HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-02-27, Page 8THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1936 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Bonat Special Features A winder specially adap fTfor and Less time—exact heat requirement Fine, Medium Cheir.ii ;jjUy pure Bays© Hair lution for each ual wav© Styles lu suit all types of features Each Wave Guaranteed All at no extra cost. Rhone 231w H. M, SMITH BEAUTY shoppe Exeter Markets Wheat 72c. Oats 32c. Barley 42c. Buckwheat 38c. Manitoba’s Best $2.70 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade $26.00 a ton Bran §22.00 a ton Shorts $22.00 a ton Standard Screening Chop $19.00 Mixed Chop $22.00 Creamery butter SSe. Dairy butter* 22-*25e. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs $8.10 A large 22 c. IJ 17c. C 15c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev. S, Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Sirs. J. G. Codu’aue, 10 a.m.—Sunday School 10.50 a.m.—Th© Minister Ploabo That the congrega­ tion i> requested to be in their pews at 10 minutes before 11 to hear the first address of King Edward VIII to ’his people. It will be received direct from the palace. 7 p.m.—The Minister organist KMMMM NEW PATTERNS IN CHINTZ 10 new patterns to choose from. Very suitable for cushions, comforters at a very special price ft PER YARD 19c, TURKISH TOWELING This is an excellent, cloth for such a low price. Limited quantity at this low price per yard 12c. Mr Norman Hannigan has a num­ ber of pansies flowering in his gar­ den. The pansies were covered with snow early iu the winter before the frost hurt them and they have come through fine. FOUND—Iu E.\e;X two pairs of barb er c shears i|T case. Owner may have same* bjypybving property and paying for jrdvt/ Apply at Tiinos- Advocate.,. 4 J tch boil’d sitable uses; pair washer, drop table; carpets uch. Apply to R. HOB SA’ 16 by 30 ' French. dp leaf table and rugs, E. Balkwil^ pho^'e 150j, Exeter, ltp FOR SALE—,We are offering on© cf Exeter’s finest homes,,. Like new. Modern throughout Priced away C. V. PIC. PURE FORK LOCALS r 45c ^or sale at the IDEAL MEAT MARKET MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A, E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister p.m.—(Sunday School 7 p.m.—“The Message of a Great Book—The Recovery of Jean Vai Jean” Monday—Y. P. ,S. Wednesday, March 4—.Men’s Union. Open meeting. Thursday—Prayer Service at 7.45 Phone 38 NEW BROADCLOTHS AT A LOWER PRICE New Wabasso Broadcloths in fifteen good shades. This is a splendid cloth PRICED AT PER YARD 19c. STAMPED MATS We offer you a range of new patterns. We also carry a full range of Sunset Dyes. Stamped mats are priced at 25c., 30c., 45c. AND 65c. 4 * Sheets Hemmed Free of Charge this Month All sheets sold this month will be hemmed free of charge. Unbleached sheeting will bleach well this weather. We offer splendid values at 45 and 50c. a yard. Bleached at 65c. and 75c. . MEN’S GREY FLANNEL SHIRTS A good roomy shirt, well made and and very warm. Our regular $1.25 line to clear this week at STANFIELD’S GOLD LABEL UNDERWEAR Woollens will be higher next season. Stock up at this low price. REG. $1.50 VALUES FOR $1.2> JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Bqv. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organistjind Choir-Leader 11 n “The Goodness of God” 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m. —“In Lowly Paths of Se?vl.‘e Free” Wednesday 8 p.m,—Prayer Service Thursday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Sunday, Al arch 8: S. S. Anniversary Morning; Rev. E. W. You'ng M.A., London Evening; Rev. Jas. Finley, London Wednesday, March 11th, Religious pageant, “Out of the Bible” by . the children of the S. S. and Religious Drama “Whatsoevei’ Ye Sow” by the Young People. 99c =3 LOS leath fer’s a su notify ter or lone 165 dii lin d’iid j^abWge Supper s at Ue^vftt’s Pavilion ;/HebrujM^jy 29th from 5.3 0 o’c^'iikf^^'k^nission 35c. and BOYS’ ALL WOOL SWEATERSCorned BeeJ> by Caven Li^dl Saturday to 8 25!c. 5.3 0 MEN’S FLANNELETTJEWTJAMAS on Saturday a fhtaining ownership c . Reward. Johns, R.R. In V neck and high collars, ade of pure wool in good heather mixtj^es, sizes 22 to 34. In a good quality elette, well made and good patterns^WKey are real values We are featuring some new style bordep with banding tfijlfnatch chauf- ard also Kindly 3, Ex©- c-ens©. of mon .mnetl Tifhes^Advocate. __1__y ---- HOUSE FC® :J^NT—Apply, to Norman Hockey,. Jlxeter, ltp FARM FOR^^H-^00 acres of good land isr Usbth’nelTwp. Com­ fortable 8-room ho led; L-sh&ped ba shed; winWbiJk a ____ _ health theiyasonj^for selling. Apply to Ralph W.v n, R. R. 1 Wood­ ham, 2tp. ewly shing- ■n; driving Some’ bush. Ill .FOR SiAILEi-—28 colts rising 3 and 4 years. Will .selK^or half cash. ■Colts are in tyicim^j’. of Dashwood. Apply to AIe& ;Spar®Sx, 3 5 4 Victoria St., London. 2-26-2tp.. 4 LOST—On Februai^y 13 th yellow Police and . Collie pUp with white markings. Answers’’ to the name of “Sandy”. Anyonpj- knowing of his Whereabouts ^plfease notify Geo. At- Kin'&on, R. JR. 1> Ceptralia. . ISwift Canadian Co^ ar,© buying cream eggs^Smd poultry ail'd are now payjing a premiunli of.|four cents per dozen for BrookfiilJ^egg^*' "'jit'tp. LOST—An Irish La#e be> tween Victoria St. and’No.ytlF'End of Exeter. Reward at '|imesA,dvocate office. a ff ltp. FORgood till- able Ih^X^ppiy ife. Wes. CredfW. . Qi^ing to uncertain roa tions we are taki Seldon’s weigh s day. Other arra made if necessa take hogs on railj wishes it. A. "W Sons. Phone 171 g in ho ondi- t R. G. Thurs- can be will also if anyone therington ” & , Exeter. Ti.m»‘-: will be 8 o’cle PRICED AT 98c#fordraw made Saturday even- iek. Subscribers who wish to get in on the draw must re­ new before that time. p.t>. Mr. Frank Sheers spent tlie week­ end in Toronto. Mrs. I. Armstrong is confined to her home through illness. Miss Ruth Elston was culled home on Monday on accon it of her sister who Is ill. Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday and Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, was the first day of Lent. James St. Sunday School will pre- around the corner. A sent two religious dramas on Wed- nesd;arch 11th in connection with theii S. S. Anniversary. All s. J.A. T "? in ii • returned home last week after visiting for several days with Yr. end .Mrs. N. S. Eaton at Orillia. (Spring is number of crows have been reported. They were here for the coldest spell of the winter. Mrs. C. W. Christie spent the week­ end in London visiting with Mr. Mrs. J. A. Christie. The latter moving to Toronto this week. ■Mr. Thos. Collingwood, who been confined to his home through illness, last week resumed his posi­ tion as caretaker of school. Mr. W. G. Medd was last week attending the vention of the Ontario Federation. Mr. Medd is a member o'f the executive. and are has the Exeter in Toronto annual con- Temperance HI'PsychohgM GqM Bricks” BY DR. D._ ^VELSON of WesteiwlJniversity TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH i Room 10 11 3 Rector, Rev. M<- A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaui Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss First Sunday in Lent a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon* p.m.—'Sunday School and Rec­ tor’s Bible Class. 7 p.m.—Evensong and- Sermon ■ C. V. PICKARD General Insurance & Real Estate — representing — The Great West Life Assurance Co. The Wawaiiesa Mutual^Wind Insur­ ance Co*y The Casualty Comwiy of Canada; The. Con^lidatec^phre &• Casualty gees of Life, Wind, Au- dlity and Sickness and icident Insurance Covering aB to, Firjf L^ p Phone 165,Exeter Hl ■ Permanent Waves Aylmer TOMATOES large tin 3 cans for . . PRUNES leijrge siz© I'........................ ....... HEaMMMBSE 29c CERY SPECIALS RED PITTED CHERRIES heavy syrup 2 tins..............29c Maxwell House COFFEE 1 lb tin . . 1-2 lb tin . 39c 22c UNSWEETENED % CHERRIES for pies 2 tins for . . . 19c Aylmer SAUER KRAUT / large tin 2 for..............19c ................ 1 11 . .............. ■ Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 =2 1James Street Y. P. U. The James Street Y. P. V- was held on Thursday evening. The sing­ ing of the opening hymn was fol­ lowed by all repeating the Lord’s Prayier. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, and business discussed. The topic was ably taken by Mr. page on “Chris­ tian Youth and Politics.” Another hymn was sung and the meeting closed with th© Miz'pah benediction. Stock Taking Sale Big Clearance in all LinesOur C^nbinatior^Oil Perma­ nent Wav# create coiffure of beautifuLlhatur^Fwave and love* ly ringlef '^resto^Univcirsity H 2nd, at 8 p.m. auspices of the hyterian Y. P. Guild on 35c.; S®ason Tickets unde Caven HONDA iriines r stock, pre Hours 8 a.m. Satur FOR SALE noon PEA ENSILA CAN a.m. to 12 »TAN CANKERS farm 11, FOR SALE OR RENT That splendid 100-acre known as Lot 1, (Con'cession H.R.S., Tuckersmith. Has good frame house with kitchen and woodshed, bank barn, silo, drive-shed, pig-pen and hen house. Soil, clay loam. Fences and.Xlrainage good. 10 acres hard-wood>ush. Good supply^ofwa- 45 afcres ploughed. 2Q/^res in d. Farm !bm Hensail d school con­ fer particulars as fe of possession ter. hay, 16 well lo and Kiifren. Church venienE to te ply. >S f which new s AN & STANBURY, Hensall and Exe brs William Sinclair E ap- You’d Never Gu/s That is was so Cold Outside. D, & H. Cone-Cleaned AnthrgRite has re- serve heating p th©1 coldest Wei it is even-burnii Out wasteful foj Try a ton! ' iPhone ’We aim NOW '•W5 please. cope with 1 because 2S so with- JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative! Admis Adults $1.00; Students, 75c. Miss Irene Kydd, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, fol­ lowing her tured both returned to Mr. Geo. Carey were week-end owing to the their grandmother, Mrs. Mrs. Carey is remaining days. Mr. Bert Holt, of Grand Bend, mo­ tored to Exeter Monday. Ordinarily this would not be news but m order to reach here Mr. Holt motored to Parkhill, then to Elginfield and rth to Exeter a distance of about fifty miles. He had to cover the same territory in returning. Messrs. W. J. Beer and Harry Delbridge returned the latter part of last week after a motor trip to Florida, They spent the greater part of the time at Miami where the weather was ideal and while there they did not experience any of the cold weather that has been reported from there. In other parts of the state the weather was not as favor­ able. They enjoyed a splendid trip and visited many points of interest including the Singing Tower, one of the finest pieces of architecture in the south. They also visited the Luray, Virginia, M. Russell Phone 245 accident when she frac­ bones of the right her home Sunday. Grant and Mrs. in Glencoe, H. over illness leg, 4c. the of MacBain. for a few i famous caverns of ., I unexcelled for their beauty any place s in ........................the wo'dd t on don ♦’ •d further the snow, to | by tfaift. When they arrived tv w-*‘ "irnWo to pro- w“*. ”•>auto owing and they arrived home February Clearance Sale Coats, Dresses,Skirts, Twin Sweated, Sets $25.00 Coats .....f......... $19.95 Coats ......... $4.50 to $5,50 Dresses $3.95 Dresses ..It.......... All Otbei Red $4.25 Twin et ... $2.95 $2.25 and $2.95 and Plaid Skirts $2.00 and $2.25 Hose, Lingerie, Slip Ward’s Ladies’ Wear Exeter Women’s Institute Th© February meeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Abbott on Tuesday afternoon with sixteen members and four vis­ itors present. The president Mrs. W. H. Harness took charge of the meet­ ing. The Institute Ode was sung omd the Lord's prayer offered. A. new Canadian Industry was- named in response to the roll call. Matters business- were discussed and a most enjoyable program followed. A sweetly rendered duett by Capt. Gentle and Lieut. Huckaby and a humorous reading by Lieut. Huck­ aby were much appreciated numbers The topic “Planting a Perennial Border” was ably) dealt with by Mr. B. W. F. Beavers and much useful information given -with, regard to the preparation, planting and culti­ vation as well as the choice of suit­ able plants for a perennial border. The thanks of meeting was express­ ed iby Mrs. Harness to all taking part. A contest Was conducted af­ ter which afternoon tea was served by the hostess and committee charge. in is A number of friends have been to London to see Mr. H. T, Rowe who is> ill in Victoria Hospital. His con­ dition is not Improving as fast as his friends would desire. . Mrs. R. R. McGregor, of Detroit, here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rd. Tapp, She is caring for her hei* mother who is confined home through illness. A pancake supper was the parish hall of Trivitt church Tuesday evening, dies provided a which was fairh. doubt the condition of the roads and sidewalks kept a number away. served in Memorial The la- splendid supper well attended. No to Throat Sor Tonsils hurt, or ar Use SvbiUa Bpahr’ results or money safe, quick and ec try it. AU Dru for good it’s 100% iical, it work's, In order to reduce to stock takin special bargains in Dresses & SuiW Tailor Pressed 79c WE CALL fob and deliver W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 . EXETER, ONT. — , r‘ — . . ; ■<* Progressive Crokinole The “Busy Bees” group of the Women’s Association of James St. United Church, under the leadership of Mrs. Cecil .Stewart, held a cro- kinole party in the parlors of the cliurlch. Progressive crokinole was played and 2i tables participated, all seeming to have a very jolly time. The high score was made by W. R, Goulding who was awarded. a box of candy and he in turn treated the ladies present. At the close of the game the ladies served refreshments find home-made candy. Presbyterian Y. p, G. This being provincial week for all Presbyterian Young people’s So­ cieties th© Young People’s Guil# of Caven Church met on Monday even­ ing and. followed th© service outlin­ ed for general use throughout On­ tario. The theme “Doers of th© Word” was ably dealt with by Rev. Moore Gordon. Arrangements were made for the lecture, “Psycho­ logical Gold Brick©” by Dr. D. J. Wilsdn ‘Of Western university next Monday evening which is sponsored by the Guild, being , Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, mo- u'p and spent Monday evening his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Beavers. Mr, Beavers once Mr to red with W. F before attempted the trip but after getting as far as Mooresville he had to return as the roads were blocked. The World’s Day of Brayer observed,by all the churches day, February 28 th, a union ser­ vice will be held by the ladies in Main Street church in the afternoon and for the girls’ organizations In the same church at 7.30 p.m. will be on Fri-