HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-05-28, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1036 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
«.In This Busy Season
The time-saving advantage of the
modern Bonat^Iethod is recognized
by diseriinina.'S g> women everywher
Furnace EE
The regular nxeetifo.gj^n: the Exetei’
Branch, pf the Cxm<®U»h Legion will
d Friday at KSO p.m.
husband, church and home. She lov
ed her husband sincerely and priz*
A— —lAd “dear old
highly. .She blessed every
that was driven, every shrub
was planted and every flower
bloomed about the place. In
regard both man and wife were
agreed for they loved each
Exeter Markets
Wheat 63c.
Manitoba’s Best $2.60
'Welcome Flour $2.40
Low Grade $26.00 a ton
Bran $21.00 a ton
Shorts $21.00 a ton
Standard Screening Chop $19.00
Mixed Chop $22.00
All Kinds of
PLANTS FOR SALE ed what she called her
well other and their home. .1.. ,
her chrisitan life she was soundly
converted to God in early life and
united with the Bible Christian
Church under the faithful pasturai
care of the Rev. John Butcher, of '
sainted memory. For fifty-five years
she rendered cheerful and efficient
service in the various, departments
of James Street. As singer in the
choir, teacher in the Sunday School
leader in social service and an ad
vocate of Christian 'missions, she
found her chief joy. Being possess-*
ed of a refined and artistic natv£/; ■
she loved beauty and harmony And
utterly despised all that was false
and vicious and vulgar in .'.human
life. In her sudden passing the
church and community, both sus
tained a serious loss. About one
month before her decease she suffer
ed a deceiving heart attack, from
which she did not recover, All that
was humanly possible was done to
restore her to health, but all in vain.
In Victoria Hospital, London on Sat
urday, May the sixteenth she fell
peacefully asleep in Jesus and pass
ed on to meet those whom she had
loved and lost a while. In the midst
of flowers and friends she was laid
to .rest in “The City of the Silent” at
Exeter on Tuesday afternoon May
the nineteenth, nineteen hundred and
thirty-six. The chief mourners are:
her Sorrowing husband and her
youngest sister Mrs. Dr. D. A. Bow
man, of Menomonie, Wis., all others
of her family name having .previous
ly deceased. She lived and served
for others. Her reward is great and
glorius. Since the above was writ
ten Mrs. Bowerman has passed away.
Vmca, Color
Idea Gleam
ble Nasti
kinds: Fusia, LeGeraniums,
gonia, Salvia,
Petunia; Snaj
Stocks, Verbe
German Ivy
is Globe, D
•Leaf Phlox,
Bonny B
John Bear,
hets filled
Group four, j/mes Street W. M. S.
are, having an^entertainnient in the Sunday BehpdT/oom Friday evening
May 29t>*at 8/o‘elock. Very inter-
estiug^’firograiA. Come and enjoy it.
Admission, aAults 10c and children Ha ’■ z#(^'Guaranteed
, _ .....’revitalizing steal
selentifiralW controlled vol
tempo.atur /is applied
nnifor.nityjfio each cm;
ant and all kinds
rfect r
Butter 24c.
Butter 19-22e.
A large 16 c,
B. 14c.
C 12c.
■’ Glour-
; Silver
ewell, Earlinca
eak and Pepper
iflowers, Cabbage,
We, the undersigned merchants of
our Village of Exeter, agree to close
our place of business every Wednes
day at twelve o’clock noon beginning
Wednesday, June 3rd and during
the months of July, August and the
first two weeks in September.
Jones & May
Southcott Bros.
B. W. F. Beavers
G. A. Hawkins
S. Fitton " ■
H. S. Walter
J. A. Traquair
Chainway Stores Ltd.
F. G. Wright & Co.
W. J. Beer
C. Tanton
W. J. Hockey
Margaret Russell
R. N. Rowe
Ward’s Ladies Wear
V. G. Essery
H. M. Smith
G. M. Armsiron
W. E. Weekes
M, C. FletcherITop
, Tama
J. G. I
Some Today
i LOCALS ’ i
Boxes and Hanging Bas-
to order.
L. Day & Son
Andrew Street, Exeter
U -ft
Phone 38
E. R. Hopper
Garnet Flynn
Norman Hockey
River's Meat Market
Grigg Stationery
C. E. Siverns
Fashion Ladies’ Wear
sub-100,000 Votes for a renewal
scription for one year to the Times-
Advocate in the Exeter Community
Campaign. Renew now and vote for
friend. Substantial bonus votes /' ’ Xsubscriptions in axTaai’s,
OR s3XE^w^ffr>
throes; Gladiols^alb^.
best varieties; also hbnky.
W. F. Abbott, Exetei< j
FOR SALE—Several re'
enclosed coal oil stovfs.
burner. Apply to Vv
Cpbbler Po
of the
Apply to
pmt and
3 and 4 frWi-lle.
STRAYED—.Redfand v^hit^rfaced
■ealf. Owner can® hay^^hme by
{proving property ^.hd'’'" pacing. ex
penses.—Ed. Penlu&Je.
MODERN HOUSE/or —‘All modern convent
Brill's, Main St., E^a^r.
fe or Rent
es. Gam-
will be held on the greens
evening commencing at 7
Ladies are invited.
HEIFER LOST—jj-Year old^pfere-
’ ----^feiyone
ips of this few, .phone
lord, red with white face.^
knowing of the wbfereab,q®L
beast please notifySDa:
17 7-11. |
Buy Crimson Gio Bennett,
•Giant Nymph, Golde
of highest meritjto
dozen at Willia
ear at 50c. per
ream, Glads.
FOR SALE—Shingles and cedar posts at lowest prices’." ^&hwonly.—
S. M. Sanders. 2tc._
Bply to
d/^Q^?*^ALE“Building 20x4^
A l#an-to. in Exeter- Northp?
of •g* ood building, material^
J. J. Millar. HaY P.O.
Dooley’s, telephone G. Link,
FOR SALE)—TWO' good’ _
in Exeter up-to-date./ Prices, are
reasonable. Terans to sifit. Phbne 165
FOR SALEt—Two' gogu'-jresidences
in Exeter up-to-date,
FOR SALE—IO pigs.About 50 lb. Apply Bay E. Cottle, R;. R‘, 1, Woodham. Rhone 37-*12ajaKS'kton. ltp.
FOR ‘SALE^-MCtdr oilj, machine
alls, steam j^linder oil,, penetrating
Oil, harne® oil.^YjmA-free oil;
*^11 Roofing ce-
_____ _ __ .dj.yand pestle, mfg. hy War co grease |oid Oil Co. Earl S.
Dow, .ageuw^braarty, phone 10r8,
Kirkton. ltp
... - ....■ - '-.J-—/y
FOR SALE—Electric rack’d $15;
Banner ash s$ter, stable rk, hay
fork, electricfstove, la ry stove,
oval walnut jkitchen le, electric
iron, feed trfugh n planter,
child’s rock! hnd doll buggy.
Apply Gambr
’500,000 Votes for a new subscrip
tion t<5 the Times-Advocate in the
Exeter Comunfty Campaign. Vote
tor. a friend.
| The next meeting of Huron Jun*
iy Council will be he
cit Chambers, CotirtJHOu
lek, Cdftiiftettolttg’ Ttyjsda.
at 2 p.m.
All acicottdts, notion
awUcatimm and
•cptlfhg' attention
M lit the hands of the clerk by June
June 2nd.
r business re* council should
Miss Helen Bawden, visited in
Clinton over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crawford
spent the holidays in Detroit.
Mr. Ray Pryde, of Hamilton visit-
with his parents over the holiday.
Mr. Wallace Seldon, of Toronto,
spent the holidays under the parent
al roof.
M'r. and Mrs. Wes. Witmer and
Leo' spent Sunday with friends near
Mr. Eugene Howey, of Mt. Forest,
visited at his home here on Satur
day last.
Recommendation tests in both
high and public schools are now in
Miss Edith Lucas, of Atwood, is
spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Wilson.
Miss Mary Horney, of London, was
the guest of Mrs. Win. J. Allison
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. W.
London, visited with
Acheson on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ulric
and Mrs. Harvey Pollen spent
holidays in Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. Andrew and Miss Mary
visited for a few days with Mr, and
Mrs. Knight at Seaforth.
Miss Berniece Delbridge,
Westervelt School, London,
home for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Th os-. Jones visited
with their daughter Mrs. Rice in
Brantford over the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, Jeanette
and Billy of St. Marys, spent Sunday
and Monday with their parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis, of To
ronto, visited the former’s parents
Mr. and Sid. Davis over the holiday.
Miss Nona Chambers and Vera
Fuller, of Algonac, Mich., visited at
the former’s home here for the holi
'.-Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Moffat and .:;Jittle son, of London, spent Sunday
* at the
end with
Mr. J. _
returned to his home Tuesday after
visiting for a week with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Sims.
Mr. Jas Ferguson and son Wil
liam, of Toronto, visited over the
holidays with the former’s mother,
Mrs. Jos. Stacey.
and Mrs. Chas. Acheson, of
.G^*en Sound, spent Sunday with Mrs,
i'w. T. Acheson and were at Grand
Bend on Menday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dale
ily, of Toronto, spent the
with the latter’s parents
Mrs. Sidney Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, Mrs.
Aitkens and Miss Florence, of Nor
wich, spent Monday with the form
ers mother, Mrs. Jas. Hern.
Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor
and Miss Janie Hogarth, of London,
spent the week-end with their par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth.
*Mr. and Mrs. ,S. J. V. Cann and
Margaret and Miss Wilhelmine Fer
guson attended the funeral of Mrs.
Edward Ferguson of London Twp.
Mr. J, W. Creech, who recently
moved from Rochester, N.Y., to De
troit, Mich., visited over the week
end at the home of Mrs, T. G. Creech
Mr. T, O. Southcott motored to
Preston Wednesday and was accom
panied home by Mrs. Southcott, who
has been visiting with her niece, Miss'
Rev. H. Jennings, Jr., B.A., of
Huron College, London, who has
completed his course will be ordained
as an Anglican clergyman in the
near future.
Mr. F. W. Gladman was in Peter-
boro Wednesday attending- the fun
eral of his brother, the late George
G. Gladman, who died Monday, May
25th, aged 81 years.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Penhale, of
Toronto, called on friends in town
'on Monday. They were on their way
home after enjoying a motor trip to
Detroit anA other points,
Mr. Chester Freure and son Lloyd
of Wellandport, father and brother
of Mrs, Elliott, visited over the
week-end with Rev, and Mrs, El-
Illott at the Main St. Parsonage.
/ Mrs. Baker and two (laughters, of
.Londotr, visited at the home of Mr.
$ .............................. ” '
H. Levett, of
Mrs. W. T.
Snell and Mr.
of the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
and Mrs. Gordon Davis and
of Toronto, spent the week-
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc-
Brokenshire, of Atwood,
and fam
Mr. and
The half holidays for the summer
will begin Wednesday of next week.
Mrs. Mary E. McFalls is visiting
her sister Mrs. Wilbert King in For
Rev. S. W. McFalls returned to
Pontiac, Michigan, Thursday of last
Ideal, weathei* prevailed for the
holidays. Motor traffic was quite
Dr. Fletcher was in London on
Tuesday attending the Ontario Med
ical Convention.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers
visited relatives in Woodstock dur
ing the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and fam
ily spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Abbott.
Miss Gladys S'tone has taken a
■ position as assistant operator at the
Bell Telephone office.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton visited
with Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Lon
don, -over the week-end.
The Rev. J. W. Down and his
daughter Florence will remeain in
Exetei’ for the present.
Mr. amd Mrs. C. V. Percy, of De-
• tr.oit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Hawkins on Thursday last.
Mr. and M.rs. Reg Ab“ell, of To
ronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. F. Beavers on Monday.
, Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Linklater and
family, of Goderich, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood.
; Mr. Grant Collingwood, of Toron-
. to, spent the week-end with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. T. Collingwood.
' Mr. and Mrs. John Northcott vis-
. ited over the week-end with their daughter Mrs. Marshall, of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and
i family, of Arkona, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Colling-
■ wood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Horton, of
Oshawa, spent the holidays with Mrs.
. J. Horney and Miss Maude A. Hort-
J on.
Mr. W. C. Davis, of the Times-
Advocate staff attended the Weber-
Otto wedding in St. Marys on Satur
Mrs. P. Pollard and daughter, of
Windsor, visited with the former’s
brother, Mr. G. A. and Mrs. Hawkins
on Thursday last.
Mrs. J. Throthen, of London, re
turned to her home on Tuesday hav
ing spent two weeks with her uncle
Rev. J. W. Down. IMr. and Mrs. John May and!
Misses Carrie and Minnie motored
up from Toronto and spent the holi
days with relatives.
Mr. Fraser Mc’Tavish and his mo
ther Mrs. McTavish, of London, vis
ited her -cousins Mr. and Mrs. James
H. Hardie, this week.
Dr. F. A. Blatchford, of Fort
William, left Tuesday aftei* visiting
for several days with his sister Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood.
Miss A. Eacrett who has been vis
iting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F.
Beavers for the past two weeks re
turned to Preston on Wednesday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coates and
Elaine and Mrs. L. Grieve returned
Tuesday after visiting for a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams in
Rochester, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moir and two
children, of Arrow wood, Alta., are
visiting with Mrs. J. Moir. M.rs. R.
Moir was formerly Olive Taylor, of
the Exeter P. S. staff.
The students at the University of
Western Ontario have finished their
examinations for this term and have
returned home. They are E. Christie
Grafton Cochrane, Rowe Dinney, G.
Greb, Miss Margaret Taman, of
town and A. Bell, Hensail.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hill and son
Bill also Mrs. Hill’s niece Miss Olive
Caldwell, of Toronto, visited with
relatives over the holiday. Miss Cald
well is now staying with her aunt..
Mr. Gi’ant Collingwood, of Toron
to, spent the holidays with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. T. • Collingwood.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Orland Robins and
Lawrence, of Welland were guests of
Grant during the week-end.
Mrs. J. H. Colborne and twin
daughters Misses Nellie and Flor
ence, of Goderich, Mrs. H. Colborne,
Jimmy and Bobby, of Wingham and
Miss Gwendlyn Colborne, of Toron
to, visited over the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton.
Messrs, Harry Carey, Gordon
Lamport, R. Motz and son Bartie
spent several hours fishing near the
nets at Grand- Bend on the holiday,
and were successful in landing al
most an orange crate full -of perch.
The fish were biting almost as fast
as they could be pulled in.
Mrs. (Dr.) W. Stuart Stanbury, of
Hamilton, with hei’ two little girls,
Ann and Betty, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury. The
doctor who is Pathologist at the
Mountain Sani'torium, Hamilton, is
attending the Ontario Medical Con
vention at London, where he is making an exhibit from his research la
boratory. He will spend the week
end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Terry lrad
the pleasure of a visit
niece Mrs. Bert Terry his
Mrs, Wilkinson and Mr. Pidgeon all
of Windsor, on Monday.
The Salvation Army of Exeter
would like to thank their many
friends who so generously helped on
Tag Day, making it profitable ef
fort of $44 towards the self denial
Mr. James Bawden an Exeter Old
Boy, City Clerk of Edmonton, Alta.,
visited with his brother, S. G. Baw
den, of Goderich and called on rel
atives and friends in town on Fri
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Edmonds and
son Bruce, of Flint, Mich,, spent the
week-end with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. E. Rowcliffe and called at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Row
Mr. and Mrs. Herman King and
son Bobby, Mrs. Arthur Tucker and
son Bud, of ’ ’ ”
of Clawson,
holiday at
Mr, and
two sons, l ___
the former’s mother Mrs. W. Johns
over the week-end. Mr. Johns sang
a very delightful solo in James St.
■church Sunday morning.
In the obituary notice of the late
Henry Reynolds in last week’s issue
some of the family were omit
ted. The following family survive:
three daughters, Mrs. W. J. Chappel,
of Dundas; Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, of
London and Mrs. Herb Philips, of
Saskatoon and one son Luther, of
Usborne; also two sisters Mrs. W.
C. Kelly, of Newbury, Michigan and
Mrs. John Nicholson, of Calgary,
Alta., and two brothers William
Reynolds, of Sarnia and Horatio
N. Reynolds, of Sarepta.
from his
Detroit and Mrs, Rowe,
Mich., visited over the
the home of Mrs. M.
. Mrs. Frank Johns and
of Toronto, visited with
theMr. A. H. Gambrill, who for
past sixteen years has been a book
keeper for the Exeter Creamery, has
resigned his position and on the
second of June will take over a
grocery business which he recently
purchased in Loudon. Mr. Gam
brill’s many friends here will wish
him every success in his new enter
and Mrs.
PARSONS—In Exeter, .on
day, May 20th, to Mr.
Earl Parsons a son (Dalton Char
PICKARD—In Dr. Fletcher Hospit
al, Exeter, on Monday, May 25th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Pick
ard, a daughter.
Street United church parsonage,
on Saturday, May 23rd, Audrey
Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Hector Rowcliffe, of Usborne,
Mr. Murray James Scott, son
Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Scott
Stephen by Rev. A. Page.
ANDERSON—(In Centralia
day, May 25th, 19 3 6,
Cochrane, wjdow of the
Anderson, in her 74th year.
SCHWEGLER—In Exeter on Satur
day, May 23 rd, Mrs. Ann Made
line Sc'hiwegler, of Toronto, mother
of Mrs. N. J. Dore, aged 77 years.
SNELL—In Victoria. Hospital, Lon
don, on Wednesday, May 27th,
William Snell. Funeral Friday af
ternoon from the home of Mr.
Thomas Elliott.
PYBUS—In Webb, Sask., on May
liSth, Norman Wesley Pybus in
.his 52nd year. The funeral took
place from the home of Mrs. H.
Ricker, lot 27, Con. 4, Hay, inter
ment in the Exeter cemetery.
late Geo.
------*CARD Ol^HANI^
John C hell wishes tono mice the engagement Jff her__
ond daughte^'Makel An/e to Harold
Bailey Skin#er, s^)n of?-‘Mrs. Samuel
Skinner. The wepdiftg to take place
early in June, , J
W-, The wdl.i
Weekly Crop Report
Fall wimat and meadows made
wonderful growth during the early
part of May, which was featured by
extremely high temperatures and
plenty of sunshine. Spraying of or
chards was carried on throughout
the fruit growing districts, as the
bloom came on very rapidly. A great
amount of spring seeding was ac
complished during this period and
all kinds of garden crops transplant
ed. For instance in Lincoln County
in one district alone there will be
over 300,000 transplanted beets.
Clover crops have also come along
rapidly and it is safe to say that
crops generally never looked -more
promising at this time of year.
.nd Mrs. E. A. Follick on Sunday. (W Mabie Folllck returned to Loft*
pnVsyit.li them and spent the holi-diJ. KoberiX County Clerk
Court, Goderich, Out. d
1500,000 Votes for a hew subscrip
tion to the Times-Advocate in the
Exeter Comunfty Campaign. Vote
for a friend.
A-l Baby Ghieks, May, Slgle Comb
White Leghorns, 8ic,
Anconas, Br&wn De.
Rocks, Whi
Black Gian#
Runner Duwcl
jingle Comb
orns, Barred
Rocks, Jersey
White Indian
____ . _s, 13c. Free logue. Gim^ffthed 100 per
alive at youi’ station.
A. It» SWEITZER, Qrahton,
Rev. W. A. Young, B. ScA.
Interim Moderator
Sirs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist
10 a.m.—‘Sunday School
11 a.m.—Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A.
B.D. Subject—‘Praying Christians’
Evening Service withdrawn in favoi’
of Carmel Church, Hensail, Anniver
Company are
pert to clean out
furnace&Joy vacuum in a few
weeks. Any person wishing this
work done please phone 157w at
once and we will look after it for
The D
Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister
Miss Evelyn Huston,
Organist and Choir-Leader
Phone 157j. Sun Life Rep.
11 a.m.—The Minister in'charge. A
representative of the Gideons will
tell the story of their work.
3 p.m.—Sunday Schoo)
7 p.m.—The Minister
Monday—Y. P. S.
Thursday—Prayer Service.
Rev. Arthur Page, Minister
W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M.
Organist and Choir-Leader
-Sunday .School
Mr. D. A. Curie, President
of the Gideons.
7 ip.m.—.“Wanting is—What?”
Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service.
Thursday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s
Rector, Rev. M>. A. Hunt.
Organist, Miss MacFaul
Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss
a.m.—Sunday School
a.in.-—U-Go-I-Go Class
a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon
7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon
Into Summer
will give you^that carej
cool, soft took thj^sjs
most becoming’
M. Russell
Phone 245
Auto Insurance
Costing less than one do
Knee?month. "W
Farmers you
tion with the
low cost.
Phone 165,
Cauliflowers &
eet Peppers
Phone 10
'The subject of this memoir, was
the beloved wife of the Rev. J. Wes
ley Down and her maiden name was
Ada Tom, the second daughter -of
the late J. C. Tour and his wife,
' whose maiden name was Margaret
Greenaway. iSlie was born in the
village of Welcome near Port Hope,
on November the twenty-eighth in
the year eighteen, hundred and sixty
1 four. In the fall of eighteen hun
dred and seventy she came with her
. parents to Exeter where she lived
until the time of her decease with
the exception of four years spent in
London. When seventeen years of
age she graduated from Exeter Sen
ior School and took a clerkship in
Ranton Bros, store where she had
charge of the ladies’ wear depart
ment. (After three years she took
charge of the ladies’ wear depart
ment in Carling’s store where she
remained for several years. In the
year eighteen liundre'd and ninty-two
she was united in marriage to Wil
liam D. Yeo, who with his father-in-
law conducted a general store for
some years. On M'arch the twenty
fifth nineteen hundred and two her
husband died. Following her hus
band’s death she took over the fancy
dry goods and ladies’ wear depart
ment of the store and carried on
successfully for\ nearly thirty years.
' In the year nineteen hundred and
twenty-seven on the fourth day of
^Stober, she was united in marriage
^■•to Rev. J. Wesley Down and shortly
after she retired from business and
devoted her constant attention to her
The May meeting of the W. I. met
at the home of Mrs. Etherington with
eighteen members and four visitors
present. The president, Mrs. Walk
er, conducted the opening exercises
and routine of business. The roll
call was answered by a discussion
“Why I joined the W. I.” Miss
Hunter was appointed local leader
of the Exeter branch to take the
Co-operative course in re-finishing
of furniture to be given in South
Huron, district. Miss Finkbeiner
gave a humorous reading entitled
“Miss Burdock’s Music Box.” Mrs.
Layton gave an interesting address
on “Our American Cousins.” Re
freshments were served by- the hos
tess and committee and a social
half hour spent.
100,000 V~tes for a renewal sub
scription for one year to the Times-
Advocafe in the Exeter Community
Campaign. Renew now and vote for
a friend. Substantial bonus votes
■for subscriptions in arrears.
Exeter Creamery Company, Limited, will take in Cream
every Saturday night at their Exeter Creamery. Cream should
be delivered before nine o’clock. It will be gradedj^tested
and paid in full at delivered Cream prices.
Farmers have asked for this servce .^d^the Creamery
wishes.Directors have decided tojrneet their j
Cream collecting th^odghoiit e^li' week will be continued
as usual for the Creameries at JEx^ter and Winchelsea.
ery Co., Limited
c§$Py full protec-
tnesa Mutual at
r is the time.
Abdut thirty relatives gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc
Donald Saturday evening in honor -of
his birthday. The rooms were decor
ated with spring flowers and a
birthday cake with eighty candles
centred the dining room table. The
evening was spent in games followed
by a program' after which lunch was
served. Among those who were
present from a distance were: Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Davis and family,
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stat
ham and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Horney
and Miss Mary .Horney, .of London.^
Mr. Hudgin, Stylist and
Special Representative of
Main Street Mission Circle
The monthly meeting of the -Main
Street Mission Circle met at the
home of M’iss'fes Hazel and Helen
Smith. The meeting was in charge of
Helen Dignan. The meeting opened
by singing “What a Friend We Have
in Jesus” and “Unto the Hills Around
Do I L'ift Up My Eyes” after which
sentence prayers were given by
Dorothy Sims and Florence McDon
ald. The Scripture lesson was read
by Ruth Elston. The business was
then taken by the president Helen.
Dignan. A verse of the “Maple Leaf
Forever” was then sung. Mrs. Abbott
then favoured with a very pleasing
reading. A verse of “O Canada” was
then sung. Mrs. Layton who was
the speaker of the evening gave the
topic which was “Canadian Poets”
and was enjoyed by all. The meet
ing was closed by singing “God be
with you till we meet again,” Mrs.
R. Balkwill then read a letter to Miss
Violet Gambrill on behalf of the
Mission Circle and presented her
with a silver cake plate in remem
brance of them. Violet has been a
member of the Mission Circle for
some time and they will be very
sorry to see her leave for London. A
social hour was then enjoyed by all.
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