HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-05-21, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY m XOS« HENSALL Mr. Wilson Allan is on the sick list this week. Miss Margaret Slavin is spending a week or two in Exeter, Mrs. J. J. Case, of Toronto, is vis­ iting relatives and friends in town this week, Mr. Fred Kenning, of Egmondville, is spending a few days in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mew, of Go­ derich were calling on friends in town on Sunday, . Mrs. Bertha Bell has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Tavistock. Mr. O’Rourke, a student at West­ ern University conducted the ser­ vices in St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Coles and daughter M'iss Ruth, of Listowel, spent Sun­ day here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold. Dr. Samuel Coulter and his uncle Dr. W. J. Coulter, of Toledo, Ohio, attended the funeral here on Sat­ urday of the late Mrs. John Coulter. The Hensall Oddfellows with other lodges attended divine service at Brucefield United Church on Sunday evening last. M'r, and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie Jr. and little daughter, of Toronto, at­ tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alex McMurtrie Sr. on Wednesday. The counci 1 have a number of men at work this week filling in the holes in the roads with ashpalt and making other improvements to the roads. Mrs. H. Lipphardt, who spent the winter here with her daughter Mrs. George Fee has returned home in Zurich for the months. Anniversary services will in the United Church on May 24th both morning and even­ ing. The special speaker of the day will be Rev. Mr. Williams* of Tor­ onto. The services promises to be very 4interesting. Rev. Beverley Farr late Rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Hensall, and who has been transferred to Dorchester is moving his household effect-s to Dorchester this week. His father and mother, who have made their home with him here at Hen- ’ sail, are also going to Dorchester to reside. « At the United church on Sunday the pastor Rev. Arthur Sinclair took charge of both services. At the morn­ ing service Miss Lettie Love took the solo parts in the anthem and in the evening Mrs. Geo. Hess and Miss Florence Welsh took special parts. ' At the Presbyterian church, Rev. W. A. Young preached at both ser­ vices. At the morning service spec­ ial parts in the anthem were taken by Miss Mabel Workman and at the evening service Mrs. W- A. Young . and Mrs. W. A. McLaren sang a duet The Young People’s League of the United Church held their regul­ ar meeting on Monday evening in the basement of the church with the president Mr. Lome Elder in the chair. The meeting opened by singing hymn 290 and all repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Mr. Robt. Pass- more read the Scripture lesson from Luke 22. Miss Greta Lammie fav- avored with an instrumental. The minutes of the last meeting were lead by the secretary and adopted, and other business discussed. Mr. Andrew McKenzie gave a splendid and very able address on “What is the Value of Prayer.” Hymn 245 was sung and this very interesting meet­ ing closed with the Mizpah benedic­ tion. Death of Mrs. John Coulter Mrs. Mary Jane Coulter, wife of John Coulter and a highly respect­ ed .resident of HensaJl for over 55 years passed away at her home here on Thursday, May 14 after an ill­ ness of a few days. She had been suffering from heart trouble for a time and about a week befo.re her death she had a severe attack from which she failed to rally. She was born at Brookville. Ont., 82 years ago her maiden name being Mary Jane Eyres. Mr. and Mrs. Coulter were married in December 28, 1881 and shortly after they moved to Hensall and have been valued residents here since. She was a 'member of the Unitd Church. (She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and one son Dr. Samuel Coulter, of Toledo, O.; two brothers George and Thomas Eyres of Tuckersmith and one sis- ter Mrs. Thos. Wren Sr., of Hensall. A daughter Miss Ida Coulter prede­ ceased her eight years ago. The fun­ eral took place from her late home, in Henall with interment taking place in McTaggart’s cemetery. Rev. Arthur Sinclair having charge of the service. The florai tributes were very beautiful showing the esteem held for Mrs. Coulter in the community where she lived so long. Flowers were received from St. Vincent’s Hospital, Toledo, 0.; Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Dinsdale, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Joynt, Misses Forrest; Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Joseph Hogan, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. Wren, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Coulter and family and beautiful wyeaths from Mrs. Salton and Mrs. and Miss Colwill. Relatives and friends attended the funeral from Toledo, Ohio; Ingersoll, Woodstock and Scarboro Junction. Death of Mrs. Alex McMurtrie Another aged and highly respect­ ed resident of Hensall Mrs. McMurtrie Sr., passed away on day evening at the home of son J|ohn McMmrtrie, of the concession of Stanley Township, had been failing in health for some time and about five weeks ago she was taken to the home of her son where she gradually grew weaker and passed away on Sunday. She was a daughter of the late Hugh Love and Mrs, Love of Hillsgreen, and was born near Hillsgreen 80 years ago and there she spent her early life. Fifty years ago she mar­ ried Alex McMurtrie and for thirty years they lived .on Mr. McMurtrie’s farm west of Kippen. Twenty four years ago Mr. and Mrs, McMurtrie moved to Hensall, Mr. McMurtrie to her summer be held Sunday Alex Sun- li er 2nd . She carried on a droving business while here till his death about IX years ago. iSince his death Mrs, McMur­ trie has lived alone. .She was a con­ stant member of the Carmel Pres- byterian church and rarely failed to. attend the Sunday Services. Richmond Street south where has lived for the past ten years, will be greatly missed for she a kindly neighbor and friend, leaves to mourn her loss, three sons John, of Stanley Township; Hugh, of Hay Township and Alex, London; two grandchildren, two brother An­ drew and William Love, of Hensail and one sister Mrs. Peter Fisher of Hensail. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from the home of her son John McMurtrie, Stanley Townhip with interment in Hensail Union cemetery. Rev. W. A. Young had charge of the service. The pall bearers were all six nep­ hews of the deceased. Quite a num­ ber of Hensail.relatives and friends attended the funeral, CHISELHURST and Mrs. Wm. Pybus have CREDITON On she she was She * theMr. sympathy of the community in tlieir present days of anxiety as Mrs. Py­ bus was called to London owing to the illness of her father and since then Mr. Pybus has received word from the West of the serious illness of his brother Norman, who is ill in a hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Alt Buchanan were in London Sunday visiting their son Wilfred, who has been in the hos­ pital for four weeks but report his condition verjr favorable although it is uncertain how long he will have to remain there. Mr. Thos. Harris returned home Friday after visiting with his bro­ ther Mr. Chas. Harris at Medina, N. Y., who recently underwent an operation in the Rochester General Hospital. He is recovering nicely. Mr. Percy Harris and Miss Maud Miller accompanied Mr. Thos. Harris Medina. The regular monthly meeting of the Chiselhurst W. M. S. met in School room of the church on Tues­ day, May 12th. A goodly number were present. The Hensall and Kippen ladies were invited guests of the day and a large number attend­ ed 'from both societies. Mrs. Pybus presided and opened the meeting with a fed words of welcome to the visitors and after singing a hymn all repeated thei Lord’s Prayer. The Scripture reading was then read and announcements were made that next meeting would be in charge of Mrs. Buchanan and they would pack a bale of second hand clothing and quilts. The collection amounted to $9.43. After singing another hymn M'rs. Cross of Hensall took charge of the meeting. The Hensall society put on the program. After a few well chosen words Mrs. Cross called on- Mrs. Hess for a solo; a piano- duet by Mr. Mickle and Miss Welsh; a reading by Miss Consitt; a duet by Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Drysdale which were all very much enjoyed 'by all. One very interesting item was a re­ port of the Presbyterial at Clinton in April by Miss Murray, of Hensall. The program ended by singing and Mrs. C. McDonald leading in prayer. The next half hour was spent in social chat and refreshments_ were served after which Mrs. Sinclair gave a few words of appreciation. to the Chiselhurst Society for their .pitality. to the hos- ELIMVILLE Mr. and friend of Sunday in EUber returned with them on a visit Misses Ila and Ella Lamport, of London, spent Sunday at their home here. Inspector Beacom, of Goderich, paid a visit to the school here last week. Mrs. Harry Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. spending a couple ietta, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C. aid spent a few days in Toronto. We are glad to see Mr. Wm. Fink­ beiner out and around again after being confined to the home for sev­ eral months, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sweitzer of Kitchener visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Charlotte Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Sims and Mr. E. Sims, of Crediton, spent Sunday with relatives in Ailsa Craig. Mr. Alvin Finkbeiner was the vic­ tim of a painful accident on Tues­ day. He was splicing a wire fence when the stick with which he was working flew up and struck him in the chin. The stick went througn the chin and cut up through the lip tearing a nasty gash. Dr. Weekes was called and a number of stitches were required to close the wound. The regular meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was held on Thursday, May 14th. Mrs. Wm. Wright presided; Mrs. Johnson read the scripture and Mrs. F. Clark fa­ vored the meeting with a reading. Reports were given from the differ­ ent committees and arrangements were made to serve a Strawberry Supper on June 16th. A social time followed with the following as hos­ tesses: Mrs. Ed. Beavers, Mrs. F. Kerr and Miss Walker. The members of the W. M. S. en­ tertained a number of ladies, to a Guest Tea in the basement of the United Church on Wednesday even­ ing. The basement of the church was nicely decorated and yellow daf­ fodils adorned the tables and bas­ kets of the same flower and ferns on the platform, hostess to a i Mrs. Kestle, S. took the Mrs. (Rev.) Adams, from Londesboro, were the guest speakers. Mrs. Gardiner spoke on “Why I am interested in Mis­ sions.” Mrs. Gardiner is a lovely speaker and had the attention of everyone present. Mrs. E. Adams gave a travel talk taking the au­ dience with .her in a trip to Europe by her description making each place very real. The audience enjoyed it all. Mrs. C. Misener sang a solo; Mrs. V. Kestle and Mrs. Misener de­ lighted the audience with a piano duet. Lunch was served and a so­ cial time spent by all. Mrs. Norman Ricker and Owendale, Mioh., spent the village. Mrs. H. F. of Brampton F. W. Clarke are of weeks in Mar- Zwicker and Ger- Each member was table of 4 to 8 guests, president of the W. M. chair for the program. Gardiner and Mrs. E. SHIPKA J. Mellen and fam- spent the week-end Miss Luella Fink-' home with them. Those who have been confined to their homes with measles are: Har­ old Finkbeiner, Audrey Finkbeiner, Kenneth Baker, Jack Ratz. Mrs. Bertha Qugs and family from London called on relatives on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. ily from Detroit with relatives, beiner returned Miss Lucile Lockner was taken to Byron Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lockner from London spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. c. Lockner returned home with them for' a time. M.r. and Mrs. A. Tilley and fam­ ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neeb near Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold, wood, spent Sunday at the Mr. “ 'and 'Mrs. Milt. Ra-tz. DASHWOOD of Dash­ home ,of f / Jd.d.s. of Toron- with rela- been on The sympathy of many friends is extended to Mrs. Ed. Johns who re­ ceived a telegram last Wednesday informing her of the death of her father Mr. Wm. Edwards in a hos­ pital in Saskatoon, .Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Johns and daughters attended the funeral in Fordwich on Tues­ day of this week. The Edwards family were residents of Fordwich for many years before going to Sask­ atoon. Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Pybus o.f near Chiseuiurst, were callers on rela­ tives here last Thursday. They also went to ILondoa to see the latter’s father Mr. Silas Johns who is ill in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Chas. Johns is attending a AV. M. S. Convention in Sarnia this week. We are sorry to report that Mr. Silas Johns was taken to Victoria Hospital, London on Wednesday of last week to undergo treatment for trouble in his leg. Rev. Mr. Livingstone, of Well­ burn has been secured to preach at the Sunday School anniversary ser­ vices here on June 28th. Miss Bessie Bell R. N., to, wais a .Sunday visitor fives in the village. Mr. Elgin Skinner has the sick list but is improving. The Young People’s Union met on Monday evening. The president opened the meeting with hymn 97 and prayer. Some business was dealt with. The ’Literary Convenor, Helen Murch then- took charge of the Worship period. Hymn 223.1 Scripture lesson from Matthews was read by Lome Elford and from i James 3:1-12 by Delmar .Skinner. Rev. J. R. Peters led in prayer. The ( topic "A week in the Rocky Moun-> tains” was ably given by Howard ' Johns. The meeting was closed with ( hymn 177 and the Mizpah benedic-| tion.The May meeting of the W. A. Society was held on Thursday after­ noon at the home of Miss Dore, Del- bridge. Hymn “A Volunteer for Jesus” was sung and prayer offered, by Mrs. James Kirkland. A reading “Mother Speaks” was given by Mrs. Freeman Horne. An instrumental by Mrs. Franklin .Skinner also a vo­ cal duet “God Will Take Care of You” by Mrs. Roy Brock and Mrs. Garnet Johns were very much en­ joyed. Some business was dealt with Plans wore made for a, bazaar to be held sometime the latter part of the year. The remainder of the after­ noon was spent at setving. The next meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw witlx Mrs. Jas. Kirkland in charge of the meeting. Dr. W. D. Bryce, IaD.S. DENTAL SUR$E>O> At office in HartleiSBlock, Dash­ wood, first three daystowweek and at office over the post^pfffice, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. An auction sale of the household ef­ fects of the late Mrs. Goetz will be held on Saturday afternoon, May 2 3rd. Miss Zeta Nadiger, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exe­ ter were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Mr. Sam. Witzel, of Toronto spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stire have re­ turned home after spending the win­ ter with’ their son in Dorchester. Mu’, and Mrs. R. Eckstein, Mrs. C. Hoffman and daughter Lily, of London, were Sunday visitors with relatives. Miss Anna Tieman spent the week­ end in Detroit. Miss Fany Preeter, of Kitchener, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and Gertrude spent the week-end in Kit­ chener, M'r. and Mrs, White and family, of Detroit, spent last week-end with her 'mother Mrs. Witzel also- at­ tended the conference here. Mrs. McFalls spent last week with relatives in Exeter. Mrs. L. Morenz spent the week­ end with her sister in Kitchener. Mr. S. J. McFalls returned home on Monday after spending several weeks in Michigan. BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks, May, Sigle Comb White Leghorns, 8^c.;’ Single Comb Anconas, Brown Leghorns, Rocks, 9^c.; White Rock§ Black Giants 10Sc, Runner Ducklings, 13c, Fi; logue. Guaranteed 100 alive at your station, A. it. SWEITZER, Grantol Whit P.j >.e Barred# Jersey InctfK'n fipta- oent. out. MT, CARMEL A social will be held in the on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ruland, Mr. Mrs. Etue and babe, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Mrs. P. Sullivan and family spent Sunday with the former’s mother Mrs. Kerno, of Wallacetown, Mrs. W. Rowland, of London, Is visiting her sister Mrs. T. Rowland. Joseph Glavin Jr. and Cyril Mor­ rissey spent the week-end at Toron­ to. Miss Geraldine Harness, of Strat­ ford, called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton spent Sun­ day with the former’s father Mr. J, Dalton, at 'Goderich. Miss Winnie Madden, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Denomme and fam­ ily, of Detroit, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Denomme’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Ragier. Miss K. Morrissey, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. D. Geromette spent a few days last week with her daughter Mrs. Paul Masse, of Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. George Naugh and family called on friends here last week. hall and .Ml i •a: y-\ .<i <■ $ 1 C l;i I?\ ■i' THE RED and WHITE STORE Pure Cane Sugar 10 lbs. for 50c PRESERVING PINEAP! lbs, for 25c. tins for 25c< S ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST. WE WILL APPRE­ CIATE YOUR ORDER FRESH DATES PEAS, NO. 4 SWEET WHITE CORN ... BRUNSWICK SARDINES WALKERS’ SODA BISCUITS# STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM F----------------- lbs. for 9c.Ready-Cut Macaroni ........... Big Five Cleanser ................ Wonderful Laundry Soap ... Palmolive Toilet Soap Phone 102 Fresh Broken Sodas in bulk.......2 lbs. 25c. Select Pink Salmon ...................per tin JOc. Crosse & Blackwell Catsup 2 bottles 25c. Peanut Butter in bulk........... 2 lbs. for 25c. ROLLIES’ GROCERY We Deliver FOR I SALE Here are values that come once in a lifetime ■» You buy one Suit or Coat or Dress and we will give you your choice of another one FREE This is too good to miss!! Our st£^-iOj0Mtl for the extensive range we have purchased We are going to sacrifice profits and give you a break. If you cannot use two garments bring sc other member of the family or a frien, ___________________________________________________________ ______________________ _________________V m and you may vote here^ $2.00 two two two two for for fortwo ij 2 for 2 for95 2 for Exeter if SOME OF OUR SPECIALS Dresses; Dresses; Dresses; Dresses; Reg. Reg Reg Reg Re Regular Regular Regular Regular $10.95 $14.95 $19.95 $25.50 Sale opens Thurs., May 21 at 10 Fashion Ladies’ Wear Miss Lucille MooreNew Management Phone 228j Member of the Exeter Community Campaign. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 0 III Vole for a friend lllllllllll , i'-LA'.’’.- r sw1 ?<Xl