HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-04-02, Page 8’■BfURSDAY, AVRIL ijud, 198i?!»THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Demands the More Feminine Mode Those intriguing swirls and fashion­ able ringlet ends are so easily ob­ tained by the Bonat Method, the perfect aid Ic” — on all types Chemically <>ure Bonat are used excl H SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 70e Gats 32c. Barley 42c. ht®fc?wheat 40 c. ^hnitoba’s Best $2.70 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade $26.00 a ton Bran $22.00 a ton Shorts $22.00 a ton Standard Screening Chop $19.00 Mixed Chop $22.00 rieamory Butter 27-2Sc Dairy Eggs, Eggs,Eggs, Hogs Butter 21c-24c A large 15c B 13c C 11c §8.25 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Jdoore Gordon, B.A., B,l). Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.—^Service as usual 8 p.m. Wednesday. April 1st. Con­ gregational Meeting. 1 s>DAY SPECIALS FOB Thursday, Friday & Saturday $ Mr. Jack Firyde has returned home after spending, the winter at Beebe. Que. Among those from this .community who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah Wark at Poplar Hill on Friday afternoon last were Mr. and Mrs. Asa Penhale, Mrs. S. Jory, Le­ land Jory, Mrs. P. Frayne, Mrs. Jas. Frayne, Win., Garnet and Clayton Frayne, Luther Oko, Misses Della and Lilia Oke, Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson Mr. G. K. Heaman, of Tor .nto, was also present. ■rott, Mitchell, recently cut on his golden the same barber Lkowsky his hair ■ars ago. shop in a buggy. LOCALS FOB A TASTY MEAL TRY OUR PURE PORK W. II. Pa: had his hair ding ( b:u fl-i lb? bil- day at , R. ■ vho I .U:t to ad tin of wed- shop same A ed- tinie , the mi his This an autonio- Tomato Sap’Slge 45c. MEAT MARKET the [load Farmers’ Club are .cis.for grass seed, barb- feneAccessories, etc., also home mj|Fed fertilisser or Gunn’s iVeHile®tcs’upplj’ you and liar e bu ed for.....................---ag-__Shur Gain. ^Ve^frsupply you and g-vo you and satisfactory service and would like all orders m at once. P. Passmore, Secretary. Phone 38 Leave your orders^dr Lilies and other flowering.. I^'nts, early. Day & Son, gre^^tduse. 11 3 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—(Communion .Service, p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—.The Minister. Monday—>Y. P. S. Thursday, 7.45—'Prayer Service Thursday, April 9, Rev. Mr. Readie, , of Cromarty. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.-—Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Wcdnesdaj- 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Your choice of any Ladies’ Coat or Dress at 1,0 per cent, discount during $ daysf A Westclocx watch will be given free with each boy's suit sold on $ days One of our men's felt hats given ~ free with every suit-sold on $ days 1 Prints and Broadcloths New Prints Reg. 20c. $ Days ........ New Broadcloths Reg. 20c. $ Days lY^c. EXTRA SPECIAL 24 pairs of Frilled Net Curtains 2*4 yards long, splendid for bedrooms, etc. REGULAR 59c. $ DAYS 39c. FACTORY COTTON Factory Cotton, Reg 20c. $ Days .....ny^c- Factory Cotton, Reg. 15c $ Days ...12X/2C. Ladies’ Print House Dresses CURTAIN NETS 10 pieces of Curtain Material values at 35c. a yard. $ DAYS ONLY 18c. 5 dozen Ladies’ Print House Dresses Wonderful values $ Days Special LADIES COTTON HOSE 69c.Sand and Grey. $ Days 2 pairs 25c.TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Mrs. Goodison, of Sarnia, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Tainan. Mr. C. Switzer, of Kippen, called on Mr.- and Mrs. W. H. Johnston on Friday. Miss Winona Fraim*, of Sharon, spent the week-end the guest of Miss M. A. Horton. Roy. Harry Jennings, of Huron College, London, visited at his home here on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Foster, of Toronto, is spending two weeks with her father, Mr. Jas. Handford. Mr. Joshua Johns, of Elimville, I held a successful auction sale of farm stock and implements on Mon- Bis- day. ' Mrs. Anderson, of Crediton, who j has been with her sister Mrs. J. two Morley for the winter, has returned Highway, home. L. Toll Bros, will ‘giro- their Travel­ rue “Hitch-I-Jiking;- Round theague ___ World” in Jai^^i treet Chuj’ch on April 21st. Miss Ena Good dancing will the studio, E day, April 3i$U teacher her classes Fri-Pavilion, on of at Easter Flowers-&ZE. and M. sett. Phone JL5-0WL —v------------ ’ FOR REN^—60-acre farm /miles from Ceptfalia on • Fall ploughed"; good buildings and: Mr. Frank Weekes, of Toronto, water. "Close to school and church, spent the week-end visiting with his , Apply Box 280C. 3tc. ■ uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James ---------- i Weekes. ^VN NUTS—I have ! Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and .ese and Black i dren, of Forest, spent Sunday E25 cents each j Mrs. Delves’ parents, Mr. and jW. F. Abbott. I Mr. Richard Terry has not ; as well the last few days and Strange, who was the nurse is again in attendance. ’ Mrs. T. Harvey has sold the large red frame barn on her property to Mr. Wm. Balkwill who is at present ; tearing it. down. i Rev. R. E. Southcott and two children, of.Mt. Brydges, visited on Tlnusday last with the former’s on eayfear^ola*,. J ap t Walnuts for ■hfere, only. yrhese anj largeSUJ. Hoe .HigiWay 4 J sale fspdch?! early beaiing |Neilsqih strain.fartli, ^prucegirt Lodge, South of town. Exeter cliil- with Mrs. been Mrs. Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Mims MacFaul Choir-Leader, Sir. MiddleuiKs Palm Sunday The Procession of the Psalms a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—U-Go-I-Go 'Class a.m,—Morning Prayer & Sermon 10 10 11 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon C. V. PICKARD Auto Insurance^ Costing leSfe< than ojG^’dollar per month. .^AVliy tn^fe’ a chance? in A^jnsurance Farmers jVq^^an carry full protec­ tion witf^We Wawanesa Mutual at low cost. Now is the time. Phone 165,Exeter Permanent BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS & DRAWERS Regular 59c. value $ Days, all sizes ........ 49c. MEN’S DARK BLUE SHIRTS Large size, well made $ Days Special .......... 79c. MEN’S COLLAR ATTACHED SH MEN’S FANCY SOX NOTICy The Exeter United^armers’ Club are booking, ordersjror clover seeds, cedar fenc^'postsJaalt and fertilizer materials. sThe jSKub has installed a fertilizer’ Imixeafand will be able to give promp'Ssed^ce to both large and small ordffl’sJF The results have • mother Mrs. C. A. .Southcott.- .proven the^^naterials to be sup&r- i io.r quality#^ Co-operative mixing is 1 no longer an experiment. Be sure and get our prices before buying any of the above items. Exeter United Farmers’ Club Phone 13r2 Exeter, M. R. Cudmore, Gee'y-Treas. —-------FOR SALE—Limitedi?' (Quantity of “Reward” Spring^ Wheiit Slor seed. Apply to Hilton^Tru^mj^r 85rll, Zurich. Mr. W. F. Abbott and Mr. R. Sims attended the opening of Rev. Dudgeon’s church on Sunday they enjoyed a fine service. "Mrs. Worthy, of Windsor, Waves . . . ,,j.' . Our ComBinatiq^Oil Perma­ nent Wave creates*a coiffure of beautiful, natu^fiwave and love­ ly ringlet eri^? Mr. when" M. Russell Phone 245 phone ltp across of t- Ifebip'ne Town- angSjJ^ilsundance of lOtlF^rms on part. FARM FOR SALIWMJP first class land ' ship, goodrf buHuing water, price Apply to R. W. Bakteii, R.R. No. 1, Woodham, Qnt^^^ Xt. FOR SALE^—Fordsf^i Tractor with fenders, (efempleUelif overhauled) and 2-furrow’loiiver plow. Price $275 Apply Stevenson & .Son, Merchants, Thorndale. ■ 4-2-2tp. TO RENT FOR GRASS—-100 acre of grass land, lot 2, con. 9, Zion 21 miles south of Winchelsea. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Smith, RALJ., Woodham, phone 33 r 11, K^ktom. 3tc £1!u fiFOR SALEXBahuSr Seed Oats, grown from 0gistdred seed, 50c. a bushel. Apply Geo? IngrajtiFjl.R. 3, Exeter, phonal2rg9 H^nsalJ 3tp. $6. an egg wood, R.R. tfQ. J 0. CUSTOM HATCHING- See or write Mrs. E.wfjg 1, Exeter. t j —----*---*---- SEED BARLEY W SAJ^! A.C. 21. Apply Alvin/^^wy, Ceil tralia. Phone 40 r 4, Xrediton. ' FOR SALE—The farm property of the John Penhale Estate. 100 a$& res; Lot 12, South Boundary of hou^e, barn, windmill and bush; also 50 acres South h Con. 7, Hay, suitabl® for ,, 50 acres South half Sot Hay; 30 -acres suitahlej with some ploughing rtasihirA. windmill.pasture, wiHuiiuu. John Penhale, R. 1 to Sine t 3, sture. sn. 4, croping balance Mrs. Road tfn. TENDERS WANTI^i) Usborne Township Council will re­ ceive sealed fender^runtil 3 p.m. on Saturday, Apfil 4 th, 1936, for truck­ ing gravel oil ^bads of said Town­ ship during I#3 6. Tenders to state price per yard mile. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. z A. W. Morgan, Clerk, Hensall R.R. 1 Usborne Township Counci' ceive sealed fenders^untll 3 JftRASS FARM Wt SAL14—50 aujjfca, part Lot O, Si. Thames Road. O&hard, good and windmill. A<SIy 'Chas. RusseWale. ' M1-3 ti» is at present visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and has call­ ed on many, of her old friends. Misses Evelyn Orleman and Eve- Iyn Jean McDonald, of Pittsburg, are visiting with the former’s uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Lawson and with relatives in Crediton. Mi Sas visiting with friends muiiity are returning this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam River, Ont., a-re ’ visiting former’s sister Mrs. W. E. Quinn in Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. McKim are leaving here for New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Gordon, Connie and Keith, motored to Blenheim Saturday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Gordon’s aunt, Mrs,. Andrew Denholm, mother of Mr. MV Dcuholm, proprietor of the Blenhoiib News-Tribune. Mr. Hiliary Horton, blacksmith,, is carrying two fingers of his right hap'I in a plaster cast. Mr. Horton was in the act Of shoeing a horse whan the horse became fractious with the result that he had two of his fingers broken. M.S. Daniel Alton, of Ashfield and sister of Mrs. W. H. Johnston and tier daughter Mrs. .Samuel Mor­ rison, of Lucknow; also Mrs. Alton’s son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alt »u spent a day with Mr, and Mrs. Johnston last week. and Mrs. Chas. Waghorn have moved from Exeter to Usborne. Mrs. Cottle is moving into the residence on Ann St. vacated by Mr. Waghorn. M.t A. E. Buswell is .proving into the residence vacated b ' - '- -<■*- Mr. and Mrs. Earl into Mrs. Ho'c-key’s same street. Miss Lilian Ro conV'Si* visitiii Ml’S. Wm. May nuuiusuu rnw 1been visting with ftier sister, Mrs. T. J nA/ Handtord, of Ingersoll, 'She was ac­ companied to towh by Mrs. Irene Little and Mrs, McKelvy, of Inger­ soll and Mrs. (Dr.) Lindsay, o£ question submitted to the property Woodstock, on Sunday. j ................ ... Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia and . N. Floody, of town, accompanied three companions, returned the x-d part of last week after a want motor trip of three weeks Florida, On their return they aed through some of the flooded as of the south where there was and Mrs. Fred Hern, Bengougli , who have spent the ■ in this to their winter 00111- ■ home McKim, with Blind the ' Mrs. Cottle, lien are moving •esidence on the Alberta Goal k — Alberta Coal is when quick fj April ytfe RY IT JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative! are wanted ie best to burn for notice Get your Dry-Cleaning done be­ fore the Easter rush, We^clean every­ thing including rugs^thirtains, hats, ties, men’s/suits Ade.; Ladies Plain Dresses 6/>c.,-^Ladies’ or Gents' Spring Coats/^SOc.. Leave acHarness’ Barber Shop ONTARIO DRY CLEANERS tf. EXCELLENT LECTURE The third of the series of lectures given by» Professors of Western Uni­ versity under the auspices of Caven Presbyterian Guild was held on Tuesday evening. Prof. J. W. Rus­ sell spoke on “The Geology of South­ western Ontario” and was very in­ teresting. His slides were also very attractive and informative. THREE RINKS HAVE PROVIDED WINTER SPORT In the period covering the past sixty years three private individuals have built rinks in Exeter and the young (and older) folks have had a thoroughly enjoyable, wholesome ■ i in . Is it not timo that the community as a whole should do something to provide the young people with a wholesome win­ ter pastime? Vote “Yes” to the inson, of Van-with Mr and __ ~ __- - ____iss Robinson has i .?yi^er „ rnoTn0? Mr by laf. ph to pas an _ much destruction. Unable to secure sleeping accommodation in this area it was necessary to travel all night. Tliey made the 4000 miles without owners next Tuesday. It will only cost the ratepayer an extra mill on the tax rate. What A Comfort for children who suffer, "ifdm bron­ chitis, croup, cough, colds, catarrh, tonsil and throat tr&tfbles when Sy- billa .Spahr’s remedy is applied, works, good rostms or money I All druggists. ‘‘ troubles when Sy- $y is applied. It ;s or money back. Real value MEN’S OVERALL .TS 3 PANTSaP |Tooke make regular $1.50 $ Days Special ...A.... $1.00 CHILDREN’S ^IBBED hose! '- J?Sand and Black $ Days per pair $ve Money! 10 only Men’s Suits A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF CHINA ORfGL EVERY $10 PURtH ARE GIVEN FREE WITH OF DRY GOODS GROCERY SPECIALS for $ DAYS 3 pkgs. Quaker or Kellogg Corn Flakes 25c 3 3 3 cans cans cans Tomatoes Peas Corn Extra Special—21 lbs. sugar 25c. 25c. 25c. $1.00 2 lbs. Fancy Cookies .. 7 pkgs. Garden Seeds ...i. 1-2 lb. Best Bulk Tea .. 1 lb. Tin Fancy Red Salmon ..... 6 pkgs. McLarens Jelly Powders Southcott8 Bros Phone 16 MAKE EXETER. COMMUNITY CENTRE Exeter is the- centre of one of the best farming communities in Ontar­ io. The town has always tried to provide a live business and commun­ ity centre for that farming district. The farmers have appreciated this fact. They have retired to Exeter. They have always helped the town they came to live in. They will continue to do so. They know that the young folk must have some "place to spend the winter evenings. They do not squirm about a trifle of extra tax when they know it is for the benefit of the village and the com­ munity in general. We have faith in the good sense of the retired farmers and feel that they will vote “Yes” on Tuesday next. Main Street Men’s Union The regular monthly meeting of the Men’s Union of Main Street Unit­ ed Church was held on Wednesday evening, March 25th with the presi­ dent Mr. G. W. Layton as chairman. The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. W. E. Walker. Two vocal solos were given by Rev. A. E. Elliott. The guest speaker for the evening was Dr. J. E. Jackson who gave a splendid address on the subject of “Development ol’ State Medicine.” He pointed -out the benefits accruing both to physician -and to patient and gave the objections raised against it. A profitable discussion followed. The auction sale of farm stock and implements of the late Samuel Parsons was held Friday last and was quite successful. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner and daughter Shir­ ley, of Meaford, were here for the sale returning to their hom.e Monday Mr. Roji Parsons is taking over his father’s farm and Mr. Frank Par­ sons is taking over the farm of his brother Roy, 3rd concession of Us­ borne, The postponed St. Patrick’s party of tile Margaret Strang Auxiliary of Caven Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Misses Jean and Elaine Stanbury on Wednesday ovmiinc of last wook, Although the auxiliary is a Young Ladies’ Society the young men were permitted and everyone enjoyed an evening* of ■ ' ' " Gordon serving games and contests, Mrs. assisted Mrs, Stanbury in lunch. 25c. 25c. 25c. 25c. 25c. 3 Phone 16 May We Present? MR. PARKE Stylist and Representative of “CLOTHES of QUALITY” BRAND who will be here on MONDAj, imi Wherever wherever yajf'go you may be ,IUre that your CLOTjpES OF QUALIT^T suit or topcoat w ffiook smart. Style an^fit are built right mastei^craftsme built t al me$ur Come in and see the newest arrivals in colourful, sturdy British woolens, the latest style trends. You’ll like them bo th, we think, in your CLOTHES OF QUALITY suit or topcoat. APRIL 6 th EXETER, ONT. “Clothes of Quality” I BRAND PHONE 81 BRAND