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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-03-12, Page 1
) 1 X, 4 )' i la ,*T ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12th, 1936 /if. COMPLETE SHOWING OF Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Spring Coats and Suits New Styles New Low Prices New Cloths We have a very fine showing of both suits and separate coats for the coming spring and summer seasons, inclining small, regular, outside & half sizes at very reasonatyfFprices Sixty-Third Year I JOIN MAYO BROS. STAFFEXETER COUNCIL Exeter, Mai*. 9, 1936 regular greeting of the Council reld1 on March 9th, 1936, Ab- Councjllor Rowe The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and adopted on motion of Hern and Dignan, A lettei’ was received from the Public Utilities Commission requesting that $1700.00 be raised on the local improvement account for test drilling. Approved on motion of Dignan and Hern. A communication was received from the Department of Health with reference to the appointment of a Medical Officer of Health. Fyled. The Ontario Municipal Board re quested certain information and a fee of $5.0 0 in order to extend the by-law for the water works system. The clerk wa,s directed to forward the information and required fee. The following accounts for relief were passed and ordered paid on motion of Morley and Hern: H. Bierling $15.64; J. P. Bowey $20; S. J. V. Cann $.11.20; dxun- way Store $2.20; Frank Coates $12.- 61; W. S. Cole, $1.00; William Cook $5.45; Jones & May $18.95; Harvey Bros. $25.33; W. Hatter $14.52; W. Middleton $4.19; Roland Motz $10.47; Public Utilities Com mission $3.00; II. Rivers $10.71; H. T. Rowe $30.50; II. G. Seldon $24.75; Southcott Bros. $20.09; Tanton §6.55; \V. Whi .- $1.12. A grant of SD'O.fm v.i's made to the Treasurer of the Band on motion of Hern and Morley. The following accounts were pass ed and ordered paid on motion of Dignan and Hern: W. C. Pearce, time $10.25; County of Huron, hospital fees $23.40; Exeter Tinies - Advocate, printing $2»8-.00; Huron Garage, $6.20; J. P. Bowey coal, town hall $19.00; The Municipal World, supplies $23.55; Richard Davis, time $10.45; Peter Coleman, time $9.90; William Johns time $11.90; Henry Green, time $2; Reuben McInnis time $3.75; Percy Hewitt time $4.75; Garfield Stan- lake, time $4.75; Edwin time $4."(5 50‘; Sam. King time $3.7 5; Stire.time $4.75; Louis'Kirk $4.7'5; Wm. Webster time $3. Owing to illness Joseph Senior was given 'eave of absence until May 11th), 193 6, and, Miss Amelia Acheson was appointed/Clerk and Treasurer until that time at a sal ary of $10.00 per week on motion of Morley and Hern. A by-law was _ directed to be drawn up covering the ] hurt. appointment and a bond of $2,000. was directed to be obtained. Adjourned by Hern. A was sent Dr, T. Harry Seldon, of Shgrbot Lake practise and is joining of the Mayo Bros. Rochester, N, Y, Dr enjoyed a successful Sharbot Lake and is to be congratu lated on his appointment to the Mayio Bros, staff. Mrs. Seldon and little daughter Marjorie are at pres ent visiting with Mr. Seldon's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G< Seldon and will remain here for about three months until Dr. Seldon gets locat ed. Dr. Seldon 'will visit here for a few days and will assume his duties the first of next month. has disposed of his medicej. the staff Hospital iSeldon has practice at at, new . F Millinery Announcement To inform the public that I am stij^iiilbusiness with d and adies’ ife always the sapi^high s reliable quality H&ts which I parried. 1 vorsjaWa appreciate/the continuance of your/ipatronage. Up-to- date, stylish spring models, ...moderately priced are now ready for your inspection at the Sample Room, first door north of Central Hotel for past fa- uld very much SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE f Th© Hurondale Women's Institute held a successful euchre in the Town Hall on Friday evening of last week. Eighteen tables were in play and in addition there were two fabler, of ernkinole. Gentlemen’s high prize was won by Mr. Andrew Campbell with 11 wins. For ladies’ high six ladies qualified with nine wins and in the cut. to decide the winner Miss M. Pridliam won. The winners of the crokinole prizes were Percy Pass- more and Mrs. O. Cann. The served refreshments at the During the lunch a draw was for a quilt, Miss Pearl Wood the lucky winner. The draw was made by Frank Taylor. SWAGGER SIETS- -For Girls, Misses and Ladies. Will be y season.. We have these in the new cloths. GIRLS’ COATS—3 years to 15 years many with hats and, MEN’S FINE SHIRTS nitting Yarn at 10c a ball and draperies are now ready for the com- 15c per yard. Come and see the spring „ This yarn is one of the best values we know of for sweaters, scarfs, etc. We have a large range of colors at 10c. a ball. e collars and collars attached. ' popular this ses to match. iI We are continuing our sale cif men’s fine shirts fo viewed into two groups at 98c. hother week. These are di- c. ladies close, made being Di'ED suddenly The new curtain nets, m/Sde up c ing season. We have curtain$iets as low materials. $4.75; Edwin Harness Wm. Laverty, time 5.- John time RENDERED UNCONSCIOUS WHEN CUTTER UPSET ofMr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan, Osborne, had a most unpleasant ex perience and narrowly- escaped ser ious injury when the cutter in which they were driving to town Friday evening last was struck by an auto driven by Harold Broderick. Mr. Mrs. Morgan were driving up hill south cf the bridge when car crashed the rear of the cut- Mrs. Morgan was thrown out was horse Mr. Charles Whitfield Godbolt died suddenly at his home at Win- ehelsea on Tuesday of this week. The deceased was in h’is 78th year. ... G u . .. ! had been in his accus- ; tomed health and had been to the j barn doing the morning chores. He t had returned to the house and on ! entering collapsed without uttering t a word a.nd passed away immediate ly. The funeral will be held on Thursuav afternoon at two o’clock, with 'interment in the Exeter ceme tery. The service will be in charge of Rev. J. R. Peters. DIED IN KAMLOOPS THE NEW MONARCH KNITTING BOOKS ARE HERE. Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday £1 and the the ter. onto the hard snowbank and rendered unconscious. The made a break for liberty and ran for a couple of blocks with Mr. Mor gan vainly endeavoring to stop the runaway. At the Main Street ch.urch corner the cutter struck a telephone pole smashing it badly. Fortunately the driver escaped un- ____ Mrs. Morgan was removed to the office of' Dr. Dunlop, f. . been badly shaken up and suffered slight abraisions. The accident was b’am'ed on the slippery condition of the road. Mr. of the his aunt, Maria Gerry, widow of the late Samuel Kestle. Mrs. Kestle was a former resident of Hibbert Twp., going to Kami oops about 35 years ago. She is survived by three sisters and one brother. Dr. B. J. Gerry, Mrs. E. S. Wood, of Kam loops; Miss L. C. Gerry, Edmonton; Mrs. W. Bernard' of Detroit. Mrs. E. Jory, >f town is a sister-in-law. Mr. T. J. Kestle and ’ Mi F. R. brother-in-laws of deceased. The re-j C. W. Kestle received word sudden death on Sunday, of uu vcu w ui vLuci-iu-iana tji. u.nwca,s>eu.. a. jxt? She had ; mains will'arrive in London Sunday Phone 32 Clark’s Spaghetti......................... 3 tins 25c. Aylmer Soups, except chicken ... 3 tins. 25c. Dytint, all shades, per pakg. ............... 10c. Prunes, ... med. 3 lbs. 25c.; large 2 lbs. 25 Orange Marmalade," 32 oz. jar...............19c. Garden Patch Peas.......................2 tins 19c. Sweet Mixed Pickles large jar..............25c. Heinz Catsup, per bottle....................... 19c. Jones & May THURS ■Chickens, Canadi Kill the Warble Fly This Year! Use COOPER’S WARBLE FLY POWDER for best results Now is the time for the first application I LB. WILL TREAT 25 CATTLE COSTS ONLY 80c. A LB. 'Royal Brooders are celebrated for their satisfactory resultjF 1,000 Chick size $16.50 Baby Chick Starters, Oyster Shell, Grit, Charcoal Fe^irs, Founts, Etc., at all prices . USE ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL THIS SgpNG 'Admission 25c. Door Prize ood Prizes ms and Groceries Legion Rooms 8.30 p.m. excellent for|jcalves or young pigs . sap supplies—buc|ets, SPILES, AU(, ETC. GALVANIZED P|l'LS from 15c to 7^ each Stable Brooms, Shofels, Etc. all size nd prices 5-tine Strapped Manure Fork 5-tined Strapped Barn Folks Manure Fork tines only .... Barn'Fork tines only .... ........ Curry Combs 15c. eachSHorse Briches 25c. each; Cattle Combs 25c. eachB D’s for Jfandles 25c. each Whiffletree Irons ............<.......75c. per dozen Centre Bandsj?Nec^oke Irons, Etc. USE ROYAL PURPL^ EN SEEDS FOR THAT HOT BED ...........................f ........ 7 packages for 25c. . .... . ■ only $1.19 only $1.75 .... ..... 85c. .......$1.35 ROAST BEEF SUPPER will be held in the basement of I Centralia United churc>'on Wednesday, Mmteli isth, 1936 Group two ojHhe W. A. Supper to commence at 6 o’clock, followed by a mixed- program, including two good (dialogues. Admission 25c and 15c. Come and enjoy a treat. MENTION BOWLERS! the annual meeting of the Exe ter BowHug 'Club will be held in the Public Librhty Wednesday evening of next week 8 p.m. Reports for the year will be ceived and office ers elected. Bowler requested to be present, are urgently Tr^quair’s Hardware Mr. Joshua Johns, of Elimville. intends holding an auction sale Monday, March 30th, on TRANSFERRED The W. A, of E-liftli^illd/are hold ing a iSt. Patrick’s giifrper Church on March 17 th. titled ______ ______ ... given by Whalen people after supper. Admission and 20 in the A play en- "Wihtere’s Grandma” will be the cents LEAVING EXETER Mr, Jack Paisley, manager of Chainway'' Store, in Exeter, has ceited Word that he is. being trans ferred to the Dunville< branch-. His place here will be taken by Mr. Jack Scott, of Toronto. Mr. .and’ Mrs. Paisley expect to leave shortly for their new position. The best wish es of a host of friends in Exeter will follow them. the re- (Mr. Wm. (McKay, who has been on the staff of the Bank of Montreal for several years and who has made many friends in jExeter has been transferred to the Stratford Branch. The’best wishes of many friends wjil follow him. Mr. McKay had, been off duty for some time owing to ill- ne®$ and his place was being filled . .... - - - Wood* to the by Mr. R. H. Woodruff. Mr? raff lids been appointed staff. DIED IN BRANTFORD Mr. John McLaughlin, for __ _ years an esteemed resident of Exe ter, but Who of recent years has been making his home with his son Wil liam, of Brantford, died Wednesday morning at the Brantford General Hospital, in hils 92nd, year. The de ceased had been ill with pneumonia. The remains are being brought to Exeter and the funeral will be held Friday of this week at one p.m. at the mausoleum of the Exeter ceme tery- / mdny BOARD OF EDUCATION The meeting <of the Board of Ed ucation was held in the Public Lib- ► rary on Monday evening, March 9, at i.3u. Absent W. May and W. H. Dearing. In the absence of Mr.► May, the Vice-President, Mr. R. N. ► Creech presided. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- ’ proved. ► A deputation .from the W.C.T.U. . Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Pearce, and Miss Hartno.l waited on the Board ask ing permission to place posters in the school. The posters were dis played by Mr. Southcott and an ex planation given by.................’ who ' able ance and perhaps have , far-reaching re sults. Mrs. Beavers and Mr. Lawson both endorsed the opinions expressed and on their motion, the request of the deputation1 to place these posters in the school, was granted. The Public School Principal re ported number pupils on roll 223; average attendance 195.7. Work was progressing favorably. Inspector had visited the school and had spent a .half day in each room.' A list of , supplies needed were submitted to the Board. Principal Wethey reported for the High. School: number on roll 161; aggregate attendance 2857; average present 143; average absent 18. At tendance for January and February has been the poorest for many years ; on a.......... -------- ' ' i blocked roads. Another set of ex- , aminations were nearly concluded. Reports would go to parents 4n less than two weeks. Public School Inspector’s report was. read and discussed. Per Mrs. Beavers and G. Lawson that the three reports be adopted and filed for future references; also that supplies as needed to public school be procured. Carried. Per A. O. Elliot and F. J. Ddl- bridge that H. W. Lewis be paid for substitute services at same rate as T. W. Collingwood. Carried. Per C. V. Pickard and J. N. Willis 'that following accounts be paid: \ B. W. F. Beavers, supplies $3.; Huron Lumbey Co., supplies $9.07; Jones & May, supplies $3.20; Times- Adwocate, supplies $10.00; Grigg Stationery, supplies $39.69. Curried /Next meeting to be held on Tues day) evening, April '6th at 7.30 in /the Public Library. Adjournment—J. M. Southcott. K. MacFaul. Secretary GOLDEN WEDDING noon and will be bioughit to the home of C. W. Resale, there to await interment, which whl take place in the Exeter cemetery, Mon day at 2.30. A nephew, Mr. W. E. Gerry, is accompanying the remains. On Monday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock, of Usborne, celebrated the >5 Oth anniversary of their wedding, at their home. About sixty friends and relatives called on them during the day to express their good wishes. They were the recip ients of some lovely gifts and flow ers among them a chesterfield from their cihlildren. Of a family of four three were present with them on Monday: Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas; Mrs. Free'man Home, of Winchelsea and Mrs. Henry Ford, of Elimville; also the latter’s husband and family. Their son, Mr. Clif ford Whitlock, of St. Thomas, was unable to be present owing to thie illness of his wife. One daughter Mrs. Jno. Allison died in 1933. Mr. and- Mrs. Whitlock have ten grand children. ' Two sisters of Mrs. Whit lock’s, Mrs. Robt. Dennison, of Lon don and Mrs. Fred Hern and Mr. Hern of Bengough, (Sask., were pres ent also. Owing to road conditions several other close relatives were unable to come. Many card® and messages' of congratulations were re ceived during the past few days. Mr. and Mr. Whitlock were married quietly near Mitchell on March 8th. by Rev. David Moir. One sister Of the bride, Mrs. Will McLagan, of Mitchell is* the only surviving per son who was present at the ceremony The past fortj’- years of their mar ried life have been spent in this arcmint'or tlm “stormT and “the | neighborhood, thirty-five years THE LATE MISS McDONELL Mrs. Walker, felt that in this way the valu- inifiormation regarding temper- would be helpful to- the pupils A well-known and, highly esteem ed resident of Exeter passed away on Monday in the person of Miss Susan McDonell in her 85th year. The deceased was a daughter of the late John McDonell, who with, his brothier-in-law, the late Isaac Carl ing, ,Sr., were among the early set tlers of Exeter. For a number of years she taught school in Exeter, first in the old school and then in the new. Possessed of a splendid voice she was a member of the Triv- itt Memorial 'chioir and soloist. Sev eral day® previous to her death she was .taken ill with’ pneumonia. She is survived, by one brother and one sister,"Mr. Chas. McDonell, of Hen sail and Mrs. A. E. Bennett, of Moosejaw, iSaski., Mr. Wm. J. and the Misses Carling, of-town are first cousins br the'’deceased. Dr. Harry Browning, of London; Mr. P. B. Browning, Mrs. G. A. Hawkins, of town and Mrs. O. Becker, of New Hamburg and1 Miss Dolly Dickson, of Goderich, are nepheWs and nieces. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon conducted by .Rev. M. A. Hunt, interment in the Exeter cem etery. __......._........, thirty-five years on the farm they now occupy. They both?, have always been very active in the. J church work at first in Bethany and later in Thames Road Church, and their 'many friends hope they may be spared to many years of useful ness and pleasure. A two-for-one sale is- being held this week at Whiker4s Drugstore. See full page advt. in this issue. MAIN ST. UN TUESDAY, will be on ED CHURCH ARCH * from Messrs. Charles and. Donald Glad man, Misses N. Wyndham, Jean Brien and B. McGillivray motored up from Toronto and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Galdman. Mr. Chas. Gladman, who is with the Dominion Tire Co been transferred to Feterboro. Sapper serv Followed by Adults 35c program under 12. ADDRESS WITH COLORED SLIDES at MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH, on Tuesday,March 24th 1 1 RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mr. IL T. Rowe, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, -for several weeks, has sufficiently Im proved Us to be able to bo brought home on Friday last, confined to garet Johns Jaqutai Reg. He is stm his bed with Miss Mar- Ilog. N.f and Miss Ina ■N.t in attendance, Assited by All Li G. S. HOXVAB ^CONTIN 6 ps 5 President US BLOOM Ulus " E GARDEN” 8 p.m. JOHN F.«1ARK, of Toronto IJepaiJifncnt of Agriculture E. FOSTER, o perintendent of p sical Program and Slower® will ehjoy this# R (COLLECTION X Cf. STANBUR^ Seci’ctan’-'Ti’casurer