The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-03-19, Page 8THURSDxlY, MARCH 19th, 1036 a-sxu Easter 1936 Denials Is the More Feminine Mode swirls and fashion- are so easily ob- Those intriguing able ringlet e tained b> perfect ai on all Chen are use IrTe Bonat supplies Husively. Phone 23lw >r most artistj Bonat Method, HL M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 72c. Oats 32c. Barley 42c. .^JAuekwheat 40 c.^Manitoba’s Best $2.70 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade $26.00 a ton Bran $22.00 a ton Shorts $22.00 a ton Standard Screening Chop $19.QQ Mixed Chop $22.00 Creamery Butter 2;&c-27C. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 21c-24e A large 22c B 18c G. 15e, $8.25 Forest City Laundry and Dry Cleaning, London NEW DRYCLEANING PRICE LIST Effective, March 9 Sanitone $1.00 1.00 Men’s Suits Men’^ Coats, light Coats, heavy Trousers Standard .59 .69 Q> —mi mum41 nm i> Ihw <1 awn c»mmm4| I I I FOR A TASTY MEAL TRY OUR PURE PORK LOCALS C. V. PICKARD Exeter 25c A. Hunt. MacFaul Aliddlemiss in Lent Auto Insurance rthan one dollars y take a chaa .. . 55c d Insura THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * W. W. TAMANls for trouble Fbronchitis and iod results or orks wonders, All Cleane ^Anthracite. styMFtrends ., CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, I5.A,, I3.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—The Minister 7 p.m.—-The Minister MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m—-The Minister p.m.—Sunday School The Minister. The Sunday Sichool orchestra will give selections. Men’s choir will sing Monday—Y. P. S. Wednesday, March 25, Men’s Union Speaker—Dr. Jackson Thursday, 7.45—«Prayer Service 11 3 7 P.m.- .25 UP 3 7 plain .69 Men’s Hats Suits, press KETMEATail 1.00 1.25 .50 .20 up iffe’ Coats, Coats, fur-trimmed .89 Ladies’ White Fl. Coats 1.00 Dresses, plain .59 Ditto, fancy, evening 1.00 up Swagger Suit, 2-piece Skirts Gloves .89 .35 .20 up Tuckey Transport wi ini —wnn iiimrwmwiwiMmw ■■■■i— ■im—rwwirm i i i m rwii u—iwwi Don’t forget the Trav<pgue “Hitch-Hiking Round the W^rtd” in James St. Church, < R1 21st. This has delighted Faudiences in Toronto, Londog^ 1 res. other cent- 2 IDEA Leave your for EasterLillies at Walker's Drugstore. I I Mr. Rd. Terry is confined to his bed through illness. *. Mrs. Dan’l Davis is ill at her home and under the doctors care. Mr. F. W. Gladman was at Sarnia on Saturday on legal business. Mr. Grafton Cochrane, Uinversity, London, was the week-end. Miss Celia Christie is of Western home for visiting for j a few days with her brother, Mr. J. [ A. Christie, in Toronto. See Laurel and Hardy in “Bonnie FORMER BAYFIELD COUPLE WED 60 YEARS Pt. Elgin, March 15th—This date! - - _ .. marked the 60th wedding anniver-i Scotland” at Leavitts Theatre this sary of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Turner,1 week. at the home of their daughter and Mr. Harold Down and son Edwin, son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. Freckle- • Of London-, spent Wednesday of last t8?anft8anydett“rS^«3pWX“;.we^ with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor, were married on March 15, 1876, at! -Air. Wlmi. Wareing dug from his Exbourne, Devonshire, England and garden last week a parsnip that sailed from Liverpool for Canada-on root and all measured 34 in.April 6th arriving at Bayfield on ._ April 20th. They farmed for 52 111 years in Stanley Township, Huron Messrs. A. O. Elliot, J. A. Traquair County and during that time two T. O. Southcott, E. Westcott and S. daughters and four sons were born. Ireland motored to Detroit for the namely: Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Stan- week-end. ley Township; Mrs. Gilbert Freckle-. Mr. Ellis Tapp o'f the Bank of ton, Pt. Elgin;; William, of Wind-Commerce staff, Wellesley, is holi- sor; Robert and Fred, of Goderich; , flaying with his parents Mr. anfl Mrs. John, of .Stanley Township. There are ra. Tapp.eleven grandchildren. .Since leaving, the farm Mr. and Mrs. Turner re-1 sided in Exeter and Lucan before moving to Pt. Elgin a year ago. Both are enjoying good health and take a keen interest in all current events. The bride and groom were sur­ rounded by flowers and were the re- j cipients -of many messages of con­gratulations and other gifts. A | __ ___...___ ___ _____ swm'ptuous dinner was prepared by 1 been visiting for several days with the hostess, the table being centred I friends and relatives in .Stratforu, by the bride’Is cake. The condition1 London and Parkhill, of the roads prevented most of the family from being present but Wil­ liam and wife were present from Windsor; Mr. John Dignan, who has spent the winter with his daughter Mrs, Brown, of Kingsville, returned home last week. Mrs. Redmond and son Billy, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with the 'former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes have Ladies New Suits and Coats Comprising a range of very smart styles in the newest tweeds, checks, and fleck materials. We invite you to call JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Arthur Page, Minister ’W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“Capitalizing our Calami­ ties.” p.m.—(Sunday School p.m.-—'Religious Drama “Whatso­ ever Ye Sow” will be repeated. Special offering in aid of Sun­ day School. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. Organist, Miss Cboir-Leader, Mr. Fourth Sunday -U-Go-I-Go Class Morning Prayer & Sermon -Sunday School and Rec­ tor’s Bible Class. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon 10 11 3 a.m.- a.m.- p.m.- Costing les month. full protec-Farmers your can c; . tion with the Wavpmesa Mutual at low, cost; ,-Jj^w is the time. Phone 165, Permanent Waves ------------------------—J—I— Miss Madeline J. Mitchell, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Winn. G. Mitichell of Charlotte, Mich., and granddau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, of town, was married on Sunday, March 15 th to Mr. Melvin L. Redick. L. Apply toHOUSE FOR Norman Hockey. WANTED—800 Wshels -of-w^eat delivered this week. 1^' test 58, will pay 74c. Harvey Bro^r MAN WANTED faY«w 1territories and for replacement.,Vacancy now tor man with car handle Food and Medicinal^/Products direct to homres in Midjflese^County. Write Ham- homres in MidiheseJ|County. Ward’s Produi^s, JjBm South, ill on. TENDERS WANTED^' |Pwill re- 1 p.m. on 6, for truck- Of said Town- enders to state Lowest or any ssauily accepted. h, Clerk, Hensall R.R. 1 FOR Osborne Township Cour ■ceive sealed tenders Saturday, ’April 4th, ing grave®. on roa ship during 19 3 6 price per tender nc A. W. Me GRASS FAI acres, part Lot Orchard, goo$ Apply Chas. ALE—50 mes Road, d yyindmill. Russel&ale. ^,^3'^9-3 tp ,J“—T !$ mal$& or g ajpres- fcslm RW- " 3-12-2tp. Sow fertilizer 'withjany size of grain drill by/ ush ton Fertilator. Sold? by^ ley, Winchelsea. A"1"'1 WANTED sf- Married ‘couple to work oh a Ryckmhu, FOR $ ley, 0. Ar Grade J^o. Germifthti James Ga 10 KirkW Apply to Francis 73 r 6. —■nSiX Certixi 98 per mer house dential property of th Pulloyblank, F< apply to J. W. we$ Seed Bar- Government t< 45, 8215, 60c. a bus. on, phone 21J FOR!SAL® ate George r particulars §y. Exeter, Ont. 12-3-2tc. FOR SAL®-~We'are offering one of Kxeter’s finest homes^Like how. Modetn throughotij, wmtim sized. Priced away bSlofJ|ffldlng cost. C. V. PICKARD, Owie Exeter m4s. Brintnell is having the resi­ dence on Ann Street occupied by Mr. C. Waghorn, renovated and the in­ terior fixed up. A couple of bird houses built by Mr. W. D. Sanders are on exhibition in one of the windows of Traquair’s Hardware and have attracted quite a little attention. Mr. Hugh Creech, M.A., of the Banting Institute, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. James Dearing and two daughter, of Dorchester, called on the former’s sister Mrs. Percy Webber on Wednesday last. At the Main Street United Church on Sunday Mrs. Edna Hearts sang solos very effectively at both the morning and evening services. Mr. Jack McBeth, of Toronto, has arrived in Exeter taking over the management of the Chainway Store succeeding Mr. Jack Paisley who has been moved to Dunnville. The many friends oif Mrs. F. Gill will be pleased to know she is slowly improving following her recent acci­ dent when she fell on the icy roads breaking her hip. Mrs. Chas. Box and her brother Mr. Ed, Harrison visited for the past month with their brother Mr. Thos. Harrison and Mrs. Jno. Penhale. Mr. J. J. Morrison, secretary­ treasurer of the United Farmers of Ontario died in Toronto Tuesday at the age of 74 years. He had been in failing health ifor the past year. (Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis, and two children, of Ft. Erie, motored u'p Thursday of last week and visit­ ed with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis. At the James St. United Church on Sunday a beautiful bouquet of car­ nations adorned the pulpit being placed there by Dr. and Mrs. Fletich- er in memory of the late Mrs. Wes­ ley (Snell, The local lodge io£ the I. O. O. F. recently inaugurated a drive for new members and~ met with splendid re­sults. On candidates greeS. Mrs. W. ____ ______ _- Thursday of last week front Boston, Mass., where she has been visiting for the past five weeks, having been called there owing to the death of her sister, Mrs. Chas, Locke. Mr. and Mrs.4 B. W. F. Beavers are in Toronto where Mr. Beavers is at­ tending the ‘’Undei'wrlters’ Conven­ tion as a representative of the Us- borne And Hibbert Mutual Fire In­ surance Company, Our Combination Oil Perma­ nent Wave creates a coiffure of beautiful, natural wave and loj ly ringlet ends^ M BE READY FOR QUICK WEATHER CHANGES This is the time of year to ex­ pect alternating mild springlike days with sudden cold s ready for fl putting in H. Cone This coal days anJF in^ sponds Jhst a dam Pho d weather re- y at the touch of 7j and order a ton. JAS. P. BOWEY Sutt Life Representative) Tuesday evening nine received their first de­ T. Acheson returned on Saturday, March 21st will be the first day of spring. Mr. Geo. Hepburn, of Stephen, has purchased the grass farm of Mr. Ed. Stone, 2nd iconcession of Usborne. Mrs. N. Hockey visited hei’ sister Mrs. E. Cake, in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, Sunday. Mrs. Cake is still seriously ill. For a couple of days last week it looked as if the maple syrup seSSon had arrived. The balmy weather caused the sap to run but it did not last long. So fai’ there has been no Syrup marketed in Exeter. In the report of the golden wed­ ding Of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock which appeared last week the gift of the Hurondale Women’s Institute and a W. M. The Kestle, whose____ -Advocate last week, arrived in Exe- ter Sunday and the funeral Monday was held ifriom the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W* Kestle with interment in th & Institute plant from the Thames Road S. «w>as omitted. remains of the late Mrs, Sam’l , ot Kamloops B.C., notice of death appeared in the Times- Exeter cemtery. medicine, sybijlh Sph in the throat Lohsil bllitue money hack; Druggists. < and inspect them. NEW RAYTEX FOR DRESSES A beautiful new material in a good weight for Spring Dresses in four neat pat­ terns PRICED AT PER YARD 50c. BETTER QUALITY PRINTS This is a very fine cloth and pays to make up. It launders well and comes in neat patterns. PER YARD 29c. FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSE Made by Circle-Bar, showing the new colors for Spring in a lovely crepe silk. PER PAIR $1.00 COLORED BROADCLOTH 1 In all the popular shades, This is a real cloth and splendid valuie at per yard 19c. New Curtains and Curtain Nets There is such a wide range of silk and cotton nets in plain weaves or with patterns We offer some outstanding values at 35c., 40c., 50c., 65c. and 75c. per yard. INLAID LINOLEUMS These linoleums if properly cemented and laid will last a lifetime. They make satisfied customers. Ask to see the new patterns. PLAID FLANNELETTE BLANKETS In largest size, in Blue, Rose, Green or Mauve. A real blanket value PER PAIR $2.50 NEW PATTERNS IN TABLE OILCLOTH You will like the new patterns we are J showing this spring Jr 1 1-4 yards wide 40c.; 1 1-2 yards wideJJOc NEW PATTERNS IN CONGOLEUM r RUGS The new patterns for Spring are now on display. Our prices should interest you. WALLPAPE WALLPAPERS We want you to see our djpplay of new Spring Wallpapers, and we have suph a wide ranjpl of patterns for your selection. LOTS AT 99c., $1.29, $1.49, $1.99 The prices ar^^^er TRY DOMINION RU ARE FULLY GUA QUAKER O Large pkg. plai Large pkg. chi>a my-t-n|ce WHEAT BERRIES Fresh swek 5 lb. bags g. ER BOOTS FOR THE WET MUDI TEED. PRICED AT $2.25, $2.50U$ EATHER. THEY $3.50 22c 32c HONEY 10 lb. pail PEANUT BUTTER Harry Horne’s 2 lb.....................25c TRA SPECIAL F Get your supply SUGAR 10 lb..............50c 100 lb. bag.. 4.99 CHERRIES Unsweetened for pies 2 tins .................25c CRANBERRY JAM Jar . . . 29c GOOD BREAD FLOUR 98 lb. bag .. $2.69 GOOD PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs...............23c ORANGE MARMALADE Large Jar Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 HAND-CUTTING AND TAILORING TO YOUR PERSONAL MEASURE by union crafjjtmen, assures you that your requirement^Fin style and fit are observed by Tip Top Jfailors. ... UN HUND IflBfe 3STRICTED CHOICER EDS OF NEW B WOOLENS nd New York the rayon body < one standards new it or topcoatJ^Tip Top the great- « est clothing bargajlFin the land, London^ Val-Gld sleeve lining make your ■A- TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED