HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-05-21, Page 8THURSDAY^ MAY 21st, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE In This Busy Season.. The time-saving advantage of the •modern Bonat Method is recognized by discriminating women everywhere Continuous ^-revitalizing steam scientifically Controlled volume J temperature - uniformity td failingly perfect results. Satisfaction Gua 'hone 2 , applied each curl, Exeter Markets sd Ku jFduniriLi wIVII I al BEAUTY SHOPPE Wheat 68c. ,$0c rley 42c. Manitoba’s Best $2.60 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade $26.00 a ton Bran $21.00 a ton Shorts $21.00 a ton Standard Screening Chop $19.00 Mixed Chap $22.00 Creamery Butter 25c. Butter 20-23c. A large 15c. B 13c. C 12 c. All Kinds of I PLANTS FOR SALE i frer.al, ^stovej W. Jf 2 M&Iville. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, EggS, vy Hogs $7.65. LOCALS B* WANTED—An exiwie-nced ilfor mpusawork. Apply,-.W* Box ■ Exeter. — PUBLIC NOTICE — girl 280, Householders of the Village of Exeter ’ J- Municipal Drays will j^llect Gar­ bage and other! refuse ^^fitended for the dump grou day and Wedn 1936. Kindly bav and placed i taeles that rfay’' be easily handled and placed qn/the street in, front of your 2k» je Auienueu lui beginning on Tues­ day, JKay 26 and 27, refuse collected b$xes, bags or recep- .e. F , JOHN NORRY, Street CQithmissioner . SALE—KitclenFtables, reed k radio, car ftrJFnks, Kg Bfc. feeder’s^ couch, •ic stove and trough. Gam- "v tltc- -■ s ^I^^EtWLOST—Year oW-He$e- with white face. jfAnyoSie Jknowing of Ithe whe3jeabQU|ts of this tfbeast please iMitify S'anjpew, .phone*. ■177-11. '• I LOSrJ-In fmorning^a i_ , [in bills ^nd ^Smll amouptr in silver yTjnder rew^t'de'di Kindly^ leave at ’ Times-Adviocate. * a.--------- m. YExete#on Tuesday ;se containing $14.00 Buy Crimson Glov&/Dr. Bennett, Cfiant Nymph, GOlde^Dreain, Glads, of highest ineritto'Clear at 50c. per dozen at WilIfaih“AVard’s. FOR SALE—Shingles' and cedar posts at lowest prh08?. Cash ondy.— S> M, Sanders. ‘ ■ 2tc. 19x40 with-BullingFOR SALE- „ Of good building m ||M J. J. Millar. Hay P.fF; ; plenty al. Apply to 5-7-tfc. ., East this in plowed F be plow­ 'd. V- plckard, ph We 165, Exe- FOR RENT—On Hpron 6 1-2 acres of land, sugar beets last year,>art leaving a small balah ed. C. T ‘ w \- ter. HURON COUNTY COHNCIlJ , The next meeting of Huron c/un- ity Council will be held in the bH Chambers* Court House, Iclx, commencing uesday, ju 2 p.m.■All aehbuntSf notmeWu do^ ■plications and btheR^J. Kklring attention -of council should Hkn the hands of the -clerk by June un- left* ess re* J. M, Roberts, County Clerk Court, Hbuse, Coderidi, Ont. PURE PORK DELICIOUS ■4 Exeter’s Most Popular Sausage 2 1b. Order Soilne To IDEAL M Phone 38 ARKET 'W The regular mon&ly mee>tf^ the Exeter W. I. wi» hMffield" Tuesday, May 26th W^he home of Mrs. George Etherington at 2.30 p.m. fig of on last vis- her Monday, May 25th, will be a pub- I lie holiday. I Mrs. F. M. Boyle visited in Lon- I don over the week-end. I Mr. R. G. Terry is able to be u.p I and is progressing favorably. I The blossoms are -heavy on many I trees and the lilacs are in bloom. I Rev. Mi*. Terry, of Forest, visited I with his uncle, Mr. R. Terry week. Miss Vera Kestle, of London, ited over the week-end with parents. Mr. I. Jarrott, of Kppien, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston one day recently. Mrs. Sarah Hutchinson, of Veger- ville, Alta., is visiting Mrs. Gill. The half holidays for will begin in Exeter on .June 3rd. Dr. and Mrs. Cowen attended the Dental convention in Toronto the forepart of this week. Eva Pearce, of London, spent the weekend with hex* parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peart in Rock­ wood for the week-end. Miss Olive Wood,' Reg. N., Toron­ to, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood. Miss Merna ,Sims, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims. Miss A. Eacrett, of Preston, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and other friends. Dr. Dunlop accompanied by Dunlop attended the Medical vention in Toronto last week. Mr. Fred Brown and sister Humeston, of London, visited on Sat­ urday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ged­ des. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher were in Toronto last week where Dr. Flet­ cher attended the medical conven­ tion. Buy Grab Bags at S'. B. Taylor’s Jewellry Store. All big value and help your favorite contestant. 5,000 Votes for 25c. Saturday. The brooch advertised as lost in the Times-Advocate last week has been returned to its owner. Miss Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knight and family, of Seaforth, visited with Mrs. Knight’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrew on Sunday. The Thames Road Sunday School will hold their anniversary Sunday, June 21st with a strawberry festival on Tuesday, June 23rd. Mrs. Stevenson, of London, visit­ ed with her .-daughter, Miss O. Ste­ venson on Friday last and attended the C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughter Banquet. ‘A number of the Exeter members Of the I. O. O. F. motored to Bruce- field. Sunday evening and attended Divine worship with the Brucefield brethren. Mrs. (Rev.) A. Page is in Sarnia this week attending the London Con­ ference W. M. S. Convention. Mrs. Page is the Conference Secretary of Mission Circles. In the report last week of the presentation to Mr. Gibbs Yelland it was reported in error that he had been, living at port Perry. It should have been Windsor. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes were Mr. and Mrs. Eyre and son Henry from. London; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Annie Geddes, of St. Thomas. Dr. and Mrs, Roulston were in Toronto the forepart of the week where Dr. Roulston attended the dental convention. They were accom­ panied to- Toronto by Mrs. Wm. May and Mrs. W. J. Beef. Mr. H. C. Careyi motored to Glen- -■ Carey, who r parents, ,S. Grant, returned ‘ "yr* and Mrs. C. motored as fat mt the day. her sister the summer Wednesday. Mrs. con- Mrs. coe Sunday and Mrs. Cs spent the week wdth hex* Mr. and Mrs. J. home with fri1 Laing and littj as ‘Stfathroy'J *4# ■Geraniunuty all kinds; Fusia, Bea gonia, Salwa, Giant and all kinds Petunia: Swap Dragon, Grego A^frs Stocks, Vfrbena, Vinca, Golorei' German fivy, Adgeratum, Thurmbij is GlQbi Leaf PJ Bonij John To mat Celery AVit kets f f, Golden Gleam ajq J Double Nasturiujjj fox, Foliage, f Best, Early J ar, Beef Stead ffes; CauliflW ill, ypew jrcena, Glour- Silver Earlinca |Fand Pepper its, Cabbage, ow Boxewand led to qwer. Hanging Bas- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W- A. Young, B. ScA. Interim Moderator Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—'“The Holy Spirit Striving with Man’’ Rev. S. M. Gordon, B.A., B.D. 7 p.m.—'“Christian Unity” Rev. S. M. Gordon =3) L way & Son GREENHOUSE Andrew Street, Exeter BIRTHS HAWKINS—In Clinton, on Monday May 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hawkins, (nee Miss Mona Miller) formerly of Hensail, a daughter. : • .................., ". .nr. <■ MARRIAGES of on 20 th, Myrtle daughter* of Mr. E. Earl to Mr. Brock, only son Milton Brock, of MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Service. a.m.—The Minister* Sunday School B1ROCK—EARjL—-At the home the bride’s parents in Exeter Wednesday, May Irene, youngest and Mrs. George Norman William of Mr. and -M'rs. Usborne, by Rev. A. E. Elliott. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.-■‘Real and Unreal Religion’ DEATHS ROWECLIFFE—In Exeter on Mon­ day, May 118, David Pearson Rowe- cli'ffe, in his 68th year. DAVIS—In the War Memorial Chil­ dren’s Hospital, London, on Mon­ day, May 18th, Arthur William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Davis, aged 1 year and 7 months. DOWN—In Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on. Saturday, May 16th, Ada Tom, beloved wife of Rev. J. W. Down, in her 72nd year. REYNOLDiS—At Dundgs,^. Ont., on •Saturday, May l^fh^'H^ry Rey­ nolds ,aged 79<cydfirs and 6%ionths ----- anNoun Mr. and/ Mrs. wish to Of theh^l^”daug®er Audrey Belle, to- Murray ' >nly son of Mr. and Mrs. NobleHScott, the marriage to take place the latter part of May. MENJiF X Rowcliffe the engagement CARD OF THANKS J. W. Down, wishes to expressRev. his sincere thanks to the neighbors and friendsMfor the kindness and sympathy extended du.r^igs' his re­ cent bereavement; jdlFto the min­ isters, for %e.-.b#^ful floral tri- cent bereavement- ak isters, for .. ___butes and for'^Wloan of cars NATIVE OF EXETER DIES IN MICHIGAN Alex-Robert Bruce, eldest son of ander and Charlotte Baise Taylor was born- September 24th, 1865 in Exeter, Ontario and passed away April 30th 193 6 at the age of 7 0 years, 7 months and 6 days. He received his early education in a school of Hay Township, mov­ ing to Michigan in 1883 and attend­ ing the Paw Paw High School and Abbie 25 th, riage erley. this union. One son Herbert Bruce preceeding him in death in 1910. Mr. Taylor was a teacher in the schools of Van Buren County for 41 years, retiring in 1932. For several years he served on the Examining Board of Van Buren County held the office of Township Treasurer Supervisor Drain Commissioner, of Review was Secretary of Gobles Mutual Telephone Co., for many years also- held many positions of trust in the community. He was a teacher in the Covery Hill Sunday School, a member of the Hudson Lodge No. 324 A.F?& A.M. at Gobles. He was a very suc­ cessful farmer owning and operating one -hundred acre farm which has been owned by three generations of * Mrs. Taylor’s family also a-> forty acre farm. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor celebrated their fiftieth wedding an­ niversary last August very quietly with their children owing to Mr. Taylor’s ill health at that time. He was a devoted husband, a kind' and generous father and helpful friend and neighbor. Those left to mourn his passing are his wife Clara; three daughters Mrs. Willow Carter, Waverley; Mrs. Laura Dornan and Mrs. Charlotte Dornan, of Glenn, Mich; three sons Luther L., East Lansing, Mich.; Cy­ rus H., Gobles and Robert L., of Lake Addessa. Twelve grandchildren two sisters, six brothers and a host of friends: The brothers and sisters are: Sam., of Gobles, Mich.; j-ohn, of Detroit, Mich.; Alex, of Saska­ toon; Arthur, of Toronto; Will., of Seattle, Wash.; Ira, of town and Mrs. Wm. Reid and Mrs. Wm. Blaney, of Exeter. Funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon May 3rd with Rev. Mr. Johnson of the Covey Hill baptist Church officiating with interment in Robinson Cemetery, Gobles. The large attendance and profusion of floral offerings testi­ fied of the respect and esteem in which he was held b^;^ll who knew him, Baker Seminary. On August 1885, he was united in mar- to- Clara I. Streator, of Wav- iSeven childreir were born to ■'. fSnSS- USTA-'.KNli oning. No%&$ NCom and Bun: Druggists. 11 3 p.m,—.Sunday School 7 p.m.—‘Demas: The Love sure’ Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Thursday, 8 p.m.—Young Union, of Plea- Service. People’s TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH 10 10 11 7 p.m.- Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Air. Middlemiss a.m.—Sunday School —U-Go-I-Go Class —Morning Prayer & Sermon -Evensong and Sermon a.m.- a.m.- C. V. PICKARD Auto Insurance Costing less than one doll ay, per month, wijy take a chance? Win Farmers you tion with the low cost Phone Insurant full protec- nesa Mutual at is the time. Exeter The D. H. Coal pany are sending their expejjFto clean out furnaces weeks. work d<j$ie once a a :son wishing this Ise phone 157w at JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 157j. Sun Life Rep. --------------------------------------------------------- PLANTS ^FOR S&LE TapiatodL Callage, Cauliflowers Peppers ^h^^Satter > Rhine 10 Works G Sybilla Spahr’s re md used by nearly o housand’’H1^*: gists in Onta^o,^ r 'because It WORKS, it’s , 1* you too, for throat, colds,^bugh, catarrh, hay fever and tonsil ills, All Druggists. GHr had blbod-pois- Fuses both Cress .on Salves. At all Little Billy, aged four, was being shown the shape of the earth on a globe atlas fry his mother. After pointing to all the countries with their peculiar shapes, she asked: Now Billy, what shape is the world? Billy, Rooking very wise and happy beamed frn>yherswith "It's in a ter­ rible shape, Daddy says.” .. \ Floor Coverings at Great Savings This week we are reducing prices on Floor Coverings. This is your opportunity to effect a real saving. Compare these prices with mail order price and see where you can save. Large Sizes in Linoleum Rugs 9 by 10 1-2 reg. $10.95 reduced to...$9.95 9 by 12 ft. reg. $12.00 reduced to ... $10.45 12 by 13 1-2 ft. reg. $18.25 reduc. to $15.95 10 1-2 by 12 ft. reg. $14 reduced to $12.95 12 by 12 ft. reg. $16.25 reduced to $14.95 . 12 by 15 ft. reg. $20.00 reduced to $17.95 6 by 9 feet... 7 1-2 by 9 ft. Borderless Feltol Rugs .........................$2.95 ........................ $3.69 9 ft. by 12 ft........... 9 ft. by 9 ft............ 9 ft. by 10 1-2 ft. ..........................$5.95 $4.49 $5.19 WASHABLE BLINDS These washable blinds have all the ap­ pearance of a linen blind. EACH 49c. ) PAPER BLINDS These inexpensive blinds come in Cream and Green. Extra Special Prices on Linoleum Rugs only 9 by 9 ft. reg. $9.25 for ....... $7.95 only 9 by 10 1-2 ft. reg. $10.95 for $8.95 only 9 by 12 ft. reg. $12.00 for.....$9.95 ENGLISH 2 YARD WIDE FELTOL hVery suitable for halls and small bed-f rooms at a popular price PER YARD 75c. EACH 15c. New Patterns in Inlaid Linoleums Patterns in Inlaid Linoleums. It i bu|y this wonderful wearing JHoor covering Let us quote you prig economy to your room. both 49c. .. 16c. .. 53c. $2.49 We are showing several GROCERY SP THESE PRICES WILL. ... VE YOU MONEY Magic Coffee .......................................... McLaren’s Jelly Powders, all flavors 1 lb. Blk. or Mix. Tear, our specie 1 box Shaker Salt, plain, ioc|^ 8 oz. jug Harry Home’s,jj^illa 24 lb. bag good Pastry’Tlour 98 lb. bag good Bread Flour Chick Oatmeal ..................... 10 bs. fox* 25c. McCormick Biscuits...1 lb. pack 2 for 25c. 100 lbs. granulated sugar ................... $4.73 Harry Horne’s Peanut Butter, blk. 2 lbs 25 1 Can Peas, Corn and Tomatoes ... for 25c. P. & G. Soap.........................5 bars for 18c. 50 lbs. blocks of plain or iodized salt 40c. PINEAPPLES—Are now at their best. We would appreciate your order. Prices right Try Us For Your Next Order—Leaf Lettuce, Head Lettuce, Tomatoes, Carrots, Cu­ cumbers, Cabbage, Lemons, Oranges and Bananas, aways a fresh stock. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Main Street Young- People The literary meeting of the Main St. Y. P. S. was in charge of Flor­ ence MacDonald. The Scripture les­ son was read by Gordon' Hilfoorn. The topic on “The King’s English” was very ably taken by Miss isobel Kirk. Temperance Address One of the finest, most sensible temperance addresses delivered in Exeter in some years was that .given by Mr. Stephen A. Byle-s B.A., of the South London Collegiate at Caven Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Mr. Byles received a very attentive hearing. Presbyterian Y. P. G. The Young People’s Guild of Ca- ven church was visited last Monday evening by the Seaforth Presbyter­ ian Young People’s Society. After Mr. Alex Strang had welcomed the guests Mr. Lome Pinkney, President of the -Seaforth Society presided over an interesting program. Games were .enjoyed and refreshments were serv­ ed by the hosts. -------------1—i---------------- Main Street W. M. S. The May meeting of the Main St. United W. M. ,S. was held on Thurs­ day at the home .of Mrs. W. Martin. 'The meeting was conducted by Mrs. G. S. Howard, After the opening ex­ ercises the roll call was responded to by “Missionary Messages of the -.Bibl&t/ M!rs, G. w. Layton gave an 4ri.fehesting detailed report of the re- 'hent convention at Clinton. Mrs. Gunning, temperance secretary read an article on alcohol and also offer­ ed special prayer for the missionary Miss Sparling in West China. Plans were made for the June meeting when the Baby Band and their mo­ thers will be entertained. The meet­ ing was closed in the usual manner. ——i—,----.---- Miss Margaret Heril visited cousin Miss Betty peart in Rock­ wood over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Luscher, of Thed­ ford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle. Mrs. Luscher is leaving shortly 'for Switzerland. May We Present Mr. J MAY 26thTUESDAY, PAlRKE, Stylist and Representative of “CLOTHES OF QUALITY” Brand will be here on If m Wherever you are, " wherever you go—• you may be sure that your CLOTHES OF QUALITY suit or topcoat will look smart. Style and fit are built right into them by master craftsmen— built to your own person* al measurements. Come in and see the newest arrivals in colourful, sturdy British woolens, the latest style trends. You’ll like them both, we thifik’, in t0PcW Clothes of Quality BRAND $25.00 and up Suit & Trousers . rnri'"jL.......r"' W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT.