near Greenway.
Hicks is able to be
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn
visited the latter’s sister Mrs. Mous-
seau who is in the Seaforth Hospital
We are glad to report she is doing
as well as can be expected.
Mr. Seibourne English was home
for the Memorial Day vacation and
motored to London with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. English.
Mr. Newton mewregor has return
ed to Saskatoon after a pleasant holi
day with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Corbett and family, Ford
wick spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Pollock.
Miss Dorothy Belling entertained
Miss Gugan her brother Mr. Tom Gu-
gan and a friend of Ailsa Craig on
Rev. J. B. Moore, Miss Olive
Moore, Miss Lois Brown, Miss Erma
Goodhand, Miss Olive English and
Manuel Curts attended the Rally of
the Huron Y. P. U. at Seaforth on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettler and
daughter Mrs. Miller and children
-of Buffalo, 'have been guests
and Mrs. Edmund McPherso$.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
and Mr. and Mrs. Shettler/were in
iSarnia last Monday. ■'
Mrs. W. Patterson, of Grand Bend
Warren Patterson and -Shirley ’Scott
of Sarnia, called on Miss Mae Wilson
Sunday afternoon. ■
Don’t forget the Union picnic on
June 13 th at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry and sons, 'Mrs.
Leask, of Sarnia, were recent visitors
with Mr. J. Laurie and Miss Leask.
We regret to report that Mrs. C.
Mason is still confined to her bed
suffering from a hip fracture.
Mr. Jas. McPherson motored
London last week -with Mr. J.
Mr. Harry Sheppard an,d Miss
Thelma Sheppard visited Niagara
Falls recently.
The Harmony Class will hold their
picnic- in Turnbull’s Grove next Sat
urday, June 6th.
Last Thursday was a red letter
day for the Baby Band of the Unit
ed Church when they were guests of
the Grand Bend Auxiliary and Baby
Band. The program was presided
A social will be held in the Parish
Hall on Friday evening.
Messrs. T. Cotter, J. Murphy, An
gus Mclsaac and sister Anna Mc-
Isaac, of Detroit, spent the week-end
with friends here.
Miss K. Morrisey returned to Lon
don on Sunday after two weeks vg-
catiom at the home -of her parents/
Mr and Mrs. Augustus Morrisey.
. Mrs. Mulliigau accompanied by her
son Joseph and daughter Miss An
gela and Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, Of
Detroit, spent the week-end with
relatives here. <'
Mrs. J. Barry and 'children, of De
troit, spent a few days with the for
mer’s brothers"'D't.,inis and Gerald
Mrs. F. Rowcliffe -and lady friend
of Detroit, spent the week-end with
the former’s mother Mrs. E. Hall.
on Monday.
Mr. and Percy Nichols and fam
ily of Parkhill, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard.
Large congregations attended the
anniversary services held in the
church here on iSunday last. Rev.
E. W. Young, of Dundas Centre Unit
ed Church, London, was the guest
preacher in the morning and Rev.
Arthur .Siirclair of Hensall, a former
pastor was in charge of the evening
service. Interesting and inspiring
sermons were preached both morn
ing and evening. Special music was
provided by the choir under the di
rection of Mr. Loyd Hodgson. Solo
parts in the anthems were taken by
Miss Greta Pollard, Mrs. Margaret
Fletcher and Mr. Lloyd Hodgson. A* over by Mrs. C. Green and proved a
■ - ----J ----""7 one. They were
l from the
Grand Bend Quintuplets, which w.as
quite in season as the' Ca'lIdnUer
Quints were celebrating their secom^
birthday that day. A bounteous'
lunch was served and all enjoyed
the social hour There were 40
ladies and 3 6 children from Grand
Bend and 26 ladies and 25 children
from Greenway. Miss -S. Young, the
iSupt. of the Greenway Band moved
a hearty vote of thanks to the Grand
Bend hostesses.
Fletcher and Mr.. Lloyd Hodgson, a rover oy u.
solo in the morning rendered by Mrs. very interesting
Margaret Fletcher was much enjoyed honored by a selection
* it . ___,___... -r rs 1 /Iranrl Donfl AninhiTiInfcand in the evening Dr. I. G. Smillie
of Hensall assisted the choir and
rendered a very pleasing solo.
The Late Mrs. George Anderson
After a lengthy illness Mrs. Geo.
Anderson of this village passed away
Monday, May 25th. Mrs. Anderson
was born in Vancouver 73 years ago
and later resided in North Dakota
and Arizona coming to Centralia 41
years ago where she -since resided.
Her maiden name was Elizabeth
Cochrane. She was a member of the
United Church and a highly respect
ed member of the community. She is
survived by two daughters, Miss Ag
nes at home and Mrs. Murray Elliott,
of Centralia; two .grandchildren,
Mildred and Wm. Elliott and one
sister Mrs, James Love, of Hills-
green. Her husband and little son
Allan predeceased her over 40 years
ago in Arizona. The funeral was held
from her late residence on Thursday
May 28 at 2 o’clock. Interment was
held in Exeter cemetery, Rev. R. N.
Stewart officated. The pallbearers
were Murray Elliott, Wm. A. Elliott,
John Love, Stanley Love, Allan Co
chrane, John Cochrane.
Rev. Jas. L. Foster, of Learning
ton will occupy the pulpit of the
United Church next Sunday after
noon as the pastor Rev. J. B. Moore
will be attending conference in Lon
don. W. J. Brown is the lay dele
The W. A. of the United Church
•hold its regular meeting lately and
began plans for the annual Straw
berry Festival to be held at the
Church on June 25tli.
Mr. Claude Fallis and Miss Muriel
Fallis have left on a motor trip to
Mrs. Arthur Brophey has recov
ered from an- attack of tonsilitis and
Miss Genevieve Kerslake spent
Sunday with Miss Elaine Denham at
Kir kt on.
Mr. A. Hocking, Misses Jean and
Grace Hocking, of Monroe, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher and
Marjorie spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Young of near Chisel
Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson
and Eunice, of Blanshard visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman-
Mr, and Mrs. Theron Creery and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Hern at Zion.
Mr.-x morning betKMiddleton, of
Eaj^t^ th-e citizens of th Mr.
‘Sirs, munity were aro1
ceuL slumbers by
Staffa, P- se®n t'herjj
Francis Proceediigfc^^O
Mr. I^p-
Mrs. W-V
(With Mr. andT
.Mr. James
visited over the and Mrs. Maitk'^K^^^l
Mr. and Mrs.W '
St. Catherines,
with the latter’s Mrs. Albert Becl^^^RN
Mrs. John Gilj^HHN
formerly, -of St.
is visiting with
? *at
were Won'
OVi^ /
And al
feathi ’
This ii
ness and
your J$
brings JI
tion wwg the hi|||
Bray—cihicks of other
are showing the same k
thriftiness. It’s results lil
that are making Br.ay cli’
ereasinigly popular *■-
the season”
S^®e kind
■ Japp; w
MFchid |r into- i
uces Are
jjRs——and giv
kind of* fin?,
top market pr
Fred 5V. BRAY
Phone 246 I
Thatnloated, hebvy feeling
bek Blood Bitters
membrane lining of the sto1
stores the natural process ob
Take B.'B.B, and get rid
trouble. i,
tWFbeichjng and fiatuRm
** e rising and