HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-04-16, Page 5THE EXETER TIIV1ES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 16tlj, 1936 HENSALL Miss Dorothy Kyle, of London, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hillard spent the week-end visiting in Detroit. Miss Marion Sinclair, of Toronto, spent the holidays at her home here. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Dashwood, spent the holidays at her home here. Mr. Abraham, of Stratford, was calling on friends in town on Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Cross visited over the week-end with relatives in Clies- ley. Miss Beryl Pfaff is spending the Easter holidays with friends in Wat­ ford. Miss Hannah Murray visited a few days last week at her home near Exeter. Mr. Mitlon Ortwein, of London, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. ' Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie is spending Ma f</w days visiting with her son in Stanley Twp. Mil An nil Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher and Mrs. Roy Palmer and daughter Car­ oline, of Windsor, visited over the «<. holiday with their parents Mr. and , ly of the District Nurses’ Mrs. John Fisher. t‘ , ; Mr. Harold Bonthron, who is at- pointed delegate with tending P’-‘ y-~ Ihi /._ market, is spending the Easter lioli- J convention which convenes -1"”" *■*'“ 1.....a of bls narputR. Mr.’ *----’ CREDITON At a meeting at Ann Arbor recent- . ..........T Associa­ tion, Miss Pearl M. Haist, was ap- . .. „ ‘ 1.. all expenses Pickering College in New- ■ paid to attend the American Nurses 4 ------jyg Angeles, California, on June 18th. She will leave by special train front Chicago, June 17 and will arrive in Los turn er ( Nurs of Michigan. Miss Lulu ‘rsity -end with her father Mr, Wm. aiser. . and Mrs. Howard Renny, of 'it, visited over the week-end a home of Mr. and el. . and Mrs. George son Harry, of Toronto, Saturday with Mr. and Kerr. Mr. Mose Gaiser and Brown, of Kitchener, .11 THE RED and WHIT TORE Granulated Sugar 10 lbs, for 49cdays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pepper, Hanover; Miss Jean Bonthron and friend of Lon­ don, and Mr. Douglas Sclioellig, of Detroit. Mrs. E. Sheffer, spending several weeks daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. Reid, at Port Rowan, has re­ turned to her home. Mrs. Reid who accompanied her home will remain for a few days. The sale of homo cooking and 10c tea which was held in the Carmel church basement under the auspices of the town group of the Women’s Association of the church on Satur­ day last was very successful. There I was a good ci'owd and a beautiful display of home cooking which was friends in the village over the week- i quickly sold. • end. Communion service was hold at I . Mr. Harold Pletch, of Western; the morning service in St. Paul’s University, London, is spending the; Anglican church oir Sunday. Rev. i holiday at his home here. _ i Beverley Fair, rector having charge* Miss Erma Fahner, Alma Smith, > of both services. Special Easter , and Lyle Haist, jjf London, yisited i music was furnished by the choir, the special parts in the anthems be­ ing taken by Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Miss Mary Aldrich. The church spent the holiday with her parents, “ “ ‘ _ ’ 'J Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver. ; Mr. Murray Norton spent a few days over the week-end in South­ ampton. Miss Dorothy Fahner, of Stratford spent the holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. French, of Tor­ onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Oes- tricher, of Windsor, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. Carl .Scriven, of Tor­ onto, spent the Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder. Miss Norma Finkbeiner, Alvin Finkbeiner, Harold Fahner and Earl Haist spent Monday evening at the home drick, Mr. spent the holiday at his home here. Special Easter Day Services were held in the United Church Sunday School on Sunday 'morning. A pro­ gram was given consisting of reci­ tations and an exercise entitled, "The Floral Cross” was given by the Juniors. Mrs. Elmer Lawson ren­ dered a piano solo. A pageant "At th© feet of Jesus” was well given by the Young People. 'Miss Marguerite Amy, nurse-in- tr.aining at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent Sunday at her home here. The many friends of Mr. Chas. Fahner, who so kindly donated to­ wards the raising of money to buy him a radio, will be glad to know that the radio was presented to him on Good IF'riday morning. He is en­ joying it very much, and wishes to express his sincere thanks to all those who so kindly donated towards this splendid gift. 'Mrs. F. W, Clark has returned hoime after visiting, in Brampton.’ Mr. Clark motored down for over the holiday. Last week it reported in error that Mrs. F. Morlock was in Brampton. On Sunday evening the Young People of the Crediton Evangelical Church presented "Barabas” and an Easter drama before a large and attentive audience. The story is centred around the life of Barabas the thief, who was released so that Jesus anight be crucified in his stead The characters were: “Barabas” Lawrence Wein; "Hannah” his sis­ ter, Norma F'inkibeiner; "Cleona” his daughter, Aldona Wuerth; "Ga­ ius” his servant, Alvin Finkbeiner; "Mary” wife of Cleophas, Alma Ratz; "Deborah” Clara Gaiser; sol­ dier, Harry Hirtzel. Mrs. Laurence Wein was director of the drama. Mr. Alvin Woodall, of Detroit, spent the week-end ht the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood- all. Easter served in day last. Rev. Mr. inspiring new members into the church. Spec­ ial music was well rendered by the choir, presenting two Easter thems, "Eaater Dawn” and Lives Again”. Th© church tastefully decorated with ferns and flowers. A large audience was present. Good Friday Service An impressive Good Friday ser­ vice was held in Zion Evangelical Church, Friday evening which was largely attended. Rev. E. Burn, of Zurich, preached an inspiring ser­ mon on the "Love of God.” Clayton Sims and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Smith sang "The Christ of the Cross.” An in­ teresting feature in connection with this service was the 1. , ' ‘ sixteen young people into fellowship by the pastor. After pastor and Rev. E. Burn had tended the hand of fellowship the congregation sang, "Blest bo Tie that Binds.” This congrega­ tion has had a net gain of fifteen members in the past year and ser­ vices are well attended. Women’s Institute The regular meeting of the W. I. was held April 7tli in the institute Hall with a good attendance. The president was in charge. The meeting which opened by singing the Ode and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Motto: Do your best jit all times and in all things. Roll call was responded to by quotations on Peace; song "Long Long Ago.” Following the business discussion Mrs. Irwin Finkbeinei’ presided over the following program Song: "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground”; very interesting current events were given by Mrs. T. whinney; reading by kjrs. E. son; the topic, "Peace, and International Relationship very ably discussed by Mrs. McIntosh, of Loudon; Mrs. Finkbeiner read a poem on "Peace.” The.' program closed by singing after which a dainty lunch was served Angeles June 18th a , July 4th. Tediton e of W Miss girl, is ashtenau and v ill re— Haist, a form­ County Public County, State M ■ ■ RED PITTED CHERRIES, Choice qualit FRESH DATES .................................... 2 tins for 25c. who has with Dr. Unive weok-i H. Ga Mr. Detroi at. the Hirtze Mr. Gaiser, i Hamilton, of McMaster , spent the Mrs. John Griffith and visited last Fred ‘Mrs. . 4 Jbs. for 25c. CROSSE & BLACKWELL CATS^F................... [JLl SWE^J^ND TENDERNO. 2 PEAS—SM, GOLDEN BANTaIlCQM—Choice quality 2 bottles for 25c. ............. per tin 10c. 2 tins for 23c, A COMPLETE STOCK OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ON HAND Wonderful Soap ...................8 bars for 25c.Pure Lard ............2 lbs. for 25c. Pure Castile Soap ................. 10 bars 25c.Aylmer or R. & W. Tomato Juice 5 for 25c. Handy Ammonia ........................per pkg. 5c.New Apricots...........per lb, 25c.Aaron with Mrs. visitedIluiser, of Windsor, is rents Mr. andvisiting with her p T. Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of Hyde Park, is visiting with and Mr Miss home t with re Mr. Mrs. (Huis* Mrs. John Johnston ■s. J. Parks. Done IK after spen .datives in and Mrs. garth has returned ding several weeks Toronto. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover, visited over the holidays with relatives in town. Miss Isobell Manson,, R. N., of De­ troit, visited at the home of Mr, Geo. Douglas on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pepper, of Hanover, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Jas. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes and little daughter Claudette, are visiting with relatives in London. Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon­ don, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett and son Ross spent Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Morenz at Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt, M.A., of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. Joynt’s mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McAsh, of Lon­ don, visited on Friday with Mr. Geo. Douglas and daughter Miss Irene. Miss Lois Moffatt, o.f Stanley Tp., is spending tlj.e Easter holidays with her grandmother Mrs. Peter Fisher. Mrs. Campbell and little son, of Windsor, are visiting with Mrs. Campbell’s mother Mrs. Jas. A. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott and family, of Cromarty visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. •Miss Dorothy McQueen is visiting for a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott, o,£ Crom­ arty. Mr. Allen Douglas, of London and Miss Catherine Cox, of Windsor, are visiting with Miss Margaret John­ ston. Mrs. Horning and little son Ron­ ald, of Palmerston, are visiting with Mrs. C. Banantque and Miss Katie Scott. The many friends of Miss Olive Walker, R. N., will regret to hear she is epnfined to her room through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Travess vis­ ited ovei’ the week-end with rela­ tives in Shelburn, thein former home. Miss Helen McNaughton is spend­ ing the Easter holidays at the home of her Laren. Mr. Staffa, barn’s Daters. Mrs. Manley Jinks has been con­ fined to her room for several weeks suffering fro'mi a severe Quinsey. Mr. Duncan MoMartin been in very poor health time is at time of writing ously ill. Miss M. E. Ellis has purchased a new Teneplane car and Miss Anna McDonald and Mrs. Leeper a new Ford car. Miss Katherine Drysdale, who is attending Alma College at St. Thom­ as, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon and little son, of Schromberg, are visit­ ing with Mr. Cantelon’s mother, Mrs D. Cantelon. The many friends of Mr> Joseph Hudson will be sorry to hear he is in very poor health and is confined to his room. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, visited over the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McNaughton. Mr. Lloyd Passmore and brother Albert, of Delhi, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, John Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barrie^ visited over with Mrs. McMartin's Robt. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. . Wroxetcr, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. Mrs. II. Little, who has been nursing in Stanley Township for several weeks has been spending a four day visit at her homo here. Mr. Jas. Sangster and Mr. Roy Kyle who have for several weeks been working at pannier are spend­ ing a few days at their homes here. Mr. Wm. Fraizer has been confin­ ed to his room for the past week or so through illness. His many friends hope to soon see him around again. grandfather Mr. Wm. L. Mc- and Mrs. Henry Harburn, of spent Sunday with Mrs. Har- parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred attack of who has for some very seri- Mr. and Mrs. McMartin, of the holiday mother Mrs. Hemphill, of BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks, April,jingle­ comb ----- ' ..... " Comb Barred Jersey Heavy, Runnel’ D off if tliis with 26 p ament any ends Apr! Guarantee station.—A. Ontario, Single leghorns, e Rocks, .; .Surplus Vhite Indian 5 per cent, “ipanies order, closed for ship­ season. Discount Free catalogue, cent live at your . SWITZER, Granton, White Leghorns, 9 Anconas, Brown I Rocks, 10 c.; k Giants, Light 8c.; klings, 1^ 9c ' Miss Edna Beaver, of London, Phone 102 ROLLIES’ GROCERY We Deliver was beautifully decorated with flowers mostly consisting of tulips and Easter lillies. The service at the on Sunday was taken Rev. Arthur Sinclair, two excellent sermons, priate for the day. music was furnished by the choir. At the morning service besides the anthem a beautiful duet was render­ ed by Miss Florence Welsh and Dr. Smillie. At the evening service the special solo parts in the anthem was taken by Miss Minnie Sangster, Dr. Smillie and W. O. Goodwin. A duet by Mrs. Paisley and Mr. .Sam Ran- nie; solos by Miss Bella Smale, Dr. iSmillie and Lome Elder. There was a splendid attendance at both ser­ vices. The services at Carmel Presby­ terian church on Sunday were well attended, furnished by the choir. Rev. W. A. Young, both services and splendid sermons. "Christ the Lord is parts being and Mrs. Jas Paterson. Anthem "Easter iMorning,” special solo part taken by Mrs. Young. Duet, Mrs. Young and Mrs. W. A. McLaren. An interesting feature of the morn­ ing service was the presentation of certificates to the junior congrega­ tion, this being the first annivers­ ary. Mr. Young spoke very nicely to the young people and Mr. Roy McLaren presented the certificates. At the evening service the anthem "O Savitfur of 'the World”, solo, "The Stranger of Galilee,” by Frank Battersby; quartette, “The Old Rug­ ged Cross,” by Mr. R. Y. McLaren, Dorothy Daters, Mrs. Jas Paterson and Jas. Bengough. W. M. S. Meeting The W.MJS. of Carmel Presbyter­ ian Church held their annual Easter Thankoffering on Thursday, April 9, at 3 p.m. in the basement of the church with Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren presiding and opened with a hymn. Mrs. Arnold led in prayer. Th© Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. C. Hudson from Mark 14 chapter. The minutes of the previous were read and approved. Hudson then took charge business period, when the sectional meeting was discussed. The roll call was answered using "Th© Cross” as, the text word. Mrs. Jas. Paterson sang an appropriate hymn "The Old Rugged Cross.” The offering was taken, Mrs. Young, read a beautiful poem entitled "Patiently bear thy Cross”; Mrs. Edwards led in prayer. Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren gave an excel­ lent address. The meeting then clos­ ed with a hymn and the Lord’s Pray­ er in unison. Sunbeam Mission Band The Sunbeam Mission Band of Carmel Church lield their Easter meeting Sunday, April 12 with the president, Jim Campbell, presiding. The meeting was opened with the singing of hymn No. 734 after, which responsive scripture reading. Alice Pfaff then led in prayer, followed by hymn no. 212. |A reading entitled "Easter Morning’ was read by Mar­ garet Sangster 214 was sung, were read by Mrs. Cameron by Emily and United church by the pastor, who preached very appro- Special Easter Special Easter music was The pastor had charge of preached two The anthem Risen,” special taken by Irene Hoggarth Jas Paterson. meeting Mrs. C. of the after which hymn No. Two Easter stories Emily Hoskins followed with a duet Elaine Hoskins. meeting "closed with hymn No. 192 after which the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. MT. CARMEL and The was Rev. Fr. Sullivan, of Toronto is spending a few 'days at his home and with other relatives hero. Mrs. Joseph Fallon and babe, the Misses Gertie Dietrich and Lizzie Dietrich and brother Anthony, Lon­ don, is spending a few days at the home of their brother Joseph Die­ trich. Mr. Malcom MacIntyre, of Sar­ nia, called on friends in this neigh­ borhood on Sunday. Miss K. Morrissey, of spent the week-end at the her parents Mr, and Mrs. rissey. Mrs. M. A. Rowland, of is visiting her sister Mrs. T. Rowland Mr. James Dalton, of Goderich is the guest of his son J. I-I. Dalton. Joseph .. . " . Marjory, Regan, London, spent the week-end and Mrs. --------„— Misses Clara Glavin, of St. Marys Madeline spending London, home of A. Mor­ London Regan, of Simcoe; Miss with their Mat Regan. parents Mr. Colgan, areGlavin, of a week’s holidays with titeir parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Glavin Mr, Jack Morrisey is visiting with friends in Detroit, of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hen- Blue Water Highway. Arthur Haist, of Toronto, her was W. services were fittingly ob- the United Church on Sun- At the evening service, Johnson delivered a very message and received 12 an- "I-Ie was lilies, reception of church the ex- the Ma- Law- Education ’ was Rev. Irvin . and a social time was spent. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Mc­ Intosh and to all who took part in the program and to the following hostesses, Mrs, T. Mawhinney, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. M. Beaver and Mrs. T. Finkbeiner. The regular meeting of the Wom­ en’s Association of the United phurch was held in the church last Wednesday, April 8th with the presi­ dent Mrs. C. C. Misener in charge. Twenty-two members and two visit­ ors were present. The Bible lesson was read by Mrs. J. Mawhinney. After the business, Miss Helen Ma­ thers sang a solo with guitar accom­ paniment and Miss Audrey Yearley rendered a piano solo. Mrs. Telfer gave an Easter reading. All numbers were enjoyed. A social half followed with Mrs. Misener and Kestle as hostesses assisted by Mathers and Mrs. Brcck. Many Attend Funeral A large number of inends relatives attended the funeral Friday afternoon of Mr. Fred Haist. A short service was held in the home with the family and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman sang "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be”. After the burial a memorial service was held in the Evangelical church led by the pastor and choir. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Pletch and Rev. E. Burn, of Zurich, a former pastor gave brief addresses and paid tribute to the life of the departed. The choir sang very effectively and tenderly "There is a Home Eternal.” Mrs. ■Harry Hess and Miss Gertrude Haist sang. "Down the Valley -with Jesus” In closing the choir sang "Sometime We’ll Understand.” The pall bearers were 'Christian Haist, Henry Haist, John Haist, Moses Haist, William Morlock and Thomas Mawhinney. The flower bearers were four grand­ children, Frederick iMorlock, Fred­ erick Haist, Calvin Fahner and Don­ ald Ratz. Friends and relatives at­ tending the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Mose Haist, Mrs. W. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haist,, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, all of Pigeon, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Brown and Miss Corinne Brown, of Kilnianagh; Mr. Homer Motz, Elkton, Mich.; Mrs. J. Haist and Mr. and Mrs. S. Schlemmer, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paul, Roscomon, Mich.; Mrs. Clara Ehlers Mr. Fred Haist, Freeman Haist, Ar­ chie Haist, all o*f Ridgeville; Mr. Al­ len Haist, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Holtz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Fahrner, Kitchener; Miss Marguer­ ite Amy, London; Miss Gertrude Haist, Goderich. DASHWOOD KHIVA SHIPKA hour Mrs. Mrs. and last Quite a number from here attend­ ed the funeral of Mr. F. Haist, Fri­ day last at Crediton. Miss Violet Sharpe teacher at Au­ burn School is spending the Easter vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark, of Thed­ ford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. Mr. Lome Detrich spent a few days in Windsor with his brother. Mrs. Erma Finkbeiner from Sar­ nia, spent Friday last with relatives. Miss Jean McKenzie entertained some of her friends Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tetreau visited with relatives in Parkhill Sunday. Mrs. Tetreau is remaining for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke, of Thedford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer. Miss Veva. Adams, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the home-of Mr. E. Adams. Special Easter service was held on Sunday in the United church. The Y. P. S. sang in the church ser­ vice and in the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer sang a duet. Mr. Sam Sweitzer, of Greenway, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lochner spent- last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lochner. The Y. P. S. will meet on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz. Mrs. Wm. Mason, Miss Ila Mason and Mr. Gerald Mason, of Dashwood visited Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Walter Fassold, of London, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz. Mr. John Gower is visiting in Thedford. Master Freddie Tilley is spending the holidays at Crediton with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock, of Centralia, spent Sunday with rela­ tives hero. Miss Beatrice Raynham, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her father, ML Tlios. Baynliam. Dr. W. D. Bryce,L.D.§/,;‘b.D.S. DEN N At office in/Hartl§$FBlock, Dash­ wood, first t s of week and at office ove ■ost Office, in Zu­ rich, last t ays of week. '■ Mrs. T. ffbpcroft spent a few days ■ in Woodbridge last week. Miss Grace Guenther of Kitchener, • spent Good Friday with Mr. Mrs. E. Guenther. Mrs. Norman Evans, of Kitchener, ■ spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mr. Hy. Hoffman. Miss Emma Tieman, of London, spent Sunday with relatives. Miss Grace Kellerman, of Toron­ to, and Harold, of Fergus, are spend­ ing Easter holidays here. Miss Zeta Nadiger returned to London, after spending three weeks vacation at hei' home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roppel and daugh­ ter Hope, spent a few days in Tor­ onto this week. Willis Mclsaac is spending the holidays in Detroit. Misses Mary Mclsaac and Maxine Bishop, of Detroit, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc­ lsaac. Harry Hoffman attended the fun­ eral directors’ convention in London on Tuesday.<The stores will be open to custom­ ers on Tuesday and Saturday nights only during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft, moved into Mrs. Willert’s house on Tues­ day. Mrs. Gertrud© Musser and son Claire, left for Detroit and Royal Oke, Michigan. Dashwood Henrich Memorial band are holding a band concert in Tie­ man’s furniture store on Monday evening April 20th and will be as­ sisted by a play put on by a number of young people of Grand Bend. ■Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder, of Windsor, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Wnr. Smith, of Wind­ sor, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomp­ son, of Detroit, were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Hall, of Toronto, past week with Rev. and pel. and i A number from here attended the funeral of the late Fred Haist of Crediton on Friday afternoon. Miss Clara Dietrich of Detroit, is spending her Easter vacation at her’ home here. Mr. and don, spent Sunday Mrs. E. G. - Mr. and bourne, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert. Miss Ruth Willert is spending her Easter vacation with her, grandmo­ ther Mrs. G. SuFeFus, of Zurich?’ Miss Dorothy Beckler, of London spent the week-end at her Miss Janet Turnbull is her Easter vacation at her the Blue Water Highway. Miss Lucille Dietrich left last week for London where she has se­ cured Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottchalk, of Sea­ forth, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Wm. Stade. Messrs. Earl and Ervin Ratz is sporting a new roadster. "Watch out girls.” Miss Meta Surerus, of Toronto, is visiting her sister Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert for a few days. Mr. Jerome O’Rourke spent Sat­ urday in London. Mis. S. Adams, of with Mr. Kraft. Mrs. D. Lippert, of work. McCorniick-Decring Give Lon- and Mel- home, spending home on ■and i Baker, spent the Mrs. Hop­ Entertain­ ment at Dashwood It takes qualitj^to stay at the top years Kellogg’s Corn Flakes^^ have been Jnampions. they outselFall other re eat cerealj-by million^Fpack­ ages because the value. ? most in guaranteed SEbndon, Ontario. binders, mowers, manufactured at It was a real sur- V. L. Becker, local McCormick- Deering dealer at Dashwood staged a free talking picture show last ev­ ening in his new shop. Some 400 people attended and were much pleased with the proceedings. The program consisted of International films on Cream Separators with stainless steel discs the new Diesel wheel tractor and the whole line of tillage tools, threshers, etc., Hamiton, Ont. prise to many present to learn that so ’much of th© farm implement line in made in Canada by our own work­ men and from our own raw mater­ ials. Some 3,0 00 men are employed at Hamilton in the Harvester factory according to the picture shown and they contribute to the support of about 15,000 Canadians. To this figure have to be added the many local dealers and salesmen who are also connected with this business. Rollicking laughter accompanied the showing of two comic films and as a special attraction a free lucky diaw was hold, the winners being: Jacob Kipfer; 2, Henry Eagleson; 3. Arnold Gackstettor; 4, Mrs. Wm. Stade; 5, Edmund Walper. Messrs. L. II. Rader and Arthur Weber handled the drawing of fhe prizes. Tile program also included a song by Alvin Raedr and a recitation by Al­ vin Walper. Mr. Booker was very pleased with the number of people who favored him in attending this mooting. He expressed himself to this effect at the close. KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Pt. Elgin, spent the Easter holiday with their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Lewis. Mrs. Geo. Kemp and children have returned home after spending the. past month with Mr. and Thado, of Pt. Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred little daughter spent the day with friends in the Mr. and Mrs. Harold little son, of Toronto, Easter holiday with Mrs. C Quite a number of Yotin.. from hero attended the Easts*. Rally in St, Marys on Monday night, x Brock Easter village Tufts spent Mrs. an d lioli- and the !. Tufts, g People by Keif Nothing takes the place of CORN FLAKES “BEST CHICKS EVER RECEIVED FROM ONTARIO” Last month, wo shipped 700 Leghorn day-old chicks to a customer at Chateauguay Basin, Que. On March 23rd, he wrote as follows: "I received the shipment of 700 Leghorns baby chicks on March 20th and wish to state they are. the best looking lot of chicks I have ever received from any ship­ per in Ontario.” A week aiw<e told you of a customer rfo said Bray Chicks are "be verti Ontario. own broodor house Here we have an ner saying. receive u your ar? a copy and you will si this y ■Get logue, full description of the things we I do to MAKE Bray Chicks "bet­ ter than we advertise”—our methods of selecting breeding stock, selecting hatching eggs, blood-testing, etc. And you will find Bray chicks very reasonably pricer, considering their quality. Wo. believe it will pay you to in­ vestigate. Fred W. BRAY Limited < CHICK HATCHERY Phone 216 EXETER ONTARIO of our 1936 cata- thore a