HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-05-28, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 4 *I I THURSDAY, MAY !&th, $036 SOUTHCOTT BROS. ANNUAL A £3K«I IH HI M Our entire stock of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear, Men’s and Boy’s Boots and Shoes, Staple Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Curtain Material, Floor Coverings, Wall Papers and Groceries on sale. Every department offers specials that mean big savings to you i----------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---- ----——----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SALE STARTS THURSDAY, MAY 28 UNTIL JUNE 13 IB— —“ — — - — — — ■■■■■ —— . - —. — - — - SI Bargains in Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Men’s worsted and tweed suits 1 F ft E* Values to $19.95. On sale ONE RACK OF Plain and Fancy Crepe Dresses These are outstanding values A F- a d* O F- Sale Price........................ $2.95 tO $3.95 100 LADIES’ House Dresses Sale Price 69c Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers Regular 59c. 49c- 0 s- SALE PRICE Men’s Balbriggan Combinations Regular $1.00 85'- SALE PRICE Men’s Blue Work Shirts Regular $1.00 SALE PRICE 79'- Dry Goods at reduced prices Reg. 20c Prints, fdst colors .............. per yd. Reg. 20c Broadcloth, fast colors ....X per yd.XReg. 20c Turkish Towelling .......X.... per yd. Reg. 35c Fancy Voiles ..............X........per yd. Reg. 50c Pillow Cases .............. per pair Reg. 50c Table Oil Cloth ........v- per yd. Reg. 40c Table Oil Cloth JL............. per yd. ................... each ...........2 pkgs for ~——.------—--------------------------------------- ----------- --------------------fig 69 pairs Women’s Strap Slippers and Oxford|^'! Values to $5.00 QI QQSALE PRICE .............. tPl.DO cu With iiM Enough for one or two windows ,-^l^fuIar 50c. Value QCc. AfE PRICE PER YARD .................... KIN NETS Ladies’ Spring Coats Every coat to clear at less than cost price. .- ■ - .........— Merino Shirts & Drax Penman’s Make, Regular $1.00 SALE PRICE ............................................................ SALE PRICE Men’s Blue Rivet Pants Regular Price $1.50 $1.39 Reg. $1.25 Bleached Shee Kotex or Modess..... Reg. 15c Turkish Toweling Reg. 15c Factory Cottca Reg. 25c Striped Ginghams 'H- E3KI yd. 15c ’ECIAL! See our bargains in Room Lots of Wallpaper 99c, $1.29, $1.49 I SALE PRICE ... - . -. . . ------------- Men’s Neckwear Values to 50c. 25'- Hi SPECIAL! Men’s Work Shoes Regular $2.50 Men’s Grey Flannel Pants Regular $3.50 $2.99 SALE PRICE $1.98 SALE PRICE To the first 100 customers purchasing $1.00 or more we give a beautiful Embassy Plate and Coupon. Start saving this lovely dinnerware. Coupons with every 25c purchase Men’s Fine Fancy Socks Regular 25c. 15' ■-■ Wonderful values in Curtain and Curtain Nets 6 pieces of Curtain Net values to 35c. SALE PRICE ..................................................18c SALE PRICE PER PAIR Boys’ Blue Pants and Overalls SALE PRICE gQc. BARGAIN PRICES ON LINOLEUM Compare these prices with mail order houses 9 x 101/2 ft. Reg. $10.50.......Sale Price $ 9.95 9 x 12 ft. Reg. $12.00 .......... Sale Price $10.45 IOI/2 x 12 ft. Reg. $14.25 Sale Price $10.95 One Piece Only 4 yard wide Linoleum, Good Pattern 12 x 12 ft. Reg. $16.25 ........ Sale Price $14.95 12 x 131/a ft. Reg. $18.25 ...Sale Price $15.95 12 x 15 ft. Reg. $20.00 ........Sale Price $16.95 Sale price per yard $2.75 50 prs. Curtains frilled and fancy nets Many at Half Price SALE PRICE PER PAIR ....................................... . """ 1 — : -----------------imw—urn rrniwiiwi i-irr oinr 98'- All Wool Sweaters for Men Regular $2*50 $1.95 K SALE PRICE Fine Collar-Attached Shirts Regular $1.35 99'- SALE PRICE Ladies White Canvas Shoes Regular $1.75 with rubber sole QI IQ 'SALE PRICE ............................................................... Men’s Fine Oxfords Regular §3.00 value (th'“y EQ SALE PRICE............. . . Rm 1 only Linoleum Rug 9 x 9 ft.......Sale Price $7.49 1 only 9 x 12 ft. Jaspe..........Sale Price $9.95 1 only Linoleum Rug 9 x 10% ft. Sale Price $8.49 1 only 9 x 12 ft. Linoleum ... Sale Price $9.95 Groceries!Groceries! EX Ladies’ Cotton Hose Sand or Grey, SALE PRICE 2 PAIR FOR .......................................:.....................25c’ S' Magic Coffee ....................................... 27c. McLaren’s Jelly Powders .......... 6 for 25c. 1 lb. Blk. or Mix. Tea, our special blend & 1 box Shaker Salt, plain, iodized, both 49c. 8 oz. jug Harry Horne’s vanilla ........ 16c. 24 lb. bag of good Pastry Flour..........53c. 98 lb. bag good Bread Flour...............$2.49 Good Seed Potatoes ................... $1.15 bag McCormick Biscuits...1 lb. pack 2 for 25c 100 lbs. granulated sugar ................. $4.73 Harry Horne’s Peanut Butter, blk. 2 lbs 25 1 can Peas, Corn and Tomatoes for 25c. P. & G. Soap.......................5 bars for 18c. 50 lb. blocks of plain or iodized Salt ... 40c. SOUTHCOTT BROS. Phone 16 SALE PRICE Ladies’ Silk Underwear Values to $1.00 49c* ani Ladies’ Silk Underwear Values to $1.95 79c< SALE PRICE K BSSIJ Ladies’ full fashioned Silk Hose 10 dozen only sub standards SALE PRICE ...................... OyC