HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-05-28, Page 4THURSDAY, MAY 38th, 1930 THE .EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE •J*** ft § 1 ■ er S. B. " JewellejjRnd Bulova WatchesjCL-. Satunfegw^ lue Tuesday—Bonus ] Glassware and pFShop Bird Diamond Rings *otes on Si ellery ags—Help your favoriteWe are specializing^?!^ Contestant by buying Grab Bags. 7,500 Votes for 25c. for Saturday Standing of Contestants Vote for a Friend Vote for a friend at McCOLL FRONTENAf SERVICE STATION 1 Purchase Drug Store Necessities and VOTE FOR A FRIEND Buy Coal Now at summer prices — THE SAVING IS WORTH WHILE —The following is the standing of the contestants up to Tuesday, May 2 6th: 1. *> 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. la. 16. 17. Earl IS. Florence Mitchell, 19. • 20. I 211 i 02. j 23. 24.| 25. : 26. *2s: ; 29. 3 0. 31. 32.n O : 34. I 500,000 Votes for a New Subscription to the Times-Advocate * f FEEDS, FERTILIZE LIME AND CEMENTHelen Murch, Elimville Mrs. Charles Mason Mrs. Fred Huxtable Mrs. Lee Wilson R. E. Pooley, Winchelsea Mrs. Leonard Wein, Crediton Fred Wells Ruth Collingwood Cyril Strange Mrs. Harry Jennings Mrs. George Anderson Doreen Caldwell Mrs. Elmer Reeder, Centralia Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Bonus Votes onjSaturday BONUS VOTES ON OLO^i R. G. SELDON Saturday and all Next Week Secure BONUS VOTES 300 for 1 cent 30,000 for One Dollar 500 Rexall J^einedies 200 Puretest Drugs 400 Gal*0enia and Jasmine Toilet Articles 150 First Aid Products , tow Tickets Telephone 90 ' Exeter, Ontario — VOTE FOR A FRIEND —J. Cox John Prout J. O. Lovie, Centralia Witmer Display withAlsq^bn Many Other, Bonus V s Service Station Graham Arthur, Lessee Simomzina, Refreshments Firestone Tires jrnd Willar,d Batteries Washing and Polishing Ca^$1.0p Grea g A Specialty Lunch Room is Now Opj — Ice Crea McColl Frint South End ^Saturdays i Centralia Mrs. Elmore Harness Mrs. Norman McDonald Bert Clarke Mrs. Warren Brock, Granton Clifford E. Blanchard Mrs. W. L. Wress Mrs. Wm. Laverty Mrs. Wm. Smith, nurse Mrs. Gordon Hunter Ivor Morgan, Kirk ton ■Wm. E. Balk will Mrs. W. E. Winer Mrs. George Flynn Mrs. Fred Brock Willis J. Powell Harry Beavers, Hay P.O. g« Boost your favorite Contestant SAVE WITH SAFETY COLE’S DRUG STORE by buying your furniture at E. R. HOPPER’S ... People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. Partlo, Prop. Exeter, 0« • Ontario VOTE FOR A FRIEND AT F. G. Wright & ing and Pressing is on all this week. 27,600 Votes 34,700 Votes Suits 69cKiddies Summer W; Men’s Pants $1.49s Summer wjjfght Balbriggj Underwear 23,700 Votes b^erstoeM^f our regular $1.29 values Our Special c. C We will gladKgtfSrrange a demonstration of any Electrical Appliance—Easy Washer, Philco Radios, Kelvinators — TERMS TO SUIT YOURSELVES — 0 100,000 Votes for a Renewal Subscription and Bonus Votes for Subscriptions in Arrears VOTE FOR A FRIEND a FASHION LADIES’ WEAR Wish to thank the ladies of Exeter and vicinity for their generous patronage during ou)r week-end sale. We were very sorry we were unable to give service to all the ladies. For this reason we have decided to continue our 2 FOR 1 SALE TILL SATURDAY, MAY 30 We have added this week to our stock many new and beautiful Dresses ,& Suits to complete our shade and size range. Come in early and let us help you to benefit by our very Special Prices. .V:"' fi3tsi Dresses ■ ! Regular $£.00 2 for ............... Regular $3.95 2 for ................ Regular $4.95 2 for ............... Regular $5.95 2 for ............... and up to $10.95 $2.00 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 / a——™— Coats All Must Gof We can now give you that mucm covet­ ed Coat at Cost and less. All shades. Sizes 13 to 52 2 for 1 >• Cc .. $10.95 ... $14.95 ... $18.95 .. $22.95 Regular $10.95^^>r ............... Regular $14.^2' for ............... Regular $18|Bo 2 for ............... Regular $J$£95 2 for ............... -------- ---------------------------------- /Z suits “Cloth” Z Mother and daughter can each now /i^uy a suit in either swagger, fish-tail, tail­ ored or Clark Gable back at less than cost jr of one. All our suits sacrificed at 2 for 1 Uresses We now have a beautiful complete fange of dresses to choose from in Lace Nets, Stripes, Chiffons, Triple Sheers, La­ goon Crepes in all desired shades & sizes. Come in while the selection is complete. 2 for 1 Summer Suits In Lagoon Crepes, Linens, Laces, Ra­ jahs or Pussy Willows in Navy, Black, Maize, Orchid, Pink, Blue and White. Reg. $2.95 to $10.95 OUR SALE CLOSES MAY 30th JVe bring you the biggest apparel bargains ever offered in lovely styles and better makes. Cotne in and convince yourself this is the sale of a lifetime. Now is your time to choose your summer wardrobe. FASHION LADIES’ WEAR / and LivingDining RoojB, Bedjg^ Room Fuihiti ^Studio Couches, Drop BackMEouches, Tables, Lamps, Beds, Springs and Mattresses. Bonus Votes Tuesdays and Saturdays Bl Community Campaign Headquarters for SHOES, HOSIERY, Y/JRNS, BABIES’ AND TOTS’ WEAR ; * — GIVE YOUR CONTESTANT A BOOST — Buy and Vote for your favorite Contestant All White S Men’s BlackfOx Work Shoes'^ All Tennis and Camp Shoes Wos. 69c. Hose .................. Children’s Wear .................. All Yarns ............................. 25c. Grab Bags.................... r Saturday ... 300 Votes for lc. spent .. 300 Votes for lc. spent 300 Votes for lc. spent .. 300 Votes for lc. spent. .................. 20,700 Votes'. 300 Votes for lc. spent 300 Votes for lc. spent ..................... 7,500 Votes MIDDLETON’S BAKERY Buy Your Groceries at t Buns, 15c. doz. , 7,500 votes OUR BUTTERMILK BREAD? Bonus Votes for Saturday ith 15,000 Votes 25c 50c ill allow on Favorite Contestant iCome Early and Get the Bargains i Exeter, Ont• Phone 9 i I Fried Cakes, 20c, doz. Ice Cream Bricks, 20c. 4 Fancy Biscuits, 25c>ag J 6,000 votes The Store that gives you high­ er quality Groceries at Lower Prices HAVE YOOTRI -■'L — For Service, Cleanliness and Quality Try Middleton’s — Vote for a friend. “Our Ideas Can be Copied But our Quality Cannot be Equalled ziC _____ ^Bonus Vote Day - Saturday 300 votfs Be Sure TcfMelp Hunt’s Diamond Bread Flour 98 lb. bag Hunt’s Paltry Flour Assortment Pickles 'Large Jars......................... With 7,500 Votes Black Orange Pekoe Tea Green or Mixed, per lb.,.,.. With 15,000 Votes 53c Very Large Grab Bags C fl Each Contains good Assortment.,UvC With 15,000 Votes