HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-02-27, Page 5............1 ' 'I ,■■■-.■■■11.1111 , wp ...HENSA' Spencer Corsets, Bj._____^o’s Belts individually dejsigne$F'style or sur­gical, Call Mrs, ^uiia MacDonald, phone 137, HenshlL, The ” " ~- merce Dance March music. Hensall Chamber are holding in the 4 th. Ge: included, lunch, Jj good typ ’own ood i 5-al ad|n Eadje^please Fin Jme crowd 1-30-4tp. ot.^Com- tclfre and ”on Wed., and good 25c., tax a Ei Tssion provide the and have a THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1034 spending a a > was tak- and Miss Helen Moir is week or two in London. Mr, Manley Jinks has accepted position at Mickle’s mill. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard- spent t'^e week-end with London relatives. Mr. Robt. Eacrett is seriously ill at the home of his daughter in De­ troit. Mrs. IsaaJe Jarrott, of 'Kippen, is quite ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gramm. Our mail couriers are having a hard time making their trips these hist few weeks. Miss Alice Higgins left on Mon­ day for London, where she has ac­ cepted1 a position. Mr. John M, Govenlock, of Sea­ forth, was in town on Friday taking in the Seed Show. Mr. W. D. Sanders, of Exeter, a visitor in town on Friday also ing in the Seed Show. Mr. and Mrs. .Carl Passmore little son, of Exeter, spent .Sunday with relatives in town. The meeting* closed with prayer, after which a lunch was served and a social half hour spent. Mrs*. J. W. Wilson, of Stratford, spent the week-end here with her mother Mrs. Goo.,Brown. Mrs. A. G. Smillie', of Toronto, is spending a few days visiting here with her son Dr. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Travis are moving their household effects from Shelbourne to- Hensall this week. Miss Annie Consitt has returned home after spending several weeks visiting in the state of Kentucky. iMr. William Moir, of Huntsville, attended the funeral of his brother the late Andrew last. Rev. Beverley Paul’s Anglican confined to his home this through illness. Mrs. T. Lindsay and his Mrs. Alex Ellis, visited for Moir on Monday Farr, Rector of St. Church, Hensall, is week After the ladies who were all served, the young men of the agricultural class, were all invited in for tea. Y. P, S. The Y. p. fi. of the United church held a soeial evening on Monday ev- » ening in the school room of the church with the president Lome El­ der in the chair, The meeting open­ ed by singing hymn 146 followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Bible Study was taken by Gladys McKenzie: Violin selection, Miss G- Lammie accompanied on the piano by Miss Bella Smale, the 'business of the meeting was then taken up, A solo by Joyce Broderick accompan­ ied by her mother, Mrs. Russel Bro­ derick; reading. Mrs. McDonell; piano solo, Lome Elder. Hymn. 289 was sung and after the benediction, games and contests- were played and were in charge o>f Miss Doreen Farquhar. A dainty? ‘lunch was served and a iplesant time was spent by all present. Lucky Prize Winners The big 25 yeai’ anniversary sale put on during this past month by the firm of Bonithron & Drysdale was a big success and came to an end on Saturday. There were 25 prizes given and the drawing took place on Saturdayl evening. The following drew the prizes: Rocking chair, L. Martin; 'fernery, Cecil Murray; jar- dinere stand, Russel Broderick; liv­ ing room mirror, Laird Mickle; fruit bowl, Gladys Kay; sugar and cream Mrs. A. Spencer; carving set, Wm. Harburn; end; table, Mrs. Saunder- cockl; tea kettle, Jas. Findlayson; nickle-plated tea pot, Mrs. R. Bon- thron; single fern stand, A. John­ ston; casserole, William then-a-jug, Victor Lee; the prize win- W. R. Geiger Dougal, & Son. Des j ar- seed grains. A vote of thanks and appreciation was tendered on mo­ tion of W. D. .Sanders, of Exeter, seconded hy Reeve 'Geiger,- P-ro'f. Squirrel, said that he was always glad to come to Hensall and always took a keen interest in the Hensajl Show. His many friends here al­ ways look forward to his coming- The following are ners: 1 bus. Fall Wheat; H. Desjardine, Owen 1 bus. Storing Wheat; H. dine, O. Geiger & Son. 1 bus, Early* Oats: Lorne Chap­ man, Alex Buchanan. 1 bus. Late Oats; W. R. Dougal, 1 bus. 6-rowed Barley: W. R. Dougal, Borns Chapman, Alex Buch­ anan, 1 bus. Field Peas: H. Desjardine, John Pepper, Alex Buchanan. 1 bus. Field Beans; Lorne Chap­ man, O. Geiger & Son; W- R- gal. 1 ney 1 gal. 1 gal; 1 gal. 1 General Crop: H. Desjardine. 1 bus. Bu'ckwheat; W. R. Dougal, H. Desjardine. Most creditable showing *of grains and seeds, sweepsake, W. R. Dougal. 'bus. Yellow Eyed Beans: McArthur, Alex Crerar. bus. Tinjothy Seed; W. R. bus. Red Clover Seed: Sam Lorne Chapman. bus. Earl Potatoes: W. R. Dou- Sid- Dou* Don- bus, Potatoes: W. R. Dougal. KIRKTON The W. I. Ladies of Kirkton met at the home of Mrs. N. B. Doupe on Wednesday and quilted a quilt, They intend to sell It to raise money for the institute. ’ ’ Miv Harry Burgin and Roy Fram­ 'd s fipent Friday in Mitchell. The St. Paul’s, church held a box social Friday night in aid of the A. Y. P. A. They realized a nice sum of money. * Miss Evelyn Wal'k’oir., teacher, at Kirkton is in Stratford this week writing exams?. Mr. Nathan Doupe, a former teacher is supplying for her. Mrs. Emerson Gunning spent the past week at the home of her parents Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Clark, Wiuchel- sea. The W. 1U. S. ladies of the United Church met at the parsonage last Friday the object of the meeting waB to sew and prepare clothing for the spring bale. ZION The Junior Bible Class held their February social on Friday evening, taking the form of a skating party on the winchelsea rink. They were Jater invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R« E. Pooley where lunch was served* and a social time enjoyed by all. Mr. Harold Kerslake, Of Exeter, is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Melville Hern anti tahfing in the short course at Granton. Mr. Stanley Tucker, who is working at the home of Mr. Hern, is also taking in the course. Miss Norma Finkbeiner, Crediton, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross* Hern. Mr. Geo. Earl, of Exeter, spent part of the past wee!k| with relatives in this community. Miss L. Waas, school teacher, re­ sumed her duties on Wednesday. CHICKS SHIPPED BY DOG SLEIGH 10 BELOW ZERO . .,. ALL ALIVE ON ARRIVAL One. of the earliest shipment! of Bray chicks, made to Mr. A- Connaught,, in io. January. Lambert letter: this year, was M. Lambert, at Northern Ontar- the middle ofThat was On January 28th, Mr. wrote the following Mr. Bray1: The chicks“Dear arrived safely, all alive, Fin-^ ished the last three and a half miles by dog sleigh at ten below zero. They sure look a fine healthy? bunch and am well pleased.” —A. M. Lambert If Bray iEhidkB. will stand that kind of >ip, without loss, it’s a pretty gO'od indication, that eks should be vigorous and hJElthy when delivered to sturdy and and they:) ship CROMARTY Rev. Mr, Reidie preached a very inspiring and impressive sermon on Sunday last, taking for his text the nineth and tenth verses of the seventh chapter of Revelations show­ ing' that according to the signs of the times the great need of preparedness that we may be one and all ready when the call comes. Our merchant, Mr. Coliby, had a nice Jot of ice harvested for summer use, the ice would be in the near proximity of two feet in thickness. Mrs. Chalmers had the misfortune while at the home of Thos. Laing to fall and break her leg above the ankle. She is now at the hospital in Seaforth. Some places are very icy about the homes making it very dif­ ficult to get about. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar were at home to a number of the village people on Friday evening last A very enjoyable time was' spent un­ til the “wee sma' hours.” Mrs. Currie, a resident of our vil­ lage while spending a few weeks in St. Marys had the misfortune to fall and strain the ligaments of her ankle. Mrs. Oswald Walker who under­ went an operation at Seaforth Hos­ pital for appendicitis has nicely re­ covered and is able to be home again Mrs. Walker is recovering 'from a serious attack of pleurisy. Dr. Mc­ Master, of Seaforth, is in attendance if this. lendid account laying YOUJfThey are when hatched, lacked* right for reasonable care, gJPw and thrive r e, a emselves inborn- vi­ tality of Bray chicks jid selection of breeding stock; our programme of blood-testing; our careful se­ lection of hatching eggs,; and our method of incubation. Come in and let us give you complete details. Chicks for immediate delivery. Free feed or cash dis­ count on orders boo'kied now for later delivery. DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bry>e, LJ| DENT EON At office in Block, Dash­ wood, first tl^’eejiijff’&ys of week and at office over post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. . Try our Superior pure Jlanitoba Wheat Bread Flouff $2^6,5^ior 9 8 lbs. Fine chop at 6cjn>erf0?bag. Dashwood Floui’ Mill. ’ l-30-4tc. D.D.S. Dignan; thermos bottle, Mrs. A. Spencer; double boil­ er, Dr. Smillie; magazine rack, Cecil Murray; brass fruit dish, Wm. Con- sitt; peserving kettle, Dr. Smillie; enamel tea pot, six cup size, Cleve Cochrane; kitc'hen stool, Harold Bell table, mirror, John Pepper Sr.; large vase, William Caldwell; bread knife William Dougal; grolcery set, Mrs. Allan Johnston; waste paper basket, William McMillan. United Church W. A. 'The W. A. of the United Church met in the school room of the church on Thursday afternoon with a splen­ did attendance. Mrs. M. G. Drysdale president of the Association was in charge. The meeting opened by singing the hymn “He Leadeth Me”. The Scripure lesson was read by Mrs. E. Kennedy and Mrs. Drysdale led in prayer. Miss Florence Welsh favored with an instrumental wjiich was much enjoyed. Misses Marion and Jessie Paisley delighted every­ one with their rendering of “The Wedding of Jack and Jill” both young ladies in costume. Mrs. Hob­ kirk gave a reading entitled, “A Woman, which was much appreciat­ ed1”. Miss iS'cott, one of the instruct­ ors at the Short Courses being held in the town hall, was present and gave a short talk on the work the Department of Agriculture of On­ tario, is trying: to promote with these short courses’. She slpoke especially on her own. wnrlkl, Home Economics, pointing out that ini their work, they are trying to raise the standard of the three basiie necessities of life: food, shelter and clothing. She brought greetings1 from the Short Course class to our organization and invited the members of the Women’s sister XV11H. JXiejL JlilllD, V1OUCU XU1 a few days last wee&l with their niece, Mrs. Frank Rathburn, Tuckersmith. A big .crowd was* in town on Fri­ day afternoon attending the.sale of Western horses 'being held at the Commercial Hotel yards. Quite a number of horses were sold. ' / Mr. Robert Passmore took service on Sunday1 morning at United Church and the Rev. Chandler, of Kippen, in the evening. The pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair has been seriously ill. Mr. Frank Farquhar, of Hensall, and his bro'ther, Mr. Charles Farqu­ har, of Stanley Township visited over the week-end' with their father Mr. Thos. Farquhar, who is serious­ ly ill at the home of his daughter in Hamilton. One of the biggest events of the season was a dance held in the town hall on Friday evening sponsored by ____ . . _ the young people who are attending j Association to a tea they were hav- the courses in Agriculture and Home ' Economics. Guests were present from Exeter, Dashwood, Zurich and other iplac:es and the large crowd of young people present thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The music was supplied by the Gillenas orchestra. Afternoon Tea Served The ladies of the Home Economic class who have been taking the course in the town hall for several weeks entertained the ladies of Hen­ sall and vicinity! to a tea and an ex­ hibition of their worOfl in the town hall on Monday afternoon. A great many ladies attended and tea was poured 'by Mr.s. McLeod, of Clinton and) Mrs. Rev. Young, of Hensall, as­ sisted by Mrs. M. G. Dryisd'ale and Mrs. McDonald. Members of the class served ’lunch . The exhibits of sewing, fancy-work, scrap books and cooking were splendid and greatly1 admired by all present. The teachers who are in charge of these classes are to be congratulated on the splendid training they have given these classes during the courses. the the Mr. McKINLEY’S CHICKS----- A Our .hatchery program includes Government Approved, Bloodtesting for five Special feeding of Bf for vitality in the cities. It includes the set g of eggs, carefully incubdfed and ed to preserve theijfvitality. It also includes j tation prog health. That’s That’s That’s For fur phone, or ' The ha tcher W y live b&tter! grow better! pay better! information, practical sani- protect theif sixth year, rears and Stock choice hatch- call is on the Goshen Line, Stanley, Township The phone number is 97rll, Hensall The address is Zurich, Ontario We appreciate your inquiries and business. j. e. mckinley ing on, .Monday aJfternoon in the town hall, and also an exhibit of some of the work the class has been doing. The Hensall Seed Show4 The South Huron Agricultural So­ ciety held their anuual Seed Show here in tlie auditorium of the Town Hall -on Friday afternoon, February 21st. There was a splendid showing of grains, seeds and potatoes but not as large as there would have been if the roads had been better. There was a 'good crowd present and having the show in the Auditor­ ium of the hall instead of the Coun­ cil Chambers as formerly gave more room for the exhibits and plenty of room for those wishing Prof. W. J.^ Squirrel, of Guelph, was the judge. Quite a the young men who are the Agricultural Short Course be­ ing held in the same building, at­ tended the show and took a keen in­ terest in the proceedings. After the judging was over Dr. Cam'plbell, the president of the so­ ciety, took the .chair and after a few remartkb called on Reeve Geiger for an address. Mr. Geiger was iir good form and gave a 'good address. He takes a keen interest in the show, is one of its officers and was chiefly instrumental in bringing the Seed Show to Hensall. He is a big farm­ er himself and grows a lot of seed grain. At the conclusion of Mr. Geiger’s address, Prof. Squirrel was called on and for an hour he gave a splendid address filled with val­ uable suggestions and. advice, on seeds, the best variety to sow, the time to sow and other information. He suggested for-a good pasture crop, to sow a mixture of oats and sweet clover coming on later. At the close of his address he answer­ ed a number of questions and also made some suggestions as to the im­ provement of the show. He said the prize list Was good, the showing of sedcls exceptionally good for last season and suggested more advertis­ ing. Through the influence of this show a great deal of business is be­ ing done in the growing and sale of to attend. number of attending Mrs.Jacofb Schroeder is spending a few day's with her daughter in New Hamburg. Rev. T'. Luft is spending this week with 'friends in Kitchener. Mr. Gam Oestreicher spent a few days in Kitchener last ’week. The C. E. League enjoyed a skat­ ing party at the rink on Friday night after which a delightful .hot lunch was enjoyed in the basement of the, church. Miss Anna Tieman, who has been visiting in Hensall has returned home. ■ Mrs. M. Hamacher is on t|ie 3ick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Fred W. BRAY Limited CHICK HATCHERY Phone 246 EXETER ONTARIO CREDITON visited over Hazel Smith daughter, of of this week GREENWAY GRAND BEND Mrs. Lizzie England is still con­ fined to the house but somewhat improved lately. Arrangements have been made fo hear the speech of King. Edward VIII which will be broadcasted on Sun­ day morning at 11 a.m. when a radio will be in the basement church. Mr. Lelan Desjardine is home from St. Joseph’s London, soon getting alon. better than was expected for which everyone is glad to hear. Mrs. Glen Desjardine stood the trip to Exeter by sleigh, to catich the train for St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, where she was successfully op­ erated on for- appendicitis. , Our village has been snowbound for some weeks. But one day last week a suggestion was made to dig out the sortie sixteen miles of road to Thedford through the Pinery, so a snow plow could1 come through. In an hour’s time after the suggestion was made,; some thirty men were on the job and Stayed with it till Thed­ ford was reached. A snow plow w<p secured1 and now the road js open again to traffic. Mr. Waldon encouraged. and the road commis­ sioner spared qo effort to see that'a snow plow was there in time. It came through arriving at the village Sunday afternoon. CENTRALIA i Mr. Bill Elliott, who has been working in London for the past few months has returned to his home here. Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clinton, re­ cently) visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks- Mr. Fred Warner, better ‘known as “Fritz” the barber, has been forced to give up barbering owing to ill- health. His: business has been taken over by Mr. Brock, of Zion. Mr. Brock is an experienced barber and solicits you patronage. Mr. Warner has moved on to the farm owned by Mr. A. Nevin, of London. A number of young people were recently entertained io a turkey din­ ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An­ drew Hicks the occasion being Don­ ald’s birthday. Miss Marlys MoFalls, -of Biddulph, is visiting with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John MoFalls. Mists Edith Davis visited with her mother Mrs. D. Davis, in Exeter, on Friday of last week. Miss Margaret Hi'cks, Reg. N-, of London, spent a couple of days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Miss Bernice Brown is confined to her home owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, of Usborne, were Sunday visitors* with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden. Miss Greta Pollard the week-end with Miss in Exeter. Mrs. Alf. Brock a.nd. Zion visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brock. Messrs. G. McDonald and S. Henry visited with friends in London ion Sunday. Mr. and Arthur Brooks visited tor 'couple of days last week with their daughter Mrs. Ew&rt Powe of Lon­ don. On Friday afternoon of this week the World’s Day of Prayer service sponsored by the Women's Mission­ ary, .Society will be held in the church here. AU the ladies are requested to be present at this meeting. Y. P. U. Last week’s meeting of the young people of the United Church was held in the schoolroom of the church on M'onday evening. A good attend­ ance was* present. In absence of the president the meeting was presided over by Mr. Garf. Thompson. The meeting was .opened with a hymn fol­ lowed by prayer by Mr. Cecil Skin­ ner. The assistant secretary, Greta Pollard, read the minutes of the last meeting. The Scripture lesson was read by? Dorothy Hicks. A vocal duet by Douglas and Marie Fletcher was mu'ch enjoyed by all. It being mis­ sionary night’ a set of beautifull elides on “Picturesque Japan” were presented. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the 'benediction was pronounced by Rev. Stewart. ’ W. M. S. The February meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Owing to the stormy weather there ■ was a small attend­ ance. Mrs. Arthur McFalls opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer. The Scripture passage was read by Mrs. G. Hamilton, Acts 10:34-48. The Devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. Stewart. Two papers from the book! “We Walk in Darkness” were given by Mrs. L. Hicks and Mrs*. Ste­ wart. Mrs. F. Bowden read an art­ icle on Temperance after which the chapter from the Study Book was presented by Mrs. L. Hicks. After a short business session the meeting was closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. A. MCFalls. The next meet­ ing will be held ait the home of Mrs. Hamilton and the Roll call will be a “place in Africa.” „ Women's Association The Fetbruary meeting Of the W. A. was held on Thursday, February 6th with 22 members present. Mrs. R. Smith had charge -of the Devo­ tional exercises*. Hymn 30 was sung after which the Scripture lesson Reading by Mrs. Mrs. D. Parker- Hodgs'on took Un ness session. It each member be tj v *^t U dm5 g the rcT ct'l li a. t’ v Mir, of the Mrs. L'loyd Fahner and son Glea* of Park'hill, are visiting with Mrs. Charles Fahner. Miss Myrtle Pletch, of Hamilton, visited a -few days with her parents Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch. .Mr. Gerald Zwicker attended a banquet of Upper Canada College Old Boys at the Royal York Hotel n Toronto last week. The mild weather of the last few days has' cut the snow very deeply in town and caused the streets to be flooded in places. The panicake social to be held in the United Church Tuesday evening was withdrawn owing to the condi­ tion of the roads. A daughter, 'Carolyn Louise, was born to Rev. and Mrs. Lorne W.* Brown, of Hollis, New York City, on January 31st. The mother and daughter have just returned the Sloane Maternity Hospital, ical Center, New York City1, both are doing nicely. expected Hospital, g much of a of of from Med­ an d forTim es-Advo cate draw will be made Saturday even- 8 o’clock. Subscribers who The prizes ing at wish to get in on the draw must re­ new before that time. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs1. Gordon Merner sipent 'Sunday with the latter’s moth­ er, Mrs. Stewart in Exeter. Mrs. Nelson Schenk and Mrs. C. Wein, of north of town, spent Sat­ urday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr. Miss* Doreen Sims and Miss Camp­ bell, of Exeter, spent Sunday with the former’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims. Mr. Fred Waghorn met with an unfortunate, accident on Friday last while catting' down a tree with Mr. E. Merner in the Schenk bush, the butt of the tree smashing his foot. He was brought to the office of Dr. Meisner and from there taken Victoria Hospital in London' HARPLEY r The Oyster Supper that was post­ poned 'will be held in the United Church .on Thursday, February 27. A .program -of local talent and a de­ putation of Frogs will entertain. You w'ill be sorry if you miss it. Admis. 3 5c. and 15)c. Mr. J. H*otson received word last week of the death’ of his mother’s brother, Mr. W, Paxman at his home in London. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mol- laijd and Miss Miollard of Shipka re­ cently in honor of the birthday Mr. Brophey and Mr. Mollard. Mrs. Albert Polloc>k| received message on- Sunday of the death her brother-in-law Mr. H. Wilsox, Detroit. ‘ Miss Ula Ulens and Dorman Ulens were in Exeter last week attending the funeral of their grand father Mr. W. Hill, London. . The members of the caste of the Y. P. A: play enjoyed a sleigh ride to Grand Bend and a practice at the mianse last Friday. The annual World’s Day of Prayer will be held in Grace Church on Fri­ day, February 28th. AU the ladies of the community) are* urged to at­ tend. Spring’s cornin’! Mansell Hodgins reports seeing a robin and Walter McPherson saw a crow. The whole community join in congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ mund McPherson who celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on Saturday and Mr. Mr. McPherson especially who passed the ninetieth milestone on Tuesday.. Everyone wishes they1 may be , spared many years. Last week one of the city dailies in describing the weather conditions in Western Ontario said Grand Bend village hadn’t seen a train for three weeks. “Comparisons are odious”, but we are several degrees worse off than that for we haven’t seen a train here for over a month. Mrs, Fred McLinchey visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Hayter in Park'hill last week. Mr. Hayter has been quite ill and his daughters from Detroit have been with him as well. . . . The reljibyity oi equipment hrs become_•• Jameswa.'w'Uatched ” iB quality. POULTHTEQUIPMOa. bility of JamMwav.^S^try me so welLdfittwn that iSTValent to a to guarantee Besides Ificuba ada’sleadingponltary- men uee oil and coal burning brooder i reduced in price) battery brooders, feeders and waterers of all kinds, steel nests, laying cages, oat sprouters, oat germinators and complete brooder houses. Manufacturers of all kinds of sheet metal building materials Buy from yourlocal Jamesway dealer or write direct to Times-Advocate draw for will be made Saturday even- 8 o’clock. Subscribers who The prizes ing at wish to get in on the draw must re­ new before that time. Eastern Steel Products jamesway firn i ted guelphs' OlVIS'ON ——PRESTON Ont Factories also at Montreal and Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mellin spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joselp'h Carruthers. The Misses Murray, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray for the past month have re­ turned to tlieir homo in ’i hedford. Mr. Hector Murray accompanied them. Mrs. W. Baker, of Grand spent Wednesday with -her father, Mr. Isaac Bustard. Mr, and on Sunday Tavior. Mr. and Shirley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson, Bend, ’’•■J. Ro ith Mr. Mrs. Ro lr S'll lit Love v? !»ed u Mrs. .yle vt Murray and *h i> of vbo mcc-tinu; served by Mrs, Isaac, Miss Lai dock. J.ord’s prayer and by Mrs. iSholdice. , N. Mitchell; solo, > ymn 191. Mrs. L. ? chair for the busl- was decided that a Sim; •ins and h and l -eci of .et Ing. il-iliny HtclicJ' a ihine Visitor new comers, *» answ lim. ’’ n* ii Bargain Excursions March 5 from Exeter (Tickets also sold at all adjacent C.N.R. Stations) To C.N.R. Stations in Maritime Provinc Prov. of Quebec; New Brunw^k; Prince Ed. Island; .„N MARCH 6 and 7—-TO HAWA $7.50; QUEBEC CITY, $11. Tickets, Fares, Tr s and Information from Agents ‘sk for handbill. T761A CANADIAN NATIONAL,,„ .......... . L $8.60; AUPRE, $12*45