The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-03-19, Page 5THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE THCltSDAX, MAUCH ltttll, 1030 HENSALL Miss Annie Taylor is visiting rel­ atives at Cromarty. Mrs. James A. Bell relatives and (friends in Mr. Harold Bherritt, is visiting Toronto. ■*>*#.» iiiuu.u i ilv, of Toronto, spent (Sunday at his home here. Mrs. A. J. icoster visited over the week-end with Kitchener relatives, Air. Robt, Varley has taken a posi­ tion with Ginn Bell for the summer. Mrs. Alice Joynt was visiting Lon­ don relatives for several days last week. (Mr. Maynard Harmon, of Strat- iford, spent (Sunday with friends in town. Mr. Ken. Traviss has purchased a Ford car from John Passmore & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsops recent visitors with London tiv’es. Mr. William Love spent a days last week visiting relatives at I-Iillsgreen. ' Mr. and Ma’S, Wes, Caldwell, of London, spent the week-end in town visiting relatives. Mrs. Geo. Dick, oif Hay Township, spent last Week visiting at the home of Airs. John Parke. Mr. John D. Craig, who has been very pooa’lyl (for several weeks at his homne here is improving. Rev. W, A. Young is in Toronto this week attending a meeting of the Board of Sabbath Schools. Aliss Olive Walker, R.N., has had a telephone installed in her home for convenience in her work. Mr. and Mrs. M, G. Drysdale very pleasantly entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Daters visited for a few days last week at the home of heir daughter Mrs. H. Harburn, Staffa. iMr. and Mrs. Ken Traviss and Harold Bailey spent the week-end at their former home in Shelbourne. Mrs. Duncan McMartin received word on Sunday of the death of her sister, Airs. D. B. McDonald, of Galt, Miss Margaret Johnson who was confined to her home last week through illness was able to resume her duties at the post office on Mon­ day.Mrs. Jaimes W. McLean, Tucker­ smith, spent a few days last week, here, visiting with her sister, Mrs, John Allister. Aliss Mae Simpson and friend, of Detroit visited over the week-end with, her grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.Mrs, Carl Schaefer and of Palmerston, are visiting their relatives, Mrs. Katie Scott and Mrs. Ballantyne.Miss Marion (Sinclair, of spent the week-end with' her parents Rev. Artlier and Airs. Sinclair. She came home to .see her father, who is seriously ill.The Young People of .St. Paul’s Anglican church held a very success­ ful Jiggs’ Supper in the basement of the church on Thursday ....... .. Supper was served from 7.30.We are sorry to report Sinclair is not making as tory recorery as his many would wish, but hope with rest, and care lie will soon make a speedy re­ covery.The rural mail carriers are find­ ing the roads about the worst of the winter and are having a hard time to get through. Air. Chas. Jinks of R. R. No. 1, has had to replace one of his older one. Rev. Mr. brother of the rector, Farr took the services can church on Bunday evening service Miss mond sang a solo. Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen, oc­ cupied the pulpit at the United church on. Sunday and Mr. Robert Passmore took Mr. Chandler’s work at Kippen and Hillsgreen.. Sunday the service here will taken, 'by Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of mondville and Mr. Passmore take Mr. Malcojm’te place at mondville. The late Joint Workman The 'funeral of the late John Workman took place from his late home, Kippen, on Wednesday .after­ noon, interiment taking Hensall number funeral. Will Prof. professor of Economics at the Uni­ versity of Western Ontario, London will address the Hensall Board of Trade at its next regular meeting on Friday evening, March 20th. The Professor will deal with some of the most urgent economic problems of the vited. were rela- few daughter, here with Toronto, evening. 5.30 to Rev. A. satisfac- friends . Mr. Chas. Jinks of has had to replace one horses with a younger Farr, of Woodstock, Rev. Beverly in the Angli- last. A't the Beryl Drum- Next be Eg- will Eg- place in the •Union cemetery. Quite a from Hensail attended the Address Board of Trade T. E. Reilly, associated day and discussions are in- Cannel Ladies’ Aid regular monthly meeting ofThe regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Presby­ terian. church was held on Thursday afternoon in the basement of the church. The meeting opened with prayer by the president, Mrs. B. C. Edwards, who presided over the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. McKINLEY’S CHICKS includes and Stock Ou t hatchery program Government Approved, sixth year. Bloodtesting for five years Special feeding of Breeding for vitality, in the chicks. It includes the sotting of eggs, carefully incubated and ed to preserve their vitality. It also includes a practical tation progra^ to protect health. That’s That’s That’s For phone, or The hatehJ 4 i' whyathey whj^they wl fttrj they ii choice hatch- sani- thefi* live betWT ,gmw||retter! mwmetter! JPrmation,call;■lei’(pritoj ■sUF Ifley, The phono number’ is 9,7r 11, Hensall The address is Zurich, Ontario Wh appreciate your inquiries and business. the Goshen Line,>n Township j. e. McKinley The general business of the society was discussed. Mrs, John McEwen was appointed group leader taking . the place of Airs. J. A. Bell- The meeting closed by all repeating the • Mizpah benediction. Cars Collide . While Mr. iGeo, Thompson, ac­ companied 'by (Mr. ,E. IC Hutton > were driving to Mr. Thompson’s home at Blenheim late Saturday ev- ■ ening and while near Tempo pn No. . 4 highway they collided almost ■ head on with a car driven by Duncan . McPhail, of Iona. The McPhail car shot across- the road turning com- ■ pletely over to land again on its wheels and go through a farmer’s fence. Mr, Thompson’s car ran into the other ditch and then into a creek both machines being considerably damaged, but all escaped except Mr. McPhail who suffered a minor in­ jury to his leg. The accident hap­ pened about 10 o’clock and was in­ vestigated by Traffic Officer Grant, of Lambeth. No one was held. W. M. S. Meeting The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter­ ian church held their regular month­ ly meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon. There -was a good attendance of members. The meeting opened by singing a hymn and a prayer by Mrs. Dallas. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. AIcMurtrie, The min­ utes of the last meeting were read and approved and the roll called with the text word “Peace,” Mrs. Andrew Do.ugal sang a beautiful solo entitled “That Old Story is True.” This was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Colin Hudson. The topic “Residential Schools for In­ dians,” was very ably taken by Mrs. Dallas. After a few minutes of sil­ ent prayer, Airs. Edwards and Miss Jean Dougal led in prayer. Mrs. Arnold read extracts from a nurse’s diary telling of her work among the Indians. The offering wafs taken and the meeting closed with a hymn and all repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. St- Patrick’s Social A St. Patrick’s Social was held by the Young People’s Society of the United church on Monday evening­ in the basement of the church. The meeting opened by1.singing “O, Can­ ada”1 and all repeating the Lord’s Prayer. A short play was put on entitled “Uncle Hiram’s Cold” with the following taking part: Alaude McLean, Gladys Passmore, Beryl Drummond, Mildred Sniillie, Ed. Corbett, Lome Elder and Bill Mc­ Lean. Community singing of Irish numbers was very much enjoyed. A reading entitled “Don’t” was given by Jessie Paisley and a solo by Bobby Hess accompanied by Miss Greta Lamimde on the piano, instru­ mental by. Miss Gladys Luker, solo by Miss Bella Smale. Games and contests were indulged in and re­ freshments served. This very en­ joyable evening closed by singing hymn 10 9 and the Mizpah benedic­ tion. Junior Institute The Hensall Junior Institute or­ ganized during the short course in February, held their first meeting on Wednesday evening in the base­ ment of the Anglican church with the president, Miss Maude McLean in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of the Institute Ode followed by “O, Canada.” The' Lord’s Prayer was then,, repeated in unison. A very interesting paper on “Novel Ideas for Entertaining’/ was given by Aliss 'Olga Bell. Miss L. Drummond then read a tolftc on the “Hostess and her responsibilities” which proved very helpful. A dem­ onstration on the making of a St. j J._-A ___a--~- ’-J- —E?UKr Huttom The meeting"closed by singing the National Anthem. The members then enjoyed a con­ test “Things our Grandmothers Missed.” Lunich was served by the . four hostesses in charge. St. Patrick’s Party The young people of Carmel Pres­ byterian church 'were entertained on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson to a St. Patrick’s party. The devotional part of the progranni, was in charge of the president, Miss Beryl Pfaff and op­ ened by singing hymn 74, after which all repeated the Lord’s pray­ er in unison. The Scripture was read by Miss Helen Walker, business and an invitation to hold the next meeting at the home of Miss Pfaff, a collection was taken up and the first part or the program closed by singing hymn 109. Mrs. MacDoug- al then took charge .of the Irish pro­ gram which opened by singing My Wild Irish Rose.” Irish melodies were played on the violin by Mr. Ross McKay. A paper' on St. Pat­ rick was read by Miss Mabel Work­ man, everyone then joined in singing the chorus of “When Irish Eyes are Smiling.” Mrs. Young then favor­ ed with the topic on Irish jokes and legends. AU joined in singing ‘ It s a Long Way to Tiperary.” A num­ ber of contests were indulged m, after which a delicious lunch was served by, the hostess. ;Ai hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Davidson for the very enjoyable evening. Ijast Sunday at the close of the Sunday School Mr. V. Sharpe, the secretary, presented seals and diplo­ mas to fourteen who had obtained the required percentage tfor the year 193'5. WINCHELSEA The sympathy of the community is Godbolt and Chas. Go4- suddenly on Patrick’s desert was given by; Mrs. acted as SHIPKA Miss Freda Love, of Grand Bend, is at present visiting with Miss Lor­ raine Baker.Last Sunday being Temperance Sunday, a talk was given by Mr. M. Sweitzer.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens and family of, Grand Bend, visited Sun­ day at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. W. Lovie. Mr, Ulens sang a solo in Sun­ day School in the morning. The Y. P. Society will meet on Friday .evening of this week in the Chupcli. ‘ ,,-The Ladies’ Aid held a quilting ;on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alatt. Sweitzer. iA] very pleasant evening was spent in the chtftch on Friday evening last put on by the Stewards of the church Rev. J. Johnson acted as chairman for the program which; was as fol­ lows. A vocal duett by Mrs. Jacob Ratz and Mr. Gordon Katz; reading by Miss Nola Sweitzer, vocal solo by Mrs, Wnni. Bweitzer; voical solo and reading by Mr. Walter Lidston; pia­ no solo by Miss Leia Mollard; vocal solo by Miss Lorraine Baker with mandelon aocomaniment. Miss Alma Ratz then took charge of some very interesting ediftests after which a dainty lunch was served with coffee. *’ "l>l "'""i-...i.fw.-M... CREDITON K. Eilber was in Toronto representing; the Hay Tp. Company at the conven- Herbert this week Insurance tion of the Mutual Fire Underwrit­ ers Association. Mr. Harry Trick attended the An­ nual Convention of the Ontario Threshers’ Association at Sarnia last week. Spring is in the air. Children are playing on the sidewalks with their wagons. The streets are practically clear of ice and snow for the first time in months. Rev. A. E. Pletch was on. the sick list a few days last week. Miss Helen Teller, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Teller. We are glad to reiiort that Mr. Fred Gaiser is improving nicely after sustaining a fall last week, but still feels the effects of the severe shak­ ing up. Airs. Lloyd England attended the funeral of her uncle, the late Geo. I Van Alstone in Parkhill last week. Airs. Magdalena Eilber suffered a slight stroke last week. She is im­ proving as well as can be expected. Mr. Ernest Gaiser and son Arnold of the Blue Water Highway, north of Grand Bend, visited Mr. and Airs. Fred Gaiser on Alonday. Airs. Wilkie McEwen, of near Ailsa Craig, is at present visiting her mo­ ther, Mrs, Sarah Gaiser. Mr. Fred Gaiser recently had the misfortune to fall at his home. He was using a stepladder in removing some wallpaper when the ladder icol- lapsed and as a result Mr. Gaiser fell heavily to the floor and received serious internal injuries. Dr. Misener was called.Friends of Mrs. Herman Oestrich- er will regret to learn that she is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr Fred Gaiser received a com­ munication from Ottawa from W. H. Golding, member of the House of Commons, conveying his sincere sympathy to Mr. Gaiser and express­ ed the hope that he will soon be re­ stored to hie usual good health: We are glad to see Mr. Charles Fahner home again after spending five months in the hospital. Air. Fahner was a patient for one month in Chapleau, Ont., before he was re­ moved to Toronto where he spent four months in several hospitals there. His condition is quite satis­ factory. The Women’s Association of the United church, held their regular meeting in the Sunday School audi­ torium, on Thursday, March 12. Mrs. C. C. Misener presided and 18 members responded to the roll call. The lesson was read by Mrs. John­ son. Different items of business were taken care of and Airs. A. Bak­ er gave a St. Patrick reading which was much enjoyed. A harmonica duet by Mrs. F. Kerr and Mrs. J. Lovie was also well received. A social time followed with Mrs. T. Trevethick and Mrs. A. King as host- CSS6S. The Young People of the United Church were the guests of the Y. P. of the United Church, Brinsley on Wednesday evening. Grant Amos 'chairman. Wes. Watson read the scripture; Jean Baynham and Marion iLovie rendered a vocal duet; Dorothy Sterling gave a well .prepared paper; guitar solo was giv­ en by! Helen Mathers. Readings were .given by Helen Finkbeiner to the delight of all present. Mrs. Wes. Le­ wis sang! a solo. A reading was then given by Harvey ‘Craven. Mr. Jack Galloway, president of the Crediton League, spoke a few words on be­ half of the Crediton Young People, expressing appreciation for the very friendly invitation extended to them. Miss Dorothy Sterling, Social conven­ or then introduced a social program consisting of a large variety of games and contests. About 85 young people participated in .this fine so­ cial program. A much enjoyed lunch was served by the Brinsley young people. Andrew .Mathers then ex­ tended a hearty vote of thanks to the Brinsley Young People for the fine entertainimient and lunch; given. extended to Mrs. Chas, family of the late Mr bolt who passed away Tuesday. March 10th,Mr, and Mrs. Alf. ____„ I__ Grace of Kirkton, visited, on Sunday with the latte-r’s parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. Mr. Alex Smith spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John France. Miss Doreen Coultis, of Elimville, visited with 'Miss Marjorie Fletcher last week. Mr. and M-rs. Herman Foster spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson in Blan- shard. Mrs. John Fletcher, of visited tfor a few days with Mrs. Roy: Fletcher. Mr. Theron Creery, of spent a icouple of days last his home here. Mrs. Truman Fletcher spent a few days last week with her parents-M-r. and Mrs. Ed. Stone, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Godbolt. ■Collier and Exeter Mr, and Detroit, week at WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly of Kirkton, were Bunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton and children, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday last with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaugh­ton. Mrs. Whitfield Switzer spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camm. Mrs. Ben. Wilson was the guest of Miss Hannah Rinn for a few days last week. Miss Dykeman, of Galt, is spend­ ing a few days with her aunt and uncle Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove. Miss Viola Jaques is at present spending a few days with friends at Thames Road. Mr, Clarence Routly, Superinten­ dent of the Kirkton Sunday School, gave a short address at our Sunday School on Sunday last. Little Miss Audrey Scott met with a painful accident on Monday of last week having fallen down icellar and CENTRALIA Usborne, her aunt •Miss Beatrice Essery, of visited for a few days with Mrs. G. F. Penwarden, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Kerr, iton, visited on Sunday with Misses Jennie and Rachel Wilson. Mt. and Mrs. John Willis, Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. R. Davey. 'Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth of Ailsa Craig, visited on with: the former’s parents Mrs. P. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, of Usborne, visited with, Mr. Und Mrs. G. F. Penwarden on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Moody, of Usborne, visited with their daughter, Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, on Tuesday oif last week. Mr. Gordon McDonald, who has been in charge of the office work at the Creamery here, is being trans­ ferred to the Toronto Office of Can­ ada packers Ltd. His place here will be taken by Mr. L. Sargent. Mr. Mc­ Donald has imiade many friends here and theft ’best wishes will follow him. A number of Centralia Yoi People spent a very enjoyable ev; ing at. the Home oif Mr. and Mr Sholdice in Biddulph oft Frid last week. During, the evenixi George Thompson, wire recentl here for Lucan, was presented a small gift. The Young People’s Union theft social evening in the of Cred- and Mrs. Simpson, Sunday Mr. and held ___ ____ __ . school­ room of the chtwch on Monday ev­ ening of this week. A very enjoyable time was spent by all. struck her head on a piece of glass, severing an artery, but we are pleas­ ed to say at the time of writing that Audrey is improving rapidly, (Joinmunity Meeting The Community Meeting was held on Thursday evening of last week, with a splendid^attendance. Rev, W- Lovegrove took the devotional part and made it quite impressive, after which the president, Mr. Wilbur Wynn took the chair. The secre­ tary read the minutes -of last meet­ ing and a short time was taken for business. The first on the program was a selection by the Woodham Orchestra; Mrs. Wilbur Wynn read a poem; violet Squire favored with a piano solo; Mrs, John Camm gave a reading and <we had another sel­ ection by the orchestra, After this Miss Rena Avery gave a synopsis of the life of Alfred Tennyson and also one of his poems “Crossing the Bar” The remainder of the evening was spent in various amusements and games. A dainty lunch was served, and all returned to their homes feel­ ing it was an evening well spent. of of WHALEN Air. and Mrs, Herman Foster, Winchelsea were Sunday visitors Air. and Airs. George Parkinson. Aliss Ruth Millson, of Lucan, was a recent visitor of Air. and Airs'. G. Millson. Air. and Mrs. Russell Brock and son Donald spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Friends of Airs. Jas. Shipley will regret to learn that she is quite ill at her home. Mrs, Douglas, of Granton is attending her. Mr. and Airs. F. Squire and Shir­ ley were Sunday visitors of Air. and Airs. C. Alillson, Lucan. Airs. Wm. Morley visited with relatives in London on Monday. W. M. 8. The Alarch meeting of the W. Al. S. was held at Airs. Wm. Morley’s with eight members and five visitors pres­ ent. The first vice-president, Airs. H. Squire had charge of the Devo­ tional part of the meeting and Rev. Stewant led in prayer. Alary and Jean Morley favored with a vocal duet. Mrs. Geo. Squire gave a read­ ing and Mrs. Wm. 'Alorley very ably took the fifth chapter of the Study Book. ’ FOR 1936 MT, CARMEL Mr, Joseph Houlahan returned to his home last week after spending several weeks with friends in De* troit. Mr. John Pirkering attended the “ k Pick-funeral of his brother Frank ering at Detroit on Monday, Messrs. Hubert Desjardins Richard Bedard spent Sunday friends at Zurich. and with- ELIMVILLE The W. A. held theft regular meeting on Friday last at the home of Mrs. Herman Foster with Mrs. Wm. Routly in charge. The meeting opened with hyimn “Tell Me the Old, Old Story” followed by the Scripture lesson and a reading by Miss Ruth Skinner entitled “Goin’ To” The afternoon was spent in quilting and a ten-eent tea was served. The April meeting will be held at the home of Miss Dora Del bridge with Mrs. Gar­ net Johns in charge, The Y. P. Union met for meeting on Sunday evening, president opened the meeting ___ hymn 259 and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Missionary Convenor, Delmer Skinner then took charge of the worship period. Hymn 375 was sung and scripture lesson John 17, was read by Eula Herdman and John 16:22-27 also Matt. 26:36-42 was read by Lloyd Bell, The Discussion on the lessons were given by Dorothy Johns, Gladys Johns read a poem “Teaeh Me to Pray”; Florence Bell led in prayer. The topic “Of What Value is Prayer to Me.” The meeting was closed with hymn 377 and the Mizpah benediction. Mr. Silas Johns has returned home after spending a few weeks with his daughter Mrs. Will Pybus near Chis­ elhurst. Mrs. John Johns who has been ill for some weeks is still very weak but improving slowly. Mrs. Clifford Talbot and three chil­ dren, of Goderich, are visiting this week at her parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cornish. Miss Leola Johns, of Exeter, spent the -week-end at her home here. Over twenty' relatives and neigh­ bors of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns gave them; a surprise party on Monday evening, the occasion being the 30 th wedding anniversary. their The with .A NEW LINE OF * i NEW 3^-1 TON CHEVROLET : NEW 2-TON MAPLE LEAF . 1 HYDRAULIC, NEW jONd-L^’ * REDUCED " ■ • .. cMa.c,i'c ' HEAVY THVCK-TXPE THAMES 1936 General Motors offers industrial commercial Canada a wide range of much improved Chevrolet and Maple Leaf Trucks, featuring new 3/J-l ion and 2-ton capacities. You’ll find these trucks smarter in appear­ ance,gwith coupe-type cabs and color-matched sheetjmetal. They’re advanced in every phase NEW LOW PRICES FULL-LENGTH WATER JACKET Higher compression ratio, Balanced Carburetor and more durable valve train add to economy, ty. olet and Maple Leaf trucks ule-strong” throughout engine, chassis and frame. Like true friends of man, they’ll serve you long and well—without complaint—• ■without Strain on your pocket-book. Look into the 1936 line. Compare the lower pricfes. Ask about the greatly reduced 7 % GMAC Canadian plan of time payments. .5 'formance . < . but unchanged in ability to CpNS .“'"I,'...;..... e highest dependability^ have been i Improvements! The special trus] stepped up in horsepower a WJard equipment. , and cooling systems . Clutch life is lengthened. Hydraulic Brdlcee ttf Lubrication, era SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER Associate John Passmore & Son, Hensall, Ont. Dealers 0. Frits* & Son, Zurich; John Sprowl, Lucan