The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-03-19, Page 4THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1£>36 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ft BARGAINS 1935 CHEVROLET SEDAN Low mileage 1935 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 FORD SEDAN De Luxe model 1930 FORD COACH 1929 1929 1928 1927 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN De Luxe model CHEVROLET Std. Sedan CHEVROLET SEDAN FQRD ROADSTER CHEVROLET CO J True 1934<L D 057 i 1930 'Ti Platform and dump body E LEAF wheelbase latform and rack UCK with racks Snell Bros. & Co. Phone 100 Margaret Strang Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Mar­ garet Strang Auxiliary was held in the Caven Presbyterian Church oh March 12th. A lovely supper was served by hostesses Helen Grieve and Barbara Atkinson. It was de­ cided that the date for the St, Pat­ rick’s Party would be postponed un­ til March 25th. An interesting to­ pic on the “Happy Mount Leprosy Colony” in Formosa was given by Betty Hogarth and Ethel Kydd. The meeting closed by repeating th- Mispah Benediction. the Transferred to Dunnville Mr. Jack Paisley manager of Chainway Store, who has been trans­ ferred to the Dunnville Branch, left Tuesday for his new position. Mrs. Paisley expects to move the latter part of the week or as soon as Mr. Paisley can secure a residence. At the James Street Sunday .School on Sunday afternoon the superintendent Mr. J. H. Jones, paid splendid tri­ bute to the faithful and efficient services of Mrs. Paisley, who for a number of years has been a teacher in the school. the BRAY CHICKS WEIGH 2 LBS. AT 8 WEEKS Only 7 Chicks Lost out of 257 Pullets Look Like Little Hens ■On January 7 th, Mrs. Harry Barton, Embro, Ont., put 257 day-old On she Bray chicks March wrote: Barred iiockr under her brooder. 2nd (8 weej£^ later) “Today, Marc^’2nd, 250 257 are alive aj$l doing well, which, .consid^ing the ex­ treme weatherjive have had, and the earW||ehipping date, is a. pretty We expect 3-lb. broile Some are pullets loi^dike youn; all !feat’n.e| tails stid combs cd WO’Uldh __ ___flock 'ei^Mray stock This isn’t an isolated example. We .receive letters like the above from numerous customers every year, Get our 1936 logue and you will see more of them/ there. Chicks for immediate ery. Nine breeds. Prices reason­ able. Free feed or cash dis­ count on orders booked now for later delivery. Fred W. BRAY Limited CHICK HATCHERY of EXETER ■« BIRTHS I KOCH—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, I on Wednesday, March 18th, to Mr.1 and Mrs. G- C. Koch (nee Ruby Creech) a son (Thomas LUFT—‘On Friday, March Rev. and Mrs. T. Luft, wood, in St. Joseph’s London, a daughter. FISHER—/On Tuesday, March 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Christian Fisher a daughter, LEARY—-On the 12th Concession of McGillivray on March 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Leary, a dau­ ghter. HABERER—-At Zurich, March 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Haber- er, a daughter. Gordon). 13tli, to of Dash­ hospital, Main Street Y, p. U Missionary meeting Lroa loung i^eople- of Miss Ina Jaques. the singing of the Medd led in prayer. The Scrip­ lesson was read by Miss Dor- Davis. The minutes were read adopted. The meeting was then j of the - was in Fo.low- hymns. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Charles W. Godbolt and fam­ ily wish to express their s' e thanks to the neighbors an for the kindness and sjjj| tended during ment and esp fro'im the Adi Elimville W.j Peters, Mess ford and Mvg. of cars and those who assisted at the home. it bereave- s * Class and the S., also to Rev. Mr. I B. Cooper, Wm. El- Ford also for the loan CARD OF THANKS and Mis. Charles Fahrner and wish to thank the neigb^n's ”....manylovely n^rds Fahr^rr rece e a patiefft in a Toronto Hot We alsjrwish l$Rhank Rev. •h forjl raiigss. Mr. family and friends for J tin kindness also /he letters whiclijMr. whip al. Pleti The i charge ing Mr. ture othy and favored with a solo by Mrs. Hearts. The topic was very ably taken by Miss E. Link, She spoke on the Mis­ sionaries in different countries. It was very interesting and helpful. The closing hyaiin was “Abide with Me” after which the benediction was repeated in unison. Annual Meeting1 The annual meeting of the Exe­ ter Farmers’ Club was held in the Town Hall with Mr. S. R. Frost, of the American Cryanamid Co., of To­ ronto, as the guest speaker. Mr, Frost gave a very interesting and instructive talk on soil types, fertil­ izer equipment for cereal, canning and root crops. The Secretary-Treasurer gave a report of the year’s work which was very satisfactory. The total receipts amounted to $3960.43. The election of officers resulted as follows: Pres. E. J. Shapton; Vice-Pres., V. Pin- combe; Directors, Wm. Welsh, W. G. Medd, H. May; Seeretary-Treas., M. Cudmore. Plans are being made to install a Fertilizer Mixer in pre- pi Dr. of and Lved 'pit- Mr. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Coward Mr. Smale wish to thank the fjA and neighbors for the many^B'ts of kindness showp during tl^lf recent sad bereavement, butes and to /thoS' also to Rev. pit Road choir and. and the WoijftE®^ Association. room AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic AUCTION SALE ---- (Pf FARM STOCK ANO IMPLEMENTS steer side ar- for of- — FARM STOCK AND GRAIN AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of of 4-1 4 ‘Heref 3 Burl 1 Her Usborne Council minutes been crowded out this week. years year bws in pig, 9 chunks S'—M.H. binder 7 ft. AUCTION SALE - The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, on Wayside Farln, Flintville Lot 11, Concession 7, Usborne on DASHWOO W. D. B»^c ,S., D.D,S. DENlhlL S LRGEON office in^ffflTtleib Block, pash- and Zu- has At wood, first three days of week at office over the post office, in rich, last three days of week. Miss Gertrude Hoffman, who spent several months in Kitchener has returned home and is now ready to serve the public in hairdressing. Phone 70 for appointment. ■Mrs. Gordon Elliott, of Thedford, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and J. C. Reid. After (March 21st, Tieman & Son will run their business strictly cash or trade. No credit, Ruth Weber left last London. Harry Hoffman spent end in Kitchener and St, Mrs. L. E ' _ ' "with her parents in New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker, of Thedford, spent the past week with relatives here. Mr. Rinker underwent an operation in Dr. Taylor’s hospit­ al. Mrs, McFalls is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr, Wm. Nadiger spent a few days in London last week. week, for the week- Catlierines. Bender spent tho week-end MONDAY, MARCH 30 to, 1936 at 12,30 o’clock the following: HORSE'S—Black horse, agricul­ tural 8 years old; black horse 12 years old. CATTLE—'Red pure bred cow, re­ gistered, 10 years old, Durham; black cow 6 years old due November 10.... white cow 5 years old due Oc­ tober 20; Holstein cow 5 years old due April 30; black; cow 4 years old renewed; pure bred Durham 'cow 3 years old renewed; heifer 2 old due April 22; 6 steers 1 yeai* old, pure bred heifer and 3 AUCTION SALE — of — auction at Andrew Street, Exeter, on FRIDAY, MARCH 20th at 2 o’clock the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—2 bed­ room suites, 2 bedsteads, 2 set of springs, washstand, 2 ’ijside boards extension table,, , 3 .„jl^aing chairs, 6 kiit^ben chairsa 4 rockers, 3-piece p$pitor suite, pi<lor tablq, drop legf table, sewinglgiachine, 1 lounge* battery radio, F ’ ’ cum,^weeper, 3 clocks^, sweepers, washing mac$j ter $owls, 2 hand saw suit^ases^ 2 clipboards, sink, stov‘d couch, velvet ru^3x4S enm-’^ug, pictures, se^i,carl,F: ness, ;!|hree burner lawn ’ ipower, 2 Jg other 1929 Essex Coupe car in good run­ ning order. TERMS— CASH The estate of the. late Mrs. E. Hewitt Frank Taylor. Auctioneer lur^ka vac- carpet 2 but- , trunks, 2 ydro stove s|rburner oil ‘ a J linol- setf earriage har- nift stove, churn, $nps, ladder and. old; hei'fer 1 calf, heifer; 2 calves. 2 Yorkshire IMPLEIMEN cut; Deering/mower 5 1-4 ft.; Deer­ ing S'tee rake; H. roller; fler, D. rows, rac bui KIRKTON Mrs. George Kemp and children are visiting with liei* parents Mr. and Mrs. Thede, of Pt. Elgin. Miss Thelma Marshall and Miss Gladys Shier spent Wednesday even­ ing in London attending laneous shower given in Miss Marion Shier held at of Mrs. W. F. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. G. Doupe ed Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson .one evening last week. Miss Velma Doupe of the Kirkton Telephone operating staff left on Saturday by motor bus for Mt. Dora, Florida, on a month’s vacation, vis- iting'with her uncle Mr. F. Cornish. Miss Lizzie Collier spent the past week in Stratford’attending the fun­ eral of her uncle, the late Mr. John Woods. ration for the spring season. C. G. I. T. Entertainment A splendid entertainment was put m by the C. G. I .'T. in James Street Church on Tuesday evening. A good crowd yms present and enjoyed the various' numbers. Musical numbers were given by the senior group, a reading by Grace Strange and a piano solo by Anna Kernick. An au­ tomobile skit and a play “Archibald” ?by the intermediate group; living pictures “Love Through the Ages” and a “Campfire Scene” completed the entertainment. The numbers were introduced by the leaders Miss Hunter and Miss Stevenson. A dain­ ty lunch was served by the girls. Main Street W. M. S. The March meeting of the W.M.S. of the Main St. United church was held in the church parlor Thursday afternoon. A number of the mem­ bers assembled in the morning for a quilting, when four .frames were set up in "t>he school room, from each was taken a finished quilt for the missionary bale. In the afternoon time was taken off for the regular meeting, Mrs. W. G. Medd presided. The roll call was answered by “a newly memorized verse of Scrip­ ture.” Mrs. G- Jaques was conven­ or of the suggested program. The devotional leaflet was read by1 Mrs, F. J, Wickwire, while other leaflets were read by Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs, Pear'ce, Special prayer for the mis­ sionary, Miss Jean Miller was offer­ er by iMrs. Jonah ,Sims. After the meeting the quilting was resumed. James Street W. M. S. The (March meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the Sunday .School rooms of Janies .St. Church on Thursday afternoon 'with the president Mrs. Kyle in the chair. After singing a hymn the Lord’s Prayer was re­ peated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap­ proved. The visiting committee re­ ported that twenty-six calls had been made on-» the sick> and shut-ins. Mrs. May, convenor of thie 'supply com­ mittee asked for more blocks to complete a quilt, which! is to_be ready to go with” the hale, treasurer, Mrs. Down(i reported $39.02 had been raised in the two months of this year. The Associate members then c'h'arge of tli'e meeting and the fol­ lowing program was convened by their secretary, Mrs. C. W. Christie, with Mrs. Milo iSnell in the chair. After singing a missionary hymn Mrs. Fred Sharp led in prayer and Mrs. C. Frayne favored with a solo. The devotional leaflet was splendid­ ly given by Mrs. Arthur Rundle the theme being, “Thie Spirit of Jesus Settling Disputes” and was based on Eph. 4:1J6. It was pointed out that the Christian Church has fail­ ed to carry out the example of the first century. She bias failed many, many times because she has refused the leadership of the Spirit of Je­ sus and has given room to disputes and dissensions. ;So clear cut are these divisions into sects that in many cases even the Lord’s table itself cannot bring them , together. In -mission fields these points of dif­ ference prove to be a serious handi­ cap to the spread of Christianity. Dr. Stanley Jones has summed it up in this manner, “I aim. persuaded that Christianity is headed towards a supreme crisis—perhaps a decisive crisis.—Events are leading up to a world decision. This generation or at the most the next 'will have to decide between materialistic, ath­ eistic, connimuniSm and the Kingdom of God on Earth.” If such a crisis is upon us let us get ready for it by cultivating each, others friendship. Following, this was- a session prayer by the following ladies the nation by Mrs. iSharpe; for people by IMrs. Westlake; for Church by Mrs, El. Shapton and the missionaries by Mrs. Dunn. “Win them one by one” a miscel- lionor of the home entertain- International seed drill, 15 disc; steel iver corn cultivator e liay loader, Rzagon and box, lat rack , cutter. weigh a with ^" undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell the fol­ lowing lands by public auction at the offee of H. Eilber & Son, Crediton on SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1936 at 2 p.m. / Namely: South half lot 4, con.JF, Township of -Stephefi, County offlu- ron. 5 0 acres more or less^FThis land will 'make a good paswro farm, splendid water supply.TERM/S—10 i^r ce^? cash. Bal­ ance in thirty d^ys^Jr FRANK TAYLOR,Muctioneer MRS. CATHERW SCHROEDER, Executor of Mary Lippert Estate R. R. No. 1, Lucan. table, "eighs, gravel International aterloo Threshing with cutter attach­ able disc, spi-ing tooth cul- j 4 sections; 3-furrow plow, P. & O.; tarpaulin, lluft. x 15 ft. sling ropes, grain .bags, sacks, emery, scythe, forks, hoes, set harness, set double harness, horse' collars, blan­ kets, spade, oil drum and other ticles. The farm will also be offered sale privately. TERMS—-CASH JOSHUA JOHNS, Proprietor W. E. N|A1IRN, Auctioneer ^loaned cars , the Thames Hodgert for t. le ®s. J’ Wts ’■ . AAux.Mg^st., wishes lierk application for CARD OF T1 Mrs. F. Gill, Huroi express 1 kindness ei. the gifts of|fl(.g;5yers, cards, etc. her recent accident. -----1----------- DELBRIDQ asiii loving memory of our i^vT' mother, Mrs. r m. Del- bridge, who passed aw March to the F"' to her and for ., since IN MEMOR&yi A^th, 19 35. We, who loved • ly miss you, As it dawns an Tn our lonely silent tear Ever ‘feme! Cud tenf|/d you sad- thinking and are ever near. ered by .her daughters Mae. IN MEMORIAjM JONES—'Im loving memory of dear husband, Wesley Joke's, who passed away one year, go March; 22 nd, 193,5. Peacefully ^leepin, The worlds trials are pasf^In silence^he^suffered, in patience he bore,' Till God called him homue, to suf­ fer no more. Sadly missed by his sorrowing wife and my gisting at last, troubles and family. The that first took CREDITON EAST family on Suny for a GRAND BEND 'Mr. Wilbur Dewey, and visited friends at St. Joseph day. Miss Mary Yeo has left months’ visit in Detroit and Wind­ sor. 'Mr. Carol Turen, of Pt. Stanley, is visiting his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statton. Mr. IMelvin Hamilton and spent last week with Mrs. family __ __ Hamil­ ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie­ son, of Sylvan. Mr. Robt, Hay is still on the sick list. Quite a number of people visited the lake to see the big ice jam at the mouth of the river. Mrs. L. Desjardine has returned home ifroimi the hospital much im­ proved. Mr. Robt. Love, of Thedford, vis­ ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Love on Wednesday. Mr. Gordon Ulens and family vis­ ited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lovie of Shipka. Mr. Warren Patterson and Miss Scott, of Sarnia, were week-end vis-l itors with their parents, Mr. arid Mrs, Wm. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Grieve visited in Exeter- over the week-end. The undersigned has received in- sturctions to sell by public auction, at Lot 8, Con. 14, Hibbert, Boundary 1 mile east of Farqunar, on i MONDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1936 at 1.30 o’clock sharp the following: HORSE'S—Grey) horse, 8 years old, weighing 18 0QMb^^WS^*and right. At the saniamnie nd place M^. D. C. Gardi^r will several aglp’d horses. CA’I about. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction at LOT 17, CONCESSION 4, STEPHEN TUESDAY, MARCH 24th, .1936* at one o’clock the following: HORSES—2 good work horses, drive single oi* double. CATTLE—3 heifers two years old 2 heifers one year old; Durham bull two year old. | IMPLEMENT®- — Massey-Harris binder, M-H hawloader, M-H. dump rake, Bissett saSel roller, 2 Bissel disc, one out throw with truck, inthrow; Deeijhg cultivator, ~ mick-Dearingjjorn scuffler \ McCormick a$ower, 6 ft.^Fwalking plows, cart,Iky pl wc'Cormick- Deering manure s der, nearly new; International jffictor and plow,. 2 steel drains, 'hay rack, gravel bo^ s^Fsloop sleighs, seed drill, foui^s^ftion harrows, colony house 10 fF'x 12 ft. with brooder stove complete; Chatham fanning mill. This machinery is in A-l condition. Whiffletrees and chains, set double harness and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH RALPH WILLIS, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer tid place F ffer for eshened ereford cow, blue heifer, Holstein cow, lstein cows due due end of Mar. pril 23rd; 1 part ril 1.5 th; 1 far- rd steers rising 2, m steers rising 2 ford heifer rising irham heifers ris- 2 Hereford steers 5 Hereford heiif- 2 weeks med; 2 e; 2 co cow, due fsey cow due w cow; ars old; ars old ars old; 4 2 years ol 1 ..ers ri^fi^S^^ar old; 5 Durham cal­ ves 1 year" old; 5 young calves. HOGS—7 pigs about'180 lbs.; 10 pigs about 13 0 lbs.; -5 (Chunks about 80 lbs.; 8 chunks about 5 0 lbs. GRAIN—300 bushels of oats. TERMS' 'OF SALE—‘CASH Positively no reserve. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. HOWARD McCUR'DY, Proprietor • W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the 'estate of Charles W. 'Godbolt, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the Tenth day of March, A.D. 193 6, ai "iuired to forward thieir claims duj^proven to the undersigned on or Sixth d$y of April, A. Mrs. George Brunzlow and daugh­ ter Shirley, of Elimville, are visiting at the home of Mr. Joe Bullock. Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, spent Sunday with the? lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. Fred Waghorn visited Satur­ day with her husband in Victoria Hospital, London, who three weeks ago had his foot crushed by a Tall-, ing tree and who is not getting along very well at present. Mr. Sannmiy and Lenora Lawson entertained the Crediton East school children and parents to a party at their home on Friday evening last. Games and songs, cards and ing were indulged in after lunch was served. Mrs. Norman Heaman and Mr. Mack received the sad news of the death of the latter’s only son in the West and left Saturday to at­ tend the funeral. Mr. Mack came down from the West in the fall and has been visiting around here since. Mrs. Joe Bullock is visiting with her parents Mr. and and Mrs. Ike Gower, of Elimville who is this week moving to the McFalls’ -farm which he has rented. Mrs. Job Sims celebrated her 74th birthday on Thursday last. Her chil­ dren and grandchildren and friends who live near here were present and presented her with soime useful gifts. We wish her many more’ happy birthdays. — of FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 14, Concession 6, Stephen 1 mile north of Crediton, on THURSDAY, MARCH 26th at one o’clock the following: HORSEISi—One good work , team; 1 general purpose horse. CATTLE—Cow due Mar,. 28; cow due Mar. 19; heifer due April 3; heifer due June 10; red cow due July 5; farrow cow; 3 steers rising 2 years old; heifer rising 2 years old 3 last spring calves. POULTRY—3 geese, 1 gander, 50 hens. Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS—Deering binder 6 ft. cut; Deering mower 5 ft. cut; Dane hay loader; .Sharp hay rake; Deering cultivator; disc, 12-plate; land roller; Massey Harris riding plow, new; Fleury walking plow; set four section (harrows; one-horse scuffler; disc; se drill; Adams wagon; stock rack;|:double box; gra­ vel box; hay; rackWet bob sleighs; root pulper; creanf separator; brit- chen set harness; cutter; buggy; farthing mill; buffalo^ robe; blanket; fOfkis; shovels; flotrcosj ncckyiOk articles. 1929 good shape, ■GRAIN AND wheat; 75 bus of oats; 10 to oat and bean HOUSEHO board, 2 table chair, linoleu beds with springs, churn. TERMS OF SALE $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 4 per for cash. Household effects, car, hay and grain, cash. Positively; no reserve as prietor has rented his farm. WILLIAM BOWMAN, Proprietor FRANK COATES, clerk FRANK TAYJLOP? Auctioneer fore thetjbd record . . . .’cockerels to be t 11 weeks old. i. now . . . the .g hens, out and big long g out, and ng on.” you like to this their try a year? cata- some deliv- Phone 246 ONTARIO HOUSE CLEANING? »T*HBR GIV-AND fjOTICE IS F ------------- en thatfafter the sai®mate the Ex- fecutorsB;Will procegflJF to distribute the estfte having ard only to the claims jpf which notice danc- whicli father day y then shall have ter, Ont., this 17th .D. 1936. N & iSTANBURY ter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitors TRY O’CEDAR SELF POLISHING WAX and with each qt. « sample tin is supplied. Use this ahd if not entirely satisfied return the qulart. YoUt money will be cheerfully ref unde That is our guarantee........................................59c. Old English Paste Wax witiK bottle of Furniture Poli Old English No-Rubbing j^ax.........................59c, AUCTION SALE — of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received' in­ structions to sell by public auction, at WINOHELSEA. Lot N. 1-2 10, Con, 9, Usborne, on THURSDAY, Ai’RlI? 2nd, 1936 at one o’clock sharp the following: | CATTLE—4 fresh cows, 2 due time of sale; farrow cow; 2 small calves. HOGS—'6 pigs, 150 lbs. POULTRY—'2 Rouen ducks, 1 Pekin drake, 20 Indian Runner dmcks, 4 Indian Runner drakes, 2 geese, 1 gander, 180 year old hens, 3 0 Barred Rock pulletts. IMlPiLEIMEiNTtS■— .Binder, .mower, seed drill, cultivator, root scuffler walking plow, root pulpqr, fanni mill, Ford icoach, top buggy, cutt hay fork, land roller, hay rac chicken crates, 3-section harr disc harrow, fanm< truck wag gon box, set of sleighs, li§ with shafts, ’* collars, shafts ifor^light cream se der, mill HOUS stove, n pipes, 1 parlour' Sideboa table J tablhsd toilet cupbo pet, i1 utensil erous t 1 FARM STOCK, LMPLEiMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction, at Lot 10, Con. .1, Stephen on the Highway half mile .south Exeter, on FRIDAY, MARCH Z27th, 1936 at one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Bayi Clydesdale mare 9 years old; Bay Clydesdale mare 7 years old; Grey Percheron mare 9 years old; Grey Percheron filly 3 years old. ; GATTLH—White Hhrham cow in calf; red and white red and white cow^ cows’in calf; roaiiJI cow in calft; brind stein cowiglblaqk," cow in calf; ly red aim" i '®r,ham,<iei s^toer calwes IMPLEM er 7 .ft;$;c vator nip dr hay lo roller; Sur-ham cow> 2 in calf; 2 red pw in calf; black cow in calf; Hol- ifer in calf Jersey "stein heifer calves steer calf; 6 good 'calves; 3 Durham Durham bull calf. TS—Internatiion bind- neiy; team corn ciilti- 'Sc; 1 truck- disc; tur- ay .rake; International , . International 3-drum ------, agon box and pig rack;I cutter, extension ladder; set harrows LaVal! mow9'r’ riding plow, 1 fur- ension lad- IS—1 cook heater stove hg room chairs, bil stove and' oven clock, cabinet, hie, 2 bedroom sets, rbc'Mng Chairs, glass uantity of tapestry car- ’stry rttg 12x13, kitchen cl other articles too num­ ention, TERM'S—CASH ...... ........F. BATTEN RAY FLETCHER, _ Executors of Charles W< F, TAYLOR, lymouth buckwhe raw 7 in els of 00 bus. uantity of of for the the for A chorus, "Win them one by one” was well sung by ten ladies. Mrs. Rufus' K&stle then gave a timely reading and a solo Ifroim Mrs. Williams fol- loj.w'ed, after which a playlet entitl- 3” was well pre- ____o that we all possess but seldom use possibilities which are ours, especially in the work for the extension Of the Kingdom “ "" lack band harness rator. ODD wagon cVagon new. , single harn the. E horse extension 2 centre rly new dozen "Possibilities Rented, proving t 4- , Exeter 58c. qt. WEEK-END SPECIAL^- Electric Curlers regular 95c., arid $1. 4-Tine D. H. strapjJfed manure fo Lmdeft ■ of God A-l cotab Comb, Barre Jerse BABY CHICKS Baby Chicks, April, White Leghb-riiSf 9c., Anconas, Leghorns, Rocks, White Rocks, Black ' "J ~ ' single­ Single hts, lie.; Surplus it 8c.; White Indian ings, 13ic.; 5 per cent, accompanies order, er cent, enclosed for ship­ time this season. Discount 11 11th, Free catalogue. off Wit mien end Guaranteed 100 per cent live at your station.—-A, IL SWITZER, Granton, Ontario, WILBUR the estate of the late Godbolt, Auctioneer row foot lift; buggy pole, small lad­ der, gravel box, Maxwell car, sedan, robe, six cord block hard wood, fan­ ning imiill, 1 steel water tank, forks, shovels and hoes. Hay, timothy and clover. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Living room suite, 3-pieces, V ‘ suite, small china cabinet tables, .hall mirror runner, springs; 1 dreser, rockers,' 1 kitchen table, chairs, 1 kitchen cupboard; day clock, alarm clock and ___ articles too numerous to mention, TERMS—CASH MRS. GAM'D PARSONS, Proprietress F, COATES, Clerk F. TMlLiOR, Aucfioaeer dining room 3 small , 2 rugs, 1 hall 2 iron beds, mattresses and 1 small chest of drawers; ■, '5 rockers and 3 ’Wicker kitchen eight- other Cup­ airs, cradle, high Hath tub, couch, 2 cent,1 off poultry, the pro-«