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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-04-16, Page 4
THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1936 LEAVITTS THEATRE THURSDi FRIDAY, SATURDAY flghil 16th, 17th, isth Shirley Temple, ipif PUR LITTLMnRL” Caven Services Rev. A. M. Shannon, of London, occupied byterian services, mens. Rev. D. C. Hill B.A., B.D., of the pulpit of Caven Pres- both ser- Church on Sunday at delivering excellent MONDAY, T<»5DAY, WEDNESDAY "20th, 21st, 22nd A Western Picture BIRTHS CAMPBELL — In Hay Township, on Apiil Sth. to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell a daughter. McNICHOL—-In Hibbert on April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. jack MvNivhul, a sun. LIGHTFOOT—In I 14th Lighi n Mr. and M , a daughter. hi April Harold t t: it t F'r wish s to the?n ’S tlieR1' recen^l^-eavement also . A. E. Jp4etc> and Rev. E. 6 tluj^noir p?f tht ~ thoge^ who ;tic; alsxf'for the for extended tri- Ros-/ lin, Ont,, will be heard next Sunday and Rev. J. L. Burgess, of Lucknow, Ont., the following Sunday. Slain Street Young People The Citizenship meeting of Main Street Young Poeple Monday evening was in charge of Wes. Ryck- man. The Scripture lesson was read hy Jack Jennings. It was de cided that the Centralia Y. P. would put on their play on Wednesday, April 22nd in Main St. Church. Rev. Mr. Elliott ‘ ' ing with a selves and Mr. Medd. repeating the benediction. then solo. God” The the favored the meet- The topic was ably taken meeting closed ”Our- by by Caven W. hl. S. Easter Tl’.*nkoffering of S. of Cavcn Presbyterian was held in the schoolroom theThe W. M. church < n Friday afternoon with the presi dent Mrs. Will Sillery, in the chair. After the devotional period in which Mrs. Stanbury led, the meeting was favored with a lovely solo by Miss Kathleen Strang. The ladies were especially favored in having as their Page.guest speaker Mis. (Rev.) Quarterly tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. Gnffirge Wen nounce the eng&enfc^fr of granddaughter Mla^Thelnia _ Boone, to Mr. AhfhuiQBroderick, marriage to take>lahe in April. on their Ilene the an- Ever re x years IL, Inlying memory ;*Noah hgrto w'hp passed away Canadian Girls In Training The Intermediate group of C.G.I.T. held their meeting on April 7th. The roll call was answered with a verse from the Bible in con nection with Easter. The Scripture lesson was read by Josie Kerslake. Ferrol Fisher read an Easter story ■followed by an Easter verse by Mar garet Melville. Anita Brintnell, Phylis Cooper and Irene Brooks led in prayer. Miss Kirk gave an in teresting talk on some beautiful pictures painted by famous artists. This was much enjoyed by all. Games were played and the meeting closed with Taps. OIL PROSPECTS IN ONTARIO the bered $y Wife ^-.f.'hnd Family’ Janies Street w. M. S. The W. M. S. were hostesses__ _ on Easter Monday evening to the Will ing Workers Evening Auxiliary, the Mission Circle and the Associate Helpers. A short business meeting of the W. M. fi. was held at 7.30. Miss Celia Christie, president of the Evening Auxiliary pre sided. Devotional reading was taken by Miss Reta Rowe followed with prayer by Miss May Jones. A piano duet by Mrs. H. C. Carey and Miss Pearl- Wood; reading by Miss Ruby Finkbeiner and a solo by Miss Jean Sheere were much appreciated by the ladies. The guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. ,S. M. Gordon, who carried her audience to China .to the homes of the rich class and average h0™e‘ sU^zmti^§ted"7he duties Sn-^—r^**of the Chinese wo men’with our Canadian women and what Christianity is doing and can do for them. Mrs. Gordon is a very pleasing and effective speaker and hei* talk proved very inspirational to the missionary organizations. Fol lowing the 'closing exercises Mrs. Page .and Mrs. Sharpe conducted a contest after which the W. M. S. served a dainty lunch. Miss Stella Southcott of the Evening Auxiliary moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Gor don and the ladies which was sec onded by Miss Dorothy Welsh of the Mission .Circle .and responded to by Mrs. Kyle. ■Since the discovery of the East Texas Oil Field in 1930, there has been no other major oil field of im portance found in the United States. This has given rise to considarable concern as to the maintenance of an adequate supply for local consump tion and the continuance of foreign shipments. The year 193 6 promises a broad and diligent search for new sources of supply and consequent rising prices of crude oil and its pro ducts. At the pendant for 9;S4 since onlyZscratched present time, Canada is de* <5n foreign importations of her requirements, and r own potenjjat^iields are AJae(RJ?irt£arilling of such eji-rSas in Canada, as are io exist, should result in a very profitable, in vestment The Dover Field in Kent County, Ontario, 10 miles SW of Chatham has proven the existence of a major oil field and Rowe-Bruette No. 3 and Prairie Gas and Oil Co.’s No. 5 are recommended as most promising locations in the extension of this now well known field, both wells be ing offshoots of Three Major Gas and Oil Wells brought in during the latter part, of 193 5. Both wells are being drilled under the supervision of E. P. Rowe, con sulting petroleum geologist, 350 Bay St., Toronto. CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES Minimum Fares. Adults 75c Child ...40c from EXETER? and all adjacent C. N. Rotations Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brook ville, Prescot^ Morrisburg, Cornwall, Campbe^ibrd, Newmarket, Allen- *rie, Orillia, Midland, l?North Bay, Parry Sound, ne of Temisikaming & North- ly.; Kapuskasing, Longlac, If Also to Brant'ford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, , Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Nia- Frid., Apr. 24 to Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, dale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meafor Gravenhurst, Bracebhdge, Huntsville Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on, ern. Ontario Rly.; Nipissing CentrX^ Geraldton, Jellico, Readmore Fri., Apr. 24itoTofojfio Exeter, Fergus, God||ich,yGuel Ingersoll, KincardineSKjitchen gara Falls, Owen SouWd? PaisJSy, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Mam, Sarjaa, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy — ' " r 1, Woodstock. Buffalo, N.Y. wocaHy between Important Stations at which Excursion Tickets are sold—Ask Ticket Agent Dll bllcli 111AXA a,>□, Walkerton, Wiartonf '^ingl Fri., April 24 0' «■ For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. See handbills. T792B CANADIAN NATIONAL•-----------2----------------------------------------- Seed Time and Harvest Spring time, housecleaning and the following necessities Foremost is Gliddens, JA^A-LAC Varnishes and Enamels, Semi- Gloss Pamt and Floor amel Brushes 10c and Up, Brushwath only 5^will clean several brushes. Paint Cleaner for jMint and W^-me-Wet for glass, Window rubbers IS Old English, Johnsons, O’Ct^Lar, Hj|ne, Gliddens and Household Wax^lJ^ices O’Cedar (paste or liquid) and Lemon Oil Furniture Polish Dustiiig Mops, Mop Sticks and Mop Clothes, Tubs and Pails, Clothes Line Wire arid Ropes, Drain Cleaners, Bowl Cleaners and many other items too numerous to mention. Lindenfield’s Hardware, Exeter a N THf EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE .......==•;=■== Eastei* holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. Miss Arliss Wein, who has been confined to her bed owing to illness, is improving and able to be up again. Master Earl Sims, of Exeter, is holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims. LOCAL NEWS Among those who spent Easter in Exeter were: Miss. Emily Frayne, of Staffa, with relatives. Miss Mera Sims, of Toronto, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Kestle of Detroit, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W- J. Statham, of London, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson and son of Stratford with relatives. Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Law- son, Mrs. E. Clarke, of Crediton, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt, and- two sons, cf London, with Mr, and Mrs. James Jewell. Mrs. Labelle Phinn, Margaret and Teddy, cf Ingersoll, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer. Miss Grace Christie, cf Wood- stock. with her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. C. Luker. Mrs. Arto Delve and children, of Forest, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott. Mr. Ted Schwartz and Miss Utah Clarks, of London, spent Easter with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tuckey son, of London, at the home of and Mrs. Geo. Mawson. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman three children, of London, with and Mrs. C\ V. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Davis, ette and Billy, of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fisher. Miss Hazel Clarke, nurse-in-train ing at Stratford General Hospital, spent Easter with her parents. Miss Berniece Delbridge, of Wes tervelt College, London, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Delbridge Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson and daughter Jane, of Toronto, with the former’s mother, Mrs. W. T. Ache son. and Mr. 1 and Mr. Jean- with Mr. and Mrs, T. O. Southcott, spent Easter in Brantford, Mrs. Isaac Harvey, of London, is visiting with Mrs. Thos. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crawford spent Easter with relatives at Hanover. Mrs. A. A. Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. Egan. Mrs. McCallum, of London, .visit ed with her sister Mrs. S. Egan one day last week. iMiss Marjorie Lawson, spent the holidays here home in Crediton. Miss Marie Kestle, of is visiting with hei’ uncle and aunt Mb’. and Mrs. Wm. H. Penhale. Mr. Harry Strang, of the 0. A. C., Guelph, is spending the Easter holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strang. ~Mn Ea. Ru. Hopp^atte^d £«•]}=* eral director’s district meeting in London Monday going from there to Toronto on business. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, of town and Mr. Reg. Beavers, Sarnia spent Easter with their son Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey spent Easter with Mrs. Carey’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant, of Glen coe. Mr. Grant is improving nice ly following his recent severe burns. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffatt and son Keith, of Ninon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Johnston on Sunday. Mrs. Moffatt is a niece of Mr. Johnston and they run a store at Ninon on the road to Pt. Stanley. Mr. H. S. Walter and son Thos. spent Easter in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant. Mr. Stanley Wal ter, of Hanover, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Blowes and daughter Claudette, of Hensail, also visited in London. Dr. and Mrs. Cowan and son visit ed at the former's home at Fergus on Easter and were accompanied home by Dr. Cowen’s father, Mr. J. T. Cowen, who visited here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffiths and son Harry of Toronto, with Mrs. Griffith’s father, Mr. T. Handford. Mrs. Foster, who has been visiting here for two weeks returned home with them. Mr. Handford who will be ninety-seven years of age July, is in fair health. o.f Dundas, and at her Edmonton, CREDITON EAST ELIMVILLE Misses Mary Miners and Noble, of Sarnia, the home of Mr Johns on Friday last. The Eliniville Dramatic Club pre sented their drama ‘‘The Tragedy of Judas Iscariot” at Roy’s Church on Friday evening last. Mrs. A. E. Johns and family, of Hamilton, were visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns. Miss Mary Johns returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. Leonard is visiting with Brock. Mr. and Mrs. daughters were tives in Welburn last Friday. Miss Florence Bell is spending a few days this week at Woodslee. She is to he biidesmaid for a friend while there. Miss Agnes Logan is confined to her bed for a time. Her friends are hoping she will soon regain her us ual state of health. Mrs. Murch is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, of Sea forth, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Brock. The Mission Band gave a program and held a bazaar in the church on Monday evening. Jean were visitors at and Mrs. William O’Reilly, of Sarnia, JohnMr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford visitors with and rela- ... Margaret Strang Y. W. A. The Easter Thankoffering of the Margaret Strang Auxiliary of the Caven Presbyterian w. M. S. took the form of a very interesting sup per meeting on Wednesday evening of last week. The hostesses were Misses Ethel Kydd, Betty Hogarth and Ileen Stebbins. A number of girls from the Hensail Auxiliary were guests and their leader, Mrs. W. A. Young -was the guest speaker. The devotional exercises were under the leadership of Miss Helen Grieve president and son, secretary, of the meeting .. Gordon of some very dainty china and other articles in recognition of her invaluable leadership and the presentation to Miss Jean Stanbury of a Junior Life Membership Certif icate and seal. The girls have en tered the contest for the prize offer ed by the Girls’ Work Board in Tor onto for the ten most useful and these were displayed meeting. exercises were under Miss Barbara Atkin- Two special features were the gift to Mrs. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a chattel mortgage there will be offered for sale by pub lic auction at Lot 9, (ion. 1, IIAY TWP. 2 miles north of Exeter, on TUESDAY at one 0’1 FARM STOCK mares 6 1 May 20th 26th; fresh May 11th ling steer months; 20 0 lbs. LMPySMENTS binder^De seeder ill hai#ow APRIL 21st, 1936 lock tlie following: 1 gray and 7 years old Hereford cow cow^ roan,lie 4 team of cow due due Juno CENTRALIA 1 nm bred s; fi 4, ering , steel •sec tio Frost and iwer 5 ft.: WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Langtree and Ken neth Gragg, of Hamilton were visit ors over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks and family, of Lucan, are moving- this week to their farm. We welcome them back. Mrs. Hannah Millson, of Luck now, is visiting for a time witlr Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sellars, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ford, of Dearborn, Mich., and Mrs. Mollie Tyerer, of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. Howard Morley and Gwendolyn Neil, of Detroit, spending a week with Mr. and Wm. Morley. Mrs. Hartwick and family of anston were recent visitors of and Mrs. E. Foster. White-Parkinson A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday April 8th, at 11 a.m. at the parsonage Woodham', when Edith Evelyn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson, of Blanshard, was united in marriage to Harry White, of Kirkton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White, England The pastor Rev. Mr. Lovegrove offi ciated. The bride looked lovely in a rose crepe dress, brown hat, with ' TccCTFteS & -nratenh' TCI^'at-* tended by Miss Alma Parkinson, sis ter of the bride, and Mr. Sidney White, brother of the groom. Follow ing the ceremony dinner was served at the bride’s home to the immediate relatives. The room was tastefully decorated in pink and white. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. White left for Toronto and other* points the bride travelling in a blue with accessories to match. On return they will reside on groom’s farm near Kirkton. GRAND BEND next and spent Miss are Mrs. Bry- Mr. suit their the Mrs. John Baird and Mr. Mrs. D. Baird and two sons Sunday in Grand Bend and Bayfield ! Mrs. Baird and two sons remaining in Bayfield for the Easter holidays. | Mrs. Nelson Schenk and children, of north of town, spent Sunday with j the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. I Henry Pfaff Sr. | Mrs. Chris. Wein, and daughter J Marjory, of north of town, spent; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.} Motz. Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son Barry j of Grand Bend, spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. A Mrs. Henry Lewis and Mrs. Leon-1 ard Wein and son Marvin are visit-J ing with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Hamilton! at Grand Bend. I Mrs. George Hayes and daughtei! Patsy are visiting the former’s mo*! titer Mrs. Wilson Anderson. ! Mr. T. Yuli and Mr. and Mrs. F« Scheiding, of London, spent Goot« Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Henrj! Motz. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brokenshire of Windsor, called on Mr. and Mrs® Eli Lawson and Mrs J. Lawson oil Sunday. ■ Miss Ethel Waghorn, of St, Mary® spent Easter at her home here. 9 Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Kuhn, .of! Baden, and Miss Margaret Kuhn, of! London, spent Easter with their! parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn, 1 Mrs, Blake Heathe and two chil-1 dren, of Windsor, are spending the! Mrs. Russell Mollard and daugh ter Peggie and son Billie, of Windsor are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ab ner Mollard for a few days. Mr. Gordon Ulens and family are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens at Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousso and family, of Hensail, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Moussou. Miss Mary Yeo, who visited in De troit, and Windsor, the past four weeks returned home — Miss Lillian Wilson work in Sarnia. Miss Isobel Webb, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Webb. Mr. Geo. Oliver, of St. Marys, vis ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver on Sunday. The Easter Bunny was very* kind to Ivan Green—It’s a baby girl. Mrs. Annie Ridley was a Sunday visitor with Mrs. Sarah Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Luther spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary A. Gill Miss Melba Turnbull, who has spent the winter in London return ed home on Saturday for the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild, who spent the winter in Florida return ed home Good Friday and report a good time all winter. Mr. and Mrs. Meldorf lias been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ravelle for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dewey and family were Sunday visitors with 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery of St. Joseph. | Mr. Robt. Hay, who has been on 1 the sick list is somewhat improved. Friday. has gone to of Toronto, The regular monthly mooting the Women’s Association was h in the schoolroom of the church Thursday afternoon, April I Mrs. Andrew Hicks had charge the devotional exercises. The m ing was opened by the use of hy 68, followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. The Scripture was read re sponsively from Psalm 1. Instru mental duet by Mrs. penwarden and Mrs. A. Essery. Mrs. L. Hicks then gave a very interesting talk entitled “Housekeeper’s Tonic" “ Mrs. A. Hicks entitled of Yourself.” Solo by Mrs. Fletcher. The President, Mrs. then took the chair for the business the 'roll call was answered by num ber of .Sunshine visits which were 52 for the month. 'Silent prayer was offered for Mrs. L. Shouldice, who at the time was seriously ill. Hymn 109 was sung and Mrs. Hodg son closed the meeting. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. O. Brown, Mrs. N- Baker, Mrs. Bowden and Mrs. J. Neil. Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson. M'iss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham, Jr. Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw spent the week-end with relatives in London. Miss Evelyn Clarke is spending the holidays .at her home in Gode rich. Mrs. Margaret Fletcher and child ren spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, in Usborne. Dr. and Mrs. Heighway, of Lon don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Essery.- Mr. Ken Hodgins spent Sunday at his home near Greenway. Packer and Dol ores .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee in Brinsley. Mr. S. Henry spent the week-end at his home in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, of Wingham, called on the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs, George Bayn ham, 'Sr., last week on their way home from Toronto where they at tended the funeral of the late Mr. Maxwell Baynham. Mr. Milton Mit chell and son Kenneth, and Mr. K. Simpson also attended the funeral. Miss Marilyn Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills, of Wyom ing is holidaying with her grand parents Mr. and MTs. H. Mills. Mrs. J. C. Smith spent end with her sister Mrs. erley in London. Miss Shirley with her aunt Mrs. R. Smith. Mr. Gordon to, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Pollock, of Ripley, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. On Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Hicks motored to Kitchen er and were guests with Miss Wilda Pollock R.N .,and Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Achcroft. Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, in Exeter on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huxtable, and Marie, of Exeter, spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mr. W. H. Golding M.P., of Sea forth, was in the village on Monday of this week and visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Essery. The Easter services in the 'Church here on Sunday were largely attend ed. ‘Special music was provided by the choir and a special Easter num ber was rendered by the mixed quar tette composed of Messrs. Lloyd Hodgson and Thos. Boyes, Mrs. L. Hodgson and Mrs. Margaret Flet cher. The pastor Rev. R. N. Ste wart delivered inspiring Easter mes sages. In the morning the sacra ment of the Lord’s Supper was ob served and a reception service was held for those uniting with the church. • Miss Margaret Cook visited for a Ifcouple of days last week with rela- ■ives in London. ■ Easter visitors with Mrs. C. Bas- ■Arville and Mrs. S. Brokenshire ■fere: Miss Iva Brokenshire, Wind- ■br; Mr. and Mrs. Brokenshire, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bro- ■pnshire, and Bernice, of Detroit; Krs. C. W. Brokenshire and Bernice ■ e remaining for a few days. ^EMiss Stella Cook, of London. ^Kiting her cousin Miss Margaret ■ok. ■r. Mervyn Brock spent the week- with his parents near ZionKMi*. and Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney, of ■roar Crediton, visited with Mr. iMrs. Otto Brown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. E. Powe, son, of London, were gnosts of and Mrs, A. Brooks on Friday last. Plow; oS l<e; heavy wa rack, 4-wlieel set sleighs, one pulper, cutting fanning mill, 4<tu ar, rope and pul harness; half scr. trailer; 15 tons use; quantity plank e belting washing bed; healer. SALE—CASH F R AN K TA Y L O R—A u c t i o n e e 1* chattel ’ Reading hy Taking Stock L. Hodgson, Schroeder and uncle, McDonald, the week- E. Heath- is visiting Mr. and MORTGAGE SALE — of --- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in struction to sell by at Lot 20, N. B., Half mile East of public auction McGillivray Mt, Carmel FRIDAY, APRIL at 1 o’clock the HORSES—iFilly, rising 2 years, bay gelding, rising 4 years; chestnut horse rising 9 years; bay mare, Clyde, in foal, 9 years; bay mare, Clyde, in foal, 8 years old; aged gray . horse; brood sow and 8 little pigsi/ about 100 hens. jT CATTLE—Cow, 8 years old, Jne in May; cow, 8 years old, du» in April; Hereford cow, 3 yearj^r old, " . ■ _ (jue old, heif- ' old; heif- 17tli, 1936 following: years; due June 1st; cow, 8 years July 1st; ray cow, 8 ya fresh; re heifer, 3 years er, 2 s; red heifer, blue he^er rising, er risiri: year; jjjfS ray ear . Hereford HeWord steer 1 Bg, one year; year; Here- 2;one ear; ay heifer blue ®ifer rising ford cjgjf rising 3 n^fiths; grey cow, ye»s> in calf; .^reford cow, rising 6,ffiue in June^red cow, 10 years supposedly in cai red farrow cow, 6 years; dark ;js@d cow, fresh; fat steer,Bising 3 years; fat heifer, ris ing 3Wears; J^steers rising 2 years; heifer^isim^2 years; 2 heifers ris ing 1 yeu^ 2 steers rising 1 year; sucking calf. IMPLEMENTS—King separator, 2 sets double Harness in good shape and collars; International binder; International mower; McCormick seed drill, McCormick dump rake; M. H. manure spreader, steel land roller; F. & W. cultivator, Cockshutt bean cultivator, set iron harrows, riding plow, Fluery walking plow; M. H. disc harrow, farm wagon, set bob sleighs, buggy, 2 cutters, demo crat, root pulper, hay loader. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MAT. HEDGES, Bailiff AUCTION SALE ♦•OF” of Toron- IS and Of. and Mr. J wv, IRN, — of --- letor ctioneer 30 ONTARIO BRED HORSES at Exeter Sales Barns WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd 1936 commencing at 1 p.m.j Horses froja, one year old uJFto five. Good horses from 5 to loJFears old.Also s<|me cheap workhorses 2 T G. J. W. E. ares in foal MS—CAS TENDER^W/VNTED TENDERS will be received by th© undersigned up to May 4, 193 6, at one p.m. for removing earth from above the gravel in Huston’s pit, lot 4, con. 3, Township of Stephen. Ten der to state price per yard. Earth not be moved more than 5 0 ft. commence when instructed ad superintendent. H. K. Either of Twp. of Stephen, Crediton. 3tc W TENDERS WANTED ■Scaled tenders will be received by the council of the Township of Hay up to six o’clock, April 18tli, 193 6, for the following: For supply to op erate township ■crusher in Welsh's pit; contractor to supply of power * drive belt, Tenders to state price per cubic yard of material placed? in bin, Also tenders for supplying ernft’ er with g^vel and stone' fropj^: per cu froinl _ _ fWl without alfely. □Ricking from ■e per yard mile, xlo separately or iKtract. Successful . hme all risks of ac tive a satisfactory bond ,<&■ ih- pit. yard brusher. fc State price lai delivered Uso to state of dragline ■agline sopari mdors for ji tenders to liay be nfl for the Mfcolo contractor^) 1 cidents andgi _ __________v____ for $300.00 for faithful performance or work. Contract to be completed on or before .September 15th, 1936. Lowest or any tender not necess* arily accepted. Tenders to be mailed or handed Tenders 1 of mateit Tenders d with usa use of cl Also tl crush er. 1 Tenders 1 to A. F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay Zurich, Ont.