HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-04-16, Page 8THVKSRAY, APRIL 10th, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-APVQCATE ..Attractive Hair •• The care of your hair today is not a matter for special occasions. At so­ cial functions, during business hours or in y hair guidi of y ur heme, the unobtrusively ‘S y< ir companii .me i Ladies’ Dresses are showing. Priced at S5.00.UM7.50 adies Exeter LOCAL NEWSap- * be­ With Plain or Belted MjjUBels. In Plain Tweeds and Ch Suits have one pair long Exeter Markets Wheat 70c Oats 30e Barley 42c Buckwheat Manitoba’s AVelcome I I CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Key. S. Moore Gordon, B,A,, B.D. Alinister Mrs, J, G. Cochrane, organist Rev. AV. A. Young B. Bc.A 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. I). C. Hill, B.A., B.D, of Roslin, Ont, 7 p.m.—'Rev, I). C. Hill Monday, April 20th: Dr. Neville, ‘The Lure of Archaeology Sunday, April 2 6th; Rev, J. L. Bur­ gess, M.A., of Lucknow. beauty of your but definitely nis impressions that your hair always. ur t 4 III attent A ill USS gives lw SMITH Butter 21c-24c A large 14c. B 12c C lie $8.25 w BEAUTY SHOPPE xi in uni of Satistacti ir Muku irmiUc, nut Wav lustrous hair limtun of 40c. Best |2.70 four $2.40 $26,00 a ton 1.00 a ton forts $21.00 a ton Standard Screening Chop $19.00 Mixed Chop $22.00 Creamery Butter 28c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs An error appeared in Vsborne Council minutes in last week’s issue. In th* treasurer's report, Bank ot Montreal note $1014.55 should have read Bank of Montreal note paid, $1914.55. The Township of Vsborne fortunately, has no outstanding debts. FOR SALE -/^fTmloek Phone 48, Huron*Lumber Co. ---------- -—CATTLE WANTED fUR TORE—One year old. Joshua R.R. No. 3, Exeter, p$one Kiikton. PAS- Jolins, 25rl7, WANTED—Girl desiJ^&Xdfosition of housework. Apply Times^Advocate ltp. FOR SALE—A quantity of Oats for seed at^ also one Durhan^buM?!? months old John AL Bell, 1. FOR SALE—2 ti^sj^hens and 1 gobber. Apply lo R» “H. Dick, JSen- sall. ' ^ltp. Banner bushel: Good news! Th One-Cent-Sale. Yo save 50 per cent, t day, Friday and S Rexall Store. original mity to Thurs- 1 Cole’s FOR SALE—We good homes for sale make them good buy ard. Phone 165. J LOCALS FOR A TASTY MEAD TRY OUR PURE PORK Tomato Sausa IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. IL Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Clioir-Leader BOW'LL RS ATTENTION—A meet­ ing of the bowlers will be held in the Library Thursday evening at 8 Important business. It is hop- all intended bowlers will be p.m. ed that present. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—-The Minister11 Women’s Alissionary Easter Thank- offering. *3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Alinister, Monday—Y. P. S. 3 7 If you need one you will find the style, cloth and price you are prepared to pay in the fine assortment have to offer. See our values at $12.95 and $14.50. New Belted Models in Spring Suits ' 7/ 7- 7- “ the we This is the up-to-date Clothes foi| Young Men for Spring and Summer, The styles are very popular and the cloths are/n the New Tweeds. See these before you buy. Smart TweZd Suits for School ffects. Most of these tfTts and Coats We have a finjf assortme in the new cloths afd shad f Coats and Suits, featuring some very smart styles The prices are reasonable. Come in and see what we 11 a.m.—“Three months in the Holy Land.” Rev. Leroy Toll, B.A., World Traveller. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—"The Walk to Emmaus.” The Minister. Tuesday, 8 p.m. — ‘‘Hitch-hiking Round the World.” The Toll Brothers. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Union. We have received new shipments of Misses and Women’s Dresses showing some last mnute styles at very popular prices.Miss holiday Mr. Wm. McKay, of Stratf-ord, vis­ ited in town for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman spent Easter with relatives in Norwich. Mrs. Geo. Hay is visiting with her mother Mrs. J. W. Anderson, at Crediton, Mr. Rd. Terry, who is ill in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, is somewhat Kathleen Strang spent the in London, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH FOR SALE—Banker sjfed Oats,its . . d grown from registered 'IKr' ■aK* 1 bushel. Apply Ge$,- Exeter, phone 12itS9.j pitchers, store ex- ^entralia. FOR SALE—Privately day April 18th,^t^V Leather rocker, tl hall rack, wash! wringer, electrit pots, pans, v scale:s. garden. GIRL WANTED—With t perience. Applyz_B°x 19. ....Registered Yorkshires udi^^bred sows c?ov'Vinci • F Satur- arce’s. ep ladder, achine and plate, dishes, T * FOR 'SAL all ages in boars read Advanced Hunter, FOR ernniem iest yie with la cent, in Ex ce; bred Stock, j and front I. D. PP SALE—NoW> Rffi’ley grade 1^(4^0960) .der. srt^'otj^award, , nination 95 per! , Hunter, Exeter ! PP RENT — Pasture „ seventy-^e acresm the nojth side^Fthe Lake Fqjjimirther par- AIORLEY, So- 4-9-3tc. FOR SA farm consisting q] situa Road near Sodojb. Fou^ tlculars apply tq-'J. Heitor, Exeter/? Qm; CATTLE WANTEDz‘Fp$ GRASS —Apply John T. Hicks/ "Centralia. Phone 321’11 Kirkfdn.? 4-9 Mrs. W. Pollen is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. Fawcett, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guenther, of Windsor, visited at the home of Mr. Robt. Sanders. A delivery truck conveying four cars made delivery at the Chevrolet garage Tuesday. Murray Madge, of London, is spending the holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Williams. Mr. Archie McLean, formerly Hibbert Township, died recently his home in Grey Township. Miss Reba Simmons, nurse-in- training at the Stratford Hospital, spent Monday at her home here, Miss Effie Treble has returned to London after spending the winter 10 10 11 Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss a.m.—Sunday School ' a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 7 p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon C. V. PICKARD of at Auto Insurance Costing less than one dollar per month. WJ^y take a chance? Wind Insurance SWll protec- su Mutual at s the time. Farmers yojgf can earn tion with ®e Waw low co!) Phone 165,' . G "qCE™' "specials" OXYDOL 1 large package 1 small package Both for ... . 26c OATMEAL For your chicks 9 lb. for ... . 25c A FREE 1 Cake Life Buoy Soap with 1 large package LUX For...................25c CHERRIES FOR PIES Sweet or Unsweetened 2 cans for .. . 25c BROOMS Get ready for Housecleaning good 5-string brooms For ....... 49c HONEY Choice Quality 10 lb. pail. . . 90c Pineapples, Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Tomatoes, Carrots, Beets, Cabbages, at lowest prices Southcott 1 Phone 16 Bros. Phone 16 gov- heav- - 5Vjth her sister, Mrs. S. Parsons. j Mrs. Riddell, of Frobisher, Sask., v,j is visiting with her son-in-law and i daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pick- . ard. Mr. and Mrs. O. Becker Miss Betty and Robt., of New Hamburg, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins. Mr. J. J. Knight, of London, and son Mr. David Knight, of Stratford, called on friends in town on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newell and son, David, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Creech. Clerk Joseph Senior, who confined to his home for weeks was able to be out for a short walk on Alon day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sehwegler, Marion and Clayton, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Air. and Airs. N. J. Dore. Mrs, j. AV, orme, of Toronto and Airs. T. D. Orme, of Lucan, were the visitors with Airs. G. T. ! •2tp. FOR RENT—One^^ land .... nor of Mill and ^rning streets, Ex­ eter. Apply tapirs, A. Gibson. R.. N. cor- lias been, several ..Permanents.. Join the parade with a coiffure that is fresh and young, a clan­ cut coiffure that will brir new life to youy end-of-thq^Miter pearancejand mor ussell Phone 245 HOJJSETO RENT^ Cottage onHuron street, pqs^ssi^n 1st Alay. Apply John Jac^b, Ij.o^ O. Clinton, f 4-9-3tp. .......SEED GRAINS ward’ (srnoc Oats; and I. Spring :h awneg a' given Ow^n phone G o a ied : 'rices m a dger 9. F fOR SALE^FRe- Wheat, ^velvet” barley.) ‘Alaska’ uantity Flaxseed sal fo&Reedlng live- and .mill information on. Apply to on, Hensail, Ont., A ' Motor Accident Hazards are Increasing Yearly 4-9-3tc. SALE-^D. C. API! FOR lowed. Seed Bdfl Col will, Centra^ No. 21, 6- y to W. T. FOF grouiu nished watoi CAL an in dsmobil Apply 1 ■ room on or unfur- tb^oom, hot ry A. ToutTout ■il .'lU.r. $ Barb F 3 se- M?s. iiepsiaii, No­ lle Down 4-9-3tc. FOR grown bushel. Expter, SALE—Banne mfr eed ed, am R.R. 3, rS9 HensalL ‘9tp. Oats, Oc. a Al HATCHING^-2c. dll egg ‘‘•’.See or write Mrs. E. HeyAvddd, R.R. ■. / tfe SEED IMRLEY FOR jSiLE-TD. ^A.C. 21. Apply- Alvin Essery, Gdii- ^ra.Iia. Phone 40 r '4, CreditoilF -^Ok SALE—-The~ farm , of the John penhale Estate,, 00 ac* res; Lot 12, SoutluBoundaryfif Hay; house, barn, wini bush; also 50 her Con, 7, Hay. suit acfes South ha Hay; 30 acres su with SO’niO plough! pasture, windmill. John, penhale, R, 1, some alf lot 8, pasture. Con. 4r croping balance to Mrs. ay, Lake Road tfn. mill i South among Mantle for Easter. Miss Audrey and Billie Bettis, of Toronto, are holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. H. ly underwent toria Hospital, London, a satisfactory recovery. Mrs.. Amelia Dale, who has spent the past few weeks in Boston, Mass., is expected home this week. She is at present visiting in St. Thomas and London. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd, Bever­ ley and Shirley, of Toronto and Mrs. W. Millar Warren and Richard, oE London, are visiting at the home of Mr. L. Day. Messrs. E. M. Dignan, G. Hicks, C. Fisher and B. Rivers were in Ham­ ilton Friday of last week attending a lodge of instruction in connection with the I. O. O. F. Mr. II. T. Rowe, who has been Confined to his home for some time through illness, is able to be tip a little each day. He was down stairs for a shoit time Easter Sunday. ? A number of members of the Odd­ fellows order were in London Wed­ nesday evening of last week and were initiated into the lodge of the Ancient Mistic Order of Samaritans. Mr. Wm. Stanlake was- at Clinton Tuesday attending a demonstration of grafting and pruning under the direction of the Dept, of Agriculture hold at the orchard of Mr, Middle­ ton. Messrs. Kenneth Hockey, Frank Creech, G. Cochrane and p. Lawson motored to Toronto Saturday and took in the final hockey game be­ tween the Maple Leafs and Detroit Rod Wings. spending the Easter their aunt and uncle Frank Triebner. Thomson, who recent- an operation in Vic- is making As traffic grows on our highways so does the danger of accidents to the individual motorist. • Although yon$may be the .4^dst ’-i the woi'My the may involw*yoii in Pl prove .Lee when you insurance for s^Fe can give you, ;hd get our price our car. careful driver /jh “other fellow’^ ome motor n®hap that, particularly ^OStly, Why takdijAe cj^ll can buy ai^omoW®?'ii such low cdst as^ltf "" Phone 1<T insuriaffore JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative! Mrs. E. A. Howald spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roul- ston at Simcoe. Roy. s. M. and Mrs. Gordon and family are spending this Grand Bend. Jack Moise and Robert are spending a few days Bend. A jolly surprise party .. at the homo of Mr, and Mrs, Preston Dearing on Tuesday evening, the occasion being the former's birth­ day. The evening was spent play­ ing cards, Mrs. G. Appleton being the winner of ladies' high and Thos. Dinney gents high, while Mrs, Rey­ nolds won the consolation, week at Southcott at Grand was held This is Good medicine Sybilla Spahr most depondabJ cough, croup, i chitis, tonsillti ____ __________ it’s amazingly Mood and guaranteed. All druggists. therovett Hfe to treat hg-^ougb, brom id throat troubles Mis. Fred Bawden visited with relatives in Brantford for Easter. Mr. Ted Taman, of Seaforth and Miss Margaret Tainan, of London, spent the holidays under the parent­ al roof. John Keyes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keyes, of the Highway north of Exeter, who has been ill for some time was t'aken to London in an am­ bulance Monday for treatment at Victoria Hospital. Mrs. F. Triebner is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Bettis, of Tor­ onto. Mrs. Triebner has not been well most of the winter but she en­ joyed the motor trip to Toronto and stood the journey well. Mr. Geo. Jewell, of London, a member of the Exeter Lodge of Odd­ fellows, and brother Of Mr. James Jewell, recently returned to his home from hospital were he under­ went an operation. Miss Iva Willis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, of town, while playing Monday afternoon had the misfortune to slip and twist her right ankle fracturing .a bone. She was attended by Dr. bunlop. Dr, F. C. Thompson, D.D.G.M., of the I.O.O.F. paid his official visit to the Exeter Lodge Tuesday evening. There was a good attendance and the work of the first degree was ex­ emplified in a very efficient manner. Dr, Thompson gave a very timely address and was tendered a vote of thanks. Refreshments were served at the close. The Mission Band of James St, Church served a ten cent tea Tues­ day afternoon. Members of the band provided a program of music and recitations which was followed by afternoon tea. There was a fair attendance. Mrs. J. H. Jones, supt. of the Band, was in charge assisted by Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs. South cott. Leave Your Measure for “Clothes of Quality gs® Wherever you are, wherever yoi^go—• you may be si^e that your CLOTHES OF QUALITY^suit or topcoat will ljok smart. Style and right intdt them by master c-feftsmen—• built to y^ir own person­ al medsw&ments. Come Sl and see tl newest^ arrivalsa^fh colourmljStttrds^Rish i woolen^,... latest • style trends. You’ll like ‘ them both, we think, in your CLOTHES OF QUALITY suit or topcoat. : are built “Clothes of Quality BRAND NOTICE J. M.W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 —I nr 1... i i ',j7url.iu EXETER, ONT. Now is- the time to have your rugs and curtains dry cleaned for you’re spring cleaning. We will call for and deliver your rugs. Prices reason* able; /’ Also ladles’ Spring CQatS1' 60c, ‘ ............ 60c 50c 60 c Ladies’ Plain Men’s Hats ...e.j/J1!1?,....... -Sults and SpMhg Coats at HARNESS’ BARBER SHOP THE ONTARIO DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS 'Mr« Wesley G. Simmons and Chas, Triebner were in Toronto over the W6ek*pnd and were guests of ‘Buzz’ Boll, p,f the Toronto Maple Loafs in their final game against the Detroit Red Wings at the Maple Leaf Gar­ dens Saturday evening. Mr. Boll was tv friend of the Siipmons family during Ills boyhood days at Fillmore SasdjA His father and Mr, Simmons wore at one time partners in busjl- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie and daughter Jean, of Toronto and Mr. Earl E. Christie, of Western Uni­ versity, London, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. w. Christie, The engagement is announced o£ Margaret Mary, youngest daughter of Mrs. Edward Arkoll, London, to names Oswald Brown, son of Mrs. J. O, Brown, also of London and form­ erly of Exeter, the- marriage to take place the latter part of April,